872 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1#!/usr/bin/env node
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6/******/ // The require function
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10/******/ if(installedModules[moduleId]) {
11/******/ return installedModules[moduleId].exports;
12/******/ }
13/******/ // Create a new module (and put it into the cache)
14/******/ var module = installedModules[moduleId] = {
15/******/ i: moduleId,
16/******/ l: false,
17/******/ exports: {}
18/******/ };
20/******/ // Execute the module function
21/******/ modules[moduleId].call(module.exports, module, module.exports, __webpack_require__);
23/******/ // Flag the module as loaded
24/******/ module.l = true;
26/******/ // Return the exports of the module
27/******/ return module.exports;
28/******/ }
31/******/ // expose the modules object (__webpack_modules__)
32/******/ __webpack_require__.m = modules;
34/******/ // expose the module cache
35/******/ __webpack_require__.c = installedModules;
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40/******/ Object.defineProperty(exports, name, { enumerable: true, get: getter });
41/******/ }
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47/******/ Object.defineProperty(exports, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: 'Module' });
48/******/ }
49/******/ Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true });
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55/******/ // mode & 4: return value when already ns object
56/******/ // mode & 8|1: behave like require
57/******/ __webpack_require__.t = function(value, mode) {
58/******/ if(mode & 1) value = __webpack_require__(value);
59/******/ if(mode & 8) return value;
60/******/ if((mode & 4) && typeof value === 'object' && value && value.__esModule) return value;
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62/******/ __webpack_require__.r(ns);
63/******/ Object.defineProperty(ns, 'default', { enumerable: true, value: value });
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65/******/ return ns;
66/******/ };
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70/******/ var getter = module && module.__esModule ?
71/******/ function getDefault() { return module['default']; } :
72/******/ function getModuleExports() { return module; };
73/******/ __webpack_require__.d(getter, 'a', getter);
74/******/ return getter;
75/******/ };
77/******/ // Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call
78/******/ __webpack_require__.o = function(object, property) { return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(object, property); };
80/******/ // __webpack_public_path__
81/******/ __webpack_require__.p = "";
84/******/ // Load entry module and return exports
85/******/ return __webpack_require__(__webpack_require__.s = 21);
86/******/ })
88/******/ ([
89/* 0 */
90/***/ (function(module, exports) {
92module.exports = require("commander");
94/***/ }),
95/* 1 */
96/***/ (function(module, exports) {
98module.exports = require("path");
100/***/ }),
101/* 2 */
102/***/ (function(module, exports) {
104module.exports = require("node-forge");
106/***/ }),
107/* 3 */
108/***/ (function(module, exports) {
110module.exports = require("fs");
112/***/ }),
113/* 4 */
114/***/ (function(module, exports) {
116module.exports = require("node-fetch");
118/***/ }),
119/* 5 */
120/***/ (function(module, exports) {
122module.exports = require("inquirer");
124/***/ }),
125/* 6 */
126/***/ (function(module, exports) {
128module.exports = require("crypto");
130/***/ }),
131/* 7 */
132/***/ (function(module, exports) {
134module.exports = require("tldjs");
136/***/ }),
137/* 8 */
138/***/ (function(module, exports) {
140module.exports = require("papaparse");
142/***/ }),
143/* 9 */
144/***/ (function(module, exports) {
146module.exports = require("lunr");
148/***/ }),
149/* 10 */
150/***/ (function(module, exports) {
152module.exports = require("chalk");
154/***/ }),
155/* 11 */
156/***/ (function(module, exports) {
158module.exports = require("lowdb");
160/***/ }),
161/* 12 */
162/***/ (function(module, exports) {
164module.exports = require("jsdom");
166/***/ }),
167/* 13 */
168/***/ (function(module, exports) {
170module.exports = require("big-integer");
172/***/ }),
173/* 14 */
174/***/ (function(module, exports) {
176module.exports = require("lowdb/adapters/FileSync");
178/***/ }),
179/* 15 */
180/***/ (function(module, exports) {
182module.exports = require("readline");
184/***/ }),
185/* 16 */
186/***/ (function(module, exports) {
188module.exports = require("form-data");
190/***/ }),
191/* 17 */
192/***/ (function(module, exports) {
194module.exports = require("https-proxy-agent");
196/***/ }),
197/* 18 */
198/***/ (function(module, exports) {
200module.exports = require("zxcvbn");
202/***/ }),
203/* 19 */
204/***/ (function(module, exports) {
206module.exports = require("url");
208/***/ }),
209/* 20 */
210/***/ (function(module) {
212module.exports = {"name":"@bitwarden/cli","description":"A secure and free password manager for all of your devices.","version":"1.10.0","keywords":["bitwarden","password","vault","password manager","cli"],"author":"Bitwarden Inc. <hello@bitwarden.com> (https://bitwarden.com)","homepage":"https://bitwarden.com","repository":{"type":"git","url":"https://github.com/bitwarden/cli"},"license":"GPL-3.0","scripts":{"sub:init":"git submodule update --init --recursive","sub:update":"git submodule update --remote","sub:pull":"git submodule foreach git pull origin master","clean":"rimraf dist/**/*","symlink:win":"rmdir /S /Q ./jslib && cmd /c mklink /J .\\jslib ..\\jslib","symlink:mac":"npm run symlink:lin","symlink:lin":"rm -rf ./jslib && ln -s ../jslib ./jslib","build":"webpack","build:watch":"webpack --watch","build:prod":"cross-env NODE_ENV=production webpack","build:prod:watch":"cross-env NODE_ENV=production webpack --watch","package":"npm run package:win | npm run package:mac | npm run package:lin","package:win":"pkg . --targets win-x64 --output ./dist/windows/bw.exe","package:mac":"pkg . --targets macos-x64 --output ./dist/macos/bw","package:lin":"pkg . --targets linux-x64 --output ./dist/linux/bw","dist":"npm run build:prod && npm run clean && npm run package","dist:win":"npm run build:prod && npm run clean && npm run package:win","dist:mac":"npm run build:prod && npm run clean && npm run package:mac","dist:lin":"npm run build:prod && npm run clean && npm run package:lin","publish:npm":"npm run build:prod && npm publish --access public","lint":"tslint src/**/*.ts spec/**/*.ts || true","lint:fix":"tslint src/**/*.ts spec/**/*.ts --fix"},"bin":{"bw":"./build/bw.js"},"pkg":{"assets":"./build/**/*"},"devDependencies":{"@types/commander":"^2.12.2","@types/form-data":"^2.2.1","@types/inquirer":"^0.0.43","@types/jsdom":"^12.2.1","@types/lowdb":"^1.0.5","@types/lunr":"^2.3.3","@types/node":"^10.9.4","@types/node-fetch":"^2.1.2","@types/node-forge":"^0.7.5","@types/papaparse":"^4.5.3","@types/tldjs":"^2.3.0","@types/zxcvbn":"4.4.0","clean-webpack-plugin":"^0.1.19","copy-webpack-plugin":"^4.5.2","cross-env":"^5.2.0","pkg":"4.3.4","ts-loader":"^5.3.3","tslint":"^5.12.1","tslint-loader":"^3.5.4","typescript":"3.2.4","webpack":"^4.29.0","webpack-cli":"^3.2.1","webpack-node-externals":"^1.7.2"},"dependencies":{"big-integer":"1.6.36","chalk":"2.4.1","commander":"2.18.0","form-data":"2.3.2","https-proxy-agent":"4.0.0","inquirer":"6.2.0","jsdom":"13.2.0","lowdb":"1.0.0","lunr":"2.3.3","node-fetch":"2.2.0","node-forge":"0.7.6","papaparse":"4.6.0","tldjs":"2.3.1","zxcvbn":"4.4.2"}};
214/***/ }),
215/* 21 */
216/***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
218"use strict";
221// EXTERNAL MODULE: external "fs"
222var external_fs_ = __webpack_require__(3);
224// EXTERNAL MODULE: external "jsdom"
225var external_jsdom_ = __webpack_require__(12);
227// EXTERNAL MODULE: external "path"
228var external_path_ = __webpack_require__(1);
230// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/enums/twoFactorProviderType.ts
231var TwoFactorProviderType;
232(function (TwoFactorProviderType) {
233 TwoFactorProviderType[TwoFactorProviderType["Authenticator"] = 0] = "Authenticator";
234 TwoFactorProviderType[TwoFactorProviderType["Email"] = 1] = "Email";
235 TwoFactorProviderType[TwoFactorProviderType["Duo"] = 2] = "Duo";
236 TwoFactorProviderType[TwoFactorProviderType["Yubikey"] = 3] = "Yubikey";
237 TwoFactorProviderType[TwoFactorProviderType["U2f"] = 4] = "U2f";
238 TwoFactorProviderType[TwoFactorProviderType["Remember"] = 5] = "Remember";
239 TwoFactorProviderType[TwoFactorProviderType["OrganizationDuo"] = 6] = "OrganizationDuo";
240})(TwoFactorProviderType || (TwoFactorProviderType = {}));
242// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/models/domain/authResult.ts
243class AuthResult {
244 constructor() {
245 this.twoFactor = false;
246 this.twoFactorProviders = null;
247 }
250// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/models/request/deviceRequest.ts
251class DeviceRequest {
252 constructor(appId, platformUtilsService) {
253 this.type = platformUtilsService.getDevice();
254 this.name = platformUtilsService.getDeviceString();
255 this.identifier = appId;
256 this.pushToken = null;
257 }
260// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/models/request/keysRequest.ts
261class KeysRequest {
262 constructor(publicKey, encryptedPrivateKey) {
263 this.publicKey = publicKey;
264 this.encryptedPrivateKey = encryptedPrivateKey;
265 }
268// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/models/request/preloginRequest.ts
269class PreloginRequest {
270 constructor(email) {
271 this.email = email;
272 }
275// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/models/request/tokenRequest.ts
276class TokenRequest {
277 constructor(email, masterPasswordHash, provider, token, remember, device) {
278 this.email = email;
279 this.masterPasswordHash = masterPasswordHash;
280 this.token = token;
281 this.provider = provider;
282 this.remember = remember;
283 this.device = device != null ? device : null;
284 }
285 toIdentityToken(clientId) {
286 const obj = {
287 grant_type: 'password',
288 username: this.email,
289 password: this.masterPasswordHash,
290 scope: 'api offline_access',
291 client_id: clientId,
292 };
293 if (this.device) {
294 obj.deviceType = this.device.type;
295 obj.deviceIdentifier = this.device.identifier;
296 obj.deviceName = this.device.name;
297 // no push tokens for browser apps yet
298 // obj.devicePushToken = this.device.pushToken;
299 }
300 if (this.token && this.provider != null) {
301 obj.twoFactorToken = this.token;
302 obj.twoFactorProvider = this.provider;
303 obj.twoFactorRemember = this.remember ? '1' : '0';
304 }
305 return obj;
306 }
309// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/services/auth.service.ts
310var __awaiter = (undefined && undefined.__awaiter) || function (thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) {
311 return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) {
312 function fulfilled(value) { try { step(generator.next(value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
313 function rejected(value) { try { step(generator["throw"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
314 function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(result.value); }).then(fulfilled, rejected); }
315 step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next());
316 });
324const TwoFactorProviders = {
325 [TwoFactorProviderType.Authenticator]: {
326 type: TwoFactorProviderType.Authenticator,
327 name: null,
328 description: null,
329 priority: 1,
330 sort: 1,
331 premium: false,
332 },
333 [TwoFactorProviderType.Yubikey]: {
334 type: TwoFactorProviderType.Yubikey,
335 name: null,
336 description: null,
337 priority: 3,
338 sort: 2,
339 premium: true,
340 },
341 [TwoFactorProviderType.Duo]: {
342 type: TwoFactorProviderType.Duo,
343 name: 'Duo',
344 description: null,
345 priority: 2,
346 sort: 3,
347 premium: true,
348 },
349 [TwoFactorProviderType.OrganizationDuo]: {
350 type: TwoFactorProviderType.OrganizationDuo,
351 name: 'Duo (Organization)',
352 description: null,
353 priority: 10,
354 sort: 4,
355 premium: false,
356 },
357 [TwoFactorProviderType.U2f]: {
358 type: TwoFactorProviderType.U2f,
359 name: null,
360 description: null,
361 priority: 4,
362 sort: 5,
363 premium: true,
364 },
365 [TwoFactorProviderType.Email]: {
366 type: TwoFactorProviderType.Email,
367 name: null,
368 description: null,
369 priority: 0,
370 sort: 6,
371 premium: false,
372 },
374class auth_service_AuthService {
375 constructor(cryptoService, apiService, userService, tokenService, appIdService, i18nService, platformUtilsService, messagingService, setCryptoKeys = true) {
376 this.cryptoService = cryptoService;
377 this.apiService = apiService;
378 this.userService = userService;
379 this.tokenService = tokenService;
380 this.appIdService = appIdService;
381 this.i18nService = i18nService;
382 this.platformUtilsService = platformUtilsService;
383 this.messagingService = messagingService;
384 this.setCryptoKeys = setCryptoKeys;
385 this.selectedTwoFactorProviderType = null;
386 }
387 init() {
388 TwoFactorProviders[TwoFactorProviderType.Email].name = this.i18nService.t('emailTitle');
389 TwoFactorProviders[TwoFactorProviderType.Email].description = this.i18nService.t('emailDesc');
390 TwoFactorProviders[TwoFactorProviderType.Authenticator].name = this.i18nService.t('authenticatorAppTitle');
391 TwoFactorProviders[TwoFactorProviderType.Authenticator].description =
392 this.i18nService.t('authenticatorAppDesc');
393 TwoFactorProviders[TwoFactorProviderType.Duo].description = this.i18nService.t('duoDesc');
394 TwoFactorProviders[TwoFactorProviderType.OrganizationDuo].name =
395 'Duo (' + this.i18nService.t('organization') + ')';
396 TwoFactorProviders[TwoFactorProviderType.OrganizationDuo].description =
397 this.i18nService.t('duoOrganizationDesc');
398 TwoFactorProviders[TwoFactorProviderType.U2f].name = this.i18nService.t('u2fTitle');
399 TwoFactorProviders[TwoFactorProviderType.U2f].description = this.i18nService.t('u2fDesc');
400 TwoFactorProviders[TwoFactorProviderType.Yubikey].name = this.i18nService.t('yubiKeyTitle');
401 TwoFactorProviders[TwoFactorProviderType.Yubikey].description = this.i18nService.t('yubiKeyDesc');
402 }
403 logIn(email, masterPassword) {
404 return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
405 this.selectedTwoFactorProviderType = null;
406 const key = yield this.makePreloginKey(masterPassword, email);
407 const hashedPassword = yield this.cryptoService.hashPassword(masterPassword, key);
408 return yield this.logInHelper(email, hashedPassword, key);
409 });
410 }
411 logInTwoFactor(twoFactorProvider, twoFactorToken, remember) {
412 return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
413 return yield this.logInHelper(this.email, this.masterPasswordHash, this.key, twoFactorProvider, twoFactorToken, remember);
414 });
415 }
416 logInComplete(email, masterPassword, twoFactorProvider, twoFactorToken, remember) {
417 return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
418 this.selectedTwoFactorProviderType = null;
419 const key = yield this.makePreloginKey(masterPassword, email);
420 const hashedPassword = yield this.cryptoService.hashPassword(masterPassword, key);
421 return yield this.logInHelper(email, hashedPassword, key, twoFactorProvider, twoFactorToken, remember);
422 });
423 }
424 logOut(callback) {
425 callback();
426 this.messagingService.send('loggedOut');
427 }
428 getSupportedTwoFactorProviders(win) {
429 const providers = [];
430 if (this.twoFactorProvidersData == null) {
431 return providers;
432 }
433 if (this.twoFactorProvidersData.has(TwoFactorProviderType.OrganizationDuo) &&
434 this.platformUtilsService.supportsDuo()) {
435 providers.push(TwoFactorProviders[TwoFactorProviderType.OrganizationDuo]);
436 }
437 if (this.twoFactorProvidersData.has(TwoFactorProviderType.Authenticator)) {
438 providers.push(TwoFactorProviders[TwoFactorProviderType.Authenticator]);
439 }
440 if (this.twoFactorProvidersData.has(TwoFactorProviderType.Yubikey)) {
441 providers.push(TwoFactorProviders[TwoFactorProviderType.Yubikey]);
442 }
443 if (this.twoFactorProvidersData.has(TwoFactorProviderType.Duo) && this.platformUtilsService.supportsDuo()) {
444 providers.push(TwoFactorProviders[TwoFactorProviderType.Duo]);
445 }
446 if (this.twoFactorProvidersData.has(TwoFactorProviderType.U2f) && this.platformUtilsService.supportsU2f(win)) {
447 providers.push(TwoFactorProviders[TwoFactorProviderType.U2f]);
448 }
449 if (this.twoFactorProvidersData.has(TwoFactorProviderType.Email)) {
450 providers.push(TwoFactorProviders[TwoFactorProviderType.Email]);
451 }
452 return providers;
453 }
454 getDefaultTwoFactorProvider(u2fSupported) {
455 if (this.twoFactorProvidersData == null) {
456 return null;
457 }
458 if (this.selectedTwoFactorProviderType != null &&
459 this.twoFactorProvidersData.has(this.selectedTwoFactorProviderType)) {
460 return this.selectedTwoFactorProviderType;
461 }
462 let providerType = null;
463 let providerPriority = -1;
464 this.twoFactorProvidersData.forEach((value, type) => {
465 const provider = TwoFactorProviders[type];
466 if (provider != null && provider.priority > providerPriority) {
467 if (type === TwoFactorProviderType.U2f && !u2fSupported) {
468 return;
469 }
470 providerType = type;
471 providerPriority = provider.priority;
472 }
473 });
474 return providerType;
475 }
476 makePreloginKey(masterPassword, email) {
477 return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
478 email = email.trim().toLowerCase();
479 this.kdf = null;
480 this.kdfIterations = null;
481 try {
482 const preloginResponse = yield this.apiService.postPrelogin(new PreloginRequest(email));
483 if (preloginResponse != null) {
484 this.kdf = preloginResponse.kdf;
485 this.kdfIterations = preloginResponse.kdfIterations;
486 }
487 }
488 catch (e) {
489 if (e == null || e.statusCode !== 404) {
490 throw e;
491 }
492 }
493 return this.cryptoService.makeKey(masterPassword, email, this.kdf, this.kdfIterations);
494 });
495 }
496 logInHelper(email, hashedPassword, key, twoFactorProvider, twoFactorToken, remember) {
497 return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
498 const storedTwoFactorToken = yield this.tokenService.getTwoFactorToken(email);
499 const appId = yield this.appIdService.getAppId();
500 const deviceRequest = new DeviceRequest(appId, this.platformUtilsService);
501 let request;
502 if (twoFactorToken != null && twoFactorProvider != null) {
503 request = new TokenRequest(email, hashedPassword, twoFactorProvider, twoFactorToken, remember, deviceRequest);
504 }
505 else if (storedTwoFactorToken != null) {
506 request = new TokenRequest(email, hashedPassword, TwoFactorProviderType.Remember, storedTwoFactorToken, false, deviceRequest);
507 }
508 else {
509 request = new TokenRequest(email, hashedPassword, null, null, false, deviceRequest);
510 }
511 const response = yield this.apiService.postIdentityToken(request);
512 this.clearState();
513 const result = new AuthResult();
514 result.twoFactor = !response.accessToken;
515 if (result.twoFactor) {
516 // two factor required
517 const twoFactorResponse = response;
518 this.email = email;
519 this.masterPasswordHash = hashedPassword;
520 this.key = this.setCryptoKeys ? key : null;
521 this.twoFactorProvidersData = twoFactorResponse.twoFactorProviders2;
522 result.twoFactorProviders = twoFactorResponse.twoFactorProviders2;
523 return result;
524 }
525 const tokenResponse = response;
526 if (tokenResponse.twoFactorToken != null) {
527 yield this.tokenService.setTwoFactorToken(tokenResponse.twoFactorToken, email);
528 }
529 yield this.tokenService.setTokens(tokenResponse.accessToken, tokenResponse.refreshToken);
530 yield this.userService.setInformation(this.tokenService.getUserId(), this.tokenService.getEmail(), this.kdf, this.kdfIterations);
531 if (this.setCryptoKeys) {
532 yield this.cryptoService.setKey(key);
533 yield this.cryptoService.setKeyHash(hashedPassword);
534 yield this.cryptoService.setEncKey(tokenResponse.key);
535 // User doesn't have a key pair yet (old account), let's generate one for them
536 if (tokenResponse.privateKey == null) {
537 try {
538 const keyPair = yield this.cryptoService.makeKeyPair();
539 yield this.apiService.postAccountKeys(new KeysRequest(keyPair[0], keyPair[1].encryptedString));
540 tokenResponse.privateKey = keyPair[1].encryptedString;
541 }
542 catch (e) {
543 // tslint:disable-next-line
544 console.error(e);
545 }
546 }
547 yield this.cryptoService.setEncPrivateKey(tokenResponse.privateKey);
548 }
549 this.messagingService.send('loggedIn');
550 return result;
551 });
552 }
553 clearState() {
554 this.email = null;
555 this.masterPasswordHash = null;
556 this.twoFactorProvidersData = null;
557 this.selectedTwoFactorProviderType = null;
558 }
561// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/services/i18n.service.ts
562var i18n_service_awaiter = (undefined && undefined.__awaiter) || function (thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) {
563 return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) {
564 function fulfilled(value) { try { step(generator.next(value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
565 function rejected(value) { try { step(generator["throw"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
566 function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(result.value); }).then(fulfilled, rejected); }
567 step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next());
568 });
570class i18n_service_I18nService {
571 constructor(systemLanguage, localesDirectory, getLocalesJson) {
572 this.systemLanguage = systemLanguage;
573 this.localesDirectory = localesDirectory;
574 this.getLocalesJson = getLocalesJson;
575 // First locale is the default (English)
576 this.supportedTranslationLocales = ['en'];
577 this.localeNames = new Map([
578 ['af', 'Afrikaans'],
579 ['bg', 'български'],
580 ['ca', 'català'],
581 ['cs', 'čeština'],
582 ['da', 'dansk'],
583 ['de', 'Deutsch'],
584 ['el', 'Ελληνικά'],
585 ['en', 'English'],
586 ['en-GB', 'English (British)'],
587 ['eo', 'Esperanto'],
588 ['es', 'español'],
589 ['et', 'eesti'],
590 ['fa', 'فارسی'],
591 ['fi', 'suomi'],
592 ['fr', 'français'],
593 ['he', 'עברית'],
594 ['hi', 'हिन्दी'],
595 ['hr', 'hrvatski'],
596 ['hu', 'magyar'],
597 ['id', 'Bahasa Indonesia'],
598 ['it', 'italiano'],
599 ['ja', '日本語'],
600 ['ko', '한국어'],
601 ['nb', 'norsk (bokmål)'],
602 ['nl', 'Nederlands'],
603 ['pl', 'polski'],
604 ['pt-BR', 'português do Brasil'],
605 ['pt-PT', 'português'],
606 ['ro', 'română'],
607 ['ru', 'русский'],
608 ['sk', 'slovenčina'],
609 ['sv', 'svenska'],
610 ['th', 'ไทย'],
611 ['tr', 'Türkçe'],
612 ['uk', 'українська'],
613 ['vi', 'Tiếng Việt'],
614 ['zh-CN', '中文(中国大陆)'],
615 ['zh-TW', '中文(台灣)'],
616 ]);
617 this.defaultMessages = {};
618 this.localeMessages = {};
619 this.systemLanguage = systemLanguage.replace('_', '-');
620 }
621 init(locale) {
622 return i18n_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
623 if (this.inited) {
624 throw new Error('i18n already initialized.');
625 }
626 if (this.supportedTranslationLocales == null || this.supportedTranslationLocales.length === 0) {
627 throw new Error('supportedTranslationLocales not set.');
628 }
629 this.inited = true;
630 this.locale = this.translationLocale = locale != null ? locale : this.systemLanguage;
631 try {
632 this.collator = new Intl.Collator(this.locale, { numeric: true, sensitivity: 'base' });
633 }
634 catch (_a) {
635 this.collator = null;
636 }
637 if (this.supportedTranslationLocales.indexOf(this.translationLocale) === -1) {
638 this.translationLocale = this.translationLocale.slice(0, 2);
639 if (this.supportedTranslationLocales.indexOf(this.translationLocale) === -1) {
640 this.translationLocale = this.supportedTranslationLocales[0];
641 }
642 }
643 if (this.localesDirectory != null) {
644 yield this.loadMessages(this.translationLocale, this.localeMessages);
645 if (this.translationLocale !== this.supportedTranslationLocales[0]) {
646 yield this.loadMessages(this.supportedTranslationLocales[0], this.defaultMessages);
647 }
648 }
649 });
650 }
651 t(id, p1, p2, p3) {
652 return this.translate(id, p1, p2, p3);
653 }
654 translate(id, p1, p2, p3) {
655 let result;
656 if (this.localeMessages.hasOwnProperty(id) && this.localeMessages[id]) {
657 result = this.localeMessages[id];
658 }
659 else if (this.defaultMessages.hasOwnProperty(id) && this.defaultMessages[id]) {
660 result = this.defaultMessages[id];
661 }
662 else {
663 result = '';
664 }
665 if (result !== '') {
666 if (p1 != null) {
667 result = result.split('__$1__').join(p1);
668 }
669 if (p2 != null) {
670 result = result.split('__$2__').join(p2);
671 }
672 if (p3 != null) {
673 result = result.split('__$3__').join(p3);
674 }
675 }
676 return result;
677 }
678 loadMessages(locale, messagesObj) {
679 return i18n_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
680 const formattedLocale = locale.replace('-', '_');
681 const locales = yield this.getLocalesJson(formattedLocale);
682 for (const prop in locales) {
683 if (!locales.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
684 continue;
685 }
686 messagesObj[prop] = locales[prop].message;
687 if (locales[prop].placeholders) {
688 for (const placeProp in locales[prop].placeholders) {
689 if (!locales[prop].placeholders.hasOwnProperty(placeProp) ||
690 !locales[prop].placeholders[placeProp].content) {
691 continue;
692 }
693 const replaceToken = '\\$' + placeProp.toUpperCase() + '\\$';
694 let replaceContent = locales[prop].placeholders[placeProp].content;
695 if (replaceContent === '$1' || replaceContent === '$2' || replaceContent === '$3') {
696 replaceContent = '__$' + replaceContent + '__';
697 }
698 messagesObj[prop] = messagesObj[prop].replace(new RegExp(replaceToken, 'g'), replaceContent);
699 }
700 }
701 }
702 });
703 }
706// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./src/services/i18n.service.ts
710class services_i18n_service_I18nService extends i18n_service_I18nService {
711 constructor(systemLanguage, localesDirectory) {
712 super(systemLanguage, localesDirectory, (formattedLocale) => {
713 const filePath = external_path_["join"](__dirname, this.localesDirectory + '/' + formattedLocale + '/messages.json');
714 const localesJson = external_fs_["readFileSync"](filePath, 'utf8');
715 const locales = JSON.parse(localesJson.replace(/^\uFEFF/, '')); // strip the BOM
716 return Promise.resolve(locales);
717 });
718 this.supportedTranslationLocales = [
719 'en',
720 ];
721 }
724// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/models/data/attachmentData.ts
725class AttachmentData {
726 constructor(response) {
727 if (response == null) {
728 return;
729 }
730 this.id = response.id;
731 this.url = response.url;
732 this.fileName = response.fileName;
733 this.key = response.key;
734 this.size = response.size;
735 this.sizeName = response.sizeName;
736 }
739// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/models/view/attachmentView.ts
740class AttachmentView {
741 constructor(a) {
742 this.id = null;
743 this.url = null;
744 this.size = null;
745 this.sizeName = null;
746 this.fileName = null;
747 this.key = null;
748 if (!a) {
749 return;
750 }
751 this.id = a.id;
752 this.url = a.url;
753 this.size = a.size;
754 this.sizeName = a.sizeName;
755 }
756 get fileSize() {
757 try {
758 if (this.size != null) {
759 return parseInt(this.size, null);
760 }
761 }
762 catch (_a) { }
763 return 0;
764 }
767// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/enums/encryptionType.ts
768var EncryptionType;
769(function (EncryptionType) {
770 EncryptionType[EncryptionType["AesCbc256_B64"] = 0] = "AesCbc256_B64";
771 EncryptionType[EncryptionType["AesCbc128_HmacSha256_B64"] = 1] = "AesCbc128_HmacSha256_B64";
772 EncryptionType[EncryptionType["AesCbc256_HmacSha256_B64"] = 2] = "AesCbc256_HmacSha256_B64";
773 EncryptionType[EncryptionType["Rsa2048_OaepSha256_B64"] = 3] = "Rsa2048_OaepSha256_B64";
774 EncryptionType[EncryptionType["Rsa2048_OaepSha1_B64"] = 4] = "Rsa2048_OaepSha1_B64";
775 EncryptionType[EncryptionType["Rsa2048_OaepSha256_HmacSha256_B64"] = 5] = "Rsa2048_OaepSha256_HmacSha256_B64";
776 EncryptionType[EncryptionType["Rsa2048_OaepSha1_HmacSha256_B64"] = 6] = "Rsa2048_OaepSha1_HmacSha256_B64";
777})(EncryptionType || (EncryptionType = {}));
779// EXTERNAL MODULE: external "tldjs"
780var external_tldjs_ = __webpack_require__(7);
782// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/misc/utils.ts
784// tslint:disable-next-line
785const nodeURL = typeof window === 'undefined' ? __webpack_require__(19) : null;
786class utils_Utils {
787 static init() {
788 if (utils_Utils.inited) {
789 return;
790 }
791 utils_Utils.inited = true;
792 utils_Utils.isNode = typeof process !== 'undefined' && process.release != null &&
793 process.release.name === 'node';
794 utils_Utils.isBrowser = typeof window !== 'undefined';
795 utils_Utils.isNativeScript = !utils_Utils.isNode && !utils_Utils.isBrowser;
796 utils_Utils.isMobileBrowser = utils_Utils.isBrowser && this.isMobile(window);
797 utils_Utils.isAppleMobileBrowser = utils_Utils.isBrowser && this.isAppleMobile(window);
798 utils_Utils.global = utils_Utils.isNativeScript ? global : (utils_Utils.isNode && !utils_Utils.isBrowser ? global : window);
799 }
800 static fromB64ToArray(str) {
801 if (utils_Utils.isNode || utils_Utils.isNativeScript) {
802 return new Uint8Array(Buffer.from(str, 'base64'));
803 }
804 else {
805 const binaryString = window.atob(str);
806 const bytes = new Uint8Array(binaryString.length);
807 for (let i = 0; i < binaryString.length; i++) {
808 bytes[i] = binaryString.charCodeAt(i);
809 }
810 return bytes;
811 }
812 }
813 static fromHexToArray(str) {
814 if (utils_Utils.isNode || utils_Utils.isNativeScript) {
815 return new Uint8Array(Buffer.from(str, 'hex'));
816 }
817 else {
818 const bytes = new Uint8Array(str.length / 2);
819 for (let i = 0; i < str.length; i += 2) {
820 bytes[i / 2] = parseInt(str.substr(i, 2), 16);
821 }
822 return bytes;
823 }
824 }
825 static fromUtf8ToArray(str) {
826 if (utils_Utils.isNode || utils_Utils.isNativeScript) {
827 return new Uint8Array(Buffer.from(str, 'utf8'));
828 }
829 else {
830 const strUtf8 = unescape(encodeURIComponent(str));
831 const arr = new Uint8Array(strUtf8.length);
832 for (let i = 0; i < strUtf8.length; i++) {
833 arr[i] = strUtf8.charCodeAt(i);
834 }
835 return arr;
836 }
837 }
838 static fromByteStringToArray(str) {
839 const arr = new Uint8Array(str.length);
840 for (let i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
841 arr[i] = str.charCodeAt(i);
842 }
843 return arr;
844 }
845 static fromBufferToB64(buffer) {
846 if (utils_Utils.isNode || utils_Utils.isNativeScript) {
847 return Buffer.from(buffer).toString('base64');
848 }
849 else {
850 let binary = '';
851 const bytes = new Uint8Array(buffer);
852 for (let i = 0; i < bytes.byteLength; i++) {
853 binary += String.fromCharCode(bytes[i]);
854 }
855 return window.btoa(binary);
856 }
857 }
858 static fromBufferToUtf8(buffer) {
859 if (utils_Utils.isNode || utils_Utils.isNativeScript) {
860 return Buffer.from(buffer).toString('utf8');
861 }
862 else {
863 const bytes = new Uint8Array(buffer);
864 const encodedString = String.fromCharCode.apply(null, bytes);
865 return decodeURIComponent(escape(encodedString));
866 }
867 }
868 static fromBufferToByteString(buffer) {
869 return String.fromCharCode.apply(null, new Uint8Array(buffer));
870 }
871 // ref: https://stackoverflow.com/a/40031979/1090359
872 static fromBufferToHex(buffer) {
873 if (utils_Utils.isNode || utils_Utils.isNativeScript) {
874 return Buffer.from(buffer).toString('hex');
875 }
876 else {
877 const bytes = new Uint8Array(buffer);
878 return Array.prototype.map.call(bytes, (x) => ('00' + x.toString(16)).slice(-2)).join('');
879 }
880 }
881 static fromUrlB64ToUtf8(b64Str) {
882 let output = b64Str.replace(/-/g, '+').replace(/_/g, '/');
883 switch (output.length % 4) {
884 case 0:
885 break;
886 case 2:
887 output += '==';
888 break;
889 case 3:
890 output += '=';
891 break;
892 default:
893 throw new Error('Illegal base64url string!');
894 }
895 return utils_Utils.fromB64ToUtf8(output);
896 }
897 static fromB64ToUtf8(b64Str) {
898 if (utils_Utils.isNode || utils_Utils.isNativeScript) {
899 return Buffer.from(b64Str, 'base64').toString('utf8');
900 }
901 else {
902 return decodeURIComponent(escape(window.atob(b64Str)));
903 }
904 }
905 // ref: http://stackoverflow.com/a/2117523/1090359
906 static newGuid() {
907 return 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx'.replace(/[xy]/g, (c) => {
908 // tslint:disable-next-line
909 const r = Math.random() * 16 | 0;
910 // tslint:disable-next-line
911 const v = c === 'x' ? r : (r & 0x3 | 0x8);
912 return v.toString(16);
913 });
914 }
915 static isGuid(id) {
916 return RegExp(/^[0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[1-5][0-9a-f]{3}-[89ab][0-9a-f]{3}-[0-9a-f]{12}$/, 'i').test(id);
917 }
918 static getHostname(uriString) {
919 const url = utils_Utils.getUrl(uriString);
920 try {
921 return url != null ? url.hostname : null;
922 }
923 catch (_a) {
924 return null;
925 }
926 }
927 static getHost(uriString) {
928 const url = utils_Utils.getUrl(uriString);
929 try {
930 return url != null ? url.host : null;
931 }
932 catch (_a) {
933 return null;
934 }
935 }
936 static getDomain(uriString) {
937 if (uriString == null) {
938 return null;
939 }
940 uriString = uriString.trim();
941 if (uriString === '') {
942 return null;
943 }
944 if (uriString.startsWith('data:')) {
945 return null;
946 }
947 let httpUrl = uriString.startsWith('http://') || uriString.startsWith('https://');
948 if (!httpUrl && uriString.indexOf('://') < 0 && utils_Utils.tldEndingRegex.test(uriString)) {
949 uriString = 'http://' + uriString;
950 httpUrl = true;
951 }
952 if (httpUrl) {
953 try {
954 const url = utils_Utils.getUrlObject(uriString);
955 if (url.hostname === 'localhost' || utils_Utils.validIpAddress(url.hostname)) {
956 return url.hostname;
957 }
958 const urlDomain = external_tldjs_ != null && external_tldjs_["getDomain"] != null ? external_tldjs_["getDomain"](url.hostname) : null;
959 return urlDomain != null ? urlDomain : url.hostname;
960 }
961 catch (e) { }
962 }
963 const domain = external_tldjs_ != null && external_tldjs_["getDomain"] != null ? external_tldjs_["getDomain"](uriString) : null;
964 if (domain != null) {
965 return domain;
966 }
967 return null;
968 }
969 static getQueryParams(uriString) {
970 const url = utils_Utils.getUrl(uriString);
971 if (url == null || url.search == null || url.search === '') {
972 return null;
973 }
974 const map = new Map();
975 const pairs = (url.search[0] === '?' ? url.search.substr(1) : url.search).split('&');
976 pairs.forEach((pair) => {
977 const parts = pair.split('=');
978 if (parts.length < 1) {
979 return;
980 }
981 map.set(decodeURIComponent(parts[0]).toLowerCase(), parts[1] == null ? '' : decodeURIComponent(parts[1]));
982 });
983 return map;
984 }
985 static getSortFunction(i18nService, prop) {
986 return (a, b) => {
987 if (a[prop] == null && b[prop] != null) {
988 return -1;
989 }
990 if (a[prop] != null && b[prop] == null) {
991 return 1;
992 }
993 if (a[prop] == null && b[prop] == null) {
994 return 0;
995 }
996 return i18nService.collator ? i18nService.collator.compare(a[prop], b[prop]) :
997 a[prop].localeCompare(b[prop]);
998 };
999 }
1000 static isNullOrWhitespace(str) {
1001 return str == null || typeof str !== 'string' || str.trim() === '';
1002 }
1003 static validIpAddress(ipString) {
1004 // tslint:disable-next-line
1005 const ipRegex = /^(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)$/;
1006 return ipRegex.test(ipString);
1007 }
1008 static isMobile(win) {
1009 let mobile = false;
1010 ((a) => {
1011 // tslint:disable-next-line
1012 if (/(android|bb\d+|meego).+mobile|avantgo|bada\/|blackberry|blazer|compal|elaine|fennec|hiptop|iemobile|ip(hone|od)|iris|kindle|lge |maemo|midp|mmp|mobile.+firefox|netfront|opera m(ob|in)i|palm( os)?|phone|p(ixi|re)\/|plucker|pocket|psp|series(4|6)0|symbian|treo|up\.(browser|link)|vodafone|wap|windows ce|xda|xiino/i.test(a) || /1207|6310|6590|3gso|4thp|50[1-6]i|770s|802s|a wa|abac|ac(er|oo|s\-)|ai(ko|rn)|al(av|ca|co)|amoi|an(ex|ny|yw)|aptu|ar(ch|go)|as(te|us)|attw|au(di|\-m|r |s )|avan|be(ck|ll|nq)|bi(lb|rd)|bl(ac|az)|br(e|v)w|bumb|bw\-(n|u)|c55\/|capi|ccwa|cdm\-|cell|chtm|cldc|cmd\-|co(mp|nd)|craw|da(it|ll|ng)|dbte|dc\-s|devi|dica|dmob|do(c|p)o|ds(12|\-d)|el(49|ai)|em(l2|ul)|er(ic|k0)|esl8|ez([4-7]0|os|wa|ze)|fetc|fly(\-|_)|g1 u|g560|gene|gf\-5|g\-mo|go(\.w|od)|gr(ad|un)|haie|hcit|hd\-(m|p|t)|hei\-|hi(pt|ta)|hp( i|ip)|hs\-c|ht(c(\-| |_|a|g|p|s|t)|tp)|hu(aw|tc)|i\-(20|go|ma)|i230|iac( |\-|\/)|ibro|idea|ig01|ikom|im1k|inno|ipaq|iris|ja(t|v)a|jbro|jemu|jigs|kddi|keji|kgt( |\/)|klon|kpt |kwc\-|kyo(c|k)|le(no|xi)|lg( g|\/(k|l|u)|50|54|\-[a-w])|libw|lynx|m1\-w|m3ga|m50\/|ma(te|ui|xo)|mc(01|21|ca)|m\-cr|me(rc|ri)|mi(o8|oa|ts)|mmef|mo(01|02|bi|de|do|t(\-| |o|v)|zz)|mt(50|p1|v )|mwbp|mywa|n10[0-2]|n20[2-3]|n30(0|2)|n50(0|2|5)|n7(0(0|1)|10)|ne((c|m)\-|on|tf|wf|wg|wt)|nok(6|i)|nzph|o2im|op(ti|wv)|oran|owg1|p800|pan(a|d|t)|pdxg|pg(13|\-([1-8]|c))|phil|pire|pl(ay|uc)|pn\-2|po(ck|rt|se)|prox|psio|pt\-g|qa\-a|qc(07|12|21|32|60|\-[2-7]|i\-)|qtek|r380|r600|raks|rim9|ro(ve|zo)|s55\/|sa(ge|ma|mm|ms|ny|va)|sc(01|h\-|oo|p\-)|sdk\/|se(c(\-|0|1)|47|mc|nd|ri)|sgh\-|shar|sie(\-|m)|sk\-0|sl(45|id)|sm(al|ar|b3|it|t5)|so(ft|ny)|sp(01|h\-|v\-|v )|sy(01|mb)|t2(18|50)|t6(00|10|18)|ta(gt|lk)|tcl\-|tdg\-|tel(i|m)|tim\-|t\-mo|to(pl|sh)|ts(70|m\-|m3|m5)|tx\-9|up(\.b|g1|si)|utst|v400|v750|veri|vi(rg|te)|vk(40|5[0-3]|\-v)|vm40|voda|vulc|vx(52|53|60|61|70|80|81|83|85|98)|w3c(\-| )|webc|whit|wi(g |nc|nw)|wmlb|wonu|x700|yas\-|your|zeto|zte\-/i.test(a.substr(0, 4))) {
1013 mobile = true;
1014 }
1015 })(win.navigator.userAgent || win.navigator.vendor || win.opera);
1016 return mobile || win.navigator.userAgent.match(/iPad/i) != null;
1017 }
1018 static isAppleMobile(win) {
1019 return win.navigator.userAgent.match(/iPhone/i) != null || win.navigator.userAgent.match(/iPad/i) != null;
1020 }
1021 static getUrl(uriString) {
1022 if (uriString == null) {
1023 return null;
1024 }
1025 uriString = uriString.trim();
1026 if (uriString === '') {
1027 return null;
1028 }
1029 let url = utils_Utils.getUrlObject(uriString);
1030 if (url == null) {
1031 const hasHttpProtocol = uriString.indexOf('http://') === 0 || uriString.indexOf('https://') === 0;
1032 if (!hasHttpProtocol && uriString.indexOf('.') > -1) {
1033 url = utils_Utils.getUrlObject('http://' + uriString);
1034 }
1035 }
1036 return url;
1037 }
1038 static getUrlObject(uriString) {
1039 try {
1040 if (nodeURL != null) {
1041 return nodeURL.URL ? new nodeURL.URL(uriString) : nodeURL.parse(uriString);
1042 }
1043 else if (typeof URL === 'function') {
1044 return new URL(uriString);
1045 }
1046 else if (window != null) {
1047 const hasProtocol = uriString.indexOf('://') > -1;
1048 if (!hasProtocol && uriString.indexOf('.') > -1) {
1049 uriString = 'http://' + uriString;
1050 }
1051 else if (!hasProtocol) {
1052 return null;
1053 }
1054 const anchor = window.document.createElement('a');
1055 anchor.href = uriString;
1056 return anchor;
1057 }
1058 }
1059 catch (e) { }
1060 return null;
1061 }
1063utils_Utils.inited = false;
1064utils_Utils.isNativeScript = false;
1065utils_Utils.isNode = false;
1066utils_Utils.isBrowser = true;
1067utils_Utils.isMobileBrowser = false;
1068utils_Utils.isAppleMobileBrowser = false;
1069utils_Utils.global = null;
1070utils_Utils.tldEndingRegex = /.*\.(com|net|org|edu|uk|gov|ca|de|jp|fr|au|ru|ch|io|es|us|co|xyz|info|ly|mil)$/;
1073// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/models/domain/cipherString.ts
1074var cipherString_awaiter = (undefined && undefined.__awaiter) || function (thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) {
1075 return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) {
1076 function fulfilled(value) { try { step(generator.next(value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
1077 function rejected(value) { try { step(generator["throw"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
1078 function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(result.value); }).then(fulfilled, rejected); }
1079 step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next());
1080 });
1084class cipherString_CipherString {
1085 constructor(encryptedStringOrType, data, iv, mac) {
1086 if (data != null) {
1087 // data and header
1088 const encType = encryptedStringOrType;
1089 if (iv != null) {
1090 this.encryptedString = encType + '.' + iv + '|' + data;
1091 }
1092 else {
1093 this.encryptedString = encType + '.' + data;
1094 }
1095 // mac
1096 if (mac != null) {
1097 this.encryptedString += ('|' + mac);
1098 }
1099 this.encryptionType = encType;
1100 this.data = data;
1101 this.iv = iv;
1102 this.mac = mac;
1103 return;
1104 }
1105 this.encryptedString = encryptedStringOrType;
1106 if (!this.encryptedString) {
1107 return;
1108 }
1109 const headerPieces = this.encryptedString.split('.');
1110 let encPieces = null;
1111 if (headerPieces.length === 2) {
1112 try {
1113 this.encryptionType = parseInt(headerPieces[0], null);
1114 encPieces = headerPieces[1].split('|');
1115 }
1116 catch (e) {
1117 return;
1118 }
1119 }
1120 else {
1121 encPieces = this.encryptedString.split('|');
1122 this.encryptionType = encPieces.length === 3 ? EncryptionType.AesCbc128_HmacSha256_B64 :
1123 EncryptionType.AesCbc256_B64;
1124 }
1125 switch (this.encryptionType) {
1126 case EncryptionType.AesCbc128_HmacSha256_B64:
1127 case EncryptionType.AesCbc256_HmacSha256_B64:
1128 if (encPieces.length !== 3) {
1129 return;
1130 }
1131 this.iv = encPieces[0];
1132 this.data = encPieces[1];
1133 this.mac = encPieces[2];
1134 break;
1135 case EncryptionType.AesCbc256_B64:
1136 if (encPieces.length !== 2) {
1137 return;
1138 }
1139 this.iv = encPieces[0];
1140 this.data = encPieces[1];
1141 break;
1142 case EncryptionType.Rsa2048_OaepSha256_B64:
1143 case EncryptionType.Rsa2048_OaepSha1_B64:
1144 if (encPieces.length !== 1) {
1145 return;
1146 }
1147 this.data = encPieces[0];
1148 break;
1149 default:
1150 return;
1151 }
1152 }
1153 decrypt(orgId) {
1154 return cipherString_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
1155 if (this.decryptedValue != null) {
1156 return this.decryptedValue;
1157 }
1158 let cryptoService;
1159 const containerService = utils_Utils.global.bitwardenContainerService;
1160 if (containerService) {
1161 cryptoService = containerService.getCryptoService();
1162 }
1163 else {
1164 throw new Error('global bitwardenContainerService not initialized.');
1165 }
1166 try {
1167 const orgKey = yield cryptoService.getOrgKey(orgId);
1168 this.decryptedValue = yield cryptoService.decryptToUtf8(this, orgKey);
1169 }
1170 catch (e) {
1171 this.decryptedValue = '[error: cannot decrypt]';
1172 }
1173 return this.decryptedValue;
1174 });
1175 }
1178// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/models/domain/domainBase.ts
1179var domainBase_awaiter = (undefined && undefined.__awaiter) || function (thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) {
1180 return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) {
1181 function fulfilled(value) { try { step(generator.next(value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
1182 function rejected(value) { try { step(generator["throw"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
1183 function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(result.value); }).then(fulfilled, rejected); }
1184 step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next());
1185 });
1188class domainBase_Domain {
1189 buildDomainModel(domain, dataObj, map, alreadyEncrypted, notEncList = []) {
1190 for (const prop in map) {
1191 if (!map.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
1192 continue;
1193 }
1194 const objProp = dataObj[(map[prop] || prop)];
1195 if (alreadyEncrypted === true || notEncList.indexOf(prop) > -1) {
1196 domain[prop] = objProp ? objProp : null;
1197 }
1198 else {
1199 domain[prop] = objProp ? new cipherString_CipherString(objProp) : null;
1200 }
1201 }
1202 }
1203 buildDataModel(domain, dataObj, map, notCipherStringList = []) {
1204 for (const prop in map) {
1205 if (!map.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
1206 continue;
1207 }
1208 const objProp = domain[(map[prop] || prop)];
1209 if (notCipherStringList.indexOf(prop) > -1) {
1210 dataObj[prop] = objProp != null ? objProp : null;
1211 }
1212 else {
1213 dataObj[prop] = objProp != null ? objProp.encryptedString : null;
1214 }
1215 }
1216 }
1217 decryptObj(viewModel, map, orgId) {
1218 return domainBase_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
1219 const promises = [];
1220 const self = this;
1221 for (const prop in map) {
1222 if (!map.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
1223 continue;
1224 }
1225 // tslint:disable-next-line
1226 (function (theProp) {
1227 const p = Promise.resolve().then(() => {
1228 const mapProp = map[theProp] || theProp;
1229 if (self[mapProp]) {
1230 return self[mapProp].decrypt(orgId);
1231 }
1232 return null;
1233 }).then((val) => {
1234 viewModel[theProp] = val;
1235 });
1236 promises.push(p);
1237 })(prop);
1238 }
1239 yield Promise.all(promises);
1240 return viewModel;
1241 });
1242 }
1245// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/models/domain/symmetricCryptoKey.ts
1248class symmetricCryptoKey_SymmetricCryptoKey {
1249 constructor(key, encType) {
1250 if (key == null) {
1251 throw new Error('Must provide key');
1252 }
1253 if (encType == null) {
1254 if (key.byteLength === 32) {
1255 encType = EncryptionType.AesCbc256_B64;
1256 }
1257 else if (key.byteLength === 64) {
1258 encType = EncryptionType.AesCbc256_HmacSha256_B64;
1259 }
1260 else {
1261 throw new Error('Unable to determine encType.');
1262 }
1263 }
1264 this.key = key;
1265 this.encType = encType;
1266 if (encType === EncryptionType.AesCbc256_B64 && key.byteLength === 32) {
1267 this.encKey = key;
1268 this.macKey = null;
1269 }
1270 else if (encType === EncryptionType.AesCbc128_HmacSha256_B64 && key.byteLength === 32) {
1271 this.encKey = key.slice(0, 16);
1272 this.macKey = key.slice(16, 32);
1273 }
1274 else if (encType === EncryptionType.AesCbc256_HmacSha256_B64 && key.byteLength === 64) {
1275 this.encKey = key.slice(0, 32);
1276 this.macKey = key.slice(32, 64);
1277 }
1278 else {
1279 throw new Error('Unsupported encType/key length.');
1280 }
1281 if (this.key != null) {
1282 this.keyB64 = utils_Utils.fromBufferToB64(this.key);
1283 }
1284 if (this.encKey != null) {
1285 this.encKeyB64 = utils_Utils.fromBufferToB64(this.encKey);
1286 }
1287 if (this.macKey != null) {
1288 this.macKeyB64 = utils_Utils.fromBufferToB64(this.macKey);
1289 }
1290 }
1293// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/models/domain/attachment.ts
1294var attachment_awaiter = (undefined && undefined.__awaiter) || function (thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) {
1295 return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) {
1296 function fulfilled(value) { try { step(generator.next(value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
1297 function rejected(value) { try { step(generator["throw"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
1298 function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(result.value); }).then(fulfilled, rejected); }
1299 step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next());
1300 });
1307class attachment_Attachment extends domainBase_Domain {
1308 constructor(obj, alreadyEncrypted = false) {
1309 super();
1310 if (obj == null) {
1311 return;
1312 }
1313 this.size = obj.size;
1314 this.buildDomainModel(this, obj, {
1315 id: null,
1316 url: null,
1317 sizeName: null,
1318 fileName: null,
1319 key: null,
1320 }, alreadyEncrypted, ['id', 'url', 'sizeName']);
1321 }
1322 decrypt(orgId) {
1323 return attachment_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
1324 const view = yield this.decryptObj(new AttachmentView(this), {
1325 fileName: null,
1326 }, orgId);
1327 if (this.key != null) {
1328 let cryptoService;
1329 const containerService = utils_Utils.global.bitwardenContainerService;
1330 if (containerService) {
1331 cryptoService = containerService.getCryptoService();
1332 }
1333 else {
1334 throw new Error('global bitwardenContainerService not initialized.');
1335 }
1336 try {
1337 const orgKey = yield cryptoService.getOrgKey(orgId);
1338 const decValue = yield cryptoService.decryptToBytes(this.key, orgKey);
1339 view.key = new symmetricCryptoKey_SymmetricCryptoKey(decValue);
1340 }
1341 catch (e) {
1342 // TODO: error?
