5.29 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1"use strict";
2Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
3const axios_1 = require("axios");
4const cli_ux_1 = require("cli-ux");
5const inquirer = require("inquirer");
6const link_1 = require("../actions/link");
7const createIntegration_1 = require("../actions/createIntegration");
8const login_1 = require("../actions/login");
9const constants_1 = require("./constants");
10function skipIfNoViews(displayError = false) {
11 return function (_target, _propertyKey, descriptor) {
12 const originalMethod = descriptor.value;
13 descriptor.value = async function () {
14 if (this.hasViews) {
15 await originalMethod.apply(this, arguments);
16 }
17 else {
18 if (displayError) {
19 this.error(
20 // tslint:disable-next-line
21 'This integration does not contain any views. If you want to use this command please generate a new integration with --withViews flag');
22 }
23 else {
24 this.debug('No views present, skipping');
25 }
26 }
27 };
28 return descriptor;
29 };
31exports.skipIfNoViews = skipIfNoViews;
32// tslint:disable-next-line:function-name
33function RequireIntegrationFolder() {
34 return function (_target, _propertyKey, descriptor) {
35 const originalMethod = descriptor.value;
36 descriptor.value = async function () {
37 if (this.isIntegrationLocation) {
38 await originalMethod.apply(this, arguments);
39 }
40 else {
41 this.warn(
42 // tslint:disable-next-line: max-line-length
43 `We couldn't find any auth.config.json file, please make sure this file exists at the root of your integration`);
44 this.error('This command must be run within a integration folder.');
45 }
46 };
47 return descriptor;
48 };
50exports.RequireIntegrationFolder = RequireIntegrationFolder;
51// tslint:disable-next-line:function-name
52function RequireLinkedIntegration(prompt = true) {
53 return function (_target, _propertyKey, descriptor) {
54 const originalMethod = descriptor.value;
55 descriptor.value = async function () {
56 if (!this.bearerConfig.hasIntegrationLinked) {
57 if (!prompt) {
58 this.error('Can not run this command, please run link command before');
59 }
60 const { choice } = await inquirer.prompt([
61 {
62 name: 'choice',
63 message: "Your integration isn't linked, what would you like to do?",
64 type: 'list',
65 choices: [
66 {
67 name: 'Create a new integration',
68 value: 'create'
69 },
70 {
71 name: 'Select an integration from my list',
72 value: 'select'
73 }
74 ]
75 }
76 ]);
77 switch (choice) {
78 case 'create':
79 await createIntegration_1.default(this, { link: true });
80 break;
81 case 'select':
82 await link_1.default(this);
83 default:
84 break;
85 }
86 }
87 await originalMethod.apply(this, arguments);
88 };
89 return descriptor;
90 };
92exports.RequireLinkedIntegration = RequireLinkedIntegration;
93function ensureFreshToken() {
94 return function (_target, _propertyKey, descriptor) {
95 const originalMethod = descriptor.value;
96 descriptor.value = async function () {
97 const { expires_at, refresh_token } = (await this.bearerConfig.getToken()) || {
98 expires_at: null,
99 refresh_token: null
100 };
101 if (expires_at && refresh_token) {
102 try {
103 if (expires_at < Date.now()) {
104 cli_ux_1.default.action.start('Refreshing token');
105 await refreshMyToken(this, refresh_token);
106 cli_ux_1.default.action.stop();
107 }
108 }
109 catch (error) {
110 cli_ux_1.default.action.stop(`Failed`);
111 this.error(error.message);
112 }
113 }
114 else {
115 await login_1.promptToLogin(this);
116 }
117 return await originalMethod.apply(this, arguments);
118 };
119 return descriptor;
120 };
122exports.ensureFreshToken = ensureFreshToken;
123// tslint:disable-next-line variable-name
124async function refreshMyToken(command, refresh_token) {
125 // TODO: rework refresh mechanism
126 const response = await axios_1.default.post(`${command.constants.LoginDomain}/oauth/token`, {
127 refresh_token,
128 grant_type: 'refresh_token',
129 client_id: constants_1.LOGIN_CLIENT_ID
130 });
131 await command.bearerConfig.storeToken(Object.assign({}, response.data, { refresh_token }));
132 return true;