9.75 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1#! /usr/bin/env node
4* Copyright (c) Bentley Systems, Incorporated. All rights reserved.
5* See LICENSE.md in the project root for license terms and full copyright notice.
8"use strict"
9const yargs = require("yargs");
10var path = require("path");
11var child_process = require("child_process");
14 .wrap(Math.min(150, yargs.terminalWidth()))
15 .version("2.0.0")
16 .usage("Bentley Scripts Utility\n\n These scripts consist of several standard npm tasks an app may want to make use of.")
17 .command("test", "Run mocha tests on the current repository",
18 function (yargs) {
19 return yargs.options({
20 "packageRoot": {
21 describe: "The root of the package to locate the Mocha bin. Default is 'process.cwd()'."
22 },
23 "testDir": {
24 describe: "The location of the test directory containing .js files. Default is './lib/test'."
25 },
26 "mochaOpts": {
27 describe: "Adds the provided options file to mocha using --opts. See mocha docs for priority order, https://mochajs.org/api/module-lib_cli_options.html#.loadMochaOpts."
28 },
29 "timeout": {
30 describe: "Overrides the default timeout passed to Mocha. Default is 999999."
31 },
32 "grep": {
33 describe: "Add the grep pattern to Mocha."
34 },
35 "offline": {
36 describe: "If set to 'mock', "
37 },
38 "watch": {
39 describe: "Adds the --watch and --inline-diffs parameters to the Mocha command."
40 },
41 "debug": {
42 describe: "Adds the --inspect=9229 and --debug-brk parameters to the Mocha command."
43 },
44 "defineWindow": {
45 describe: "Adds the `--require jsdom-global/register` to the Mocha command. Use if a window is needed for compilation."
46 },
47 "invert": {
48 describe: "Adds the --invert option to Mocha, only if '--grep' is provided too."
49 }
50 })
51 },
52 (argv) => { testCommand(argv) })
53 .command("test-tsnode", "Run the ts-node version of the Mocha tests (NOTE: This may fail when running code coverage due to a behavior within Istanbul. If this occurs, you should run the script directly with Node)",
54 function (yargs) {
55 return yargs.options({
56 "packageRoot": {
57 describe: "The root of the package to locate the Mocha bin"
58 },
59 "testDir": {
60 describe: "The location of the test directory"
61 },
62 "watch": {
63 describe: "Adds the --watch and --inline-diffs parameters to the Mocha command"
64 },
65 "debug": {
66 describe: "Adds the --inspect=9229 and --debug-brk parameters to the Mocha command"
67 },
68 "tscPaths": {
69 describe: "Adds the --require tsconfig-paths/register arguments to the Mocha command"
70 }
71 })
72 },
73 (argv) => { testTsNodeCommand(argv) })
74 .command("docs", "Generate TypeDoc documentation by using the provided parameters to pass to TypeDoc. Supports generating html TypeScript documentation as well as a json representation of the documentation.",
75 function (yargs) {
76 return yargs.options({
77 "source": {
78 describe: "Specify the TypeScript source directory"
79 },
80 "out": {
81 describe: "Specify the directory of the html output"
82 },
83 "json": {
84 describe: "Specify the directory and filename of the json output"
85 },
86 "baseUrl": {
87 describe: "Specify a baseUrl to resolve modules"
88 },
89 "includes": {
90 describe: "Specify a baseUrl to resolve modules"
91 },
92 "excludes": {
93 describe: "Specify a directory, filename, or pattern to be excluded"
94 },
95 "excludeGlob": {
96 describe: "Specify a directory, filename, or pattern to be excluded"
97 },
98 "tsIndexFile": {
99 describe: "The barrel file containing the module documentation. This file is copied to the output folder for parsing."