1343 }
1344 }
1345 return view;
1346 });
1347 }
1348 toAttachmentData() {
1349 const a = new AttachmentData();
1350 a.size = this.size;
1351 this.buildDataModel(this, a, {
1352 id: null,
1353 url: null,
1354 sizeName: null,
1355 fileName: null,
1356 key: null,
1357 }, ['id', 'url', 'sizeName']);
1358 return a;
1359 }
1362// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/models/data/cardData.ts
1363class CardData {
1364 constructor(data) {
1365 if (data == null) {
1366 return;
1367 }
1368 this.cardholderName = data.cardholderName;
1369 this.brand = data.brand;
1370 this.number = data.number;
1371 this.expMonth = data.expMonth;
1372 this.expYear = data.expYear;
1373 this.code = data.code;
1374 }
1377// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/models/view/cardView.ts
1378class CardView {
1379 // tslint:enable
1380 constructor(c) {
1381 this.cardholderName = null;
1382 this.expMonth = null;
1383 this.expYear = null;
1384 this.code = null;
1385 // tslint:disable
1386 this._brand = null;
1387 this._number = null;
1388 this._subTitle = null;
1389 // ctor
1390 }
1391 get maskedCode() {
1392 return this.code != null ? '•'.repeat(this.code.length) : null;
1393 }
1394 get brand() {
1395 return this._brand;
1396 }
1397 set brand(value) {
1398 this._brand = value;
1399 this._subTitle = null;
1400 }
1401 get number() {
1402 return this._number;
1403 }
1404 set number(value) {
1405 this._number = value;
1406 this._subTitle = null;
1407 }
1408 get subTitle() {
1409 if (this._subTitle == null) {
1410 this._subTitle = this.brand;
1411 if (this.number != null && this.number.length >= 4) {
1412 if (this._subTitle != null && this._subTitle !== '') {
1413 this._subTitle += ', ';
1414 }
1415 else {
1416 this._subTitle = '';
1417 }
1418 // Show last 5 on amex, last 4 for all others
1419 const count = this.number.length >= 5 && this.number.match(new RegExp('^3[47]')) != null ? 5 : 4;
1420 this._subTitle += ('*' + this.number.substr(this.number.length - count));
1421 }
1422 }
1423 return this._subTitle;
1424 }
1425 get expiration() {
1426 if (!this.expMonth && !this.expYear) {
1427 return null;
1428 }
1429 let exp = this.expMonth != null ? ('0' + this.expMonth).slice(-2) : '__';
1430 exp += (' / ' + (this.expYear != null ? this.formatYear(this.expYear) : '____'));
1431 return exp;
1432 }
1433 formatYear(year) {
1434 return year.length === 2 ? '20' + year : year;
1435 }
1438// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/models/domain/card.ts
1442class card_Card extends domainBase_Domain {
1443 constructor(obj, alreadyEncrypted = false) {
1444 super();
1445 if (obj == null) {
1446 return;
1447 }
1448 this.buildDomainModel(this, obj, {
1449 cardholderName: null,
1450 brand: null,
1451 number: null,
1452 expMonth: null,
1453 expYear: null,
1454 code: null,
1455 }, alreadyEncrypted, []);
1456 }
1457 decrypt(orgId) {
1458 return this.decryptObj(new CardView(this), {
1459 cardholderName: null,
1460 brand: null,
1461 number: null,
1462 expMonth: null,
1463 expYear: null,
1464 code: null,
1465 }, orgId);
1466 }
1467 toCardData() {
1468 const c = new CardData();
1469 this.buildDataModel(this, c, {
1470 cardholderName: null,
1471 brand: null,
1472 number: null,
1473 expMonth: null,
1474 expYear: null,
1475 code: null,
1476 });
1477 return c;
1478 }
1481// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/enums/cipherType.ts
1482var CipherType;
1483(function (CipherType) {
1484 CipherType[CipherType["Login"] = 1] = "Login";
1485 CipherType[CipherType["SecureNote"] = 2] = "SecureNote";
1486 CipherType[CipherType["Card"] = 3] = "Card";
1487 CipherType[CipherType["Identity"] = 4] = "Identity";
1488})(CipherType || (CipherType = {}));
1490// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/models/data/fieldData.ts
1491class FieldData {
1492 constructor(response) {
1493 if (response == null) {
1494 return;
1495 }
1496 this.type = response.type;
1497 this.name = response.name;
1498 this.value = response.value;
1499 }
1502// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/models/data/identityData.ts
1503class IdentityData {
1504 constructor(data) {
1505 if (data == null) {
1506 return;
1507 }
1508 this.title = data.title;
1509 this.firstName = data.firstName;
1510 this.middleName = data.middleName;
1511 this.lastName = data.lastName;
1512 this.address1 = data.address1;
1513 this.address2 = data.address2;
1514 this.address3 = data.address3;
1515 this.city = data.city;
1516 this.state = data.state;
1517 this.postalCode = data.postalCode;
1518 this.country = data.country;
1519 this.company = data.company;
1520 this.email = data.email;
1521 this.phone = data.phone;
1522 this.ssn = data.ssn;
1523 this.username = data.username;
1524 this.passportNumber = data.passportNumber;
1525 this.licenseNumber = data.licenseNumber;
1526 }
1529// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/models/data/loginUriData.ts
1530class LoginUriData {
1531 constructor(data) {
1532 this.match = null;
1533 if (data == null) {
1534 return;
1535 }
1536 this.uri = data.uri;
1537 this.match = data.match;
1538 }
1541// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/models/data/loginData.ts
1543class loginData_LoginData {
1544 constructor(data) {
1545 if (data == null) {
1546 return;
1547 }
1548 this.username = data.username;
1549 this.password = data.password;
1550 this.passwordRevisionDate = data.passwordRevisionDate;
1551 this.totp = data.totp;
1552 if (data.uris) {
1553 this.uris = data.uris.map((u) => new LoginUriData(u));
1554 }
1555 }
1558// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/models/data/passwordHistoryData.ts
1559class PasswordHistoryData {
1560 constructor(response) {
1561 if (response == null) {
1562 return;
1563 }
1564 this.password = response.password;
1565 this.lastUsedDate = response.lastUsedDate;
1566 }
1569// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/models/data/secureNoteData.ts
1570class SecureNoteData {
1571 constructor(data) {
1572 if (data == null) {
1573 return;
1574 }
1575 this.type = data.type;
1576 }
1579// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/models/data/cipherData.ts
1588class cipherData_CipherData {
1589 constructor(response, userId, collectionIds) {
1590 if (response == null) {
1591 return;
1592 }
1593 this.id = response.id;
1594 this.organizationId = response.organizationId;
1595 this.folderId = response.folderId;
1596 this.userId = userId;
1597 this.edit = response.edit;
1598 this.organizationUseTotp = response.organizationUseTotp;
1599 this.favorite = response.favorite;
1600 this.revisionDate = response.revisionDate;
1601 this.type = response.type;
1602 this.name = response.name;
1603 this.notes = response.notes;
1604 this.collectionIds = collectionIds != null ? collectionIds : response.collectionIds;
1605 this.deletedDate = response.deletedDate;
1606 switch (this.type) {
1607 case CipherType.Login:
1608 this.login = new loginData_LoginData(response.login);
1609 break;
1610 case CipherType.SecureNote:
1611 this.secureNote = new SecureNoteData(response.secureNote);
1612 break;
1613 case CipherType.Card:
1614 this.card = new CardData(response.card);
1615 break;
1616 case CipherType.Identity:
1617 this.identity = new IdentityData(response.identity);
1618 break;
1619 default:
1620 break;
1621 }
1622 if (response.fields != null) {
1623 this.fields = response.fields.map((f) => new FieldData(f));
1624 }
1625 if (response.attachments != null) {
1626 this.attachments = response.attachments.map((a) => new AttachmentData(a));
1627 }
1628 if (response.passwordHistory != null) {
1629 this.passwordHistory = response.passwordHistory.map((ph) => new PasswordHistoryData(ph));
1630 }
1631 }
1634// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/models/view/identityView.ts
1636class identityView_IdentityView {
1637 // tslint:enable
1638 constructor(i) {
1639 this.title = null;
1640 this.middleName = null;
1641 this.address1 = null;
1642 this.address2 = null;
1643 this.address3 = null;
1644 this.city = null;
1645 this.state = null;
1646 this.postalCode = null;
1647 this.country = null;
1648 this.company = null;
1649 this.email = null;
1650 this.phone = null;
1651 this.ssn = null;
1652 this.username = null;
1653 this.passportNumber = null;
1654 this.licenseNumber = null;
1655 // tslint:disable
1656 this._firstName = null;
1657 this._lastName = null;
1658 this._subTitle = null;
1659 // ctor
1660 }
1661 get firstName() {
1662 return this._firstName;
1663 }
1664 set firstName(value) {
1665 this._firstName = value;
1666 this._subTitle = null;
1667 }
1668 get lastName() {
1669 return this._lastName;
1670 }
1671 set lastName(value) {
1672 this._lastName = value;
1673 this._subTitle = null;
1674 }
1675 get subTitle() {
1676 if (this._subTitle == null && (this.firstName != null || this.lastName != null)) {
1677 this._subTitle = '';
1678 if (this.firstName != null) {
1679 this._subTitle = this.firstName;
1680 }
1681 if (this.lastName != null) {
1682 if (this._subTitle !== '') {
1683 this._subTitle += ' ';
1684 }
1685 this._subTitle += this.lastName;
1686 }
1687 }
1688 return this._subTitle;
1689 }
1690 get fullName() {
1691 if (this.title != null || this.firstName != null || this.middleName != null || this.lastName != null) {
1692 let name = '';
1693 if (this.title != null) {
1694 name += (this.title + ' ');
1695 }
1696 if (this.firstName != null) {
1697 name += (this.firstName + ' ');
1698 }
1699 if (this.middleName != null) {
1700 name += (this.middleName + ' ');
1701 }
1702 if (this.lastName != null) {
1703 name += this.lastName;
1704 }
1705 return name.trim();
1706 }
1707 return null;
1708 }
1709 get fullAddress() {
1710 let address = this.address1;
1711 if (!utils_Utils.isNullOrWhitespace(this.address2)) {
1712 if (!utils_Utils.isNullOrWhitespace(address)) {
1713 address += ', ';
1714 }
1715 address += this.address2;
1716 }
1717 if (!utils_Utils.isNullOrWhitespace(this.address3)) {
1718 if (!utils_Utils.isNullOrWhitespace(address)) {
1719 address += ', ';
1720 }
1721 address += this.address3;
1722 }
1723 return address;
1724 }
1725 get fullAddressPart2() {
1726 if (this.city == null && this.state == null && this.postalCode == null) {
1727 return null;
1728 }
1729 const city = this.city || '-';
1730 const state = this.state;
1731 const postalCode = this.postalCode || '-';
1732 let addressPart2 = city;
1733 if (!utils_Utils.isNullOrWhitespace(state)) {
1734 addressPart2 += ', ' + state;
1735 }
1736 addressPart2 += ', ' + postalCode;
1737 return addressPart2;
1738 }
1741// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/models/view/loginView.ts
1742class LoginView {
1743 constructor(l) {
1744 this.username = null;
1745 this.password = null;
1746 this.passwordRevisionDate = null;
1747 this.totp = null;
1748 this.uris = null;
1749 if (!l) {
1750 return;
1751 }
1752 this.passwordRevisionDate = l.passwordRevisionDate;
1753 }
1754 get uri() {
1755 return this.hasUris ? this.uris[0].uri : null;
1756 }
1757 get maskedPassword() {
1758 return this.password != null ? '••••••••' : null;
1759 }
1760 get subTitle() {
1761 return this.username;
1762 }
1763 get canLaunch() {
1764 return this.hasUris && this.uris.some((u) => u.canLaunch);
1765 }
1766 get launchUri() {
1767 if (this.hasUris) {
1768 const uri = this.uris.find((u) => u.canLaunch);
1769 if (uri != null) {
1770 return uri.launchUri;
1771 }
1772 }
1773 return null;
1774 }
1775 get hasUris() {
1776 return this.uris != null && this.uris.length > 0;
1777 }
1780// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/models/view/secureNoteView.ts
1781class SecureNoteView {
1782 constructor(n) {
1783 this.type = null;
1784 if (!n) {
1785 return;
1786 }
1787 this.type = n.type;
1788 }
1789 get subTitle() {
1790 return null;
1791 }
1794// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/models/view/cipherView.ts
1800class cipherView_CipherView {
1801 constructor(c) {
1802 this.id = null;
1803 this.organizationId = null;
1804 this.folderId = null;
1805 this.name = null;
1806 this.notes = null;
1807 this.type = null;
1808 this.favorite = false;
1809 this.organizationUseTotp = false;
1810 this.edit = false;
1811 this.login = new LoginView();
1812 this.identity = new identityView_IdentityView();
1813 this.card = new CardView();
1814 this.secureNote = new SecureNoteView();
1815 this.attachments = null;
1816 this.fields = null;
1817 this.passwordHistory = null;
1818 this.collectionIds = null;
1819 this.revisionDate = null;
1820 this.deletedDate = null;
1821 if (!c) {
1822 return;
1823 }
1824 this.id = c.id;
1825 this.organizationId = c.organizationId;
1826 this.folderId = c.folderId;
1827 this.favorite = c.favorite;
1828 this.organizationUseTotp = c.organizationUseTotp;
1829 this.edit = c.edit;
1830 this.type = c.type;
1831 this.localData = c.localData;
1832 this.collectionIds = c.collectionIds;
1833 this.revisionDate = c.revisionDate;
1834 this.deletedDate = c.deletedDate;
1835 }
1836 get subTitle() {
1837 switch (this.type) {
1838 case CipherType.Login:
1839 return this.login.subTitle;
1840 case CipherType.SecureNote:
1841 return this.secureNote.subTitle;
1842 case CipherType.Card:
1843 return this.card.subTitle;
1844 case CipherType.Identity:
1845 return this.identity.subTitle;
1846 default:
1847 break;
1848 }
1849 return null;
1850 }
1851 get hasPasswordHistory() {
1852 return this.passwordHistory && this.passwordHistory.length > 0;
1853 }
1854 get hasAttachments() {
1855 return this.attachments && this.attachments.length > 0;
1856 }
1857 get hasOldAttachments() {
1858 if (this.hasAttachments) {
1859 for (let i = 0; i < this.attachments.length; i++) {
1860 if (this.attachments[i].key == null) {
1861 return true;
1862 }
1863 }
1864 }
1865 return false;
1866 }
1867 get hasFields() {
1868 return this.fields && this.fields.length > 0;
1869 }
1870 get passwordRevisionDisplayDate() {
1871 if (this.type !== CipherType.Login || this.login == null) {
1872 return null;
1873 }
1874 else if (this.login.password == null || this.login.password === '') {
1875 return null;
1876 }
1877 return this.login.passwordRevisionDate;
1878 }
1879 get isDeleted() {
1880 return this.deletedDate != null;
1881 }
1884// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/models/view/fieldView.ts
1885class FieldView {
1886 constructor(f) {
1887 this.name = null;
1888 this.value = null;
1889 this.type = null;
1890 if (!f) {
1891 return;
1892 }
1893 this.type = f.type;
1894 }
1895 get maskedValue() {
1896 return this.value != null ? '••••••••' : null;
1897 }
1900// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/models/domain/field.ts
1904class field_Field extends domainBase_Domain {
1905 constructor(obj, alreadyEncrypted = false) {
1906 super();
1907 if (obj == null) {
1908 return;
1909 }
1910 this.type = obj.type;
1911 this.buildDomainModel(this, obj, {
1912 name: null,
1913 value: null,
1914 }, alreadyEncrypted, []);
1915 }
1916 decrypt(orgId) {
1917 return this.decryptObj(new FieldView(this), {
1918 name: null,
1919 value: null,
1920 }, orgId);
1921 }
1922 toFieldData() {
1923 const f = new FieldData();
1924 this.buildDataModel(this, f, {
1925 name: null,
1926 value: null,
1927 type: null,
1928 }, ['type']);
1929 return f;
1930 }
1933// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/models/domain/identity.ts
1937class identity_Identity extends domainBase_Domain {
1938 constructor(obj, alreadyEncrypted = false) {
1939 super();
1940 if (obj == null) {
1941 return;
1942 }
1943 this.buildDomainModel(this, obj, {
1944 title: null,
1945 firstName: null,
1946 middleName: null,
1947 lastName: null,
1948 address1: null,
1949 address2: null,
1950 address3: null,
1951 city: null,
1952 state: null,
1953 postalCode: null,
1954 country: null,
1955 company: null,
1956 email: null,
1957 phone: null,
1958 ssn: null,
1959 username: null,
1960 passportNumber: null,
1961 licenseNumber: null,
1962 }, alreadyEncrypted, []);
1963 }
1964 decrypt(orgId) {
1965 return this.decryptObj(new identityView_IdentityView(this), {
1966 title: null,
1967 firstName: null,
1968 middleName: null,
1969 lastName: null,
1970 address1: null,
1971 address2: null,
1972 address3: null,
1973 city: null,
1974 state: null,
1975 postalCode: null,
1976 country: null,
1977 company: null,
1978 email: null,
1979 phone: null,
1980 ssn: null,
1981 username: null,
1982 passportNumber: null,
1983 licenseNumber: null,
1984 }, orgId);
1985 }
1986 toIdentityData() {
1987 const i = new IdentityData();
1988 this.buildDataModel(this, i, {
1989 title: null,
1990 firstName: null,
1991 middleName: null,
1992 lastName: null,
1993 address1: null,
1994 address2: null,
1995 address3: null,
1996 city: null,
1997 state: null,
1998 postalCode: null,
1999 country: null,
2000 company: null,
2001 email: null,
2002 phone: null,
2003 ssn: null,
2004 username: null,
2005 passportNumber: null,
2006 licenseNumber: null,
2007 });
2008 return i;
2009 }
2012// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/enums/uriMatchType.ts
2013var UriMatchType;
2014(function (UriMatchType) {
2015 UriMatchType[UriMatchType["Domain"] = 0] = "Domain";
2016 UriMatchType[UriMatchType["Host"] = 1] = "Host";
2017 UriMatchType[UriMatchType["StartsWith"] = 2] = "StartsWith";
2018 UriMatchType[UriMatchType["Exact"] = 3] = "Exact";
2019 UriMatchType[UriMatchType["RegularExpression"] = 4] = "RegularExpression";
2020 UriMatchType[UriMatchType["Never"] = 5] = "Never";
2021})(UriMatchType || (UriMatchType = {}));
2023// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/models/view/loginUriView.ts
2026const CanLaunchWhitelist = [
2027 'https://',
2028 'http://',
2029 'ssh://',
2030 'ftp://',
2031 'sftp://',
2032 'irc://',
2033 'vnc://',
2034 'chrome://',
2035 'iosapp://',
2036 'androidapp://',
2038class loginUriView_LoginUriView {
2039 // tslint:enable
2040 constructor(u) {
2041 this.match = null;
2042 // tslint:disable
2043 this._uri = null;
2044 this._domain = null;
2045 this._hostname = null;
2046 this._canLaunch = null;
2047 if (!u) {
2048 return;
2049 }
2050 this.match = u.match;
2051 }
2052 get uri() {
2053 return this._uri;
2054 }
2055 set uri(value) {
2056 this._uri = value;
2057 this._domain = null;
2058 this._canLaunch = null;
2059 }
2060 get domain() {
2061 if (this._domain == null && this.uri != null) {
2062 this._domain = utils_Utils.getDomain(this.uri);
2063 if (this._domain === '') {
2064 this._domain = null;
2065 }
2066 }
2067 return this._domain;
2068 }
2069 get hostname() {
2070 if (this._hostname == null && this.uri != null) {
2071 this._hostname = utils_Utils.getHostname(this.uri);
2072 if (this._hostname === '') {
2073 this._hostname = null;
2074 }
2075 }
2076 return this._hostname;
2077 }
2078 get hostnameOrUri() {
2079 return this.hostname != null ? this.hostname : this.uri;
2080 }
2081 get isWebsite() {
2082 return this.uri != null && (this.uri.indexOf('http://') === 0 || this.uri.indexOf('https://') === 0 ||
2083 (this.uri.indexOf('://') < 0 && utils_Utils.tldEndingRegex.test(this.uri)));
2084 }
2085 get canLaunch() {
2086 if (this._canLaunch != null) {
2087 return this._canLaunch;
2088 }
2089 if (this.uri != null && this.match !== UriMatchType.RegularExpression) {
2090 const uri = this.launchUri;
2091 for (let i = 0; i < CanLaunchWhitelist.length; i++) {
2092 if (uri.indexOf(CanLaunchWhitelist[i]) === 0) {
2093 this._canLaunch = true;
2094 return this._canLaunch;
2095 }
2096 }
2097 }
2098 this._canLaunch = false;
2099 return this._canLaunch;
2100 }
2101 get launchUri() {
2102 return this.uri.indexOf('://') < 0 && utils_Utils.tldEndingRegex.test(this.uri) ? ('http://' + this.uri) : this.uri;
2103 }
2106// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/models/domain/loginUri.ts
2110class loginUri_LoginUri extends domainBase_Domain {
2111 constructor(obj, alreadyEncrypted = false) {
2112 super();
2113 if (obj == null) {
2114 return;
2115 }
2116 this.match = obj.match;
2117 this.buildDomainModel(this, obj, {
2118 uri: null,
2119 }, alreadyEncrypted, []);
2120 }
2121 decrypt(orgId) {
2122 return this.decryptObj(new loginUriView_LoginUriView(this), {
2123 uri: null,
2124 }, orgId);
2125 }
2126 toLoginUriData() {
2127 const u = new LoginUriData();
2128 this.buildDataModel(this, u, {
2129 uri: null,
2130 }, ['match']);
2131 return u;
2132 }
2135// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/models/domain/login.ts
2136var login_awaiter = (undefined && undefined.__awaiter) || function (thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) {
2137 return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) {
2138 function fulfilled(value) { try { step(generator.next(value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
2139 function rejected(value) { try { step(generator["throw"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
2140 function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(result.value); }).then(fulfilled, rejected); }
2141 step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next());
2142 });
2148class login_Login extends domainBase_Domain {
2149 constructor(obj, alreadyEncrypted = false) {
2150 super();
2151 if (obj == null) {
2152 return;
2153 }
2154 this.passwordRevisionDate = obj.passwordRevisionDate != null ? new Date(obj.passwordRevisionDate) : null;
2155 this.buildDomainModel(this, obj, {
2156 username: null,
2157 password: null,
2158 totp: null,
2159 }, alreadyEncrypted, []);
2160 if (obj.uris) {
2161 this.uris = [];
2162 obj.uris.forEach((u) => {
2163 this.uris.push(new loginUri_LoginUri(u, alreadyEncrypted));
2164 });
2165 }
2166 }
2167 decrypt(orgId) {
2168 return login_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
2169 const view = yield this.decryptObj(new LoginView(this), {
2170 username: null,
2171 password: null,
2172 totp: null,
2173 }, orgId);
2174 if (this.uris != null) {
2175 view.uris = [];
2176 for (let i = 0; i < this.uris.length; i++) {
2177 const uri = yield this.uris[i].decrypt(orgId);
2178 view.uris.push(uri);
2179 }
2180 }
2181 return view;
2182 });
2183 }
2184 toLoginData() {
2185 const l = new loginData_LoginData();
2186 l.passwordRevisionDate = this.passwordRevisionDate != null ? this.passwordRevisionDate.toISOString() : null;
2187 this.buildDataModel(this, l, {
2188 username: null,
2189 password: null,
2190 totp: null,
2191 });
2192 if (this.uris != null && this.uris.length > 0) {
2193 l.uris = [];
2194 this.uris.forEach((u) => {
2195 l.uris.push(u.toLoginUriData());
2196 });
2197 }
2198 return l;
2199 }
2202// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/models/view/passwordHistoryView.ts
2203class PasswordHistoryView {
2204 constructor(ph) {
2205 this.password = null;
2206 this.lastUsedDate = null;
2207 if (!ph) {
2208 return;
2209 }
2210 this.lastUsedDate = ph.lastUsedDate;
2211 }
2214// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/models/domain/password.ts
2218class password_Password extends domainBase_Domain {
2219 constructor(obj, alreadyEncrypted = false) {
2220 super();
2221 if (obj == null) {
2222 return;
2223 }
2224 this.buildDomainModel(this, obj, {
2225 password: null,
2226 }, alreadyEncrypted);
2227 this.lastUsedDate = new Date(obj.lastUsedDate);
2228 }
2229 decrypt(orgId) {
2230 return this.decryptObj(new PasswordHistoryView(this), {
2231 password: null,
2232 }, orgId);
2233 }
2234 toPasswordHistoryData() {
2235 const ph = new PasswordHistoryData();
2236 ph.lastUsedDate = this.lastUsedDate.toISOString();
2237 this.buildDataModel(this, ph, {
2238 password: null,
2239 });
2240 return ph;
2241 }
2244// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/models/domain/secureNote.ts
2248class secureNote_SecureNote extends domainBase_Domain {
2249 constructor(obj, alreadyEncrypted = false) {
2250 super();
2251 if (obj == null) {
2252 return;
2253 }
2254 this.type = obj.type;
2255 }
2256 decrypt(orgId) {
2257 return Promise.resolve(new SecureNoteView(this));
2258 }
2259 toSecureNoteData() {
2260 const n = new SecureNoteData();
2261 n.type = this.type;
2262 return n;
2263 }
2266// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/models/domain/cipher.ts
2267var cipher_awaiter = (undefined && undefined.__awaiter) || function (thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) {
2268 return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) {
2269 function fulfilled(value) { try { step(generator.next(value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
2270 function rejected(value) { try { step(generator["throw"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
2271 function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(result.value); }).then(fulfilled, rejected); }
2272 step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next());
2273 });
2286class cipher_Cipher extends domainBase_Domain {
2287 constructor(obj, alreadyEncrypted = false, localData = null) {
2288 super();
2289 if (obj == null) {
2290 return;
2291 }
2292 this.buildDomainModel(this, obj, {
2293 id: null,
2294 userId: null,
2295 organizationId: null,
2296 folderId: null,
2297 name: null,
2298 notes: null,
2299 }, alreadyEncrypted, ['id', 'userId', 'organizationId', 'folderId']);
2300 this.type = obj.type;
2301 this.favorite = obj.favorite;
2302 this.organizationUseTotp = obj.organizationUseTotp;
2303 this.edit = obj.edit;
2304 this.revisionDate = obj.revisionDate != null ? new Date(obj.revisionDate) : null;
2305 this.collectionIds = obj.collectionIds;
2306 this.localData = localData;
2307 this.deletedDate = obj.deletedDate != null ? new Date(obj.deletedDate) : null;
2308 switch (this.type) {
2309 case CipherType.Login:
2310 this.login = new login_Login(obj.login, alreadyEncrypted);
2311 break;
2312 case CipherType.SecureNote:
2313 this.secureNote = new secureNote_SecureNote(obj.secureNote, alreadyEncrypted);
2314 break;
2315 case CipherType.Card:
2316 this.card = new card_Card(obj.card, alreadyEncrypted);
2317 break;
2318 case CipherType.Identity:
2319 this.identity = new identity_Identity(obj.identity, alreadyEncrypted);
2320 break;
2321 default:
2322 break;
2323 }
2324 if (obj.attachments != null) {
2325 this.attachments = obj.attachments.map((a) => new attachment_Attachment(a, alreadyEncrypted));
2326 }
2327 else {
2328 this.attachments = null;
2329 }
2330 if (obj.fields != null) {
2331 this.fields = obj.fields.map((f) => new field_Field(f, alreadyEncrypted));
2332 }
2333 else {
2334 this.fields = null;
2335 }
2336 if (obj.passwordHistory != null) {
2337 this.passwordHistory = obj.passwordHistory.map((ph) => new password_Password(ph, alreadyEncrypted));
2338 }
2339 else {
2340 this.passwordHistory = null;
2341 }
2342 }
2343 decrypt() {
2344 return cipher_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
2345 const model = new cipherView_CipherView(this);
2346 yield this.decryptObj(model, {
2347 name: null,
2348 notes: null,
2349 }, this.organizationId);
2350 switch (this.type) {
2351 case CipherType.Login:
2352 model.login = yield this.login.decrypt(this.organizationId);
2353 break;
2354 case CipherType.SecureNote:
2355 model.secureNote = yield this.secureNote.decrypt(this.organizationId);
2356 break;
2357 case CipherType.Card:
2358 model.card = yield this.card.decrypt(this.organizationId);
2359 break;
2360 case CipherType.Identity:
2361 model.identity = yield this.identity.decrypt(this.organizationId);
2362 break;
2363 default:
2364 break;
2365 }
2366 const orgId = this.organizationId;
2367 if (this.attachments != null && this.attachments.length > 0) {
2368 const attachments = [];
2369 yield this.attachments.reduce((promise, attachment) => {
2370 return promise.then(() => {
2371 return attachment.decrypt(orgId);
2372 }).then((decAttachment) => {
2373 attachments.push(decAttachment);
2374 });
2375 }, Promise.resolve());
2376 model.attachments = attachments;
2377 }
2378 if (this.fields != null && this.fields.length > 0) {
2379 const fields = [];
2380 yield this.fields.reduce((promise, field) => {
2381 return promise.then(() => {
2382 return field.decrypt(orgId);
2383 }).then((decField) => {
2384 fields.push(decField);
2385 });
2386 }, Promise.resolve());
2387 model.fields = fields;
2388 }
2389 if (this.passwordHistory != null && this.passwordHistory.length > 0) {
2390 const passwordHistory = [];
2391 yield this.passwordHistory.reduce((promise, ph) => {
2392 return promise.then(() => {
2393 return ph.decrypt(orgId);
2394 }).then((decPh) => {
2395 passwordHistory.push(decPh);
2396 });
2397 }, Promise.resolve());
2398 model.passwordHistory = passwordHistory;
2399 }
2400 return model;
2401 });
2402 }
2403 toCipherData(userId) {
2404 const c = new cipherData_CipherData();
2405 c.id = this.id;
2406 c.organizationId = this.organizationId;
2407 c.folderId = this.folderId;
2408 c.userId = this.organizationId != null ? userId : null;
2409 c.edit = this.edit;
2410 c.organizationUseTotp = this.organizationUseTotp;
2411 c.favorite = this.favorite;
2412 c.revisionDate = this.revisionDate != null ? this.revisionDate.toISOString() : null;
2413 c.type = this.type;
2414 c.collectionIds = this.collectionIds;
2415 c.deletedDate = this.deletedDate != null ? this.deletedDate.toISOString() : null;
2416 this.buildDataModel(this, c, {
2417 name: null,
2418 notes: null,
2419 });
2420 switch (c.type) {
2421 case CipherType.Login:
2422 c.login = this.login.toLoginData();
2423 break;
2424 case CipherType.SecureNote:
2425 c.secureNote = this.secureNote.toSecureNoteData();
2426 break;
2427 case CipherType.Card:
2428 c.card = this.card.toCardData();
2429 break;
2430 case CipherType.Identity:
2431 c.identity = this.identity.toIdentityData();
2432 break;
2433 default:
2434 break;
2435 }
2436 if (this.fields != null) {
2437 c.fields = this.fields.map((f) => f.toFieldData());
2438 }
2439 if (this.attachments != null) {
2440 c.attachments = this.attachments.map((a) => a.toAttachmentData());
2441 }
2442 if (this.passwordHistory != null) {
2443 c.passwordHistory = this.passwordHistory.map((ph) => ph.toPasswordHistoryData());
2444 }
2445 return c;
2446 }
2449// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/models/view/collectionView.ts
2451class collectionView_CollectionView {
2452 constructor(c) {
2453 this.id = null;
2454 this.organizationId = null;
2455 this.name = null;
2456 this.externalId = null;
2457 this.readOnly = null;
2458 if (!c) {
2459 return;
2460 }
2461 this.id = c.id;
2462 this.organizationId = c.organizationId;
2463 this.externalId = c.externalId;
2464 if (c instanceof collection_Collection) {
2465 this.readOnly = c.readOnly;
2466 }
2467 }
2470// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/models/domain/collection.ts
2473class collection_Collection extends domainBase_Domain {
2474 constructor(obj, alreadyEncrypted = false) {
2475 super();
2476 if (obj == null) {
2477 return;
2478 }
2479 this.buildDomainModel(this, obj, {
2480 id: null,
2481 organizationId: null,
2482 name: null,
2483 externalId: null,
2484 readOnly: null,
2485 }, alreadyEncrypted, ['id', 'organizationId', 'externalId', 'readOnly']);
2486 }
2487 decrypt() {
2488 return this.decryptObj(new collectionView_CollectionView(this), {
2489 name: null,
2490 }, this.organizationId);
2491 }
2494// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/models/domain/encryptedObject.ts
2495class EncryptedObject {
2498// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/models/domain/environmentUrls.ts
2499class EnvironmentUrls {
2502// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/models/view/folderView.ts
2503class FolderView {
2504 constructor(f) {
2505 this.id = null;
2506 this.name = null;
2507 this.revisionDate = null;
2508 if (!f) {
2509 return;
2510 }
2511 this.id = f.id;
2512 this.revisionDate = f.revisionDate;
2513 }
2516// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/models/domain/folder.ts
2519class folder_Folder extends domainBase_Domain {
2520 constructor(obj, alreadyEncrypted = false) {
2521 super();
2522 if (obj == null) {
2523 return;
2524 }
2525 this.buildDomainModel(this, obj, {
2526 id: null,
2527 name: null,
2528 }, alreadyEncrypted, ['id']);
2529 this.revisionDate = obj.revisionDate != null ? new Date(obj.revisionDate) : null;
2530 }
2531 decrypt() {
2532 return this.decryptObj(new FolderView(this), {
2533 name: null,
2534 }, null);
2535 }
2538// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/models/domain/generatedPasswordHistory.ts
2539class GeneratedPasswordHistory {
2540 constructor(password, date) {
2541 this.password = password;
2542 this.date = date;
2543 }
2546// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/models/domain/index.ts
2564// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./src/services/nodeEnvSecureStorage.service.ts
2565var nodeEnvSecureStorage_service_awaiter = (undefined && undefined.__awaiter) || function (thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) {
2566 return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) {
2567 function fulfilled(value) { try { step(generator.next(value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
2568 function rejected(value) { try { step(generator["throw"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
2569 function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(result.value); }).then(fulfilled, rejected); }
2570 step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next());
2571 });
2575class nodeEnvSecureStorage_service_NodeEnvSecureStorageService {
2576 constructor(storageService, cryptoService) {
2577 this.storageService = storageService;
2578 this.cryptoService = cryptoService;
2579 }
2580 get(key) {
2581 return nodeEnvSecureStorage_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
2582 const value = yield this.storageService.get(this.makeProtectedStorageKey(key));
2583 if (value == null) {
2584 return null;
2585 }
2586 const obj = yield this.decrypt(value);
2587 return obj;
2588 });
2589 }
2590 save(key, obj) {
2591 return nodeEnvSecureStorage_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
2592 if (typeof (obj) !== 'string') {
2593 throw new Error('Only string storage is allowed.');
2594 }
2595 const protectedObj = yield this.encrypt(obj);
2596 yield this.storageService.save(this.makeProtectedStorageKey(key), protectedObj);
2597 });
2598 }
2599 remove(key) {
2600 return this.storageService.remove(this.makeProtectedStorageKey(key));
2601 }
2602 encrypt(plainValue) {
2603 return nodeEnvSecureStorage_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
2604 const sessionKey = this.getSessionKey();
2605 if (sessionKey == null) {
2606 throw new Error('No session key available.');
2607 }
2608 const encValue = yield this.cryptoService().encryptToBytes(utils_Utils.fromB64ToArray(plainValue).buffer, sessionKey);
2609 if (encValue == null) {
2610 throw new Error('Value didn\'t encrypt.');
2611 }
2612 return utils_Utils.fromBufferToB64(encValue);
2613 });
2614 }
2615 decrypt(encValue) {
2616 return nodeEnvSecureStorage_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
2617 try {
2618 const sessionKey = this.getSessionKey();
2619 if (sessionKey == null) {
2620 return null;
2621 }
2622 const decValue = yield this.cryptoService().decryptFromBytes(utils_Utils.fromB64ToArray(encValue).buffer, sessionKey);
2623 if (decValue == null) {
2624 // tslint:disable-next-line
2625 console.log('Failed to decrypt.');
2626 return null;
2627 }
2628 return utils_Utils.fromBufferToB64(decValue);
2629 }
2630 catch (e) {
2631 // tslint:disable-next-line
2632 console.log('Decrypt error.');
2633 return null;
2634 }
2635 });
2636 }
2637 getSessionKey() {
2638 try {
2639 if (process.env.BW_SESSION != null) {
2640 const sessionBuffer = utils_Utils.fromB64ToArray(process.env.BW_SESSION).buffer;
2641 if (sessionBuffer != null) {
2642 const sessionKey = new symmetricCryptoKey_SymmetricCryptoKey(sessionBuffer);
2643 if (sessionBuffer != null) {
2644 return sessionKey;
2645 }
2646 }
2647 }
2648 }
2649 catch (e) {
2650 // tslint:disable-next-line
2651 console.log('Session key is invalid.');
2652 }
2653 return null;
2654 }
2655 makeProtectedStorageKey(key) {
2656 return '__PROTECTED__' + key;
2657 }
2660// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/enums/deviceType.ts
2661var DeviceType;
2662(function (DeviceType) {
2663 DeviceType[DeviceType["Android"] = 0] = "Android";
2664 DeviceType[DeviceType["iOS"] = 1] = "iOS";
2665 DeviceType[DeviceType["ChromeExtension"] = 2] = "ChromeExtension";
2666 DeviceType[DeviceType["FirefoxExtension"] = 3] = "FirefoxExtension";
2667 DeviceType[DeviceType["OperaExtension"] = 4] = "OperaExtension";
2668 DeviceType[DeviceType["EdgeExtension"] = 5] = "EdgeExtension";
2669 DeviceType[DeviceType["WindowsDesktop"] = 6] = "WindowsDesktop";
2670 DeviceType[DeviceType["MacOsDesktop"] = 7] = "MacOsDesktop";
2671 DeviceType[DeviceType["LinuxDesktop"] = 8] = "LinuxDesktop";
2672 DeviceType[DeviceType["ChromeBrowser"] = 9] = "ChromeBrowser";
2673 DeviceType[DeviceType["FirefoxBrowser"] = 10] = "FirefoxBrowser";
2674 DeviceType[DeviceType["OperaBrowser"] = 11] = "OperaBrowser";
2675 DeviceType[DeviceType["EdgeBrowser"] = 12] = "EdgeBrowser";
2676 DeviceType[DeviceType["IEBrowser"] = 13] = "IEBrowser";
2677 DeviceType[DeviceType["UnknownBrowser"] = 14] = "UnknownBrowser";
2678 DeviceType[DeviceType["AndroidAmazon"] = 15] = "AndroidAmazon";
2679 DeviceType[DeviceType["UWP"] = 16] = "UWP";
2680 DeviceType[DeviceType["SafariBrowser"] = 17] = "SafariBrowser";
2681 DeviceType[DeviceType["VivaldiBrowser"] = 18] = "VivaldiBrowser";
2682 DeviceType[DeviceType["VivaldiExtension"] = 19] = "VivaldiExtension";
2683 DeviceType[DeviceType["SafariExtension"] = 20] = "SafariExtension";
2684})(DeviceType || (DeviceType = {}));
2686// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/cli/services/cliPlatformUtils.service.ts
2688class cliPlatformUtils_service_CliPlatformUtilsService {
2689 constructor(identityClientId, packageJson) {
2690 this.packageJson = packageJson;
2691 this.deviceCache = null;
2692 this.identityClientId = identityClientId;
2693 }
2694 getDevice() {
2695 if (!this.deviceCache) {
2696 switch (process.platform) {
2697 case 'win32':
2698 this.deviceCache = DeviceType.WindowsDesktop;
2699 break;
2700 case 'darwin':
2701 this.deviceCache = DeviceType.MacOsDesktop;
2702 break;
2703 case 'linux':
2704 default:
2705 this.deviceCache = DeviceType.LinuxDesktop;
2706 break;
2707 }
2708 }
2709 return this.deviceCache;
2710 }
2711 getDeviceString() {
2712 const device = DeviceType[this.getDevice()].toLowerCase();
2713 return device.replace('desktop', '');
2714 }
2715 isFirefox() {
2716 return false;
2717 }
2718 isChrome() {
2719 return false;
2720 }
2721 isEdge() {
2722 return false;
2723 }
2724 isOpera() {
2725 return false;
2726 }
2727 isVivaldi() {
2728 return false;
2729 }
2730 isSafari() {
2731 return false;
2732 }
2733 isIE() {
2734 return false;
2735 }
2736 isMacAppStore() {
2737 return false;
2738 }
2739 analyticsId() {
2740 return null;
2741 }
2742 isViewOpen() {
2743 return Promise.resolve(false);
2744 }
2745 lockTimeout() {
2746 return null;
2747 }
2748 launchUri(uri, options) {
2749 throw new Error('Not implemented.');
2750 }
2751 saveFile(win, blobData, blobOptions, fileName) {
2752 throw new Error('Not implemented.');
2753 }
2754 getApplicationVersion() {
2755 return this.packageJson.version;
2756 }
2757 supportsU2f(win) {
2758 return false;
2759 }
2760 supportsDuo() {
2761 return false;
2762 }
2763 showToast(type, title, text, options) {
2764 throw new Error('Not implemented.');
2765 }
2766 showDialog(text, title, confirmText, cancelText, type) {
2767 throw new Error('Not implemented.');
2768 }
2769 eventTrack(action, label, options) {
2770 throw new Error('Not implemented.');
2771 }
2772 isDev() {
2773 return "production" === 'development';
2774 }
2775 isSelfHost() {
2776 return false;
2777 }
2778 copyToClipboard(text, options) {
2779 throw new Error('Not implemented.');
2780 }
2781 readFromClipboard(options) {
2782 throw new Error('Not implemented.');
2783 }
2786// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/services/appId.service.ts
2787var appId_service_awaiter = (undefined && undefined.__awaiter) || function (thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) {
2788 return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) {
2789 function fulfilled(value) { try { step(generator.next(value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
2790 function rejected(value) { try { step(generator["throw"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
2791 function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(result.value); }).then(fulfilled, rejected); }
2792 step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next());
2793 });
2796class appId_service_AppIdService {
2797 constructor(storageService) {
2798 this.storageService = storageService;
2799 }
2800 getAppId() {
2801 return this.makeAndGetAppId('appId');
2802 }
2803 getAnonymousAppId() {
2804 return this.makeAndGetAppId('anonymousAppId');
2805 }
2806 makeAndGetAppId(key) {
2807 return appId_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
2808 const existingId = yield this.storageService.get(key);
2809 if (existingId != null) {
2810 return existingId;
2811 }
2812 const guid = utils_Utils.newGuid();
2813 yield this.storageService.save(key, guid);
2814 return guid;
2815 });
2816 }
2819// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/misc/throttle.ts
2821 * Use as a Decorator on async functions, it will limit how many times the function can be
2822 * in-flight at a time.
2823 *
2824 * Calls beyond the limit will be queued, and run when one of the active calls finishes
2825 */
2826function throttle(limit, throttleKey) {
2827 return (target, propertyKey, descriptor) => {
2828 const originalMethod = descriptor.value;
2829 const allThrottles = new Map();
2830 const getThrottles = (obj) => {
2831 let throttles = allThrottles.get(obj);
2832 if (throttles != null) {
2833 return throttles;
2834 }
2835 throttles = new Map();
2836 allThrottles.set(obj, throttles);
2837 return throttles;
2838 };
2839 return {
2840 value: function (...args) {
2841 const throttles = getThrottles(this);
2842 const argsThrottleKey = throttleKey(args);
2843 let queue = throttles.get(argsThrottleKey);
2844 if (queue == null) {
2845 queue = [];
2846 throttles.set(argsThrottleKey, queue);
2847 }
2848 return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
2849 const exec = () => {
2850 const onFinally = () => {
2851 queue.splice(queue.indexOf(exec), 1);
2852 if (queue.length >= limit) {
2853 queue[limit - 1]();
2854 }
2855 else if (queue.length === 0) {
2856 throttles.delete(argsThrottleKey);
2857 if (throttles.size === 0) {
2858 allThrottles.delete(this);
2859 }
2860 }
2861 };
2862 originalMethod.apply(this, args).then((val) => {
2863 onFinally();
2864 return val;
2865 }).catch((err) => {
2866 onFinally();
2867 throw err;
2868 }).then(resolve, reject);
2869 };
2870 queue.push(exec);
2871 if (queue.length <= limit) {
2872 exec();
2873 }
2874 });
2875 },
2876 };
2877 };
2880// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/services/audit.service.ts
2881var __decorate = (undefined && undefined.__decorate) || function (decorators, target, key, desc) {
2882 var c = arguments.length, r = c < 3 ? target : desc === null ? desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, key) : desc, d;
2883 if (typeof Reflect === "object" && typeof Reflect.decorate === "function") r = Reflect.decorate(decorators, target, key, desc);
2884 else for (var i = decorators.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) if (d = decorators[i]) r = (c < 3 ? d(r) : c > 3 ? d(target, key, r) : d(target, key)) || r;
2885 return c > 3 && r && Object.defineProperty(target, key, r), r;
2887var __metadata = (undefined && undefined.__metadata) || function (k, v) {
2888 if (typeof Reflect === "object" && typeof Reflect.metadata === "function") return Reflect.metadata(k, v);
2890var audit_service_awaiter = (undefined && undefined.__awaiter) || function (thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) {
2891 return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) {
2892 function fulfilled(value) { try { step(generator.next(value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
2893 function rejected(value) { try { step(generator["throw"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
2894 function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(result.value); }).then(fulfilled, rejected); }
2895 step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next());
2896 });
2900const PwnedPasswordsApi = 'https://api.pwnedpasswords.com/range/';
2901class audit_service_AuditService {
2902 constructor(cryptoFunctionService, apiService) {
2903 this.cryptoFunctionService = cryptoFunctionService;
2904 this.apiService = apiService;
2905 }
2906 passwordLeaked(password) {
2907 return audit_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
2908 const hashBytes = yield this.cryptoFunctionService.hash(password, 'sha1');
2909 const hash = utils_Utils.fromBufferToHex(hashBytes).toUpperCase();
2910 const hashStart = hash.substr(0, 5);
2911 const hashEnding = hash.substr(5);
2912 const response = yield this.apiService.nativeFetch(new Request(PwnedPasswordsApi + hashStart));
2913 const leakedHashes = yield response.text();
2914 const match = leakedHashes.split(/\r?\n/).find((v) => {
2915 return v.split(':')[0] === hashEnding;
2916 });
2917 return match != null ? parseInt(match.split(':')[1], 10) : 0;
2918 });
2919 }
2920 breachedAccounts(username) {
2921 return audit_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
2922 try {
2923 return yield this.apiService.getHibpBreach(username);
2924 }
2925 catch (e) {
2926 const error = e;
2927 if (error.statusCode === 404) {
2928 return [];
2929 }
2930 throw new Error();
2931 }
2932 });
2933 }
2936 throttle(100, () => 'passwordLeaked'),
2937 __metadata("design:type", Function),
2938 __metadata("design:paramtypes", [String]),
2939 __metadata("design:returntype", Promise)
2940], audit_service_AuditService.prototype, "passwordLeaked", null);
2942// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/enums/fieldType.ts
2943var FieldType;
2944(function (FieldType) {
2945 FieldType[FieldType["Text"] = 0] = "Text";
2946 FieldType[FieldType["Hidden"] = 1] = "Hidden";
2947 FieldType[FieldType["Boolean"] = 2] = "Boolean";
2948})(FieldType || (FieldType = {}));
2950// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/models/request/cipherBulkDeleteRequest.ts
2951class CipherBulkDeleteRequest {
2952 constructor(ids) {
2953 this.ids = ids == null ? [] : ids;
2954 }
2957// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/models/request/cipherBulkMoveRequest.ts
2958class CipherBulkMoveRequest {
2959 constructor(ids, folderId) {
2960 this.ids = ids == null ? [] : ids;
2961 this.folderId = folderId;
2962 }
2965// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/models/request/cipherBulkRestoreRequest.ts
2966class CipherBulkRestoreRequest {
2967 constructor(ids) {
2968 this.ids = ids == null ? [] : ids;
2969 }
2972// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/models/response/baseResponse.ts
2973class BaseResponse {
2974 constructor(response) {
2975 this.response = response;
2976 }
2977 getResponseProperty(propertyName, response = null, exactName = false) {
2978 if (propertyName == null || propertyName === '') {
2979 throw new Error('propertyName must not be null/empty.');
2980 }
2981 if (response == null && this.response != null) {
2982 response = this.response;
2983 }
2984 if (response == null) {
2985 return null;
2986 }
2987 if (!exactName && response[propertyName] === undefined) {
2988 let otherCasePropertyName = null;
2989 if (propertyName.charAt(0) === propertyName.charAt(0).toUpperCase()) {
2990 otherCasePropertyName = propertyName.charAt(0).toLowerCase();
2991 }
2992 else {
2993 otherCasePropertyName = propertyName.charAt(0).toUpperCase();
2994 }
2995 if (propertyName.length > 1) {
2996 otherCasePropertyName += propertyName.slice(1);
2997 }
2998 propertyName = otherCasePropertyName;
2999 if (response[propertyName] === undefined) {
3000 propertyName = propertyName.toLowerCase();
3001 }
3002 if (response[propertyName] === undefined) {
3003 propertyName = propertyName.toUpperCase();
3004 }
3005 }
3006 return response[propertyName];
3007 }
3010// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/models/api/cardApi.ts
3012class cardApi_CardApi extends BaseResponse {
3013 constructor(data = null) {
3014 super(data);
3015 if (data == null) {
3016 return;
3017 }
3018 this.cardholderName = this.getResponseProperty('CardholderName');
3019 this.brand = this.getResponseProperty('Brand');
3020 this.number = this.getResponseProperty('Number');
3021 this.expMonth = this.getResponseProperty('ExpMonth');
3022 this.expYear = this.getResponseProperty('ExpYear');
3023 this.code = this.getResponseProperty('Code');
3024 }
3027// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/models/api/fieldApi.ts
3029class fieldApi_FieldApi extends BaseResponse {
3030 constructor(data = null) {
3031 super(data);
3032 if (data == null) {
3033 return;
3034 }
3035 this.type = this.getResponseProperty('Type');
3036 this.name = this.getResponseProperty('Name');
3037 this.value = this.getResponseProperty('Value');
3038 }
3041// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/models/api/identityApi.ts
3043class identityApi_IdentityApi extends BaseResponse {
3044 constructor(data = null) {
3045 super(data);
3046 if (data == null) {
3047 return;
3048 }
3049 this.title = this.getResponseProperty('Title');
3050 this.firstName = this.getResponseProperty('FirstName');
3051 this.middleName = this.getResponseProperty('MiddleName');
3052 this.lastName = this.getResponseProperty('LastName');
3053 this.address1 = this.getResponseProperty('Address1');
3054 this.address2 = this.getResponseProperty('Address2');
3055 this.address3 = this.getResponseProperty('Address3');
3056 this.city = this.getResponseProperty('City');
3057 this.state = this.getResponseProperty('State');
3058 this.postalCode = this.getResponseProperty('PostalCode');
3059 this.country = this.getResponseProperty('Country');
3060 this.company = this.getResponseProperty('Company');
3061 this.email = this.getResponseProperty('Email');
3062 this.phone = this.getResponseProperty('Phone');
3063 this.ssn = this.getResponseProperty('SSN');
3064 this.username = this.getResponseProperty('Username');
3065 this.passportNumber = this.getResponseProperty('PassportNumber');
3066 this.licenseNumber = this.getResponseProperty('LicenseNumber');
3067 }
3070// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/models/api/loginUriApi.ts
3072class loginUriApi_LoginUriApi extends BaseResponse {
3073 constructor(data = null) {
3074 super(data);
3075 this.match = null;
3076 if (data == null) {
3077 return;
3078 }
3079 this.uri = this.getResponseProperty('Uri');
3080 const match = this.getResponseProperty('Match');
3081 this.match = match != null ? match : null;
3082 }
3085// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/models/api/loginApi.ts
3088class loginApi_LoginApi extends BaseResponse {
3089 constructor(data = null) {
3090 super(data);
3091 if (data == null) {
3092 return;
3093 }
3094 this.username = this.getResponseProperty('Username');
3095 this.password = this.getResponseProperty('Password');
3096 this.passwordRevisionDate = this.getResponseProperty('PasswordRevisionDate');
3097 this.totp = this.getResponseProperty('Totp');
3098 const uris = this.getResponseProperty('Uris');
3099 if (uris != null) {
3100 this.uris = uris.map((u) => new loginUriApi_LoginUriApi(u));
3101 }
3102 }
3105// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/models/api/secureNoteApi.ts
3107class secureNoteApi_SecureNoteApi extends BaseResponse {
3108 constructor(data = null) {
3109 super(data);
3110 if (data == null) {
3111 return;
3112 }
3113 this.type = this.getResponseProperty('Type');
3114 }
3117// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/models/request/attachmentRequest.ts
3118class AttachmentRequest {
3121// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/models/request/cipherRequest.ts
3130class cipherRequest_CipherRequest {
3131 constructor(cipher) {
3132 this.type = cipher.type;
3133 this.folderId = cipher.folderId;
3134 this.organizationId = cipher.organizationId;
3135 this.name = cipher.name ? cipher.name.encryptedString : null;
3136 this.notes = cipher.notes ? cipher.notes.encryptedString : null;
3137 this.favorite = cipher.favorite;
3138 switch (this.type) {
3139 case CipherType.Login:
3140 this.login = new loginApi_LoginApi();
3141 this.login.uris = null;
3142 this.login.username = cipher.login.username ? cipher.login.username.encryptedString : null;
3143 this.login.password = cipher.login.password ? cipher.login.password.encryptedString : null;
3144 this.login.passwordRevisionDate = cipher.login.passwordRevisionDate != null ?
3145 cipher.login.passwordRevisionDate.toISOString() : null;
3146 this.login.totp = cipher.login.totp ? cipher.login.totp.encryptedString : null;
3147 if (cipher.login.uris != null) {
3148 this.login.uris = cipher.login.uris.map((u) => {
3149 const uri = new loginUriApi_LoginUriApi();
3150 uri.uri = u.uri != null ? u.uri.encryptedString : null;
3151 uri.match = u.match != null ? u.match : null;
3152 return uri;
3153 });
3154 }
3155 break;
3156 case CipherType.SecureNote:
3157 this.secureNote = new secureNoteApi_SecureNoteApi();
3158 this.secureNote.type = cipher.secureNote.type;
3159 break;
3160 case CipherType.Card:
3161 this.card = new cardApi_CardApi();
3162 this.card.cardholderName = cipher.card.cardholderName != null ?
3163 cipher.card.cardholderName.encryptedString : null;
3164 this.card.brand = cipher.card.brand != null ? cipher.card.brand.encryptedString : null;
3165 this.card.number = cipher.card.number != null ? cipher.card.number.encryptedString : null;
3166 this.card.expMonth = cipher.card.expMonth != null ? cipher.card.expMonth.encryptedString : null;
3167 this.card.expYear = cipher.card.expYear != null ? cipher.card.expYear.encryptedString : null;
3168 this.card.code = cipher.card.code != null ? cipher.card.code.encryptedString : null;
3169 break;
3170 case CipherType.Identity:
3171 this.identity = new identityApi_IdentityApi();
3172 this.identity.title = cipher.identity.title != null ? cipher.identity.title.encryptedString : null;
3173 this.identity.firstName = cipher.identity.firstName != null ?
3174 cipher.identity.firstName.encryptedString : null;
3175 this.identity.middleName = cipher.identity.middleName != null ?
3176 cipher.identity.middleName.encryptedString : null;
3177 this.identity.lastName = cipher.identity.lastName != null ?
3178 cipher.identity.lastName.encryptedString : null;
3179 this.identity.address1 = cipher.identity.address1 != null ?
3180 cipher.identity.address1.encryptedString : null;
3181 this.identity.address2 = cipher.identity.address2 != null ?
3182 cipher.identity.address2.encryptedString : null;
3183 this.identity.address3 = cipher.identity.address3 != null ?
3184 cipher.identity.address3.encryptedString : null;
3185 this.identity.city = cipher.identity.city != null ? cipher.identity.city.encryptedString : null;
3186 this.identity.state = cipher.identity.state != null ? cipher.identity.state.encryptedString : null;
3187 this.identity.postalCode = cipher.identity.postalCode != null ?
3188 cipher.identity.postalCode.encryptedString : null;
3189 this.identity.country = cipher.identity.country != null ?
3190 cipher.identity.country.encryptedString : null;
3191 this.identity.company = cipher.identity.company != null ?
3192 cipher.identity.company.encryptedString : null;
3193 this.identity.email = cipher.identity.email != null ? cipher.identity.email.encryptedString : null;
3194 this.identity.phone = cipher.identity.phone != null ? cipher.identity.phone.encryptedString : null;
3195 this.identity.ssn = cipher.identity.ssn != null ? cipher.identity.ssn.encryptedString : null;
3196 this.identity.username = cipher.identity.username != null ?
3197 cipher.identity.username.encryptedString : null;
3198 this.identity.passportNumber = cipher.identity.passportNumber != null ?
3199 cipher.identity.passportNumber.encryptedString : null;
3200 this.identity.licenseNumber = cipher.identity.licenseNumber != null ?
3201 cipher.identity.licenseNumber.encryptedString : null;
3202 break;
3203 default:
3204 break;
3205 }
3206 if (cipher.fields != null) {
3207 this.fields = cipher.fields.map((f) => {
3208 const field = new fieldApi_FieldApi();
3209 field.type = f.type;
3210 field.name = f.name ? f.name.encryptedString : null;
3211 field.value = f.value ? f.value.encryptedString : null;
3212 return field;
3213 });
3214 }
3215 if (cipher.passwordHistory != null) {
3216 this.passwordHistory = [];
3217 cipher.passwordHistory.forEach((ph) => {
3218 this.passwordHistory.push({
3219 lastUsedDate: ph.lastUsedDate,
3220 password: ph.password ? ph.password.encryptedString : null,
3221 });
3222 });
3223 }
3224 if (cipher.attachments != null) {
3225 this.attachments = {};
3226 this.attachments2 = {};
3227 cipher.attachments.forEach((attachment) => {
3228 const fileName = attachment.fileName ? attachment.fileName.encryptedString : null;
3229 this.attachments[attachment.id] = fileName;
3230 const attachmentRequest = new AttachmentRequest();
3231 attachmentRequest.fileName = fileName;
3232 if (attachment.key != null) {
3233 attachmentRequest.key = attachment.key.encryptedString;
3234 }
3235 this.attachments2[attachment.id] = attachmentRequest;
3236 });
3237 }
3238 }
3241// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/models/request/cipherWithIdRequest.ts
3243class cipherWithIdRequest_CipherWithIdRequest extends cipherRequest_CipherRequest {
3244 constructor(cipher) {
3245 super(cipher);
3246 this.id = cipher.id;
3247 }
3250// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/models/request/cipherBulkShareRequest.ts
3252class cipherBulkShareRequest_CipherBulkShareRequest {
3253 constructor(ciphers, collectionIds) {
3254 if (ciphers != null) {
3255 this.ciphers = [];
3256 ciphers.forEach((c) => {
3257 this.ciphers.push(new cipherWithIdRequest_CipherWithIdRequest(c));
3258 });
3259 }
3260 this.collectionIds = collectionIds;
3261 }
3264// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/models/request/cipherCollectionsRequest.ts
3265class CipherCollectionsRequest {
3266 constructor(collectionIds) {
3267 this.collectionIds = collectionIds == null ? [] : collectionIds;
3268 }
3271// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/models/request/cipherCreateRequest.ts
3273class cipherCreateRequest_CipherCreateRequest {
3274 constructor(cipher) {
3275 this.cipher = new cipherRequest_CipherRequest(cipher);
3276 this.collectionIds = cipher.collectionIds;
3277 }
3280// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/models/request/cipherShareRequest.ts
3282class cipherShareRequest_CipherShareRequest {
3283 constructor(cipher) {
3284 this.cipher = new cipherRequest_CipherRequest(cipher);
3285 this.collectionIds = cipher.collectionIds;
3286 }
3289// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/services/constants.service.ts
3290class ConstantsService {
3291 constructor() {
3292 this.environmentUrlsKey = ConstantsService.environmentUrlsKey;
3293 this.disableGaKey = ConstantsService.disableGaKey;
3294 this.disableAddLoginNotificationKey = ConstantsService.disableAddLoginNotificationKey;
3295 this.disableContextMenuItemKey = ConstantsService.disableContextMenuItemKey;
3296 this.disableFaviconKey = ConstantsService.disableFaviconKey;
3297 this.disableAutoTotpCopyKey = ConstantsService.disableAutoTotpCopyKey;
3298 this.enableAutoFillOnPageLoadKey = ConstantsService.enableAutoFillOnPageLoadKey;
3299 this.vaultTimeoutKey = ConstantsService.vaultTimeoutKey;
3300 this.vaultTimeoutActionKey = ConstantsService.vaultTimeoutActionKey;
3301 this.lastActiveKey = ConstantsService.lastActiveKey;
3302 this.neverDomainsKey = ConstantsService.neverDomainsKey;
3303 this.installedVersionKey = ConstantsService.installedVersionKey;
3304 this.localeKey = ConstantsService.localeKey;
3305 this.themeKey = ConstantsService.themeKey;
3306 this.collapsedGroupingsKey = ConstantsService.collapsedGroupingsKey;
3307 this.autoConfirmFingerprints = ConstantsService.autoConfirmFingerprints;
3308 this.dontShowCardsCurrentTab = ConstantsService.dontShowCardsCurrentTab;
3309 this.dontShowIdentitiesCurrentTab = ConstantsService.dontShowIdentitiesCurrentTab;
3310 this.defaultUriMatch = ConstantsService.defaultUriMatch;
3311 this.pinProtectedKey = ConstantsService.pinProtectedKey;
3312 this.protectedPin = ConstantsService.protectedPin;
3313 this.clearClipboardKey = ConstantsService.clearClipboardKey;
3314 this.eventCollectionKey = ConstantsService.eventCollectionKey;
3315 }
3317ConstantsService.environmentUrlsKey = 'environmentUrls';
3318ConstantsService.disableGaKey = 'disableGa';
3319ConstantsService.disableAddLoginNotificationKey = 'disableAddLoginNotification';
3320ConstantsService.disableChangedPasswordNotificationKey = 'disableChangedPasswordNotification';
3321ConstantsService.disableContextMenuItemKey = 'disableContextMenuItem';
3322ConstantsService.disableFaviconKey = 'disableFavicon';
3323ConstantsService.disableAutoTotpCopyKey = 'disableAutoTotpCopy';
3324ConstantsService.enableAutoFillOnPageLoadKey = 'enableAutoFillOnPageLoad';
3325ConstantsService.vaultTimeoutKey = 'lockOption';
3326ConstantsService.vaultTimeoutActionKey = 'vaultTimeoutAction';
3327ConstantsService.lastActiveKey = 'lastActive';
3328ConstantsService.neverDomainsKey = 'neverDomains';
3329ConstantsService.installedVersionKey = 'installedVersion';
3330ConstantsService.localeKey = 'locale';
3331ConstantsService.themeKey = 'theme';
3332ConstantsService.collapsedGroupingsKey = 'collapsedGroupings';
3333ConstantsService.autoConfirmFingerprints = 'autoConfirmFingerprints';
3334ConstantsService.dontShowCardsCurrentTab = 'dontShowCardsCurrentTab';
3335ConstantsService.dontShowIdentitiesCurrentTab = 'dontShowIdentitiesCurrentTab';
3336ConstantsService.defaultUriMatch = 'defaultUriMatch';
3337ConstantsService.pinProtectedKey = 'pinProtectedKey';
3338ConstantsService.protectedPin = 'protectedPin';
3339ConstantsService.clearClipboardKey = 'clearClipboardKey';
3340ConstantsService.eventCollectionKey = 'eventCollection';
3342// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/misc/sequentialize.ts
3344 * Use as a Decorator on async functions, it will prevent multiple 'active' calls as the same time
3345 *
3346 * If a promise was returned from a previous call to this function, that hasn't yet resolved it will
3347 * be returned, instead of calling the original function again
3348 *
3349 * Results are not cached, once the promise has returned, the next call will result in a fresh call
3350 *
3351 * Read more at https://github.com/bitwarden/jslib/pull/7
3352 */
3353function sequentialize(cacheKey) {
3354 return (target, propertyKey, descriptor) => {
3355 const originalMethod = descriptor.value;
3356 const caches = new Map();
3357 const getCache = (obj) => {
3358 let cache = caches.get(obj);
3359 if (cache != null) {
3360 return cache;
3361 }
3362 cache = new Map();
3363 caches.set(obj, cache);
3364 return cache;
3365 };
3366 return {
3367 value: function (...args) {
3368 const cache = getCache(this);
3369 const argsCacheKey = cacheKey(args);
3370 let response = cache.get(argsCacheKey);
3371 if (response != null) {
3372 return response;
3373 }
3374 const onFinally = () => {
3375 cache.delete(argsCacheKey);
3376 if (cache.size === 0) {
3377 caches.delete(this);
3378 }
3379 };
3380 response = originalMethod.apply(this, args).then((val) => {
3381 onFinally();
3382 return val;
3383 }).catch((err) => {
3384 onFinally();
3385 throw err;
3386 });
3387 cache.set(argsCacheKey, response);
3388 return response;
3389 },
3390 };
3391 };
3394// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/services/cipher.service.ts
3395var cipher_service_decorate = (undefined && undefined.__decorate) || function (decorators, target, key, desc) {
3396 var c = arguments.length, r = c < 3 ? target : desc === null ? desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, key) : desc, d;
3397 if (typeof Reflect === "object" && typeof Reflect.decorate === "function") r = Reflect.decorate(decorators, target, key, desc);
3398 else for (var i = decorators.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) if (d = decorators[i]) r = (c < 3 ? d(r) : c > 3 ? d(target, key, r) : d(target, key)) || r;
3399 return c > 3 && r && Object.defineProperty(target, key, r), r;
3401var cipher_service_metadata = (undefined && undefined.__metadata) || function (k, v) {
3402 if (typeof Reflect === "object" && typeof Reflect.metadata === "function") return Reflect.metadata(k, v);
3404var cipher_service_awaiter = (undefined && undefined.__awaiter) || function (thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) {
3405 return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) {
3406 function fulfilled(value) { try { step(generator.next(value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
3407 function rejected(value) { try { step(generator["throw"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
3408 function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(result.value); }).then(fulfilled, rejected); }
3409 step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next());
3410 });
3437const Keys = {
3438 ciphersPrefix: 'ciphers_',
3439 localData: 'sitesLocalData',
3440 neverDomains: 'neverDomains',
3442const DomainMatchBlacklist = new Map([
3443 ['google.com', new Set(['script.google.com'])],
3445class cipher_service_CipherService {
3446 constructor(cryptoService, userService, settingsService, apiService, storageService, i18nService, searchService) {
3447 this.cryptoService = cryptoService;
3448 this.userService = userService;
3449 this.settingsService = settingsService;
3450 this.apiService = apiService;
3451 this.storageService = storageService;
3452 this.i18nService = i18nService;
3453 this.searchService = searchService;
3454 }
3455 get decryptedCipherCache() {
3456 return this._decryptedCipherCache;
3457 }
3458 set decryptedCipherCache(value) {
3459 this._decryptedCipherCache = value;
3460 if (this.searchService != null) {
3461 if (value == null) {
3462 this.searchService().clearIndex();
3463 }
3464 else {
3465 this.searchService().indexCiphers();
3466 }
3467 }
3468 }
3469 clearCache() {
3470 this.decryptedCipherCache = null;
3471 }
3472 encrypt(model, key, originalCipher = null) {
3473 return cipher_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
3474 // Adjust password history
3475 if (model.id != null) {
3476 if (originalCipher == null) {
3477 originalCipher = yield this.get(model.id);
3478 }
3479 if (originalCipher != null) {
3480 const existingCipher = yield originalCipher.decrypt();
3481 model.passwordHistory = existingCipher.passwordHistory || [];
3482 if (model.type === CipherType.Login && existingCipher.type === CipherType.Login) {
3483 if (existingCipher.login.password != null && existingCipher.login.password !== '' &&
3484 existingCipher.login.password !== model.login.password) {
3485 const ph = new PasswordHistoryView();
3486 ph.password = existingCipher.login.password;
3487 ph.lastUsedDate = model.login.passwordRevisionDate = new Date();
3488 model.passwordHistory.splice(0, 0, ph);
3489 }
3490 else {
3491 model.login.passwordRevisionDate = existingCipher.login.passwordRevisionDate;
3492 }
3493 }
3494 if (existingCipher.hasFields) {
3495 const existingHiddenFields = existingCipher.fields.filter((f) => f.type === FieldType.Hidden &&
3496 f.name != null && f.name !== '' && f.value != null && f.value !== '');
3497 const hiddenFields = model.fields == null ? [] :
3498 model.fields.filter((f) => f.type === FieldType.Hidden && f.name != null && f.name !== '');
3499 existingHiddenFields.forEach((ef) => {
3500 const matchedField = hiddenFields.find((f) => f.name === ef.name);
3501 if (matchedField == null || matchedField.value !== ef.value) {
3502 const ph = new PasswordHistoryView();
3503 ph.password = ef.name + ': ' + ef.value;
3504 ph.lastUsedDate = new Date();
3505 model.passwordHistory.splice(0, 0, ph);
3506 }
3507 });
3508 }
3509 }
3510 if (model.passwordHistory != null && model.passwordHistory.length === 0) {
3511 model.passwordHistory = null;
3512 }
3513 else if (model.passwordHistory != null && model.passwordHistory.length > 5) {
3514 // only save last 5 history
3515 model.passwordHistory = model.passwordHistory.slice(0, 5);
3516 }
3517 }
3518 const cipher = new cipher_Cipher();
3519 cipher.id = model.id;
3520 cipher.folderId = model.folderId;
3521 cipher.favorite = model.favorite;
3522 cipher.organizationId = model.organizationId;
3523 cipher.type = model.type;
3524 cipher.collectionIds = model.collectionIds;
3525 if (key == null && cipher.organizationId != null) {
3526 key = yield this.cryptoService.getOrgKey(cipher.organizationId);
3527 if (key == null) {
3528 throw new Error('Cannot encrypt cipher for organization. No key.');
3529 }
3530 }
3531 yield Promise.all([
3532 this.encryptObjProperty(model, cipher, {
3533 name: null,
3534 notes: null,
3535 }, key),
3536 this.encryptCipherData(cipher, model, key),
3537 this.encryptFields(model.fields, key).then((fields) => {
3538 cipher.fields = fields;
3539 }),
3540 this.encryptPasswordHistories(model.passwordHistory, key).then((ph) => {
3541 cipher.passwordHistory = ph;
3542 }),
3543 this.encryptAttachments(model.attachments, key).then((attachments) => {
3544 cipher.attachments = attachments;
3545 }),
3546 ]);
3547 return cipher;
3548 });
3549 }
3550 encryptAttachments(attachmentsModel, key) {
3551 return cipher_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
3552 if (attachmentsModel == null || attachmentsModel.length === 0) {
3553 return null;
3554 }
3555 const promises = [];
3556 const encAttachments = [];
3557 attachmentsModel.forEach((model) => cipher_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
3558 const attachment = new attachment_Attachment();
3559 attachment.id = model.id;
3560 attachment.size = model.size;
3561 attachment.sizeName = model.sizeName;
3562 attachment.url = model.url;
3563 const promise = this.encryptObjProperty(model, attachment, {
3564 fileName: null,
3565 }, key).then(() => cipher_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
3566 if (model.key != null) {
3567 attachment.key = yield this.cryptoService.encrypt(model.key.key, key);
3568 }
3569 encAttachments.push(attachment);
3570 }));
3571 promises.push(promise);
3572 }));
3573 yield Promise.all(promises);
3574 return encAttachments;
3575 });
3576 }
3577 encryptFields(fieldsModel, key) {
3578 return cipher_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
3579 if (!fieldsModel || !fieldsModel.length) {
3580 return null;
3581 }
3582 const self = this;
3583 const encFields = [];
3584 yield fieldsModel.reduce((promise, field) => {
3585 return promise.then(() => {
3586 return self.encryptField(field, key);
3587 }).then((encField) => {
3588 encFields.push(encField);
3589 });
3590 }, Promise.resolve());
3591 return encFields;
3592 });
3593 }
3594 encryptField(fieldModel, key) {
3595 return cipher_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
3596 const field = new field_Field();
3597 field.type = fieldModel.type;
3598 // normalize boolean type field values
3599 if (fieldModel.type === FieldType.Boolean && fieldModel.value !== 'true') {
3600 fieldModel.value = 'false';
3601 }
3602 yield this.encryptObjProperty(fieldModel, field, {
3603 name: null,
3604 value: null,
3605 }, key);
3606 return field;
3607 });
3608 }
3609 encryptPasswordHistories(phModels, key) {
3610 return cipher_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
3611 if (!phModels || !phModels.length) {
3612 return null;
3613 }
3614 const self = this;
3615 const encPhs = [];
3616 yield phModels.reduce((promise, ph) => {
3617 return promise.then(() => {
3618 return self.encryptPasswordHistory(ph, key);
3619 }).then((encPh) => {
3620 encPhs.push(encPh);
3621 });
3622 }, Promise.resolve());
3623 return encPhs;
3624 });
3625 }
3626 encryptPasswordHistory(phModel, key) {
3627 return cipher_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
3628 const ph = new password_Password();
3629 ph.lastUsedDate = phModel.lastUsedDate;
3630 yield this.encryptObjProperty(phModel, ph, {
3631 password: null,
3632 }, key);
3633 return ph;
3634 });
3635 }
3636 get(id) {
3637 return cipher_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
3638 const userId = yield this.userService.getUserId();
3639 const localData = yield this.storageService.get(Keys.localData);
3640 const ciphers = yield this.storageService.get(Keys.ciphersPrefix + userId);
3641 if (ciphers == null || !ciphers.hasOwnProperty(id)) {
3642 return null;
3643 }
3644 return new cipher_Cipher(ciphers[id], false, localData ? localData[id] : null);
3645 });
3646 }
3647 getAll() {
3648 return cipher_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
3649 const userId = yield this.userService.getUserId();
3650 const localData = yield this.storageService.get(Keys.localData);
3651 const ciphers = yield this.storageService.get(Keys.ciphersPrefix + userId);
3652 const response = [];
3653 for (const id in ciphers) {
3654 if (ciphers.hasOwnProperty(id)) {
3655 response.push(new cipher_Cipher(ciphers[id], false, localData ? localData[id] : null));
3656 }
3657 }
3658 return response;
3659 });
3660 }
3661 getAllDecrypted() {
3662 return cipher_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
3663 if (this.decryptedCipherCache != null) {
3664 return this.decryptedCipherCache;
3665 }
3666 const decCiphers = [];
3667 const hasKey = yield this.cryptoService.hasKey();
3668 if (!hasKey) {
3669 throw new Error('No key.');
3670 }
3671 const promises = [];
3672 const ciphers = yield this.getAll();
3673 ciphers.forEach((cipher) => {
3674 promises.push(cipher.decrypt().then((c) => decCiphers.push(c)));
3675 });
3676 yield Promise.all(promises);
3677 decCiphers.sort(this.getLocaleSortingFunction());
3678 this.decryptedCipherCache = decCiphers;
3679 return this.decryptedCipherCache;
3680 });
3681 }
3682 getAllDecryptedForGrouping(groupingId, folder = true) {
3683 return cipher_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
3684 const ciphers = yield this.getAllDecrypted();
3685 return ciphers.filter((cipher) => {
3686 if (cipher.isDeleted) {
3687 return false;
3688 }
3689 if (folder && cipher.folderId === groupingId) {
3690 return true;
3691 }
3692 else if (!folder && cipher.collectionIds != null && cipher.collectionIds.indexOf(groupingId) > -1) {
3693 return true;
3694 }
3695 return false;
3696 });
3697 });
3698 }
3699 getAllDecryptedForUrl(url, includeOtherTypes) {
3700 return cipher_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
3701 if (url == null && includeOtherTypes == null) {
3702 return Promise.resolve([]);
3703 }
3704 const domain = utils_Utils.getDomain(url);
3705 const eqDomainsPromise = domain == null ? Promise.resolve([]) :
3706 this.settingsService.getEquivalentDomains().then((eqDomains) => {
3707 let matches = [];
3708 eqDomains.forEach((eqDomain) => {
3709 if (eqDomain.length && eqDomain.indexOf(domain) >= 0) {
3710 matches = matches.concat(eqDomain);
3711 }
3712 });
3713 if (!matches.length) {
3714 matches.push(domain);
3715 }
3716 return matches;
3717 });
3718 const result = yield Promise.all([eqDomainsPromise, this.getAllDecrypted()]);
3719 const matchingDomains = result[0];
3720 const ciphers = result[1];
3721 let defaultMatch = yield this.storageService.get(ConstantsService.defaultUriMatch);
3722 if (defaultMatch == null) {
3723 defaultMatch = UriMatchType.Domain;
3724 }
3725 return ciphers.filter((cipher) => {
3726 if (cipher.deletedDate != null) {
3727 return false;
3728 }
3729 if (includeOtherTypes != null && includeOtherTypes.indexOf(cipher.type) > -1) {
3730 return true;
3731 }
3732 if (url != null && cipher.type === CipherType.Login && cipher.login.uris != null) {
3733 for (let i = 0; i < cipher.login.uris.length; i++) {
3734 const u = cipher.login.uris[i];
3735 if (u.uri == null) {
3736 continue;
3737 }
3738 const match = u.match == null ? defaultMatch : u.match;
3739 switch (match) {
3740 case UriMatchType.Domain:
3741 if (domain != null && u.domain != null && matchingDomains.indexOf(u.domain) > -1) {
3742 if (DomainMatchBlacklist.has(u.domain)) {
3743 const domainUrlHost = utils_Utils.getHost(url);
3744 if (!DomainMatchBlacklist.get(u.domain).has(domainUrlHost)) {
3745 return true;
3746 }
3747 }
3748 else {
3749 return true;
3750 }
3751 }
3752 break;
3753 case UriMatchType.Host:
3754 const urlHost = utils_Utils.getHost(url);
3755 if (urlHost != null && urlHost === utils_Utils.getHost(u.uri)) {
3756 return true;
3757 }
3758 break;
3759 case UriMatchType.Exact:
3760 if (url === u.uri) {
3761 return true;
3762 }
3763 break;
3764 case UriMatchType.StartsWith:
3765 if (url.startsWith(u.uri)) {
3766 return true;
3767 }
3768 break;
3769 case UriMatchType.RegularExpression:
3770 try {
3771 const regex = new RegExp(u.uri, 'i');
3772 if (regex.test(url)) {
3773 return true;
3774 }
3775 }
3776 catch (_a) { }
3777 break;
3778 case UriMatchType.Never:
3779 default:
3780 break;
3781 }
3782 }
3783 }
3784 return false;
3785 });
3786 });
3787 }
3788 getAllFromApiForOrganization(organizationId) {
3789 return cipher_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
3790 const ciphers = yield this.apiService.getCiphersOrganization(organizationId);
3791 if (ciphers != null && ciphers.data != null && ciphers.data.length) {
3792 const decCiphers = [];
3793 const promises = [];
3794 ciphers.data.forEach((r) => {
3795 const data = new cipherData_CipherData(r);
3796 const cipher = new cipher_Cipher(data);
3797 promises.push(cipher.decrypt().then((c) => decCiphers.push(c)));
3798 });
3799 yield Promise.all(promises);
3800 decCiphers.sort(this.getLocaleSortingFunction());
3801 return decCiphers;
3802 }
3803 else {
3804 return [];
3805 }
3806 });
3807 }
3808 getLastUsedForUrl(url) {
3809 return cipher_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
3810 const ciphers = yield this.getAllDecryptedForUrl(url);
3811 if (ciphers.length === 0) {
3812 return null;
3813 }
3814 const sortedCiphers = ciphers.sort(this.sortCiphersByLastUsed);
3815 return sortedCiphers[0];
3816 });
3817 }
3818 updateLastUsedDate(id) {
3819 return cipher_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
3820 let ciphersLocalData = yield this.storageService.get(Keys.localData);
3821 if (!ciphersLocalData) {
3822 ciphersLocalData = {};
3823 }
3824 if (ciphersLocalData[id]) {
3825 ciphersLocalData[id].lastUsedDate = new Date().getTime();
3826 }
3827 else {
3828 ciphersLocalData[id] = {
3829 lastUsedDate: new Date().getTime(),
3830 };
3831 }
3832 yield this.storageService.save(Keys.localData, ciphersLocalData);
3833 if (this.decryptedCipherCache == null) {
3834 return;
3835 }
3836 for (let i = 0; i < this.decryptedCipherCache.length; i++) {
3837 const cached = this.decryptedCipherCache[i];
3838 if (cached.id === id) {
3839 cached.localData = ciphersLocalData[id];
3840 break;
3841 }
3842 }
3843 });
3844 }
3845 saveNeverDomain(domain) {
3846 return cipher_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
3847 if (domain == null) {
3848 return;
3849 }
3850 let domains = yield this.storageService.get(Keys.neverDomains);
3851 if (!domains) {
3852 domains = {};
3853 }
3854 domains[domain] = null;
3855 yield this.storageService.save(Keys.neverDomains, domains);
3856 });
3857 }
3858 saveWithServer(cipher) {
3859 return cipher_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
3860 let response;
3861 if (cipher.id == null) {
3862 if (cipher.collectionIds != null) {
3863 const request = new cipherCreateRequest_CipherCreateRequest(cipher);
3864 response = yield this.apiService.postCipherCreate(request);
3865 }
3866 else {
3867 const request = new cipherRequest_CipherRequest(cipher);
3868 response = yield this.apiService.postCipher(request);
3869 }
3870 cipher.id = response.id;
3871 }
3872 else {
3873 const request = new cipherRequest_CipherRequest(cipher);
3874 response = yield this.apiService.putCipher(cipher.id, request);
3875 }
3876 const userId = yield this.userService.getUserId();
3877 const data = new cipherData_CipherData(response, userId, cipher.collectionIds);
3878 yield this.upsert(data);
3879 });
3880 }
3881 shareWithServer(cipher, organizationId, collectionIds) {
3882 return cipher_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
3883 const attachmentPromises = [];
3884 if (cipher.attachments != null) {
3885 cipher.attachments.forEach((attachment) => {
3886 if (attachment.key == null) {
3887 attachmentPromises.push(this.shareAttachmentWithServer(attachment, cipher.id, organizationId));
3888 }
3889 });
3890 }
3891 yield Promise.all(attachmentPromises);
3892 cipher.organizationId = organizationId;
3893 cipher.collectionIds = collectionIds;
3894 const encCipher = yield this.encrypt(cipher);
3895 const request = new cipherShareRequest_CipherShareRequest(encCipher);
3896 const response = yield this.apiService.putShareCipher(cipher.id, request);
3897 const userId = yield this.userService.getUserId();
3898 const data = new cipherData_CipherData(response, userId, collectionIds);
3899 yield this.upsert(data);
3900 });
3901 }
3902 shareManyWithServer(ciphers, organizationId, collectionIds) {
3903 return cipher_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
3904 const promises = [];
3905 const encCiphers = [];
3906 for (const cipher of ciphers) {
3907 cipher.organizationId = organizationId;
3908 cipher.collectionIds = collectionIds;
3909 promises.push(this.encrypt(cipher).then((c) => {
3910 encCiphers.push(c);
3911 }));
3912 }
3913 yield Promise.all(promises);
3914 const request = new cipherBulkShareRequest_CipherBulkShareRequest(encCiphers, collectionIds);
3915 yield this.apiService.putShareCiphers(request);
3916 const userId = yield this.userService.getUserId();
3917 yield this.upsert(encCiphers.map((c) => c.toCipherData(userId)));
3918 });
3919 }
3920 saveAttachmentWithServer(cipher, unencryptedFile, admin = false) {
3921 return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
3922 const reader = new FileReader();
3923 reader.readAsArrayBuffer(unencryptedFile);
3924 reader.onload = (evt) => cipher_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
3925 try {
3926 const cData = yield this.saveAttachmentRawWithServer(cipher, unencryptedFile.name, evt.target.result, admin);
3927 resolve(cData);
3928 }
3929 catch (e) {
3930 reject(e);
3931 }
3932 });
3933 reader.onerror = (evt) => {
3934 reject('Error reading file.');
3935 };
3936 });
3937 }
3938 saveAttachmentRawWithServer(cipher, filename, data, admin = false) {
3939 return cipher_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
3940 const key = yield this.cryptoService.getOrgKey(cipher.organizationId);
3941 const encFileName = yield this.cryptoService.encrypt(filename, key);
3942 const dataEncKey = yield this.cryptoService.makeEncKey(key);
3943 const encData = yield this.cryptoService.encryptToBytes(data, dataEncKey[0]);
3944 const fd = new FormData();
3945 try {
3946 const blob = new Blob([encData], { type: 'application/octet-stream' });
3947 fd.append('key', dataEncKey[1].encryptedString);
3948 fd.append('data', blob, encFileName.encryptedString);
3949 }
3950 catch (e) {
3951 if (utils_Utils.isNode && !utils_Utils.isBrowser) {
3952 fd.append('key', dataEncKey[1].encryptedString);
3953 fd.append('data', Buffer.from(encData), {
3954 filepath: encFileName.encryptedString,
3955 contentType: 'application/octet-stream',
3956 });
3957 }
3958 else {
3959 throw e;
3960 }
3961 }
3962 let response;
3963 try {
3964 if (admin) {
3965 response = yield this.apiService.postCipherAttachmentAdmin(cipher.id, fd);
3966 }
3967 else {
3968 response = yield this.apiService.postCipherAttachment(cipher.id, fd);
3969 }
3970 }
3971 catch (e) {
3972 throw new Error(e.getSingleMessage());
3973 }
3974 const userId = yield this.userService.getUserId();
3975 const cData = new cipherData_CipherData(response, userId, cipher.collectionIds);
3976 if (!admin) {
3977 yield this.upsert(cData);
3978 }
3979 return new cipher_Cipher(cData);
3980 });
3981 }
3982 saveCollectionsWithServer(cipher) {
3983 return cipher_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
3984 const request = new CipherCollectionsRequest(cipher.collectionIds);
3985 yield this.apiService.putCipherCollections(cipher.id, request);
3986 const userId = yield this.userService.getUserId();
3987 const data = cipher.toCipherData(userId);
3988 yield this.upsert(data);
3989 });
3990 }
3991 upsert(cipher) {
3992 return cipher_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
3993 const userId = yield this.userService.getUserId();
3994 let ciphers = yield this.storageService.get(Keys.ciphersPrefix + userId);
3995 if (ciphers == null) {
3996 ciphers = {};
3997 }
3998 if (cipher instanceof cipherData_CipherData) {
3999 const c = cipher;
4000 ciphers[c.id] = c;
4001 }
4002 else {
4003 cipher.forEach((c) => {
4004 ciphers[c.id] = c;
4005 });
4006 }
4007 yield this.storageService.save(Keys.ciphersPrefix + userId, ciphers);
4008 this.decryptedCipherCache = null;
4009 });
4010 }
4011 replace(ciphers) {
4012 return cipher_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
4013 const userId = yield this.userService.getUserId();
4014 yield this.storageService.save(Keys.ciphersPrefix + userId, ciphers);
4015 this.decryptedCipherCache = null;
4016 });
4017 }
4018 clear(userId) {
4019 return cipher_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
4020 yield this.storageService.remove(Keys.ciphersPrefix + userId);
4021 this.clearCache();
4022 });
4023 }
4024 moveManyWithServer(ids, folderId) {
4025 return cipher_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
4026 yield this.apiService.putMoveCiphers(new CipherBulkMoveRequest(ids, folderId));
4027 const userId = yield this.userService.getUserId();
4028 let ciphers = yield this.storageService.get(Keys.ciphersPrefix + userId);
4029 if (ciphers == null) {
4030 ciphers = {};
4031 }
4032 ids.forEach((id) => {
4033 if (ciphers.hasOwnProperty(id)) {
4034 ciphers[id].folderId = folderId;
4035 }
4036 });
4037 yield this.storageService.save(Keys.ciphersPrefix + userId, ciphers);
4038 this.decryptedCipherCache = null;
4039 });
4040 }
4041 delete(id) {
4042 return cipher_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
4043 const userId = yield this.userService.getUserId();
4044 const ciphers = yield this.storageService.get(Keys.ciphersPrefix + userId);
4045 if (ciphers == null) {
4046 return;
4047 }
4048 if (typeof id === 'string') {
4049 if (ciphers[id] == null) {
4050 return;
4051 }
4052 delete ciphers[id];
4053 }
4054 else {
4055 id.forEach((i) => {
4056 delete ciphers[i];
4057 });
4058 }
4059 yield this.storageService.save(Keys.ciphersPrefix + userId, ciphers);
4060 this.decryptedCipherCache = null;
4061 });
4062 }
4063 deleteWithServer(id) {
4064 return cipher_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
4065 yield this.apiService.deleteCipher(id);
4066 yield this.delete(id);
4067 });
4068 }
4069 deleteManyWithServer(ids) {
4070 return cipher_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
4071 yield this.apiService.deleteManyCiphers(new CipherBulkDeleteRequest(ids));
4072 yield this.delete(ids);
4073 });
4074 }
4075 deleteAttachment(id, attachmentId) {
4076 return cipher_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
4077 const userId = yield this.userService.getUserId();
4078 const ciphers = yield this.storageService.get(Keys.ciphersPrefix + userId);
4079 if (ciphers == null || !ciphers.hasOwnProperty(id) || ciphers[id].attachments == null) {
4080 return;
4081 }
4082 for (let i = 0; i < ciphers[id].attachments.length; i++) {
4083 if (ciphers[id].attachments[i].id === attachmentId) {
4084 ciphers[id].attachments.splice(i, 1);
4085 }
4086 }
4087 yield this.storageService.save(Keys.ciphersPrefix + userId, ciphers);
4088 this.decryptedCipherCache = null;
4089 });
4090 }
4091 deleteAttachmentWithServer(id, attachmentId) {
4092 return cipher_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
4093 try {
4094 yield this.apiService.deleteCipherAttachment(id, attachmentId);
4095 }
4096 catch (e) {
4097 return Promise.reject(e.getSingleMessage());
4098 }
4099 yield this.deleteAttachment(id, attachmentId);
4100 });
4101 }
4102 sortCiphersByLastUsed(a, b) {
4103 const aLastUsed = a.localData && a.localData.lastUsedDate ? a.localData.lastUsedDate : null;
4104 const bLastUsed = b.localData && b.localData.lastUsedDate ? b.localData.lastUsedDate : null;
4105 const bothNotNull = aLastUsed != null && bLastUsed != null;
4106 if (bothNotNull && aLastUsed < bLastUsed) {
4107 return 1;
4108 }
4109 if (aLastUsed != null && bLastUsed == null) {
4110 return -1;
4111 }
4112 if (bothNotNull && aLastUsed > bLastUsed) {
4113 return -1;
4114 }
4115 if (bLastUsed != null && aLastUsed == null) {
4116 return 1;
4117 }
4118 return 0;
4119 }
4120 sortCiphersByLastUsedThenName(a, b) {
4121 const result = this.sortCiphersByLastUsed(a, b);
4122 if (result !== 0) {
4123 return result;
4124 }
4125 return this.getLocaleSortingFunction()(a, b);
4126 }
4127 getLocaleSortingFunction() {
4128 return (a, b) => {
4129 let aName = a.name;
4130 let bName = b.name;
4131 if (aName == null && bName != null) {
4132 return -1;
4133 }
4134 if (aName != null && bName == null) {
4135 return 1;
4136 }
4137 if (aName == null && bName == null) {
4138 return 0;
4139 }
4140 const result = this.i18nService.collator ? this.i18nService.collator.compare(aName, bName) :
4141 aName.localeCompare(bName);
4142 if (result !== 0 || a.type !== CipherType.Login || b.type !== CipherType.Login) {
4143 return result;
4144 }
4145 if (a.login.username != null) {
4146 aName += a.login.username;
4147 }
4148 if (b.login.username != null) {
4149 bName += b.login.username;
4150 }
4151 return this.i18nService.collator ? this.i18nService.collator.compare(aName, bName) :
4152 aName.localeCompare(bName);
4153 };
4154 }
4155 softDelete(id) {
4156 return cipher_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
4157 const userId = yield this.userService.getUserId();
4158 const ciphers = yield this.storageService.get(Keys.ciphersPrefix + userId);
4159 if (ciphers == null) {
4160 return;
4161 }
4162 const setDeletedDate = (cipherId) => {
4163 if (ciphers[cipherId] == null) {
4164 return;
4165 }
4166 ciphers[cipherId].deletedDate = new Date().toISOString();
4167 };
4168 if (typeof id === 'string') {
4169 setDeletedDate(id);
4170 }
4171 else {
4172 id.forEach(setDeletedDate);
4173 }
4174 yield this.storageService.save(Keys.ciphersPrefix + userId, ciphers);
4175 this.decryptedCipherCache = null;
4176 });
4177 }
4178 softDeleteWithServer(id) {
4179 return cipher_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
4180 yield this.apiService.putDeleteCipher(id);
4181 yield this.softDelete(id);
4182 });
4183 }
4184 softDeleteManyWithServer(ids) {
4185 return cipher_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
4186 yield this.apiService.putDeleteManyCiphers(new CipherBulkDeleteRequest(ids));
4187 yield this.softDelete(ids);
4188 });
4189 }
4190 restore(id) {
4191 return cipher_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
4192 const userId = yield this.userService.getUserId();
4193 const ciphers = yield this.storageService.get(Keys.ciphersPrefix + userId);
4194 if (ciphers == null) {
4195 return;
4196 }
4197 const clearDeletedDate = (cipherId) => {
4198 if (ciphers[cipherId] == null) {
4199 return;
4200 }
4201 ciphers[cipherId].deletedDate = null;
4202 };
4203 if (typeof id === 'string') {
4204 clearDeletedDate(id);
4205 }
4206 else {
4207 id.forEach(clearDeletedDate);
4208 }
4209 yield this.storageService.save(Keys.ciphersPrefix + userId, ciphers);
4210 this.decryptedCipherCache = null;
4211 });
4212 }
4213 restoreWithServer(id) {
4214 return cipher_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
4215 yield this.apiService.putRestoreCipher(id);
4216 yield this.restore(id);
4217 });
4218 }
4219 restoreManyWithServer(ids) {
4220 return cipher_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
4221 yield this.apiService.putRestoreManyCiphers(new CipherBulkRestoreRequest(ids));
4222 yield this.restore(ids);
4223 });
4224 }
4225 // Helpers
4226 shareAttachmentWithServer(attachmentView, cipherId, organizationId) {
4227 return cipher_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
4228 const attachmentResponse = yield this.apiService.nativeFetch(new Request(attachmentView.url, { cache: 'no-store' }));
4229 if (attachmentResponse.status !== 200) {
4230 throw Error('Failed to download attachment: ' + attachmentResponse.status.toString());
4231 }
4232 const buf = yield attachmentResponse.arrayBuffer();
4233 const decBuf = yield this.cryptoService.decryptFromBytes(buf, null);
4234 const key = yield this.cryptoService.getOrgKey(organizationId);
4235 const encFileName = yield this.cryptoService.encrypt(attachmentView.fileName, key);
4236 const dataEncKey = yield this.cryptoService.makeEncKey(key);
4237 const encData = yield this.cryptoService.encryptToBytes(decBuf, dataEncKey[0]);
4238 const fd = new FormData();
4239 try {
4240 const blob = new Blob([encData], { type: 'application/octet-stream' });
4241 fd.append('key', dataEncKey[1].encryptedString);
4242 fd.append('data', blob, encFileName.encryptedString);
4243 }
4244 catch (e) {
4245 if (utils_Utils.isNode && !utils_Utils.isBrowser) {
4246 fd.append('key', dataEncKey[1].encryptedString);
4247 fd.append('data', Buffer.from(encData), {
4248 filepath: encFileName.encryptedString,
4249 contentType: 'application/octet-stream',
4250 });
4251 }
4252 else {
4253 throw e;
4254 }
4255 }
4256 try {
4257 yield this.apiService.postShareCipherAttachment(cipherId, attachmentView.id, fd, organizationId);
4258 }
4259 catch (e) {
4260 throw new Error(e.getSingleMessage());
4261 }
4262 });
4263 }
4264 encryptObjProperty(model, obj, map, key) {
4265 return cipher_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
4266 const promises = [];
4267 const self = this;
4268 for (const prop in map) {
4269 if (!map.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
4270 continue;
4271 }
4272 // tslint:disable-next-line
4273 (function (theProp, theObj) {
4274 const p = Promise.resolve().then(() => {
4275 const modelProp = model[(map[theProp] || theProp)];
4276 if (modelProp && modelProp !== '') {
4277 return self.cryptoService.encrypt(modelProp, key);
4278 }
4279 return null;
4280 }).then((val) => {
4281 theObj[theProp] = val;
4282 });
4283 promises.push(p);
4284 })(prop, obj);
4285 }
4286 yield Promise.all(promises);
4287 });
4288 }
4289 encryptCipherData(cipher, model, key) {
4290 return cipher_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
4291 switch (cipher.type) {
4292 case CipherType.Login:
4293 cipher.login = new login_Login();
4294 cipher.login.passwordRevisionDate = model.login.passwordRevisionDate;
4295 yield this.encryptObjProperty(model.login, cipher.login, {
4296 username: null,
4297 password: null,
4298 totp: null,
4299 }, key);
4300 if (model.login.uris != null) {
4301 cipher.login.uris = [];
4302 for (let i = 0; i < model.login.uris.length; i++) {
4303 const loginUri = new loginUri_LoginUri();
4304 loginUri.match = model.login.uris[i].match;
4305 yield this.encryptObjProperty(model.login.uris[i], loginUri, {
4306 uri: null,
4307 }, key);
4308 cipher.login.uris.push(loginUri);
4309 }
4310 }
4311 return;
4312 case CipherType.SecureNote:
4313 cipher.secureNote = new secureNote_SecureNote();
4314 cipher.secureNote.type = model.secureNote.type;
4315 return;
4316 case CipherType.Card:
4317 cipher.card = new card_Card();
4318 yield this.encryptObjProperty(model.card, cipher.card, {
4319 cardholderName: null,
4320 brand: null,
4321 number: null,
4322 expMonth: null,
4323 expYear: null,
4324 code: null,
4325 }, key);
4326 return;
4327 case CipherType.Identity:
4328 cipher.identity = new identity_Identity();
4329 yield this.encryptObjProperty(model.identity, cipher.identity, {
4330 title: null,
4331 firstName: null,
4332 middleName: null,
4333 lastName: null,
4334 address1: null,
4335 address2: null,
4336 address3: null,
4337 city: null,
4338 state: null,
4339 postalCode: null,
4340 country: null,
4341 company: null,
4342 email: null,
4343 phone: null,
4344 ssn: null,
4345 username: null,
4346 passportNumber: null,
4347 licenseNumber: null,
4348 }, key);
4349 return;
4350 default:
4351 throw new Error('Unknown cipher type.');
4352 }
4353 });
4354 }
4357 sequentialize(() => 'getAllDecrypted'),
4358 cipher_service_metadata("design:type", Function),
4359 cipher_service_metadata("design:paramtypes", []),
4360 cipher_service_metadata("design:returntype", Promise)
4361], cipher_service_CipherService.prototype, "getAllDecrypted", null);
4363// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/models/data/collectionData.ts
4364class CollectionData {
4365 constructor(response) {
4366 this.id = response.id;
4367 this.organizationId = response.organizationId;
4368 this.name = response.name;
4369 this.externalId = response.externalId;
4370 this.readOnly = response.readOnly;
4371 }
4374// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/models/domain/treeNode.ts
4375class TreeNode {
4376 constructor(node, name, parent) {
4377 this.children = [];
4378 this.parent = parent;
4379 this.node = node;
4380 this.node.name = name;
4381 }
4384// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/misc/serviceUtils.ts
4386class serviceUtils_ServiceUtils {
4387 static nestedTraverse(nodeTree, partIndex, parts, obj, parent, delimiter) {
4388 if (parts.length <= partIndex) {
4389 return;
4390 }
4391 const end = partIndex === parts.length - 1;
4392 const partName = parts[partIndex];
4393 for (let i = 0; i < nodeTree.length; i++) {
4394 if (nodeTree[i].node.name !== parts[partIndex]) {
4395 continue;
4396 }
4397 if (end && nodeTree[i].node.id !== obj.id) {
4398 // Another node with the same name.
