5.04 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1"use strict";
2Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
3const FS = require("fs");
4const Path = require("path");
5const Util = require("util");
6function normalizeName(name) {
7 return name.replace('\\', '/').replace(/\.\w+$/, '');
9class Resource {
10 constructor(origin, name, fileName) {
11 this.origin = origin;
12 this.name = name;
13 this.fileName = fileName;
14 }
15 getName() {
16 return this.name;
17 }
19exports.Resource = Resource;
20class ResourceOrigin {
21 constructor(stack, name, path) {
22 this.resources = {};
23 this.stack = stack;
24 this.name = name;
25 this.path = path;
26 this.findResources();
27 }
28 mergeResources(target) {
29 const resources = this.resources;
30 for (let name in resources) {
31 if (name in target) {
32 continue;
33 }
34 target[name] = resources[name];
35 }
36 }
37 hasResource(name) {
38 return name in this.resources;
39 }
40 getResource(name) {
41 return this.resources[name];
42 }
43 getName() {
44 return this.name;
45 }
46 findResources(dir) {
47 const resourceClass = this.stack.getResourceClass();
48 const resourceRegExp = this.stack.getResourceRegExp();
49 let path = this.path;
50 if (dir) {
51 path = Path.join(path, dir);
52 }
53 for (let fileName of FS.readdirSync(path)) {
54 const fullName = Path.join(path, fileName);
55 if (FS.statSync(fullName).isDirectory()) {
56 this.findResources(dir ? Path.join(dir, fileName) : fileName);
57 }
58 else if (resourceRegExp.test(fileName)) {
59 const name = normalizeName(dir ? Path.join(dir, fileName) : fileName);
60 this.resources[name] = new resourceClass(this, name, fullName);
61 }
62 }
63 }
65exports.ResourceOrigin = ResourceOrigin;
66class ResourceStack {
67 constructor(resourceClass, resourceRegExp) {
68 this.isActive = false;
69 this.origins = [];
70 this.resourceClass = resourceClass;
71 this.resourceRegExp = resourceRegExp || /.*/;
72 }
73 activate() {
74 if (this.isActive) {
75 return false;
76 }
77 this.isActive = true;
78 return true;
79 }
80 deactivate() {
81 if (!this.isActive) {
82 return false;
83 }
84 this.isActive = false;
85 return true;
86 }
87 getResource(name) {
88 const normalizedName = normalizeName(name);
89 let index = this.origins.length - 1;
90 while (index >= 0) {
91 const origin = this.origins[index--];
92 if (origin.hasResource(normalizedName)) {
93 return origin.getResource(normalizedName);
94 }
95 }
96 throw new Error(Util.format('Cannot find resource `%s`.', name));
97 }
98 getAllResources() {
99 const resources = {};
100 let index = this.origins.length - 1;
101 while (index >= 0) {
102 this.origins[index--].mergeResources(resources);
103 }
104 return resources;
105 }
106 getResourceClass() {
107 return this.resourceClass;
108 }
109 getResourceRegExp() {
110 return this.resourceRegExp;
111 }
112 getOrigin(name) {
113 for (let origin of this.origins) {
114 if (origin.getName() === name) {
115 return origin;
116 }
117 }
118 }
119 hasOrigin(name) {
120 return !!this.getOrigin(name);
121 }
122 addOrigin(name, path, ignoreErrors) {
123 if (this.isActive) {
124 throw new Error('Cannot add origins while the resource is active.');
125 }
126 if (this.hasOrigin(name)) {
127 throw new Error(Util.format('The origin `%s` is already registered.', name));
128 }
129 path = Path.resolve(path);
130 if (!FS.existsSync(path)) {
131 if (!ignoreErrors) {
132 throw new Error(Util.format('The resource path `%s` does not exist.', path));
133 }
134 return;
135 }
136 if (!FS.statSync(path).isDirectory()) {
137 if (!ignoreErrors) {
138 throw new Error(Util.format('The resource path `%s` is not a directory.', path));
139 }
140 return;
141 }
142 this.origins.push(new ResourceOrigin(this, name, path));
143 }
144 removeOrigin(name) {
145 if (this.isActive) {
146 throw new Error('Cannot remove origins while the resource is active.');
147 }
148 let index = 0, count = this.origins.length;
149 while (index < count) {
150 const origin = this.origins[index];
151 if (origin.getName() === name) {
152 this.origins.splice(index, 1);
153 count -= 1;
154 }
155 else {
156 index += 1;
157 }
158 }
159 }
160 removeAllOrigins() {
161 if (this.isActive) {
162 throw new Error('Cannot remove origins while the resource is active.');
163 }
164 this.origins = [];
165 }
167exports.ResourceStack = ResourceStack;
168//# sourceMappingURL=stack.js.map
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