1 | # THREE.TextSprite
2 |
3 | `class THREE.TextSprite extends THREE.Sprite`
4 |
5 | Computes the optimal font size depending on the distance to the camera and the size of the renderer canvas.
6 |
7 | ## demo
8 |
9 | load `index.html`
10 |
11 | ## dependencies
12 |
13 | - [THREE.TextTexture](https://github.com/wgalyen/THREE.TextTexture)
14 |
15 | ## setup
16 |
17 | ### npm
18 |
19 | ```shell
20 | npm i @bellapps/three.text-sprite
21 | ```
22 |
23 | ### ES module
24 |
25 | ```javascript
26 | import TextSprite from '@bellapps/three.text-sprite';
27 | ```
28 |
29 | ### browser
30 |
31 | ```html
32 | <script src="https://unpkg.com/three"></script>
33 | <script src="https://unpkg.com/@bellapps/three.text-texture"></script>
34 | <script src="https://unpkg.com/@bellapps/three.text-sprite"></script>
35 | ```
36 |
37 | The class is globally available as `THREE.TextSprite`.
38 |
39 | ## usage
40 |
41 | ```javascript
42 | let sprite = new THREE.TextSprite({
43 | fillStyle: '#24ff00',
44 | fontFamily: '"Times New Roman", Times, serif',
45 | fontSize: 12,
46 | fontStyle: 'italic',
47 | text: [
48 | 'Twinkle, twinkle, little star,',
49 | 'How I wonder what you are!',
50 | 'Up above the world so high,',
51 | 'Like a diamond in the sky.',
52 | ].join('\n'),
53 | });
54 | scene.add(sprite);
55 | ```
56 |
57 | ---
58 |
59 | Update the sprite.
60 |
61 | ```javascript
62 | sprite.fontFamily = 'Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif';
63 | sprite.text = [
64 | 'When this blazing sun is gone,',
65 | 'When he nothing shines upon,',
66 | 'Then you show your little light,',
67 | 'Twinkle, twinkle, through the night.',
68 | ].join('\n');
69 | ```
70 |
71 | ## members
72 |
73 | ### constructor
74 |
75 | ```
76 | new THREE.TextSprite({
77 | align: 'center',
78 | createCanvas() { /*...*/ },
79 | fillStyle: '#fff',
80 | fontFamily: 'sans-serif',
81 | fontSize: 1,
82 | fontStyle: 'normal',
83 | fontVariant: 'normal',
84 | fontWeight: 'normal',
85 | lineGap: 0.15,
86 | loadFontFace(family, style, variant, weight) { /*...*/ },
87 | padding: 0.25,
88 | strokeStyle: '#000',
89 | strokeWidth: 0,
90 | text: '',
91 | })
92 | ```
93 |
94 | | argument | description |
95 | | ---: | :--- |
96 | | `align` | The horizontal text alignment. Possible values are `'center'`, `'left'` and `'right'`. |
97 | | `createCanvas` | A function to create a new `Canvas` instance. |
98 | | `fillStyle` | The fill color or style. |
99 | | `fontFamily` | The font family. |
100 | | `fontSize` | The font size. |
101 | | `fontStyle` | The font style. |
102 | | `fontVariant` | The font variant. |
103 | | `fontWeight` | The font weight. |
104 | | `lineGap` | The vertical distance between the text lines. The value is relative to the font size. |
105 | | `loadFontFace` | A function to load a font face. |
106 | | `padding` | The space around the text. The value is relative to the font size. |
107 | | `strokeStyle` | The stroke color or style. |
108 | | `strokeWidth` | The stroke width. The value is relative to the font size. |
109 | | `text` | The text. |
110 |
111 | ---
112 |
113 | Provide a custom `loadFontFace` function to support the older browsers.
114 |
115 | ```javascript
116 | loadFontFace(family, style, variant, weight) {
117 | return (new FontFaceObserver(family, {style, weight})).load();
118 | }
119 | ```
120 |
121 | ### properties
122 |
123 | `.text`
124 |
125 | `.fontFamily`
126 |
127 | `.fontSize`
128 |
129 | `.fontWeight`
130 |
131 | `.fontVariant`
132 |
133 | `.fontStyle`
134 |
135 | `.fillStyle`
136 |
137 | `.strokeWidth`
138 |
139 | `.strokeStyle`
140 |
141 | `.align`
142 |
143 | `.lineGap`
144 |
145 | `.padding`
146 |
147 | `.createCanvas`
148 |
149 | `.loadFontFace`
150 |
151 | ### methods
152 |
153 | `.dispose()`
154 |
155 | Disposes the texture and the material. |
\ | No newline at end of file |