4399 nodeTree.push(new TreeNode(obj, partName, parent));
4400 return;
4401 }
4402 serviceUtils_ServiceUtils.nestedTraverse(nodeTree[i].children, partIndex + 1, parts, obj, nodeTree[i].node, delimiter);
4403 return;
4404 }
4405 if (nodeTree.filter((n) => n.node.name === partName).length === 0) {
4406 if (end) {
4407 nodeTree.push(new TreeNode(obj, partName, parent));
4408 return;
4409 }
4410 const newPartName = parts[partIndex] + delimiter + parts[partIndex + 1];
4411 serviceUtils_ServiceUtils.nestedTraverse(nodeTree, 0, [newPartName, ...parts.slice(partIndex + 2)], obj, parent, delimiter);
4412 }
4413 }
4414 static getTreeNodeObject(nodeTree, id) {
4415 for (let i = 0; i < nodeTree.length; i++) {
4416 if (nodeTree[i].node.id === id) {
4417 return nodeTree[i];
4418 }
4419 else if (nodeTree[i].children != null) {
4420 const node = serviceUtils_ServiceUtils.getTreeNodeObject(nodeTree[i].children, id);
4421 if (node !== null) {
4422 return node;
4423 }
4424 }
4425 }
4426 return null;
4427 }
4430// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/services/collection.service.ts
4431var collection_service_awaiter = (undefined && undefined.__awaiter) || function (thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) {
4432 return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) {
4433 function fulfilled(value) { try { step(generator.next(value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
4434 function rejected(value) { try { step(generator["throw"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
4435 function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(result.value); }).then(fulfilled, rejected); }
4436 step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next());
4437 });
4444const collection_service_Keys = {
4445 collectionsPrefix: 'collections_',
4447const NestingDelimiter = '/';
4448class collection_service_CollectionService {
4449 constructor(cryptoService, userService, storageService, i18nService) {
4450 this.cryptoService = cryptoService;
4451 this.userService = userService;
4452 this.storageService = storageService;
4453 this.i18nService = i18nService;
4454 }
4455 clearCache() {
4456 this.decryptedCollectionCache = null;
4457 }
4458 encrypt(model) {
4459 return collection_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
4460 if (model.organizationId == null) {
4461 throw new Error('Collection has no organization id.');
4462 }
4463 const key = yield this.cryptoService.getOrgKey(model.organizationId);
4464 if (key == null) {
4465 throw new Error('No key for this collection\'s organization.');
4466 }
4467 const collection = new collection_Collection();
4468 collection.id = model.id;
4469 collection.organizationId = model.organizationId;
4470 collection.readOnly = model.readOnly;
4471 collection.name = yield this.cryptoService.encrypt(model.name, key);
4472 return collection;
4473 });
4474 }
4475 decryptMany(collections) {
4476 return collection_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
4477 if (collections == null) {
4478 return [];
4479 }
4480 const decCollections = [];
4481 const promises = [];
4482 collections.forEach((collection) => {
4483 promises.push(collection.decrypt().then((c) => decCollections.push(c)));
4484 });
4485 yield Promise.all(promises);
4486 return decCollections.sort(utils_Utils.getSortFunction(this.i18nService, 'name'));
4487 });
4488 }
4489 get(id) {
4490 return collection_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
4491 const userId = yield this.userService.getUserId();
4492 const collections = yield this.storageService.get(collection_service_Keys.collectionsPrefix + userId);
4493 if (collections == null || !collections.hasOwnProperty(id)) {
4494 return null;
4495 }
4496 return new collection_Collection(collections[id]);
4497 });
4498 }
4499 getAll() {
4500 return collection_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
4501 const userId = yield this.userService.getUserId();
4502 const collections = yield this.storageService.get(collection_service_Keys.collectionsPrefix + userId);
4503 const response = [];
4504 for (const id in collections) {
4505 if (collections.hasOwnProperty(id)) {
4506 response.push(new collection_Collection(collections[id]));
4507 }
4508 }
4509 return response;
4510 });
4511 }
4512 getAllDecrypted() {
4513 return collection_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
4514 if (this.decryptedCollectionCache != null) {
4515 return this.decryptedCollectionCache;
4516 }
4517 const hasKey = yield this.cryptoService.hasKey();
4518 if (!hasKey) {
4519 throw new Error('No key.');
4520 }
4521 const collections = yield this.getAll();
4522 this.decryptedCollectionCache = yield this.decryptMany(collections);
4523 return this.decryptedCollectionCache;
4524 });
4525 }
4526 getAllNested(collections = null) {
4527 return collection_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
4528 if (collections == null) {
4529 collections = yield this.getAllDecrypted();
4530 }
4531 const nodes = [];
4532 collections.forEach((c) => {
4533 const collectionCopy = new collectionView_CollectionView();
4534 collectionCopy.id = c.id;
4535 collectionCopy.organizationId = c.organizationId;
4536 const parts = c.name != null ? c.name.replace(/^\/+|\/+$/g, '').split(NestingDelimiter) : [];
4537 serviceUtils_ServiceUtils.nestedTraverse(nodes, 0, parts, collectionCopy, null, NestingDelimiter);
4538 });
4539 return nodes;
4540 });
4541 }
4542 getNested(id) {
4543 return collection_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
4544 const collections = yield this.getAllNested();
4545 return serviceUtils_ServiceUtils.getTreeNodeObject(collections, id);
4546 });
4547 }
4548 upsert(collection) {
4549 return collection_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
4550 const userId = yield this.userService.getUserId();
4551 let collections = yield this.storageService.get(collection_service_Keys.collectionsPrefix + userId);
4552 if (collections == null) {
4553 collections = {};
4554 }
4555 if (collection instanceof CollectionData) {
4556 const c = collection;
4557 collections[c.id] = c;
4558 }
4559 else {
4560 collection.forEach((c) => {
4561 collections[c.id] = c;
4562 });
4563 }
4564 yield this.storageService.save(collection_service_Keys.collectionsPrefix + userId, collections);
4565 this.decryptedCollectionCache = null;
4566 });
4567 }
4568 replace(collections) {
4569 return collection_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
4570 const userId = yield this.userService.getUserId();
4571 yield this.storageService.save(collection_service_Keys.collectionsPrefix + userId, collections);
4572 this.decryptedCollectionCache = null;
4573 });
4574 }
4575 clear(userId) {
4576 return collection_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
4577 yield this.storageService.remove(collection_service_Keys.collectionsPrefix + userId);
4578 this.decryptedCollectionCache = null;
4579 });
4580 }
4581 delete(id) {
4582 return collection_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
4583 const userId = yield this.userService.getUserId();
4584 const collections = yield this.storageService.get(collection_service_Keys.collectionsPrefix + userId);
4585 if (collections == null) {
4586 return;
4587 }
4588 if (typeof id === 'string') {
4589 const i = id;
4590 delete collections[id];
4591 }
4592 else {
4593 id.forEach((i) => {
4594 delete collections[i];
4595 });
4596 }
4597 yield this.storageService.save(collection_service_Keys.collectionsPrefix + userId, collections);
4598 this.decryptedCollectionCache = null;
4599 });
4600 }
4603// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/services/container.service.ts
4604class ContainerService {
4605 constructor(cryptoService) {
4606 this.cryptoService = cryptoService;
4607 }
4608 // deprecated, use attachToGlobal instead
4609 attachToWindow(win) {
4610 this.attachToGlobal(win);
4611 }
4612 attachToGlobal(global) {
4613 if (!global.bitwardenContainerService) {
4614 global.bitwardenContainerService = this;
4615 }
4616 }
4617 getCryptoService() {
4618 return this.cryptoService;
4619 }
4622// EXTERNAL MODULE: external "big-integer"
4623var external_big_integer_ = __webpack_require__(13);
4625// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/enums/kdfType.ts
4626var KdfType;
4627(function (KdfType) {
4628 KdfType[KdfType["PBKDF2_SHA256"] = 0] = "PBKDF2_SHA256";
4629})(KdfType || (KdfType = {}));
4631// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/misc/wordlist.ts
4632// EFF's Long Wordlist from https://www.eff.org/dice
4633const EEFLongWordList = [
4634 'abacus',
4635 'abdomen',
4636 'abdominal',
4637 'abide',
4638 'abiding',
4639 'ability',
4640 'ablaze',
4641 'able',
4642 'abnormal',
4643 'abrasion',
4644 'abrasive',
4645 'abreast',
4646 'abridge',
4647 'abroad',
4648 'abruptly',
4649 'absence',
4650 'absentee',
4651 'absently',
4652 'absinthe',
4653 'absolute',
4654 'absolve',
4655 'abstain',
4656 'abstract',
4657 'absurd',
4658 'accent',
4659 'acclaim',
4660 'acclimate',
4661 'accompany',
4662 'account',
4663 'accuracy',
4664 'accurate',
4665 'accustom',
4666 'acetone',
4667 'achiness',
4668 'aching',
4669 'acid',
4670 'acorn',
4671 'acquaint',
4672 'acquire',
4673 'acre',
4674 'acrobat',
4675 'acronym',
4676 'acting',
4677 'action',
4678 'activate',
4679 'activator',
4680 'active',
4681 'activism',
4682 'activist',
4683 'activity',
4684 'actress',
4685 'acts',
4686 'acutely',
4687 'acuteness',
4688 'aeration',
4689 'aerobics',
4690 'aerosol',
4691 'aerospace',
4692 'afar',
4693 'affair',
4694 'affected',
4695 'affecting',
4696 'affection',
4697 'affidavit',
4698 'affiliate',
4699 'affirm',
4700 'affix',
4701 'afflicted',
4702 'affluent',
4703 'afford',
4704 'affront',
4705 'aflame',
4706 'afloat',
4707 'aflutter',
4708 'afoot',
4709 'afraid',
4710 'afterglow',
4711 'afterlife',
4712 'aftermath',
4713 'aftermost',
4714 'afternoon',
4715 'aged',
4716 'ageless',
4717 'agency',
4718 'agenda',
4719 'agent',
4720 'aggregate',
4721 'aghast',
4722 'agile',
4723 'agility',
4724 'aging',
4725 'agnostic',
4726 'agonize',
4727 'agonizing',
4728 'agony',
4729 'agreeable',
4730 'agreeably',
4731 'agreed',
4732 'agreeing',
4733 'agreement',
4734 'aground',
4735 'ahead',
4736 'ahoy',
4737 'aide',
4738 'aids',
4739 'aim',
4740 'ajar',
4741 'alabaster',
4742 'alarm',
4743 'albatross',
4744 'album',
4745 'alfalfa',
4746 'algebra',
4747 'algorithm',
4748 'alias',
4749 'alibi',
4750 'alienable',
4751 'alienate',
4752 'aliens',
4753 'alike',
4754 'alive',
4755 'alkaline',
4756 'alkalize',
4757 'almanac',
4758 'almighty',
4759 'almost',
4760 'aloe',
4761 'aloft',
4762 'aloha',
4763 'alone',
4764 'alongside',
4765 'aloof',
4766 'alphabet',
4767 'alright',
4768 'although',
4769 'altitude',
4770 'alto',
4771 'aluminum',
4772 'alumni',
4773 'always',
4774 'amaretto',
4775 'amaze',
4776 'amazingly',
4777 'amber',
4778 'ambiance',
4779 'ambiguity',
4780 'ambiguous',
4781 'ambition',
4782 'ambitious',
4783 'ambulance',
4784 'ambush',
4785 'amendable',
4786 'amendment',
4787 'amends',
4788 'amenity',
4789 'amiable',
4790 'amicably',
4791 'amid',
4792 'amigo',
4793 'amino',
4794 'amiss',
4795 'ammonia',
4796 'ammonium',
4797 'amnesty',
4798 'amniotic',
4799 'among',
4800 'amount',
4801 'amperage',
4802 'ample',
4803 'amplifier',
4804 'amplify',
4805 'amply',
4806 'amuck',
4807 'amulet',
4808 'amusable',
4809 'amused',
4810 'amusement',
4811 'amuser',
4812 'amusing',
4813 'anaconda',
4814 'anaerobic',
4815 'anagram',
4816 'anatomist',
4817 'anatomy',
4818 'anchor',
4819 'anchovy',
4820 'ancient',
4821 'android',
4822 'anemia',
4823 'anemic',
4824 'aneurism',
4825 'anew',
4826 'angelfish',
4827 'angelic',
4828 'anger',
4829 'angled',
4830 'angler',
4831 'angles',
4832 'angling',
4833 'angrily',
4834 'angriness',
4835 'anguished',
4836 'angular',
4837 'animal',
4838 'animate',
4839 'animating',
4840 'animation',
4841 'animator',
4842 'anime',
4843 'animosity',
4844 'ankle',
4845 'annex',
4846 'annotate',
4847 'announcer',
4848 'annoying',
4849 'annually',
4850 'annuity',
4851 'anointer',
4852 'another',
4853 'answering',
4854 'antacid',
4855 'antarctic',
4856 'anteater',
4857 'antelope',
4858 'antennae',
4859 'anthem',
4860 'anthill',
4861 'anthology',
4862 'antibody',
4863 'antics',
4864 'antidote',
4865 'antihero',
4866 'antiquely',
4867 'antiques',
4868 'antiquity',
4869 'antirust',
4870 'antitoxic',
4871 'antitrust',
4872 'antiviral',
4873 'antivirus',
4874 'antler',
4875 'antonym',
4876 'antsy',
4877 'anvil',
4878 'anybody',
4879 'anyhow',
4880 'anymore',
4881 'anyone',
4882 'anyplace',
4883 'anything',
4884 'anytime',
4885 'anyway',
4886 'anywhere',
4887 'aorta',
4888 'apache',
4889 'apostle',
4890 'appealing',
4891 'appear',
4892 'appease',
4893 'appeasing',
4894 'appendage',
4895 'appendix',
4896 'appetite',
4897 'appetizer',
4898 'applaud',
4899 'applause',
4900 'apple',
4901 'appliance',
4902 'applicant',
4903 'applied',
4904 'apply',
4905 'appointee',
4906 'appraisal',
4907 'appraiser',
4908 'apprehend',
4909 'approach',
4910 'approval',
4911 'approve',
4912 'apricot',
4913 'april',
4914 'apron',
4915 'aptitude',
4916 'aptly',
4917 'aqua',
4918 'aqueduct',
4919 'arbitrary',
4920 'arbitrate',
4921 'ardently',
4922 'area',
4923 'arena',
4924 'arguable',
4925 'arguably',
4926 'argue',
4927 'arise',
4928 'armadillo',
4929 'armband',
4930 'armchair',
4931 'armed',
4932 'armful',
4933 'armhole',
4934 'arming',
4935 'armless',
4936 'armoire',
4937 'armored',
4938 'armory',
4939 'armrest',
4940 'army',
4941 'aroma',
4942 'arose',
4943 'around',
4944 'arousal',
4945 'arrange',
4946 'array',
4947 'arrest',
4948 'arrival',
4949 'arrive',
4950 'arrogance',
4951 'arrogant',
4952 'arson',
4953 'art',
4954 'ascend',
4955 'ascension',
4956 'ascent',
4957 'ascertain',
4958 'ashamed',
4959 'ashen',
4960 'ashes',
4961 'ashy',
4962 'aside',
4963 'askew',
4964 'asleep',
4965 'asparagus',
4966 'aspect',
4967 'aspirate',
4968 'aspire',
4969 'aspirin',
4970 'astonish',
4971 'astound',
4972 'astride',
4973 'astrology',
4974 'astronaut',
4975 'astronomy',
4976 'astute',
4977 'atlantic',
4978 'atlas',
4979 'atom',
4980 'atonable',
4981 'atop',
4982 'atrium',
4983 'atrocious',
4984 'atrophy',
4985 'attach',
4986 'attain',
4987 'attempt',
4988 'attendant',
4989 'attendee',
4990 'attention',
4991 'attentive',
4992 'attest',
4993 'attic',
4994 'attire',
4995 'attitude',
4996 'attractor',
4997 'attribute',
4998 'atypical',
4999 'auction',
5000 'audacious',
5001 'audacity',
5002 'audible',
5003 'audibly',
5004 'audience',
5005 'audio',
5006 'audition',
5007 'augmented',
5008 'august',
5009 'authentic',
5010 'author',
5011 'autism',
5012 'autistic',
5013 'autograph',
5014 'automaker',
5015 'automated',
5016 'automatic',
5017 'autopilot',
5018 'available',
5019 'avalanche',
5020 'avatar',
5021 'avenge',
5022 'avenging',
5023 'avenue',
5024 'average',
5025 'aversion',
5026 'avert',
5027 'aviation',
5028 'aviator',
5029 'avid',
5030 'avoid',
5031 'await',
5032 'awaken',
5033 'award',
5034 'aware',
5035 'awhile',
5036 'awkward',
5037 'awning',
5038 'awoke',
5039 'awry',
5040 'axis',
5041 'babble',
5042 'babbling',
5043 'babied',
5044 'baboon',
5045 'backache',
5046 'backboard',
5047 'backboned',
5048 'backdrop',
5049 'backed',
5050 'backer',
5051 'backfield',
5052 'backfire',
5053 'backhand',
5054 'backing',
5055 'backlands',
5056 'backlash',
5057 'backless',
5058 'backlight',
5059 'backlit',
5060 'backlog',
5061 'backpack',
5062 'backpedal',
5063 'backrest',
5064 'backroom',
5065 'backshift',
5066 'backside',
5067 'backslid',
5068 'backspace',
5069 'backspin',
5070 'backstab',
5071 'backstage',
5072 'backtalk',
5073 'backtrack',
5074 'backup',
5075 'backward',
5076 'backwash',
5077 'backwater',
5078 'backyard',
5079 'bacon',
5080 'bacteria',
5081 'bacterium',
5082 'badass',
5083 'badge',
5084 'badland',
5085 'badly',
5086 'badness',
5087 'baffle',
5088 'baffling',
5089 'bagel',
5090 'bagful',
5091 'baggage',
5092 'bagged',
5093 'baggie',
5094 'bagginess',
5095 'bagging',
5096 'baggy',
5097 'bagpipe',
5098 'baguette',
5099 'baked',
5100 'bakery',
5101 'bakeshop',
5102 'baking',
5103 'balance',
5104 'balancing',
5105 'balcony',
5106 'balmy',
5107 'balsamic',
5108 'bamboo',
5109 'banana',
5110 'banish',
5111 'banister',
5112 'banjo',
5113 'bankable',
5114 'bankbook',
5115 'banked',
5116 'banker',
5117 'banking',
5118 'banknote',
5119 'bankroll',
5120 'banner',
5121 'bannister',
5122 'banshee',
5123 'banter',
5124 'barbecue',
5125 'barbed',
5126 'barbell',
5127 'barber',
5128 'barcode',
5129 'barge',
5130 'bargraph',
5131 'barista',
5132 'baritone',
5133 'barley',
5134 'barmaid',
5135 'barman',
5136 'barn',
5137 'barometer',
5138 'barrack',
5139 'barracuda',
5140 'barrel',
5141 'barrette',
5142 'barricade',
5143 'barrier',
5144 'barstool',
5145 'bartender',
5146 'barterer',
5147 'bash',
5148 'basically',
5149 'basics',
5150 'basil',
5151 'basin',
5152 'basis',
5153 'basket',
5154 'batboy',
5155 'batch',
5156 'bath',
5157 'baton',
5158 'bats',
5159 'battalion',
5160 'battered',
5161 'battering',
5162 'battery',
5163 'batting',
5164 'battle',
5165 'bauble',
5166 'bazooka',
5167 'blabber',
5168 'bladder',
5169 'blade',
5170 'blah',
5171 'blame',
5172 'blaming',
5173 'blanching',
5174 'blandness',
5175 'blank',
5176 'blaspheme',
5177 'blasphemy',
5178 'blast',
5179 'blatancy',
5180 'blatantly',
5181 'blazer',
5182 'blazing',
5183 'bleach',
5184 'bleak',
5185 'bleep',
5186 'blemish',
5187 'blend',
5188 'bless',
5189 'blighted',
5190 'blimp',
5191 'bling',
5192 'blinked',
5193 'blinker',
5194 'blinking',
5195 'blinks',
5196 'blip',
5197 'blissful',
5198 'blitz',
5199 'blizzard',
5200 'bloated',
5201 'bloating',
5202 'blob',
5203 'blog',
5204 'bloomers',
5205 'blooming',
5206 'blooper',
5207 'blot',
5208 'blouse',
5209 'blubber',
5210 'bluff',
5211 'bluish',
5212 'blunderer',
5213 'blunt',
5214 'blurb',
5215 'blurred',
5216 'blurry',
5217 'blurt',
5218 'blush',
5219 'blustery',
5220 'boaster',
5221 'boastful',
5222 'boasting',
5223 'boat',
5224 'bobbed',
5225 'bobbing',
5226 'bobble',
5227 'bobcat',
5228 'bobsled',
5229 'bobtail',
5230 'bodacious',
5231 'body',
5232 'bogged',
5233 'boggle',
5234 'bogus',
5235 'boil',
5236 'bok',
5237 'bolster',
5238 'bolt',
5239 'bonanza',
5240 'bonded',
5241 'bonding',
5242 'bondless',
5243 'boned',
5244 'bonehead',
5245 'boneless',
5246 'bonelike',
5247 'boney',
5248 'bonfire',
5249 'bonnet',
5250 'bonsai',
5251 'bonus',
5252 'bony',
5253 'boogeyman',
5254 'boogieman',
5255 'book',
5256 'boondocks',
5257 'booted',
5258 'booth',
5259 'bootie',
5260 'booting',
5261 'bootlace',
5262 'bootleg',
5263 'boots',
5264 'boozy',
5265 'borax',
5266 'boring',
5267 'borough',
5268 'borrower',
5269 'borrowing',
5270 'boss',
5271 'botanical',
5272 'botanist',
5273 'botany',
5274 'botch',
5275 'both',
5276 'bottle',
5277 'bottling',
5278 'bottom',
5279 'bounce',
5280 'bouncing',
5281 'bouncy',
5282 'bounding',
5283 'boundless',
5284 'bountiful',
5285 'bovine',
5286 'boxcar',
5287 'boxer',
5288 'boxing',
5289 'boxlike',
5290 'boxy',
5291 'breach',
5292 'breath',
5293 'breeches',
5294 'breeching',
5295 'breeder',
5296 'breeding',
5297 'breeze',
5298 'breezy',
5299 'brethren',
5300 'brewery',
5301 'brewing',
5302 'briar',
5303 'bribe',
5304 'brick',
5305 'bride',
5306 'bridged',
5307 'brigade',
5308 'bright',
5309 'brilliant',
5310 'brim',
5311 'bring',
5312 'brink',
5313 'brisket',
5314 'briskly',
5315 'briskness',
5316 'bristle',
5317 'brittle',
5318 'broadband',
5319 'broadcast',
5320 'broaden',
5321 'broadly',
5322 'broadness',
5323 'broadside',
5324 'broadways',
5325 'broiler',
5326 'broiling',
5327 'broken',
5328 'broker',
5329 'bronchial',
5330 'bronco',
5331 'bronze',
5332 'bronzing',
5333 'brook',
5334 'broom',
5335 'brought',
5336 'browbeat',
5337 'brownnose',
5338 'browse',
5339 'browsing',
5340 'bruising',
5341 'brunch',
5342 'brunette',
5343 'brunt',
5344 'brush',
5345 'brussels',
5346 'brute',
5347 'brutishly',
5348 'bubble',
5349 'bubbling',
5350 'bubbly',
5351 'buccaneer',
5352 'bucked',
5353 'bucket',
5354 'buckle',
5355 'buckshot',
5356 'buckskin',
5357 'bucktooth',
5358 'buckwheat',
5359 'buddhism',
5360 'buddhist',
5361 'budding',
5362 'buddy',
5363 'budget',
5364 'buffalo',
5365 'buffed',
5366 'buffer',
5367 'buffing',
5368 'buffoon',
5369 'buggy',
5370 'bulb',
5371 'bulge',
5372 'bulginess',
5373 'bulgur',
5374 'bulk',
5375 'bulldog',
5376 'bulldozer',
5377 'bullfight',
5378 'bullfrog',
5379 'bullhorn',
5380 'bullion',
5381 'bullish',
5382 'bullpen',
5383 'bullring',
5384 'bullseye',
5385 'bullwhip',
5386 'bully',
5387 'bunch',
5388 'bundle',
5389 'bungee',
5390 'bunion',
5391 'bunkbed',
5392 'bunkhouse',
5393 'bunkmate',
5394 'bunny',
5395 'bunt',
5396 'busboy',
5397 'bush',
5398 'busily',
5399 'busload',
5400 'bust',
5401 'busybody',
5402 'buzz',
5403 'cabana',
5404 'cabbage',
5405 'cabbie',
5406 'cabdriver',
5407 'cable',
5408 'caboose',
5409 'cache',
5410 'cackle',
5411 'cacti',
5412 'cactus',
5413 'caddie',
5414 'caddy',
5415 'cadet',
5416 'cadillac',
5417 'cadmium',
5418 'cage',
5419 'cahoots',
5420 'cake',
5421 'calamari',
5422 'calamity',
5423 'calcium',
5424 'calculate',
5425 'calculus',
5426 'caliber',
5427 'calibrate',
5428 'calm',
5429 'caloric',
5430 'calorie',
5431 'calzone',
5432 'camcorder',
5433 'cameo',
5434 'camera',
5435 'camisole',
5436 'camper',
5437 'campfire',
5438 'camping',
5439 'campsite',
5440 'campus',
5441 'canal',
5442 'canary',
5443 'cancel',
5444 'candied',
5445 'candle',
5446 'candy',
5447 'cane',
5448 'canine',
5449 'canister',
5450 'cannabis',
5451 'canned',
5452 'canning',
5453 'cannon',
5454 'cannot',
5455 'canola',
5456 'canon',
5457 'canopener',
5458 'canopy',
5459 'canteen',
5460 'canyon',
5461 'capable',
5462 'capably',
5463 'capacity',
5464 'cape',
5465 'capillary',
5466 'capital',
5467 'capitol',
5468 'capped',
5469 'capricorn',
5470 'capsize',
5471 'capsule',
5472 'caption',
5473 'captivate',
5474 'captive',
5475 'captivity',
5476 'capture',
5477 'caramel',
5478 'carat',
5479 'caravan',
5480 'carbon',
5481 'cardboard',
5482 'carded',
5483 'cardiac',
5484 'cardigan',
5485 'cardinal',
5486 'cardstock',
5487 'carefully',
5488 'caregiver',
5489 'careless',
5490 'caress',
5491 'caretaker',
5492 'cargo',
5493 'caring',
5494 'carless',
5495 'carload',
5496 'carmaker',
5497 'carnage',
5498 'carnation',
5499 'carnival',
5500 'carnivore',
5501 'carol',
5502 'carpenter',
5503 'carpentry',
5504 'carpool',
5505 'carport',
5506 'carried',
5507 'carrot',
5508 'carrousel',
5509 'carry',
5510 'cartel',
5511 'cartload',
5512 'carton',
5513 'cartoon',
5514 'cartridge',
5515 'cartwheel',
5516 'carve',
5517 'carving',
5518 'carwash',
5519 'cascade',
5520 'case',
5521 'cash',
5522 'casing',
5523 'casino',
5524 'casket',
5525 'cassette',
5526 'casually',
5527 'casualty',
5528 'catacomb',
5529 'catalog',
5530 'catalyst',
5531 'catalyze',
5532 'catapult',
5533 'cataract',
5534 'catatonic',
5535 'catcall',
5536 'catchable',
5537 'catcher',
5538 'catching',
5539 'catchy',
5540 'caterer',
5541 'catering',
5542 'catfight',
5543 'catfish',
5544 'cathedral',
5545 'cathouse',
5546 'catlike',
5547 'catnap',
5548 'catnip',
5549 'catsup',
5550 'cattail',
5551 'cattishly',
5552 'cattle',
5553 'catty',
5554 'catwalk',
5555 'caucasian',
5556 'caucus',
5557 'causal',
5558 'causation',
5559 'cause',
5560 'causing',
5561 'cauterize',
5562 'caution',
5563 'cautious',
5564 'cavalier',
5565 'cavalry',
5566 'caviar',
5567 'cavity',
5568 'cedar',
5569 'celery',
5570 'celestial',
5571 'celibacy',
5572 'celibate',
5573 'celtic',
5574 'cement',
5575 'census',
5576 'ceramics',
5577 'ceremony',
5578 'certainly',
5579 'certainty',
5580 'certified',
5581 'certify',
5582 'cesarean',
5583 'cesspool',
5584 'chafe',
5585 'chaffing',
5586 'chain',
5587 'chair',
5588 'chalice',
5589 'challenge',
5590 'chamber',
5591 'chamomile',
5592 'champion',
5593 'chance',
5594 'change',
5595 'channel',
5596 'chant',
5597 'chaos',
5598 'chaperone',
5599 'chaplain',
5600 'chapped',
5601 'chaps',
5602 'chapter',
5603 'character',
5604 'charbroil',
5605 'charcoal',
5606 'charger',
5607 'charging',
5608 'chariot',
5609 'charity',
5610 'charm',
5611 'charred',
5612 'charter',
5613 'charting',
5614 'chase',
5615 'chasing',
5616 'chaste',
5617 'chastise',
5618 'chastity',
5619 'chatroom',
5620 'chatter',
5621 'chatting',
5622 'chatty',
5623 'cheating',
5624 'cheddar',
5625 'cheek',
5626 'cheer',
5627 'cheese',
5628 'cheesy',
5629 'chef',
5630 'chemicals',
5631 'chemist',
5632 'chemo',
5633 'cherisher',
5634 'cherub',
5635 'chess',
5636 'chest',
5637 'chevron',
5638 'chevy',
5639 'chewable',
5640 'chewer',
5641 'chewing',
5642 'chewy',
5643 'chief',
5644 'chihuahua',
5645 'childcare',
5646 'childhood',
5647 'childish',
5648 'childless',
5649 'childlike',
5650 'chili',
5651 'chill',
5652 'chimp',
5653 'chip',
5654 'chirping',
5655 'chirpy',
5656 'chitchat',
5657 'chivalry',
5658 'chive',
5659 'chloride',
5660 'chlorine',
5661 'choice',
5662 'chokehold',
5663 'choking',
5664 'chomp',
5665 'chooser',
5666 'choosing',
5667 'choosy',
5668 'chop',
5669 'chosen',
5670 'chowder',
5671 'chowtime',
5672 'chrome',
5673 'chubby',
5674 'chuck',
5675 'chug',
5676 'chummy',
5677 'chump',
5678 'chunk',
5679 'churn',
5680 'chute',
5681 'cider',
5682 'cilantro',
5683 'cinch',
5684 'cinema',
5685 'cinnamon',
5686 'circle',
5687 'circling',
5688 'circular',
5689 'circulate',
5690 'circus',
5691 'citable',
5692 'citadel',
5693 'citation',
5694 'citizen',
5695 'citric',
5696 'citrus',
5697 'city',
5698 'civic',
5699 'civil',
5700 'clad',
5701 'claim',
5702 'clambake',
5703 'clammy',
5704 'clamor',
5705 'clamp',
5706 'clamshell',
5707 'clang',
5708 'clanking',
5709 'clapped',
5710 'clapper',
5711 'clapping',
5712 'clarify',
5713 'clarinet',
5714 'clarity',
5715 'clash',
5716 'clasp',
5717 'class',
5718 'clatter',
5719 'clause',
5720 'clavicle',
5721 'claw',
5722 'clay',
5723 'clean',
5724 'clear',
5725 'cleat',
5726 'cleaver',
5727 'cleft',
5728 'clench',
5729 'clergyman',
5730 'clerical',
5731 'clerk',
5732 'clever',
5733 'clicker',
5734 'client',
5735 'climate',
5736 'climatic',
5737 'cling',
5738 'clinic',
5739 'clinking',
5740 'clip',
5741 'clique',
5742 'cloak',
5743 'clobber',
5744 'clock',
5745 'clone',
5746 'cloning',
5747 'closable',
5748 'closure',
5749 'clothes',
5750 'clothing',
5751 'cloud',
5752 'clover',
5753 'clubbed',
5754 'clubbing',
5755 'clubhouse',
5756 'clump',
5757 'clumsily',
5758 'clumsy',
5759 'clunky',
5760 'clustered',
5761 'clutch',
5762 'clutter',
5763 'coach',
5764 'coagulant',
5765 'coastal',
5766 'coaster',
5767 'coasting',
5768 'coastland',
5769 'coastline',
5770 'coat',
5771 'coauthor',
5772 'cobalt',
5773 'cobbler',
5774 'cobweb',
5775 'cocoa',
5776 'coconut',
5777 'cod',
5778 'coeditor',
5779 'coerce',
5780 'coexist',
5781 'coffee',
5782 'cofounder',
5783 'cognition',
5784 'cognitive',
5785 'cogwheel',
5786 'coherence',
5787 'coherent',
5788 'cohesive',
5789 'coil',
5790 'coke',
5791 'cola',
5792 'cold',
5793 'coleslaw',
5794 'coliseum',
5795 'collage',
5796 'collapse',
5797 'collar',
5798 'collected',
5799 'collector',
5800 'collide',
5801 'collie',
5802 'collision',
5803 'colonial',
5804 'colonist',
5805 'colonize',
5806 'colony',
5807 'colossal',
5808 'colt',
5809 'coma',
5810 'come',
5811 'comfort',
5812 'comfy',
5813 'comic',
5814 'coming',
5815 'comma',
5816 'commence',
5817 'commend',
5818 'comment',
5819 'commerce',
5820 'commode',
5821 'commodity',
5822 'commodore',
5823 'common',
5824 'commotion',
5825 'commute',
5826 'commuting',
5827 'compacted',
5828 'compacter',
5829 'compactly',
5830 'compactor',
5831 'companion',
5832 'company',
5833 'compare',
5834 'compel',
5835 'compile',
5836 'comply',
5837 'component',
5838 'composed',
5839 'composer',
5840 'composite',
5841 'compost',
5842 'composure',
5843 'compound',
5844 'compress',
5845 'comprised',
5846 'computer',
5847 'computing',
5848 'comrade',
5849 'concave',
5850 'conceal',
5851 'conceded',
5852 'concept',
5853 'concerned',
5854 'concert',
5855 'conch',
5856 'concierge',
5857 'concise',
5858 'conclude',
5859 'concrete',
5860 'concur',
5861 'condense',
5862 'condiment',
5863 'condition',
5864 'condone',
5865 'conducive',
5866 'conductor',
5867 'conduit',
5868 'cone',
5869 'confess',
5870 'confetti',
5871 'confidant',
5872 'confident',
5873 'confider',
5874 'confiding',
5875 'configure',
5876 'confined',
5877 'confining',
5878 'confirm',
5879 'conflict',
5880 'conform',
5881 'confound',
5882 'confront',
5883 'confused',
5884 'confusing',
5885 'confusion',
5886 'congenial',
5887 'congested',
5888 'congrats',
5889 'congress',
5890 'conical',
5891 'conjoined',
5892 'conjure',
5893 'conjuror',
5894 'connected',
5895 'connector',
5896 'consensus',
5897 'consent',
5898 'console',
5899 'consoling',
5900 'consonant',
5901 'constable',
5902 'constant',
5903 'constrain',
5904 'constrict',
5905 'construct',
5906 'consult',
5907 'consumer',
5908 'consuming',
5909 'contact',
5910 'container',
5911 'contempt',
5912 'contend',
5913 'contented',
5914 'contently',
5915 'contents',
5916 'contest',
5917 'context',
5918 'contort',
5919 'contour',
5920 'contrite',
5921 'control',
5922 'contusion',
5923 'convene',
5924 'convent',
5925 'copartner',
5926 'cope',
5927 'copied',
5928 'copier',
5929 'copilot',
5930 'coping',
5931 'copious',
5932 'copper',
5933 'copy',
5934 'coral',
5935 'cork',
5936 'cornball',
5937 'cornbread',
5938 'corncob',
5939 'cornea',
5940 'corned',
5941 'corner',
5942 'cornfield',
5943 'cornflake',
5944 'cornhusk',
5945 'cornmeal',
5946 'cornstalk',
5947 'corny',
5948 'coronary',
5949 'coroner',
5950 'corporal',
5951 'corporate',
5952 'corral',
5953 'correct',
5954 'corridor',
5955 'corrode',
5956 'corroding',
5957 'corrosive',
5958 'corsage',
5959 'corset',
5960 'cortex',
5961 'cosigner',
5962 'cosmetics',
5963 'cosmic',
5964 'cosmos',
5965 'cosponsor',
5966 'cost',
5967 'cottage',
5968 'cotton',
5969 'couch',
5970 'cough',
5971 'could',
5972 'countable',
5973 'countdown',
5974 'counting',
5975 'countless',
5976 'country',
5977 'county',
5978 'courier',
5979 'covenant',
5980 'cover',
5981 'coveted',
5982 'coveting',
5983 'coyness',
5984 'cozily',
5985 'coziness',
5986 'cozy',
5987 'crabbing',
5988 'crabgrass',
5989 'crablike',
5990 'crabmeat',
5991 'cradle',
5992 'cradling',
5993 'crafter',
5994 'craftily',
5995 'craftsman',
5996 'craftwork',
5997 'crafty',
5998 'cramp',
5999 'cranberry',
6000 'crane',
6001 'cranial',
6002 'cranium',
6003 'crank',
6004 'crate',
6005 'crave',
6006 'craving',
6007 'crawfish',
6008 'crawlers',
6009 'crawling',
6010 'crayfish',
6011 'crayon',
6012 'crazed',
6013 'crazily',
6014 'craziness',
6015 'crazy',
6016 'creamed',
6017 'creamer',
6018 'creamlike',
6019 'crease',
6020 'creasing',
6021 'creatable',
6022 'create',
6023 'creation',
6024 'creative',
6025 'creature',
6026 'credible',
6027 'credibly',
6028 'credit',
6029 'creed',
6030 'creme',
6031 'creole',
6032 'crepe',
6033 'crept',
6034 'crescent',
6035 'crested',
6036 'cresting',
6037 'crestless',
6038 'crevice',
6039 'crewless',
6040 'crewman',
6041 'crewmate',
6042 'crib',
6043 'cricket',
6044 'cried',
6045 'crier',
6046 'crimp',
6047 'crimson',
6048 'cringe',
6049 'cringing',
6050 'crinkle',
6051 'crinkly',
6052 'crisped',
6053 'crisping',
6054 'crisply',
6055 'crispness',
6056 'crispy',
6057 'criteria',
6058 'critter',
6059 'croak',
6060 'crock',
6061 'crook',
6062 'croon',
6063 'crop',
6064 'cross',
6065 'crouch',
6066 'crouton',
6067 'crowbar',
6068 'crowd',
6069 'crown',
6070 'crucial',
6071 'crudely',
6072 'crudeness',
6073 'cruelly',
6074 'cruelness',
6075 'cruelty',
6076 'crumb',
6077 'crummiest',
6078 'crummy',
6079 'crumpet',
6080 'crumpled',
6081 'cruncher',
6082 'crunching',
6083 'crunchy',
6084 'crusader',
6085 'crushable',
6086 'crushed',
6087 'crusher',
6088 'crushing',
6089 'crust',
6090 'crux',
6091 'crying',
6092 'cryptic',
6093 'crystal',
6094 'cubbyhole',
6095 'cube',
6096 'cubical',
6097 'cubicle',
6098 'cucumber',
6099 'cuddle',
6100 'cuddly',
6101 'cufflink',
6102 'culinary',
6103 'culminate',
6104 'culpable',
6105 'culprit',
6106 'cultivate',
6107 'cultural',
6108 'culture',
6109 'cupbearer',
6110 'cupcake',
6111 'cupid',
6112 'cupped',
6113 'cupping',
6114 'curable',
6115 'curator',
6116 'curdle',
6117 'cure',
6118 'curfew',
6119 'curing',
6120 'curled',
6121 'curler',
6122 'curliness',
6123 'curling',
6124 'curly',
6125 'curry',
6126 'curse',
6127 'cursive',
6128 'cursor',
6129 'curtain',
6130 'curtly',
6131 'curtsy',
6132 'curvature',
6133 'curve',
6134 'curvy',
6135 'cushy',
6136 'cusp',
6137 'cussed',
6138 'custard',
6139 'custodian',
6140 'custody',
6141 'customary',
6142 'customer',
6143 'customize',
6144 'customs',
6145 'cut',
6146 'cycle',
6147 'cyclic',
6148 'cycling',
6149 'cyclist',
6150 'cylinder',
6151 'cymbal',
6152 'cytoplasm',
6153 'cytoplast',
6154 'dab',
6155 'dad',
6156 'daffodil',
6157 'dagger',
6158 'daily',
6159 'daintily',
6160 'dainty',
6161 'dairy',
6162 'daisy',
6163 'dallying',
6164 'dance',
6165 'dancing',
6166 'dandelion',
6167 'dander',
6168 'dandruff',
6169 'dandy',
6170 'danger',
6171 'dangle',
6172 'dangling',
6173 'daredevil',
6174 'dares',
6175 'daringly',
6176 'darkened',
6177 'darkening',
6178 'darkish',
6179 'darkness',
6180 'darkroom',
6181 'darling',
6182 'darn',
6183 'dart',
6184 'darwinism',
6185 'dash',
6186 'dastardly',
6187 'data',
6188 'datebook',
6189 'dating',
6190 'daughter',
6191 'daunting',
6192 'dawdler',
6193 'dawn',
6194 'daybed',
6195 'daybreak',
6196 'daycare',
6197 'daydream',
6198 'daylight',
6199 'daylong',
6200 'dayroom',
6201 'daytime',
6202 'dazzler',
6203 'dazzling',
6204 'deacon',
6205 'deafening',
6206 'deafness',
6207 'dealer',
6208 'dealing',
6209 'dealmaker',
6210 'dealt',
6211 'dean',
6212 'debatable',
6213 'debate',
6214 'debating',
6215 'debit',
6216 'debrief',
6217 'debtless',
6218 'debtor',
6219 'debug',
6220 'debunk',
6221 'decade',
6222 'decaf',
6223 'decal',
6224 'decathlon',
6225 'decay',
6226 'deceased',
6227 'deceit',
6228 'deceiver',
6229 'deceiving',
6230 'december',
6231 'decency',
6232 'decent',
6233 'deception',
6234 'deceptive',
6235 'decibel',
6236 'decidable',
6237 'decimal',
6238 'decimeter',
6239 'decipher',
6240 'deck',
6241 'declared',
6242 'decline',
6243 'decode',
6244 'decompose',
6245 'decorated',
6246 'decorator',
6247 'decoy',
6248 'decrease',
6249 'decree',
6250 'dedicate',
6251 'dedicator',
6252 'deduce',
6253 'deduct',
6254 'deed',
6255 'deem',
6256 'deepen',
6257 'deeply',
6258 'deepness',
6259 'deface',
6260 'defacing',
6261 'defame',
6262 'default',
6263 'defeat',
6264 'defection',
6265 'defective',
6266 'defendant',
6267 'defender',
6268 'defense',
6269 'defensive',
6270 'deferral',
6271 'deferred',
6272 'defiance',
6273 'defiant',
6274 'defile',
6275 'defiling',
6276 'define',
6277 'definite',
6278 'deflate',
6279 'deflation',
6280 'deflator',
6281 'deflected',
6282 'deflector',
6283 'defog',
6284 'deforest',
6285 'defraud',
6286 'defrost',
6287 'deftly',
6288 'defuse',
6289 'defy',
6290 'degraded',
6291 'degrading',
6292 'degrease',
6293 'degree',
6294 'dehydrate',
6295 'deity',
6296 'dejected',
6297 'delay',
6298 'delegate',
6299 'delegator',
6300 'delete',
6301 'deletion',
6302 'delicacy',
6303 'delicate',
6304 'delicious',
6305 'delighted',
6306 'delirious',
6307 'delirium',
6308 'deliverer',
6309 'delivery',
6310 'delouse',
6311 'delta',
6312 'deluge',
6313 'delusion',
6314 'deluxe',
6315 'demanding',
6316 'demeaning',
6317 'demeanor',
6318 'demise',
6319 'democracy',
6320 'democrat',
6321 'demote',
6322 'demotion',
6323 'demystify',
6324 'denatured',
6325 'deniable',
6326 'denial',
6327 'denim',
6328 'denote',
6329 'dense',
6330 'density',
6331 'dental',
6332 'dentist',
6333 'denture',
6334 'deny',
6335 'deodorant',
6336 'deodorize',
6337 'departed',
6338 'departure',
6339 'depict',
6340 'deplete',
6341 'depletion',
6342 'deplored',
6343 'deploy',
6344 'deport',
6345 'depose',
6346 'depraved',
6347 'depravity',
6348 'deprecate',
6349 'depress',
6350 'deprive',
6351 'depth',
6352 'deputize',
6353 'deputy',
6354 'derail',
6355 'deranged',
6356 'derby',
6357 'derived',
6358 'desecrate',
6359 'deserve',
6360 'deserving',
6361 'designate',
6362 'designed',
6363 'designer',
6364 'designing',
6365 'deskbound',
6366 'desktop',
6367 'deskwork',
6368 'desolate',
6369 'despair',
6370 'despise',
6371 'despite',
6372 'destiny',
6373 'destitute',
6374 'destruct',
6375 'detached',
6376 'detail',
6377 'detection',
6378 'detective',
6379 'detector',
6380 'detention',
6381 'detergent',
6382 'detest',
6383 'detonate',
6384 'detonator',
6385 'detoxify',
6386 'detract',
6387 'deuce',
6388 'devalue',
6389 'deviancy',
6390 'deviant',
6391 'deviate',
6392 'deviation',
6393 'deviator',
6394 'device',
6395 'devious',
6396 'devotedly',
6397 'devotee',
6398 'devotion',
6399 'devourer',
6400 'devouring',
6401 'devoutly',
6402 'dexterity',
6403 'dexterous',
6404 'diabetes',
6405 'diabetic',
6406 'diabolic',
6407 'diagnoses',
6408 'diagnosis',
6409 'diagram',
6410 'dial',
6411 'diameter',
6412 'diaper',
6413 'diaphragm',
6414 'diary',
6415 'dice',
6416 'dicing',
6417 'dictate',
6418 'dictation',
6419 'dictator',
6420 'difficult',
6421 'diffused',
6422 'diffuser',
6423 'diffusion',
6424 'diffusive',
6425 'dig',
6426 'dilation',
6427 'diligence',
6428 'diligent',
6429 'dill',
6430 'dilute',
6431 'dime',
6432 'diminish',
6433 'dimly',
6434 'dimmed',
6435 'dimmer',
6436 'dimness',
6437 'dimple',
6438 'diner',
6439 'dingbat',
6440 'dinghy',
6441 'dinginess',
6442 'dingo',
6443 'dingy',
6444 'dining',
6445 'dinner',
6446 'diocese',
6447 'dioxide',
6448 'diploma',
6449 'dipped',
6450 'dipper',
6451 'dipping',
6452 'directed',
6453 'direction',
6454 'directive',
6455 'directly',
6456 'directory',
6457 'direness',
6458 'dirtiness',
6459 'disabled',
6460 'disagree',
6461 'disallow',
6462 'disarm',
6463 'disarray',
6464 'disaster',
6465 'disband',
6466 'disbelief',
6467 'disburse',
6468 'discard',
6469 'discern',
6470 'discharge',
6471 'disclose',
6472 'discolor',
6473 'discount',
6474 'discourse',
6475 'discover',
6476 'discuss',
6477 'disdain',
6478 'disengage',
6479 'disfigure',
6480 'disgrace',
6481 'dish',
6482 'disinfect',
6483 'disjoin',
6484 'disk',
6485 'dislike',
6486 'disliking',
6487 'dislocate',
6488 'dislodge',
6489 'disloyal',
6490 'dismantle',
6491 'dismay',
6492 'dismiss',
6493 'dismount',
6494 'disobey',
6495 'disorder',
6496 'disown',
6497 'disparate',
6498 'disparity',
6499 'dispatch',
6500 'dispense',
6501 'dispersal',
6502 'dispersed',
6503 'disperser',
6504 'displace',
6505 'display',
6506 'displease',
6507 'disposal',
6508 'dispose',
6509 'disprove',
6510 'dispute',
6511 'disregard',
6512 'disrupt',
6513 'dissuade',
6514 'distance',
6515 'distant',
6516 'distaste',
6517 'distill',
6518 'distinct',
6519 'distort',
6520 'distract',
6521 'distress',
6522 'district',
6523 'distrust',
6524 'ditch',
6525 'ditto',
6526 'ditzy',
6527 'dividable',
6528 'divided',
6529 'dividend',
6530 'dividers',
6531 'dividing',
6532 'divinely',
6533 'diving',
6534 'divinity',
6535 'divisible',
6536 'divisibly',
6537 'division',
6538 'divisive',
6539 'divorcee',
6540 'dizziness',
6541 'dizzy',
6542 'doable',
6543 'docile',
6544 'dock',
6545 'doctrine',
6546 'document',
6547 'dodge',
6548 'dodgy',
6549 'doily',
6550 'doing',
6551 'dole',
6552 'dollar',
6553 'dollhouse',
6554 'dollop',
6555 'dolly',
6556 'dolphin',
6557 'domain',
6558 'domelike',
6559 'domestic',
6560 'dominion',
6561 'dominoes',
6562 'donated',
6563 'donation',
6564 'donator',
6565 'donor',
6566 'donut',
6567 'doodle',
6568 'doorbell',
6569 'doorframe',
6570 'doorknob',
6571 'doorman',
6572 'doormat',
6573 'doornail',
6574 'doorpost',
6575 'doorstep',
6576 'doorstop',
6577 'doorway',
6578 'doozy',
6579 'dork',
6580 'dormitory',
6581 'dorsal',
6582 'dosage',
6583 'dose',
6584 'dotted',
6585 'doubling',
6586 'douche',
6587 'dove',
6588 'down',
6589 'dowry',
6590 'doze',
6591 'drab',
6592 'dragging',
6593 'dragonfly',
6594 'dragonish',
6595 'dragster',
6596 'drainable',
6597 'drainage',
6598 'drained',
6599 'drainer',
6600 'drainpipe',
6601 'dramatic',
6602 'dramatize',
6603 'drank',
6604 'drapery',
6605 'drastic',
6606 'draw',
6607 'dreaded',
6608 'dreadful',
6609 'dreadlock',
6610 'dreamboat',
6611 'dreamily',
6612 'dreamland',
6613 'dreamless',
6614 'dreamlike',
6615 'dreamt',
6616 'dreamy',
6617 'drearily',
6618 'dreary',
6619 'drench',
6620 'dress',
6621 'drew',
6622 'dribble',
6623 'dried',
6624 'drier',
6625 'drift',
6626 'driller',
6627 'drilling',
6628 'drinkable',
6629 'drinking',
6630 'dripping',
6631 'drippy',
6632 'drivable',
6633 'driven',
6634 'driver',
6635 'driveway',
6636 'driving',
6637 'drizzle',
6638 'drizzly',
6639 'drone',
6640 'drool',
6641 'droop',
6642 'drop-down',
6643 'dropbox',
6644 'dropkick',
6645 'droplet',
6646 'dropout',
6647 'dropper',
6648 'drove',
6649 'drown',
6650 'drowsily',
6651 'drudge',
6652 'drum',
6653 'dry',
6654 'dubbed',
6655 'dubiously',
6656 'duchess',
6657 'duckbill',
6658 'ducking',
6659 'duckling',
6660 'ducktail',
6661 'ducky',
6662 'duct',
6663 'dude',
6664 'duffel',
6665 'dugout',
6666 'duh',
6667 'duke',
6668 'duller',
6669 'dullness',
6670 'duly',
6671 'dumping',
6672 'dumpling',
6673 'dumpster',
6674 'duo',
6675 'dupe',
6676 'duplex',
6677 'duplicate',
6678 'duplicity',
6679 'durable',
6680 'durably',
6681 'duration',
6682 'duress',
6683 'during',
6684 'dusk',
6685 'dust',
6686 'dutiful',
6687 'duty',
6688 'duvet',
6689 'dwarf',
6690 'dweeb',
6691 'dwelled',
6692 'dweller',
6693 'dwelling',
6694 'dwindle',
6695 'dwindling',
6696 'dynamic',
6697 'dynamite',
6698 'dynasty',
6699 'dyslexia',
6700 'dyslexic',
6701 'each',
6702 'eagle',
6703 'earache',
6704 'eardrum',
6705 'earflap',
6706 'earful',
6707 'earlobe',
6708 'early',
6709 'earmark',
6710 'earmuff',
6711 'earphone',
6712 'earpiece',
6713 'earplugs',
6714 'earring',
6715 'earshot',
6716 'earthen',
6717 'earthlike',
6718 'earthling',
6719 'earthly',
6720 'earthworm',
6721 'earthy',
6722 'earwig',
6723 'easeful',
6724 'easel',
6725 'easiest',
6726 'easily',
6727 'easiness',
6728 'easing',
6729 'eastbound',
6730 'eastcoast',
6731 'easter',
6732 'eastward',
6733 'eatable',
6734 'eaten',
6735 'eatery',
6736 'eating',
6737 'eats',
6738 'ebay',
6739 'ebony',
6740 'ebook',
6741 'ecard',
6742 'eccentric',
6743 'echo',
6744 'eclair',
6745 'eclipse',
6746 'ecologist',
6747 'ecology',
6748 'economic',
6749 'economist',
6750 'economy',
6751 'ecosphere',
6752 'ecosystem',
6753 'edge',
6754 'edginess',
6755 'edging',
6756 'edgy',
6757 'edition',
6758 'editor',
6759 'educated',
6760 'education',
6761 'educator',
6762 'eel',
6763 'effective',
6764 'effects',
6765 'efficient',
6766 'effort',
6767 'eggbeater',
6768 'egging',
6769 'eggnog',
6770 'eggplant',
6771 'eggshell',
6772 'egomaniac',
6773 'egotism',
6774 'egotistic',
6775 'either',
6776 'eject',
6777 'elaborate',
6778 'elastic',
6779 'elated',
6780 'elbow',
6781 'eldercare',
6782 'elderly',
6783 'eldest',
6784 'electable',
6785 'election',
6786 'elective',
6787 'elephant',
6788 'elevate',
6789 'elevating',
6790 'elevation',
6791 'elevator',
6792 'eleven',
6793 'elf',
6794 'eligible',
6795 'eligibly',
6796 'eliminate',
6797 'elite',
6798 'elitism',
6799 'elixir',
6800 'elk',
6801 'ellipse',
6802 'elliptic',
6803 'elm',
6804 'elongated',
6805 'elope',
6806 'eloquence',
6807 'eloquent',
6808 'elsewhere',
6809 'elude',
6810 'elusive',
6811 'elves',
6812 'email',
6813 'embargo',
6814 'embark',
6815 'embassy',
6816 'embattled',
6817 'embellish',
6818 'ember',
6819 'embezzle',
6820 'emblaze',
6821 'emblem',
6822 'embody',
6823 'embolism',
6824 'emboss',
6825 'embroider',
6826 'emcee',
6827 'emerald',
6828 'emergency',
6829 'emission',
6830 'emit',
6831 'emote',
6832 'emoticon',
6833 'emotion',
6834 'empathic',
6835 'empathy',
6836 'emperor',
6837 'emphases',
6838 'emphasis',
6839 'emphasize',
6840 'emphatic',
6841 'empirical',
6842 'employed',
6843 'employee',
6844 'employer',
6845 'emporium',
6846 'empower',
6847 'emptier',
6848 'emptiness',
6849 'empty',
6850 'emu',
6851 'enable',
6852 'enactment',
6853 'enamel',
6854 'enchanted',
6855 'enchilada',
6856 'encircle',
6857 'enclose',
6858 'enclosure',
6859 'encode',
6860 'encore',
6861 'encounter',
6862 'encourage',
6863 'encroach',
6864 'encrust',
6865 'encrypt',
6866 'endanger',
6867 'endeared',
6868 'endearing',
6869 'ended',
6870 'ending',
6871 'endless',
6872 'endnote',
6873 'endocrine',
6874 'endorphin',
6875 'endorse',
6876 'endowment',
6877 'endpoint',
6878 'endurable',
6879 'endurance',
6880 'enduring',
6881 'energetic',
6882 'energize',
6883 'energy',
6884 'enforced',
6885 'enforcer',
6886 'engaged',
6887 'engaging',
6888 'engine',
6889 'engorge',
6890 'engraved',
6891 'engraver',
6892 'engraving',
6893 'engross',
6894 'engulf',
6895 'enhance',
6896 'enigmatic',
6897 'enjoyable',
6898 'enjoyably',
6899 'enjoyer',
6900 'enjoying',
6901 'enjoyment',
6902 'enlarged',
6903 'enlarging',
6904 'enlighten',
6905 'enlisted',
6906 'enquirer',
6907 'enrage',
6908 'enrich',
6909 'enroll',
6910 'enslave',
6911 'ensnare',
6912 'ensure',
6913 'entail',
6914 'entangled',
6915 'entering',
6916 'entertain',
6917 'enticing',
6918 'entire',
6919 'entitle',
6920 'entity',
6921 'entomb',
6922 'entourage',
6923 'entrap',
6924 'entree',
6925 'entrench',
6926 'entrust',
6927 'entryway',
6928 'entwine',
6929 'enunciate',
6930 'envelope',
6931 'enviable',
6932 'enviably',
6933 'envious',
6934 'envision',
6935 'envoy',
6936 'envy',
6937 'enzyme',
6938 'epic',
6939 'epidemic',
6940 'epidermal',
6941 'epidermis',
6942 'epidural',
6943 'epilepsy',
6944 'epileptic',
6945 'epilogue',
6946 'epiphany',
6947 'episode',
6948 'equal',
6949 'equate',
6950 'equation',
6951 'equator',
6952 'equinox',
6953 'equipment',
6954 'equity',
6955 'equivocal',
6956 'eradicate',
6957 'erasable',
6958 'erased',
6959 'eraser',
6960 'erasure',
6961 'ergonomic',
6962 'errand',
6963 'errant',
6964 'erratic',
6965 'error',
6966 'erupt',
6967 'escalate',
6968 'escalator',
6969 'escapable',
6970 'escapade',
6971 'escapist',
6972 'escargot',
6973 'eskimo',
6974 'esophagus',
6975 'espionage',
6976 'espresso',
6977 'esquire',
6978 'essay',
6979 'essence',
6980 'essential',
6981 'establish',
6982 'estate',
6983 'esteemed',
6984 'estimate',
6985 'estimator',
6986 'estranged',
6987 'estrogen',
6988 'etching',
6989 'eternal',
6990 'eternity',
6991 'ethanol',
6992 'ether',
6993 'ethically',
6994 'ethics',
6995 'euphemism',
6996 'evacuate',
6997 'evacuee',
6998 'evade',
6999 'evaluate',
7000 'evaluator',
7001 'evaporate',
7002 'evasion',
7003 'evasive',
7004 'even',
7005 'everglade',
7006 'evergreen',
7007 'everybody',
7008 'everyday',
7009 'everyone',
7010 'evict',
7011 'evidence',
7012 'evident',
7013 'evil',
7014 'evoke',
7015 'evolution',
7016 'evolve',
7017 'exact',
7018 'exalted',
7019 'example',
7020 'excavate',
7021 'excavator',
7022 'exceeding',
7023 'exception',
7024 'excess',
7025 'exchange',
7026 'excitable',
7027 'exciting',
7028 'exclaim',
7029 'exclude',
7030 'excluding',
7031 'exclusion',
7032 'exclusive',
7033 'excretion',
7034 'excretory',
7035 'excursion',
7036 'excusable',
7037 'excusably',
7038 'excuse',
7039 'exemplary',
7040 'exemplify',
7041 'exemption',
7042 'exerciser',
7043 'exert',
7044 'exes',
7045 'exfoliate',
7046 'exhale',
7047 'exhaust',
7048 'exhume',
7049 'exile',
7050 'existing',
7051 'exit',
7052 'exodus',
7053 'exonerate',
7054 'exorcism',
7055 'exorcist',
7056 'expand',
7057 'expanse',
7058 'expansion',
7059 'expansive',
7060 'expectant',
7061 'expedited',
7062 'expediter',
7063 'expel',
7064 'expend',
7065 'expenses',
7066 'expensive',
7067 'expert',
7068 'expire',
7069 'expiring',
7070 'explain',
7071 'expletive',
7072 'explicit',
7073 'explode',
7074 'exploit',
7075 'explore',
7076 'exploring',
7077 'exponent',
7078 'exporter',
7079 'exposable',
7080 'expose',
7081 'exposure',
7082 'express',
7083 'expulsion',
7084 'exquisite',
7085 'extended',
7086 'extending',
7087 'extent',
7088 'extenuate',
7089 'exterior',
7090 'external',
7091 'extinct',
7092 'extortion',
7093 'extradite',
7094 'extras',
7095 'extrovert',
7096 'extrude',
7097 'extruding',
7098 'exuberant',
7099 'fable',
7100 'fabric',
7101 'fabulous',
7102 'facebook',
7103 'facecloth',
7104 'facedown',
7105 'faceless',
7106 'facelift',
7107 'faceplate',
7108 'faceted',
7109 'facial',
7110 'facility',
7111 'facing',
7112 'facsimile',
7113 'faction',
7114 'factoid',
7115 'factor',
7116 'factsheet',
7117 'factual',
7118 'faculty',
7119 'fade',
7120 'fading',
7121 'failing',
7122 'falcon',
7123 'fall',
7124 'false',
7125 'falsify',
7126 'fame',
7127 'familiar',
7128 'family',
7129 'famine',
7130 'famished',
7131 'fanatic',
7132 'fancied',
7133 'fanciness',
7134 'fancy',
7135 'fanfare',
7136 'fang',
7137 'fanning',
7138 'fantasize',
7139 'fantastic',
7140 'fantasy',
7141 'fascism',
7142 'fastball',
7143 'faster',
7144 'fasting',
7145 'fastness',
7146 'faucet',
7147 'favorable',
7148 'favorably',
7149 'favored',
7150 'favoring',
7151 'favorite',
7152 'fax',
7153 'feast',
7154 'federal',
7155 'fedora',
7156 'feeble',
7157 'feed',
7158 'feel',
7159 'feisty',
7160 'feline',
7161 'felt-tip',
7162 'feminine',
7163 'feminism',
7164 'feminist',
7165 'feminize',
7166 'femur',
7167 'fence',
7168 'fencing',
7169 'fender',
7170 'ferment',
7171 'fernlike',
7172 'ferocious',
7173 'ferocity',
7174 'ferret',
7175 'ferris',
7176 'ferry',
7177 'fervor',
7178 'fester',
7179 'festival',
7180 'festive',
7181 'festivity',
7182 'fetal',
7183 'fetch',
7184 'fever',
7185 'fiber',
7186 'fiction',
7187 'fiddle',
7188 'fiddling',
7189 'fidelity',
7190 'fidgeting',
7191 'fidgety',
7192 'fifteen',
7193 'fifth',
7194 'fiftieth',
7195 'fifty',
7196 'figment',
7197 'figure',
7198 'figurine',
7199 'filing',
7200 'filled',
7201 'filler',
7202 'filling',
7203 'film',
7204 'filter',
7205 'filth',
7206 'filtrate',
7207 'finale',
7208 'finalist',
7209 'finalize',
7210 'finally',
7211 'finance',
7212 'financial',
7213 'finch',
7214 'fineness',
7215 'finer',
7216 'finicky',
7217 'finished',
7218 'finisher',
7219 'finishing',
7220 'finite',
7221 'finless',
7222 'finlike',
7223 'fiscally',
7224 'fit',
7225 'five',
7226 'flaccid',
7227 'flagman',
7228 'flagpole',
7229 'flagship',
7230 'flagstick',
7231 'flagstone',
7232 'flail',
7233 'flakily',
7234 'flaky',
7235 'flame',
7236 'flammable',
7237 'flanked',
7238 'flanking',
7239 'flannels',
7240 'flap',
7241 'flaring',
7242 'flashback',
7243 'flashbulb',
7244 'flashcard',
7245 'flashily',
7246 'flashing',
7247 'flashy',
7248 'flask',
7249 'flatbed',
7250 'flatfoot',
7251 'flatly',
7252 'flatness',
7253 'flatten',
7254 'flattered',
7255 'flatterer',
7256 'flattery',
7257 'flattop',
7258 'flatware',
7259 'flatworm',
7260 'flavored',
7261 'flavorful',
7262 'flavoring',
7263 'flaxseed',
7264 'fled',
7265 'fleshed',
7266 'fleshy',
7267 'flick',
7268 'flier',
7269 'flight',
7270 'flinch',
7271 'fling',
7272 'flint',
7273 'flip',
7274 'flirt',
7275 'float',
7276 'flock',
7277 'flogging',
7278 'flop',
7279 'floral',
7280 'florist',
7281 'floss',
7282 'flounder',
7283 'flyable',
7284 'flyaway',
7285 'flyer',
7286 'flying',
7287 'flyover',
7288 'flypaper',
7289 'foam',
7290 'foe',
7291 'fog',
7292 'foil',
7293 'folic',
7294 'folk',
7295 'follicle',
7296 'follow',
7297 'fondling',
7298 'fondly',
7299 'fondness',
7300 'fondue',
7301 'font',
7302 'food',
7303 'fool',
7304 'footage',
7305 'football',
7306 'footbath',
7307 'footboard',
7308 'footer',
7309 'footgear',
7310 'foothill',
7311 'foothold',
7312 'footing',
7313 'footless',
7314 'footman',
7315 'footnote',
7316 'footpad',
7317 'footpath',
7318 'footprint',
7319 'footrest',
7320 'footsie',
7321 'footsore',
7322 'footwear',
7323 'footwork',
7324 'fossil',
7325 'foster',
7326 'founder',
7327 'founding',
7328 'fountain',
7329 'fox',
7330 'foyer',
7331 'fraction',
7332 'fracture',
7333 'fragile',
7334 'fragility',
7335 'fragment',
7336 'fragrance',
7337 'fragrant',
7338 'frail',
7339 'frame',
7340 'framing',
7341 'frantic',
7342 'fraternal',
7343 'frayed',
7344 'fraying',
7345 'frays',
7346 'freckled',
7347 'freckles',
7348 'freebase',
7349 'freebee',
7350 'freebie',
7351 'freedom',
7352 'freefall',
7353 'freehand',
7354 'freeing',
7355 'freeload',
7356 'freely',
7357 'freemason',
7358 'freeness',
7359 'freestyle',
7360 'freeware',
7361 'freeway',
7362 'freewill',
7363 'freezable',
7364 'freezing',
7365 'freight',
7366 'french',
7367 'frenzied',
7368 'frenzy',
7369 'frequency',
7370 'frequent',
7371 'fresh',
7372 'fretful',
7373 'fretted',
7374 'friction',
7375 'friday',
7376 'fridge',
7377 'fried',
7378 'friend',
7379 'frighten',
7380 'frightful',
7381 'frigidity',
7382 'frigidly',
7383 'frill',
7384 'fringe',
7385 'frisbee',
7386 'frisk',
7387 'fritter',
7388 'frivolous',
7389 'frolic',
7390 'from',
7391 'front',
7392 'frostbite',
7393 'frosted',
7394 'frostily',
7395 'frosting',
7396 'frostlike',
7397 'frosty',
7398 'froth',
7399 'frown',
7400 'frozen',
7401 'fructose',
7402 'frugality',
7403 'frugally',
7404 'fruit',
7405 'frustrate',
7406 'frying',
7407 'gab',
7408 'gaffe',
7409 'gag',
7410 'gainfully',
7411 'gaining',
7412 'gains',
7413 'gala',
7414 'gallantly',
7415 'galleria',
7416 'gallery',
7417 'galley',
7418 'gallon',
7419 'gallows',
7420 'gallstone',
7421 'galore',
7422 'galvanize',
7423 'gambling',
7424 'game',
7425 'gaming',
7426 'gamma',
7427 'gander',
7428 'gangly',
7429 'gangrene',
7430 'gangway',
7431 'gap',
7432 'garage',
7433 'garbage',
7434 'garden',
7435 'gargle',
7436 'garland',
7437 'garlic',
7438 'garment',
7439 'garnet',
7440 'garnish',
7441 'garter',
7442 'gas',
7443 'gatherer',
7444 'gathering',
7445 'gating',
7446 'gauging',
7447 'gauntlet',
7448 'gauze',
7449 'gave',
7450 'gawk',
7451 'gazing',
7452 'gear',
7453 'gecko',
7454 'geek',
7455 'geiger',
7456 'gem',
7457 'gender',
7458 'generic',
7459 'generous',
7460 'genetics',
7461 'genre',
7462 'gentile',
7463 'gentleman',
7464 'gently',
7465 'gents',
7466 'geography',
7467 'geologic',
7468 'geologist',
7469 'geology',
7470 'geometric',
7471 'geometry',
7472 'geranium',
7473 'gerbil',
7474 'geriatric',
7475 'germicide',
7476 'germinate',
7477 'germless',
7478 'germproof',
7479 'gestate',
7480 'gestation',
7481 'gesture',
7482 'getaway',
7483 'getting',
7484 'getup',
7485 'giant',
7486 'gibberish',
7487 'giblet',
7488 'giddily',
7489 'giddiness',
7490 'giddy',
7491 'gift',
7492 'gigabyte',
7493 'gigahertz',
7494 'gigantic',
7495 'giggle',
7496 'giggling',
7497 'giggly',
7498 'gigolo',
7499 'gilled',
7500 'gills',
7501 'gimmick',
7502 'girdle',
7503 'giveaway',
7504 'given',
7505 'giver',
7506 'giving',
7507 'gizmo',
7508 'gizzard',
7509 'glacial',
7510 'glacier',
7511 'glade',
7512 'gladiator',
7513 'gladly',
7514 'glamorous',
7515 'glamour',
7516 'glance',
7517 'glancing',
7518 'glandular',
7519 'glare',
7520 'glaring',
7521 'glass',
7522 'glaucoma',
7523 'glazing',
7524 'gleaming',
7525 'gleeful',
7526 'glider',
7527 'gliding',
7528 'glimmer',
7529 'glimpse',
7530 'glisten',
7531 'glitch',
7532 'glitter',
7533 'glitzy',
7534 'gloater',
7535 'gloating',
7536 'gloomily',
7537 'gloomy',
7538 'glorified',
7539 'glorifier',
7540 'glorify',
7541 'glorious',
7542 'glory',
7543 'gloss',
7544 'glove',
7545 'glowing',
7546 'glowworm',
7547 'glucose',
7548 'glue',
7549 'gluten',
7550 'glutinous',
7551 'glutton',
7552 'gnarly',
7553 'gnat',
7554 'goal',
7555 'goatskin',
7556 'goes',
7557 'goggles',
7558 'going',
7559 'goldfish',
7560 'goldmine',
7561 'goldsmith',
7562 'golf',
7563 'goliath',
7564 'gonad',
7565 'gondola',
7566 'gone',
7567 'gong',
7568 'good',
7569 'gooey',
7570 'goofball',
7571 'goofiness',
7572 'goofy',
7573 'google',
7574 'goon',
7575 'gopher',
7576 'gore',
7577 'gorged',
7578 'gorgeous',
7579 'gory',
7580 'gosling',
7581 'gossip',
7582 'gothic',
7583 'gotten',
7584 'gout',
7585 'gown',
7586 'grab',
7587 'graceful',
7588 'graceless',
7589 'gracious',
7590 'gradation',
7591 'graded',
7592 'grader',
7593 'gradient',
7594 'grading',
7595 'gradually',
7596 'graduate',
7597 'graffiti',
7598 'grafted',
7599 'grafting',
7600 'grain',
7601 'granddad',
7602 'grandkid',
7603 'grandly',
7604 'grandma',
7605 'grandpa',
7606 'grandson',
7607 'granite',
7608 'granny',
7609 'granola',
7610 'grant',
7611 'granular',
7612 'grape',
7613 'graph',
7614 'grapple',
7615 'grappling',
7616 'grasp',
7617 'grass',
7618 'gratified',
7619 'gratify',
7620 'grating',
7621 'gratitude',
7622 'gratuity',
7623 'gravel',
7624 'graveness',
7625 'graves',
7626 'graveyard',
7627 'gravitate',
7628 'gravity',
7629 'gravy',
7630 'gray',
7631 'grazing',
7632 'greasily',
7633 'greedily',
7634 'greedless',
7635 'greedy',
7636 'green',
7637 'greeter',
7638 'greeting',
7639 'grew',
7640 'greyhound',
7641 'grid',
7642 'grief',
7643 'grievance',
7644 'grieving',
7645 'grievous',
7646 'grill',
7647 'grimace',
7648 'grimacing',
7649 'grime',
7650 'griminess',
7651 'grimy',
7652 'grinch',
7653 'grinning',
7654 'grip',
7655 'gristle',
7656 'grit',
7657 'groggily',
7658 'groggy',
7659 'groin',
7660 'groom',
7661 'groove',
7662 'grooving',
7663 'groovy',
7664 'grope',
7665 'ground',
7666 'grouped',
7667 'grout',
7668 'grove',
7669 'grower',
7670 'growing',
7671 'growl',
7672 'grub',
7673 'grudge',
7674 'grudging',
7675 'grueling',
7676 'gruffly',
7677 'grumble',
7678 'grumbling',
7679 'grumbly',
7680 'grumpily',
7681 'grunge',
7682 'grunt',
7683 'guacamole',
7684 'guidable',
7685 'guidance',
7686 'guide',
7687 'guiding',
7688 'guileless',
7689 'guise',
7690 'gulf',
7691 'gullible',
7692 'gully',
7693 'gulp',
7694 'gumball',
7695 'gumdrop',
7696 'gumminess',
7697 'gumming',
7698 'gummy',
7699 'gurgle',
7700 'gurgling',
7701 'guru',
7702 'gush',
7703 'gusto',
7704 'gusty',
7705 'gutless',
7706 'guts',
7707 'gutter',
7708 'guy',
7709 'guzzler',
7710 'gyration',
7711 'habitable',
7712 'habitant',
7713 'habitat',
7714 'habitual',
7715 'hacked',
7716 'hacker',
7717 'hacking',
7718 'hacksaw',
7719 'had',
7720 'haggler',
7721 'haiku',
7722 'half',
7723 'halogen',
7724 'halt',
7725 'halved',
7726 'halves',
7727 'hamburger',
7728 'hamlet',
7729 'hammock',
7730 'hamper',
7731 'hamster',
7732 'hamstring',
7733 'handbag',
7734 'handball',
7735 'handbook',
7736 'handbrake',
7737 'handcart',
7738 'handclap',
7739 'handclasp',
7740 'handcraft',
7741 'handcuff',
7742 'handed',
7743 'handful',
7744 'handgrip',
7745 'handgun',
7746 'handheld',
7747 'handiness',
7748 'handiwork',
7749 'handlebar',
7750 'handled',
7751 'handler',
7752 'handling',
7753 'handmade',
7754 'handoff',
7755 'handpick',
7756 'handprint',
7757 'handrail',
7758 'handsaw',
7759 'handset',
7760 'handsfree',
7761 'handshake',
7762 'handstand',
7763 'handwash',
7764 'handwork',
7765 'handwoven',
7766 'handwrite',
7767 'handyman',
7768 'hangnail',
7769 'hangout',
7770 'hangover',
7771 'hangup',
7772 'hankering',
7773 'hankie',
7774 'hanky',
7775 'haphazard',
7776 'happening',
7777 'happier',
7778 'happiest',
7779 'happily',
7780 'happiness',
7781 'happy',
7782 'harbor',
7783 'hardcopy',
7784 'hardcore',
7785 'hardcover',
7786 'harddisk',
7787 'hardened',
7788 'hardener',
7789 'hardening',
7790 'hardhat',
7791 'hardhead',
7792 'hardiness',
7793 'hardly',
7794 'hardness',
7795 'hardship',
7796 'hardware',
7797 'hardwired',
7798 'hardwood',
7799 'hardy',
7800 'harmful',
7801 'harmless',
7802 'harmonica',
7803 'harmonics',
7804 'harmonize',
7805 'harmony',
7806 'harness',
7807 'harpist',
7808 'harsh',
7809 'harvest',
7810 'hash',
7811 'hassle',
7812 'haste',
7813 'hastily',
7814 'hastiness',
7815 'hasty',
7816 'hatbox',
7817 'hatchback',
7818 'hatchery',
7819 'hatchet',
7820 'hatching',
7821 'hatchling',
7822 'hate',
7823 'hatless',
7824 'hatred',
7825 'haunt',
7826 'haven',
7827 'hazard',
7828 'hazelnut',
7829 'hazily',
7830 'haziness',
7831 'hazing',
