1 | # React Transcript Editor
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4 | A React component to make transcribing audio and video easier and faster.
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6 | _--> Work in progress <--_
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10 | ## Development env
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13 |
14 | - npm > `6.1.0`
15 | - [Node 10 - dubnium](https://scotch.io/tutorials/whats-new-in-node-10-dubnium)
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17 | Node version is set in node version manager [`.nvmrc`](https://github.com/creationix/nvm#nvmrc)
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24 | ## Setup
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29 | Fork this repository + git clone + cd into folder
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31 | ## Usage - development
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34 |
35 | > To start the development server (with entry point `src/index.js`), run
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37 | ```
38 | npm start
39 | ```
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42 | ## Usage - production
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48 | ## System Architecture
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52 | uses [`create-component-lib`](https://www.npmjs.com/package/create-component-lib) as explaied in this [blog post](https://hackernoon.com/creating-a-library-of-react-components-using-create-react-app-without-ejecting-d182df690c6b) to setup the environment to develop this React.
53 |
54 | This uses [Create React App 2.0](https://reactjs.org/blog/2018/10/01/create-react-app-v2.html) so we are using [CSS Modules](https://github.com/css-modules/css-modules) to contain the scope of the css for this component.
55 |
56 | Uses CSS grid-layout https://medium.com/samsung-internet-dev/common-responsive-layouts-with-css-grid-and-some-without-245a862f48df -->
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58 | > Place everything you want to publish to npm inside `src/lib`.
59 |
60 | > Outside `src/lib` (but inside src/), you can create example web pages to test or demonstrate the usage of your components.
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62 | ## Documentation
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64 | There's a [docs](./docs) folder in this repository.
65 |
66 | [docs/notes](./docs/notes) contains dev notes on various aspects of the project.
67 |
68 | [docs/adr](./docs/adr) contains [Architecture Decision Record](https://github.com/joelparkerhenderson/architecture_decision_record).
69 |
70 | > An architectural decision record (ADR) is a document that captures an important architectural decision made along with its context and consequences.
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72 | We are using [this template for ADR](https://gist.github.com/iaincollins/92923cc2c309c2751aea6f1b34b31d95)
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75 | ## Build
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79 | > To transpile `src/lib` and create a build in the dist folder, run:
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81 | ```
82 | npm run build:component
83 | ```
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85 | ## Demo
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87 | Demo can be viewed at [https://bbc.github.io/react-transcript-editor](https://bbc.github.io/react-transcript-editor)
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90 | -->
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93 | ## build - demo
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95 | This github repository uses [github pages](https://pages.github.com/) to host a demo of the component, in [docs/demo](./docs/demo)
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97 | ```
98 | npm run deploy:ghpages
99 | ```
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101 | add to git, and push to origin master to update
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105 | Alternatively If you simply want to build the demo locally in the `build` folder then just
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107 | ```
108 | npm run build:example
109 | ```
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111 | ## Tests
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115 | Test coverage using [`jest`](https://jestjs.io/), to run tests
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117 | ```
118 | npm run test
119 | ```
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121 | ## Deployment
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123 | <!-- _How to deploy the code/app into test/staging/production_ -->
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125 | To push to [`npm`](https://npmjs.com)
126 |
127 | ```
128 | npm publish
129 | ```
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131 | > Note that only `README.md` and the `dist` folders are published to npm.
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135 | ## Contributing
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137 | <!-- Contributing guidance, and link to contributing code of conduct -->
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139 | ## Licence
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141 | <!-- mention MIT Licence -->
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144 | <!-- ## Legal Disclaimer
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146 | Despite using React and Draftjs, the BBC is not promoting any FB product or other commercial interest. --> |
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