1.01 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1"use strict";
2Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
3const tslib_1 = require("tslib");
4const base_command_1 = require("../base-command");
5const decorators_1 = require("../utils/decorators");
6const push_1 = require("./push");
7class Deploy extends base_command_1.default {
8 async run() {
9 this.warn('This command is deprecated and will be removed soon.');
10 this.warn(this.colors.bold('Please use this command instead: ') + this.colors.bold(this.colors.yellow('bearer push')));
11 try {
12 await push_1.default.run(['--path', this.locator.integrationRoot]);
13 this.ux.action.stop();
14 }
15 catch (e) {
16 this.error(e);
17 }
18 }
20Deploy.description = '[DEPRECATED] Deploys integration';
21Deploy.hidden = true;
22Deploy.flags = Object.assign({}, base_command_1.default.flags);
23Deploy.args = [];
25 decorators_1.RequireIntegrationFolder()
26], Deploy.prototype, "run", null);
27exports.default = Deploy;