7832 'hazy',
7833 'headache',
7834 'headband',
7835 'headboard',
7836 'headcount',
7837 'headdress',
7838 'headed',
7839 'header',
7840 'headfirst',
7841 'headgear',
7842 'heading',
7843 'headlamp',
7844 'headless',
7845 'headlock',
7846 'headphone',
7847 'headpiece',
7848 'headrest',
7849 'headroom',
7850 'headscarf',
7851 'headset',
7852 'headsman',
7853 'headstand',
7854 'headstone',
7855 'headway',
7856 'headwear',
7857 'heap',
7858 'heat',
7859 'heave',
7860 'heavily',
7861 'heaviness',
7862 'heaving',
7863 'hedge',
7864 'hedging',
7865 'heftiness',
7866 'hefty',
7867 'helium',
7868 'helmet',
7869 'helper',
7870 'helpful',
7871 'helping',
7872 'helpless',
7873 'helpline',
7874 'hemlock',
7875 'hemstitch',
7876 'hence',
7877 'henchman',
7878 'henna',
7879 'herald',
7880 'herbal',
7881 'herbicide',
7882 'herbs',
7883 'heritage',
7884 'hermit',
7885 'heroics',
7886 'heroism',
7887 'herring',
7888 'herself',
7889 'hertz',
7890 'hesitancy',
7891 'hesitant',
7892 'hesitate',
7893 'hexagon',
7894 'hexagram',
7895 'hubcap',
7896 'huddle',
7897 'huddling',
7898 'huff',
7899 'hug',
7900 'hula',
7901 'hulk',
7902 'hull',
7903 'human',
7904 'humble',
7905 'humbling',
7906 'humbly',
7907 'humid',
7908 'humiliate',
7909 'humility',
7910 'humming',
7911 'hummus',
7912 'humongous',
7913 'humorist',
7914 'humorless',
7915 'humorous',
7916 'humpback',
7917 'humped',
7918 'humvee',
7919 'hunchback',
7920 'hundredth',
7921 'hunger',
7922 'hungrily',
7923 'hungry',
7924 'hunk',
7925 'hunter',
7926 'hunting',
7927 'huntress',
7928 'huntsman',
7929 'hurdle',
7930 'hurled',
7931 'hurler',
7932 'hurling',
7933 'hurray',
7934 'hurricane',
7935 'hurried',
7936 'hurry',
7937 'hurt',
7938 'husband',
7939 'hush',
7940 'husked',
7941 'huskiness',
7942 'hut',
7943 'hybrid',
7944 'hydrant',
7945 'hydrated',
7946 'hydration',
7947 'hydrogen',
7948 'hydroxide',
7949 'hyperlink',
7950 'hypertext',
7951 'hyphen',
7952 'hypnoses',
7953 'hypnosis',
7954 'hypnotic',
7955 'hypnotism',
7956 'hypnotist',
7957 'hypnotize',
7958 'hypocrisy',
7959 'hypocrite',
7960 'ibuprofen',
7961 'ice',
7962 'iciness',
7963 'icing',
7964 'icky',
7965 'icon',
7966 'icy',
7967 'idealism',
7968 'idealist',
7969 'idealize',
7970 'ideally',
7971 'idealness',
7972 'identical',
7973 'identify',
7974 'identity',
7975 'ideology',
7976 'idiocy',
7977 'idiom',
7978 'idly',
7979 'igloo',
7980 'ignition',
7981 'ignore',
7982 'iguana',
7983 'illicitly',
7984 'illusion',
7985 'illusive',
7986 'image',
7987 'imaginary',
7988 'imagines',
7989 'imaging',
7990 'imbecile',
7991 'imitate',
7992 'imitation',
7993 'immature',
7994 'immerse',
7995 'immersion',
7996 'imminent',
7997 'immobile',
7998 'immodest',
7999 'immorally',
8000 'immortal',
8001 'immovable',
8002 'immovably',
8003 'immunity',
8004 'immunize',
8005 'impaired',
8006 'impale',
8007 'impart',
8008 'impatient',
8009 'impeach',
8010 'impeding',
8011 'impending',
8012 'imperfect',
8013 'imperial',
8014 'impish',
8015 'implant',
8016 'implement',
8017 'implicate',
8018 'implicit',
8019 'implode',
8020 'implosion',
8021 'implosive',
8022 'imply',
8023 'impolite',
8024 'important',
8025 'importer',
8026 'impose',
8027 'imposing',
8028 'impotence',
8029 'impotency',
8030 'impotent',
8031 'impound',
8032 'imprecise',
8033 'imprint',
8034 'imprison',
8035 'impromptu',
8036 'improper',
8037 'improve',
8038 'improving',
8039 'improvise',
8040 'imprudent',
8041 'impulse',
8042 'impulsive',
8043 'impure',
8044 'impurity',
8045 'iodine',
8046 'iodize',
8047 'ion',
8048 'ipad',
8049 'iphone',
8050 'ipod',
8051 'irate',
8052 'irk',
8053 'iron',
8054 'irregular',
8055 'irrigate',
8056 'irritable',
8057 'irritably',
8058 'irritant',
8059 'irritate',
8060 'islamic',
8061 'islamist',
8062 'isolated',
8063 'isolating',
8064 'isolation',
8065 'isotope',
8066 'issue',
8067 'issuing',
8068 'italicize',
8069 'italics',
8070 'item',
8071 'itinerary',
8072 'itunes',
8073 'ivory',
8074 'ivy',
8075 'jab',
8076 'jackal',
8077 'jacket',
8078 'jackknife',
8079 'jackpot',
8080 'jailbird',
8081 'jailbreak',
8082 'jailer',
8083 'jailhouse',
8084 'jalapeno',
8085 'jam',
8086 'janitor',
8087 'january',
8088 'jargon',
8089 'jarring',
8090 'jasmine',
8091 'jaundice',
8092 'jaunt',
8093 'java',
8094 'jawed',
8095 'jawless',
8096 'jawline',
8097 'jaws',
8098 'jaybird',
8099 'jaywalker',
8100 'jazz',
8101 'jeep',
8102 'jeeringly',
8103 'jellied',
8104 'jelly',
8105 'jersey',
8106 'jester',
8107 'jet',
8108 'jiffy',
8109 'jigsaw',
8110 'jimmy',
8111 'jingle',
8112 'jingling',
8113 'jinx',
8114 'jitters',
8115 'jittery',
8116 'job',
8117 'jockey',
8118 'jockstrap',
8119 'jogger',
8120 'jogging',
8121 'john',
8122 'joining',
8123 'jokester',
8124 'jokingly',
8125 'jolliness',
8126 'jolly',
8127 'jolt',
8128 'jot',
8129 'jovial',
8130 'joyfully',
8131 'joylessly',
8132 'joyous',
8133 'joyride',
8134 'joystick',
8135 'jubilance',
8136 'jubilant',
8137 'judge',
8138 'judgingly',
8139 'judicial',
8140 'judiciary',
8141 'judo',
8142 'juggle',
8143 'juggling',
8144 'jugular',
8145 'juice',
8146 'juiciness',
8147 'juicy',
8148 'jujitsu',
8149 'jukebox',
8150 'july',
8151 'jumble',
8152 'jumbo',
8153 'jump',
8154 'junction',
8155 'juncture',
8156 'june',
8157 'junior',
8158 'juniper',
8159 'junkie',
8160 'junkman',
8161 'junkyard',
8162 'jurist',
8163 'juror',
8164 'jury',
8165 'justice',
8166 'justifier',
8167 'justify',
8168 'justly',
8169 'justness',
8170 'juvenile',
8171 'kabob',
8172 'kangaroo',
8173 'karaoke',
8174 'karate',
8175 'karma',
8176 'kebab',
8177 'keenly',
8178 'keenness',
8179 'keep',
8180 'keg',
8181 'kelp',
8182 'kennel',
8183 'kept',
8184 'kerchief',
8185 'kerosene',
8186 'kettle',
8187 'kick',
8188 'kiln',
8189 'kilobyte',
8190 'kilogram',
8191 'kilometer',
8192 'kilowatt',
8193 'kilt',
8194 'kimono',
8195 'kindle',
8196 'kindling',
8197 'kindly',
8198 'kindness',
8199 'kindred',
8200 'kinetic',
8201 'kinfolk',
8202 'king',
8203 'kinship',
8204 'kinsman',
8205 'kinswoman',
8206 'kissable',
8207 'kisser',
8208 'kissing',
8209 'kitchen',
8210 'kite',
8211 'kitten',
8212 'kitty',
8213 'kiwi',
8214 'kleenex',
8215 'knapsack',
8216 'knee',
8217 'knelt',
8218 'knickers',
8219 'knoll',
8220 'koala',
8221 'kooky',
8222 'kosher',
8223 'krypton',
8224 'kudos',
8225 'kung',
8226 'labored',
8227 'laborer',
8228 'laboring',
8229 'laborious',
8230 'labrador',
8231 'ladder',
8232 'ladies',
8233 'ladle',
8234 'ladybug',
8235 'ladylike',
8236 'lagged',
8237 'lagging',
8238 'lagoon',
8239 'lair',
8240 'lake',
8241 'lance',
8242 'landed',
8243 'landfall',
8244 'landfill',
8245 'landing',
8246 'landlady',
8247 'landless',
8248 'landline',
8249 'landlord',
8250 'landmark',
8251 'landmass',
8252 'landmine',
8253 'landowner',
8254 'landscape',
8255 'landside',
8256 'landslide',
8257 'language',
8258 'lankiness',
8259 'lanky',
8260 'lantern',
8261 'lapdog',
8262 'lapel',
8263 'lapped',
8264 'lapping',
8265 'laptop',
8266 'lard',
8267 'large',
8268 'lark',
8269 'lash',
8270 'lasso',
8271 'last',
8272 'latch',
8273 'late',
8274 'lather',
8275 'latitude',
8276 'latrine',
8277 'latter',
8278 'latticed',
8279 'launch',
8280 'launder',
8281 'laundry',
8282 'laurel',
8283 'lavender',
8284 'lavish',
8285 'laxative',
8286 'lazily',
8287 'laziness',
8288 'lazy',
8289 'lecturer',
8290 'left',
8291 'legacy',
8292 'legal',
8293 'legend',
8294 'legged',
8295 'leggings',
8296 'legible',
8297 'legibly',
8298 'legislate',
8299 'lego',
8300 'legroom',
8301 'legume',
8302 'legwarmer',
8303 'legwork',
8304 'lemon',
8305 'lend',
8306 'length',
8307 'lens',
8308 'lent',
8309 'leotard',
8310 'lesser',
8311 'letdown',
8312 'lethargic',
8313 'lethargy',
8314 'letter',
8315 'lettuce',
8316 'level',
8317 'leverage',
8318 'levers',
8319 'levitate',
8320 'levitator',
8321 'liability',
8322 'liable',
8323 'liberty',
8324 'librarian',
8325 'library',
8326 'licking',
8327 'licorice',
8328 'lid',
8329 'life',
8330 'lifter',
8331 'lifting',
8332 'liftoff',
8333 'ligament',
8334 'likely',
8335 'likeness',
8336 'likewise',
8337 'liking',
8338 'lilac',
8339 'lilly',
8340 'lily',
8341 'limb',
8342 'limeade',
8343 'limelight',
8344 'limes',
8345 'limit',
8346 'limping',
8347 'limpness',
8348 'line',
8349 'lingo',
8350 'linguini',
8351 'linguist',
8352 'lining',
8353 'linked',
8354 'linoleum',
8355 'linseed',
8356 'lint',
8357 'lion',
8358 'lip',
8359 'liquefy',
8360 'liqueur',
8361 'liquid',
8362 'lisp',
8363 'list',
8364 'litigate',
8365 'litigator',
8366 'litmus',
8367 'litter',
8368 'little',
8369 'livable',
8370 'lived',
8371 'lively',
8372 'liver',
8373 'livestock',
8374 'lividly',
8375 'living',
8376 'lizard',
8377 'lubricant',
8378 'lubricate',
8379 'lucid',
8380 'luckily',
8381 'luckiness',
8382 'luckless',
8383 'lucrative',
8384 'ludicrous',
8385 'lugged',
8386 'lukewarm',
8387 'lullaby',
8388 'lumber',
8389 'luminance',
8390 'luminous',
8391 'lumpiness',
8392 'lumping',
8393 'lumpish',
8394 'lunacy',
8395 'lunar',
8396 'lunchbox',
8397 'luncheon',
8398 'lunchroom',
8399 'lunchtime',
8400 'lung',
8401 'lurch',
8402 'lure',
8403 'luridness',
8404 'lurk',
8405 'lushly',
8406 'lushness',
8407 'luster',
8408 'lustfully',
8409 'lustily',
8410 'lustiness',
8411 'lustrous',
8412 'lusty',
8413 'luxurious',
8414 'luxury',
8415 'lying',
8416 'lyrically',
8417 'lyricism',
8418 'lyricist',
8419 'lyrics',
8420 'macarena',
8421 'macaroni',
8422 'macaw',
8423 'mace',
8424 'machine',
8425 'machinist',
8426 'magazine',
8427 'magenta',
8428 'maggot',
8429 'magical',
8430 'magician',
8431 'magma',
8432 'magnesium',
8433 'magnetic',
8434 'magnetism',
8435 'magnetize',
8436 'magnifier',
8437 'magnify',
8438 'magnitude',
8439 'magnolia',
8440 'mahogany',
8441 'maimed',
8442 'majestic',
8443 'majesty',
8444 'majorette',
8445 'majority',
8446 'makeover',
8447 'maker',
8448 'makeshift',
8449 'making',
8450 'malformed',
8451 'malt',
8452 'mama',
8453 'mammal',
8454 'mammary',
8455 'mammogram',
8456 'manager',
8457 'managing',
8458 'manatee',
8459 'mandarin',
8460 'mandate',
8461 'mandatory',
8462 'mandolin',
8463 'manger',
8464 'mangle',
8465 'mango',
8466 'mangy',
8467 'manhandle',
8468 'manhole',
8469 'manhood',
8470 'manhunt',
8471 'manicotti',
8472 'manicure',
8473 'manifesto',
8474 'manila',
8475 'mankind',
8476 'manlike',
8477 'manliness',
8478 'manly',
8479 'manmade',
8480 'manned',
8481 'mannish',
8482 'manor',
8483 'manpower',
8484 'mantis',
8485 'mantra',
8486 'manual',
8487 'many',
8488 'map',
8489 'marathon',
8490 'marauding',
8491 'marbled',
8492 'marbles',
8493 'marbling',
8494 'march',
8495 'mardi',
8496 'margarine',
8497 'margarita',
8498 'margin',
8499 'marigold',
8500 'marina',
8501 'marine',
8502 'marital',
8503 'maritime',
8504 'marlin',
8505 'marmalade',
8506 'maroon',
8507 'married',
8508 'marrow',
8509 'marry',
8510 'marshland',
8511 'marshy',
8512 'marsupial',
8513 'marvelous',
8514 'marxism',
8515 'mascot',
8516 'masculine',
8517 'mashed',
8518 'mashing',
8519 'massager',
8520 'masses',
8521 'massive',
8522 'mastiff',
8523 'matador',
8524 'matchbook',
8525 'matchbox',
8526 'matcher',
8527 'matching',
8528 'matchless',
8529 'material',
8530 'maternal',
8531 'maternity',
8532 'math',
8533 'mating',
8534 'matriarch',
8535 'matrimony',
8536 'matrix',
8537 'matron',
8538 'matted',
8539 'matter',
8540 'maturely',
8541 'maturing',
8542 'maturity',
8543 'mauve',
8544 'maverick',
8545 'maximize',
8546 'maximum',
8547 'maybe',
8548 'mayday',
8549 'mayflower',
8550 'moaner',
8551 'moaning',
8552 'mobile',
8553 'mobility',
8554 'mobilize',
8555 'mobster',
8556 'mocha',
8557 'mocker',
8558 'mockup',
8559 'modified',
8560 'modify',
8561 'modular',
8562 'modulator',
8563 'module',
8564 'moisten',
8565 'moistness',
8566 'moisture',
8567 'molar',
8568 'molasses',
8569 'mold',
8570 'molecular',
8571 'molecule',
8572 'molehill',
8573 'mollusk',
8574 'mom',
8575 'monastery',
8576 'monday',
8577 'monetary',
8578 'monetize',
8579 'moneybags',
8580 'moneyless',
8581 'moneywise',
8582 'mongoose',
8583 'mongrel',
8584 'monitor',
8585 'monkhood',
8586 'monogamy',
8587 'monogram',
8588 'monologue',
8589 'monopoly',
8590 'monorail',
8591 'monotone',
8592 'monotype',
8593 'monoxide',
8594 'monsieur',
8595 'monsoon',
8596 'monstrous',
8597 'monthly',
8598 'monument',
8599 'moocher',
8600 'moodiness',
8601 'moody',
8602 'mooing',
8603 'moonbeam',
8604 'mooned',
8605 'moonlight',
8606 'moonlike',
8607 'moonlit',
8608 'moonrise',
8609 'moonscape',
8610 'moonshine',
8611 'moonstone',
8612 'moonwalk',
8613 'mop',
8614 'morale',
8615 'morality',
8616 'morally',
8617 'morbidity',
8618 'morbidly',
8619 'morphine',
8620 'morphing',
8621 'morse',
8622 'mortality',
8623 'mortally',
8624 'mortician',
8625 'mortified',
8626 'mortify',
8627 'mortuary',
8628 'mosaic',
8629 'mossy',
8630 'most',
8631 'mothball',
8632 'mothproof',
8633 'motion',
8634 'motivate',
8635 'motivator',
8636 'motive',
8637 'motocross',
8638 'motor',
8639 'motto',
8640 'mountable',
8641 'mountain',
8642 'mounted',
8643 'mounting',
8644 'mourner',
8645 'mournful',
8646 'mouse',
8647 'mousiness',
8648 'moustache',
8649 'mousy',
8650 'mouth',
8651 'movable',
8652 'move',
8653 'movie',
8654 'moving',
8655 'mower',
8656 'mowing',
8657 'much',
8658 'muck',
8659 'mud',
8660 'mug',
8661 'mulberry',
8662 'mulch',
8663 'mule',
8664 'mulled',
8665 'mullets',
8666 'multiple',
8667 'multiply',
8668 'multitask',
8669 'multitude',
8670 'mumble',
8671 'mumbling',
8672 'mumbo',
8673 'mummified',
8674 'mummify',
8675 'mummy',
8676 'mumps',
8677 'munchkin',
8678 'mundane',
8679 'municipal',
8680 'muppet',
8681 'mural',
8682 'murkiness',
8683 'murky',
8684 'murmuring',
8685 'muscular',
8686 'museum',
8687 'mushily',
8688 'mushiness',
8689 'mushroom',
8690 'mushy',
8691 'music',
8692 'musket',
8693 'muskiness',
8694 'musky',
8695 'mustang',
8696 'mustard',
8697 'muster',
8698 'mustiness',
8699 'musty',
8700 'mutable',
8701 'mutate',
8702 'mutation',
8703 'mute',
8704 'mutilated',
8705 'mutilator',
8706 'mutiny',
8707 'mutt',
8708 'mutual',
8709 'muzzle',
8710 'myself',
8711 'myspace',
8712 'mystified',
8713 'mystify',
8714 'myth',
8715 'nacho',
8716 'nag',
8717 'nail',
8718 'name',
8719 'naming',
8720 'nanny',
8721 'nanometer',
8722 'nape',
8723 'napkin',
8724 'napped',
8725 'napping',
8726 'nappy',
8727 'narrow',
8728 'nastily',
8729 'nastiness',
8730 'national',
8731 'native',
8732 'nativity',
8733 'natural',
8734 'nature',
8735 'naturist',
8736 'nautical',
8737 'navigate',
8738 'navigator',
8739 'navy',
8740 'nearby',
8741 'nearest',
8742 'nearly',
8743 'nearness',
8744 'neatly',
8745 'neatness',
8746 'nebula',
8747 'nebulizer',
8748 'nectar',
8749 'negate',
8750 'negation',
8751 'negative',
8752 'neglector',
8753 'negligee',
8754 'negligent',
8755 'negotiate',
8756 'nemeses',
8757 'nemesis',
8758 'neon',
8759 'nephew',
8760 'nerd',
8761 'nervous',
8762 'nervy',
8763 'nest',
8764 'net',
8765 'neurology',
8766 'neuron',
8767 'neurosis',
8768 'neurotic',
8769 'neuter',
8770 'neutron',
8771 'never',
8772 'next',
8773 'nibble',
8774 'nickname',
8775 'nicotine',
8776 'niece',
8777 'nifty',
8778 'nimble',
8779 'nimbly',
8780 'nineteen',
8781 'ninetieth',
8782 'ninja',
8783 'nintendo',
8784 'ninth',
8785 'nuclear',
8786 'nuclei',
8787 'nucleus',
8788 'nugget',
8789 'nullify',
8790 'number',
8791 'numbing',
8792 'numbly',
8793 'numbness',
8794 'numeral',
8795 'numerate',
8796 'numerator',
8797 'numeric',
8798 'numerous',
8799 'nuptials',
8800 'nursery',
8801 'nursing',
8802 'nurture',
8803 'nutcase',
8804 'nutlike',
8805 'nutmeg',
8806 'nutrient',
8807 'nutshell',
8808 'nuttiness',
8809 'nutty',
8810 'nuzzle',
8811 'nylon',
8812 'oaf',
8813 'oak',
8814 'oasis',
8815 'oat',
8816 'obedience',
8817 'obedient',
8818 'obituary',
8819 'object',
8820 'obligate',
8821 'obliged',
8822 'oblivion',
8823 'oblivious',
8824 'oblong',
8825 'obnoxious',
8826 'oboe',
8827 'obscure',
8828 'obscurity',
8829 'observant',
8830 'observer',
8831 'observing',
8832 'obsessed',
8833 'obsession',
8834 'obsessive',
8835 'obsolete',
8836 'obstacle',
8837 'obstinate',
8838 'obstruct',
8839 'obtain',
8840 'obtrusive',
8841 'obtuse',
8842 'obvious',
8843 'occultist',
8844 'occupancy',
8845 'occupant',
8846 'occupier',
8847 'occupy',
8848 'ocean',
8849 'ocelot',
8850 'octagon',
8851 'octane',
8852 'october',
8853 'octopus',
8854 'ogle',
8855 'oil',
8856 'oink',
8857 'ointment',
8858 'okay',
8859 'old',
8860 'olive',
8861 'olympics',
8862 'omega',
8863 'omen',
8864 'ominous',
8865 'omission',
8866 'omit',
8867 'omnivore',
8868 'onboard',
8869 'oncoming',
8870 'ongoing',
8871 'onion',
8872 'online',
8873 'onlooker',
8874 'only',
8875 'onscreen',
8876 'onset',
8877 'onshore',
8878 'onslaught',
8879 'onstage',
8880 'onto',
8881 'onward',
8882 'onyx',
8883 'oops',
8884 'ooze',
8885 'oozy',
8886 'opacity',
8887 'opal',
8888 'open',
8889 'operable',
8890 'operate',
8891 'operating',
8892 'operation',
8893 'operative',
8894 'operator',
8895 'opium',
8896 'opossum',
8897 'opponent',
8898 'oppose',
8899 'opposing',
8900 'opposite',
8901 'oppressed',
8902 'oppressor',
8903 'opt',
8904 'opulently',
8905 'osmosis',
8906 'other',
8907 'otter',
8908 'ouch',
8909 'ought',
8910 'ounce',
8911 'outage',
8912 'outback',
8913 'outbid',
8914 'outboard',
8915 'outbound',
8916 'outbreak',
8917 'outburst',
8918 'outcast',
8919 'outclass',
8920 'outcome',
8921 'outdated',
8922 'outdoors',
8923 'outer',
8924 'outfield',
8925 'outfit',
8926 'outflank',
8927 'outgoing',
8928 'outgrow',
8929 'outhouse',
8930 'outing',
8931 'outlast',
8932 'outlet',
8933 'outline',
8934 'outlook',
8935 'outlying',
8936 'outmatch',
8937 'outmost',
8938 'outnumber',
8939 'outplayed',
8940 'outpost',
8941 'outpour',
8942 'output',
8943 'outrage',
8944 'outrank',
8945 'outreach',
8946 'outright',
8947 'outscore',
8948 'outsell',
8949 'outshine',
8950 'outshoot',
8951 'outsider',
8952 'outskirts',
8953 'outsmart',
8954 'outsource',
8955 'outspoken',
8956 'outtakes',
8957 'outthink',
8958 'outward',
8959 'outweigh',
8960 'outwit',
8961 'oval',
8962 'ovary',
8963 'oven',
8964 'overact',
8965 'overall',
8966 'overarch',
8967 'overbid',
8968 'overbill',
8969 'overbite',
8970 'overblown',
8971 'overboard',
8972 'overbook',
8973 'overbuilt',
8974 'overcast',
8975 'overcoat',
8976 'overcome',
8977 'overcook',
8978 'overcrowd',
8979 'overdraft',
8980 'overdrawn',
8981 'overdress',
8982 'overdrive',
8983 'overdue',
8984 'overeager',
8985 'overeater',
8986 'overexert',
8987 'overfed',
8988 'overfeed',
8989 'overfill',
8990 'overflow',
8991 'overfull',
8992 'overgrown',
8993 'overhand',
8994 'overhang',
8995 'overhaul',
8996 'overhead',
8997 'overhear',
8998 'overheat',
8999 'overhung',
9000 'overjoyed',
9001 'overkill',
9002 'overlabor',
9003 'overlaid',
9004 'overlap',
9005 'overlay',
9006 'overload',
9007 'overlook',
9008 'overlord',
9009 'overlying',
9010 'overnight',
9011 'overpass',
9012 'overpay',
9013 'overplant',
9014 'overplay',
9015 'overpower',
9016 'overprice',
9017 'overrate',
9018 'overreach',
9019 'overreact',
9020 'override',
9021 'overripe',
9022 'overrule',
9023 'overrun',
9024 'overshoot',
9025 'overshot',
9026 'oversight',
9027 'oversized',
9028 'oversleep',
9029 'oversold',
9030 'overspend',
9031 'overstate',
9032 'overstay',
9033 'overstep',
9034 'overstock',
9035 'overstuff',
9036 'oversweet',
9037 'overtake',
9038 'overthrow',
9039 'overtime',
9040 'overtly',
9041 'overtone',
9042 'overture',
9043 'overturn',
9044 'overuse',
9045 'overvalue',
9046 'overview',
9047 'overwrite',
9048 'owl',
9049 'oxford',
9050 'oxidant',
9051 'oxidation',
9052 'oxidize',
9053 'oxidizing',
9054 'oxygen',
9055 'oxymoron',
9056 'oyster',
9057 'ozone',
9058 'paced',
9059 'pacemaker',
9060 'pacific',
9061 'pacifier',
9062 'pacifism',
9063 'pacifist',
9064 'pacify',
9065 'padded',
9066 'padding',
9067 'paddle',
9068 'paddling',
9069 'padlock',
9070 'pagan',
9071 'pager',
9072 'paging',
9073 'pajamas',
9074 'palace',
9075 'palatable',
9076 'palm',
9077 'palpable',
9078 'palpitate',
9079 'paltry',
9080 'pampered',
9081 'pamperer',
9082 'pampers',
9083 'pamphlet',
9084 'panama',
9085 'pancake',
9086 'pancreas',
9087 'panda',
9088 'pandemic',
9089 'pang',
9090 'panhandle',
9091 'panic',
9092 'panning',
9093 'panorama',
9094 'panoramic',
9095 'panther',
9096 'pantomime',
9097 'pantry',
9098 'pants',
9099 'pantyhose',
9100 'paparazzi',
9101 'papaya',
9102 'paper',
9103 'paprika',
9104 'papyrus',
9105 'parabola',
9106 'parachute',
9107 'parade',
9108 'paradox',
9109 'paragraph',
9110 'parakeet',
9111 'paralegal',
9112 'paralyses',
9113 'paralysis',
9114 'paralyze',
9115 'paramedic',
9116 'parameter',
9117 'paramount',
9118 'parasail',
9119 'parasite',
9120 'parasitic',
9121 'parcel',
9122 'parched',
9123 'parchment',
9124 'pardon',
9125 'parish',
9126 'parka',
9127 'parking',
9128 'parkway',
9129 'parlor',
9130 'parmesan',
9131 'parole',
9132 'parrot',
9133 'parsley',
9134 'parsnip',
9135 'partake',
9136 'parted',
9137 'parting',
9138 'partition',
9139 'partly',
9140 'partner',
9141 'partridge',
9142 'party',
9143 'passable',
9144 'passably',
9145 'passage',
9146 'passcode',
9147 'passenger',
9148 'passerby',
9149 'passing',
9150 'passion',
9151 'passive',
9152 'passivism',
9153 'passover',
9154 'passport',
9155 'password',
9156 'pasta',
9157 'pasted',
9158 'pastel',
9159 'pastime',
9160 'pastor',
9161 'pastrami',
9162 'pasture',
9163 'pasty',
9164 'patchwork',
9165 'patchy',
9166 'paternal',
9167 'paternity',
9168 'path',
9169 'patience',
9170 'patient',
9171 'patio',
9172 'patriarch',
9173 'patriot',
9174 'patrol',
9175 'patronage',
9176 'patronize',
9177 'pauper',
9178 'pavement',
9179 'paver',
9180 'pavestone',
9181 'pavilion',
9182 'paving',
9183 'pawing',
9184 'payable',
9185 'payback',
9186 'paycheck',
9187 'payday',
9188 'payee',
9189 'payer',
9190 'paying',
9191 'payment',
9192 'payphone',
9193 'payroll',
9194 'pebble',
9195 'pebbly',
9196 'pecan',
9197 'pectin',
9198 'peculiar',
9199 'peddling',
9200 'pediatric',
9201 'pedicure',
9202 'pedigree',
9203 'pedometer',
9204 'pegboard',
9205 'pelican',
9206 'pellet',
9207 'pelt',
9208 'pelvis',
9209 'penalize',
9210 'penalty',
9211 'pencil',
9212 'pendant',
9213 'pending',
9214 'penholder',
9215 'penknife',
9216 'pennant',
9217 'penniless',
9218 'penny',
9219 'penpal',
9220 'pension',
9221 'pentagon',
9222 'pentagram',
9223 'pep',
9224 'perceive',
9225 'percent',
9226 'perch',
9227 'percolate',
9228 'perennial',
9229 'perfected',
9230 'perfectly',
9231 'perfume',
9232 'periscope',
9233 'perish',
9234 'perjurer',
9235 'perjury',
9236 'perkiness',
9237 'perky',
9238 'perm',
9239 'peroxide',
9240 'perpetual',
9241 'perplexed',
9242 'persecute',
9243 'persevere',
9244 'persuaded',
9245 'persuader',
9246 'pesky',
9247 'peso',
9248 'pessimism',
9249 'pessimist',
9250 'pester',
9251 'pesticide',
9252 'petal',
9253 'petite',
9254 'petition',
9255 'petri',
9256 'petroleum',
9257 'petted',
9258 'petticoat',
9259 'pettiness',
9260 'petty',
9261 'petunia',
9262 'phantom',
9263 'phobia',
9264 'phoenix',
9265 'phonebook',
9266 'phoney',
9267 'phonics',
9268 'phoniness',
9269 'phony',
9270 'phosphate',
9271 'photo',
9272 'phrase',
9273 'phrasing',
9274 'placard',
9275 'placate',
9276 'placidly',
9277 'plank',
9278 'planner',
9279 'plant',
9280 'plasma',
9281 'plaster',
9282 'plastic',
9283 'plated',
9284 'platform',
9285 'plating',
9286 'platinum',
9287 'platonic',
9288 'platter',
9289 'platypus',
9290 'plausible',
9291 'plausibly',
9292 'playable',
9293 'playback',
9294 'player',
9295 'playful',
9296 'playgroup',
9297 'playhouse',
9298 'playing',
9299 'playlist',
9300 'playmaker',
9301 'playmate',
9302 'playoff',
9303 'playpen',
9304 'playroom',
9305 'playset',
9306 'plaything',
9307 'playtime',
9308 'plaza',
9309 'pleading',
9310 'pleat',
9311 'pledge',
9312 'plentiful',
9313 'plenty',
9314 'plethora',
9315 'plexiglas',
9316 'pliable',
9317 'plod',
9318 'plop',
9319 'plot',
9320 'plow',
9321 'ploy',
9322 'pluck',
9323 'plug',
9324 'plunder',
9325 'plunging',
9326 'plural',
9327 'plus',
9328 'plutonium',
9329 'plywood',
9330 'poach',
9331 'pod',
9332 'poem',
9333 'poet',
9334 'pogo',
9335 'pointed',
9336 'pointer',
9337 'pointing',
9338 'pointless',
9339 'pointy',
9340 'poise',
9341 'poison',
9342 'poker',
9343 'poking',
9344 'polar',
9345 'police',
9346 'policy',
9347 'polio',
9348 'polish',
9349 'politely',
9350 'polka',
9351 'polo',
9352 'polyester',
9353 'polygon',
9354 'polygraph',
9355 'polymer',
9356 'poncho',
9357 'pond',
9358 'pony',
9359 'popcorn',
9360 'pope',
9361 'poplar',
9362 'popper',
9363 'poppy',
9364 'popsicle',
9365 'populace',
9366 'popular',
9367 'populate',
9368 'porcupine',
9369 'pork',
9370 'porous',
9371 'porridge',
9372 'portable',
9373 'portal',
9374 'portfolio',
9375 'porthole',
9376 'portion',
9377 'portly',
9378 'portside',
9379 'poser',
9380 'posh',
9381 'posing',
9382 'possible',
9383 'possibly',
9384 'possum',
9385 'postage',
9386 'postal',
9387 'postbox',
9388 'postcard',
9389 'posted',
9390 'poster',
9391 'posting',
9392 'postnasal',
9393 'posture',
9394 'postwar',
9395 'pouch',
9396 'pounce',
9397 'pouncing',
9398 'pound',
9399 'pouring',
9400 'pout',
9401 'powdered',
9402 'powdering',
9403 'powdery',
9404 'power',
9405 'powwow',
9406 'pox',
9407 'praising',
9408 'prance',
9409 'prancing',
9410 'pranker',
9411 'prankish',
9412 'prankster',
9413 'prayer',
9414 'praying',
9415 'preacher',
9416 'preaching',
9417 'preachy',
9418 'preamble',
9419 'precinct',
9420 'precise',
9421 'precision',
9422 'precook',
9423 'precut',
9424 'predator',
9425 'predefine',
9426 'predict',
9427 'preface',
9428 'prefix',
9429 'preflight',
9430 'preformed',
9431 'pregame',
9432 'pregnancy',
9433 'pregnant',
9434 'preheated',
9435 'prelaunch',
9436 'prelaw',
9437 'prelude',
9438 'premiere',
9439 'premises',
9440 'premium',
9441 'prenatal',
9442 'preoccupy',
9443 'preorder',
9444 'prepaid',
9445 'prepay',
9446 'preplan',
9447 'preppy',
9448 'preschool',
9449 'prescribe',
9450 'preseason',
9451 'preset',
9452 'preshow',
9453 'president',
9454 'presoak',
9455 'press',
9456 'presume',
9457 'presuming',
9458 'preteen',
9459 'pretended',
9460 'pretender',
9461 'pretense',
9462 'pretext',
9463 'pretty',
9464 'pretzel',
9465 'prevail',
9466 'prevalent',
9467 'prevent',
9468 'preview',
9469 'previous',
9470 'prewar',
9471 'prewashed',
9472 'prideful',
9473 'pried',
9474 'primal',
9475 'primarily',
9476 'primary',
9477 'primate',
9478 'primer',
9479 'primp',
9480 'princess',
9481 'print',
9482 'prior',
9483 'prism',
9484 'prison',
9485 'prissy',
9486 'pristine',
9487 'privacy',
9488 'private',
9489 'privatize',
9490 'prize',
9491 'proactive',
9492 'probable',
9493 'probably',
9494 'probation',
9495 'probe',
9496 'probing',
9497 'probiotic',
9498 'problem',
9499 'procedure',
9500 'process',
9501 'proclaim',
9502 'procreate',
9503 'procurer',
9504 'prodigal',
9505 'prodigy',
9506 'produce',
9507 'product',
9508 'profane',
9509 'profanity',
9510 'professed',
9511 'professor',
9512 'profile',
9513 'profound',
9514 'profusely',
9515 'progeny',
9516 'prognosis',
9517 'program',
9518 'progress',
9519 'projector',
9520 'prologue',
9521 'prolonged',
9522 'promenade',
9523 'prominent',
9524 'promoter',
9525 'promotion',
9526 'prompter',
9527 'promptly',
9528 'prone',
9529 'prong',
9530 'pronounce',
9531 'pronto',
9532 'proofing',
9533 'proofread',
9534 'proofs',
9535 'propeller',
9536 'properly',
9537 'property',
9538 'proponent',
9539 'proposal',
9540 'propose',
9541 'props',
9542 'prorate',
9543 'protector',
9544 'protegee',
9545 'proton',
9546 'prototype',
9547 'protozoan',
9548 'protract',
9549 'protrude',
9550 'proud',
9551 'provable',
9552 'proved',
9553 'proven',
9554 'provided',
9555 'provider',
9556 'providing',
9557 'province',
9558 'proving',
9559 'provoke',
9560 'provoking',
9561 'provolone',
9562 'prowess',
9563 'prowler',
9564 'prowling',
9565 'proximity',
9566 'proxy',
9567 'prozac',
9568 'prude',
9569 'prudishly',
9570 'prune',
9571 'pruning',
9572 'pry',
9573 'psychic',
9574 'public',
9575 'publisher',
9576 'pucker',
9577 'pueblo',
9578 'pug',
9579 'pull',
9580 'pulmonary',
9581 'pulp',
9582 'pulsate',
9583 'pulse',
9584 'pulverize',
9585 'puma',
9586 'pumice',
9587 'pummel',
9588 'punch',
9589 'punctual',
9590 'punctuate',
9591 'punctured',
9592 'pungent',
9593 'punisher',
9594 'punk',
9595 'pupil',
9596 'puppet',
9597 'puppy',
9598 'purchase',
9599 'pureblood',
9600 'purebred',
9601 'purely',
9602 'pureness',
9603 'purgatory',
9604 'purge',
9605 'purging',
9606 'purifier',
9607 'purify',
9608 'purist',
9609 'puritan',
9610 'purity',
9611 'purple',
9612 'purplish',
9613 'purposely',
9614 'purr',
9615 'purse',
9616 'pursuable',
9617 'pursuant',
9618 'pursuit',
9619 'purveyor',
9620 'pushcart',
9621 'pushchair',
9622 'pusher',
9623 'pushiness',
9624 'pushing',
9625 'pushover',
9626 'pushpin',
9627 'pushup',
9628 'pushy',
9629 'putdown',
9630 'putt',
9631 'puzzle',
9632 'puzzling',
9633 'pyramid',
9634 'pyromania',
9635 'python',
9636 'quack',
9637 'quadrant',
9638 'quail',
9639 'quaintly',
9640 'quake',
9641 'quaking',
9642 'qualified',
9643 'qualifier',
9644 'qualify',
9645 'quality',
9646 'qualm',
9647 'quantum',
9648 'quarrel',
9649 'quarry',
9650 'quartered',
9651 'quarterly',
9652 'quarters',
9653 'quartet',
9654 'quench',
9655 'query',
9656 'quicken',
9657 'quickly',
9658 'quickness',
9659 'quicksand',
9660 'quickstep',
9661 'quiet',
9662 'quill',
9663 'quilt',
9664 'quintet',
9665 'quintuple',
9666 'quirk',
9667 'quit',
9668 'quiver',
9669 'quizzical',
9670 'quotable',
9671 'quotation',
9672 'quote',
9673 'rabid',
9674 'race',
9675 'racing',
9676 'racism',
9677 'rack',
9678 'racoon',
9679 'radar',
9680 'radial',
9681 'radiance',
9682 'radiantly',
9683 'radiated',
9684 'radiation',
9685 'radiator',
9686 'radio',
9687 'radish',
9688 'raffle',
9689 'raft',
9690 'rage',
9691 'ragged',
9692 'raging',
9693 'ragweed',
9694 'raider',
9695 'railcar',
9696 'railing',
9697 'railroad',
9698 'railway',
9699 'raisin',
9700 'rake',
9701 'raking',
9702 'rally',
9703 'ramble',
9704 'rambling',
9705 'ramp',
9706 'ramrod',
9707 'ranch',
9708 'rancidity',
9709 'random',
9710 'ranged',
9711 'ranger',
9712 'ranging',
9713 'ranked',
9714 'ranking',
9715 'ransack',
9716 'ranting',
9717 'rants',
9718 'rare',
9719 'rarity',
9720 'rascal',
9721 'rash',
9722 'rasping',
9723 'ravage',
9724 'raven',
9725 'ravine',
9726 'raving',
9727 'ravioli',
9728 'ravishing',
9729 'reabsorb',
9730 'reach',
9731 'reacquire',
9732 'reaction',
9733 'reactive',
9734 'reactor',
9735 'reaffirm',
9736 'ream',
9737 'reanalyze',
9738 'reappear',
9739 'reapply',
9740 'reappoint',
9741 'reapprove',
9742 'rearrange',
9743 'rearview',
9744 'reason',
9745 'reassign',
9746 'reassure',
9747 'reattach',
9748 'reawake',
9749 'rebalance',
9750 'rebate',
9751 'rebel',
9752 'rebirth',
9753 'reboot',
9754 'reborn',
9755 'rebound',
9756 'rebuff',
9757 'rebuild',
9758 'rebuilt',
9759 'reburial',
9760 'rebuttal',
9761 'recall',
9762 'recant',
9763 'recapture',
9764 'recast',
9765 'recede',
9766 'recent',
9767 'recess',
9768 'recharger',
9769 'recipient',
9770 'recital',
9771 'recite',
9772 'reckless',
9773 'reclaim',
9774 'recliner',
9775 'reclining',
9776 'recluse',
9777 'reclusive',
9778 'recognize',
9779 'recoil',
9780 'recollect',
9781 'recolor',
9782 'reconcile',
9783 'reconfirm',
9784 'reconvene',
9785 'recopy',
9786 'record',
9787 'recount',
9788 'recoup',
9789 'recovery',
9790 'recreate',
9791 'rectal',
9792 'rectangle',
9793 'rectified',
9794 'rectify',
9795 'recycled',
9796 'recycler',
9797 'recycling',
9798 'reemerge',
9799 'reenact',
9800 'reenter',
9801 'reentry',
9802 'reexamine',
9803 'referable',
9804 'referee',
9805 'reference',
9806 'refill',
9807 'refinance',
9808 'refined',
9809 'refinery',
9810 'refining',
9811 'refinish',
9812 'reflected',
9813 'reflector',
9814 'reflex',
9815 'reflux',
9816 'refocus',
9817 'refold',
9818 'reforest',
9819 'reformat',
9820 'reformed',
9821 'reformer',
9822 'reformist',
9823 'refract',
9824 'refrain',
9825 'refreeze',
9826 'refresh',
9827 'refried',
9828 'refueling',
9829 'refund',
9830 'refurbish',
9831 'refurnish',
9832 'refusal',
9833 'refuse',
9834 'refusing',
9835 'refutable',
9836 'refute',
9837 'regain',
9838 'regalia',
9839 'regally',
9840 'reggae',
9841 'regime',
9842 'region',
9843 'register',
9844 'registrar',
9845 'registry',
9846 'regress',
9847 'regretful',
9848 'regroup',
9849 'regular',
9850 'regulate',
9851 'regulator',
9852 'rehab',
9853 'reheat',
9854 'rehire',
9855 'rehydrate',
9856 'reimburse',
9857 'reissue',
9858 'reiterate',
9859 'rejoice',
9860 'rejoicing',
9861 'rejoin',
9862 'rekindle',
9863 'relapse',
9864 'relapsing',
9865 'relatable',
9866 'related',
9867 'relation',
9868 'relative',
9869 'relax',
9870 'relay',
9871 'relearn',
9872 'release',
9873 'relenting',
9874 'reliable',
9875 'reliably',
9876 'reliance',
9877 'reliant',
9878 'relic',
9879 'relieve',
9880 'relieving',
9881 'relight',
9882 'relish',
9883 'relive',
9884 'reload',
9885 'relocate',
9886 'relock',
9887 'reluctant',
9888 'rely',
9889 'remake',
9890 'remark',
9891 'remarry',
9892 'rematch',
9893 'remedial',
9894 'remedy',
9895 'remember',
9896 'reminder',
9897 'remindful',
9898 'remission',
9899 'remix',
9900 'remnant',
9901 'remodeler',
9902 'remold',
9903 'remorse',
9904 'remote',
9905 'removable',
9906 'removal',
9907 'removed',
9908 'remover',
9909 'removing',
9910 'rename',
9911 'renderer',
9912 'rendering',
9913 'rendition',
9914 'renegade',
9915 'renewable',
9916 'renewably',
9917 'renewal',
9918 'renewed',
9919 'renounce',
9920 'renovate',
9921 'renovator',
9922 'rentable',
9923 'rental',
9924 'rented',
9925 'renter',
9926 'reoccupy',
9927 'reoccur',
9928 'reopen',
9929 'reorder',
9930 'repackage',
9931 'repacking',
9932 'repaint',
9933 'repair',
9934 'repave',
9935 'repaying',
9936 'repayment',
9937 'repeal',
9938 'repeated',
9939 'repeater',
9940 'repent',
9941 'rephrase',
9942 'replace',
9943 'replay',
9944 'replica',
9945 'reply',
9946 'reporter',
9947 'repose',
9948 'repossess',
9949 'repost',
9950 'repressed',
9951 'reprimand',
9952 'reprint',
9953 'reprise',
9954 'reproach',
9955 'reprocess',
9956 'reproduce',
9957 'reprogram',
9958 'reps',
9959 'reptile',
9960 'reptilian',
9961 'repugnant',
9962 'repulsion',
9963 'repulsive',
9964 'repurpose',
9965 'reputable',
9966 'reputably',
9967 'request',
9968 'require',
9969 'requisite',
9970 'reroute',
9971 'rerun',
9972 'resale',
9973 'resample',
9974 'rescuer',
9975 'reseal',
9976 'research',
9977 'reselect',
9978 'reseller',
9979 'resemble',
9980 'resend',
9981 'resent',
9982 'reset',
9983 'reshape',
9984 'reshoot',
9985 'reshuffle',
9986 'residence',
9987 'residency',
9988 'resident',
9989 'residual',
9990 'residue',
9991 'resigned',
9992 'resilient',
9993 'resistant',
9994 'resisting',
9995 'resize',
9996 'resolute',
9997 'resolved',
9998 'resonant',
9999 'resonate',
10000 'resort',
10001 'resource',
10002 'respect',
10003 'resubmit',
10004 'result',
10005 'resume',
10006 'resupply',
10007 'resurface',
10008 'resurrect',
10009 'retail',
10010 'retainer',
10011 'retaining',
10012 'retake',
10013 'retaliate',
10014 'retention',
10015 'rethink',
10016 'retinal',
10017 'retired',
10018 'retiree',
10019 'retiring',
10020 'retold',
10021 'retool',
10022 'retorted',
10023 'retouch',
10024 'retrace',
10025 'retract',
10026 'retrain',
10027 'retread',
10028 'retreat',
10029 'retrial',
10030 'retrieval',
10031 'retriever',
10032 'retry',
10033 'return',
10034 'retying',
10035 'retype',
10036 'reunion',
10037 'reunite',
10038 'reusable',
10039 'reuse',
10040 'reveal',
10041 'reveler',
10042 'revenge',
10043 'revenue',
10044 'reverb',
10045 'revered',
10046 'reverence',
10047 'reverend',
10048 'reversal',
10049 'reverse',
10050 'reversing',
10051 'reversion',
10052 'revert',
10053 'revisable',
10054 'revise',
10055 'revision',
10056 'revisit',
10057 'revivable',
10058 'revival',
10059 'reviver',
10060 'reviving',
10061 'revocable',
10062 'revoke',
10063 'revolt',
10064 'revolver',
10065 'revolving',
10066 'reward',
10067 'rewash',
10068 'rewind',
10069 'rewire',
10070 'reword',
10071 'rework',
10072 'rewrap',
10073 'rewrite',
10074 'rhyme',
10075 'ribbon',
10076 'ribcage',
10077 'rice',
10078 'riches',
10079 'richly',
10080 'richness',
10081 'rickety',
10082 'ricotta',
10083 'riddance',
10084 'ridden',
10085 'ride',
10086 'riding',
10087 'rifling',
10088 'rift',
10089 'rigging',
10090 'rigid',
10091 'rigor',
10092 'rimless',
10093 'rimmed',
10094 'rind',
10095 'rink',
10096 'rinse',
10097 'rinsing',
10098 'riot',
10099 'ripcord',
10100 'ripeness',
10101 'ripening',
10102 'ripping',
10103 'ripple',
10104 'rippling',
10105 'riptide',
10106 'rise',
10107 'rising',
10108 'risk',
10109 'risotto',
10110 'ritalin',
10111 'ritzy',
10112 'rival',
10113 'riverbank',
10114 'riverbed',
10115 'riverboat',
10116 'riverside',
10117 'riveter',
10118 'riveting',
10119 'roamer',
10120 'roaming',
10121 'roast',
10122 'robbing',
10123 'robe',
10124 'robin',
10125 'robotics',
10126 'robust',
10127 'rockband',
10128 'rocker',
10129 'rocket',
10130 'rockfish',
10131 'rockiness',
10132 'rocking',
10133 'rocklike',
10134 'rockslide',
10135 'rockstar',
10136 'rocky',
10137 'rogue',
10138 'roman',
10139 'romp',
10140 'rope',
10141 'roping',
10142 'roster',
10143 'rosy',
10144 'rotten',
10145 'rotting',
10146 'rotunda',
10147 'roulette',
10148 'rounding',
10149 'roundish',
10150 'roundness',
10151 'roundup',
10152 'roundworm',
10153 'routine',
10154 'routing',
10155 'rover',
10156 'roving',
10157 'royal',
10158 'rubbed',
10159 'rubber',
10160 'rubbing',
10161 'rubble',
10162 'rubdown',
10163 'ruby',
10164 'ruckus',
10165 'rudder',
10166 'rug',
10167 'ruined',
10168 'rule',
10169 'rumble',
10170 'rumbling',
10171 'rummage',
10172 'rumor',
10173 'runaround',
10174 'rundown',
10175 'runner',
10176 'running',
10177 'runny',
10178 'runt',
10179 'runway',
10180 'rupture',
10181 'rural',
10182 'ruse',
10183 'rush',
10184 'rust',
10185 'rut',
10186 'sabbath',
10187 'sabotage',
10188 'sacrament',
10189 'sacred',
10190 'sacrifice',
10191 'sadden',
10192 'saddlebag',
10193 'saddled',
10194 'saddling',
10195 'sadly',
10196 'sadness',
10197 'safari',
10198 'safeguard',
10199 'safehouse',
10200 'safely',
10201 'safeness',
10202 'saffron',
10203 'saga',
10204 'sage',
10205 'sagging',
10206 'saggy',
10207 'said',
10208 'saint',
10209 'sake',
10210 'salad',
10211 'salami',
10212 'salaried',
10213 'salary',
10214 'saline',
10215 'salon',
10216 'saloon',
10217 'salsa',
10218 'salt',
10219 'salutary',
10220 'salute',
10221 'salvage',
10222 'salvaging',
10223 'salvation',
10224 'same',
10225 'sample',
10226 'sampling',
10227 'sanction',
10228 'sanctity',
10229 'sanctuary',
10230 'sandal',
10231 'sandbag',
10232 'sandbank',
10233 'sandbar',
10234 'sandblast',
10235 'sandbox',
10236 'sanded',
10237 'sandfish',
10238 'sanding',
10239 'sandlot',
10240 'sandpaper',
10241 'sandpit',
10242 'sandstone',
10243 'sandstorm',
10244 'sandworm',
10245 'sandy',
10246 'sanitary',
10247 'sanitizer',
10248 'sank',
10249 'santa',
10250 'sapling',
10251 'sappiness',
10252 'sappy',
10253 'sarcasm',
10254 'sarcastic',
10255 'sardine',
10256 'sash',
10257 'sasquatch',
10258 'sassy',
10259 'satchel',
10260 'satiable',
10261 'satin',
10262 'satirical',
10263 'satisfied',
10264 'satisfy',
10265 'saturate',
10266 'saturday',
10267 'sauciness',
10268 'saucy',
10269 'sauna',
10270 'savage',
10271 'savanna',
10272 'saved',
10273 'savings',
10274 'savior',
10275 'savor',
10276 'saxophone',
10277 'say',
10278 'scabbed',
10279 'scabby',
10280 'scalded',
10281 'scalding',
10282 'scale',
10283 'scaling',
10284 'scallion',
10285 'scallop',
10286 'scalping',
10287 'scam',
10288 'scandal',
10289 'scanner',
10290 'scanning',
10291 'scant',
10292 'scapegoat',
10293 'scarce',
10294 'scarcity',
10295 'scarecrow',
10296 'scared',
10297 'scarf',
10298 'scarily',
10299 'scariness',
10300 'scarring',
10301 'scary',
10302 'scavenger',
10303 'scenic',
10304 'schedule',
10305 'schematic',
10306 'scheme',
10307 'scheming',
10308 'schilling',
10309 'schnapps',
10310 'scholar',
10311 'science',
10312 'scientist',
10313 'scion',
10314 'scoff',
10315 'scolding',
10316 'scone',
10317 'scoop',
10318 'scooter',
10319 'scope',
10320 'scorch',
10321 'scorebook',
10322 'scorecard',
10323 'scored',
10324 'scoreless',
10325 'scorer',
10326 'scoring',
10327 'scorn',
10328 'scorpion',
10329 'scotch',
10330 'scoundrel',
10331 'scoured',
10332 'scouring',
10333 'scouting',
10334 'scouts',
10335 'scowling',
10336 'scrabble',
10337 'scraggly',
10338 'scrambled',
10339 'scrambler',
10340 'scrap',
10341 'scratch',
10342 'scrawny',
10343 'screen',
10344 'scribble',
10345 'scribe',
10346 'scribing',
10347 'scrimmage',
10348 'script',
10349 'scroll',
10350 'scrooge',
10351 'scrounger',
10352 'scrubbed',
10353 'scrubber',
10354 'scruffy',
10355 'scrunch',
10356 'scrutiny',
10357 'scuba',
10358 'scuff',
10359 'sculptor',
10360 'sculpture',
10361 'scurvy',
10362 'scuttle',
10363 'secluded',
10364 'secluding',
10365 'seclusion',
10366 'second',
10367 'secrecy',
10368 'secret',
10369 'sectional',
10370 'sector',
10371 'secular',
10372 'securely',
10373 'security',
10374 'sedan',
10375 'sedate',
10376 'sedation',
10377 'sedative',
10378 'sediment',
10379 'seduce',
10380 'seducing',
10381 'segment',
10382 'seismic',
10383 'seizing',
10384 'seldom',
10385 'selected',
10386 'selection',
10387 'selective',
10388 'selector',
10389 'self',
10390 'seltzer',
10391 'semantic',
10392 'semester',
10393 'semicolon',
10394 'semifinal',
10395 'seminar',
10396 'semisoft',
10397 'semisweet',
10398 'senate',
10399 'senator',
10400 'send',
10401 'senior',
10402 'senorita',
10403 'sensation',
10404 'sensitive',
10405 'sensitize',
10406 'sensually',
10407 'sensuous',
10408 'sepia',
10409 'september',
10410 'septic',
10411 'septum',
10412 'sequel',
10413 'sequence',
10414 'sequester',
10415 'series',
10416 'sermon',
10417 'serotonin',
10418 'serpent',
10419 'serrated',
10420 'serve',
10421 'service',
10422 'serving',
10423 'sesame',
10424 'sessions',
10425 'setback',
10426 'setting',
10427 'settle',
10428 'settling',
10429 'setup',
10430 'sevenfold',
10431 'seventeen',
10432 'seventh',
10433 'seventy',
10434 'severity',
10435 'shabby',
10436 'shack',
10437 'shaded',
10438 'shadily',
10439 'shadiness',
10440 'shading',
10441 'shadow',
10442 'shady',
10443 'shaft',
10444 'shakable',
10445 'shakily',
10446 'shakiness',
10447 'shaking',
10448 'shaky',
10449 'shale',
10450 'shallot',
10451 'shallow',
10452 'shame',
10453 'shampoo',
10454 'shamrock',
10455 'shank',
10456 'shanty',
10457 'shape',
10458 'shaping',
10459 'share',
10460 'sharpener',
10461 'sharper',
10462 'sharpie',
10463 'sharply',
10464 'sharpness',
10465 'shawl',
10466 'sheath',
10467 'shed',
10468 'sheep',
10469 'sheet',
10470 'shelf',
10471 'shell',
10472 'shelter',
10473 'shelve',
10474 'shelving',
10475 'sherry',
10476 'shield',
10477 'shifter',
10478 'shifting',
10479 'shiftless',
10480 'shifty',
10481 'shimmer',
10482 'shimmy',
10483 'shindig',
10484 'shine',
10485 'shingle',
10486 'shininess',
10487 'shining',
10488 'shiny',
10489 'ship',
10490 'shirt',
10491 'shivering',
10492 'shock',
10493 'shone',
10494 'shoplift',
10495 'shopper',
10496 'shopping',
10497 'shoptalk',
10498 'shore',
10499 'shortage',
10500 'shortcake',
10501 'shortcut',
10502 'shorten',
10503 'shorter',
10504 'shorthand',
10505 'shortlist',
10506 'shortly',
10507 'shortness',
10508 'shorts',
10509 'shortwave',
10510 'shorty',
10511 'shout',
10512 'shove',
10513 'showbiz',
10514 'showcase',
10515 'showdown',
10516 'shower',
10517 'showgirl',
10518 'showing',
10519 'showman',
10520 'shown',
10521 'showoff',
10522 'showpiece',
10523 'showplace',
10524 'showroom',
10525 'showy',
10526 'shrank',
10527 'shrapnel',
10528 'shredder',
10529 'shredding',
10530 'shrewdly',
10531 'shriek',
10532 'shrill',
10533 'shrimp',
10534 'shrine',
10535 'shrink',
10536 'shrivel',
10537 'shrouded',
10538 'shrubbery',
10539 'shrubs',
10540 'shrug',
10541 'shrunk',
10542 'shucking',
10543 'shudder',
10544 'shuffle',
10545 'shuffling',
10546 'shun',
10547 'shush',
10548 'shut',
10549 'shy',
10550 'siamese',
10551 'siberian',
10552 'sibling',
10553 'siding',
10554 'sierra',
10555 'siesta',
10556 'sift',
10557 'sighing',
10558 'silenced',
10559 'silencer',
10560 'silent',
10561 'silica',
10562 'silicon',
10563 'silk',
10564 'silliness',
10565 'silly',
10566 'silo',
10567 'silt',
10568 'silver',
10569 'similarly',
10570 'simile',
10571 'simmering',
10572 'simple',
10573 'simplify',
10574 'simply',
10575 'sincere',
10576 'sincerity',
10577 'singer',
10578 'singing',
10579 'single',
10580 'singular',
10581 'sinister',
10582 'sinless',
10583 'sinner',
10584 'sinuous',
10585 'sip',
10586 'siren',
10587 'sister',
10588 'sitcom',
10589 'sitter',
10590 'sitting',
10591 'situated',
10592 'situation',
10593 'sixfold',
10594 'sixteen',
10595 'sixth',
10596 'sixties',
10597 'sixtieth',
10598 'sixtyfold',
10599 'sizable',
10600 'sizably',
10601 'size',
10602 'sizing',
10603 'sizzle',
10604 'sizzling',
10605 'skater',
10606 'skating',
10607 'skedaddle',
10608 'skeletal',
10609 'skeleton',
10610 'skeptic',
10611 'sketch',
10612 'skewed',
10613 'skewer',
10614 'skid',
10615 'skied',
10616 'skier',
10617 'skies',
10618 'skiing',
10619 'skilled',
10620 'skillet',
10621 'skillful',
10622 'skimmed',
10623 'skimmer',
10624 'skimming',
10625 'skimpily',
10626 'skincare',
10627 'skinhead',
10628 'skinless',
10629 'skinning',
10630 'skinny',
10631 'skintight',
10632 'skipper',
10633 'skipping',
10634 'skirmish',
10635 'skirt',
10636 'skittle',
10637 'skydiver',
10638 'skylight',
10639 'skyline',
10640 'skype',
10641 'skyrocket',
10642 'skyward',
10643 'slab',
10644 'slacked',
10645 'slacker',
10646 'slacking',
10647 'slackness',
10648 'slacks',
10649 'slain',
10650 'slam',
10651 'slander',
10652 'slang',
10653 'slapping',
10654 'slapstick',
10655 'slashed',
10656 'slashing',
10657 'slate',
10658 'slather',
10659 'slaw',
10660 'sled',
10661 'sleek',
10662 'sleep',
10663 'sleet',
10664 'sleeve',
10665 'slept',
10666 'sliceable',
10667 'sliced',
10668 'slicer',
10669 'slicing',
10670 'slick',
10671 'slider',
10672 'slideshow',
10673 'sliding',
10674 'slighted',
10675 'slighting',
10676 'slightly',
10677 'slimness',
10678 'slimy',
10679 'slinging',
10680 'slingshot',
10681 'slinky',
10682 'slip',
10683 'slit',
10684 'sliver',
10685 'slobbery',
10686 'slogan',
10687 'sloped',
10688 'sloping',
10689 'sloppily',
10690 'sloppy',
10691 'slot',
10692 'slouching',
10693 'slouchy',
10694 'sludge',
10695 'slug',
10696 'slum',
10697 'slurp',
10698 'slush',
10699 'sly',
10700 'small',
10701 'smartly',
10702 'smartness',
10703 'smasher',
10704 'smashing',
10705 'smashup',
10706 'smell',
10707 'smelting',
10708 'smile',
10709 'smilingly',
10710 'smirk',
10711 'smite',
10712 'smith',
10713 'smitten',
10714 'smock',
10715 'smog',
10716 'smoked',
10717 'smokeless',
10718 'smokiness',
10719 'smoking',
10720 'smoky',
10721 'smolder',
10722 'smooth',
10723 'smother',
10724 'smudge',
10725 'smudgy',
10726 'smuggler',
10727 'smuggling',
10728 'smugly',
10729 'smugness',
10730 'snack',
10731 'snagged',
10732 'snaking',
10733 'snap',
10734 'snare',
10735 'snarl',
10736 'snazzy',
10737 'sneak',
10738 'sneer',
10739 'sneeze',
10740 'sneezing',
10741 'snide',
10742 'sniff',
10743 'snippet',
10744 'snipping',
10745 'snitch',
10746 'snooper',
10747 'snooze',
10748 'snore',
10749 'snoring',
10750 'snorkel',
10751 'snort',
10752 'snout',
10753 'snowbird',
10754 'snowboard',
10755 'snowbound',
10756 'snowcap',
10757 'snowdrift',
10758 'snowdrop',
10759 'snowfall',
10760 'snowfield',
10761 'snowflake',
10762 'snowiness',
10763 'snowless',
10764 'snowman',
10765 'snowplow',
10766 'snowshoe',
10767 'snowstorm',
10768 'snowsuit',
10769 'snowy',
10770 'snub',
10771 'snuff',
10772 'snuggle',
10773 'snugly',
10774 'snugness',
10775 'speak',
10776 'spearfish',
10777 'spearhead',
10778 'spearman',
10779 'spearmint',
10780 'species',
10781 'specimen',
10782 'specked',
10783 'speckled',
10784 'specks',
10785 'spectacle',
10786 'spectator',
10787 'spectrum',
10788 'speculate',
10789 'speech',
10790 'speed',
10791 'spellbind',
10792 'speller',
10793 'spelling',
10794 'spendable',
10795 'spender',
10796 'spending',
10797 'spent',
10798 'spew',
10799 'sphere',
10800 'spherical',
10801 'sphinx',
10802 'spider',
10803 'spied',
10804 'spiffy',
10805 'spill',
10806 'spilt',
10807 'spinach',
10808 'spinal',
10809 'spindle',
10810 'spinner',
10811 'spinning',
10812 'spinout',
10813 'spinster',
10814 'spiny',
10815 'spiral',
10816 'spirited',
10817 'spiritism',
10818 'spirits',
10819 'spiritual',
10820 'splashed',
10821 'splashing',
10822 'splashy',
10823 'splatter',
10824 'spleen',
10825 'splendid',
10826 'splendor',
10827 'splice',
10828 'splicing',
10829 'splinter',
10830 'splotchy',
10831 'splurge',
10832 'spoilage',
10833 'spoiled',
10834 'spoiler',
10835 'spoiling',
10836 'spoils',
10837 'spoken',
10838 'spokesman',
10839 'sponge',
10840 'spongy',
10841 'sponsor',
10842 'spoof',
10843 'spookily',
10844 'spooky',
10845 'spool',
10846 'spoon',
10847 'spore',
10848 'sporting',
10849 'sports',
10850 'sporty',
10851 'spotless',
10852 'spotlight',
10853 'spotted',
10854 'spotter',
10855 'spotting',
10856 'spotty',
10857 'spousal',
10858 'spouse',
10859 'spout',
10860 'sprain',
10861 'sprang',
10862 'sprawl',
10863 'spray',
10864 'spree',
10865 'sprig',
10866 'spring',
10867 'sprinkled',
10868 'sprinkler',
10869 'sprint',
10870 'sprite',
10871 'sprout',
10872 'spruce',
10873 'sprung',
10874 'spry',
10875 'spud',
10876 'spur',
10877 'sputter',
10878 'spyglass',
10879 'squabble',
10880 'squad',
10881 'squall',
10882 'squander',
10883 'squash',
10884 'squatted',
10885 'squatter',
10886 'squatting',
10887 'squeak',
10888 'squealer',
10889 'squealing',
10890 'squeamish',
10891 'squeegee',
10892 'squeeze',
10893 'squeezing',
10894 'squid',
10895 'squiggle',
10896 'squiggly',
10897 'squint',
10898 'squire',
10899 'squirt',
10900 'squishier',
10901 'squishy',
10902 'stability',
10903 'stabilize',
10904 'stable',
10905 'stack',
10906 'stadium',
10907 'staff',
10908 'stage',
10909 'staging',
10910 'stagnant',
10911 'stagnate',
10912 'stainable',
10913 'stained',
10914 'staining',
10915 'stainless',
10916 'stalemate',
10917 'staleness',
10918 'stalling',
10919 'stallion',
10920 'stamina',
10921 'stammer',
10922 'stamp',
10923 'stand',
10924 'stank',
10925 'staple',
10926 'stapling',
10927 'starboard',
10928 'starch',
10929 'stardom',
10930 'stardust',
10931 'starfish',
10932 'stargazer',
10933 'staring',
10934 'stark',
10935 'starless',
10936 'starlet',
10937 'starlight',
10938 'starlit',
10939 'starring',
10940 'starry',
10941 'starship',
10942 'starter',
10943 'starting',
10944 'startle',
10945 'startling',
10946 'startup',
10947 'starved',
10948 'starving',
10949 'stash',
10950 'state',
10951 'static',
10952 'statistic',
10953 'statue',
10954 'stature',
10955 'status',
10956 'statute',
10957 'statutory',
10958 'staunch',
10959 'stays',
10960 'steadfast',
10961 'steadier',
10962 'steadily',
10963 'steadying',
10964 'steam',
10965 'steed',
10966 'steep',
10967 'steerable',
10968 'steering',
10969 'steersman',
10970 'stegosaur',
10971 'stellar',
10972 'stem',
10973 'stench',
10974 'stencil',
10975 'step',
10976 'stereo',
10977 'sterile',
10978 'sterility',
10979 'sterilize',
10980 'sterling',
10981 'sternness',
10982 'sternum',
10983 'stew',
10984 'stick',
10985 'stiffen',
10986 'stiffly',
10987 'stiffness',
10988 'stifle',
10989 'stifling',
10990 'stillness',
10991 'stilt',
10992 'stimulant',
10993 'stimulate',
10994 'stimuli',
10995 'stimulus',
10996 'stinger',
10997 'stingily',
10998 'stinging',
10999 'stingray',
11000 'stingy',
11001 'stinking',
11002 'stinky',
11003 'stipend',
11004 'stipulate',
11005 'stir',
11006 'stitch',
11007 'stock',
11008 'stoic',
11009 'stoke',
11010 'stole',
11011 'stomp',
11012 'stonewall',
11013 'stoneware',
11014 'stonework',
11015 'stoning',
11016 'stony',
11017 'stood',
11018 'stooge',
11019 'stool',
11020 'stoop',
11021 'stoplight',
11022 'stoppable',
11023 'stoppage',
11024 'stopped',
11025 'stopper',
11026 'stopping',
11027 'stopwatch',
11028 'storable',
11029 'storage',
11030 'storeroom',
11031 'storewide',
11032 'storm',
11033 'stout',
11034 'stove',
11035 'stowaway',
11036 'stowing',
11037 'straddle',
11038 'straggler',
11039 'strained',
11040 'strainer',
11041 'straining',
11042 'strangely',
11043 'stranger',
11044 'strangle',
11045 'strategic',
11046 'strategy',
11047 'stratus',
11048 'straw',
11049 'stray',
11050 'streak',
11051 'stream',
11052 'street',
11053 'strength',
11054 'strenuous',
11055 'strep',
11056 'stress',
11057 'stretch',
11058 'strewn',
11059 'stricken',
11060 'strict',
11061 'stride',
11062 'strife',
11063 'strike',
11064 'striking',
11065 'strive',
11066 'striving',
11067 'strobe',
11068 'strode',
11069 'stroller',
11070 'strongbox',
11071 'strongly',
11072 'strongman',
11073 'struck',
11074 'structure',
11075 'strudel',
11076 'struggle',
11077 'strum',
11078 'strung',
11079 'strut',
11080 'stubbed',
11081 'stubble',
11082 'stubbly',
11083 'stubborn',
11084 'stucco',
11085 'stuck',
11086 'student',
11087 'studied',
11088 'studio',
11089 'study',
11090 'stuffed',
11091 'stuffing',
11092 'stuffy',
11093 'stumble',
11094 'stumbling',
11095 'stump',
11096 'stung',
11097 'stunned',
11098 'stunner',
11099 'stunning',
11100 'stunt',
11101 'stupor',
11102 'sturdily',
11103 'sturdy',
11104 'styling',
11105 'stylishly',
11106 'stylist',
11107 'stylized',
11108 'stylus',
11109 'suave',
11110 'subarctic',
11111 'subatomic',
11112 'subdivide',
11113 'subdued',
11114 'subduing',
11115 'subfloor',
11116 'subgroup',
11117 'subheader',
11118 'subject',
11119 'sublease',
11120 'sublet',
11121 'sublevel',
11122 'sublime',
11123 'submarine',
11124 'submerge',
11125 'submersed',
11126 'submitter',
11127 'subpanel',
11128 'subpar',
11129 'subplot',
11130 'subprime',
11131 'subscribe',
11132 'subscript',
11133 'subsector',
11134 'subside',
11135 'subsiding',
11136 'subsidize',
11137 'subsidy',
11138 'subsoil',
11139 'subsonic',
11140 'substance',
11141 'subsystem',
11142 'subtext',
11143 'subtitle',
11144 'subtly',
11145 'subtotal',
11146 'subtract',
11147 'subtype',
11148 'suburb',
11149 'subway',
11150 'subwoofer',
11151 'subzero',
11152 'succulent',
11153 'such',
11154 'suction',
11155 'sudden',
11156 'sudoku',
11157 'suds',
11158 'sufferer',
11159 'suffering',
11160 'suffice',
11161 'suffix',
11162 'suffocate',
11163 'suffrage',
11164 'sugar',
11165 'suggest',
11166 'suing',
11167 'suitable',
11168 'suitably',
11169 'suitcase',
11170 'suitor',
11171 'sulfate',
11172 'sulfide',
11173 'sulfite',
11174 'sulfur',
11175 'sulk',
11176 'sullen',
11177 'sulphate',
11178 'sulphuric',
11179 'sultry',
11180 'superbowl',
11181 'superglue',
11182 'superhero',
11183 'superior',
11184 'superjet',
11185 'superman',
11186 'supermom',
11187 'supernova',
11188 'supervise',
11189 'supper',
11190 'supplier',
11191 'supply',
11192 'support',
11193 'supremacy',
11194 'supreme',
11195 'surcharge',
11196 'surely',
11197 'sureness',
11198 'surface',
11199 'surfacing',
11200 'surfboard',
11201 'surfer',
11202 'surgery',
11203 'surgical',
11204 'surging',
11205 'surname',
11206 'surpass',
11207 'surplus',
11208 'surprise',
11209 'surreal',
11210 'surrender',
11211 'surrogate',
11212 'surround',
11213 'survey',
11214 'survival',
11215 'survive',
11216 'surviving',
11217 'survivor',
11218 'sushi',
11219 'suspect',
11220 'suspend',
11221 'suspense',
11222 'sustained',
11223 'sustainer',
11224 'swab',
11225 'swaddling',
11226 'swagger',
11227 'swampland',
11228 'swan',
11229 'swapping',
11230 'swarm',
11231 'sway',
11232 'swear',
11233 'sweat',
11234 'sweep',
11235 'swell',
11236 'swept',
11237 'swerve',
11238 'swifter',
11239 'swiftly',
11240 'swiftness',
11241 'swimmable',
11242 'swimmer',
11243 'swimming',
11244 'swimsuit',
11245 'swimwear',
11246 'swinger',
11247 'swinging',
11248 'swipe',
11249 'swirl',
11250 'switch',
11251 'swivel',
11252 'swizzle',
11253 'swooned',
11254 'swoop',
11255 'swoosh',
11256 'swore',
11257 'sworn',
11258 'swung',
11259 'sycamore',
11260 'sympathy',
11261 'symphonic',
11262 'symphony',
11263 'symptom',
11264 'synapse',
11265 'syndrome',
11266 'synergy',
11267 'synopses',
11268 'synopsis',
11269 'synthesis',
11270 'synthetic',
11271 'syrup',
11272 'system',
11273 't-shirt',
11274 'tabasco',
11275 'tabby',
11276 'tableful',
11277 'tables',
11278 'tablet',
11279 'tableware',
11280 'tabloid',
11281 'tackiness',
11282 'tacking',
11283 'tackle',
11284 'tackling',
11285 'tacky',
11286 'taco',
11287 'tactful',
11288 'tactical',
11289 'tactics',
11290 'tactile',
11291 'tactless',
11292 'tadpole',
11293 'taekwondo',
11294 'tag',
11295 'tainted',
11296 'take',
11297 'taking',
11298 'talcum',
11299 'talisman',
11300 'tall',
11301 'talon',
11302 'tamale',
11303 'tameness',
11304 'tamer',
11305 'tamper',
11306 'tank',
11307 'tanned',
11308 'tannery',
11309 'tanning',
11310 'tantrum',
11311 'tapeless',
11312 'tapered',
11313 'tapering',
11314 'tapestry',
11315 'tapioca',
11316 'tapping',
11317 'taps',
11318 'tarantula',
11319 'target',
11320 'tarmac',
11321 'tarnish',
11322 'tarot',
11323 'tartar',
11324 'tartly',
11325 'tartness',
11326 'task',
11327 'tassel',
11328 'taste',
11329 'tastiness',
11330 'tasting',
11331 'tasty',
11332 'tattered',
11333 'tattle',
11334 'tattling',
11335 'tattoo',
11336 'taunt',
11337 'tavern',
11338 'thank',
11339 'that',
11340 'thaw',
11341 'theater',
11342 'theatrics',
11343 'thee',
11344 'theft',
11345 'theme',
11346 'theology',
11347 'theorize',
11348 'thermal',
11349 'thermos',
11350 'thesaurus',
11351 'these',
11352 'thesis',
11353 'thespian',
11354 'thicken',
11355 'thicket',
11356 'thickness',
11357 'thieving',
11358 'thievish',
11359 'thigh',
11360 'thimble',
11361 'thing',
11362 'think',
11363 'thinly',
11364 'thinner',
11365 'thinness',
11366 'thinning',
11367 'thirstily',
11368 'thirsting',
11369 'thirsty',
11370 'thirteen',
11371 'thirty',
11372 'thong',
11373 'thorn',
11374 'those',
11375 'thousand',
11376 'thrash',
11377 'thread',
11378 'threaten',
11379 'threefold',
11380 'thrift',
11381 'thrill',
11382 'thrive',
11383 'thriving',
11384 'throat',
11385 'throbbing',
11386 'throng',
11387 'throttle',
11388 'throwaway',
11389 'throwback',
11390 'thrower',
11391 'throwing',
11392 'thud',
11393 'thumb',
11394 'thumping',
11395 'thursday',
11396 'thus',
11397 'thwarting',
11398 'thyself',
11399 'tiara',
11400 'tibia',
11401 'tidal',
11402 'tidbit',
11403 'tidiness',
11404 'tidings',
11405 'tidy',
11406 'tiger',
11407 'tighten',
11408 'tightly',
11409 'tightness',
11410 'tightrope',
11411 'tightwad',
11412 'tigress',
11413 'tile',
11414 'tiling',
11415 'till',
11416 'tilt',
11417 'timid',
11418 'timing',
11419 'timothy',
11420 'tinderbox',
11421 'tinfoil',
11422 'tingle',
11423 'tingling',
11424 'tingly',
11425 'tinker',
11426 'tinkling',
11427 'tinsel',
11428 'tinsmith',
11429 'tint',
11430 'tinwork',
11431 'tiny',
11432 'tipoff',
11433 'tipped',
11434 'tipper',
11435 'tipping',
11436 'tiptoeing',
11437 'tiptop',
11438 'tiring',
11439 'tissue',
11440 'trace',
11441 'tracing',
11442 'track',
11443 'traction',
11444 'tractor',
11445 'trade',
11446 'trading',
11447 'tradition',
11448 'traffic',
11449 'tragedy',
11450 'trailing',
11451 'trailside',
11452 'train',
11453 'traitor',
11454 'trance',
11455 'tranquil',
11456 'transfer',
11457 'transform',
11458 'translate',
11459 'transpire',
11460 'transport',
11461 'transpose',
11462 'trapdoor',
11463 'trapeze',
11464 'trapezoid',
11465 'trapped',
11466 'trapper',
11467 'trapping',
11468 'traps',
11469 'trash',
11470 'travel',
11471 'traverse',
11472 'travesty',
11473 'tray',
11474 'treachery',
11475 'treading',
11476 'treadmill',