100 },
101 "onlyJson": {
102 describe: "Specify a baseUrl to resolve modules"
103 }
104 })
105 },
106 (argv) => { docsCommand(argv) })
107 .command("extract", "Extract sample code from test files in a specific directory",
108 function (yargs) {
109 return yargs.options({
110 "extractFrom": {
111 describe: "The path at which the sample code files are located"
112 },
113 "out": {
114 describe: "The path at which to output the selected code"
115 },
116 "fileExt": {
117 describe: "The extension of the files to include"
118 },
119 "recursive": {
120 alias: "r",
121 describe: "Recursively search subdirectories from"
122 }
123 })
124 },
125 (argv) => { extractCommand(argv) })
126 .command("extract-api", "Extracts the API of the Typescript library starting from an entry file with a default presets. Powered by @microsoft/api-extractor (https://api-extractor.com)",
127 function (yargs) {
128 return yargs.options({
129 "entry": {
130 describe: "The main Typescript entry point for the library which is compiled to the 'main' field in the package.json"
131 },
132 "ignoreMissingTags": {
133 describe: "Turns off the 'ae-missing-release-tag' option which returns an error when a missing release tag is detected"
134 }
135 })
136 },
137 (argv) => { extractApiCommand(argv) })
138 .command("pseudolocalize", "Pseudo-localizes an english localization JSON file.",
139 function (yargs) {
140 return yargs.options({
141 "englishDir": {
142 describe: "The path to the English localization folder. Default is `./public/locales/en`"
143 },
144 "out": {
145 describe: "The output path to put the pseudo-localized files. Default is `./public/locales/en-pseudo`"
146 }
147 })
148 },
149 (argv) => { pseudolocalizeCommand(argv) })
150 .help()
151 .argv;
153function testCommand(options) {
154 const rootOpt = options.packageRoot ? ["--packageRoot", options.packageRoot] : [];
155 const testDirOpt = options.testDir ? ["--testDir", options.testDir] : [];
156 // NOTE: We use `mochaOpts` as the cli arg instead of `opts` because of conflicts on the commander options object
157 const optionsOpt = options.mochaOpts ? ["--opts", options.mochaOpts] : [];
158 const timeoutOpt = options.timeout ? ["--timeout", options.timeout] : [];
159 const grepOpt = options.grep ? ["--grep", `\"${options.grep}\"`] : [];
160 const offlineOpt = options.offline ? ["--offline", options.offline] : [];
161 const watchOpt = options.watch ? ["--watch"] : [];
162 const debugOpt = options.debug ? ["--debug"] : [];
163 const windowOpt = options.defineWindow ? ["--defineWindow"] : [];
164 const invertOpt = options.invert ? ["--invert"] : [];
166 exec(["node", path.resolve(__dirname, "../scripts/test.js"),
167 ...rootOpt, ...testDirOpt, ...optionsOpt, ...timeoutOpt, ...grepOpt,
168 ...offlineOpt, ...watchOpt, ...debugOpt, ...windowOpt, ...invertOpt]);
171function testTsNodeCommand(options) {
172 const rootOpt = options.packageRoot ? ["--packageRoot", options.packageRoot] : [];
173 const testDirOpt = options.testDir ? ["--testDir", options.testDir] : [];
174 const watchOpt = options.watch ? ["--watch"] : [];
175 const debugOpt = options.debug ? ["--debug"] : [];
176 const tscPathsOpt = options.tscPaths ? ["--tscPaths"] : [];
177 exec(["node", path.resolve(__dirname, "../scripts/test-tsnode.js"), ...rootOpt, ...testDirOpt, ...watchOpt, ...debugOpt, ...tscPathsOpt]);
180function docsCommand(options) {
181 const sourceOpt = options.source ? ["--source", options.source] : [];
182 const outOpt = options.out ? ["--out", options.out] : [];
183 const jsonOpt = options.json ? ["--json", options.json] : [];
184 const baseUrlOpt = options.baseUrl ? ["--baseUrl", options.baseUrl] : [];
185 const includesOpt = options.includes ? ["--includes", options.includes] : [];
186 const excludesOpt = options.excludes ? ["--excludes", options.excludes] : [];
187 const excludesGlobOpt = options.excludeGlob ? ["--excludeGlob", options.excludeGlob] : [];
188 const indexFileOpt = options.tsIndexFile ? ["--tsIndexFile", options.tsIndexFile] : [];
189 const onlyJsonOpt = options.onlyJson ? ["--onlyJson"] : [];
190 exec(["node", path.resolve(__dirname, "../scripts/docs.js"),
191 ...sourceOpt, ...outOpt, ...jsonOpt, ...baseUrlOpt, ...includesOpt,
192 ...excludesOpt, ...excludesGlobOpt, ...indexFileOpt, ...onlyJsonOpt]);
195function extractCommand(options) {
196 const extractOpt = options.extractFrom ? ["--extractFrom", options.extractFrom] : [];
197 const outOpt = options.out ? ["--out", options.out] : [];
198 const fileExt = options.fileExt ? ["--fileExt", options.fileExt] : [];
199 const recursive = options.recursive ? ["--recursive"] : [];
200 exec(["node", path.resolve(__dirname, "../scripts/extract.js"), ...extractOpt, ...outOpt, ...fileExt, ...recursive]);
203function extractApiCommand(options) {
204 const entryOpt = options.entry ? ["--entry", options.entry] : [];
205 const ignoreTagsOpt = options.ignoreMissingTags ? ["--ignoreMissingTags"] : [];
206 exec(["node", path.resolve(__dirname, "../scripts/extract-api.js"), ...entryOpt, ...ignoreTagsOpt]);
209function pseudolocalizeCommand(options) {
210 const englishDir = options.englishDir ? ["--englishDir", options.englishDir] : [];
211 const outOpt = options.out ? ["--out", options.out] : [];
212 exec(["node", path.resolve(__dirname, "../scripts/pseudolocalize"), ...englishDir, ...outOpt]);
215function exec(cmd) {
216 console.log("Running command:");
217 console.log(cmd.join(" "));
218 return child_process.execSync(cmd.join(" "), { encoding: "utf8", stdio: 'inherit' });