3.73 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1"use strict";
2Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
3const term = require('terminal-kit').terminal;
4function outputError(error) {
5 if (typeof error !== 'undefined' && error.message) {
6 term.white('Error: ');
7 term.red(error.message);
8 term('\n');
9 }
11exports.default = emitter => {
12 emitter.on('developerPortalUpdate:failed', error => {
13 term.red('Failed pushing to developer portal.\n');
14 term.yellow('error message: ').red(error);
15 term('\n');
16 outputError(error);
17 });
18 emitter.on('developerPortalUpdate:error', error => {
19 term.red('There was an error while pushing to developer portal.');
20 term('\n');
21 outputError(error);
22 });
23 /* ********* Start output ********* */
24 emitter.on('start:prepare:installingDependencies', () => {
25 term.yellow('Installing dependencies.');
26 term('\n');
27 });
28 emitter.on('start:watchers', () => {
29 term.yellow('Starting watchers');
30 term('\n');
31 });
32 emitter.on('start:watchers:stdout', ({ name, data }) => {
33 term.yellow(`[watcher:${name}] `);
34 term.green(data);
35 });
36 emitter.on('start:watchers:stderr', ({ name, data }) => {
37 term.yellow(`[watcher:${name}] `);
38 term.green(data);
39 });
40 emitter.on('start:watchers:close', ({ name, code }) => {
41 term.yellow(`[watcher:${name}] closed exit code: ${code}\n`);
42 });
43 emitter.on('start:prepare:failed', ({ error }) => {
44 term.red('Prepare : An error occured');
45 term('\n');
46 term.white(' Error: ');
47 term.red(error);
48 term('\n');
49 });
50 emitter.on('start:failed', ({ error }) => {
51 term.red('An error occured');
52 term('\n');
53 term.white(' Error: ');
54 term.red(error);
55 term('\n');
56 });
57 emitter.on('start:localServer:start', ({ port }) => {
58 term.yellow('[local:functionServer] ');
59 term.yellow('Serving: ');
60 term(`${port}`);
61 term('\n');
62 });
63 emitter.on('start:localServer:customPort', ({ port, host }) => {
64 term('*************** Action required *****************\n');
65 term.red('[local:functionServer] You have specified a custom port.\n');
66 term.yellow('You must update the views/index.html to match this setting as follow:\n\n');
67 term(`<script> bearer("CLIENT_ID", { integrationHost: "${host}" }) </script>\n\n`);
68 term('*************************************************\n');
69 });
70 emitter.on('start:localServer:endpoints', ({ endpoints }) => {
71 term.yellow('[local:functionServer] ');
72 term.yellow('paths:');
73 term('\n\t* ');
74 term(endpoints.map(i => i.path).join('\n\t* '));
75 term('\n');
76 });
77 emitter.on('start:localServer:generatingFunctions:start', () => {
78 term.yellow('[local:functionServer] ');
79 term.yellow('Reloading functions');
80 term('\n');
81 });
82 emitter.on('start:localServer:generatingFunctions:stop', () => {
83 term.yellow('[local:functionServer] ');
84 term.yellow('Functions reloaded');
85 term('\n');
86 });
87 emitter.on('start:localServer:generatingFunctions:failed', ({ error }) => {
88 term.yellow('[local:functionServer] ');
89 term.red('Functions build error\n');
90 console.log('%s', error.toString({
91 builtAt: false,
92 entrypoints: false,
93 assets: false,
94 version: false,
95 timings: false,
96 hash: false,
97 modules: false,
98 chunks: false,
99 colors: true // Shows colors in the console
100 }));
101 term('\n');
102 });