11477 'treason',
11478 'treat',
11479 'treble',
11480 'tree',
11481 'trekker',
11482 'tremble',
11483 'trembling',
11484 'tremor',
11485 'trench',
11486 'trend',
11487 'trespass',
11488 'triage',
11489 'trial',
11490 'triangle',
11491 'tribesman',
11492 'tribunal',
11493 'tribune',
11494 'tributary',
11495 'tribute',
11496 'triceps',
11497 'trickery',
11498 'trickily',
11499 'tricking',
11500 'trickle',
11501 'trickster',
11502 'tricky',
11503 'tricolor',
11504 'tricycle',
11505 'trident',
11506 'tried',
11507 'trifle',
11508 'trifocals',
11509 'trillion',
11510 'trilogy',
11511 'trimester',
11512 'trimmer',
11513 'trimming',
11514 'trimness',
11515 'trinity',
11516 'trio',
11517 'tripod',
11518 'tripping',
11519 'triumph',
11520 'trivial',
11521 'trodden',
11522 'trolling',
11523 'trombone',
11524 'trophy',
11525 'tropical',
11526 'tropics',
11527 'trouble',
11528 'troubling',
11529 'trough',
11530 'trousers',
11531 'trout',
11532 'trowel',
11533 'truce',
11534 'truck',
11535 'truffle',
11536 'trump',
11537 'trunks',
11538 'trustable',
11539 'trustee',
11540 'trustful',
11541 'trusting',
11542 'trustless',
11543 'truth',
11544 'try',
11545 'tubby',
11546 'tubeless',
11547 'tubular',
11548 'tucking',
11549 'tuesday',
11550 'tug',
11551 'tuition',
11552 'tulip',
11553 'tumble',
11554 'tumbling',
11555 'tummy',
11556 'turban',
11557 'turbine',
11558 'turbofan',
11559 'turbojet',
11560 'turbulent',
11561 'turf',
11562 'turkey',
11563 'turmoil',
11564 'turret',
11565 'turtle',
11566 'tusk',
11567 'tutor',
11568 'tutu',
11569 'tux',
11570 'tweak',
11571 'tweed',
11572 'tweet',
11573 'tweezers',
11574 'twelve',
11575 'twentieth',
11576 'twenty',
11577 'twerp',
11578 'twice',
11579 'twiddle',
11580 'twiddling',
11581 'twig',
11582 'twilight',
11583 'twine',
11584 'twins',
11585 'twirl',
11586 'twistable',
11587 'twisted',
11588 'twister',
11589 'twisting',
11590 'twisty',
11591 'twitch',
11592 'twitter',
11593 'tycoon',
11594 'tying',
11595 'tyke',
11596 'udder',
11597 'ultimate',
11598 'ultimatum',
11599 'ultra',
11600 'umbilical',
11601 'umbrella',
11602 'umpire',
11603 'unabashed',
11604 'unable',
11605 'unadorned',
11606 'unadvised',
11607 'unafraid',
11608 'unaired',
11609 'unaligned',
11610 'unaltered',
11611 'unarmored',
11612 'unashamed',
11613 'unaudited',
11614 'unawake',
11615 'unaware',
11616 'unbaked',
11617 'unbalance',
11618 'unbeaten',
11619 'unbend',
11620 'unbent',
11621 'unbiased',
11622 'unbitten',
11623 'unblended',
11624 'unblessed',
11625 'unblock',
11626 'unbolted',
11627 'unbounded',
11628 'unboxed',
11629 'unbraided',
11630 'unbridle',
11631 'unbroken',
11632 'unbuckled',
11633 'unbundle',
11634 'unburned',
11635 'unbutton',
11636 'uncanny',
11637 'uncapped',
11638 'uncaring',
11639 'uncertain',
11640 'unchain',
11641 'unchanged',
11642 'uncharted',
11643 'uncheck',
11644 'uncivil',
11645 'unclad',
11646 'unclaimed',
11647 'unclamped',
11648 'unclasp',
11649 'uncle',
11650 'unclip',
11651 'uncloak',
11652 'unclog',
11653 'unclothed',
11654 'uncoated',
11655 'uncoiled',
11656 'uncolored',
11657 'uncombed',
11658 'uncommon',
11659 'uncooked',
11660 'uncork',
11661 'uncorrupt',
11662 'uncounted',
11663 'uncouple',
11664 'uncouth',
11665 'uncover',
11666 'uncross',
11667 'uncrown',
11668 'uncrushed',
11669 'uncured',
11670 'uncurious',
11671 'uncurled',
11672 'uncut',
11673 'undamaged',
11674 'undated',
11675 'undaunted',
11676 'undead',
11677 'undecided',
11678 'undefined',
11679 'underage',
11680 'underarm',
11681 'undercoat',
11682 'undercook',
11683 'undercut',
11684 'underdog',
11685 'underdone',
11686 'underfed',
11687 'underfeed',
11688 'underfoot',
11689 'undergo',
11690 'undergrad',
11691 'underhand',
11692 'underline',
11693 'underling',
11694 'undermine',
11695 'undermost',
11696 'underpaid',
11697 'underpass',
11698 'underpay',
11699 'underrate',
11700 'undertake',
11701 'undertone',
11702 'undertook',
11703 'undertow',
11704 'underuse',
11705 'underwear',
11706 'underwent',
11707 'underwire',
11708 'undesired',
11709 'undiluted',
11710 'undivided',
11711 'undocked',
11712 'undoing',
11713 'undone',
11714 'undrafted',
11715 'undress',
11716 'undrilled',
11717 'undusted',
11718 'undying',
11719 'unearned',
11720 'unearth',
11721 'unease',
11722 'uneasily',
11723 'uneasy',
11724 'uneatable',
11725 'uneaten',
11726 'unedited',
11727 'unelected',
11728 'unending',
11729 'unengaged',
11730 'unenvied',
11731 'unequal',
11732 'unethical',
11733 'uneven',
11734 'unexpired',
11735 'unexposed',
11736 'unfailing',
11737 'unfair',
11738 'unfasten',
11739 'unfazed',
11740 'unfeeling',
11741 'unfiled',
11742 'unfilled',
11743 'unfitted',
11744 'unfitting',
11745 'unfixable',
11746 'unfixed',
11747 'unflawed',
11748 'unfocused',
11749 'unfold',
11750 'unfounded',
11751 'unframed',
11752 'unfreeze',
11753 'unfrosted',
11754 'unfrozen',
11755 'unfunded',
11756 'unglazed',
11757 'ungloved',
11758 'unglue',
11759 'ungodly',
11760 'ungraded',
11761 'ungreased',
11762 'unguarded',
11763 'unguided',
11764 'unhappily',
11765 'unhappy',
11766 'unharmed',
11767 'unhealthy',
11768 'unheard',
11769 'unhearing',
11770 'unheated',
11771 'unhelpful',
11772 'unhidden',
11773 'unhinge',
11774 'unhitched',
11775 'unholy',
11776 'unhook',
11777 'unicorn',
11778 'unicycle',
11779 'unified',
11780 'unifier',
11781 'uniformed',
11782 'uniformly',
11783 'unify',
11784 'unimpeded',
11785 'uninjured',
11786 'uninstall',
11787 'uninsured',
11788 'uninvited',
11789 'union',
11790 'uniquely',
11791 'unisexual',
11792 'unison',
11793 'unissued',
11794 'unit',
11795 'universal',
11796 'universe',
11797 'unjustly',
11798 'unkempt',
11799 'unkind',
11800 'unknotted',
11801 'unknowing',
11802 'unknown',
11803 'unlaced',
11804 'unlatch',
11805 'unlawful',
11806 'unleaded',
11807 'unlearned',
11808 'unleash',
11809 'unless',
11810 'unleveled',
11811 'unlighted',
11812 'unlikable',
11813 'unlimited',
11814 'unlined',
11815 'unlinked',
11816 'unlisted',
11817 'unlit',
11818 'unlivable',
11819 'unloaded',
11820 'unloader',
11821 'unlocked',
11822 'unlocking',
11823 'unlovable',
11824 'unloved',
11825 'unlovely',
11826 'unloving',
11827 'unluckily',
11828 'unlucky',
11829 'unmade',
11830 'unmanaged',
11831 'unmanned',
11832 'unmapped',
11833 'unmarked',
11834 'unmasked',
11835 'unmasking',
11836 'unmatched',
11837 'unmindful',
11838 'unmixable',
11839 'unmixed',
11840 'unmolded',
11841 'unmoral',
11842 'unmovable',
11843 'unmoved',
11844 'unmoving',
11845 'unnamable',
11846 'unnamed',
11847 'unnatural',
11848 'unneeded',
11849 'unnerve',
11850 'unnerving',
11851 'unnoticed',
11852 'unopened',
11853 'unopposed',
11854 'unpack',
11855 'unpadded',
11856 'unpaid',
11857 'unpainted',
11858 'unpaired',
11859 'unpaved',
11860 'unpeeled',
11861 'unpicked',
11862 'unpiloted',
11863 'unpinned',
11864 'unplanned',
11865 'unplanted',
11866 'unpleased',
11867 'unpledged',
11868 'unplowed',
11869 'unplug',
11870 'unpopular',
11871 'unproven',
11872 'unquote',
11873 'unranked',
11874 'unrated',
11875 'unraveled',
11876 'unreached',
11877 'unread',
11878 'unreal',
11879 'unreeling',
11880 'unrefined',
11881 'unrelated',
11882 'unrented',
11883 'unrest',
11884 'unretired',
11885 'unrevised',
11886 'unrigged',
11887 'unripe',
11888 'unrivaled',
11889 'unroasted',
11890 'unrobed',
11891 'unroll',
11892 'unruffled',
11893 'unruly',
11894 'unrushed',
11895 'unsaddle',
11896 'unsafe',
11897 'unsaid',
11898 'unsalted',
11899 'unsaved',
11900 'unsavory',
11901 'unscathed',
11902 'unscented',
11903 'unscrew',
11904 'unsealed',
11905 'unseated',
11906 'unsecured',
11907 'unseeing',
11908 'unseemly',
11909 'unseen',
11910 'unselect',
11911 'unselfish',
11912 'unsent',
11913 'unsettled',
11914 'unshackle',
11915 'unshaken',
11916 'unshaved',
11917 'unshaven',
11918 'unsheathe',
11919 'unshipped',
11920 'unsightly',
11921 'unsigned',
11922 'unskilled',
11923 'unsliced',
11924 'unsmooth',
11925 'unsnap',
11926 'unsocial',
11927 'unsoiled',
11928 'unsold',
11929 'unsolved',
11930 'unsorted',
11931 'unspoiled',
11932 'unspoken',
11933 'unstable',
11934 'unstaffed',
11935 'unstamped',
11936 'unsteady',
11937 'unsterile',
11938 'unstirred',
11939 'unstitch',
11940 'unstopped',
11941 'unstuck',
11942 'unstuffed',
11943 'unstylish',
11944 'unsubtle',
11945 'unsubtly',
11946 'unsuited',
11947 'unsure',
11948 'unsworn',
11949 'untagged',
11950 'untainted',
11951 'untaken',
11952 'untamed',
11953 'untangled',
11954 'untapped',
11955 'untaxed',
11956 'unthawed',
11957 'unthread',
11958 'untidy',
11959 'untie',
11960 'until',
11961 'untimed',
11962 'untimely',
11963 'untitled',
11964 'untoasted',
11965 'untold',
11966 'untouched',
11967 'untracked',
11968 'untrained',
11969 'untreated',
11970 'untried',
11971 'untrimmed',
11972 'untrue',
11973 'untruth',
11974 'unturned',
11975 'untwist',
11976 'untying',
11977 'unusable',
11978 'unused',
11979 'unusual',
11980 'unvalued',
11981 'unvaried',
11982 'unvarying',
11983 'unveiled',
11984 'unveiling',
11985 'unvented',
11986 'unviable',
11987 'unvisited',
11988 'unvocal',
11989 'unwanted',
11990 'unwarlike',
11991 'unwary',
11992 'unwashed',
11993 'unwatched',
11994 'unweave',
11995 'unwed',
11996 'unwelcome',
11997 'unwell',
11998 'unwieldy',
11999 'unwilling',
12000 'unwind',
12001 'unwired',
12002 'unwitting',
12003 'unwomanly',
12004 'unworldly',
12005 'unworn',
12006 'unworried',
12007 'unworthy',
12008 'unwound',
12009 'unwoven',
12010 'unwrapped',
12011 'unwritten',
12012 'unzip',
12013 'upbeat',
12014 'upchuck',
12015 'upcoming',
12016 'upcountry',
12017 'update',
12018 'upfront',
12019 'upgrade',
12020 'upheaval',
12021 'upheld',
12022 'uphill',
12023 'uphold',
12024 'uplifted',
12025 'uplifting',
12026 'upload',
12027 'upon',
12028 'upper',
12029 'upright',
12030 'uprising',
12031 'upriver',
12032 'uproar',
12033 'uproot',
12034 'upscale',
12035 'upside',
12036 'upstage',
12037 'upstairs',
12038 'upstart',
12039 'upstate',
12040 'upstream',
12041 'upstroke',
12042 'upswing',
12043 'uptake',
12044 'uptight',
12045 'uptown',
12046 'upturned',
12047 'upward',
12048 'upwind',
12049 'uranium',
12050 'urban',
12051 'urchin',
12052 'urethane',
12053 'urgency',
12054 'urgent',
12055 'urging',
12056 'urologist',
12057 'urology',
12058 'usable',
12059 'usage',
12060 'useable',
12061 'used',
12062 'uselessly',
12063 'user',
12064 'usher',
12065 'usual',
12066 'utensil',
12067 'utility',
12068 'utilize',
12069 'utmost',
12070 'utopia',
12071 'utter',
12072 'vacancy',
12073 'vacant',
12074 'vacate',
12075 'vacation',
12076 'vagabond',
12077 'vagrancy',
12078 'vagrantly',
12079 'vaguely',
12080 'vagueness',
12081 'valiant',
12082 'valid',
12083 'valium',
12084 'valley',
12085 'valuables',
12086 'value',
12087 'vanilla',
12088 'vanish',
12089 'vanity',
12090 'vanquish',
12091 'vantage',
12092 'vaporizer',
12093 'variable',
12094 'variably',
12095 'varied',
12096 'variety',
12097 'various',
12098 'varmint',
12099 'varnish',
12100 'varsity',
12101 'varying',
12102 'vascular',
12103 'vaseline',
12104 'vastly',
12105 'vastness',
12106 'veal',
12107 'vegan',
12108 'veggie',
12109 'vehicular',
12110 'velcro',
12111 'velocity',
12112 'velvet',
12113 'vendetta',
12114 'vending',
12115 'vendor',
12116 'veneering',
12117 'vengeful',
12118 'venomous',
12119 'ventricle',
12120 'venture',
12121 'venue',
12122 'venus',
12123 'verbalize',
12124 'verbally',
12125 'verbose',
12126 'verdict',
12127 'verify',
12128 'verse',
12129 'version',
12130 'versus',
12131 'vertebrae',
12132 'vertical',
12133 'vertigo',
12134 'very',
12135 'vessel',
12136 'vest',
12137 'veteran',
12138 'veto',
12139 'vexingly',
12140 'viability',
12141 'viable',
12142 'vibes',
12143 'vice',
12144 'vicinity',
12145 'victory',
12146 'video',
12147 'viewable',
12148 'viewer',
12149 'viewing',
12150 'viewless',
12151 'viewpoint',
12152 'vigorous',
12153 'village',
12154 'villain',
12155 'vindicate',
12156 'vineyard',
12157 'vintage',
12158 'violate',
12159 'violation',
12160 'violator',
12161 'violet',
12162 'violin',
12163 'viper',
12164 'viral',
12165 'virtual',
12166 'virtuous',
12167 'virus',
12168 'visa',
12169 'viscosity',
12170 'viscous',
12171 'viselike',
12172 'visible',
12173 'visibly',
12174 'vision',
12175 'visiting',
12176 'visitor',
12177 'visor',
12178 'vista',
12179 'vitality',
12180 'vitalize',
12181 'vitally',
12182 'vitamins',
12183 'vivacious',
12184 'vividly',
12185 'vividness',
12186 'vixen',
12187 'vocalist',
12188 'vocalize',
12189 'vocally',
12190 'vocation',
12191 'voice',
12192 'voicing',
12193 'void',
12194 'volatile',
12195 'volley',
12196 'voltage',
12197 'volumes',
12198 'voter',
12199 'voting',
12200 'voucher',
12201 'vowed',
12202 'vowel',
12203 'voyage',
12204 'wackiness',
12205 'wad',
12206 'wafer',
12207 'waffle',
12208 'waged',
12209 'wager',
12210 'wages',
12211 'waggle',
12212 'wagon',
12213 'wake',
12214 'waking',
12215 'walk',
12216 'walmart',
12217 'walnut',
12218 'walrus',
12219 'waltz',
12220 'wand',
12221 'wannabe',
12222 'wanted',
12223 'wanting',
12224 'wasabi',
12225 'washable',
12226 'washbasin',
12227 'washboard',
12228 'washbowl',
12229 'washcloth',
12230 'washday',
12231 'washed',
12232 'washer',
12233 'washhouse',
12234 'washing',
12235 'washout',
12236 'washroom',
12237 'washstand',
12238 'washtub',
12239 'wasp',
12240 'wasting',
12241 'watch',
12242 'water',
12243 'waviness',
12244 'waving',
12245 'wavy',
12246 'whacking',
12247 'whacky',
12248 'wham',
12249 'wharf',
12250 'wheat',
12251 'whenever',
12252 'whiff',
12253 'whimsical',
12254 'whinny',
12255 'whiny',
12256 'whisking',
12257 'whoever',
12258 'whole',
12259 'whomever',
12260 'whoopee',
12261 'whooping',
12262 'whoops',
12263 'why',
12264 'wick',
12265 'widely',
12266 'widen',
12267 'widget',
12268 'widow',
12269 'width',
12270 'wieldable',
12271 'wielder',
12272 'wife',
12273 'wifi',
12274 'wikipedia',
12275 'wildcard',
12276 'wildcat',
12277 'wilder',
12278 'wildfire',
12279 'wildfowl',
12280 'wildland',
12281 'wildlife',
12282 'wildly',
12283 'wildness',
12284 'willed',
12285 'willfully',
12286 'willing',
12287 'willow',
12288 'willpower',
12289 'wilt',
12290 'wimp',
12291 'wince',
12292 'wincing',
12293 'wind',
12294 'wing',
12295 'winking',
12296 'winner',
12297 'winnings',
12298 'winter',
12299 'wipe',
12300 'wired',
12301 'wireless',
12302 'wiring',
12303 'wiry',
12304 'wisdom',
12305 'wise',
12306 'wish',
12307 'wisplike',
12308 'wispy',
12309 'wistful',
12310 'wizard',
12311 'wobble',
12312 'wobbling',
12313 'wobbly',
12314 'wok',
12315 'wolf',
12316 'wolverine',
12317 'womanhood',
12318 'womankind',
12319 'womanless',
12320 'womanlike',
12321 'womanly',
12322 'womb',
12323 'woof',
12324 'wooing',
12325 'wool',
12326 'woozy',
12327 'word',
12328 'work',
12329 'worried',
12330 'worrier',
12331 'worrisome',
12332 'worry',
12333 'worsening',
12334 'worshiper',
12335 'worst',
12336 'wound',
12337 'woven',
12338 'wow',
12339 'wrangle',
12340 'wrath',
12341 'wreath',
12342 'wreckage',
12343 'wrecker',
12344 'wrecking',
12345 'wrench',
12346 'wriggle',
12347 'wriggly',
12348 'wrinkle',
12349 'wrinkly',
12350 'wrist',
12351 'writing',
12352 'written',
12353 'wrongdoer',
12354 'wronged',
12355 'wrongful',
12356 'wrongly',
12357 'wrongness',
12358 'wrought',
12359 'xbox',
12360 'xerox',
12361 'yahoo',
12362 'yam',
12363 'yanking',
12364 'yapping',
12365 'yard',
12366 'yarn',
12367 'yeah',
12368 'yearbook',
12369 'yearling',
12370 'yearly',
12371 'yearning',
12372 'yeast',
12373 'yelling',
12374 'yelp',
12375 'yen',
12376 'yesterday',
12377 'yiddish',
12378 'yield',
12379 'yin',
12380 'yippee',
12381 'yo-yo',
12382 'yodel',
12383 'yoga',
12384 'yogurt',
12385 'yonder',
12386 'yoyo',
12387 'yummy',
12388 'zap',
12389 'zealous',
12390 'zebra',
12391 'zen',
12392 'zeppelin',
12393 'zero',
12394 'zestfully',
12395 'zesty',
12396 'zigzagged',
12397 'zipfile',
12398 'zipping',
12399 'zippy',
12400 'zips',
12401 'zit',
12402 'zodiac',
12403 'zombie',
12404 'zone',
12405 'zoning',
12406 'zookeeper',
12407 'zoologist',
12408 'zoology',
12409 'zoom',
12412// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/services/crypto.service.ts
12413var crypto_service_decorate = (undefined && undefined.__decorate) || function (decorators, target, key, desc) {
12414 var c = arguments.length, r = c < 3 ? target : desc === null ? desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, key) : desc, d;
12415 if (typeof Reflect === "object" && typeof Reflect.decorate === "function") r = Reflect.decorate(decorators, target, key, desc);
12416 else for (var i = decorators.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) if (d = decorators[i]) r = (c < 3 ? d(r) : c > 3 ? d(target, key, r) : d(target, key)) || r;
12417 return c > 3 && r && Object.defineProperty(target, key, r), r;
12419var crypto_service_metadata = (undefined && undefined.__metadata) || function (k, v) {
12420 if (typeof Reflect === "object" && typeof Reflect.metadata === "function") return Reflect.metadata(k, v);
12422var crypto_service_awaiter = (undefined && undefined.__awaiter) || function (thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) {
12423 return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) {
12424 function fulfilled(value) { try { step(generator.next(value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
12425 function rejected(value) { try { step(generator["throw"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
12426 function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(result.value); }).then(fulfilled, rejected); }
12427 step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next());
12428 });
12440const crypto_service_Keys = {
12441 key: 'key',
12442 encOrgKeys: 'encOrgKeys',
12443 encPrivateKey: 'encPrivateKey',
12444 encKey: 'encKey',
12445 keyHash: 'keyHash',
12447class crypto_service_CryptoService {
12448 constructor(storageService, secureStorageService, cryptoFunctionService) {
12449 this.storageService = storageService;
12450 this.secureStorageService = secureStorageService;
12451 this.cryptoFunctionService = cryptoFunctionService;
12452 }
12453 setKey(key) {
12454 return crypto_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
12455 this.key = key;
12456 const option = yield this.storageService.get(ConstantsService.vaultTimeoutKey);
12457 if (option != null) {
12458 // if we have a lock option set, we do not store the key
12459 return;
12460 }
12461 return this.secureStorageService.save(crypto_service_Keys.key, key.keyB64);
12462 });
12463 }
12464 setKeyHash(keyHash) {
12465 this.keyHash = keyHash;
12466 return this.storageService.save(crypto_service_Keys.keyHash, keyHash);
12467 }
12468 setEncKey(encKey) {
12469 return crypto_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
12470 if (encKey == null) {
12471 return;
12472 }
12473 yield this.storageService.save(crypto_service_Keys.encKey, encKey);
12474 this.encKey = null;
12475 });
12476 }
12477 setEncPrivateKey(encPrivateKey) {
12478 return crypto_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
12479 if (encPrivateKey == null) {
12480 return;
12481 }
12482 yield this.storageService.save(crypto_service_Keys.encPrivateKey, encPrivateKey);
12483 this.privateKey = null;
12484 });
12485 }
12486 setOrgKeys(orgs) {
12487 const orgKeys = {};
12488 orgs.forEach((org) => {
12489 orgKeys[org.id] = org.key;
12490 });
12491 this.orgKeys = null;
12492 return this.storageService.save(crypto_service_Keys.encOrgKeys, orgKeys);
12493 }
12494 getKey() {
12495 return crypto_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
12496 if (this.key != null) {
12497 return this.key;
12498 }
12499 const key = yield this.secureStorageService.get(crypto_service_Keys.key);
12500 if (key != null) {
12501 this.key = new symmetricCryptoKey_SymmetricCryptoKey(utils_Utils.fromB64ToArray(key).buffer);
12502 }
12503 return key == null ? null : this.key;
12504 });
12505 }
12506 getKeyHash() {
12507 return crypto_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
12508 if (this.keyHash != null) {
12509 return this.keyHash;
12510 }
12511 const keyHash = yield this.storageService.get(crypto_service_Keys.keyHash);
12512 if (keyHash != null) {
12513 this.keyHash = keyHash;
12514 }
12515 return keyHash == null ? null : this.keyHash;
12516 });
12517 }
12518 getEncKey(key = null) {
12519 return crypto_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
12520 if (this.encKey != null) {
12521 return this.encKey;
12522 }
12523 const encKey = yield this.storageService.get(crypto_service_Keys.encKey);
12524 if (encKey == null) {
12525 return null;
12526 }
12527 if (key == null) {
12528 key = yield this.getKey();
12529 }
12530 if (key == null) {
12531 return null;
12532 }
12533 let decEncKey;
12534 const encKeyCipher = new cipherString_CipherString(encKey);
12535 if (encKeyCipher.encryptionType === EncryptionType.AesCbc256_B64) {
12536 decEncKey = yield this.decryptToBytes(encKeyCipher, key);
12537 }
12538 else if (encKeyCipher.encryptionType === EncryptionType.AesCbc256_HmacSha256_B64) {
12539 const newKey = yield this.stretchKey(key);
12540 decEncKey = yield this.decryptToBytes(encKeyCipher, newKey);
12541 }
12542 else {
12543 throw new Error('Unsupported encKey type.');
12544 }
12545 if (decEncKey == null) {
12546 return null;
12547 }
12548 this.encKey = new symmetricCryptoKey_SymmetricCryptoKey(decEncKey);
12549 return this.encKey;
12550 });
12551 }
12552 getPublicKey() {
12553 return crypto_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
12554 if (this.publicKey != null) {
12555 return this.publicKey;
12556 }
12557 const privateKey = yield this.getPrivateKey();
12558 if (privateKey == null) {
12559 return null;
12560 }
12561 this.publicKey = yield this.cryptoFunctionService.rsaExtractPublicKey(privateKey);
12562 return this.publicKey;
12563 });
12564 }
12565 getPrivateKey() {
12566 return crypto_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
12567 if (this.privateKey != null) {
12568 return this.privateKey;
12569 }
12570 const encPrivateKey = yield this.storageService.get(crypto_service_Keys.encPrivateKey);
12571 if (encPrivateKey == null) {
12572 return null;
12573 }
12574 this.privateKey = yield this.decryptToBytes(new cipherString_CipherString(encPrivateKey), null);
12575 return this.privateKey;
12576 });
12577 }
12578 getFingerprint(userId, publicKey) {
12579 return crypto_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
12580 if (publicKey == null) {
12581 publicKey = yield this.getPublicKey();
12582 }
12583 if (publicKey === null) {
12584 throw new Error('No public key available.');
12585 }
12586 const keyFingerprint = yield this.cryptoFunctionService.hash(publicKey, 'sha256');
12587 const userFingerprint = yield this.hkdfExpand(keyFingerprint, utils_Utils.fromUtf8ToArray(userId), 32);
12588 return this.hashPhrase(userFingerprint.buffer);
12589 });
12590 }
12591 getOrgKeys() {
12592 return crypto_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
12593 if (this.orgKeys != null && this.orgKeys.size > 0) {
12594 return this.orgKeys;
12595 }
12596 const encOrgKeys = yield this.storageService.get(crypto_service_Keys.encOrgKeys);
12597 if (encOrgKeys == null) {
12598 return null;
12599 }
12600 const orgKeys = new Map();
12601 let setKey = false;
12602 for (const orgId in encOrgKeys) {
12603 if (!encOrgKeys.hasOwnProperty(orgId)) {
12604 continue;
12605 }
12606 const decValue = yield this.rsaDecrypt(encOrgKeys[orgId]);
12607 orgKeys.set(orgId, new symmetricCryptoKey_SymmetricCryptoKey(decValue));
12608 setKey = true;
12609 }
12610 if (setKey) {
12611 this.orgKeys = orgKeys;
12612 }
12613 return this.orgKeys;
12614 });
12615 }
12616 getOrgKey(orgId) {
12617 return crypto_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
12618 if (orgId == null) {
12619 return null;
12620 }
12621 const orgKeys = yield this.getOrgKeys();
12622 if (orgKeys == null || !orgKeys.has(orgId)) {
12623 return null;
12624 }
12625 return orgKeys.get(orgId);
12626 });
12627 }
12628 hasKey() {
12629 return crypto_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
12630 return (yield this.getKey()) != null;
12631 });
12632 }
12633 hasEncKey() {
12634 return crypto_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
12635 const encKey = yield this.storageService.get(crypto_service_Keys.encKey);
12636 return encKey != null;
12637 });
12638 }
12639 clearKey() {
12640 this.key = this.legacyEtmKey = null;
12641 return this.secureStorageService.remove(crypto_service_Keys.key);
12642 }
12643 clearKeyHash() {
12644 this.keyHash = null;
12645 return this.storageService.remove(crypto_service_Keys.keyHash);
12646 }
12647 clearEncKey(memoryOnly) {
12648 this.encKey = null;
12649 if (memoryOnly) {
12650 return Promise.resolve();
12651 }
12652 return this.storageService.remove(crypto_service_Keys.encKey);
12653 }
12654 clearKeyPair(memoryOnly) {
12655 this.privateKey = null;
12656 this.publicKey = null;
12657 if (memoryOnly) {
12658 return Promise.resolve();
12659 }
12660 return this.storageService.remove(crypto_service_Keys.encPrivateKey);
12661 }
12662 clearOrgKeys(memoryOnly) {
12663 this.orgKeys = null;
12664 if (memoryOnly) {
12665 return Promise.resolve();
12666 }
12667 return this.storageService.remove(crypto_service_Keys.encOrgKeys);
12668 }
12669 clearPinProtectedKey() {
12670 return this.storageService.remove(ConstantsService.pinProtectedKey);
12671 }
12672 clearKeys() {
12673 return Promise.all([
12674 this.clearKey(),
12675 this.clearKeyHash(),
12676 this.clearOrgKeys(),
12677 this.clearEncKey(),
12678 this.clearKeyPair(),
12679 this.clearPinProtectedKey(),
12680 ]);
12681 }
12682 toggleKey() {
12683 return crypto_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
12684 const key = yield this.getKey();
12685 const option = yield this.storageService.get(ConstantsService.vaultTimeoutKey);
12686 if (option != null || option === 0) {
12687 // if we have a lock option set, clear the key
12688 yield this.clearKey();
12689 this.key = key;
12690 return;
12691 }
12692 yield this.setKey(key);
12693 });
12694 }
12695 makeKey(password, salt, kdf, kdfIterations) {
12696 return crypto_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
12697 let key = null;
12698 if (kdf == null || kdf === KdfType.PBKDF2_SHA256) {
12699 if (kdfIterations == null) {
12700 kdfIterations = 5000;
12701 }
12702 else if (kdfIterations < 5000) {
12703 throw new Error('PBKDF2 iteration minimum is 5000.');
12704 }
12705 key = yield this.cryptoFunctionService.pbkdf2(password, salt, 'sha256', kdfIterations);
12706 }
12707 else {
12708 throw new Error('Unknown Kdf.');
12709 }
12710 return new symmetricCryptoKey_SymmetricCryptoKey(key);
12711 });
12712 }
12713 makeKeyFromPin(pin, salt, kdf, kdfIterations, protectedKeyCs = null) {
12714 return crypto_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
12715 if (protectedKeyCs == null) {
12716 const pinProtectedKey = yield this.storageService.get(ConstantsService.pinProtectedKey);
12717 if (pinProtectedKey == null) {
12718 throw new Error('No PIN protected key found.');
12719 }
12720 protectedKeyCs = new cipherString_CipherString(pinProtectedKey);
12721 }
12722 const pinKey = yield this.makePinKey(pin, salt, kdf, kdfIterations);
12723 const decKey = yield this.decryptToBytes(protectedKeyCs, pinKey);
12724 return new symmetricCryptoKey_SymmetricCryptoKey(decKey);
12725 });
12726 }
12727 makeShareKey() {
12728 return crypto_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
12729 const shareKey = yield this.cryptoFunctionService.randomBytes(64);
12730 const publicKey = yield this.getPublicKey();
12731 const encShareKey = yield this.rsaEncrypt(shareKey, publicKey);
12732 return [encShareKey, new symmetricCryptoKey_SymmetricCryptoKey(shareKey)];
12733 });
12734 }
12735 makeKeyPair(key) {
12736 return crypto_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
12737 const keyPair = yield this.cryptoFunctionService.rsaGenerateKeyPair(2048);
12738 const publicB64 = utils_Utils.fromBufferToB64(keyPair[0]);
12739 const privateEnc = yield this.encrypt(keyPair[1], key);
12740 return [publicB64, privateEnc];
12741 });
12742 }
12743 makePinKey(pin, salt, kdf, kdfIterations) {
12744 return crypto_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
12745 const pinKey = yield this.makeKey(pin, salt, kdf, kdfIterations);
12746 return yield this.stretchKey(pinKey);
12747 });
12748 }
12749 hashPassword(password, key) {
12750 return crypto_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
12751 if (key == null) {
12752 key = yield this.getKey();
12753 }
12754 if (password == null || key == null) {
12755 throw new Error('Invalid parameters.');
12756 }
12757 const hash = yield this.cryptoFunctionService.pbkdf2(key.key, password, 'sha256', 1);
12758 return utils_Utils.fromBufferToB64(hash);
12759 });
12760 }
12761 makeEncKey(key) {
12762 return crypto_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
12763 const theKey = yield this.getKeyForEncryption(key);
12764 const encKey = yield this.cryptoFunctionService.randomBytes(64);
12765 return this.buildEncKey(theKey, encKey);
12766 });
12767 }
12768 remakeEncKey(key) {
12769 return crypto_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
12770 const encKey = yield this.getEncKey();
12771 return this.buildEncKey(key, encKey.key);
12772 });
12773 }
12774 encrypt(plainValue, key) {
12775 return crypto_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
12776 if (plainValue == null) {
12777 return Promise.resolve(null);
12778 }
12779 let plainBuf;
12780 if (typeof (plainValue) === 'string') {
12781 plainBuf = utils_Utils.fromUtf8ToArray(plainValue).buffer;
12782 }
12783 else {
12784 plainBuf = plainValue;
12785 }
12786 const encObj = yield this.aesEncrypt(plainBuf, key);
12787 const iv = utils_Utils.fromBufferToB64(encObj.iv);
12788 const data = utils_Utils.fromBufferToB64(encObj.data);
12789 const mac = encObj.mac != null ? utils_Utils.fromBufferToB64(encObj.mac) : null;
12790 return new cipherString_CipherString(encObj.key.encType, data, iv, mac);
12791 });
12792 }
12793 encryptToBytes(plainValue, key) {
12794 return crypto_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
12795 const encValue = yield this.aesEncrypt(plainValue, key);
12796 let macLen = 0;
12797 if (encValue.mac != null) {
12798 macLen = encValue.mac.byteLength;
12799 }
12800 const encBytes = new Uint8Array(1 + encValue.iv.byteLength + macLen + encValue.data.byteLength);
12801 encBytes.set([encValue.key.encType]);
12802 encBytes.set(new Uint8Array(encValue.iv), 1);
12803 if (encValue.mac != null) {
12804 encBytes.set(new Uint8Array(encValue.mac), 1 + encValue.iv.byteLength);
12805 }
12806 encBytes.set(new Uint8Array(encValue.data), 1 + encValue.iv.byteLength + macLen);
12807 return encBytes.buffer;
12808 });
12809 }
12810 rsaEncrypt(data, publicKey) {
12811 return crypto_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
12812 if (publicKey == null) {
12813 publicKey = yield this.getPublicKey();
12814 }
12815 if (publicKey == null) {
12816 throw new Error('Public key unavailable.');
12817 }
12818 const encBytes = yield this.cryptoFunctionService.rsaEncrypt(data, publicKey, 'sha1');
12819 return new cipherString_CipherString(EncryptionType.Rsa2048_OaepSha1_B64, utils_Utils.fromBufferToB64(encBytes));
12820 });
12821 }
12822 decryptToBytes(cipherString, key) {
12823 return crypto_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
12824 const iv = utils_Utils.fromB64ToArray(cipherString.iv).buffer;
12825 const data = utils_Utils.fromB64ToArray(cipherString.data).buffer;
12826 const mac = cipherString.mac ? utils_Utils.fromB64ToArray(cipherString.mac).buffer : null;
12827 const decipher = yield this.aesDecryptToBytes(cipherString.encryptionType, data, iv, mac, key);
12828 if (decipher == null) {
12829 return null;
12830 }
12831 return decipher;
12832 });
12833 }
12834 decryptToUtf8(cipherString, key) {
12835 return crypto_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
12836 return yield this.aesDecryptToUtf8(cipherString.encryptionType, cipherString.data, cipherString.iv, cipherString.mac, key);
12837 });
12838 }
12839 decryptFromBytes(encBuf, key) {
12840 return crypto_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
12841 if (encBuf == null) {
12842 throw new Error('no encBuf.');
12843 }
12844 const encBytes = new Uint8Array(encBuf);
12845 const encType = encBytes[0];
12846 let ctBytes = null;
12847 let ivBytes = null;
12848 let macBytes = null;
12849 switch (encType) {
12850 case EncryptionType.AesCbc128_HmacSha256_B64:
12851 case EncryptionType.AesCbc256_HmacSha256_B64:
12852 if (encBytes.length <= 49) { // 1 + 16 + 32 + ctLength
12853 return null;
12854 }
12855 ivBytes = encBytes.slice(1, 17);
12856 macBytes = encBytes.slice(17, 49);
12857 ctBytes = encBytes.slice(49);
12858 break;
12859 case EncryptionType.AesCbc256_B64:
12860 if (encBytes.length <= 17) { // 1 + 16 + ctLength
12861 return null;
12862 }
12863 ivBytes = encBytes.slice(1, 17);
12864 ctBytes = encBytes.slice(17);
12865 break;
12866 default:
12867 return null;
12868 }
12869 return yield this.aesDecryptToBytes(encType, ctBytes.buffer, ivBytes.buffer, macBytes != null ? macBytes.buffer : null, key);
12870 });
12871 }
12872 // EFForg/OpenWireless
12873 // ref https://github.com/EFForg/OpenWireless/blob/master/app/js/diceware.js
12874 randomNumber(min, max) {
12875 return crypto_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
12876 let rval = 0;
12877 const range = max - min + 1;
12878 const bitsNeeded = Math.ceil(Math.log2(range));
12879 if (bitsNeeded > 53) {
12880 throw new Error('We cannot generate numbers larger than 53 bits.');
12881 }
12882 const bytesNeeded = Math.ceil(bitsNeeded / 8);
12883 const mask = Math.pow(2, bitsNeeded) - 1;
12884 // 7776 -> (2^13 = 8192) -1 == 8191 or 0x00001111 11111111
12885 // Fill a byte array with N random numbers
12886 const byteArray = new Uint8Array(yield this.cryptoFunctionService.randomBytes(bytesNeeded));
12887 let p = (bytesNeeded - 1) * 8;
12888 for (let i = 0; i < bytesNeeded; i++) {
12889 rval += byteArray[i] * Math.pow(2, p);
12890 p -= 8;
12891 }
12892 // Use & to apply the mask and reduce the number of recursive lookups
12893 // tslint:disable-next-line
12894 rval = rval & mask;
12895 if (rval >= range) {
12896 // Integer out of acceptable range
12897 return this.randomNumber(min, max);
12898 }
12899 // Return an integer that falls within the range
12900 return min + rval;
12901 });
12902 }
12903 // Helpers
12904 aesEncrypt(data, key) {
12905 return crypto_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
12906 const obj = new EncryptedObject();
12907 obj.key = yield this.getKeyForEncryption(key);
12908 obj.iv = yield this.cryptoFunctionService.randomBytes(16);
12909 obj.data = yield this.cryptoFunctionService.aesEncrypt(data, obj.iv, obj.key.encKey);
12910 if (obj.key.macKey != null) {
12911 const macData = new Uint8Array(obj.iv.byteLength + obj.data.byteLength);
12912 macData.set(new Uint8Array(obj.iv), 0);
12913 macData.set(new Uint8Array(obj.data), obj.iv.byteLength);
12914 obj.mac = yield this.cryptoFunctionService.hmac(macData.buffer, obj.key.macKey, 'sha256');
12915 }
12916 return obj;
12917 });
12918 }
12919 aesDecryptToUtf8(encType, data, iv, mac, key) {
12920 return crypto_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
12921 const keyForEnc = yield this.getKeyForEncryption(key);
12922 const theKey = this.resolveLegacyKey(encType, keyForEnc);
12923 if (theKey.macKey != null && mac == null) {
12924 // tslint:disable-next-line
12925 console.error('mac required.');
12926 return null;
12927 }
12928 if (theKey.encType !== encType) {
12929 // tslint:disable-next-line
12930 console.error('encType unavailable.');
12931 return null;
12932 }
12933 const fastParams = this.cryptoFunctionService.aesDecryptFastParameters(data, iv, mac, theKey);
12934 if (fastParams.macKey != null && fastParams.mac != null) {
12935 const computedMac = yield this.cryptoFunctionService.hmacFast(fastParams.macData, fastParams.macKey, 'sha256');
12936 const macsEqual = yield this.cryptoFunctionService.compareFast(fastParams.mac, computedMac);
12937 if (!macsEqual) {
12938 // tslint:disable-next-line
12939 console.error('mac failed.');
12940 return null;
12941 }
12942 }
12943 return this.cryptoFunctionService.aesDecryptFast(fastParams);
12944 });
12945 }
12946 aesDecryptToBytes(encType, data, iv, mac, key) {
12947 return crypto_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
12948 const keyForEnc = yield this.getKeyForEncryption(key);
12949 const theKey = this.resolveLegacyKey(encType, keyForEnc);
12950 if (theKey.macKey != null && mac == null) {
12951 return null;
12952 }
12953 if (theKey.encType !== encType) {
12954 return null;
12955 }
12956 if (theKey.macKey != null && mac != null) {
12957 const macData = new Uint8Array(iv.byteLength + data.byteLength);
12958 macData.set(new Uint8Array(iv), 0);
12959 macData.set(new Uint8Array(data), iv.byteLength);
12960 const computedMac = yield this.cryptoFunctionService.hmac(macData.buffer, theKey.macKey, 'sha256');
12961 if (computedMac === null) {
12962 return null;
12963 }
12964 const macsMatch = yield this.cryptoFunctionService.compare(mac, computedMac);
12965 if (!macsMatch) {
12966 // tslint:disable-next-line
12967 console.error('mac failed.');
12968 return null;
12969 }
12970 }
12971 return yield this.cryptoFunctionService.aesDecrypt(data, iv, theKey.encKey);
12972 });
12973 }
12974 rsaDecrypt(encValue) {
12975 return crypto_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
12976 const headerPieces = encValue.split('.');
12977 let encType = null;
12978 let encPieces;
12979 if (headerPieces.length === 1) {
12980 encType = EncryptionType.Rsa2048_OaepSha256_B64;
12981 encPieces = [headerPieces[0]];
12982 }
12983 else if (headerPieces.length === 2) {
12984 try {
12985 encType = parseInt(headerPieces[0], null);
12986 encPieces = headerPieces[1].split('|');
12987 }
12988 catch (e) { }
12989 }
12990 switch (encType) {
12991 case EncryptionType.Rsa2048_OaepSha256_B64:
12992 case EncryptionType.Rsa2048_OaepSha1_B64:
12993 // HmacSha256 types are deprecated
12994 case EncryptionType.Rsa2048_OaepSha256_HmacSha256_B64:
12995 case EncryptionType.Rsa2048_OaepSha1_HmacSha256_B64:
12996 break;
12997 default:
12998 throw new Error('encType unavailable.');
12999 }
13000 if (encPieces == null || encPieces.length <= 0) {
13001 throw new Error('encPieces unavailable.');
13002 }
13003 const data = utils_Utils.fromB64ToArray(encPieces[0]).buffer;
13004 const privateKey = yield this.getPrivateKey();
13005 if (privateKey == null) {
13006 throw new Error('No private key.');
13007 }
13008 let alg = 'sha1';
13009 switch (encType) {
13010 case EncryptionType.Rsa2048_OaepSha256_B64:
13011 case EncryptionType.Rsa2048_OaepSha256_HmacSha256_B64:
13012 alg = 'sha256';
13013 break;
13014 case EncryptionType.Rsa2048_OaepSha1_B64:
13015 case EncryptionType.Rsa2048_OaepSha1_HmacSha256_B64:
13016 break;
13017 default:
13018 throw new Error('encType unavailable.');
13019 }
13020 return this.cryptoFunctionService.rsaDecrypt(data, privateKey, alg);
13021 });
13022 }
13023 getKeyForEncryption(key) {
13024 return crypto_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
13025 if (key != null) {
13026 return key;
13027 }
13028 const encKey = yield this.getEncKey();
13029 if (encKey != null) {
13030 return encKey;
13031 }
13032 return yield this.getKey();
13033 });
13034 }
13035 resolveLegacyKey(encType, key) {
13036 if (encType === EncryptionType.AesCbc128_HmacSha256_B64 &&
13037 key.encType === EncryptionType.AesCbc256_B64) {
13038 // Old encrypt-then-mac scheme, make a new key
13039 if (this.legacyEtmKey == null) {
13040 this.legacyEtmKey = new symmetricCryptoKey_SymmetricCryptoKey(key.key, EncryptionType.AesCbc128_HmacSha256_B64);
13041 }
13042 return this.legacyEtmKey;
13043 }
13044 return key;
13045 }
13046 stretchKey(key) {
13047 return crypto_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
13048 const newKey = new Uint8Array(64);
13049 newKey.set(yield this.hkdfExpand(key.key, utils_Utils.fromUtf8ToArray('enc'), 32));
13050 newKey.set(yield this.hkdfExpand(key.key, utils_Utils.fromUtf8ToArray('mac'), 32), 32);
13051 return new symmetricCryptoKey_SymmetricCryptoKey(newKey.buffer);
13052 });
13053 }
13054 // ref: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5869
13055 hkdfExpand(prk, info, size) {
13056 return crypto_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
13057 const hashLen = 32; // sha256
13058 const okm = new Uint8Array(size);
13059 let previousT = new Uint8Array(0);
13060 const n = Math.ceil(size / hashLen);
13061 for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) {
13062 const t = new Uint8Array(previousT.length + info.length + 1);
13063 t.set(previousT);
13064 t.set(info, previousT.length);
13065 t.set([i + 1], t.length - 1);
13066 previousT = new Uint8Array(yield this.cryptoFunctionService.hmac(t.buffer, prk, 'sha256'));
13067 okm.set(previousT, i * hashLen);
13068 }
13069 return okm;
13070 });
13071 }
13072 hashPhrase(hash, minimumEntropy = 64) {
13073 return crypto_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
13074 const entropyPerWord = Math.log(EEFLongWordList.length) / Math.log(2);
13075 let numWords = Math.ceil(minimumEntropy / entropyPerWord);
13076 const hashArr = Array.from(new Uint8Array(hash));
13077 const entropyAvailable = hashArr.length * 4;
13078 if (numWords * entropyPerWord > entropyAvailable) {
13079 throw new Error('Output entropy of hash function is too small');
13080 }
13081 const phrase = [];
13082 let hashNumber = external_big_integer_["fromArray"](hashArr, 256);
13083 while (numWords--) {
13084 const remainder = hashNumber.mod(EEFLongWordList.length);
13085 hashNumber = hashNumber.divide(EEFLongWordList.length);
13086 phrase.push(EEFLongWordList[remainder]);
13087 }
13088 return phrase;
13089 });
13090 }
13091 buildEncKey(key, encKey) {
13092 return crypto_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
13093 let encKeyEnc = null;
13094 if (key.key.byteLength === 32) {
13095 const newKey = yield this.stretchKey(key);
13096 encKeyEnc = yield this.encrypt(encKey, newKey);
13097 }
13098 else if (key.key.byteLength === 64) {
13099 encKeyEnc = yield this.encrypt(encKey, key);
13100 }
13101 else {
13102 throw new Error('Invalid key size.');
13103 }
13104 return [new symmetricCryptoKey_SymmetricCryptoKey(encKey), encKeyEnc];
13105 });
13106 }
13109 sequentialize(() => 'getEncKey'),
13110 crypto_service_metadata("design:type", Function),
13111 crypto_service_metadata("design:paramtypes", [symmetricCryptoKey_SymmetricCryptoKey]),
13112 crypto_service_metadata("design:returntype", Promise)
13113], crypto_service_CryptoService.prototype, "getEncKey", null);
13115 sequentialize(() => 'getOrgKeys'),
13116 crypto_service_metadata("design:type", Function),
13117 crypto_service_metadata("design:paramtypes", []),
13118 crypto_service_metadata("design:returntype", Promise)
13119], crypto_service_CryptoService.prototype, "getOrgKeys", null);
13121// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/services/environment.service.ts
13122var environment_service_awaiter = (undefined && undefined.__awaiter) || function (thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) {
13123 return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) {
13124 function fulfilled(value) { try { step(generator.next(value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
13125 function rejected(value) { try { step(generator["throw"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
13126 function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(result.value); }).then(fulfilled, rejected); }
13127 step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next());
13128 });
13132class environment_service_EnvironmentService {
13133 constructor(apiService, storageService, notificationsService) {
13134 this.apiService = apiService;
13135 this.storageService = storageService;
13136 this.notificationsService = notificationsService;
13137 }
13138 getWebVaultUrl() {
13139 if (this.webVaultUrl != null) {
13140 return this.webVaultUrl;
13141 }
13142 else if (this.baseUrl) {
13143 return this.baseUrl;
13144 }
13145 return null;
13146 }
13147 setUrlsFromStorage() {
13148 return environment_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
13149 const urlsObj = yield this.storageService.get(ConstantsService.environmentUrlsKey);
13150 const urls = urlsObj || {
13151 base: null,
13152 api: null,
13153 identity: null,
13154 icons: null,
13155 notifications: null,
13156 events: null,
13157 webVault: null,
13158 };
13159 const envUrls = new EnvironmentUrls();
13160 if (urls.base) {
13161 this.baseUrl = envUrls.base = urls.base;
13162 this.apiService.setUrls(envUrls);
13163 return;
13164 }
13165 this.webVaultUrl = urls.webVault;
13166 this.apiUrl = envUrls.api = urls.api;
13167 this.identityUrl = envUrls.identity = urls.identity;
13168 this.iconsUrl = urls.icons;
13169 this.notificationsUrl = urls.notifications;
13170 this.eventsUrl = envUrls.events = urls.events;
13171 this.apiService.setUrls(envUrls);
13172 });
13173 }
13174 setUrls(urls) {
13175 return environment_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
13176 urls.base = this.formatUrl(urls.base);
13177 urls.webVault = this.formatUrl(urls.webVault);
13178 urls.api = this.formatUrl(urls.api);
13179 urls.identity = this.formatUrl(urls.identity);
13180 urls.icons = this.formatUrl(urls.icons);
13181 urls.notifications = this.formatUrl(urls.notifications);
13182 urls.events = this.formatUrl(urls.events);
13183 yield this.storageService.save(ConstantsService.environmentUrlsKey, {
13184 base: urls.base,
13185 api: urls.api,
13186 identity: urls.identity,
13187 webVault: urls.webVault,
13188 icons: urls.icons,
13189 notifications: urls.notifications,
13190 events: urls.events,
13191 });
13192 this.baseUrl = urls.base;
13193 this.webVaultUrl = urls.webVault;
13194 this.apiUrl = urls.api;
13195 this.identityUrl = urls.identity;
13196 this.iconsUrl = urls.icons;
13197 this.notificationsUrl = urls.notifications;
13198 this.eventsUrl = urls.events;
13199 const envUrls = new EnvironmentUrls();
13200 if (this.baseUrl) {
13201 envUrls.base = this.baseUrl;
13202 }
13203 else {
13204 envUrls.api = this.apiUrl;
13205 envUrls.identity = this.identityUrl;
13206 envUrls.events = this.eventsUrl;
13207 }
13208 this.apiService.setUrls(envUrls);
13209 if (this.notificationsService != null) {
13210 this.notificationsService.init(this);
13211 }
13212 return urls;
13213 });
13214 }
13215 formatUrl(url) {
13216 if (url == null || url === '') {
13217 return null;
13218 }
13219 url = url.replace(/\/+$/g, '');
13220 if (!url.startsWith('http://') && !url.startsWith('https://')) {
13221 url = 'https://' + url;
13222 }
13223 return url.trim();
13224 }
13227// EXTERNAL MODULE: external "papaparse"
13228var external_papaparse_ = __webpack_require__(8);
13230// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/models/export/card.ts
13232class export_card_Card {
13233 static template() {
13234 const req = new export_card_Card();
13235 req.cardholderName = 'John Doe';
13236 req.brand = 'visa';
13237 req.number = '4242424242424242';
13238 req.expMonth = '04';
13239 req.expYear = '2023';
13240 req.code = '123';
13241 return req;
13242 }
13243 static toView(req, view = new CardView()) {
13244 view.cardholderName = req.cardholderName;
13245 view.brand = req.brand;
13246 view.number = req.number;
13247 view.expMonth = req.expMonth;
13248 view.expYear = req.expYear;
13249 view.code = req.code;
13250 return view;
13251 }
13252 constructor(o) {
13253 if (o == null) {
13254 return;
13255 }
13256 this.cardholderName = o.cardholderName;
13257 this.brand = o.brand;
13258 this.number = o.number;
13259 this.expMonth = o.expMonth;
13260 this.expYear = o.expYear;
13261 this.code = o.code;
13262 }
13265// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/models/export/field.ts
13268class export_field_Field {
13269 static template() {
13270 const req = new export_field_Field();
13271 req.name = 'Field name';
13272 req.value = 'Some value';
13273 req.type = FieldType.Text;
13274 return req;
13275 }
13276 static toView(req, view = new FieldView()) {
13277 view.type = req.type;
13278 view.value = req.value;
13279 view.name = req.name;
13280 return view;
13281 }
13282 constructor(o) {
13283 if (o == null) {
13284 return;
13285 }
13286 this.name = o.name;
13287 this.value = o.value;
13288 this.type = o.type;
13289 }
13292// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/models/export/identity.ts
13294class export_identity_Identity {
13295 static template() {
13296 const req = new export_identity_Identity();
13297 req.title = 'Mr';
13298 req.firstName = 'John';
13299 req.middleName = 'William';
13300 req.lastName = 'Doe';
13301 req.address1 = '123 Any St';
13302 req.address2 = 'Apt #123';
13303 req.address3 = null;
13304 req.city = 'New York';
13305 req.state = 'NY';
13306 req.postalCode = '10001';
13307 req.country = 'US';
13308 req.company = 'Acme Inc.';
13309 req.email = 'john@company.com';
13310 req.phone = '5555551234';
13311 req.ssn = '000-123-4567';
13312 req.username = 'jdoe';
13313 req.passportNumber = 'US-123456789';
13314 req.licenseNumber = 'D123-12-123-12333';
13315 return req;
13316 }
13317 static toView(req, view = new identityView_IdentityView()) {
13318 view.title = req.title;
13319 view.firstName = req.firstName;
13320 view.middleName = req.middleName;
13321 view.lastName = req.lastName;
13322 view.address1 = req.address1;
13323 view.address2 = req.address2;
13324 view.address3 = req.address3;
13325 view.city = req.city;
13326 view.state = req.state;
13327 view.postalCode = req.postalCode;
13328 view.country = req.country;
13329 view.company = req.company;
13330 view.email = req.email;
13331 view.phone = req.phone;
13332 view.ssn = req.ssn;
13333 view.username = req.username;
13334 view.passportNumber = req.passportNumber;
13335 view.licenseNumber = req.licenseNumber;
13336 return view;
13337 }
13338 constructor(o) {
13339 if (o == null) {
13340 return;
13341 }
13342 this.title = o.title;
13343 this.firstName = o.firstName;
13344 this.middleName = o.middleName;
13345 this.lastName = o.lastName;
13346 this.address1 = o.address1;
13347 this.address2 = o.address2;
13348 this.address3 = o.address3;
13349 this.city = o.city;
13350 this.state = o.state;
13351 this.postalCode = o.postalCode;
13352 this.country = o.country;
13353 this.company = o.company;
13354 this.email = o.email;
13355 this.phone = o.phone;
13356 this.ssn = o.ssn;
13357 this.username = o.username;
13358 this.passportNumber = o.passportNumber;
13359 this.licenseNumber = o.licenseNumber;
13360 }
13363// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/models/export/loginUri.ts
13365class export_loginUri_LoginUri {
13366 constructor(o) {
13367 this.match = null;
13368 if (o == null) {
13369 return;
13370 }
13371 this.uri = o.uri;
13372 this.match = o.match;
13373 }
13374 static template() {
13375 const req = new export_loginUri_LoginUri();
13376 req.uri = 'https://google.com';
13377 req.match = null;
13378 return req;
13379 }
13380 static toView(req, view = new loginUriView_LoginUriView()) {
13381 view.uri = req.uri;
13382 view.match = req.match;
13383 return view;
13384 }
13387// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/models/export/login.ts
13390class export_login_Login {
13391 static template() {
13392 const req = new export_login_Login();
13393 req.uris = [];
13394 req.username = 'jdoe';
13395 req.password = 'myp@ssword123';
13396 req.totp = 'JBSWY3DPEHPK3PXP';
13397 return req;
13398 }
13399 static toView(req, view = new LoginView()) {
13400 if (req.uris != null) {
13401 view.uris = req.uris.map((u) => export_loginUri_LoginUri.toView(u));
13402 }
13403 view.username = req.username;
13404 view.password = req.password;
13405 view.totp = req.totp;
13406 return view;
13407 }
13408 constructor(o) {
13409 if (o == null) {
13410 return;
13411 }
13412 if (o.uris != null) {
13413 this.uris = o.uris.map((u) => new export_loginUri_LoginUri(u));
13414 }
13415 this.username = o.username;
13416 this.password = o.password;
13417 this.totp = o.totp;
13418 }
13421// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/enums/secureNoteType.ts
13422var SecureNoteType;
13423(function (SecureNoteType) {
13424 SecureNoteType[SecureNoteType["Generic"] = 0] = "Generic";
13425})(SecureNoteType || (SecureNoteType = {}));
13427// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/models/export/secureNote.ts
13430class export_secureNote_SecureNote {
13431 static template() {
13432 const req = new export_secureNote_SecureNote();
13433 req.type = SecureNoteType.Generic;
13434 return req;
13435 }
13436 static toView(req, view = new SecureNoteView()) {
13437 view.type = req.type;
13438 return view;
13439 }
13440 constructor(o) {
13441 if (o == null) {
13442 return;
13443 }
13444 this.type = o.type;
13445 }
13448// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/models/export/cipher.ts
13456class export_cipher_Cipher {
13457 static template() {
13458 const req = new export_cipher_Cipher();
13459 req.organizationId = null;
13460 req.folderId = null;
13461 req.type = CipherType.Login;
13462 req.name = 'Item name';
13463 req.notes = 'Some notes about this item.';
13464 req.favorite = false;
13465 req.fields = [];
13466 req.login = null;
13467 req.secureNote = null;
13468 req.card = null;
13469 req.identity = null;
13470 return req;
13471 }
13472 static toView(req, view = new cipherView_CipherView()) {
13473 view.type = req.type;
13474 view.folderId = req.folderId;
13475 if (view.organizationId == null) {
13476 view.organizationId = req.organizationId;
13477 }
13478 view.name = req.name;
13479 view.notes = req.notes;
13480 view.favorite = req.favorite;
13481 if (req.fields != null) {
13482 view.fields = req.fields.map((f) => export_field_Field.toView(f));
13483 }
13484 switch (req.type) {
13485 case CipherType.Login:
13486 view.login = export_login_Login.toView(req.login);
13487 break;
13488 case CipherType.SecureNote:
13489 view.secureNote = export_secureNote_SecureNote.toView(req.secureNote);
13490 break;
13491 case CipherType.Card:
13492 view.card = export_card_Card.toView(req.card);
13493 break;
13494 case CipherType.Identity:
13495 view.identity = export_identity_Identity.toView(req.identity);
13496 break;
13497 }
13498 return view;
13499 }
13500 // Use build method instead of ctor so that we can control order of JSON stringify for pretty print
13501 build(o) {
13502 this.organizationId = o.organizationId;
13503 this.folderId = o.folderId;
13504 this.type = o.type;
13505 this.name = o.name;
13506 this.notes = o.notes;
13507 this.favorite = o.favorite;
13508 if (o.fields != null) {
13509 this.fields = o.fields.map((f) => new export_field_Field(f));
13510 }
13511 switch (o.type) {
13512 case CipherType.Login:
13513 this.login = new export_login_Login(o.login);
13514 break;
13515 case CipherType.SecureNote:
13516 this.secureNote = new export_secureNote_SecureNote(o.secureNote);
13517 break;
13518 case CipherType.Card:
13519 this.card = new export_card_Card(o.card);
13520 break;
13521 case CipherType.Identity:
13522 this.identity = new export_identity_Identity(o.identity);
13523 break;
13524 }
13525 }
13528// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/models/export/cipherWithIds.ts
13530class cipherWithIds_CipherWithIds extends export_cipher_Cipher {
13531 // Use build method instead of ctor so that we can control order of JSON stringify for pretty print
13532 build(o) {
13533 this.id = o.id;
13534 super.build(o);
13535 this.collectionIds = o.collectionIds;
13536 }
13539// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/models/export/collection.ts
13541class export_collection_Collection {
13542 static template() {
13543 const req = new export_collection_Collection();
13544 req.organizationId = '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000';
13545 req.name = 'Collection name';
13546 req.externalId = null;
13547 return req;
13548 }
13549 static toView(req, view = new collectionView_CollectionView()) {
13550 view.name = req.name;
13551 view.externalId = req.externalId;
13552 if (view.organizationId == null) {
13553 view.organizationId = req.organizationId;
13554 }
13555 return view;
13556 }
13557 // Use build method instead of ctor so that we can control order of JSON stringify for pretty print
13558 build(o) {
13559 this.organizationId = o.organizationId;
13560 this.name = o.name;
13561 this.externalId = o.externalId;
13562 }
13565// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/models/export/collectionWithId.ts
13567class collectionWithId_CollectionWithId extends export_collection_Collection {
13568 // Use build method instead of ctor so that we can control order of JSON stringify for pretty print
13569 build(o) {
13570 this.id = o.id;
13571 super.build(o);
13572 }
13575// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/models/export/folder.ts
13577class export_folder_Folder {
13578 static template() {
13579 const req = new export_folder_Folder();
13580 req.name = 'Folder name';
13581 return req;
13582 }
13583 static toView(req, view = new FolderView()) {
13584 view.name = req.name;
13585 return view;
13586 }
13587 // Use build method instead of ctor so that we can control order of JSON stringify for pretty print
13588 build(o) {
13589 this.name = o.name;
13590 }
13593// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/models/export/folderWithId.ts
13595class folderWithId_FolderWithId extends export_folder_Folder {
13596 // Use build method instead of ctor so that we can control order of JSON stringify for pretty print
13597 build(o) {
13598 this.id = o.id;
13599 super.build(o);
13600 }
13603// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/services/export.service.ts
13604var export_service_awaiter = (undefined && undefined.__awaiter) || function (thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) {
13605 return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) {
13606 function fulfilled(value) { try { step(generator.next(value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
13607 function rejected(value) { try { step(generator["throw"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
13608 function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(result.value); }).then(fulfilled, rejected); }
13609 step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next());
13610 });
13621class export_service_ExportService {
13622 constructor(folderService, cipherService, apiService) {
13623 this.folderService = folderService;
13624 this.cipherService = cipherService;
13625 this.apiService = apiService;
13626 }
13627 getExport(format = 'csv') {
13628 return export_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
13629 let decFolders = [];
13630 let decCiphers = [];
13631 const promises = [];
13632 promises.push(this.folderService.getAllDecrypted().then((folders) => {
13633 decFolders = folders;
13634 }));
13635 promises.push(this.cipherService.getAllDecrypted().then((ciphers) => {
13636 decCiphers = ciphers;
13637 }));
13638 yield Promise.all(promises);
13639 if (format === 'csv') {
13640 const foldersMap = new Map();
13641 decFolders.forEach((f) => {
13642 if (f.id != null) {
13643 foldersMap.set(f.id, f);
13644 }
13645 });
13646 const exportCiphers = [];
13647 decCiphers.forEach((c) => {
13648 // only export logins and secure notes
13649 if (c.type !== CipherType.Login && c.type !== CipherType.SecureNote) {
13650 return;
13651 }
13652 if (c.organizationId != null) {
13653 return;
13654 }
13655 const cipher = {};
13656 cipher.folder = c.folderId != null && foldersMap.has(c.folderId) ?
13657 foldersMap.get(c.folderId).name : null;
13658 cipher.favorite = c.favorite ? 1 : null;
13659 this.buildCommonCipher(cipher, c);
13660 exportCiphers.push(cipher);
13661 });
13662 return external_papaparse_["unparse"](exportCiphers);
13663 }
13664 else {
13665 const jsonDoc = {
13666 folders: [],
13667 items: [],
13668 };
13669 decFolders.forEach((f) => {
13670 if (f.id == null) {
13671 return;
13672 }
13673 const folder = new folderWithId_FolderWithId();
13674 folder.build(f);
13675 jsonDoc.folders.push(folder);
13676 });
13677 decCiphers.forEach((c) => {
13678 if (c.organizationId != null) {
13679 return;
13680 }
13681 const cipher = new cipherWithIds_CipherWithIds();
13682 cipher.build(c);
13683 cipher.collectionIds = null;
13684 jsonDoc.items.push(cipher);
13685 });
13686 return JSON.stringify(jsonDoc, null, ' ');
13687 }
13688 });
13689 }
13690 getOrganizationExport(organizationId, format = 'csv') {
13691 return export_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
13692 const decCollections = [];
13693 const decCiphers = [];
13694 const promises = [];
13695 promises.push(this.apiService.getCollections(organizationId).then((collections) => {
13696 const collectionPromises = [];
13697 if (collections != null && collections.data != null && collections.data.length > 0) {
13698 collections.data.forEach((c) => {
13699 const collection = new collection_Collection(new CollectionData(c));
13700 collectionPromises.push(collection.decrypt().then((decCol) => {
13701 decCollections.push(decCol);
13702 }));
13703 });
13704 }
13705 return Promise.all(collectionPromises);
13706 }));
13707 promises.push(this.apiService.getCiphersOrganization(organizationId).then((ciphers) => {
13708 const cipherPromises = [];
13709 if (ciphers != null && ciphers.data != null && ciphers.data.length > 0) {
13710 ciphers.data.forEach((c) => {
13711 const cipher = new cipher_Cipher(new cipherData_CipherData(c));
13712 cipherPromises.push(cipher.decrypt().then((decCipher) => {
13713 decCiphers.push(decCipher);
13714 }));
13715 });
13716 }
13717 return Promise.all(cipherPromises);
13718 }));
13719 yield Promise.all(promises);
13720 if (format === 'csv') {
13721 const collectionsMap = new Map();
13722 decCollections.forEach((c) => {
13723 collectionsMap.set(c.id, c);
13724 });
13725 const exportCiphers = [];
13726 decCiphers.forEach((c) => {
13727 // only export logins and secure notes
13728 if (c.type !== CipherType.Login && c.type !== CipherType.SecureNote) {
13729 return;
13730 }
13731 const cipher = {};
13732 cipher.collections = [];
13733 if (c.collectionIds != null) {
13734 cipher.collections = c.collectionIds.filter((id) => collectionsMap.has(id))
13735 .map((id) => collectionsMap.get(id).name);
13736 }
13737 this.buildCommonCipher(cipher, c);
13738 exportCiphers.push(cipher);
13739 });
13740 return external_papaparse_["unparse"](exportCiphers);
13741 }
13742 else {
13743 const jsonDoc = {
13744 collections: [],
13745 items: [],
13746 };
13747 decCollections.forEach((c) => {
13748 const collection = new collectionWithId_CollectionWithId();
13749 collection.build(c);
13750 jsonDoc.collections.push(collection);
13751 });
13752 decCiphers.forEach((c) => {
13753 const cipher = new cipherWithIds_CipherWithIds();
13754 cipher.build(c);
13755 jsonDoc.items.push(cipher);
13756 });
13757 return JSON.stringify(jsonDoc, null, ' ');
13758 }
13759 });
13760 }
13761 getFileName(prefix = null, extension = 'csv') {
13762 const now = new Date();
13763 const dateString = now.getFullYear() + '' + this.padNumber(now.getMonth() + 1, 2) + '' + this.padNumber(now.getDate(), 2) +
13764 this.padNumber(now.getHours(), 2) + '' + this.padNumber(now.getMinutes(), 2) +
13765 this.padNumber(now.getSeconds(), 2);
13766 return 'bitwarden' + (prefix ? ('_' + prefix) : '') + '_export_' + dateString + '.' + extension;
13767 }
13768 padNumber(num, width, padCharacter = '0') {
13769 const numString = num.toString();
13770 return numString.length >= width ? numString :
13771 new Array(width - numString.length + 1).join(padCharacter) + numString;
13772 }
13773 buildCommonCipher(cipher, c) {
13774 cipher.type = null;
13775 cipher.name = c.name;
13776 cipher.notes = c.notes;
13777 cipher.fields = null;
13778 // Login props
13779 cipher.login_uri = null;
13780 cipher.login_username = null;
13781 cipher.login_password = null;
13782 cipher.login_totp = null;
13783 if (c.fields) {
13784 c.fields.forEach((f) => {
13785 if (!cipher.fields) {
13786 cipher.fields = '';
13787 }
13788 else {
13789 cipher.fields += '\n';
13790 }
13791 cipher.fields += ((f.name || '') + ': ' + f.value);
13792 });
13793 }
13794 switch (c.type) {
13795 case CipherType.Login:
13796 cipher.type = 'login';
13797 cipher.login_username = c.login.username;
13798 cipher.login_password = c.login.password;
13799 cipher.login_totp = c.login.totp;
13800 if (c.login.uris) {
13801 cipher.login_uri = [];
13802 c.login.uris.forEach((u) => {
13803 cipher.login_uri.push(u.uri);
13804 });
13805 }
13806 break;
13807 case CipherType.SecureNote:
13808 cipher.type = 'note';
13809 break;
13810 default:
13811 return;
13812 }
13813 return cipher;
13814 }
13817// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/models/data/folderData.ts
13818class FolderData {
13819 constructor(response, userId) {
13820 this.userId = userId;
13821 this.name = response.name;
13822 this.id = response.id;
13823 this.revisionDate = response.revisionDate;
13824 }
13827// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/models/request/folderRequest.ts
13828class FolderRequest {
13829 constructor(folder) {
13830 this.name = folder.name ? folder.name.encryptedString : null;
13831 }
13834// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/services/folder.service.ts
13835var folder_service_awaiter = (undefined && undefined.__awaiter) || function (thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) {
13836 return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) {
13837 function fulfilled(value) { try { step(generator.next(value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
13838 function rejected(value) { try { step(generator["throw"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
13839 function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(result.value); }).then(fulfilled, rejected); }
13840 step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next());
13841 });
13849const folder_service_Keys = {
13850 foldersPrefix: 'folders_',
13851 ciphersPrefix: 'ciphers_',
13853const folder_service_NestingDelimiter = '/';
13854class folder_service_FolderService {
13855 constructor(cryptoService, userService, apiService, storageService, i18nService, cipherService) {
13856 this.cryptoService = cryptoService;
13857 this.userService = userService;
13858 this.apiService = apiService;
13859 this.storageService = storageService;
13860 this.i18nService = i18nService;
13861 this.cipherService = cipherService;
13862 }
13863 clearCache() {
13864 this.decryptedFolderCache = null;
13865 }
13866 encrypt(model, key) {
13867 return folder_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
13868 const folder = new folder_Folder();
13869 folder.id = model.id;
13870 folder.name = yield this.cryptoService.encrypt(model.name, key);
13871 return folder;
13872 });
13873 }
13874 get(id) {
13875 return folder_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
13876 const userId = yield this.userService.getUserId();
13877 const folders = yield this.storageService.get(folder_service_Keys.foldersPrefix + userId);
13878 if (folders == null || !folders.hasOwnProperty(id)) {
13879 return null;
13880 }
13881 return new folder_Folder(folders[id]);
13882 });
13883 }
13884 getAll() {
13885 return folder_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
13886 const userId = yield this.userService.getUserId();
13887 const folders = yield this.storageService.get(folder_service_Keys.foldersPrefix + userId);
13888 const response = [];
13889 for (const id in folders) {
13890 if (folders.hasOwnProperty(id)) {
13891 response.push(new folder_Folder(folders[id]));
13892 }
13893 }
13894 return response;
13895 });
13896 }
13897 getAllDecrypted() {
13898 return folder_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
13899 if (this.decryptedFolderCache != null) {
13900 return this.decryptedFolderCache;
13901 }
13902 const hasKey = yield this.cryptoService.hasKey();
13903 if (!hasKey) {
13904 throw new Error('No key.');
13905 }
13906 const decFolders = [];
13907 const promises = [];
13908 const folders = yield this.getAll();
13909 folders.forEach((folder) => {
13910 promises.push(folder.decrypt().then((f) => decFolders.push(f)));
13911 });
13912 yield Promise.all(promises);
13913 decFolders.sort(utils_Utils.getSortFunction(this.i18nService, 'name'));
13914 const noneFolder = new FolderView();
13915 noneFolder.name = this.i18nService.t('noneFolder');
13916 decFolders.push(noneFolder);
13917 this.decryptedFolderCache = decFolders;
13918 return this.decryptedFolderCache;
13919 });
13920 }
13921 getAllNested() {
13922 return folder_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
13923 const folders = yield this.getAllDecrypted();
13924 const nodes = [];
13925 folders.forEach((f) => {
13926 const folderCopy = new FolderView();
13927 folderCopy.id = f.id;
13928 folderCopy.revisionDate = f.revisionDate;
13929 const parts = f.name != null ? f.name.replace(/^\/+|\/+$/g, '').split(folder_service_NestingDelimiter) : [];
13930 serviceUtils_ServiceUtils.nestedTraverse(nodes, 0, parts, folderCopy, null, folder_service_NestingDelimiter);
13931 });
13932 return nodes;
13933 });
13934 }
13935 getNested(id) {
13936 return folder_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
13937 const folders = yield this.getAllNested();
13938 return serviceUtils_ServiceUtils.getTreeNodeObject(folders, id);
13939 });
13940 }
13941 saveWithServer(folder) {
13942 return folder_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
13943 const request = new FolderRequest(folder);
13944 let response;
13945 if (folder.id == null) {
13946 response = yield this.apiService.postFolder(request);
13947 folder.id = response.id;
13948 }
13949 else {
13950 response = yield this.apiService.putFolder(folder.id, request);
13951 }
13952 const userId = yield this.userService.getUserId();
13953 const data = new FolderData(response, userId);
13954 yield this.upsert(data);
13955 });
13956 }
13957 upsert(folder) {
13958 return folder_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
13959 const userId = yield this.userService.getUserId();
13960 let folders = yield this.storageService.get(folder_service_Keys.foldersPrefix + userId);
13961 if (folders == null) {
13962 folders = {};
13963 }
13964 if (folder instanceof FolderData) {
13965 const f = folder;
13966 folders[f.id] = f;
13967 }
13968 else {
13969 folder.forEach((f) => {
13970 folders[f.id] = f;
13971 });
13972 }
13973 yield this.storageService.save(folder_service_Keys.foldersPrefix + userId, folders);
13974 this.decryptedFolderCache = null;
13975 });
13976 }
13977 replace(folders) {
13978 return folder_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
13979 const userId = yield this.userService.getUserId();
13980 yield this.storageService.save(folder_service_Keys.foldersPrefix + userId, folders);
13981 this.decryptedFolderCache = null;
13982 });
13983 }
13984 clear(userId) {
13985 return folder_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
13986 yield this.storageService.remove(folder_service_Keys.foldersPrefix + userId);
13987 this.decryptedFolderCache = null;
13988 });
13989 }
13990 delete(id) {
13991 return folder_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
13992 const userId = yield this.userService.getUserId();
13993 const folders = yield this.storageService.get(folder_service_Keys.foldersPrefix + userId);
13994 if (folders == null) {
13995 return;
13996 }
13997 if (typeof id === 'string') {
13998 if (folders[id] == null) {
13999 return;
14000 }
14001 delete folders[id];
14002 }
14003 else {
14004 id.forEach((i) => {
14005 delete folders[i];
14006 });
14007 }
14008 yield this.storageService.save(folder_service_Keys.foldersPrefix + userId, folders);
14009 this.decryptedFolderCache = null;
14010 // Items in a deleted folder are re-assigned to "No Folder"
14011 const ciphers = yield this.storageService.get(folder_service_Keys.ciphersPrefix + userId);
14012 if (ciphers != null) {
14013 const updates = [];
14014 for (const cId in ciphers) {
14015 if (ciphers[cId].folderId === id) {
14016 ciphers[cId].folderId = null;
14017 updates.push(ciphers[cId]);
14018 }
14019 }
14020 if (updates.length > 0) {
14021 this.cipherService.upsert(updates);
14022 }
14023 }
14024 });
14025 }
14026 deleteWithServer(id) {
14027 return folder_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
14028 yield this.apiService.deleteFolder(id);
14029 yield this.delete(id);
14030 });
14031 }
14034// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/models/request/collectionRequest.ts
14035class CollectionRequest {
14036 constructor(collection) {
14037 this.groups = [];
14038 if (collection == null) {
14039 return;
14040 }
14041 this.name = collection.name ? collection.name.encryptedString : null;
14042 this.externalId = collection.externalId;
14043 }
14046// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/models/request/importCiphersRequest.ts
14047class ImportCiphersRequest {
14048 constructor() {
14049 this.ciphers = [];
14050 this.folders = [];
14051 this.folderRelationships = [];
14052 }
14055// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/models/request/importOrganizationCiphersRequest.ts
14056class ImportOrganizationCiphersRequest {
14057 constructor() {
14058 this.ciphers = [];
14059 this.collections = [];
14060 this.collectionRelationships = [];
14061 }
14064// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/models/request/kvpRequest.ts
14065class KvpRequest {
14066 constructor(key, value) {
14067 this.key = key;
14068 this.value = value;
14069 }
14072// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/importers/baseImporter.ts
14085class baseImporter_BaseImporter {
14086 constructor() {
14087 this.organization = false;
14088 this.newLineRegex = /(?:\r\n|\r|\n)/;
14089 this.passwordFieldNames = [
14090 'password', 'pass word', 'passphrase', 'pass phrase',
14091 'pass', 'code', 'code word', 'codeword',
14092 'secret', 'secret word', 'personpwd',
14093 'key', 'keyword', 'key word', 'keyphrase', 'key phrase',
14094 'form_pw', 'wppassword', 'pin', 'pwd', 'pw', 'pword', 'passwd',
14095 'p', 'serial', 'serial#', 'license key', 'reg #',
14096 // Non-English names
14097 'passwort',
14098 ];
14099 this.usernameFieldNames = [
14100 'user', 'name', 'user name', 'username', 'login name',
14101 'email', 'e-mail', 'id', 'userid', 'user id',
14102 'login', 'form_loginname', 'wpname', 'mail',
14103 'loginid', 'login id', 'log', 'personlogin',
14104 'first name', 'last name', 'card#', 'account #',
14105 'member', 'member #',
14106 // Non-English names
14107 'nom', 'benutzername',
14108 ];
14109 this.notesFieldNames = [
14110 'note', 'notes', 'comment', 'comments', 'memo',
14111 'description', 'free form', 'freeform',
14112 'free text', 'freetext', 'free',
14113 // Non-English names
14114 'kommentar',
14115 ];
14116 this.uriFieldNames = [
14117 'url', 'hyper link', 'hyperlink', 'link',
14118 'host', 'hostname', 'host name', 'server', 'address',
14119 'hyper ref', 'href', 'web', 'website', 'web site', 'site',
14120 'web-site', 'uri',
14121 // Non-English names
14122 'ort', 'adresse',
14123 ];
14124 }
14125 parseXml(data) {
14126 const parser = new DOMParser();
14127 const doc = parser.parseFromString(data, 'application/xml');
14128 return doc != null && doc.querySelector('parsererror') == null ? doc : null;
14129 }
14130 parseCsv(data, header) {
14131 data = this.splitNewLine(data).join('\n').trim();
14132 const result = external_papaparse_["parse"](data, {
14133 header: header,
14134 encoding: 'UTF-8',
14135 skipEmptyLines: false,
14136 });
14137 if (result.errors != null && result.errors.length > 0) {
14138 result.errors.forEach((e) => {
14139 if (e.row != null) {
14140 // tslint:disable-next-line
14141 console.warn('Error parsing row ' + e.row + ': ' + e.message);
14142 }
14143 });
14144 }
14145 return result.data && result.data.length > 0 ? result.data : null;
14146 }
14147 parseSingleRowCsv(rowData) {
14148 if (this.isNullOrWhitespace(rowData)) {
14149 return null;
14150 }
14151 const parsedRow = this.parseCsv(rowData, false);
14152 if (parsedRow != null && parsedRow.length > 0 && parsedRow[0].length > 0) {
14153 return parsedRow[0];
14154 }
14155 return null;
14156 }
14157 makeUriArray(uri) {
14158 if (uri == null) {
14159 return null;
14160 }
14161 if (typeof uri === 'string') {
14162 const loginUri = new loginUriView_LoginUriView();
14163 loginUri.uri = this.fixUri(uri);
14164 if (this.isNullOrWhitespace(loginUri.uri)) {
14165 return null;
14166 }
14167 loginUri.match = null;
14168 return [loginUri];
14169 }
14170 if (uri.length > 0) {
14171 const returnArr = [];
14172 uri.forEach((u) => {
14173 const loginUri = new loginUriView_LoginUriView();
14174 loginUri.uri = this.fixUri(u);
14175 if (this.isNullOrWhitespace(loginUri.uri)) {
14176 return;
14177 }
14178 loginUri.match = null;
14179 returnArr.push(loginUri);
14180 });
14181 return returnArr.length === 0 ? null : returnArr;
14182 }
14183 return null;
14184 }
14185 fixUri(uri) {
14186 if (uri == null) {
14187 return null;
14188 }
14189 uri = uri.trim();
14190 if (uri.indexOf('://') === -1 && uri.indexOf('.') >= 0) {
14191 uri = 'http://' + uri;
14192 }
14193 if (uri.length > 1000) {
14194 return uri.substring(0, 1000);
14195 }
14196 return uri;
14197 }
14198 nameFromUrl(url) {
14199 const hostname = utils_Utils.getHostname(url);
14200 if (this.isNullOrWhitespace(hostname)) {
14201 return null;
14202 }
14203 return hostname.startsWith('www.') ? hostname.replace('www.', '') : hostname;
14204 }
14205 isNullOrWhitespace(str) {
14206 return utils_Utils.isNullOrWhitespace(str);
14207 }
14208 getValueOrDefault(str, defaultValue = null) {
14209 if (this.isNullOrWhitespace(str)) {
14210 return defaultValue;
14211 }
14212 return str;
14213 }
14214 splitNewLine(str) {
14215 return str.split(this.newLineRegex);
14216 }
14217 // ref https://stackoverflow.com/a/5911300
14218 getCardBrand(cardNum) {
14219 if (this.isNullOrWhitespace(cardNum)) {
14220 return null;
14221 }
14222 // Visa
14223 let re = new RegExp('^4');
14224 if (cardNum.match(re) != null) {
14225 return 'Visa';
14226 }
14227 // Mastercard
14228 // Updated for Mastercard 2017 BINs expansion
14229 if (/^(5[1-5][0-9]{14}|2(22[1-9][0-9]{12}|2[3-9][0-9]{13}|[3-6][0-9]{14}|7[0-1][0-9]{13}|720[0-9]{12}))$/
14230 .test(cardNum)) {
14231 return 'Mastercard';
14232 }
14233 // AMEX
14234 re = new RegExp('^3[47]');
14235 if (cardNum.match(re) != null) {
14236 return 'Amex';
14237 }
14238 // Discover
14239 re = new RegExp('^(6011|622(12[6-9]|1[3-9][0-9]|[2-8][0-9]{2}|9[0-1][0-9]|92[0-5]|64[4-9])|65)');
14240 if (cardNum.match(re) != null) {
14241 return 'Discover';
14242 }
14243 // Diners
14244 re = new RegExp('^36');
14245 if (cardNum.match(re) != null) {
14246 return 'Diners Club';
14247 }
14248 // Diners - Carte Blanche
14249 re = new RegExp('^30[0-5]');
14250 if (cardNum.match(re) != null) {
14251 return 'Diners Club';
14252 }
14253 // JCB
14254 re = new RegExp('^35(2[89]|[3-8][0-9])');
14255 if (cardNum.match(re) != null) {
14256 return 'JCB';
14257 }
14258 // Visa Electron
14259 re = new RegExp('^(4026|417500|4508|4844|491(3|7))');
14260 if (cardNum.match(re) != null) {
14261 return 'Visa';
14262 }
14263 return null;
14264 }
14265 setCardExpiration(cipher, expiration) {
14266 if (!this.isNullOrWhitespace(expiration)) {
14267 const parts = expiration.split('/');
14268 if (parts.length === 2) {
14269 let month = null;
14270 let year = null;
14271 if (parts[0].length === 1 || parts[0].length === 2) {
14272 month = parts[0];
14273 if (month.length === 2 && month[0] === '0') {
14274 month = month.substr(1, 1);
14275 }
14276 }
14277 if (parts[1].length === 2 || parts[1].length === 4) {
14278 year = month.length === 2 ? '20' + parts[1] : parts[1];
14279 }
14280 if (month != null && year != null) {
14281 cipher.card.expMonth = month;
14282 cipher.card.expYear = year;
14283 return true;
14284 }
14285 }
14286 }
14287 return false;
14288 }
14289 moveFoldersToCollections(result) {
14290 result.folderRelationships.forEach((r) => result.collectionRelationships.push(r));
14291 result.collections = result.folders.map((f) => {
14292 const collection = new collectionView_CollectionView();
14293 collection.name = f.name;
14294 return collection;
14295 });
14296 result.folderRelationships = [];
14297 result.folders = [];
14298 }
14299 querySelectorDirectChild(parentEl, query) {
14300 const els = this.querySelectorAllDirectChild(parentEl, query);
14301 return els.length === 0 ? null : els[0];
14302 }
14303 querySelectorAllDirectChild(parentEl, query) {
14304 return Array.from(parentEl.querySelectorAll(query)).filter((el) => el.parentNode === parentEl);
14305 }
14306 initLoginCipher() {
14307 const cipher = new cipherView_CipherView();
14308 cipher.favorite = false;
14309 cipher.notes = '';
14310 cipher.fields = [];
14311 cipher.login = new LoginView();
14312 cipher.type = CipherType.Login;
14313 return cipher;
14314 }
14315 cleanupCipher(cipher) {
14316 if (cipher == null) {
14317 return;
14318 }
14319 if (cipher.type !== CipherType.Login) {
14320 cipher.login = null;
14321 }
14322 if (this.isNullOrWhitespace(cipher.name)) {
14323 cipher.name = '--';
14324 }
14325 if (this.isNullOrWhitespace(cipher.notes)) {
14326 cipher.notes = null;
14327 }
14328 else {
14329 cipher.notes = cipher.notes.trim();
14330 }
14331 if (cipher.fields != null && cipher.fields.length === 0) {
14332 cipher.fields = null;
14333 }
14334 }
14335 processKvp(cipher, key, value, type = FieldType.Text) {
14336 if (this.isNullOrWhitespace(value)) {
14337 return;
14338 }
14339 if (this.isNullOrWhitespace(key)) {
14340 key = '';
14341 }
14342 if (value.length > 200 || value.trim().search(this.newLineRegex) > -1) {
14343 if (cipher.notes == null) {
14344 cipher.notes = '';
14345 }
14346 cipher.notes += (key + ': ' + this.splitNewLine(value).join('\n') + '\n');
14347 }
14348 else {
14349 if (cipher.fields == null) {
14350 cipher.fields = [];
14351 }
14352 const field = new FieldView();
14353 field.type = type;
14354 field.name = key;
14355 field.value = value;
14356 cipher.fields.push(field);
14357 }
14358 }
14359 processFolder(result, folderName) {
14360 let folderIndex = result.folders.length;
14361 const hasFolder = !this.isNullOrWhitespace(folderName);
14362 let addFolder = hasFolder;
14363 if (hasFolder) {
14364 for (let i = 0; i < result.folders.length; i++) {
14365 if (result.folders[i].name === folderName) {
14366 addFolder = false;
14367 folderIndex = i;
14368 break;
14369 }
14370 }
14371 }
14372 if (addFolder) {
14373 const f = new FolderView();
14374 f.name = folderName;
14375 result.folders.push(f);
14376 }
14377 if (hasFolder) {
14378 result.folderRelationships.push([result.ciphers.length, folderIndex]);
14379 }
14380 }
14381 convertToNoteIfNeeded(cipher) {
14382 if (cipher.type === CipherType.Login && this.isNullOrWhitespace(cipher.login.username) &&
14383 this.isNullOrWhitespace(cipher.login.password) &&
14384 (cipher.login.uris == null || cipher.login.uris.length === 0)) {
14385 cipher.type = CipherType.SecureNote;
14386 cipher.secureNote = new SecureNoteView();
14387 cipher.secureNote.type = SecureNoteType.Generic;
14388 }
14389 }
14392// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/models/domain/importResult.ts
14393class ImportResult {
14394 constructor() {
14395 this.success = false;
14396 this.ciphers = [];
14397 this.folders = [];
14398 this.folderRelationships = [];
14399 this.collections = [];
14400 this.collectionRelationships = [];
14401 }
14404// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/importers/ascendoCsvImporter.ts
14407class ascendoCsvImporter_AscendoCsvImporter extends baseImporter_BaseImporter {
14408 parse(data) {
14409 const result = new ImportResult();
14410 const results = this.parseCsv(data, false);
14411 if (results == null) {
14412 result.success = false;
14413 return result;
14414 }
14415 results.forEach((value) => {
14416 if (value.length < 2) {
14417 return;
14418 }
14419 const cipher = this.initLoginCipher();
14420 cipher.notes = this.getValueOrDefault(value[value.length - 1]);
14421 cipher.name = this.getValueOrDefault(value[0], '--');
14422 if (value.length > 2 && (value.length % 2) === 0) {
14423 for (let i = 0; i < value.length - 2; i += 2) {
14424 const val = value[i + 2];
14425 const field = value[i + 1];
14426 if (this.isNullOrWhitespace(val) || this.isNullOrWhitespace(field)) {
14427 continue;
14428 }
14429 const fieldLower = field.toLowerCase();
14430 if (cipher.login.password == null && this.passwordFieldNames.indexOf(fieldLower) > -1) {
14431 cipher.login.password = this.getValueOrDefault(val);
14432 }
14433 else if (cipher.login.username == null &&
14434 this.usernameFieldNames.indexOf(fieldLower) > -1) {
14435 cipher.login.username = this.getValueOrDefault(val);
14436 }
14437 else if ((cipher.login.uris == null || cipher.login.uris.length === 0) &&
14438 this.uriFieldNames.indexOf(fieldLower) > -1) {
14439 cipher.login.uris = this.makeUriArray(val);
14440 }
14441 else {
14442 this.processKvp(cipher, field, val);
14443 }
14444 }
14445 }
14446 this.convertToNoteIfNeeded(cipher);
14447 this.cleanupCipher(cipher);
14448 result.ciphers.push(cipher);
14449 });
14450 result.success = true;
14451 return result;
14452 }
14455// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/importers/avastCsvImporter.ts
14458class avastCsvImporter_AvastCsvImporter extends baseImporter_BaseImporter {
14459 parse(data) {
14460 const result = new ImportResult();
14461 const results = this.parseCsv(data, true);
14462 if (results == null) {
14463 result.success = false;
14464 return result;
14465 }
14466 results.forEach((value) => {
14467 const cipher = this.initLoginCipher();
14468 cipher.name = this.getValueOrDefault(value.name);
14469 cipher.login.uris = this.makeUriArray(value.web);
14470 cipher.login.password = this.getValueOrDefault(value.password);
14471 cipher.login.username = this.getValueOrDefault(value.login);
14472 this.cleanupCipher(cipher);
14473 result.ciphers.push(cipher);
14474 });
14475 result.success = true;
14476 return result;
14477 }
14480// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/importers/avastJsonImporter.ts
14485class avastJsonImporter_AvastJsonImporter extends baseImporter_BaseImporter {
14486 parse(data) {
14487 const result = new ImportResult();
14488 const results = JSON.parse(data);
14489 if (results == null) {
14490 result.success = false;
14491 return result;
14492 }
14493 if (results.logins != null) {
14494 results.logins.forEach((value) => {
14495 const cipher = this.initLoginCipher();
14496 cipher.name = this.getValueOrDefault(value.custName);
14497 cipher.notes = this.getValueOrDefault(value.note);
14498 cipher.login.uris = this.makeUriArray(value.url);
14499 cipher.login.password = this.getValueOrDefault(value.pwd);
14500 cipher.login.username = this.getValueOrDefault(value.loginName);
14501 this.cleanupCipher(cipher);
14502 result.ciphers.push(cipher);
14503 });
14504 }
14505 if (results.notes != null) {
14506 results.notes.forEach((value) => {
14507 const cipher = this.initLoginCipher();
14508 cipher.type = CipherType.SecureNote;
14509 cipher.secureNote.type = SecureNoteType.Generic;
14510 cipher.name = this.getValueOrDefault(value.label);
14511 cipher.notes = this.getValueOrDefault(value.text);
14512 this.cleanupCipher(cipher);
14513 result.ciphers.push(cipher);
14514 });
14515 }
14516 if (results.cards != null) {
14517 results.cards.forEach((value) => {
14518 const cipher = this.initLoginCipher();
14519 cipher.type = CipherType.Card;
14520 cipher.name = this.getValueOrDefault(value.custName);
14521 cipher.notes = this.getValueOrDefault(value.note);
14522 cipher.card.cardholderName = this.getValueOrDefault(value.holderName);
14523 cipher.card.number = this.getValueOrDefault(value.cardNumber);
14524 cipher.card.code = this.getValueOrDefault(value.cvv);
14525 cipher.card.brand = this.getCardBrand(cipher.card.number);
14526 if (value.expirationDate != null) {
14527 if (value.expirationDate.month != null) {
14528 cipher.card.expMonth = value.expirationDate.month + '';
14529 }
14530 if (value.expirationDate.year != null) {
14531 cipher.card.expYear = value.expirationDate.year + '';
14532 }
14533 }
14534 this.cleanupCipher(cipher);
14535 result.ciphers.push(cipher);
14536 });
14537 }
14538 result.success = true;
14539 return result;
14540 }
14543// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/importers/aviraCsvImporter.ts
14546class aviraCsvImporter_AviraCsvImporter extends baseImporter_BaseImporter {
14547 parse(data) {
14548 const result = new ImportResult();
14549 const results = this.parseCsv(data, true);
14550 if (results == null) {
14551 result.success = false;
14552 return result;
14553 }
14554 results.forEach((value) => {
14555 const cipher = this.initLoginCipher();
14556 cipher.name = this.getValueOrDefault(value.name, this.getValueOrDefault(this.nameFromUrl(value.website), '--'));
14557 cipher.login.uris = this.makeUriArray(value.website);
14558 cipher.login.password = this.getValueOrDefault(value.password);
14559 if (this.isNullOrWhitespace(value.username) && !this.isNullOrWhitespace(value.secondary_username)) {
14560 cipher.login.username = value.secondary_username;
14561 }
14562 else {
14563 cipher.login.username = this.getValueOrDefault(value.username);
14564 cipher.notes = this.getValueOrDefault(value.secondary_username);
14565 }
14566 this.cleanupCipher(cipher);
14567 result.ciphers.push(cipher);
14568 });
14569 result.success = true;
14570 return result;
14571 }
14574// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/importers/bitwardenCsvImporter.ts
14585class bitwardenCsvImporter_BitwardenCsvImporter extends baseImporter_BaseImporter {
14586 parse(data) {
14587 const result = new ImportResult();
14588 const results = this.parseCsv(data, true);
14589 if (results == null) {
14590 result.success = false;
14591 return result;
14592 }
14593 results.forEach((value) => {
14594 if (this.organization && !this.isNullOrWhitespace(value.collections)) {
14595 const collections = value.collections.split(',');
14596 collections.forEach((col) => {
14597 let addCollection = true;
14598 let collectionIndex = result.collections.length;
14599 for (let i = 0; i < result.collections.length; i++) {
14600 if (result.collections[i].name === col) {
14601 addCollection = false;
14602 collectionIndex = i;
14603 break;
14604 }
14605 }
14606 if (addCollection) {
14607 const collection = new collectionView_CollectionView();
14608 collection.name = col;
14609 result.collections.push(collection);
14610 }
14611 result.collectionRelationships.push([result.ciphers.length, collectionIndex]);
14612 });
14613 }
14614 else if (!this.organization) {
14615 this.processFolder(result, value.folder);
14616 }
14617 const cipher = new cipherView_CipherView();
14618 cipher.favorite = !this.organization && this.getValueOrDefault(value.favorite, '0') !== '0' ? true : false;
14619 cipher.type = CipherType.Login;
14620 cipher.notes = this.getValueOrDefault(value.notes);
14621 cipher.name = this.getValueOrDefault(value.name, '--');
14622 if (!this.isNullOrWhitespace(value.fields)) {
14623 const fields = this.splitNewLine(value.fields);
14624 for (let i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) {
14625 if (this.isNullOrWhitespace(fields[i])) {
14626 continue;
14627 }
14628 const delimPosition = fields[i].lastIndexOf(': ');
14629 if (delimPosition === -1) {
14630 continue;
14631 }
14632 if (cipher.fields == null) {
14633 cipher.fields = [];
14634 }
14635 const field = new FieldView();
14636 field.name = fields[i].substr(0, delimPosition);
14637 field.value = null;
14638 field.type = FieldType.Text;
14639 if (fields[i].length > (delimPosition + 2)) {
14640 field.value = fields[i].substr(delimPosition + 2);
14641 }
14642 cipher.fields.push(field);
14643 }
14644 }
14645 const valueType = value.type != null ? value.type.toLowerCase() : null;
14646 switch (valueType) {
14647 case 'note':
14648 cipher.type = CipherType.SecureNote;
14649 cipher.secureNote = new SecureNoteView();
14650 cipher.secureNote.type = SecureNoteType.Generic;
14651 break;
14652 default:
14653 cipher.type = CipherType.Login;
14654 cipher.login = new LoginView();
14655 cipher.login.totp = this.getValueOrDefault(value.login_totp || value.totp);
14656 cipher.login.username = this.getValueOrDefault(value.login_username || value.username);
14657 cipher.login.password = this.getValueOrDefault(value.login_password || value.password);
14658 const uris = this.parseSingleRowCsv(value.login_uri || value.uri);
14659 cipher.login.uris = this.makeUriArray(uris);
14660 break;
14661 }
14662 result.ciphers.push(cipher);
14663 });
14664 result.success = true;
14665 return result;
14666 }
14669// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/importers/bitwardenJsonImporter.ts
14675class bitwardenJsonImporter_BitwardenJsonImporter extends baseImporter_BaseImporter {
14676 parse(data) {
14677 const result = new ImportResult();
14678 const results = JSON.parse(data);
14679 if (results == null || results.items == null || results.items.length === 0) {
14680 result.success = false;
14681 return result;
14682 }
14683 const groupingsMap = new Map();
14684 if (this.organization && results.collections != null) {
14685 results.collections.forEach((c) => {
14686 const collection = collectionWithId_CollectionWithId.toView(c);
14687 if (collection != null) {
14688 collection.id = null;
14689 collection.organizationId = null;
14690 groupingsMap.set(c.id, result.collections.length);
14691 result.collections.push(collection);
14692 }
14693 });
14694 }
14695 else if (!this.organization && results.folders != null) {
14696 results.folders.forEach((f) => {
14697 const folder = folderWithId_FolderWithId.toView(f);
14698 if (folder != null) {
14699 folder.id = null;
14700 groupingsMap.set(f.id, result.folders.length);
14701 result.folders.push(folder);
14702 }
14703 });
14704 }
14705 results.items.forEach((c) => {
14706 const cipher = cipherWithIds_CipherWithIds.toView(c);
14707 // reset ids incase they were set for some reason
14708 cipher.id = null;
14709 cipher.folderId = null;
14710 cipher.organizationId = null;
14711 cipher.collectionIds = null;
14712 // make sure password history is limited
14713 if (cipher.passwordHistory != null && cipher.passwordHistory.length > 5) {
14714 cipher.passwordHistory = cipher.passwordHistory.slice(0, 5);
14715 }
14716 if (!this.organization && c.folderId != null && groupingsMap.has(c.folderId)) {
14717 result.folderRelationships.push([result.ciphers.length, groupingsMap.get(c.folderId)]);
14718 }
14719 else if (this.organization && c.collectionIds != null) {
14720 c.collectionIds.forEach((cId) => {
14721 if (groupingsMap.has(cId)) {
14722 result.collectionRelationships.push([result.ciphers.length, groupingsMap.get(cId)]);
14723 }
14724 });
14725 }
14726 this.cleanupCipher(cipher);
14727 result.ciphers.push(cipher);
14728 });
14729 result.success = true;
14730 return result;
14731 }
14734// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/importers/blackBerryCsvImporter.ts
14737class blackBerryCsvImporter_BlackBerryCsvImporter extends baseImporter_BaseImporter {
14738 parse(data) {
14739 const result = new ImportResult();
14740 const results = this.parseCsv(data, true);
14741 if (results == null) {
14742 result.success = false;
14743 return result;
14744 }
14745 results.forEach((value) => {
14746 if (value.grouping === 'list') {
14747 return;
14748 }
14749 const cipher = this.initLoginCipher();
14750 cipher.favorite = value.fav === '1';
14751 cipher.name = this.getValueOrDefault(value.name);
14752 cipher.notes = this.getValueOrDefault(value.extra);
14753 if (value.grouping !== 'note') {
14754 cipher.login.uris = this.makeUriArray(value.url);
14755 cipher.login.password = this.getValueOrDefault(value.password);
14756 cipher.login.username = this.getValueOrDefault(value.username);
14757 }
14758 this.convertToNoteIfNeeded(cipher);
14759 this.cleanupCipher(cipher);
14760 result.ciphers.push(cipher);
14761 });
14762 result.success = true;
14763 return result;
14764 }
14767// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/importers/blurCsvImporter.ts
14770class blurCsvImporter_BlurCsvImporter extends baseImporter_BaseImporter {
14771 parse(data) {
14772 const result = new ImportResult();
14773 const results = this.parseCsv(data, true);
14774 if (results == null) {
14775 result.success = false;
14776 return result;
14777 }
14778 results.forEach((value) => {
14779 if (value.label === 'null') {
14780 value.label = null;
14781 }
14782 const cipher = this.initLoginCipher();
14783 cipher.name = this.getValueOrDefault(value.label, this.getValueOrDefault(this.nameFromUrl(value.domain), '--'));
14784 cipher.login.uris = this.makeUriArray(value.domain);
14785 cipher.login.password = this.getValueOrDefault(value.password);
14786 if (this.isNullOrWhitespace(value.email) && !this.isNullOrWhitespace(value.username)) {
14787 cipher.login.username = value.username;
14788 }
14789 else {
14790 cipher.login.username = this.getValueOrDefault(value.email);
14791 cipher.notes = this.getValueOrDefault(value.username);
14792 }
14793 this.cleanupCipher(cipher);
14794 result.ciphers.push(cipher);
14795 });
14796 result.success = true;
14797 return result;
14798 }
14801// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/importers/buttercupCsvImporter.ts
14804const OfficialProps = [
14805 '!group_id', '!group_name', 'title', 'username', 'password', 'URL', 'id',
14807class buttercupCsvImporter_ButtercupCsvImporter extends baseImporter_BaseImporter {
14808 parse(data) {
14809 const result = new ImportResult();
14810 const results = this.parseCsv(data, true);
14811 if (results == null) {
14812 result.success = false;
14813 return result;
14814 }
14815 results.forEach((value) => {
14816 this.processFolder(result, this.getValueOrDefault(value['!group_name']));
14817 const cipher = this.initLoginCipher();
14818 cipher.name = this.getValueOrDefault(value.title, '--');
14819 cipher.login.username = this.getValueOrDefault(value.username);
14820 cipher.login.password = this.getValueOrDefault(value.password);
14821 cipher.login.uris = this.makeUriArray(value.URL);
14822 let processingCustomFields = false;
14823 for (const prop in value) {
14824 if (value.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
14825 if (!processingCustomFields && OfficialProps.indexOf(prop) === -1) {
14826 processingCustomFields = true;
14827 }
14828 if (processingCustomFields) {
14829 this.processKvp(cipher, prop, value[prop]);
14830 }
14831 }
14832 }
14833 this.cleanupCipher(cipher);
14834 result.ciphers.push(cipher);
14835 });
14836 if (this.organization) {
14837 this.moveFoldersToCollections(result);
14838 }
14839 result.success = true;
14840 return result;
14841 }
14844// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/importers/chromeCsvImporter.ts
14847class chromeCsvImporter_ChromeCsvImporter extends baseImporter_BaseImporter {
14848 parse(data) {
14849 const result = new ImportResult();
14850 const results = this.parseCsv(data, true);
14851 if (results == null) {
14852 result.success = false;
14853 return result;
14854 }
14855 results.forEach((value) => {
14856 const cipher = this.initLoginCipher();
14857 cipher.name = this.getValueOrDefault(value.name, '--');
14858 cipher.login.username = this.getValueOrDefault(value.username);
14859 cipher.login.password = this.getValueOrDefault(value.password);
14860 cipher.login.uris = this.makeUriArray(value.url);
14861 this.cleanupCipher(cipher);
14862 result.ciphers.push(cipher);
14863 });
14864 result.success = true;
14865 return result;
14866 }
14869// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/importers/clipperzHtmlImporter.ts
14872class clipperzHtmlImporter_ClipperzHtmlImporter extends baseImporter_BaseImporter {
14873 parse(data) {
14874 const result = new ImportResult();
14875 const doc = this.parseXml(data);
14876 if (doc == null) {
14877 result.success = false;
14878 return result;
14879 }
14880 const textarea = doc.querySelector('textarea');
14881 if (textarea == null || this.isNullOrWhitespace(textarea.textContent)) {
14882 result.errorMessage = 'Missing textarea.';
14883 result.success = false;
14884 return result;
14885 }
14886 const entries = JSON.parse(textarea.textContent);
14887 entries.forEach((entry) => {
14888 const cipher = this.initLoginCipher();
14889 if (!this.isNullOrWhitespace(entry.label)) {
14890 cipher.name = entry.label.split(' ')[0];
14891 }
14892 if (entry.data != null && !this.isNullOrWhitespace(entry.data.notes)) {
14893 cipher.notes = entry.data.notes.split('\\n').join('\n');
14894 }
14895 if (entry.currentVersion != null && entry.currentVersion.fields != null) {
14896 for (const property in entry.currentVersion.fields) {
14897 if (!entry.currentVersion.fields.hasOwnProperty(property)) {
14898 continue;
14899 }
14900 const field = entry.currentVersion.fields[property];
14901 const actionType = field.actionType != null ? field.actionType.toLowerCase() : null;
14902 switch (actionType) {
14903 case 'password':
14904 cipher.login.password = this.getValueOrDefault(field.value);
14905 break;
14906 case 'email':
14907 case 'username':
14908 case 'user':
14909 case 'name':
14910 cipher.login.username = this.getValueOrDefault(field.value);
14911 break;
14912 case 'url':
14913 cipher.login.uris = this.makeUriArray(field.value);
14914 break;
14915 default:
14916 const labelLower = field.label != null ? field.label.toLowerCase() : null;
14917 if (cipher.login.password == null && this.passwordFieldNames.indexOf(labelLower) > -1) {
14918 cipher.login.password = this.getValueOrDefault(field.value);
14919 }
14920 else if (cipher.login.username == null &&
14921 this.usernameFieldNames.indexOf(labelLower) > -1) {
14922 cipher.login.username = this.getValueOrDefault(field.value);
14923 }
14924 else if ((cipher.login.uris == null || cipher.login.uris.length === 0) &&
14925 this.uriFieldNames.indexOf(labelLower) > -1) {
14926 cipher.login.uris = this.makeUriArray(field.value);
14927 }
14928 else {
14929 this.processKvp(cipher, field.label, field.value);
14930 }
14931 break;
14932 }
14933 }
14934 }
14935 this.convertToNoteIfNeeded(cipher);
14936 this.cleanupCipher(cipher);
14937 result.ciphers.push(cipher);
14938 });
14939 result.success = true;
14940 return result;
14941 }
14944// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/importers/codebookCsvImporter.ts
14947class codebookCsvImporter_CodebookCsvImporter extends baseImporter_BaseImporter {
14948 parse(data) {
14949 const result = new ImportResult();
14950 const results = this.parseCsv(data, true);
14951 if (results == null) {
14952 result.success = false;
14953 return result;
14954 }
14955 results.forEach((value) => {
14956 this.processFolder(result, this.getValueOrDefault(value.Category));
14957 const cipher = this.initLoginCipher();
14958 cipher.favorite = this.getValueOrDefault(value.Favorite) === 'True';
14959 cipher.name = this.getValueOrDefault(value.Entry, '--');
14960 cipher.notes = this.getValueOrDefault(value.Note);
14961 cipher.login.username = this.getValueOrDefault(value.Username, value.Email);
14962 cipher.login.password = this.getValueOrDefault(value.Password);
14963 cipher.login.totp = this.getValueOrDefault(value.TOTP);
14964 cipher.login.uris = this.makeUriArray(value.Website);
14965 if (!this.isNullOrWhitespace(value.Username)) {
14966 this.processKvp(cipher, 'Email', value.Email);
14967 }
14968 this.processKvp(cipher, 'Phone', value.Phone);
14969 this.processKvp(cipher, 'PIN', value.PIN);
14970 this.processKvp(cipher, 'Account', value.Account);
14971 this.processKvp(cipher, 'Date', value.Date);
14972 this.convertToNoteIfNeeded(cipher);
14973 this.cleanupCipher(cipher);
14974 result.ciphers.push(cipher);
14975 });
14976 if (this.organization) {
14977 this.moveFoldersToCollections(result);
14978 }
14979 result.success = true;
14980 return result;
14981 }
14984// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/importers/dashlaneJsonImporter.ts
14993const HandledResults = new Set(['ADDRESS', 'AUTHENTIFIANT', 'BANKSTATEMENT', 'IDCARD', 'IDENTITY',
14995class dashlaneJsonImporter_DashlaneJsonImporter extends baseImporter_BaseImporter {
14996 parse(data) {
14997 this.result = new ImportResult();
14998 const results = JSON.parse(data);
14999 if (results == null || results.length === 0) {
15000 this.result.success = false;
15001 return this.result;
15002 }
15003 if (results.ADDRESS != null) {
15004 this.processAddress(results.ADDRESS);
15005 }
15006 if (results.AUTHENTIFIANT != null) {
15007 this.processAuth(results.AUTHENTIFIANT);
15008 }
15009 if (results.BANKSTATEMENT != null) {
15010 this.processNote(results.BANKSTATEMENT, 'BankAccountName');
15011 }
15012 if (results.IDCARD != null) {
15013 this.processNote(results.IDCARD, 'Fullname');
15014 }
15015 if (results.PAYMENTMEANS_CREDITCARD != null) {
15016 this.processCard(results.PAYMENTMEANS_CREDITCARD);
15017 }
15018 if (results.IDENTITY != null) {
15019 this.processIdentity(results.IDENTITY);
15020 }
15021 for (const key in results) {
15022 if (results.hasOwnProperty(key) && !HandledResults.has(key)) {
15023 this.processNote(results[key], null, 'Generic Note');
15024 }
15025 }
15026 this.result.success = true;
15027 return this.result;
15028 }
15029 processAuth(results) {
15030 results.forEach((credential) => {
15031 const cipher = this.initLoginCipher();
15032 cipher.name = this.getValueOrDefault(credential.title);
15033 cipher.login.username = this.getValueOrDefault(credential.login, this.getValueOrDefault(credential.secondaryLogin));
15034 if (this.isNullOrWhitespace(cipher.login.username)) {
15035 cipher.login.username = this.getValueOrDefault(credential.email);
15036 }
15037 else if (!this.isNullOrWhitespace(credential.email)) {
15038 cipher.notes = ('Email: ' + credential.email + '\n');
15039 }
15040 cipher.login.password = this.getValueOrDefault(credential.password);
15041 cipher.login.uris = this.makeUriArray(credential.domain);
15042 cipher.notes += this.getValueOrDefault(credential.note, '');
15043 this.convertToNoteIfNeeded(cipher);
15044 this.cleanupCipher(cipher);
15045 this.result.ciphers.push(cipher);
15046 });
15047 }
15048 processIdentity(results) {
15049 results.forEach((obj) => {
15050 const cipher = new cipherView_CipherView();
15051 cipher.identity = new identityView_IdentityView();
15052 cipher.type = CipherType.Identity;
15053 cipher.name = this.getValueOrDefault(obj.fullName, '');
15054 const nameParts = cipher.name.split(' ');
15055 if (nameParts.length > 0) {
15056 cipher.identity.firstName = this.getValueOrDefault(nameParts[0]);
15057 }
15058 if (nameParts.length === 2) {
15059 cipher.identity.lastName = this.getValueOrDefault(nameParts[1]);
15060 }
15061 else if (nameParts.length === 3) {
15062 cipher.identity.middleName = this.getValueOrDefault(nameParts[1]);
15063 cipher.identity.lastName = this.getValueOrDefault(nameParts[2]);
15064 }
15065 cipher.identity.username = this.getValueOrDefault(obj.pseudo);
15066 this.cleanupCipher(cipher);
15067 this.result.ciphers.push(cipher);
15068 });
15069 }
15070 processAddress(results) {
15071 results.forEach((obj) => {
15072 const cipher = new cipherView_CipherView();
15073 cipher.identity = new identityView_IdentityView();
15074 cipher.type = CipherType.Identity;
15075 cipher.name = this.getValueOrDefault(obj.addressName);
15076 cipher.identity.address1 = this.getValueOrDefault(obj.addressFull);
15077 cipher.identity.city = this.getValueOrDefault(obj.city);
15078 cipher.identity.state = this.getValueOrDefault(obj.state);
15079 cipher.identity.postalCode = this.getValueOrDefault(obj.zipcode);
15080 cipher.identity.country = this.getValueOrDefault(obj.country);
15081 if (cipher.identity.country != null) {
15082 cipher.identity.country = cipher.identity.country.toUpperCase();
15083 }
15084 this.cleanupCipher(cipher);
15085 this.result.ciphers.push(cipher);
15086 });
15087 }
15088 processCard(results) {
15089 results.forEach((obj) => {
15090 const cipher = new cipherView_CipherView();
15091 cipher.card = new CardView();
15092 cipher.type = CipherType.Card;
15093 cipher.name = this.getValueOrDefault(obj.bank);
15094 cipher.card.number = this.getValueOrDefault(obj.cardNumber);
15095 cipher.card.brand = this.getCardBrand(cipher.card.number);
15096 cipher.card.cardholderName = this.getValueOrDefault(obj.owner);
15097 if (!this.isNullOrWhitespace(cipher.card.brand)) {
15098 if (this.isNullOrWhitespace(cipher.name)) {
15099 cipher.name = cipher.card.brand;
15100 }
15101 else {
15102 cipher.name += (' - ' + cipher.card.brand);
15103 }
15104 }
15105 this.cleanupCipher(cipher);
15106 this.result.ciphers.push(cipher);
15107 });
15108 }
15109 processNote(results, nameProperty, name = null) {
15110 results.forEach((obj) => {
15111 const cipher = new cipherView_CipherView();
15112 cipher.secureNote = new SecureNoteView();
15113 cipher.type = CipherType.SecureNote;
15114 cipher.secureNote.type = SecureNoteType.Generic;
15115 if (name != null) {
15116 cipher.name = name;
15117 }
15118 else {
15119 cipher.name = this.getValueOrDefault(obj[nameProperty]);
15120 }
15121 for (const key in obj) {
15122 if (obj.hasOwnProperty(key) && key !== nameProperty) {
15123 this.processKvp(cipher, key, obj[key].toString());
15124 }
15125 }
15126 this.cleanupCipher(cipher);
15127 this.result.ciphers.push(cipher);
15128 });
15129 }
15132// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/importers/encryptrCsvImporter.ts
15137class encryptrCsvImporter_EncryptrCsvImporter extends baseImporter_BaseImporter {
15138 parse(data) {
15139 const result = new ImportResult();
15140 const results = this.parseCsv(data, true);
15141 if (results == null) {
15142 result.success = false;
15143 return result;
15144 }
15145 results.forEach((value) => {
15146 const cipher = this.initLoginCipher();
15147 cipher.name = this.getValueOrDefault(value.Label, '--');
15148 cipher.notes = this.getValueOrDefault(value.Notes);
15149 const text = this.getValueOrDefault(value.Text);
15150 if (!this.isNullOrWhitespace(text)) {
15151 if (this.isNullOrWhitespace(cipher.notes)) {
15152 cipher.notes = text;
15153 }
15154 else {
15155 cipher.notes += ('\n\n' + text);
15156 }
15157 }
15158 const type = value['Entry Type'];
15159 if (type === 'Password') {
15160 cipher.login.username = this.getValueOrDefault(value.Username);
15161 cipher.login.password = this.getValueOrDefault(value.Password);
15162 cipher.login.uris = this.makeUriArray(value['Site URL']);
15163 }
15164 else if (type === 'Credit Card') {
15165 cipher.type = CipherType.Card;
15166 cipher.card = new CardView();
15167 cipher.card.cardholderName = this.getValueOrDefault(value['Name on card']);
15168 cipher.card.number = this.getValueOrDefault(value['Card Number']);
15169 cipher.card.brand = this.getCardBrand(cipher.card.number);
15170 cipher.card.code = this.getValueOrDefault(value.CVV);
15171 const expiry = this.getValueOrDefault(value.Expiry);
15172 if (!this.isNullOrWhitespace(expiry)) {
15173 const expParts = expiry.split('/');
15174 if (expParts.length > 1) {
15175 cipher.card.expMonth = parseInt(expParts[0], null).toString();
15176 cipher.card.expYear = (2000 + parseInt(expParts[1], null)).toString();
15177 }
15178 }
15179 }
15180 this.convertToNoteIfNeeded(cipher);
15181 this.cleanupCipher(cipher);
15182 result.ciphers.push(cipher);
15183 });
15184 result.success = true;
15185 return result;
15186 }
15189// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/importers/enpassCsvImporter.ts
15196class enpassCsvImporter_EnpassCsvImporter extends baseImporter_BaseImporter {
15197 parse(data) {
15198 const result = new ImportResult();
15199 const results = this.parseCsv(data, false);
15200 if (results == null) {
15201 result.success = false;
15202 return result;
15203 }
15204 let firstRow = true;
15205 results.forEach((value) => {
15206 if (value.length < 2 || (firstRow && (value[0] === 'Title' || value[0] === 'title'))) {
15207 firstRow = false;
15208 return;
15209 }
15210 const cipher = this.initLoginCipher();
15211 cipher.notes = this.getValueOrDefault(value[value.length - 1]);
15212 cipher.name = this.getValueOrDefault(value[0], '--');
15213 if (value.length === 2 || (!this.containsField(value, 'username') &&
15214 !this.containsField(value, 'password') && !this.containsField(value, 'email') &&
15215 !this.containsField(value, 'url'))) {
15216 cipher.type = CipherType.SecureNote;
15217 cipher.secureNote = new SecureNoteView();
15218 cipher.secureNote.type = SecureNoteType.Generic;
15219 }
15220 if (this.containsField(value, 'cardholder') && this.containsField(value, 'number') &&
15221 this.containsField(value, 'expiry date')) {
15222 cipher.type = CipherType.Card;
15223 cipher.card = new CardView();
15224 }
15225 if (value.length > 2 && (value.length % 2) === 0) {
15226 for (let i = 0; i < value.length - 2; i += 2) {
15227 const fieldValue = value[i + 2];
15228 if (this.isNullOrWhitespace(fieldValue)) {
15229 continue;
15230 }
15231 const fieldName = value[i + 1];
15232 const fieldNameLower = fieldName.toLowerCase();
15233 if (cipher.type === CipherType.Login) {
15234 if (fieldNameLower === 'url' && (cipher.login.uris == null || cipher.login.uris.length === 0)) {
15235 cipher.login.uris = this.makeUriArray(fieldValue);
15236 continue;
15237 }
15238 else if ((fieldNameLower === 'username' || fieldNameLower === 'email') &&
15239 this.isNullOrWhitespace(cipher.login.username)) {
15240 cipher.login.username = fieldValue;
15241 continue;
15242 }
15243 else if (fieldNameLower === 'password' && this.isNullOrWhitespace(cipher.login.password)) {
15244 cipher.login.password = fieldValue;
15245 continue;
15246 }
15247 else if (fieldNameLower === 'totp' && this.isNullOrWhitespace(cipher.login.totp)) {
15248 cipher.login.totp = fieldValue;
15249 continue;
15250 }
15251 }
15252 else if (cipher.type === CipherType.Card) {
15253 if (fieldNameLower === 'cardholder' && this.isNullOrWhitespace(cipher.card.cardholderName)) {
15254 cipher.card.cardholderName = fieldValue;
15255 continue;
15256 }
15257 else if (fieldNameLower === 'number' && this.isNullOrWhitespace(cipher.card.number)) {
15258 cipher.card.number = fieldValue;
15259 cipher.card.brand = this.getCardBrand(fieldValue);
15260 continue;
15261 }
15262 else if (fieldNameLower === 'cvc' && this.isNullOrWhitespace(cipher.card.code)) {
15263 cipher.card.code = fieldValue;
15264 continue;
15265 }
15266 else if (fieldNameLower === 'expiry date' && this.isNullOrWhitespace(cipher.card.expMonth) &&
15267 this.isNullOrWhitespace(cipher.card.expYear)) {
15268 if (this.setCardExpiration(cipher, fieldValue)) {
15269 continue;
15270 }
15271 }
15272 else if (fieldNameLower === 'type') {
15273 // Skip since brand was determined from number above
15274 continue;
15275 }
15276 }
15277 this.processKvp(cipher, fieldName, fieldValue);
15278 }
15279 }
15280 this.cleanupCipher(cipher);
15281 result.ciphers.push(cipher);
15282 });
15283 result.success = true;
15284 return result;
15285 }
15286 containsField(fields, name) {
15287 if (fields == null || name == null) {
15288 return false;
15289 }
15290 return fields.filter((f) => !this.isNullOrWhitespace(f) &&
15291 f.toLowerCase() === name.toLowerCase()).length > 0;
15292 }
15295// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/importers/enpassJsonImporter.ts
15302class enpassJsonImporter_EnpassJsonImporter extends baseImporter_BaseImporter {
15303 parse(data) {
15304 const result = new ImportResult();
15305 const results = JSON.parse(data);
15306 if (results == null || results.items == null || results.items.length === 0) {
15307 result.success = false;
15308 return result;
15309 }
15310 const foldersMap = new Map();
15311 const foldersIndexMap = new Map();
15312 const folderTree = this.buildFolderTree(results.folders);
15313 this.flattenFolderTree(null, folderTree, foldersMap);
15314 foldersMap.forEach((val, key) => {
15315 foldersIndexMap.set(key, result.folders.length);
15316 const f = new FolderView();
15317 f.name = val;
15318 result.folders.push(f);
15319 });
15320 results.items.forEach((item) => {
15321 if (item.folders != null && item.folders.length > 0 && foldersIndexMap.has(item.folders[0])) {
15322 result.folderRelationships.push([result.ciphers.length, foldersIndexMap.get(item.folders[0])]);
15323 }
15324 const cipher = this.initLoginCipher();
15325 cipher.name = this.getValueOrDefault(item.title);
15326 cipher.favorite = item.favorite > 0;
15327 if (item.template_type != null && item.fields != null && item.fields.length > 0) {
15328 if (item.template_type.indexOf('login.') === 0 || item.template_type.indexOf('password.') === 0) {
15329 this.processLogin(cipher, item.fields);
15330 }
15331 else if (item.template_type.indexOf('creditcard.') === 0) {
15332 this.processCard(cipher, item.fields);
15333 }
15334 else if (item.template_type.indexOf('identity.') < 0 &&
15335 item.fields.some((f) => f.type === 'password' && !this.isNullOrWhitespace(f.value))) {
15336 this.processLogin(cipher, item.fields);
15337 }
15338 else {
15339 this.processNote(cipher, item.fields);
15340 }
15341 }
15342 cipher.notes += ('\n' + this.getValueOrDefault(item.note, ''));
15343 this.convertToNoteIfNeeded(cipher);
15344 this.cleanupCipher(cipher);
15345 result.ciphers.push(cipher);
15346 });
15347 result.success = true;
15348 return result;
15349 }
15350 processLogin(cipher, fields) {
15351 const urls = [];
15352 fields.forEach((field) => {
15353 if (this.isNullOrWhitespace(field.value) || field.type === 'section') {
15354 return;
15355 }
15356 if ((field.type === 'username' || field.type === 'email') &&
15357 this.isNullOrWhitespace(cipher.login.username)) {
15358 cipher.login.username = field.value;
15359 }
15360 else if (field.type === 'password' && this.isNullOrWhitespace(cipher.login.password)) {
15361 cipher.login.password = field.value;
15362 }
15363 else if (field.type === 'totp' && this.isNullOrWhitespace(cipher.login.totp)) {
15364 cipher.login.totp = field.value;
15365 }
15366 else if (field.type === 'url') {
15367 urls.push(field.value);
15368 }
15369 else {
15370 this.processKvp(cipher, field.label, field.value, field.sensitive === 1 ? FieldType.Hidden : FieldType.Text);
15371 }
15372 });
15373 cipher.login.uris = this.makeUriArray(urls);
15374 }
15375 processCard(cipher, fields) {
15376 cipher.card = new CardView();
15377 cipher.type = CipherType.Card;
15378 fields.forEach((field) => {
15379 if (this.isNullOrWhitespace(field.value) || field.type === 'section' || field.type === 'ccType') {
15380 return;
15381 }
15382 if (field.type === 'ccName' && this.isNullOrWhitespace(cipher.card.cardholderName)) {
15383 cipher.card.cardholderName = field.value;
15384 }
15385 else if (field.type === 'ccNumber' && this.isNullOrWhitespace(cipher.card.number)) {
15386 cipher.card.number = field.value;
15387 cipher.card.brand = this.getCardBrand(cipher.card.number);
15388 }
15389 else if (field.type === 'ccCvc' && this.isNullOrWhitespace(cipher.card.code)) {
15390 cipher.card.code = field.value;
15391 }
15392 else if (field.type === 'ccExpiry' && this.isNullOrWhitespace(cipher.card.expYear)) {
15393 if (!this.setCardExpiration(cipher, field.value)) {
15394 this.processKvp(cipher, field.label, field.value, field.sensitive === 1 ? FieldType.Hidden : FieldType.Text);
15395 }
15396 }
15397 else {
15398 this.processKvp(cipher, field.label, field.value, field.sensitive === 1 ? FieldType.Hidden : FieldType.Text);
15399 }
15400 });
15401 }
15402 processNote(cipher, fields) {
15403 fields.forEach((field) => {
15404 if (this.isNullOrWhitespace(field.value) || field.type === 'section') {
15405 return;
15406 }
15407 this.processKvp(cipher, field.label, field.value, field.sensitive === 1 ? FieldType.Hidden : FieldType.Text);
15408 });
15409 }
15410 buildFolderTree(folders) {
15411 if (folders == null) {
15412 return [];
15413 }
15414 const folderTree = [];
15415 const map = new Map([]);
15416 folders.forEach((obj) => {
15417 map.set(obj.uuid, obj);
15418 obj.children = [];
15419 });
15420 folders.forEach((obj) => {
15421 if (obj.parent_uuid != null && obj.parent_uuid !== '' && map.has(obj.parent_uuid)) {
15422 map.get(obj.parent_uuid).children.push(obj);
15423 }
15424 else {
15425 folderTree.push(obj);
15426 }
15427 });
15428 return folderTree;
15429 }
15430 flattenFolderTree(titlePrefix, tree, map) {
15431 if (tree == null) {
15432 return;
15433 }
15434 tree.forEach((f) => {
15435 if (f.title != null && f.title.trim() !== '') {
15436 let title = f.title.trim();
15437 if (titlePrefix != null && titlePrefix.trim() !== '') {
15438 title = titlePrefix + '/' + title;
15439 }
15440 map.set(f.uuid, title);
15441 if (f.children != null && f.children.length !== 0) {
15442 this.flattenFolderTree(title, f.children, map);
15443 }
15444 }
15445 });
15446 }
15449// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/importers/firefoxCsvImporter.ts
15452class firefoxCsvImporter_FirefoxCsvImporter extends baseImporter_BaseImporter {
15453 parse(data) {
15454 const result = new ImportResult();
15455 const results = this.parseCsv(data, true);
15456 if (results == null) {
15457 result.success = false;
15458 return result;
15459 }
15460 results.forEach((value) => {
15461 const cipher = this.initLoginCipher();
15462 cipher.name = this.getValueOrDefault(this.nameFromUrl(value.hostname), '--');
15463 cipher.login.username = this.getValueOrDefault(value.username);
15464 cipher.login.password = this.getValueOrDefault(value.password);
15465 cipher.login.uris = this.makeUriArray(value.hostname);
15466 this.cleanupCipher(cipher);
15467 result.ciphers.push(cipher);
15468 });
15469 result.success = true;
15470 return result;
15471 }
15474// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/importers/fsecureFskImporter.ts
15479class fsecureFskImporter_FSecureFskImporter extends baseImporter_BaseImporter {
15480 parse(data) {
15481 const result = new ImportResult();
15482 const results = JSON.parse(data);
15483 if (results == null || results.data == null) {
15484 result.success = false;
15485 return result;
15486 }
15487 for (const key in results.data) {
15488 if (!results.data.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
15489 continue;
15490 }
15491 const value = results.data[key];
15492 const cipher = this.initLoginCipher();
15493 cipher.name = this.getValueOrDefault(value.service);
15494 cipher.notes = this.getValueOrDefault(value.notes);
15495 if (value.style === 'website') {
15496 cipher.login.username = this.getValueOrDefault(value.username);
15497 cipher.login.password = this.getValueOrDefault(value.password);
15498 cipher.login.uris = this.makeUriArray(value.url);
15499 }
15500 else if (value.style === 'creditcard') {
15501 cipher.type = CipherType.Card;
15502 cipher.card = new CardView();
15503 cipher.card.cardholderName = this.getValueOrDefault(value.username);
15504 cipher.card.number = this.getValueOrDefault(value.creditNumber);
15505 cipher.card.brand = this.getCardBrand(cipher.card.number);
15506 cipher.card.code = this.getValueOrDefault(value.creditCvv);
15507 if (!this.isNullOrWhitespace(value.creditExpiry)) {
15508 if (!this.setCardExpiration(cipher, value.creditExpiry)) {
15509 this.processKvp(cipher, 'Expiration', value.creditExpiry);
15510 }
15511 }
15512 if (!this.isNullOrWhitespace(value.password)) {
15513 this.processKvp(cipher, 'PIN', value.password);
15514 }
15515 }
15516 else {
15517 continue;
15518 }
15519 this.convertToNoteIfNeeded(cipher);
15520 this.cleanupCipher(cipher);
15521 result.ciphers.push(cipher);
15522 }
15523 result.success = true;
15524 return result;
15525 }
15528// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/importers/gnomeJsonImporter.ts
15531class gnomeJsonImporter_GnomeJsonImporter extends baseImporter_BaseImporter {
15532 parse(data) {
15533 const result = new ImportResult();
15534 const results = JSON.parse(data);
15535 if (results == null || Object.keys(results).length === 0) {
15536 result.success = false;
15537 return result;
15538 }
15539 for (const keyRing in results) {
15540 if (!results.hasOwnProperty(keyRing) || this.isNullOrWhitespace(keyRing) ||
15541 results[keyRing].length === 0) {
15542 continue;
15543 }
15544 results[keyRing].forEach((value) => {
15545 if (this.isNullOrWhitespace(value.display_name) || value.display_name.indexOf('http') !== 0) {
15546 return;
15547 }
15548 this.processFolder(result, keyRing);
15549 const cipher = this.initLoginCipher();
15550 cipher.name = value.display_name.replace('http://', '').replace('https://', '');
15551 if (cipher.name.length > 30) {
15552 cipher.name = cipher.name.substring(0, 30);
15553 }
15554 cipher.login.password = this.getValueOrDefault(value.secret);
15555 cipher.login.uris = this.makeUriArray(value.display_name);
15556 if (value.attributes != null) {
15557 cipher.login.username = value.attributes != null ?
15558 this.getValueOrDefault(value.attributes.username_value) : null;
15559 for (const attr in value.attributes) {
15560 if (!value.attributes.hasOwnProperty(attr) || attr === 'username_value' ||
15561 attr === 'xdg:schema') {
15562 continue;
15563 }
15564 this.processKvp(cipher, attr, value.attributes[attr]);
15565 }
15566 }
15567 this.convertToNoteIfNeeded(cipher);
15568 this.cleanupCipher(cipher);
15569 result.ciphers.push(cipher);
15570 });
15571 }
15572 if (this.organization) {
15573 this.moveFoldersToCollections(result);
15574 }
15575 result.success = true;
15576 return result;
15577 }
15580// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/importers/kasperskyTxtImporter.ts
15583const NotesHeader = 'Notes\n\n';
15584const ApplicationsHeader = 'Applications\n\n';
15585const WebsitesHeader = 'Websites\n\n';
15586const Delimiter = '\n---\n';
15587class kasperskyTxtImporter_KasperskyTxtImporter extends baseImporter_BaseImporter {
15588 parse(data) {
15589 const result = new ImportResult();
15590 let notesData;
15591 let applicationsData;
15592 let websitesData;
15593 let workingData = this.splitNewLine(data).join('\n');
15594 if (workingData.indexOf(NotesHeader) !== -1) {
15595 const parts = workingData.split(NotesHeader);
15596 if (parts.length > 1) {
15597 workingData = parts[0];
15598 notesData = parts[1];
15599 }
15600 }
15601 if (workingData.indexOf(ApplicationsHeader) !== -1) {
15602 const parts = workingData.split(ApplicationsHeader);
15603 if (parts.length > 1) {
15604 workingData = parts[0];
15605 applicationsData = parts[1];
15606 }
15607 }
15608 if (workingData.indexOf(WebsitesHeader) === 0) {
15609 const parts = workingData.split(WebsitesHeader);
15610 if (parts.length > 1) {
15611 workingData = parts[0];
15612 websitesData = parts[1];
15613 }
15614 }
15615 const notes = this.parseDataCategory(notesData);
15616 const applications = this.parseDataCategory(applicationsData);
15617 const websites = this.parseDataCategory(websitesData);
15618 notes.forEach((n) => {
15619 const cipher = this.initLoginCipher();
15620 cipher.name = this.getValueOrDefault(n.get('Name'));
15621 cipher.notes = this.getValueOrDefault(n.get('Text'));
15622 this.cleanupCipher(cipher);
15623 result.ciphers.push(cipher);
15624 });
15625 websites.concat(applications).forEach((w) => {
15626 const cipher = this.initLoginCipher();
15627 const nameKey = w.has('Website name') ? 'Website name' : 'Application';
15628 cipher.name = this.getValueOrDefault(w.get(nameKey), '');
15629 if (!this.isNullOrWhitespace(w.get('Login name'))) {
15630 if (!this.isNullOrWhitespace(cipher.name)) {
15631 cipher.name += ': ';
15632 }
15633 cipher.name += w.get('Login name');
15634 }
15635 cipher.notes = this.getValueOrDefault(w.get('Comment'));
15636 if (w.has('Website URL')) {
15637 cipher.login.uris = this.makeUriArray(w.get('Website URL'));
15638 }
15639 cipher.login.username = this.getValueOrDefault(w.get('Login'));
15640 cipher.login.password = this.getValueOrDefault(w.get('Password'));
15641 this.cleanupCipher(cipher);
15642 result.ciphers.push(cipher);
15643 });
15644 result.success = true;
15645 return result;
15646 }
15647 parseDataCategory(data) {
15648 if (this.isNullOrWhitespace(data) || data.indexOf(Delimiter) === -1) {
15649 return [];
15650 }
15651 const items = [];
15652 data.split(Delimiter).forEach((p) => {
15653 if (p.indexOf('\n') === -1) {
15654 return;
15655 }
15656 const item = new Map();
15657 let itemComment;
15658 let itemCommentKey;
15659 p.split('\n').forEach((l) => {
15660 if (itemComment != null) {
15661 itemComment += ('\n' + l);
15662 return;
15663 }
15664 const colonIndex = l.indexOf(':');
15665 let key;
15666 let val;
15667 if (colonIndex === -1) {
15668 return;
15669 }
15670 else {
15671 key = l.substring(0, colonIndex);
15672 if (l.length > colonIndex + 1) {
15673 val = l.substring(colonIndex + 2);
15674 }
15675 }
15676 if (key != null) {
15677 item.set(key, val);
15678 }
15679 if (key === 'Comment' || key === 'Text') {
15680 itemComment = val;
15681 itemCommentKey = key;
15682 }
15683 });
15684 if (itemComment != null && itemCommentKey != null) {
15685 item.set(itemCommentKey, itemComment);
15686 }
15687 if (item.size === 0) {
15688 return;
15689 }
15690 items.push(item);
15691 });
15692 return items;
15693 }
15696// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/importers/keepass2XmlImporter.ts
15701class keepass2XmlImporter_KeePass2XmlImporter extends baseImporter_BaseImporter {
15702 constructor() {
15703 super(...arguments);
15704 this.result = new ImportResult();
15705 }
15706 parse(data) {
15707 const doc = this.parseXml(data);
15708 if (doc == null) {
15709 this.result.success = false;
15710 return this.result;
15711 }
15712 const rootGroup = doc.querySelector('KeePassFile > Root > Group');
15713 if (rootGroup == null) {
15714 this.result.errorMessage = 'Missing `KeePassFile > Root > Group` node.';
15715 this.result.success = false;
15716 return this.result;
15717 }
15718 this.traverse(rootGroup, true, '');
15719 if (this.organization) {
15720 this.moveFoldersToCollections(this.result);
15721 }
15722 this.result.success = true;
15723 return this.result;
15724 }
15725 traverse(node, isRootNode, groupPrefixName) {
15726 const folderIndex = this.result.folders.length;
15727 let groupName = groupPrefixName;
15728 if (!isRootNode) {
15729 if (groupName !== '') {
15730 groupName += '/';
15731 }
15732 const nameEl = this.querySelectorDirectChild(node, 'Name');
15733 groupName += nameEl == null ? '-' : nameEl.textContent;
15734 const folder = new FolderView();
15735 folder.name = groupName;
15736 this.result.folders.push(folder);
15737 }
15738 this.querySelectorAllDirectChild(node, 'Entry').forEach((entry) => {
15739 const cipherIndex = this.result.ciphers.length;
15740 const cipher = this.initLoginCipher();
15741 this.querySelectorAllDirectChild(entry, 'String').forEach((entryString) => {
15742 const valueEl = this.querySelectorDirectChild(entryString, 'Value');
15743 const value = valueEl != null ? valueEl.textContent : null;
15744 if (this.isNullOrWhitespace(value)) {
15745 return;
15746 }
15747 const keyEl = this.querySelectorDirectChild(entryString, 'Key');
15748 const key = keyEl != null ? keyEl.textContent : null;
15749 if (key === 'URL') {
15750 cipher.login.uris = this.makeUriArray(value);
15751 }
15752 else if (key === 'UserName') {
15753 cipher.login.username = value;
15754 }
15755 else if (key === 'Password') {
15756 cipher.login.password = value;
15757 }
15758 else if (key === 'Title') {
15759 cipher.name = value;
15760 }
15761 else if (key === 'Notes') {
15762 cipher.notes += (value + '\n');
15763 }
15764 else {
15765 let type = FieldType.Text;
15766 const attrs = valueEl.attributes;
15767 if (attrs.length > 0 && attrs.ProtectInMemory != null &&
15768 attrs.ProtectInMemory.value === 'True') {
15769 type = FieldType.Hidden;
15770 }
15771 this.processKvp(cipher, key, value, type);
15772 }
15773 });
15774 this.cleanupCipher(cipher);
15775 this.result.ciphers.push(cipher);
15776 if (!isRootNode) {
15777 this.result.folderRelationships.push([cipherIndex, folderIndex]);
15778 }
15779 });
15780 this.querySelectorAllDirectChild(node, 'Group').forEach((group) => {
15781 this.traverse(group, false, groupName);
15782 });
15783 }
15786// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/importers/keepassxCsvImporter.ts
15789class keepassxCsvImporter_KeePassXCsvImporter extends baseImporter_BaseImporter {
15790 parse(data) {
15791 const result = new ImportResult();
15792 const results = this.parseCsv(data, true);
15793 if (results == null) {
15794 result.success = false;
15795 return result;
15796 }
15797 results.forEach((value) => {
15798 if (this.isNullOrWhitespace(value.Title)) {
15799 return;
15800 }
15801 value.Group = !this.isNullOrWhitespace(value.Group) && value.Group.startsWith('Root/') ?
15802 value.Group.replace('Root/', '') : value.Group;
15803 const groupName = !this.isNullOrWhitespace(value.Group) ? value.Group : null;
15804 this.processFolder(result, groupName);
15805 const cipher = this.initLoginCipher();
15806 cipher.notes = this.getValueOrDefault(value.Notes);
15807 cipher.name = this.getValueOrDefault(value.Title, '--');
15808 cipher.login.username = this.getValueOrDefault(value.Username);
15809 cipher.login.password = this.getValueOrDefault(value.Password);
15810 cipher.login.uris = this.makeUriArray(value.URL);
15811 this.cleanupCipher(cipher);
15812 result.ciphers.push(cipher);
15813 });
15814 if (this.organization) {
15815 this.moveFoldersToCollections(result);
15816 }
15817 result.success = true;
15818 return result;
15819 }
15822// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/importers/keeperCsvImporter.ts
15825class keeperCsvImporter_KeeperCsvImporter extends baseImporter_BaseImporter {
15826 parse(data) {
15827 const result = new ImportResult();
15828 const results = this.parseCsv(data, false);
15829 if (results == null) {
15830 result.success = false;
15831 return result;
15832 }
15833 results.forEach((value) => {
15834 if (value.length < 6) {
15835 return;
15836 }
15837 this.processFolder(result, value[0]);
15838 const cipher = this.initLoginCipher();
15839 cipher.notes = this.getValueOrDefault(value[5]) + '\n';
15840 cipher.name = this.getValueOrDefault(value[1], '--');
15841 cipher.login.username = this.getValueOrDefault(value[2]);
15842 cipher.login.password = this.getValueOrDefault(value[3]);
15843 cipher.login.uris = this.makeUriArray(value[4]);
15844 if (value.length > 7) {
15845 // we have some custom fields.
15846 for (let i = 7; i < value.length; i = i + 2) {
15847 this.processKvp(cipher, value[i], value[i + 1]);
15848 }
15849 }
15850 this.cleanupCipher(cipher);
15851 result.ciphers.push(cipher);
15852 });
15853 if (this.organization) {
15854 this.moveFoldersToCollections(result);
15855 }
15856 result.success = true;
15857 return result;
15858 }
15861// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/importers/lastpassCsvImporter.ts
15872class lastpassCsvImporter_LastPassCsvImporter extends baseImporter_BaseImporter {
15873 parse(data) {
15874 const result = new ImportResult();
15875 const results = this.parseCsv(data, true);
15876 if (results == null) {
15877 result.success = false;
15878 return result;
15879 }
15880 results.forEach((value, index) => {
15881 const cipherIndex = result.ciphers.length;
15882 let folderIndex = result.folders.length;
15883 let grouping = value.grouping;
15884 if (grouping != null) {
15885 grouping = grouping.replace(/\\/g, '/').replace(/[\x00-\x1F\x7F-\x9F]/g, '');
15886 }
15887 const hasFolder = this.getValueOrDefault(grouping, '(none)') !== '(none)';
15888 let addFolder = hasFolder;
15889 if (hasFolder) {
15890 for (let i = 0; i < result.folders.length; i++) {
15891 if (result.folders[i].name === grouping) {
15892 addFolder = false;
15893 folderIndex = i;
15894 break;
15895 }
15896 }
15897 }
15898 const cipher = this.buildBaseCipher(value);
15899 if (cipher.type === CipherType.Login) {
15900 cipher.notes = this.getValueOrDefault(value.extra);
15901 cipher.login = new LoginView();
15902 cipher.login.uris = this.makeUriArray(value.url);
15903 cipher.login.username = this.getValueOrDefault(value.username);
15904 cipher.login.password = this.getValueOrDefault(value.password);
15905 }
15906 else if (cipher.type === CipherType.SecureNote) {
15907 this.parseSecureNote(value, cipher);
15908 }
15909 else if (cipher.type === CipherType.Card) {
15910 cipher.card = this.parseCard(value);
15911 cipher.notes = this.getValueOrDefault(value.notes);
15912 }
15913 else if (cipher.type === CipherType.Identity) {
15914 cipher.identity = this.parseIdentity(value);
15915 cipher.notes = this.getValueOrDefault(value.notes);
15916 if (!this.isNullOrWhitespace(value.ccnum)) {
15917 // there is a card on this identity too
15918 const cardCipher = this.buildBaseCipher(value);
15919 cardCipher.identity = null;
15920 cardCipher.type = CipherType.Card;
15921 cardCipher.card = this.parseCard(value);
15922 result.ciphers.push(cardCipher);
15923 }
15924 }
15925 result.ciphers.push(cipher);
15926 if (addFolder) {
15927 const f = new FolderView();
15928 f.name = grouping;
15929 result.folders.push(f);
15930 }
15931 if (hasFolder) {
15932 result.folderRelationships.push([cipherIndex, folderIndex]);
15933 }
15934 });
15935 if (this.organization) {
15936 this.moveFoldersToCollections(result);
15937 }
15938 result.success = true;
15939 return result;
15940 }
15941 buildBaseCipher(value) {
15942 const cipher = new cipherView_CipherView();
15943 if (value.hasOwnProperty('profilename') && value.hasOwnProperty('profilelanguage')) {
15944 // form fill
15945 cipher.favorite = false;
15946 cipher.name = this.getValueOrDefault(value.profilename, '--');
15947 cipher.type = CipherType.Card;
15948 if (!this.isNullOrWhitespace(value.title) || !this.isNullOrWhitespace(value.firstname) ||
15949 !this.isNullOrWhitespace(value.lastname) || !this.isNullOrWhitespace(value.address1) ||
15950 !this.isNullOrWhitespace(value.phone) || !this.isNullOrWhitespace(value.username) ||
15951 !this.isNullOrWhitespace(value.email)) {
15952 cipher.type = CipherType.Identity;
15953 }
15954 }
15955 else {
15956 // site or secure note
15957 cipher.favorite = !this.organization && this.getValueOrDefault(value.fav, '0') === '1';
15958 cipher.name = this.getValueOrDefault(value.name, '--');
15959 cipher.type = value.url === 'http://sn' ? CipherType.SecureNote : CipherType.Login;
15960 }
15961 return cipher;
15962 }
15963 parseCard(value) {
15964 const card = new CardView();
15965 card.cardholderName = this.getValueOrDefault(value.ccname);
15966 card.number = this.getValueOrDefault(value.ccnum);
15967 card.code = this.getValueOrDefault(value.cccsc);
15968 card.brand = this.getCardBrand(value.ccnum);
15969 if (!this.isNullOrWhitespace(value.ccexp) && value.ccexp.indexOf('-') > -1) {
15970 const ccexpParts = value.ccexp.split('-');
15971 if (ccexpParts.length > 1) {
15972 card.expYear = ccexpParts[0];
15973 card.expMonth = ccexpParts[1];
15974 if (card.expMonth.length === 2 && card.expMonth[0] === '0') {
15975 card.expMonth = card.expMonth[1];
15976 }
15977 }
15978 }
15979 return card;
15980 }
15981 parseIdentity(value) {
15982 const identity = new identityView_IdentityView();
15983 identity.title = this.getValueOrDefault(value.title);
15984 identity.firstName = this.getValueOrDefault(value.firstname);
15985 identity.middleName = this.getValueOrDefault(value.middlename);
15986 identity.lastName = this.getValueOrDefault(value.lastname);
15987 identity.username = this.getValueOrDefault(value.username);
15988 identity.company = this.getValueOrDefault(value.company);
15989 identity.ssn = this.getValueOrDefault(value.ssn);
15990 identity.address1 = this.getValueOrDefault(value.address1);
15991 identity.address2 = this.getValueOrDefault(value.address2);
15992 identity.address3 = this.getValueOrDefault(value.address3);
15993 identity.city = this.getValueOrDefault(value.city);
15994 identity.state = this.getValueOrDefault(value.state);
15995 identity.postalCode = this.getValueOrDefault(value.zip);
15996 identity.country = this.getValueOrDefault(value.country);
15997 identity.email = this.getValueOrDefault(value.email);
15998 identity.phone = this.getValueOrDefault(value.phone);
15999 if (!this.isNullOrWhitespace(identity.title)) {
16000 identity.title = identity.title.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + identity.title.slice(1);
16001 }
16002 return identity;
16003 }
16004 parseSecureNote(value, cipher) {
16005 const extraParts = this.splitNewLine(value.extra);
16006 let processedNote = false;
16007 if (extraParts.length) {
16008 const typeParts = extraParts[0].split(':');
16009 if (typeParts.length > 1 && typeParts[0] === 'NoteType' &&
16010 (typeParts[1] === 'Credit Card' || typeParts[1] === 'Address')) {
16011 if (typeParts[1] === 'Credit Card') {
16012 const mappedData = this.parseSecureNoteMapping(cipher, extraParts, {
16013 'Number': 'number',
16014 'Name on Card': 'cardholderName',
16015 'Security Code': 'code',
16016 // LP provides date in a format like 'June,2020'
16017 // Store in expMonth, then parse and modify
16018 'Expiration Date': 'expMonth',
16019 });
16020 if (this.isNullOrWhitespace(mappedData.expMonth) || mappedData.expMonth === ',') {
16021 // No expiration data
16022 mappedData.expMonth = undefined;
16023 }
16024 else {
16025 const [monthString, year] = mappedData.expMonth.split(',');
16026 // Parse month name into number
16027 if (!this.isNullOrWhitespace(monthString)) {
16028 const month = new Date(Date.parse(monthString.trim() + ' 1, 2012')).getMonth() + 1;
16029 if (isNaN(month)) {
16030 mappedData.expMonth = undefined;
16031 }
16032 else {
16033 mappedData.expMonth = month.toString();
16034 }
16035 }
16036 else {
16037 mappedData.expMonth = undefined;
16038 }
16039 if (!this.isNullOrWhitespace(year)) {
16040 mappedData.expYear = year;
16041 }
16042 }
16043 cipher.type = CipherType.Card;
16044 cipher.card = mappedData;
16045 }
16046 else if (typeParts[1] === 'Address') {
16047 const mappedData = this.parseSecureNoteMapping(cipher, extraParts, {
16048 'Title': 'title',
16049 'First Name': 'firstName',
16050 'Last Name': 'lastName',
16051 'Middle Name': 'middleName',
16052 'Company': 'company',
16053 'Address 1': 'address1',
16054 'Address 2': 'address2',
16055 'Address 3': 'address3',
16056 'City / Town': 'city',
16057 'State': 'state',
16058 'Zip / Postal Code': 'postalCode',
16059 'Country': 'country',
16060 'Email Address': 'email',
16061 'Username': 'username',
16062 });
16063 cipher.type = CipherType.Identity;
16064 cipher.identity = mappedData;
16065 }
16066 processedNote = true;
16067 }
16068 }
16069 if (!processedNote) {
16070 cipher.secureNote = new SecureNoteView();
16071 cipher.secureNote.type = SecureNoteType.Generic;
16072 cipher.notes = this.getValueOrDefault(value.extra);
16073 }
16074 }
16075 parseSecureNoteMapping(cipher, extraParts, map) {
16076 const dataObj = {};
16077 let processingNotes = false;
16078 extraParts.forEach((extraPart) => {
16079 let key = null;
16080 let val = null;
16081 if (!processingNotes) {
16082 if (this.isNullOrWhitespace(extraPart)) {
16083 return;
16084 }
16085 const colonIndex = extraPart.indexOf(':');
16086 if (colonIndex === -1) {
16087 key = extraPart;
16088 }
16089 else {
16090 key = extraPart.substring(0, colonIndex);
16091 if (extraPart.length > colonIndex) {
16092 val = extraPart.substring(colonIndex + 1);
16093 }
16094 }
16095 if (this.isNullOrWhitespace(key) || this.isNullOrWhitespace(val) || key === 'NoteType') {
16096 return;
16097 }
16098 }
16099 if (processingNotes) {
16100 cipher.notes += ('\n' + extraPart);
16101 }
16102 else if (key === 'Notes') {
16103 if (!this.isNullOrWhitespace(cipher.notes)) {
16104 cipher.notes += ('\n' + val);
16105 }
16106 else {
16107 cipher.notes = val;
16108 }
16109 processingNotes = true;
16110 }
16111 else if (map.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
16112 dataObj[map[key]] = val;
16113 }
16114 else {
16115 this.processKvp(cipher, key, val);
16116 }
16117 });
16118 return dataObj;
16119 }
16122// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/importers/logMeOnceCsvImporter.ts
16125class logMeOnceCsvImporter_LogMeOnceCsvImporter extends baseImporter_BaseImporter {
16126 parse(data) {
16127 const result = new ImportResult();
16128 const results = this.parseCsv(data, false);
16129 if (results == null) {
16130 result.success = false;
16131 return result;
16132 }
16133 results.forEach((value) => {
16134 if (value.length < 4) {
16135 return;
16136 }
16137 const cipher = this.initLoginCipher();
16138 cipher.name = this.getValueOrDefault(value[0], '--');
16139 cipher.login.username = this.getValueOrDefault(value[2]);
16140 cipher.login.password = this.getValueOrDefault(value[3]);
16141 cipher.login.uris = this.makeUriArray(value[1]);
16142 this.cleanupCipher(cipher);
16143 result.ciphers.push(cipher);
16144 });
16145 result.success = true;
16146 return result;
16147 }
16150// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/importers/meldiumCsvImporter.ts
16153class meldiumCsvImporter_MeldiumCsvImporter extends baseImporter_BaseImporter {
16154 parse(data) {
16155 const result = new ImportResult();
16156 const results = this.parseCsv(data, true);
16157 if (results == null) {
16158 result.success = false;
16159 return result;
16160 }
16161 results.forEach((value) => {
16162 const cipher = this.initLoginCipher();
16163 cipher.name = this.getValueOrDefault(value.DisplayName, '--');
16164 cipher.notes = this.getValueOrDefault(value.Notes);
16165 cipher.login.username = this.getValueOrDefault(value.UserName);
16166 cipher.login.password = this.getValueOrDefault(value.Password);
16167 cipher.login.uris = this.makeUriArray(value.Url);
16168 this.cleanupCipher(cipher);
16169 result.ciphers.push(cipher);
16170 });
16171 result.success = true;
16172 return result;
16173 }
16176// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/importers/msecureCsvImporter.ts
16182class msecureCsvImporter_MSecureCsvImporter extends baseImporter_BaseImporter {
16183 parse(data) {
16184 const result = new ImportResult();
16185 const results = this.parseCsv(data, false);
16186 if (results == null) {
16187 result.success = false;
16188 return result;
16189 }
16190 results.forEach((value) => {
16191 if (value.length < 3) {
16192 return;
16193 }
16194 const folderName = this.getValueOrDefault(value[0], 'Unassigned') !== 'Unassigned' ? value[0] : null;
16195 this.processFolder(result, folderName);
16196 const cipher = this.initLoginCipher();
16197 cipher.name = this.getValueOrDefault(value[2], '--');
16198 if (value[1] === 'Web Logins' || value[1] === 'Login') {
16199 cipher.login.uris = this.makeUriArray(value[4]);
16200 cipher.login.username = this.getValueOrDefault(value[5]);
16201 cipher.login.password = this.getValueOrDefault(value[6]);
16202 cipher.notes = !this.isNullOrWhitespace(value[3]) ? value[3].split('\\n').join('\n') : null;
16203 }
16204 else if (value.length > 3) {
16205 cipher.type = CipherType.SecureNote;
16206 cipher.secureNote = new SecureNoteView();
16207 cipher.secureNote.type = SecureNoteType.Generic;
16208 for (let i = 3; i < value.length; i++) {
16209 if (!this.isNullOrWhitespace(value[i])) {
16210 cipher.notes += (value[i] + '\n');
16211 }
16212 }
16213 }
16214 if (!this.isNullOrWhitespace(value[1]) && cipher.type !== CipherType.Login) {
16215 cipher.name = value[1] + ': ' + cipher.name;
16216 }
16217 this.cleanupCipher(cipher);
16218 result.ciphers.push(cipher);
16219 });
16220 if (this.organization) {
16221 this.moveFoldersToCollections(result);
16222 }
16223 result.success = true;
16224 return result;
16225 }
16228// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/importers/mykiCsvImporter.ts
16236class mykiCsvImporter_MykiCsvImporter extends baseImporter_BaseImporter {
16237 parse(data) {
16238 const result = new ImportResult();
16239 const results = this.parseCsv(data, true);
16240 if (results == null) {
16241 result.success = false;
16242 return result;
16243 }
16244 results.forEach((value) => {
16245 const cipher = this.initLoginCipher();
16246 cipher.name = this.getValueOrDefault(value.nickname, '--');
16247 cipher.notes = this.getValueOrDefault(value.additionalInfo);
16248 if (value.url !== undefined) {
16249 // Accounts
16250 cipher.login.uris = this.makeUriArray(value.url);
16251 cipher.login.username = this.getValueOrDefault(value.username);
16252 cipher.login.password = this.getValueOrDefault(value.password);
16253 cipher.login.totp = this.getValueOrDefault(value.twoFactAuthToken);
16254 }
16255 else if (value.cardNumber !== undefined) {
16256 // Cards
16257 cipher.card = new CardView();
16258 cipher.type = CipherType.Card;
16259 cipher.card.cardholderName = this.getValueOrDefault(value.cardName);
16260 cipher.card.number = this.getValueOrDefault(value.cardNumber);
16261 cipher.card.brand = this.getCardBrand(cipher.card.number);
16262 cipher.card.expMonth = this.getValueOrDefault(value.exp_month);
16263 cipher.card.expYear = this.getValueOrDefault(value.exp_year);
16264 cipher.card.code = this.getValueOrDefault(value.cvv);
16265 }
16266 else if (value.firstName !== undefined) {
16267 // Identities
16268 cipher.identity = new identityView_IdentityView();
16269 cipher.type = CipherType.Identity;
16270 cipher.identity.title = this.getValueOrDefault(value.title);
16271 cipher.identity.firstName = this.getValueOrDefault(value.firstName);
16272 cipher.identity.middleName = this.getValueOrDefault(value.middleName);
16273 cipher.identity.lastName = this.getValueOrDefault(value.lastName);
16274 cipher.identity.phone = this.getValueOrDefault(value.number);
16275 cipher.identity.email = this.getValueOrDefault(value.email);
16276 cipher.identity.address1 = this.getValueOrDefault(value.firstAddressLine);
16277 cipher.identity.address2 = this.getValueOrDefault(value.secondAddressLine);
16278 cipher.identity.city = this.getValueOrDefault(value.city);
16279 cipher.identity.country = this.getValueOrDefault(value.country);
16280 cipher.identity.postalCode = this.getValueOrDefault(value.zipCode);
16281 }
16282 else if (value.content !== undefined) {
16283 // Notes
16284 cipher.secureNote = new SecureNoteView();
16285 cipher.type = CipherType.SecureNote;
16286 cipher.secureNote.type = SecureNoteType.Generic;
16287 cipher.name = this.getValueOrDefault(value.title, '--');
16288 cipher.notes = this.getValueOrDefault(value.content);
16289 }
16290 else {
16291 return;
16292 }
16293 this.cleanupCipher(cipher);
16294 result.ciphers.push(cipher);
16295 });
16296 result.success = true;
16297 return result;
16298 }
16301// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/importers/onepassword1PifImporter.ts
16311class onepassword1PifImporter_OnePassword1PifImporter extends baseImporter_BaseImporter {
16312 constructor() {
16313 super(...arguments);
16314 this.result = new ImportResult();
16315 }
16316 parse(data) {
16317 data.split(this.newLineRegex).forEach((line) => {
16318 if (this.isNullOrWhitespace(line) || line[0] !== '{') {
16319 return;
16320 }
16321 const item = JSON.parse(line);
16322 if (item.trashed === true) {
16323 return;
16324 }
16325 const cipher = this.initLoginCipher();
16326 if (this.isNullOrWhitespace(item.hmac)) {
16327 this.processStandardItem(item, cipher);
16328 }
16329 else {
16330 this.processWinOpVaultItem(item, cipher);
16331 }
16332 this.convertToNoteIfNeeded(cipher);
16333 this.cleanupCipher(cipher);
16334 this.result.ciphers.push(cipher);
16335 });
16336 this.result.success = true;
16337 return this.result;
16338 }
16339 processWinOpVaultItem(item, cipher) {
16340 if (item.overview != null) {
16341 cipher.name = this.getValueOrDefault(item.overview.title);
16342 if (item.overview.URLs != null) {
16343 const urls = [];
16344 item.overview.URLs.forEach((url) => {
16345 if (!this.isNullOrWhitespace(url.u)) {
16346 urls.push(url.u);
16347 }
16348 });
16349 cipher.login.uris = this.makeUriArray(urls);
16350 }
16351 }
16352 if (item.details != null) {
16353 if (item.details.passwordHistory != null) {
16354 this.parsePasswordHistory(item.details.passwordHistory, cipher);
16355 }
16356 if (!this.isNullOrWhitespace(item.details.ccnum) || !this.isNullOrWhitespace(item.details.cvv)) {
16357 cipher.type = CipherType.Card;
16358 cipher.card = new CardView();
16359 }
16360 else if (!this.isNullOrWhitespace(item.details.firstname) ||
16361 !this.isNullOrWhitespace(item.details.address1)) {
16362 cipher.type = CipherType.Identity;
16363 cipher.identity = new identityView_IdentityView();
16364 }
16365 if (cipher.type === CipherType.Login && !this.isNullOrWhitespace(item.details.password)) {
16366 cipher.login.password = item.details.password;
16367 }
16368 if (!this.isNullOrWhitespace(item.details.notesPlain)) {
16369 cipher.notes = item.details.notesPlain.split(this.newLineRegex).join('\n') + '\n';
16370 }
16371 if (item.details.fields != null) {
16372 this.parseFields(item.details.fields, cipher, 'designation', 'value', 'name');
16373 }
16374 if (item.details.sections != null) {
16375 item.details.sections.forEach((section) => {
16376 if (section.fields != null) {
16377 this.parseFields(section.fields, cipher, 'n', 'v', 't');
16378 }
16379 });
16380 }
16381 }
16382 }
16383 processStandardItem(item, cipher) {
16384 cipher.favorite = item.openContents && item.openContents.faveIndex ? true : false;
16385 cipher.name = this.getValueOrDefault(item.title);
16386 if (item.typeName === 'securenotes.SecureNote') {
16387 cipher.type = CipherType.SecureNote;
16388 cipher.secureNote = new SecureNoteView();
16389 cipher.secureNote.type = SecureNoteType.Generic;
16390 }
16391 else if (item.typeName === 'wallet.financial.CreditCard') {
16392 cipher.type = CipherType.Card;
16393 cipher.card = new CardView();
16394 }
16395 else if (item.typeName === 'identities.Identity') {
16396 cipher.type = CipherType.Identity;
16397 cipher.identity = new identityView_IdentityView();
16398 }
16399 else {
16400 cipher.login.uris = this.makeUriArray(item.location);
16401 }
16402 if (item.secureContents != null) {
16403 if (item.secureContents.passwordHistory != null) {
16404 this.parsePasswordHistory(item.secureContents.passwordHistory, cipher);
16405 }
16406 if (!this.isNullOrWhitespace(item.secureContents.notesPlain)) {
16407 cipher.notes = item.secureContents.notesPlain.split(this.newLineRegex).join('\n') + '\n';
16408 }
16409 if (cipher.type === CipherType.Login) {
16410 if (!this.isNullOrWhitespace(item.secureContents.password)) {
16411 cipher.login.password = item.secureContents.password;
16412 }
16413 if (item.secureContents.URLs != null) {
16414 const urls = [];
16415 item.secureContents.URLs.forEach((u) => {
16416 if (!this.isNullOrWhitespace(u.url)) {
16417 urls.push(u.url);
16418 }
16419 });
16420 if (urls.length > 0) {
16421 cipher.login.uris = this.makeUriArray(urls);
16422 }
16423 }
16424 }
16425 if (item.secureContents.fields != null) {
16426 this.parseFields(item.secureContents.fields, cipher, 'designation', 'value', 'name');
16427 }
16428 if (item.secureContents.sections != null) {
16429 item.secureContents.sections.forEach((section) => {
16430 if (section.fields != null) {
16431 this.parseFields(section.fields, cipher, 'n', 'v', 't');
16432 }
16433 });
16434 }
16435 }
16436 }
16437 parsePasswordHistory(items, cipher) {
16438 const maxSize = items.length > 5 ? 5 : items.length;
16439 cipher.passwordHistory = items
16440 .filter((h) => !this.isNullOrWhitespace(h.value) && h.time != null)
16441 .sort((a, b) => b.time - a.time)
16442 .slice(0, maxSize)
16443 .map((h) => {
16444 const ph = new PasswordHistoryView();
16445 ph.password = h.value;
16446 ph.lastUsedDate = new Date(('' + h.time).length >= 13 ? h.time : h.time * 1000);
16447 return ph;
16448 });
16449 }
16450 parseFields(fields, cipher, designationKey, valueKey, nameKey) {
16451 fields.forEach((field) => {
16452 if (field[valueKey] == null || field[valueKey].toString().trim() === '') {
16453 return;
16454 }
16455 const fieldValue = field[valueKey].toString();
16456 const fieldDesignation = field[designationKey] != null ? field[designationKey].toString() : null;
16457 if (cipher.type === CipherType.Login) {
16458 if (this.isNullOrWhitespace(cipher.login.username) && fieldDesignation === 'username') {
16459 cipher.login.username = fieldValue;
16460 return;
16461 }
16462 else if (this.isNullOrWhitespace(cipher.login.password) && fieldDesignation === 'password') {
16463 cipher.login.password = fieldValue;
16464 return;
16465 }
16466 else if (this.isNullOrWhitespace(cipher.login.totp) && fieldDesignation != null &&
16467 fieldDesignation.startsWith('TOTP_')) {
16468 cipher.login.totp = fieldValue;
16469 return;
16470 }
16471 }
16472 else if (cipher.type === CipherType.Card) {
16473 if (this.isNullOrWhitespace(cipher.card.number) && fieldDesignation === 'ccnum') {
16474 cipher.card.number = fieldValue;
16475 cipher.card.brand = this.getCardBrand(fieldValue);
16476 return;
16477 }
16478 else if (this.isNullOrWhitespace(cipher.card.code) && fieldDesignation === 'cvv') {
16479 cipher.card.code = fieldValue;
16480 return;
16481 }
16482 else if (this.isNullOrWhitespace(cipher.card.cardholderName) && fieldDesignation === 'cardholder') {
16483 cipher.card.cardholderName = fieldValue;
16484 return;
16485 }
16486 else if (this.isNullOrWhitespace(cipher.card.expiration) && fieldDesignation === 'expiry' &&
16487 fieldValue.length === 6) {
16488 cipher.card.expMonth = fieldValue.substr(4, 2);
16489 if (cipher.card.expMonth[0] === '0') {
16490 cipher.card.expMonth = cipher.card.expMonth.substr(1, 1);
16491 }
16492 cipher.card.expYear = fieldValue.substr(0, 4);
16493 return;
16494 }
16495 else if (fieldDesignation === 'type') {
16496 // Skip since brand was determined from number above
16497 return;
16498 }
16499 }
16500 else if (cipher.type === CipherType.Identity) {
16501 const identity = cipher.identity;
16502 if (this.isNullOrWhitespace(identity.firstName) && fieldDesignation === 'firstname') {
16503 identity.firstName = fieldValue;
16504 return;
16505 }
16506 else if (this.isNullOrWhitespace(identity.lastName) && fieldDesignation === 'lastname') {
16507 identity.lastName = fieldValue;
16508 return;
16509 }
16510 else if (this.isNullOrWhitespace(identity.middleName) && fieldDesignation === 'initial') {
16511 identity.middleName = fieldValue;
16512 return;
16513 }
16514 else if (this.isNullOrWhitespace(identity.phone) && fieldDesignation === 'defphone') {
16515 identity.phone = fieldValue;
16516 return;
16517 }
16518 else if (this.isNullOrWhitespace(identity.company) && fieldDesignation === 'company') {
16519 identity.company = fieldValue;
16520 return;
16521 }
16522 else if (this.isNullOrWhitespace(identity.email) && fieldDesignation === 'email') {
16523 identity.email = fieldValue;
16524 return;
16525 }
16526 else if (this.isNullOrWhitespace(identity.username) && fieldDesignation === 'username') {
16527 identity.username = fieldValue;
16528 return;
16529 }
16530 else if (fieldDesignation === 'address') {
16531 // fieldValue is an object casted into a string, so access the plain value instead
16532 const { street, city, country, zip } = field[valueKey];
16533 identity.address1 = this.getValueOrDefault(street);
16534 identity.city = this.getValueOrDefault(city);
16535 if (!this.isNullOrWhitespace(country)) {
16536 identity.country = country.toUpperCase();
16537 }
16538 identity.postalCode = this.getValueOrDefault(zip);
16539 return;
16540 }
16541 }
16542 const fieldName = this.isNullOrWhitespace(field[nameKey]) ? 'no_name' : field[nameKey];
16543 if (fieldName === 'password' && cipher.passwordHistory != null &&
16544 cipher.passwordHistory.some((h) => h.password === fieldValue)) {
16545 return;
16546 }
16547 const fieldType = field.k === 'concealed' ? FieldType.Hidden : FieldType.Text;
16548 this.processKvp(cipher, fieldName, fieldValue, fieldType);
16549 });
16550 }
16553// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/models/view/view.ts
16554class View {
16557// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/models/view/index.ts
16568// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/importers/onepasswordWinCsvImporter.ts
16573const IgnoredProperties = ['ainfo', 'autosubmit', 'notesplain', 'ps', 'scope', 'tags', 'title', 'uuid'];
16574class onepasswordWinCsvImporter_OnePasswordWinCsvImporter extends baseImporter_BaseImporter {
16575 parse(data) {
16576 const result = new ImportResult();
16577 const results = this.parseCsv(data, true);
16578 if (results == null) {
16579 result.success = false;
16580 return result;
16581 }
16582 results.forEach((value) => {
16583 if (this.isNullOrWhitespace(this.getProp(value, 'title'))) {
16584 return;
16585 }
16586 const cipher = this.initLoginCipher();
16587 cipher.name = this.getValueOrDefault(this.getProp(value, 'title'), '--');
16588 cipher.notes = this.getValueOrDefault(this.getProp(value, 'notesPlain'), '') + '\n';
16589 if (!this.isNullOrWhitespace(this.getProp(value, 'number')) &&
16590 !this.isNullOrWhitespace(this.getProp(value, 'expiry date'))) {
16591 cipher.type = CipherType.Card;
16592 cipher.card = new CardView();
16593 }
16594 let altUsername = null;
16595 for (const property in value) {
16596 if (!value.hasOwnProperty(property) || this.isNullOrWhitespace(value[property])) {
16597 continue;
16598 }
16599 const lowerProp = property.toLowerCase();
16600 if (cipher.type === CipherType.Login) {
16601 if (this.isNullOrWhitespace(cipher.login.password) && lowerProp === 'password') {
16602 cipher.login.password = value[property];
16603 continue;
16604 }
16605 else if (this.isNullOrWhitespace(cipher.login.username) && lowerProp === 'username') {
16606 cipher.login.username = value[property];
16607 continue;
16608 }
16609 else if ((cipher.login.uris == null || cipher.login.uri.length === 0) && lowerProp === 'urls') {
16610 const urls = value[property].split(this.newLineRegex);
16611 cipher.login.uris = this.makeUriArray(urls);
16612 continue;
16613 }
16614 }
16615 else if (cipher.type === CipherType.Card) {
16616 if (this.isNullOrWhitespace(cipher.card.number) && lowerProp === 'number') {
16617 cipher.card.number = value[property];
16618 cipher.card.brand = this.getCardBrand(this.getProp(value, 'number'));
16619 continue;
16620 }
16621 else if (this.isNullOrWhitespace(cipher.card.code) && lowerProp === 'verification number') {
16622 cipher.card.code = value[property];
16623 continue;
16624 }
16625 else if (this.isNullOrWhitespace(cipher.card.cardholderName) && lowerProp === 'cardholder name') {
16626 cipher.card.cardholderName = value[property];
16627 continue;
16628 }
16629 else if (this.isNullOrWhitespace(cipher.card.expiration) && lowerProp === 'expiry date' &&
16630 value[property].length === 6) {
16631 cipher.card.expMonth = value[property].substr(4, 2);
16632 if (cipher.card.expMonth[0] === '0') {
16633 cipher.card.expMonth = cipher.card.expMonth.substr(1, 1);
16634 }
16635 cipher.card.expYear = value[property].substr(0, 4);
16636 continue;
16637 }
16638 else if (lowerProp === 'type') {
16639 // Skip since brand was determined from number above
16640 continue;
16641 }
16642 }
16643 if (IgnoredProperties.indexOf(lowerProp) === -1 && !lowerProp.startsWith('section:') &&
16644 !lowerProp.startsWith('section ')) {
16645 if (altUsername == null && lowerProp === 'email') {
16646 altUsername = value[property];
16647 }
16648 this.processKvp(cipher, property, value[property]);
16649 }
16650 }
16651 if (cipher.type === CipherType.Login && !this.isNullOrWhitespace(altUsername) &&
16652 this.isNullOrWhitespace(cipher.login.username) && altUsername.indexOf('://') === -1) {
16653 cipher.login.username = altUsername;
16654 }
16655 this.convertToNoteIfNeeded(cipher);
16656 this.cleanupCipher(cipher);
16657 result.ciphers.push(cipher);
16658 });
16659 result.success = true;
16660 return result;
16661 }
16662 getProp(obj, name) {
16663 return obj[name] || obj[name.toUpperCase()];
16664 }
16667// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/importers/padlockCsvImporter.ts
16671class padlockCsvImporter_PadlockCsvImporter extends baseImporter_BaseImporter {
16672 parse(data) {
16673 const result = new ImportResult();
16674 const results = this.parseCsv(data, false);
16675 if (results == null) {
16676 result.success = false;
16677 return result;
16678 }
16679 let headers = null;
16680 results.forEach((value) => {
16681 if (headers == null) {
16682 headers = value.map((v) => v);
16683 return;
16684 }
16685 if (value.length < 2 || value.length !== headers.length) {
16686 return;
16687 }
16688 if (!this.isNullOrWhitespace(value[1])) {
16689 if (this.organization) {
16690 const tags = value[1].split(',');
16691 tags.forEach((tag) => {
16692 tag = tag.trim();
16693 let addCollection = true;
16694 let collectionIndex = result.collections.length;
16695 for (let i = 0; i < result.collections.length; i++) {
16696 if (result.collections[i].name === tag) {
16697 addCollection = false;
16698 collectionIndex = i;
16699 break;
16700 }
16701 }
16702 if (addCollection) {
16703 const collection = new collectionView_CollectionView();
16704 collection.name = tag;
16705 result.collections.push(collection);
16706 }
16707 result.collectionRelationships.push([result.ciphers.length, collectionIndex]);
16708 });
16709 }
16710 else {
16711 const tags = value[1].split(',');
16712 const tag = tags.length > 0 ? tags[0].trim() : null;
16713 this.processFolder(result, tag);
16714 }
16715 }
16716 const cipher = this.initLoginCipher();
16717 cipher.name = this.getValueOrDefault(value[0], '--');
16718 for (let i = 2; i < value.length; i++) {
16719 const header = headers[i].trim().toLowerCase();
16720 if (this.isNullOrWhitespace(value[i]) || this.isNullOrWhitespace(header)) {
16721 continue;
16722 }
16723 if (this.usernameFieldNames.indexOf(header) > -1) {
16724 cipher.login.username = value[i];
16725 }
16726 else if (this.passwordFieldNames.indexOf(header) > -1) {
16727 cipher.login.password = value[i];
16728 }
16729 else if (this.uriFieldNames.indexOf(header) > -1) {
16730 cipher.login.uris = this.makeUriArray(value[i]);
16731 }
16732 else {
16733 this.processKvp(cipher, headers[i], value[i]);
16734 }
16735 }
16736 this.cleanupCipher(cipher);
16737 result.ciphers.push(cipher);
16738 });
16739 result.success = true;
16740 return result;
16741 }
16744// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/importers/passkeepCsvImporter.ts
16747class passkeepCsvImporter_PassKeepCsvImporter extends baseImporter_BaseImporter {
16748 parse(data) {
16749 const result = new ImportResult();
16750 const results = this.parseCsv(data, true);
16751 if (results == null) {
16752 result.success = false;
16753 return result;
16754 }
16755 results.forEach((value) => {
16756 this.processFolder(result, this.getValue('category', value));
16757 const cipher = this.initLoginCipher();
16758 cipher.notes = this.getValue('description', value);
16759 cipher.name = this.getValueOrDefault(this.getValue('title', value), '--');
16760 cipher.login.username = this.getValue('username', value);
16761 cipher.login.password = this.getValue('password', value);
16762 cipher.login.uris = this.makeUriArray(this.getValue('site', value));
16763 this.processKvp(cipher, 'Password 2', this.getValue('password2', value));
16764 this.cleanupCipher(cipher);
16765 result.ciphers.push(cipher);
16766 });
16767 if (this.organization) {
16768 this.moveFoldersToCollections(result);
16769 }
16770 result.success = true;
16771 return result;
16772 }
16773 getValue(key, value) {
16774 return this.getValueOrDefault(value[key], this.getValueOrDefault(value[(' ' + key)]));
16775 }
16778// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/importers/passmanJsonImporter.ts
16781class passmanJsonImporter_PassmanJsonImporter extends baseImporter_BaseImporter {
16782 parse(data) {
16783 const result = new ImportResult();
16784 const results = JSON.parse(data);
16785 if (results == null || results.length === 0) {
16786 result.success = false;
16787 return result;
16788 }
16789 results.forEach((credential) => {
16790 if (credential.tags != null && credential.tags.length > 0) {
16791 const folderName = credential.tags[0].text;
16792 this.processFolder(result, folderName);
16793 }
16794 const cipher = this.initLoginCipher();
16795 cipher.name = credential.label;
16796 cipher.login.username = this.getValueOrDefault(credential.username);
16797 if (this.isNullOrWhitespace(cipher.login.username)) {
16798 cipher.login.username = this.getValueOrDefault(credential.email);
16799 }
16800 else if (!this.isNullOrWhitespace(credential.email)) {
16801 cipher.notes = ('Email: ' + credential.email + '\n');
16802 }
16803 cipher.login.password = this.getValueOrDefault(credential.password);
16804 cipher.login.uris = this.makeUriArray(credential.url);
16805 cipher.notes += this.getValueOrDefault(credential.description, '');
16806 if (credential.otp != null) {
16807 cipher.login.totp = this.getValueOrDefault(credential.otp.secret);
16808 }
16809 if (credential.custom_fields != null) {
16810 credential.custom_fields.forEach((customField) => {
16811 switch (customField.field_type) {
16812 case 'text':
16813 case 'password':
16814 this.processKvp(cipher, customField.label, customField.value);
16815 break;
16816 }
16817 });
16818 }
16819 this.convertToNoteIfNeeded(cipher);
16820 this.cleanupCipher(cipher);
16821 result.ciphers.push(cipher);
16822 });
16823 if (this.organization) {
16824 this.moveFoldersToCollections(result);
16825 }
16826 result.success = true;
16827 return result;
16828 }
16831// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/importers/passpackCsvImporter.ts
16835class passpackCsvImporter_PasspackCsvImporter extends baseImporter_BaseImporter {
16836 parse(data) {
16837 const result = new ImportResult();
16838 const results = this.parseCsv(data, true);
16839 if (results == null) {
16840 result.success = false;
16841 return result;
16842 }
16843 results.forEach((value) => {
16844 const tagsJson = !this.isNullOrWhitespace(value.Tags) ? JSON.parse(value.Tags) : null;
16845 const tags = tagsJson != null && tagsJson.tags != null && tagsJson.tags.length > 0 ?
16846 tagsJson.tags.map((tagJson) => {
16847 try {
16848 const t = JSON.parse(tagJson);
16849 return this.getValueOrDefault(t.tag);
16850 }
16851 catch (_a) { }
16852 return null;
16853 }).filter((t) => !this.isNullOrWhitespace(t)) : null;
16854 if (this.organization && tags != null && tags.length > 0) {
16855 tags.forEach((tag) => {
16856 let addCollection = true;
16857 let collectionIndex = result.collections.length;
16858 for (let i = 0; i < result.collections.length; i++) {
16859 if (result.collections[i].name === tag) {
16860 addCollection = false;
16861 collectionIndex = i;
16862 break;
16863 }
16864 }
16865 if (addCollection) {
16866 const collection = new collectionView_CollectionView();
16867 collection.name = tag;
16868 result.collections.push(collection);
16869 }
16870 result.collectionRelationships.push([result.ciphers.length, collectionIndex]);
16871 });
16872 }
16873 else if (!this.organization && tags != null && tags.length > 0) {
16874 this.processFolder(result, tags[0]);
16875 }
16876 const cipher = this.initLoginCipher();
16877 cipher.notes = this.getValueOrDefault(value.Notes, '');
16878 cipher.notes += ('\n\n' + this.getValueOrDefault(value['Shared Notes'], '') + '\n');
16879 cipher.name = this.getValueOrDefault(value['Entry Name'], '--');
16880 cipher.login.username = this.getValueOrDefault(value['User ID']);
16881 cipher.login.password = this.getValueOrDefault(value.Password);
16882 cipher.login.uris = this.makeUriArray(value.URL);
16883 if (value.__parsed_extra != null && value.__parsed_extra.length > 0) {
16884 value.__parsed_extra.forEach((extra) => {
16885 if (!this.isNullOrWhitespace(extra)) {
16886 cipher.notes += ('\n' + extra);
16887 }
16888 });
16889 }
16890 const fieldsJson = !this.isNullOrWhitespace(value['Extra Fields']) ?
16891 JSON.parse(value['Extra Fields']) : null;
16892 const fields = fieldsJson != null && fieldsJson.extraFields != null &&
16893 fieldsJson.extraFields.length > 0 ? fieldsJson.extraFields.map((fieldJson) => {
16894 try {
16895 return JSON.parse(fieldJson);
16896 }
16897 catch (_a) { }
16898 return null;
16899 }) : null;
16900 if (fields != null) {
16901 fields.forEach((f) => {
16902 if (f != null) {
16903 this.processKvp(cipher, f.name, f.data);
16904 }
16905 });
16906 }
16907 this.cleanupCipher(cipher);
16908 result.ciphers.push(cipher);
16909 });
16910 result.success = true;
16911 return result;
16912 }
16915// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/importers/passwordAgentCsvImporter.ts
16918class passwordAgentCsvImporter_PasswordAgentCsvImporter extends baseImporter_BaseImporter {
16919 parse(data) {
16920 const result = new ImportResult();
16921 const results = this.parseCsv(data, false);
16922 if (results == null) {
16923 result.success = false;
16924 return result;
16925 }
16926 let newVersion = true;
16927 results.forEach((value) => {
16928 if (value.length !== 5 && value.length < 9) {
16929 return;
16930 }
16931 const altFormat = value.length === 10 && value[0] === '0';
16932 const cipher = this.initLoginCipher();
16933 cipher.name = this.getValueOrDefault(value[altFormat ? 1 : 0], '--');
16934 cipher.login.username = this.getValueOrDefault(value[altFormat ? 2 : 1]);
16935 cipher.login.password = this.getValueOrDefault(value[altFormat ? 3 : 2]);
16936 if (value.length === 5) {
16937 newVersion = false;
16938 cipher.notes = this.getValueOrDefault(value[4]);
16939 cipher.login.uris = this.makeUriArray(value[3]);
16940 }
16941 else {
16942 const folder = this.getValueOrDefault(value[altFormat ? 9 : 8], '(None)');
16943 let folderName = folder !== '(None)' ? folder.split('\\').join('/') : null;
16944 if (folderName != null) {
16945 folderName = folder.split(' > ').join('/');
16946 folderName = folder.split('>').join('/');
16947 }
16948 this.processFolder(result, folderName);
16949 cipher.notes = this.getValueOrDefault(value[altFormat ? 5 : 3]);
16950 cipher.login.uris = this.makeUriArray(value[4]);
16951 }
16952 this.convertToNoteIfNeeded(cipher);
16953 this.cleanupCipher(cipher);
16954 result.ciphers.push(cipher);
16955 });
16956 if (newVersion && this.organization) {
16957 this.moveFoldersToCollections(result);
16958 }
16959 result.success = true;
16960 return result;
16961 }
16964// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/importers/passwordBossJsonImporter.ts
16970class passwordBossJsonImporter_PasswordBossJsonImporter extends baseImporter_BaseImporter {
16971 parse(data) {
16972 const result = new ImportResult();
16973 const results = JSON.parse(data);
16974 if (results == null || results.items == null) {
16975 result.success = false;
16976 return result;
16977 }
16978 const foldersMap = new Map();
16979 results.folders.forEach((value) => {
16980 foldersMap.set(value.id, value.name);
16981 });
16982 const foldersIndexMap = new Map();
16983 foldersMap.forEach((val, key) => {
16984 foldersIndexMap.set(key, result.folders.length);
16985 const f = new FolderView();
16986 f.name = val;
16987 result.folders.push(f);
16988 });
16989 results.items.forEach((value) => {
16990 const cipher = this.initLoginCipher();
16991 cipher.name = this.getValueOrDefault(value.name, '--');
16992 cipher.login.uris = this.makeUriArray(value.login_url);
16993 if (value.folder != null && foldersIndexMap.has(value.folder)) {
16994 result.folderRelationships.push([result.ciphers.length, foldersIndexMap.get(value.folder)]);
16995 }
16996 if (value.identifiers == null) {
16997 return;
16998 }
16999 if (!this.isNullOrWhitespace(value.identifiers.notes)) {
17000 cipher.notes = value.identifiers.notes.split('\\r\\n').join('\n').split('\\n').join('\n');
17001 }
17002 if (value.type === 'CreditCard') {
17003 cipher.card = new CardView();
17004 cipher.type = CipherType.Card;
17005 }
17006 for (const property in value.identifiers) {
17007 if (!value.identifiers.hasOwnProperty(property)) {
17008 continue;
17009 }
17010 const valObj = value.identifiers[property];
17011 const val = valObj != null ? valObj.toString() : null;
17012 if (this.isNullOrWhitespace(val) || property === 'notes' || property === 'ignoreItemInSecurityScore') {
17013 continue;
17014 }
17015 if (property === 'custom_fields') {
17016 valObj.forEach((cf) => {
17017 this.processKvp(cipher, cf.name, cf.value);
17018 });
17019 continue;
17020 }
17021 if (cipher.type === CipherType.Card) {
17022 if (property === 'cardNumber') {
17023 cipher.card.number = val;
17024 cipher.card.brand = this.getCardBrand(val);
17025 continue;
17026 }
17027 else if (property === 'nameOnCard') {
17028 cipher.card.cardholderName = val;
17029 continue;
17030 }
17031 else if (property === 'security_code') {
17032 cipher.card.code = val;
17033 continue;
17034 }
17035 else if (property === 'expires') {
17036 try {
17037 const expDate = new Date(val);
17038 cipher.card.expYear = expDate.getFullYear().toString();
17039 cipher.card.expMonth = (expDate.getMonth() + 1).toString();
17040 }
17041 catch (_a) { }
17042 continue;
17043 }
17044 else if (property === 'cardType') {
17045 continue;
17046 }
17047 }
17048 else {
17049 if ((property === 'username' || property === 'email') &&
17050 this.isNullOrWhitespace(cipher.login.username)) {
17051 cipher.login.username = val;
17052 continue;
17053 }
17054 else if (property === 'password') {
17055 cipher.login.password = val;
17056 continue;
17057 }
17058 else if (property === 'totp') {
17059 cipher.login.totp = val;
17060 continue;
17061 }
17062 else if ((cipher.login.uris == null || cipher.login.uris.length === 0) &&
17063 this.uriFieldNames.indexOf(property) > -1) {
17064 cipher.login.uris = this.makeUriArray(val);
17065 continue;
17066 }
17067 }
17068 this.processKvp(cipher, property, val);
17069 }
17070 this.convertToNoteIfNeeded(cipher);
17071 this.cleanupCipher(cipher);
17072 result.ciphers.push(cipher);
17073 });
17074 result.success = true;
17075 return result;
17076 }
17079// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/importers/passwordDragonXmlImporter.ts
17082class passwordDragonXmlImporter_PasswordDragonXmlImporter extends baseImporter_BaseImporter {
17083 parse(data) {
17084 const result = new ImportResult();
17085 const doc = this.parseXml(data);
17086 if (doc == null) {
17087 result.success = false;
17088 return result;
17089 }
17090 const records = doc.querySelectorAll('PasswordManager > record');
17091 Array.from(records).forEach((record) => {
17092 const category = this.querySelectorDirectChild(record, 'Category');
17093 const categoryText = category != null && !this.isNullOrWhitespace(category.textContent) &&
17094 category.textContent !== 'Unfiled' ? category.textContent : null;
17095 this.processFolder(result, categoryText);
17096 const accountName = this.querySelectorDirectChild(record, 'Account-Name');
17097 const userId = this.querySelectorDirectChild(record, 'User-Id');
17098 const password = this.querySelectorDirectChild(record, 'Password');
17099 const url = this.querySelectorDirectChild(record, 'URL');
17100 const notes = this.querySelectorDirectChild(record, 'Notes');
17101 const cipher = this.initLoginCipher();
17102 cipher.name = accountName != null ? this.getValueOrDefault(accountName.textContent, '--') : '--';
17103 cipher.notes = notes != null ? this.getValueOrDefault(notes.textContent) : '';
17104 cipher.login.username = userId != null ? this.getValueOrDefault(userId.textContent) : null;
17105 cipher.login.password = password != null ? this.getValueOrDefault(password.textContent) : null;
17106 cipher.login.uris = url != null ? this.makeUriArray(url.textContent) : null;
17107 const attributes = [];
17108 for (let i = 1; i <= 10; i++) {
17109 attributes.push('Attribute-' + i);
17110 }
17111 this.querySelectorAllDirectChild(record, attributes.join(',')).forEach((attr) => {
17112 if (this.isNullOrWhitespace(attr.textContent) || attr.textContent === 'null') {
17113 return;
17114 }
17115 this.processKvp(cipher, attr.tagName, attr.textContent);
17116 });
17117 this.cleanupCipher(cipher);
17118 result.ciphers.push(cipher);
17119 });
17120 if (this.organization) {
17121 this.moveFoldersToCollections(result);
17122 }
17123 result.success = true;
17124 return result;
17125 }
17128// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/importers/passwordSafeXmlImporter.ts
17131class passwordSafeXmlImporter_PasswordSafeXmlImporter extends baseImporter_BaseImporter {
17132 parse(data) {
17133 const result = new ImportResult();
17134 const doc = this.parseXml(data);
17135 if (doc == null) {
17136 result.success = false;
17137 return result;
17138 }
17139 const passwordSafe = doc.querySelector('passwordsafe');
17140 if (passwordSafe == null) {
17141 result.errorMessage = 'Missing `passwordsafe` node.';
17142 result.success = false;
17143 return result;
17144 }
17145 const notesDelimiter = passwordSafe.getAttribute('delimiter');
17146 const entries = doc.querySelectorAll('passwordsafe > entry');
17147 Array.from(entries).forEach((entry) => {
17148 const group = this.querySelectorDirectChild(entry, 'group');
17149 const groupText = group != null && !this.isNullOrWhitespace(group.textContent) ?
17150 group.textContent.split('.').join('/') : null;
17151 this.processFolder(result, groupText);
17152 const title = this.querySelectorDirectChild(entry, 'title');
17153 const username = this.querySelectorDirectChild(entry, 'username');
17154 const email = this.querySelectorDirectChild(entry, 'email');
17155 const password = this.querySelectorDirectChild(entry, 'password');
17156 const url = this.querySelectorDirectChild(entry, 'url');
17157 const notes = this.querySelectorDirectChild(entry, 'notes');
17158 const cipher = this.initLoginCipher();
17159 cipher.name = title != null ? this.getValueOrDefault(title.textContent, '--') : '--';
17160 cipher.notes = notes != null ?
17161 this.getValueOrDefault(notes.textContent, '').split(notesDelimiter).join('\n') : null;
17162 cipher.login.username = username != null ? this.getValueOrDefault(username.textContent) : null;
17163 cipher.login.password = password != null ? this.getValueOrDefault(password.textContent) : null;
17164 cipher.login.uris = url != null ? this.makeUriArray(url.textContent) : null;
17165 if (this.isNullOrWhitespace(cipher.login.username) && email != null) {
17166 cipher.login.username = this.getValueOrDefault(email.textContent);
17167 }
17168 else if (email != null && !this.isNullOrWhitespace(email.textContent)) {
17169 cipher.notes = this.isNullOrWhitespace(cipher.notes) ? 'Email: ' + email.textContent
17170 : (cipher.notes + '\n' + 'Email: ' + email.textContent);
17171 }
17172 this.cleanupCipher(cipher);
17173 result.ciphers.push(cipher);
17174 });
17175 if (this.organization) {
17176 this.moveFoldersToCollections(result);
17177 }
17178 result.success = true;
17179 return result;
17180 }
17183// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/importers/passwordWalletTxtImporter.ts
17186class passwordWalletTxtImporter_PasswordWalletTxtImporter extends baseImporter_BaseImporter {
17187 parse(data) {
17188 const result = new ImportResult();
17189 const results = this.parseCsv(data, false);
17190 if (results == null) {
17191 result.success = false;
17192 return result;
17193 }
17194 results.forEach((value) => {
17195 if (value.length < 1) {
17196 return;
17197 }
17198 if (value.length > 5) {
17199 this.processFolder(result, value[5]);
17200 }
17201 const cipher = this.initLoginCipher();
17202 cipher.name = this.getValueOrDefault(value[0], '--');
17203 if (value.length > 4) {
17204 cipher.notes = this.getValueOrDefault(value[4], '').split('¬').join('\n');
17205 }
17206 if (value.length > 2) {
17207 cipher.login.username = this.getValueOrDefault(value[2]);
17208 }
17209 if (value.length > 3) {
17210 cipher.login.password = this.getValueOrDefault(value[3]);
17211 }
17212 if (value.length > 1) {
17213 cipher.login.uris = this.makeUriArray(value[1]);
17214 }
17215 this.cleanupCipher(cipher);
17216 result.ciphers.push(cipher);
17217 });
17218 if (this.organization) {
17219 this.moveFoldersToCollections(result);
17220 }
17221 result.success = true;
17222 return result;
17223 }
17226// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/importers/rememBearCsvImporter.ts
17231class rememBearCsvImporter_RememBearCsvImporter extends baseImporter_BaseImporter {
17232 parse(data) {
17233 const result = new ImportResult();
17234 const results = this.parseCsv(data, true);
17235 if (results == null) {
17236 result.success = false;
17237 return result;
17238 }
17239 results.forEach((value) => {
17240 if (value.trash === 'true') {
17241 return;
17242 }
17243 const cipher = this.initLoginCipher();
17244 cipher.name = this.getValueOrDefault(value.name);
17245 cipher.notes = this.getValueOrDefault(value.notes);
17246 if (value.type === 'LoginItem') {
17247 cipher.login.uris = this.makeUriArray(value.website);
17248 cipher.login.password = this.getValueOrDefault(value.password);
17249 cipher.login.username = this.getValueOrDefault(value.username);
17250 }
17251 else if (value.type === 'CreditCardItem') {
17252 cipher.type = CipherType.Card;
17253 cipher.card = new CardView();
17254 cipher.card.cardholderName = this.getValueOrDefault(value.cardholder);
17255 cipher.card.number = this.getValueOrDefault(value.number);
17256 cipher.card.brand = this.getCardBrand(cipher.card.number);
17257 cipher.card.code = this.getValueOrDefault(value.verification);
17258 try {
17259 const expMonth = this.getValueOrDefault(value.expiryMonth);
17260 if (expMonth != null) {
17261 const expMonthNumber = parseInt(expMonth, null);
17262 if (expMonthNumber != null && expMonthNumber >= 1 && expMonthNumber <= 12) {
17263 cipher.card.expMonth = expMonthNumber.toString();
17264 }
17265 }
17266 }
17267 catch (_a) { }
17268 try {
17269 const expYear = this.getValueOrDefault(value.expiryYear);
17270 if (expYear != null) {
17271 const expYearNumber = parseInt(expYear, null);
17272 if (expYearNumber != null) {
17273 cipher.card.expYear = expYearNumber.toString();
17274 }
17275 }
17276 }
17277 catch (_b) { }
17278 const pin = this.getValueOrDefault(value.pin);
17279 if (pin != null) {
17280 this.processKvp(cipher, 'PIN', pin);
17281 }
17282 const zip = this.getValueOrDefault(value.zipCode);
17283 if (zip != null) {
17284 this.processKvp(cipher, 'Zip Code', zip);
17285 }
17286 }
17287 this.cleanupCipher(cipher);
17288 result.ciphers.push(cipher);
17289 });
17290 result.success = true;
17291 return result;
17292 }
17295// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/importers/roboformCsvImporter.ts
17298class roboformCsvImporter_RoboFormCsvImporter extends baseImporter_BaseImporter {
17299 parse(data) {
17300 const result = new ImportResult();
17301 const results = this.parseCsv(data, true);
17302 if (results == null) {
17303 result.success = false;
17304 return result;
17305 }
17306 let i = 1;
17307 results.forEach((value) => {
17308 const folder = !this.isNullOrWhitespace(value.Folder) && value.Folder.startsWith('/') ?
17309 value.Folder.replace('/', '') : value.Folder;
17310 const folderName = !this.isNullOrWhitespace(folder) ? folder : null;
17311 this.processFolder(result, folderName);
17312 const cipher = this.initLoginCipher();
17313 cipher.notes = this.getValueOrDefault(value.Note);
17314 cipher.name = this.getValueOrDefault(value.Name, '--');
17315 cipher.login.username = this.getValueOrDefault(value.Login);
17316 cipher.login.password = this.getValueOrDefault(value.Pwd);
17317 cipher.login.uris = this.makeUriArray(value.Url);
17318 if (!this.isNullOrWhitespace(value.Rf_fields)) {
17319 let fields = [value.Rf_fields];
17320 if (value.__parsed_extra != null && value.__parsed_extra.length > 0) {
17321 fields = fields.concat(value.__parsed_extra);
17322 }
17323 fields.forEach((field) => {
17324 const parts = field.split(':');
17325 if (parts.length < 3) {
17326 return;
17327 }
17328 const key = parts[0] === '-no-name-' ? null : parts[0];
17329 const val = parts.length === 4 && parts[2] === 'rck' ? parts[1] : parts[2];
17330 this.processKvp(cipher, key, val);
17331 });
17332 }
17333 this.convertToNoteIfNeeded(cipher);
17334 this.cleanupCipher(cipher);
17335 if (i === results.length && cipher.name === '--' && this.isNullOrWhitespace(cipher.login.password)) {
17336 return;
17337 }
17338 result.ciphers.push(cipher);
17339 i++;
17340 });
17341 if (this.organization) {
17342 this.moveFoldersToCollections(result);
17343 }
17344 result.success = true;
17345 return result;
17346 }
17349// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/importers/safeInCloudXmlImporter.ts
17356class safeInCloudXmlImporter_SafeInCloudXmlImporter extends baseImporter_BaseImporter {
17357 parse(data) {
17358 const result = new ImportResult();
17359 const doc = this.parseXml(data);
17360 if (doc == null) {
17361 result.success = false;
17362 return result;
17363 }
17364 const db = doc.querySelector('database');
17365 if (db == null) {
17366 result.errorMessage = 'Missing `database` node.';
17367 result.success = false;
17368 return result;
17369 }
17370 const foldersMap = new Map();
17371 Array.from(doc.querySelectorAll('database > label')).forEach((labelEl) => {
17372 const name = labelEl.getAttribute('name');
17373 const id = labelEl.getAttribute('id');
17374 if (!this.isNullOrWhitespace(name) && !this.isNullOrWhitespace(id)) {
17375 foldersMap.set(id, result.folders.length);
17376 const folder = new FolderView();
17377 folder.name = name;
17378 result.folders.push(folder);
17379 }
17380 });
17381 Array.from(doc.querySelectorAll('database > card')).forEach((cardEl) => {
17382 if (cardEl.getAttribute('template') === 'true') {
17383 return;
17384 }
17385 const labelIdEl = this.querySelectorDirectChild(cardEl, 'label_id');
17386 if (labelIdEl != null) {
17387 const labelId = labelIdEl.textContent;
17388 if (!this.isNullOrWhitespace(labelId) && foldersMap.has(labelId)) {
17389 result.folderRelationships.push([result.ciphers.length, foldersMap.get(labelId)]);
17390 }
17391 }
17392 const cipher = this.initLoginCipher();
17393 cipher.name = this.getValueOrDefault(cardEl.getAttribute('title'), '--');
17394 const cardType = cardEl.getAttribute('type');
17395 if (cardType === 'note') {
17396 cipher.type = CipherType.SecureNote;
17397 cipher.secureNote = new SecureNoteView();
17398 cipher.secureNote.type = SecureNoteType.Generic;
17399 }
17400 else {
17401 Array.from(this.querySelectorAllDirectChild(cardEl, 'field')).forEach((fieldEl) => {
17402 const text = fieldEl.textContent;
17403 if (this.isNullOrWhitespace(text)) {
17404 return;
17405 }
17406 const name = fieldEl.getAttribute('name');
17407 const fieldType = this.getValueOrDefault(fieldEl.getAttribute('type'), '').toLowerCase();
17408 if (fieldType === 'login') {
17409 cipher.login.username = text;
17410 }
17411 else if (fieldType === 'password') {
17412 cipher.login.password = text;
17413 }
17414 else if (fieldType === 'one_time_password') {
17415 cipher.login.totp = text;
17416 }
17417 else if (fieldType === 'notes') {
17418 cipher.notes += (text + '\n');
17419 }
17420 else if (fieldType === 'weblogin' || fieldType === 'website') {
17421 cipher.login.uris = this.makeUriArray(text);
17422 }
17423 else {
17424 this.processKvp(cipher, name, text);
17425 }
17426 });
17427 }
17428 Array.from(this.querySelectorAllDirectChild(cardEl, 'notes')).forEach((notesEl) => {
17429 cipher.notes += (notesEl.textContent + '\n');
17430 });
17431 this.cleanupCipher(cipher);
17432 result.ciphers.push(cipher);
17433 });
17434 if (this.organization) {
17435 this.moveFoldersToCollections(result);
17436 }
17437 result.success = true;
17438 return result;
17439 }
17442// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/importers/saferpassCsvImport.ts
17445class saferpassCsvImport_SaferPassCsvImporter extends baseImporter_BaseImporter {
17446 parse(data) {
17447 const result = new ImportResult();
17448 const results = this.parseCsv(data, true);
17449 if (results == null) {
17450 result.success = false;
17451 return result;
17452 }
17453 results.forEach((value) => {
17454 const cipher = this.initLoginCipher();
17455 cipher.name = this.getValueOrDefault(this.nameFromUrl(value.url), '--');
17456 cipher.notes = this.getValueOrDefault(value.notes);
17457 cipher.login.username = this.getValueOrDefault(value.username);
17458 cipher.login.password = this.getValueOrDefault(value.password);
17459 cipher.login.uris = this.makeUriArray(value.url);
17460 this.cleanupCipher(cipher);
17461 result.ciphers.push(cipher);
17462 });
17463 result.success = true;
17464 return result;
17465 }
17468// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/importers/secureSafeCsvImporter.ts
17471class secureSafeCsvImporter_SecureSafeCsvImporter extends baseImporter_BaseImporter {
17472 parse(data) {
17473 const result = new ImportResult();
17474 const results = this.parseCsv(data, true);
17475 if (results == null) {
17476 result.success = false;
17477 return result;
17478 }
17479 results.forEach((value) => {
17480 const cipher = this.initLoginCipher();
17481 cipher.name = this.getValueOrDefault(value.Title);
17482 cipher.notes = this.getValueOrDefault(value.Comment);
17483 cipher.login.uris = this.makeUriArray(value.Url);
17484 cipher.login.password = this.getValueOrDefault(value.Password);
17485 cipher.login.username = this.getValueOrDefault(value.Username);
17486 this.cleanupCipher(cipher);
17487 result.ciphers.push(cipher);
17488 });
17489 result.success = true;
17490 return result;
17491 }
17494// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/importers/splashIdCsvImporter.ts
17497class splashIdCsvImporter_SplashIdCsvImporter extends baseImporter_BaseImporter {
17498 parse(data) {
17499 const result = new ImportResult();
17500 const results = this.parseCsv(data, false);
17501 if (results == null) {
17502 result.success = false;
17503 return result;
17504 }
17505 results.forEach((value) => {
17506 if (value.length < 3) {
17507 return;
17508 }
17509 this.processFolder(result, this.getValueOrDefault(value[value.length - 1]));
17510 const cipher = this.initLoginCipher();
17511 cipher.notes = this.getValueOrDefault(value[value.length - 2], '');
17512 cipher.name = this.getValueOrDefault(value[1], '--');
17513 if (value[0] === 'Web Logins' || value[0] === 'Servers' || value[0] === 'Email Accounts') {
17514 cipher.login.username = this.getValueOrDefault(value[2]);
17515 cipher.login.password = this.getValueOrDefault(value[3]);
17516 cipher.login.uris = this.makeUriArray(value[4]);
17517 this.parseFieldsToNotes(cipher, 5, value);
17518 }
17519 else {
17520 this.parseFieldsToNotes(cipher, 2, value);
17521 }
17522 this.convertToNoteIfNeeded(cipher);
17523 this.cleanupCipher(cipher);
17524 result.ciphers.push(cipher);
17525 });
17526 if (this.organization) {
17527 this.moveFoldersToCollections(result);
17528 }
17529 result.success = true;
17530 return result;
17531 }
17532 parseFieldsToNotes(cipher, startIndex, value) {
17533 // last 3 rows do not get parsed
17534 for (let i = startIndex; i < value.length - 3; i++) {
17535 if (this.isNullOrWhitespace(value[i])) {
17536 continue;
17537 }
17538 cipher.notes += (value[i] + '\n');
17539 }
17540 }
17543// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/importers/stickyPasswordXmlImporter.ts
17546class stickyPasswordXmlImporter_StickyPasswordXmlImporter extends baseImporter_BaseImporter {
17547 parse(data) {
17548 const result = new ImportResult();
17549 const doc = this.parseXml(data);
17550 if (doc == null) {
17551 result.success = false;
17552 return result;
17553 }
17554 const loginNodes = doc.querySelectorAll('root > Database > Logins > Login');
17555 Array.from(loginNodes).forEach((loginNode) => {
17556 const accountId = loginNode.getAttribute('ID');
17557 if (this.isNullOrWhitespace(accountId)) {
17558 return;
17559 }
17560 const usernameText = loginNode.getAttribute('Name');
17561 const passwordText = loginNode.getAttribute('Password');
17562 let titleText = null;
17563 let linkText = null;
17564 let notesText = null;
17565 let groupId = null;
17566 let groupText = null;
17567 const accountLogin = doc.querySelector('root > Database > Accounts > Account > ' +
17568 'LoginLinks > Login[SourceLoginID="' + accountId + '"]');
17569 if (accountLogin != null) {
17570 const account = accountLogin.parentElement.parentElement;
17571 if (account != null) {
17572 titleText = account.getAttribute('Name');
17573 linkText = account.getAttribute('Link');
17574 groupId = account.getAttribute('ParentID');
17575 notesText = account.getAttribute('Comments');
17576 if (!this.isNullOrWhitespace(notesText)) {
17577 notesText = notesText.split('/n').join('\n');
17578 }
17579 }
17580 }
17581 if (!this.isNullOrWhitespace(groupId)) {
17582 groupText = this.buildGroupText(doc, groupId, '');
17583 this.processFolder(result, groupText);
17584 }
17585 const cipher = this.initLoginCipher();
17586 cipher.name = this.getValueOrDefault(titleText, '--');
17587 cipher.notes = this.getValueOrDefault(notesText);
17588 cipher.login.username = this.getValueOrDefault(usernameText);
17589 cipher.login.password = this.getValueOrDefault(passwordText);
17590 cipher.login.uris = this.makeUriArray(linkText);
17591 this.cleanupCipher(cipher);
17592 result.ciphers.push(cipher);
17593 });
17594 if (this.organization) {
17595 this.moveFoldersToCollections(result);
17596 }
17597 result.success = true;
17598 return result;
17599 }
17600 buildGroupText(doc, groupId, groupText) {
17601 const group = doc.querySelector('root > Database > Groups > Group[ID="' + groupId + '"]');
17602 if (group == null) {
17603 return groupText;
17604 }
17605 if (!this.isNullOrWhitespace(groupText)) {
17606 groupText = '/' + groupText;
17607 }
17608 groupText = group.getAttribute('Name') + groupText;
17609 return this.buildGroupText(doc, group.getAttribute('ParentID'), groupText);
17610 }
17613// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/importers/truekeyCsvImporter.ts
17620const PropertiesToIgnore = ['kind', 'autologin', 'favorite', 'hexcolor', 'protectedwithpassword', 'subdomainonly',
17621 'type', 'tk_export_version', 'note', 'title', 'document_content',
17623class truekeyCsvImporter_TrueKeyCsvImporter extends baseImporter_BaseImporter {
17624 parse(data) {
17625 const result = new ImportResult();
17626 const results = this.parseCsv(data, true);
17627 if (results == null) {
17628 result.success = false;
17629 return result;
17630 }
17631 results.forEach((value) => {
17632 const cipher = this.initLoginCipher();
17633 cipher.favorite = this.getValueOrDefault(value.favorite, '').toLowerCase() === 'true';
17634 cipher.name = this.getValueOrDefault(value.name, '--');
17635 cipher.notes = this.getValueOrDefault(value.memo, '');
17636 cipher.login.username = this.getValueOrDefault(value.login);
17637 cipher.login.password = this.getValueOrDefault(value.password);
17638 cipher.login.uris = this.makeUriArray(value.url);
17639 if (value.kind !== 'login') {
17640 cipher.name = this.getValueOrDefault(value.title, '--');
17641 cipher.notes = this.getValueOrDefault(value.note, '');
17642 }
17643 if (value.kind === 'cc') {
17644 cipher.type = CipherType.Card;
17645 cipher.card = new CardView();
17646 cipher.card.cardholderName = this.getValueOrDefault(value.cardholder);
17647 cipher.card.number = this.getValueOrDefault(value.number);
17648 cipher.card.brand = this.getCardBrand(cipher.card.number);
17649 if (!this.isNullOrWhitespace(value.expiryDate)) {
17650 try {
17651 const expDate = new Date(value.expiryDate);
17652 cipher.card.expYear = expDate.getFullYear().toString();
17653 cipher.card.expMonth = (expDate.getMonth() + 1).toString();
17654 }
17655 catch (_a) { }
17656 }
17657 }
17658 else if (value.kind !== 'login') {
17659 cipher.type = CipherType.SecureNote;
17660 cipher.secureNote = new SecureNoteView();
17661 cipher.secureNote.type = SecureNoteType.Generic;
17662 if (!this.isNullOrWhitespace(cipher.notes)) {
17663 cipher.notes = this.getValueOrDefault(value.document_content, '');
17664 }
17665 for (const property in value) {
17666 if (value.hasOwnProperty(property) && PropertiesToIgnore.indexOf(property.toLowerCase()) < 0 &&
17667 !this.isNullOrWhitespace(value[property])) {
17668 this.processKvp(cipher, property, value[property]);
17669 }
17670 }
17671 }
17672 this.cleanupCipher(cipher);
17673 result.ciphers.push(cipher);
17674 });
17675 result.success = true;
17676 return result;
17677 }
17680// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/importers/upmCsvImporter.ts
17683class upmCsvImporter_UpmCsvImporter extends baseImporter_BaseImporter {
17684 parse(data) {
17685 const result = new ImportResult();
17686 const results = this.parseCsv(data, false);
17687 if (results == null) {
17688 result.success = false;
17689 return result;
17690 }
17691 results.forEach((value) => {
17692 if (value.length !== 5) {
17693 return;
17694 }
17695 const cipher = this.initLoginCipher();
17696 cipher.name = this.getValueOrDefault(value[0], '--');
17697 cipher.notes = this.getValueOrDefault(value[4]);
17698 cipher.login.username = this.getValueOrDefault(value[1]);
17699 cipher.login.password = this.getValueOrDefault(value[2]);
17700 cipher.login.uris = this.makeUriArray(value[3]);
17701 this.cleanupCipher(cipher);
17702 result.ciphers.push(cipher);
17703 });
17704 result.success = true;
17705 return result;
17706 }
17709// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/importers/zohoVaultCsvImporter.ts
17712class zohoVaultCsvImporter_ZohoVaultCsvImporter extends baseImporter_BaseImporter {
17713 parse(data) {
17714 const result = new ImportResult();
17715 const results = this.parseCsv(data, true);
17716 if (results == null) {
17717 result.success = false;
17718 return result;
17719 }
17720 results.forEach((value) => {
17721 if (this.isNullOrWhitespace(value['Password Name']) && this.isNullOrWhitespace(value['Secret Name'])) {
17722 return;
17723 }
17724 this.processFolder(result, this.getValueOrDefault(value.ChamberName));
17725 const cipher = this.initLoginCipher();
17726 cipher.favorite = this.getValueOrDefault(value.Favorite, '0') === '1';
17727 cipher.notes = this.getValueOrDefault(value.Notes);
17728 cipher.name = this.getValueOrDefault(value['Password Name'], this.getValueOrDefault(value['Secret Name'], '--'));
17729 cipher.login.uris = this.makeUriArray(this.getValueOrDefault(value['Password URL'], this.getValueOrDefault(value['Secret URL'])));
17730 this.parseData(cipher, value.SecretData);
17731 this.parseData(cipher, value.CustomData);
17732 this.convertToNoteIfNeeded(cipher);
17733 this.cleanupCipher(cipher);
17734 result.ciphers.push(cipher);
17735 });
17736 if (this.organization) {
17737 this.moveFoldersToCollections(result);
17738 }
17739 result.success = true;
17740 return result;
17741 }
17742 parseData(cipher, data) {
17743 if (this.isNullOrWhitespace(data)) {
17744 return;
17745 }
17746 const dataLines = this.splitNewLine(data);
17747 dataLines.forEach((line) => {
17748 const delimPosition = line.indexOf(':');
17749 if (delimPosition < 0) {
17750 return;
17751 }
17752 const field = line.substring(0, delimPosition);
17753 const value = line.length > delimPosition ? line.substring(delimPosition + 1) : null;
17754 if (this.isNullOrWhitespace(field) || this.isNullOrWhitespace(value) || field === 'SecretType') {
17755 return;
17756 }
17757 const fieldLower = field.toLowerCase();
17758 if (cipher.login.username == null && this.usernameFieldNames.indexOf(fieldLower) > -1) {
17759 cipher.login.username = value;
17760 }
17761 else if (cipher.login.password == null && this.passwordFieldNames.indexOf(fieldLower) > -1) {
17762 cipher.login.password = value;
17763 }
17764 else {
17765 this.processKvp(cipher, field, value);
17766 }
17767 });
17768 }
17771// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/services/import.service.ts
17772var import_service_awaiter = (undefined && undefined.__awaiter) || function (thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) {
17773 return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) {
17774 function fulfilled(value) { try { step(generator.next(value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
17775 function rejected(value) { try { step(generator["throw"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
17776 function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(result.value); }).then(fulfilled, rejected); }
17777 step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next());
17778 });
17837class import_service_ImportService {
17838 constructor(cipherService, folderService, apiService, i18nService, collectionService) {
17839 this.cipherService = cipherService;
17840 this.folderService = folderService;
17841 this.apiService = apiService;
17842 this.i18nService = i18nService;
17843 this.collectionService = collectionService;
17844 this.featuredImportOptions = [
17845 { id: 'bitwardenjson', name: 'Bitwarden (json)' },
17846 { id: 'bitwardencsv', name: 'Bitwarden (csv)' },
17847 { id: 'lastpasscsv', name: 'LastPass (csv)' },
17848 { id: 'chromecsv', name: 'Chrome (csv)' },
17849 { id: 'firefoxcsv', name: 'Firefox (csv)' },
17850 { id: 'keepass2xml', name: 'KeePass 2 (xml)' },
17851 { id: '1password1pif', name: '1Password (1pif)' },
17852 { id: 'dashlanejson', name: 'Dashlane (json)' },
17853 ];
17854 this.regularImportOptions = [
17855 { id: 'keepassxcsv', name: 'KeePassX (csv)' },
17856 { id: '1passwordwincsv', name: '1Password 6 and 7 Windows (csv)' },
17857 { id: 'roboformcsv', name: 'RoboForm (csv)' },
17858 { id: 'keepercsv', name: 'Keeper (csv)' },
17859 { id: 'enpasscsv', name: 'Enpass (csv)' },
17860 { id: 'enpassjson', name: 'Enpass (json)' },
17861 { id: 'safeincloudxml', name: 'SafeInCloud (xml)' },
17862 { id: 'pwsafexml', name: 'Password Safe (xml)' },
17863 { id: 'stickypasswordxml', name: 'Sticky Password (xml)' },
17864 { id: 'msecurecsv', name: 'mSecure (csv)' },
17865 { id: 'truekeycsv', name: 'True Key (csv)' },
17866 { id: 'passwordbossjson', name: 'Password Boss (json)' },
17867 { id: 'zohovaultcsv', name: 'Zoho Vault (csv)' },
17868 { id: 'splashidcsv', name: 'SplashID (csv)' },
17869 { id: 'passworddragonxml', name: 'Password Dragon (xml)' },
17870 { id: 'padlockcsv', name: 'Padlock (csv)' },
17871 { id: 'passboltcsv', name: 'Passbolt (csv)' },
17872 { id: 'clipperzhtml', name: 'Clipperz (html)' },
17873 { id: 'aviracsv', name: 'Avira (csv)' },
17874 { id: 'saferpasscsv', name: 'SaferPass (csv)' },
17875 { id: 'upmcsv', name: 'Universal Password Manager (csv)' },
17876 { id: 'ascendocsv', name: 'Ascendo DataVault (csv)' },
17877 { id: 'meldiumcsv', name: 'Meldium (csv)' },
17878 { id: 'passkeepcsv', name: 'PassKeep (csv)' },
17879 { id: 'operacsv', name: 'Opera (csv)' },
17880 { id: 'vivaldicsv', name: 'Vivaldi (csv)' },
17881 { id: 'gnomejson', name: 'GNOME Passwords and Keys/Seahorse (json)' },
17882 { id: 'blurcsv', name: 'Blur (csv)' },
17883 { id: 'passwordagentcsv', name: 'Password Agent (csv)' },
17884 { id: 'passpackcsv', name: 'Passpack (csv)' },
17885 { id: 'passmanjson', name: 'Passman (json)' },
17886 { id: 'avastcsv', name: 'Avast Passwords (csv)' },
17887 { id: 'avastjson', name: 'Avast Passwords (json)' },
17888 { id: 'fsecurefsk', name: 'F-Secure KEY (fsk)' },
17889 { id: 'kasperskytxt', name: 'Kaspersky Password Manager (txt)' },
17890 { id: 'remembearcsv', name: 'RememBear (csv)' },
17891 { id: 'passwordwallettxt', name: 'PasswordWallet (txt)' },
17892 { id: 'mykicsv', name: 'Myki (csv)' },
17893 { id: 'securesafecsv', name: 'SecureSafe (csv)' },
17894 { id: 'logmeoncecsv', name: 'LogMeOnce (csv)' },
17895 { id: 'blackberrycsv', name: 'BlackBerry Password Keeper (csv)' },
17896 { id: 'buttercupcsv', name: 'Buttercup (csv)' },
17897 { id: 'codebookcsv', name: 'Codebook (csv)' },
17898 { id: 'encryptrcsv', name: 'Encryptr (csv)' },
17899 ];
17900 }
17901 getImportOptions() {
17902 return this.featuredImportOptions.concat(this.regularImportOptions);
17903 }
17904 import(importer, fileContents, organizationId = null) {
17905 return import_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
17906 const importResult = yield importer.parse(fileContents);
17907 if (importResult.success) {
17908 if (importResult.folders.length === 0 && importResult.ciphers.length === 0) {
17909 return new Error(this.i18nService.t('importNothingError'));
17910 }
17911 else if (importResult.ciphers.length > 0) {
17912 const halfway = Math.floor(importResult.ciphers.length / 2);
17913 const last = importResult.ciphers.length - 1;
17914 if (this.badData(importResult.ciphers[0]) &&
17915 this.badData(importResult.ciphers[halfway]) &&
17916 this.badData(importResult.ciphers[last])) {
17917 return new Error(this.i18nService.t('importFormatError'));
17918 }
17919 }
17920 yield this.postImport(importResult, organizationId);
17921 return null;
17922 }
17923 else {
17924 return new Error(this.i18nService.t('importFormatError'));
17925 }
17926 });
17927 }
17928 getImporter(format, organization = false) {
17929 const importer = this.getImporterInstance(format);
17930 if (importer == null) {
17931 return null;
17932 }
17933 importer.organization = organization;
17934 return importer;
17935 }
17936 getImporterInstance(format) {
17937 if (format == null || format === '') {
17938 return null;
17939 }
17940 switch (format) {
17941 case 'bitwardencsv':
17942 return new bitwardenCsvImporter_BitwardenCsvImporter();
17943 case 'bitwardenjson':
17944 return new bitwardenJsonImporter_BitwardenJsonImporter();
17945 case 'lastpasscsv':
17946 case 'passboltcsv':
17947 return new lastpassCsvImporter_LastPassCsvImporter();
17948 case 'keepassxcsv':
17949 return new keepassxCsvImporter_KeePassXCsvImporter();
17950 case 'aviracsv':
17951 return new aviraCsvImporter_AviraCsvImporter();
17952 case 'blurcsv':
17953 return new blurCsvImporter_BlurCsvImporter();
17954 case 'safeincloudxml':
17955 return new safeInCloudXmlImporter_SafeInCloudXmlImporter();
17956 case 'padlockcsv':
17957 return new padlockCsvImporter_PadlockCsvImporter();
17958 case 'keepass2xml':
17959 return new keepass2XmlImporter_KeePass2XmlImporter();
17960 case 'chromecsv':
17961 case 'operacsv':
17962 case 'vivaldicsv':
17963 return new chromeCsvImporter_ChromeCsvImporter();
17964 case 'firefoxcsv':
17965 return new firefoxCsvImporter_FirefoxCsvImporter();
17966 case 'upmcsv':
17967 return new upmCsvImporter_UpmCsvImporter();
17968 case 'saferpasscsv':
17969 return new saferpassCsvImport_SaferPassCsvImporter();
17970 case 'meldiumcsv':
17971 return new meldiumCsvImporter_MeldiumCsvImporter();
17972 case '1password1pif':
17973 return new onepassword1PifImporter_OnePassword1PifImporter();
17974 case '1passwordwincsv':
17975 return new onepasswordWinCsvImporter_OnePasswordWinCsvImporter();
17976 case 'keepercsv':
17977 return new keeperCsvImporter_KeeperCsvImporter();
17978 case 'passworddragonxml':
17979 return new passwordDragonXmlImporter_PasswordDragonXmlImporter();
17980 case 'enpasscsv':
17981 return new enpassCsvImporter_EnpassCsvImporter();
17982 case 'enpassjson':
17983 return new enpassJsonImporter_EnpassJsonImporter();
17984 case 'pwsafexml':
17985 return new passwordSafeXmlImporter_PasswordSafeXmlImporter();
17986 case 'dashlanejson':
17987 return new dashlaneJsonImporter_DashlaneJsonImporter();
17988 case 'msecurecsv':
17989 return new msecureCsvImporter_MSecureCsvImporter();
17990 case 'stickypasswordxml':
17991 return new stickyPasswordXmlImporter_StickyPasswordXmlImporter();
17992 case 'truekeycsv':
17993 return new truekeyCsvImporter_TrueKeyCsvImporter();
17994 case 'clipperzhtml':
17995 return new clipperzHtmlImporter_ClipperzHtmlImporter();
17996 case 'roboformcsv':
17997 return new roboformCsvImporter_RoboFormCsvImporter();
17998 case 'ascendocsv':
17999 return new ascendoCsvImporter_AscendoCsvImporter();
18000 case 'passwordbossjson':
18001 return new passwordBossJsonImporter_PasswordBossJsonImporter();
18002 case 'zohovaultcsv':
18003 return new zohoVaultCsvImporter_ZohoVaultCsvImporter();
18004 case 'splashidcsv':
18005 return new splashIdCsvImporter_SplashIdCsvImporter();
18006 case 'passkeepcsv':
18007 return new passkeepCsvImporter_PassKeepCsvImporter();
18008 case 'gnomejson':
18009 return new gnomeJsonImporter_GnomeJsonImporter();
18010 case 'passwordagentcsv':
18011 return new passwordAgentCsvImporter_PasswordAgentCsvImporter();
18012 case 'passpackcsv':
18013 return new passpackCsvImporter_PasspackCsvImporter();
18014 case 'passmanjson':
18015 return new passmanJsonImporter_PassmanJsonImporter();
18016 case 'avastcsv':
18017 return new avastCsvImporter_AvastCsvImporter();
18018 case 'avastjson':
18019 return new avastJsonImporter_AvastJsonImporter();
18020 case 'fsecurefsk':
18021 return new fsecureFskImporter_FSecureFskImporter();
18022 case 'kasperskytxt':
18023 return new kasperskyTxtImporter_KasperskyTxtImporter();
18024 case 'remembearcsv':
18025 return new rememBearCsvImporter_RememBearCsvImporter();
18026 case 'passwordwallettxt':
18027 return new passwordWalletTxtImporter_PasswordWalletTxtImporter();
18028 case 'mykicsv':
18029 return new mykiCsvImporter_MykiCsvImporter();
18030 case 'securesafecsv':
18031 return new secureSafeCsvImporter_SecureSafeCsvImporter();
18032 case 'logmeoncecsv':
18033 return new logMeOnceCsvImporter_LogMeOnceCsvImporter();
18034 case 'blackberrycsv':
18035 return new blackBerryCsvImporter_BlackBerryCsvImporter();
18036 case 'buttercupcsv':
18037 return new buttercupCsvImporter_ButtercupCsvImporter();
18038 case 'codebookcsv':
18039 return new codebookCsvImporter_CodebookCsvImporter();
18040 case 'encryptrcsv':
18041 return new encryptrCsvImporter_EncryptrCsvImporter();
18042 default:
18043 return null;
18044 }
18045 }
18046 postImport(importResult, organizationId = null) {
18047 return import_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
18048 if (organizationId == null) {
18049 const request = new ImportCiphersRequest();
18050 for (let i = 0; i < importResult.ciphers.length; i++) {
18051 const c = yield this.cipherService.encrypt(importResult.ciphers[i]);
18052 request.ciphers.push(new cipherRequest_CipherRequest(c));
18053 }
18054 if (importResult.folders != null) {
18055 for (let i = 0; i < importResult.folders.length; i++) {
18056 const f = yield this.folderService.encrypt(importResult.folders[i]);
18057 request.folders.push(new FolderRequest(f));
18058 }
18059 }
18060 if (importResult.folderRelationships != null) {
18061 importResult.folderRelationships.forEach((r) => request.folderRelationships.push(new KvpRequest(r[0], r[1])));
18062 }
18063 return yield this.apiService.postImportCiphers(request);
18064 }
18065 else {
18066 const request = new ImportOrganizationCiphersRequest();
18067 for (let i = 0; i < importResult.ciphers.length; i++) {
18068 importResult.ciphers[i].organizationId = organizationId;
18069 const c = yield this.cipherService.encrypt(importResult.ciphers[i]);
18070 request.ciphers.push(new cipherRequest_CipherRequest(c));
18071 }
18072 if (importResult.collections != null) {
18073 for (let i = 0; i < importResult.collections.length; i++) {
18074 importResult.collections[i].organizationId = organizationId;
18075 const c = yield this.collectionService.encrypt(importResult.collections[i]);
18076 request.collections.push(new CollectionRequest(c));
18077 }
18078 }
18079 if (importResult.collectionRelationships != null) {
18080 importResult.collectionRelationships.forEach((r) => request.collectionRelationships.push(new KvpRequest(r[0], r[1])));
18081 }
18082 return yield this.apiService.postImportOrganizationCiphers(organizationId, request);
18083 }
18084 });
18085 }
18086 badData(c) {
18087 return (c.name == null || c.name === '--') &&
18088 (c.type === CipherType.Login && c.login != null && utils_Utils.isNullOrWhitespace(c.login.password));
18089 }
18092// EXTERNAL MODULE: external "lowdb"
18093var external_lowdb_ = __webpack_require__(11);
18095// EXTERNAL MODULE: external "lowdb/adapters/FileSync"
18096var FileSync_ = __webpack_require__(14);
18098// EXTERNAL MODULE: external "readline"
18099var external_readline_ = __webpack_require__(15);
18101// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/misc/nodeUtils.ts
18105class nodeUtils_NodeUtils {
18106 static mkdirpSync(targetDir, mode = '700', relative = false, relativeDir = null) {
18107 const initialDir = external_path_["isAbsolute"](targetDir) ? external_path_["sep"] : '';
18108 const baseDir = relative ? (relativeDir != null ? relativeDir : __dirname) : '.';
18109 targetDir.split(external_path_["sep"]).reduce((parentDir, childDir) => {
18110 const dir = external_path_["resolve"](baseDir, parentDir, childDir);
18111 if (!external_fs_["existsSync"](dir)) {
18112 external_fs_["mkdirSync"](dir, mode);
18113 }
18114 return dir;
18115 }, initialDir);
18116 }
18117 static readFirstLine(fileName) {
18118 return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
18119 const readStream = external_fs_["createReadStream"](fileName, { encoding: 'utf8' });
18120 const readInterface = external_readline_["createInterface"](readStream);
18121 readInterface
18122 .on('line', (line) => {
18123 readStream.close();
18124 resolve(line);
18125 })
18126 .on('error', (err) => reject(err));
18127 });
18128 }
18131// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/services/lowdbStorage.service.ts
18138class lowdbStorage_service_LowdbStorageService {
18139 constructor(defaults, dir, allowCache = false) {
18140 this.allowCache = allowCache;
18141 this.defaults = defaults;
18142 let adapter;
18143 if (utils_Utils.isNode && dir != null) {
18144 if (!external_fs_["existsSync"](dir)) {
18145 nodeUtils_NodeUtils.mkdirpSync(dir, '700');
18146 }
18147 this.dataFilePath = external_path_["join"](dir, 'data.json');
18148 adapter = new FileSync_(this.dataFilePath);
18149 }
18150 try {
18151 this.db = external_lowdb_(adapter);
18152 }
18153 catch (e) {
18154 if (e instanceof SyntaxError) {
18155 adapter.write({});
18156 this.db = external_lowdb_(adapter);
18157 }
18158 else {
18159 throw e;
18160 }
18161 }
18162 }
18163 init() {
18164 if (this.defaults != null) {
18165 this.readForNoCache();
18166 this.db.defaults(this.defaults).write();
18167 }
18168 }
18169 get(key) {
18170 this.readForNoCache();
18171 const val = this.db.get(key).value();
18172 if (val == null) {
18173 return Promise.resolve(null);
18174 }
18175 return Promise.resolve(val);
18176 }
18177 save(key, obj) {
18178 this.readForNoCache();
18179 this.db.set(key, obj).write();
18180 return Promise.resolve();
18181 }
18182 remove(key) {
18183 this.readForNoCache();
18184 this.db.unset(key).write();
18185 return Promise.resolve();
18186 }
18187 readForNoCache() {
18188 if (!this.allowCache) {
18189 this.db.read();
18190 }
18191 }
18194// EXTERNAL MODULE: external "form-data"
18195var external_form_data_ = __webpack_require__(16);
18197// EXTERNAL MODULE: external "https-proxy-agent"
18198var external_https_proxy_agent_ = __webpack_require__(17);
18200// EXTERNAL MODULE: external "node-fetch"
18201var external_node_fetch_ = __webpack_require__(4);
18202var external_node_fetch_default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(external_node_fetch_);
18204// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/models/response/apiKeyResponse.ts
18206class apiKeyResponse_ApiKeyResponse extends BaseResponse {
18207 constructor(response) {
18208 super(response);
18209 this.apiKey = this.getResponseProperty('ApiKey');
18210 }
18213// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/models/response/billingResponse.ts
18215class billingResponse_BillingResponse extends BaseResponse {
18216 constructor(response) {
18217 super(response);
18218 this.invoices = [];
18219 this.transactions = [];
18220 this.balance = this.getResponseProperty('Balance');
18221 const paymentSource = this.getResponseProperty('PaymentSource');
18222 const transactions = this.getResponseProperty('Transactions');
18223 const invoices = this.getResponseProperty('Invoices');
18224 this.paymentSource = paymentSource == null ? null : new billingResponse_BillingSourceResponse(paymentSource);
18225 if (transactions != null) {
18226 this.transactions = transactions.map((t) => new billingResponse_BillingTransactionResponse(t));
18227 }
18228 if (invoices != null) {
18229 this.invoices = invoices.map((i) => new billingResponse_BillingInvoiceResponse(i));
18230 }
18231 }
18233class billingResponse_BillingSourceResponse extends BaseResponse {
18234 constructor(response) {
18235 super(response);
18236 this.type = this.getResponseProperty('Type');
18237 this.cardBrand = this.getResponseProperty('CardBrand');
18238 this.description = this.getResponseProperty('Description');
18239 this.needsVerification = this.getResponseProperty('NeedsVerification');
18240 }
18242class billingResponse_BillingInvoiceResponse extends BaseResponse {
18243 constructor(response) {
18244 super(response);
18245 this.url = this.getResponseProperty('Url');
18246 this.pdfUrl = this.getResponseProperty('PdfUrl');
18247 this.number = this.getResponseProperty('Number');
18248 this.paid = this.getResponseProperty('Paid');
18249 this.date = this.getResponseProperty('Date');
18250 this.amount = this.getResponseProperty('Amount');
18251 }
18253class billingResponse_BillingTransactionResponse extends BaseResponse {
18254 constructor(response) {
18255 super(response);
18256 this.createdDate = this.getResponseProperty('CreatedDate');
18257 this.amount = this.getResponseProperty('Amount');
18258 this.refunded = this.getResponseProperty('Refunded');
18259 this.partiallyRefunded = this.getResponseProperty('PartiallyRefunded');
18260 this.refundedAmount = this.getResponseProperty('RefundedAmount');
18261 this.type = this.getResponseProperty('Type');
18262 this.paymentMethodType = this.getResponseProperty('PaymentMethodType');
18263 this.details = this.getResponseProperty('Details');
18264 }
18267// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/models/response/breachAccountResponse.ts
18269class breachAccountResponse_BreachAccountResponse extends BaseResponse {
18270 constructor(response) {
18271 super(response);
18272 this.addedDate = this.getResponseProperty('AddedDate');
18273 this.breachDate = this.getResponseProperty('BreachDate');
18274 this.dataClasses = this.getResponseProperty('DataClasses');
18275 this.description = this.getResponseProperty('Description');
18276 this.domain = this.getResponseProperty('Domain');
18277 this.isActive = this.getResponseProperty('IsActive');
18278 this.isVerified = this.getResponseProperty('IsVerified');
18279 this.logoPath = this.getResponseProperty('LogoPath');
18280 this.modifiedDate = this.getResponseProperty('ModifiedDate');
18281 this.name = this.getResponseProperty('Name');
18282 this.pwnCount = this.getResponseProperty('PwnCount');
18283 this.title = this.getResponseProperty('Title');
18284 }
18287// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/models/response/attachmentResponse.ts
18289class attachmentResponse_AttachmentResponse extends BaseResponse {
18290 constructor(response) {
18291 super(response);
18292 this.id = this.getResponseProperty('Id');
18293 this.url = this.getResponseProperty('Url');
18294 this.fileName = this.getResponseProperty('FileName');
18295 this.key = this.getResponseProperty('Key');
18296 this.size = this.getResponseProperty('Size');
18297 this.sizeName = this.getResponseProperty('SizeName');
18298 }
18301// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/models/response/passwordHistoryResponse.ts
18303class passwordHistoryResponse_PasswordHistoryResponse extends BaseResponse {
18304 constructor(response) {
18305 super(response);
18306 this.password = this.getResponseProperty('Password');
18307 this.lastUsedDate = this.getResponseProperty('LastUsedDate');
18308 }
18311// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/models/response/cipherResponse.ts
18320class cipherResponse_CipherResponse extends BaseResponse {
18321 constructor(response) {
18322 super(response);
18323 this.id = this.getResponseProperty('Id');
18324 this.organizationId = this.getResponseProperty('OrganizationId');
18325 this.folderId = this.getResponseProperty('FolderId') || null;
18326 this.type = this.getResponseProperty('Type');
18327 this.name = this.getResponseProperty('Name');
18328 this.notes = this.getResponseProperty('Notes');
18329 this.favorite = this.getResponseProperty('Favorite') || false;
18330 this.edit = this.getResponseProperty('Edit') || true;
18331 this.organizationUseTotp = this.getResponseProperty('OrganizationUseTotp');
18332 this.revisionDate = this.getResponseProperty('RevisionDate');
18333 this.collectionIds = this.getResponseProperty('CollectionIds');
18334 this.deletedDate = this.getResponseProperty('DeletedDate');
18335 const login = this.getResponseProperty('Login');
18336 if (login != null) {
18337 this.login = new loginApi_LoginApi(login);
18338 }
18339 const card = this.getResponseProperty('Card');
18340 if (card != null) {
18341 this.card = new cardApi_CardApi(card);
18342 }
18343 const identity = this.getResponseProperty('Identity');
18344 if (identity != null) {
18345 this.identity = new identityApi_IdentityApi(identity);
18346 }
18347 const secureNote = this.getResponseProperty('SecureNote');
18348 if (secureNote != null) {
18349 this.secureNote = new secureNoteApi_SecureNoteApi(secureNote);
18350 }
18351 const fields = this.getResponseProperty('Fields');
18352 if (fields != null) {
18353 this.fields = fields.map((f) => new fieldApi_FieldApi(f));
18354 }
18355 const attachments = this.getResponseProperty('Attachments');
18356 if (attachments != null) {
18357 this.attachments = attachments.map((a) => new attachmentResponse_AttachmentResponse(a));
18358 }
18359 const passwordHistory = this.getResponseProperty('PasswordHistory');
18360 if (passwordHistory != null) {
18361 this.passwordHistory = passwordHistory.map((h) => new passwordHistoryResponse_PasswordHistoryResponse(h));
18362 }
18363 }
18366// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/models/response/selectionReadOnlyResponse.ts
18368class selectionReadOnlyResponse_SelectionReadOnlyResponse extends BaseResponse {
18369 constructor(response) {
18370 super(response);
18371 this.id = this.getResponseProperty('Id');
18372 this.readOnly = this.getResponseProperty('ReadOnly');
18373 }
18376// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/models/response/collectionResponse.ts
18379class collectionResponse_CollectionResponse extends BaseResponse {
18380 constructor(response) {
18381 super(response);
18382 this.id = this.getResponseProperty('Id');
18383 this.organizationId = this.getResponseProperty('OrganizationId');
18384 this.name = this.getResponseProperty('Name');
18385 this.externalId = this.getResponseProperty('ExternalId');
18386 }
18388class CollectionDetailsResponse extends collectionResponse_CollectionResponse {
18389 constructor(response) {
18390 super(response);
18391 this.readOnly = this.getResponseProperty('ReadOnly') || false;
18392 }
18394class collectionResponse_CollectionGroupDetailsResponse extends collectionResponse_CollectionResponse {
18395 constructor(response) {
18396 super(response);
18397 this.groups = [];
18398 const groups = this.getResponseProperty('Groups');
18399 if (groups != null) {
18400 this.groups = groups.map((g) => new selectionReadOnlyResponse_SelectionReadOnlyResponse(g));
18401 }
18402 }
18405// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/models/response/globalDomainResponse.ts
18407class globalDomainResponse_GlobalDomainResponse extends BaseResponse {
18408 constructor(response) {
18409 super(response);
18410 this.type = this.getResponseProperty('Type');
18411 this.domains = this.getResponseProperty('Domains');
18412 this.excluded = this.getResponseProperty('Excluded');
18413 }
18416// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/models/response/domainsResponse.ts
18419class domainsResponse_DomainsResponse extends BaseResponse {
18420 constructor(response) {
18421 super(response);
18422 this.globalEquivalentDomains = [];
18423 this.equivalentDomains = this.getResponseProperty('EquivalentDomains');
18424 const globalEquivalentDomains = this.getResponseProperty('GlobalEquivalentDomains');
18425 if (globalEquivalentDomains != null) {
18426 this.globalEquivalentDomains = globalEquivalentDomains.map((d) => new globalDomainResponse_GlobalDomainResponse(d));
18427 }
18428 else {
18429 this.globalEquivalentDomains = [];
18430 }
18431 }
18434// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/models/response/errorResponse.ts
18436class errorResponse_ErrorResponse extends BaseResponse {
18437 constructor(response, status, identityResponse) {
18438 super(response);
18439 let errorModel = null;
18440 if (response != null) {
18441 const responseErrorModel = this.getResponseProperty('ErrorModel');
18442 if (responseErrorModel && identityResponse) {
18443 errorModel = responseErrorModel;
18444 }
18445 else {
18446 errorModel = response;
18447 }
18448 }
18449 if (errorModel) {
18450 this.message = this.getResponseProperty('Message', errorModel);
18451 this.validationErrors = this.getResponseProperty('ValidationErrors', errorModel);
18452 }
18453 else {
18454 if (status === 429) {
18455 this.message = 'Rate limit exceeded. Try again later.';
18456 }
18457 }
18458 this.statusCode = status;
18459 }
18460 getSingleMessage() {
18461 if (this.validationErrors == null) {
18462 return this.message;
18463 }
18464 for (const key in this.validationErrors) {
18465 if (!this.validationErrors.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
18466 continue;
18467 }
18468 if (this.validationErrors[key].length) {
18469 return this.validationErrors[key][0];
18470 }
18471 }
18472 return this.message;
18473 }
18474 getAllMessages() {
18475 const messages = [];
18476 if (this.validationErrors == null) {
18477 return messages;
18478 }
18479 for (const key in this.validationErrors) {
18480 if (!this.validationErrors.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
18481 continue;
18482 }
18483 this.validationErrors[key].forEach((item) => {
18484 let prefix = '';
18485 if (key.indexOf('[') > -1 && key.indexOf(']') > -1) {
18486 const lastSep = key.lastIndexOf('.');
18487 prefix = key.substr(0, lastSep > -1 ? lastSep : key.length) + ': ';
18488 }
18489 messages.push(prefix + item);
18490 });
18491 }
18492 return messages;
18493 }
18496// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/models/response/eventResponse.ts
18498class eventResponse_EventResponse extends BaseResponse {
18499 constructor(response) {
18500 super(response);
18501 this.type = this.getResponseProperty('Type');
18502 this.userId = this.getResponseProperty('UserId');
18503 this.organizationId = this.getResponseProperty('OrganizationId');
18504 this.cipherId = this.getResponseProperty('CipherId');
18505 this.collectionId = this.getResponseProperty('CollectionId');
18506 this.groupId = this.getResponseProperty('GroupId');
18507 this.organizationUserId = this.getResponseProperty('OrganizationUserId');
18508 this.actingUserId = this.getResponseProperty('ActingUserId');
18509 this.date = this.getResponseProperty('Date');
18510 this.deviceType = this.getResponseProperty('DeviceType');
18511 this.ipAddress = this.getResponseProperty('IpAddress');
18512 }
18515// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/models/response/folderResponse.ts
18517class folderResponse_FolderResponse extends BaseResponse {
18518 constructor(response) {
18519 super(response);
18520 this.id = this.getResponseProperty('Id');
18521 this.name = this.getResponseProperty('Name');
18522 this.revisionDate = this.getResponseProperty('RevisionDate');
18523 }
18526// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/models/response/groupResponse.ts
18529class groupResponse_GroupResponse extends BaseResponse {
18530 constructor(response) {
18531 super(response);
18532 this.id = this.getResponseProperty('Id');
18533 this.organizationId = this.getResponseProperty('OrganizationId');
18534 this.name = this.getResponseProperty('Name');
18535 this.accessAll = this.getResponseProperty('AccessAll');
18536 this.externalId = this.getResponseProperty('ExternalId');
18537 }
18539class groupResponse_GroupDetailsResponse extends groupResponse_GroupResponse {
18540 constructor(response) {
18541 super(response);
18542 this.collections = [];
18543 const collections = this.getResponseProperty('Collections');
18544 if (collections != null) {
18545 this.collections = collections.map((c) => new selectionReadOnlyResponse_SelectionReadOnlyResponse(c));
18546 }
18547 }
18550// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/models/response/identityTokenResponse.ts
18552class identityTokenResponse_IdentityTokenResponse extends BaseResponse {
18553 constructor(response) {
18554 super(response);
18555 this.accessToken = response.access_token;
18556 this.expiresIn = response.expires_in;
18557 this.refreshToken = response.refresh_token;
18558 this.tokenType = response.token_type;
18559 this.privateKey = this.getResponseProperty('PrivateKey');
18560 this.key = this.getResponseProperty('Key');
18561 this.twoFactorToken = this.getResponseProperty('TwoFactorToken');
18562 }
18565// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/models/response/identityTwoFactorResponse.ts
18567class identityTwoFactorResponse_IdentityTwoFactorResponse extends BaseResponse {
18568 constructor(response) {
18569 super(response);
18570 this.twoFactorProviders2 = new Map();
18571 this.twoFactorProviders = this.getResponseProperty('TwoFactorProviders');
18572 const twoFactorProviders2 = this.getResponseProperty('TwoFactorProviders2');
18573 if (twoFactorProviders2 != null) {
18574 for (const prop in twoFactorProviders2) {
18575 if (twoFactorProviders2.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
18576 this.twoFactorProviders2.set(parseInt(prop, null), twoFactorProviders2[prop]);
18577 }
18578 }
18579 }
18580 }
18583// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/models/response/listResponse.ts
18585class listResponse_ListResponse extends BaseResponse {
18586 constructor(response, t) {
18587 super(response);
18588 const data = this.getResponseProperty('Data');
18589 this.data = data == null ? [] : data.map((dr) => new t(dr));
18590 this.continuationToken = this.getResponseProperty('ContinuationToken');
18591 }
18594// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/models/response/organizationResponse.ts
18596class organizationResponse_OrganizationResponse extends BaseResponse {
18597 constructor(response) {
18598 super(response);
18599 this.id = this.getResponseProperty('Id');
18600 this.name = this.getResponseProperty('Name');
18601 this.businessName = this.getResponseProperty('BusinessName');
18602 this.businessAddress1 = this.getResponseProperty('BusinessAddress1');
18603 this.businessAddress2 = this.getResponseProperty('BusinessAddress2');
18604 this.businessAddress3 = this.getResponseProperty('BusinessAddress3');
18605 this.businessCountry = this.getResponseProperty('BusinessCountry');
18606 this.businessTaxNumber = this.getResponseProperty('BusinessTaxNumber');
18607 this.billingEmail = this.getResponseProperty('BillingEmail');
18608 this.plan = this.getResponseProperty('Plan');
18609 this.planType = this.getResponseProperty('PlanType');
18610 this.seats = this.getResponseProperty('Seats');
18611 this.maxCollections = this.getResponseProperty('MaxCollections');
18612 this.maxStorageGb = this.getResponseProperty('MaxStorageGb');
18613 this.useGroups = this.getResponseProperty('UseGroups');
18614 this.useDirectory = this.getResponseProperty('UseDirectory');
18615 this.useEvents = this.getResponseProperty('UseEvents');
18616 this.useTotp = this.getResponseProperty('UseTotp');
18617 this.use2fa = this.getResponseProperty('Use2fa');
18618 this.useApi = this.getResponseProperty('UseApi');
18619 }
18622// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/models/response/subscriptionResponse.ts
18624class subscriptionResponse_SubscriptionResponse extends BaseResponse {
18625 constructor(response) {
18626 super(response);
18627 this.storageName = this.getResponseProperty('StorageName');
18628 this.storageGb = this.getResponseProperty('StorageGb');
18629 this.maxStorageGb = this.getResponseProperty('MaxStorageGb');
18630 this.license = this.getResponseProperty('License');
18631 this.expiration = this.getResponseProperty('Expiration');
18632 this.usingInAppPurchase = this.getResponseProperty('UsingInAppPurchase');
18633 const subscription = this.getResponseProperty('Subscription');
18634 const upcomingInvoice = this.getResponseProperty('UpcomingInvoice');
18635 this.subscription = subscription == null ? null : new subscriptionResponse_BillingSubscriptionResponse(subscription);
18636 this.upcomingInvoice = upcomingInvoice == null ? null :
18637 new subscriptionResponse_BillingSubscriptionUpcomingInvoiceResponse(upcomingInvoice);
18638 }
18640class subscriptionResponse_BillingSubscriptionResponse extends BaseResponse {
18641 constructor(response) {
18642 super(response);
18643 this.items = [];
18644 this.trialEndDate = this.getResponseProperty('TrialStartDate');
18645 this.trialEndDate = this.getResponseProperty('TrialEndDate');
18646 this.periodStartDate = this.getResponseProperty('PeriodStartDate');
18647 this.periodEndDate = this.getResponseProperty('PeriodEndDate');
18648 this.cancelledDate = this.getResponseProperty('CancelledDate');
18649 this.cancelAtEndDate = this.getResponseProperty('CancelAtEndDate');
18650 this.status = this.getResponseProperty('Status');
18651 this.cancelled = this.getResponseProperty('Cancelled');
18652 const items = this.getResponseProperty('Items');
18653 if (items != null) {
18654 this.items = items.map((i) => new subscriptionResponse_BillingSubscriptionItemResponse(i));
18655 }
18656 }
18658class subscriptionResponse_BillingSubscriptionItemResponse extends BaseResponse {
18659 constructor(response) {
18660 super(response);
18661 this.name = this.getResponseProperty('Name');
18662 this.amount = this.getResponseProperty('Amount');
18663 this.quantity = this.getResponseProperty('Quantity');
18664 this.interval = this.getResponseProperty('Interval');
18665 }
18667class subscriptionResponse_BillingSubscriptionUpcomingInvoiceResponse extends BaseResponse {
18668 constructor(response) {
18669 super(response);
18670 this.date = this.getResponseProperty('Date');
18671 this.amount = this.getResponseProperty('Amount');
18672 }
18675// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/models/response/organizationSubscriptionResponse.ts
18678class organizationSubscriptionResponse_OrganizationSubscriptionResponse extends organizationResponse_OrganizationResponse {
18679 constructor(response) {
18680 super(response);
18681 this.storageName = this.getResponseProperty('StorageName');
18682 this.storageGb = this.getResponseProperty('StorageGb');
18683 const subscription = this.getResponseProperty('Subscription');
18684 this.subscription = subscription == null ? null : new subscriptionResponse_BillingSubscriptionResponse(subscription);
18685 const upcomingInvoice = this.getResponseProperty('UpcomingInvoice');
18686 this.upcomingInvoice = upcomingInvoice == null ? null :
18687 new subscriptionResponse_BillingSubscriptionUpcomingInvoiceResponse(upcomingInvoice);
18688 this.expiration = this.getResponseProperty('Expiration');
18689 }
18692// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/models/response/organizationUserResponse.ts
18695class organizationUserResponse_OrganizationUserResponse extends BaseResponse {
18696 constructor(response) {
18697 super(response);
18698 this.id = this.getResponseProperty('Id');
18699 this.userId = this.getResponseProperty('UserId');
18700 this.type = this.getResponseProperty('Type');
18701 this.status = this.getResponseProperty('Status');
18702 this.accessAll = this.getResponseProperty('AccessAll');
18703 }
18705class OrganizationUserUserDetailsResponse extends organizationUserResponse_OrganizationUserResponse {
18706 constructor(response) {
18707 super(response);
18708 this.name = this.getResponseProperty('Name');
18709 this.email = this.getResponseProperty('Email');
18710 this.twoFactorEnabled = this.getResponseProperty('TwoFactorEnabled');
18711 }
18713class organizationUserResponse_OrganizationUserDetailsResponse extends organizationUserResponse_OrganizationUserResponse {
18714 constructor(response) {
18715 super(response);
18716 this.collections = [];
18717 const collections = this.getResponseProperty('Collections');
18718 if (collections != null) {
18719 this.collections = collections.map((c) => new selectionReadOnlyResponse_SelectionReadOnlyResponse(c));
18720 }
18721 }
18724// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/models/response/profileOrganizationResponse.ts
18726class profileOrganizationResponse_ProfileOrganizationResponse extends BaseResponse {
18727 constructor(response) {
18728 super(response);
18729 this.id = this.getResponseProperty('Id');
18730 this.name = this.getResponseProperty('Name');
18731 this.usePolicies = this.getResponseProperty('UsePolicies');
18732 this.useGroups = this.getResponseProperty('UseGroups');
18733 this.useDirectory = this.getResponseProperty('UseDirectory');
18734 this.useEvents = this.getResponseProperty('UseEvents');
18735 this.useTotp = this.getResponseProperty('UseTotp');
18736 this.use2fa = this.getResponseProperty('Use2fa');
18737 this.useApi = this.getResponseProperty('UseApi');
18738 this.selfHost = this.getResponseProperty('SelfHost');
18739 this.usersGetPremium = this.getResponseProperty('UsersGetPremium');
18740 this.seats = this.getResponseProperty('Seats');
18741 this.maxCollections = this.getResponseProperty('MaxCollections');
18742 this.maxStorageGb = this.getResponseProperty('MaxStorageGb');
18743 this.key = this.getResponseProperty('Key');
18744 this.status = this.getResponseProperty('Status');
18745 this.type = this.getResponseProperty('Type');
18746 this.enabled = this.getResponseProperty('Enabled');
18747 }
18750// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/models/response/profileResponse.ts
18753class profileResponse_ProfileResponse extends BaseResponse {
18754 constructor(response) {
18755 super(response);
18756 this.organizations = [];
18757 this.id = this.getResponseProperty('Id');
18758 this.name = this.getResponseProperty('Name');
18759 this.email = this.getResponseProperty('Email');
18760 this.emailVerified = this.getResponseProperty('EmailVerified');
18761 this.masterPasswordHint = this.getResponseProperty('MasterPasswordHint');
18762 this.premium = this.getResponseProperty('Premium');
18763 this.culture = this.getResponseProperty('Culture');
18764 this.twoFactorEnabled = this.getResponseProperty('TwoFactorEnabled');
18765 this.key = this.getResponseProperty('Key');
18766 this.privateKey = this.getResponseProperty('PrivateKey');
18767 this.securityStamp = this.getResponseProperty('SecurityStamp');
18768 const organizations = this.getResponseProperty('Organizations');
18769 if (organizations != null) {
18770 this.organizations = organizations.map((o) => new profileOrganizationResponse_ProfileOrganizationResponse(o));
18771 }
18772 }
18775// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/models/response/paymentResponse.ts
18778class paymentResponse_PaymentResponse extends BaseResponse {
18779 constructor(response) {
18780 super(response);
18781 const userProfile = this.getResponseProperty('UserProfile');
18782 if (userProfile != null) {
18783 this.userProfile = new profileResponse_ProfileResponse(userProfile);
18784 }
18785 this.paymentIntentClientSecret = this.getResponseProperty('PaymentIntentClientSecret');
18786 this.success = this.getResponseProperty('Success');
18787 }
18790// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/models/response/policyResponse.ts
18792class policyResponse_PolicyResponse extends BaseResponse {
18793 constructor(response) {
18794 super(response);
18795 this.id = this.getResponseProperty('Id');
18796 this.organizationId = this.getResponseProperty('OrganizationId');
18797 this.type = this.getResponseProperty('Type');
18798 this.data = this.getResponseProperty('Data');
18799 this.enabled = this.getResponseProperty('Enabled');
18800 }
18803// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/models/response/preloginResponse.ts
18805class preloginResponse_PreloginResponse extends BaseResponse {
18806 constructor(response) {
18807 super(response);
18808 this.kdf = this.getResponseProperty('Kdf');
18809 this.kdfIterations = this.getResponseProperty('KdfIterations');
18810 }
18813// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/models/response/syncResponse.ts
18821class syncResponse_SyncResponse extends BaseResponse {
18822 constructor(response) {
18823 super(response);
18824 this.folders = [];
18825 this.collections = [];
18826 this.ciphers = [];
18827 this.policies = [];
18828 const profile = this.getResponseProperty('Profile');
18829 if (profile != null) {
18830 this.profile = new profileResponse_ProfileResponse(profile);
18831 }
18832 const folders = this.getResponseProperty('Folders');
18833 if (folders != null) {
18834 this.folders = folders.map((f) => new folderResponse_FolderResponse(f));
18835 }
18836 const collections = this.getResponseProperty('Collections');
18837 if (collections != null) {
18838 this.collections = collections.map((c) => new CollectionDetailsResponse(c));
18839 }
18840 const ciphers = this.getResponseProperty('Ciphers');
18841 if (ciphers != null) {
18842 this.ciphers = ciphers.map((c) => new cipherResponse_CipherResponse(c));
18843 }
18844 const domains = this.getResponseProperty('Domains');
18845 if (domains != null) {
18846 this.domains = new domainsResponse_DomainsResponse(domains);
18847 }
18848 const policies = this.getResponseProperty('Policies');
18849 if (policies != null) {
18850 this.policies = policies.map((p) => new policyResponse_PolicyResponse(p));
18851 }
18852 }
18855// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/models/response/twoFactorAuthenticatorResponse.ts
18857class twoFactorAuthenticatorResponse_TwoFactorAuthenticatorResponse extends BaseResponse {
18858 constructor(response) {
18859 super(response);
18860 this.enabled = this.getResponseProperty('Enabled');
18861 this.key = this.getResponseProperty('Key');
18862 }
18865// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/models/response/twoFactorDuoResponse.ts
18867class twoFactorDuoResponse_TwoFactorDuoResponse extends BaseResponse {
18868 constructor(response) {
18869 super(response);
18870 this.enabled = this.getResponseProperty('Enabled');
18871 this.host = this.getResponseProperty('Host');
18872 this.secretKey = this.getResponseProperty('SecretKey');
18873 this.integrationKey = this.getResponseProperty('IntegrationKey');
18874 }
18877// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/models/response/twoFactorEmailResponse.ts
18879class twoFactorEmailResponse_TwoFactorEmailResponse extends BaseResponse {
18880 constructor(response) {
18881 super(response);
18882 this.enabled = this.getResponseProperty('Enabled');
18883 this.email = this.getResponseProperty('Email');
18884 }
18887// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/models/response/twoFactorProviderResponse.ts
18889class twoFactorProviderResponse_TwoFactorProviderResponse extends BaseResponse {
18890 constructor(response) {
18891 super(response);
18892 this.enabled = this.getResponseProperty('Enabled');
18893 this.type = this.getResponseProperty('Type');
18894 }
18897// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/models/response/twoFactorRescoverResponse.ts
18899class twoFactorRescoverResponse_TwoFactorRecoverResponse extends BaseResponse {
18900 constructor(response) {
18901 super(response);
18902 this.code = this.getResponseProperty('Code');
18903 }
18906// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/models/response/twoFactorU2fResponse.ts
18908class twoFactorU2fResponse_TwoFactorU2fResponse extends BaseResponse {
18909 constructor(response) {
18910 super(response);
18911 this.enabled = this.getResponseProperty('Enabled');
18912 const keys = this.getResponseProperty('Keys');
18913 this.keys = keys == null ? null : keys.map((k) => new twoFactorU2fResponse_KeyResponse(k));
18914 }
18916class twoFactorU2fResponse_KeyResponse extends BaseResponse {
18917 constructor(response) {
18918 super(response);
18919 this.name = this.getResponseProperty('Name');
18920 this.id = this.getResponseProperty('Id');
18921 this.compromised = this.getResponseProperty('Compromised');
18922 }
18924class twoFactorU2fResponse_ChallengeResponse extends BaseResponse {
18925 constructor(response) {
18926 super(response);
18927 this.userId = this.getResponseProperty('UserId');
18928 this.appId = this.getResponseProperty('AppId');
18929 this.challenge = this.getResponseProperty('Challenge');
18930 this.version = this.getResponseProperty('Version');
18931 }
18934// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/models/response/twoFactorYubiKeyResponse.ts
18936class twoFactorYubiKeyResponse_TwoFactorYubiKeyResponse extends BaseResponse {
18937 constructor(response) {
18938 super(response);
18939 this.enabled = this.getResponseProperty('Enabled');
18940 this.key1 = this.getResponseProperty('Key1');
18941 this.key2 = this.getResponseProperty('Key2');
18942 this.key3 = this.getResponseProperty('Key3');
18943 this.key4 = this.getResponseProperty('Key4');
18944 this.key5 = this.getResponseProperty('Key5');
18945 this.nfc = this.getResponseProperty('Nfc');
18946 }
18949// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/models/response/userKeyResponse.ts
18951class userKeyResponse_UserKeyResponse extends BaseResponse {
18952 constructor(response) {
18953 super(response);
18954 this.userId = this.getResponseProperty('UserId');
18955 this.publicKey = this.getResponseProperty('PublicKey');
18956 }
18959// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/services/api.service.ts
18960var api_service_awaiter = (undefined && undefined.__awaiter) || function (thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) {
18961 return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) {
18962 function fulfilled(value) { try { step(generator.next(value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
18963 function rejected(value) { try { step(generator["throw"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
18964 function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(result.value); }).then(fulfilled, rejected); }
18965 step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next());
18966 });
19000class api_service_ApiService {
19001 constructor(tokenService, platformUtilsService, logoutCallback, customUserAgent = null) {
19002 this.tokenService = tokenService;
19003 this.platformUtilsService = platformUtilsService;
19004 this.logoutCallback = logoutCallback;
19005 this.customUserAgent = customUserAgent;
19006 this.urlsSet = false;
19007 this.isWebClient = false;
19008 this.isDesktopClient = false;
19009 this.usingBaseUrl = false;
19010 this.device = platformUtilsService.getDevice();
19011 this.deviceType = this.device.toString();
19012 this.isWebClient = this.device === DeviceType.IEBrowser || this.device === DeviceType.ChromeBrowser ||
19013 this.device === DeviceType.EdgeBrowser || this.device === DeviceType.FirefoxBrowser ||
19014 this.device === DeviceType.OperaBrowser || this.device === DeviceType.SafariBrowser ||
19015 this.device === DeviceType.UnknownBrowser || this.device === DeviceType.VivaldiBrowser;
19016 this.isDesktopClient = this.device === DeviceType.WindowsDesktop || this.device === DeviceType.MacOsDesktop ||
19017 this.device === DeviceType.LinuxDesktop;
19018 }
19019 setUrls(urls) {
19020 this.urlsSet = true;
19021 if (urls.base != null) {
19022 this.usingBaseUrl = true;
19023 this.apiBaseUrl = urls.base + '/api';
19024 this.identityBaseUrl = urls.base + '/identity';
19025 this.eventsBaseUrl = urls.base + '/events';
19026 return;
19027 }
19028 this.apiBaseUrl = urls.api;
19029 this.identityBaseUrl = urls.identity;
19030 this.eventsBaseUrl = urls.events;
19031 // Production
19032 if (this.apiBaseUrl == null) {
19033 this.apiBaseUrl = 'https://api.bitwarden.com';
19034 }
19035 if (this.identityBaseUrl == null) {
19036 this.identityBaseUrl = 'https://identity.bitwarden.com';
19037 }
19038 if (this.eventsBaseUrl == null) {
19039 this.eventsBaseUrl = 'https://events.bitwarden.com';
19040 }
19041 }
19042 // Auth APIs
19043 postIdentityToken(request) {
19044 return api_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
19045 const headers = new Headers({
19046 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8',
19047 'Accept': 'application/json',
19048 'Device-Type': this.deviceType,
19049 });
19050 if (this.customUserAgent != null) {
19051 headers.set('User-Agent', this.customUserAgent);
19052 }
19053 const response = yield this.fetch(new Request(this.identityBaseUrl + '/connect/token', {
19054 body: this.qsStringify(request.toIdentityToken(this.platformUtilsService.identityClientId)),
19055 credentials: this.getCredentials(),
19056 cache: 'no-store',
19057 headers: headers,
19058 method: 'POST',
19059 }));
19060 let responseJson = null;
19061 if (this.isJsonResponse(response)) {
19062 responseJson = yield response.json();
19063 }
19064 if (responseJson != null) {
19065 if (response.status === 200) {
19066 return new identityTokenResponse_IdentityTokenResponse(responseJson);
19067 }
19068 else if (response.status === 400 && responseJson.TwoFactorProviders2 &&
19069 Object.keys(responseJson.TwoFactorProviders2).length) {
19070 yield this.tokenService.clearTwoFactorToken(request.email);
19071 return new identityTwoFactorResponse_IdentityTwoFactorResponse(responseJson);
19072 }
19073 }
19074 return Promise.reject(new errorResponse_ErrorResponse(responseJson, response.status, true));
19075 });
19076 }
19077 refreshIdentityToken() {
19078 return api_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
19079 try {
19080 yield this.doRefreshToken();
19081 }
19082 catch (e) {
19083 return Promise.reject(null);
19084 }
19085 });
19086 }
19087 // Account APIs
19088 getProfile() {
19089 return api_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
19090 const r = yield this.send('GET', '/accounts/profile', null, true, true);
19091 return new profileResponse_ProfileResponse(r);
19092 });
19093 }
19094 getUserBilling() {
19095 return api_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
19096 const r = yield this.send('GET', '/accounts/billing', null, true, true);
19097 return new billingResponse_BillingResponse(r);
19098 });
19099 }
19100 getUserSubscription() {
19101 return api_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
19102 const r = yield this.send('GET', '/accounts/subscription', null, true, true);
19103 return new subscriptionResponse_SubscriptionResponse(r);
19104 });
19105 }
19106 putProfile(request) {
19107 return api_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
19108 const r = yield this.send('PUT', '/accounts/profile', request, true, true);
19109 return new profileResponse_ProfileResponse(r);
19110 });
19111 }
19112 postPrelogin(request) {
19113 return api_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
19114 const r = yield this.send('POST', '/accounts/prelogin', request, false, true);
19115 return new preloginResponse_PreloginResponse(r);
19116 });
19117 }
19118 postEmailToken(request) {
19119 return this.send('POST', '/accounts/email-token', request, true, false);
19120 }
19121 postEmail(request) {
19122 return this.send('POST', '/accounts/email', request, true, false);
19123 }
19124 postPassword(request) {
19125 return this.send('POST', '/accounts/password', request, true, false);
19126 }
19127 postSecurityStamp(request) {
19128 return this.send('POST', '/accounts/security-stamp', request, true, false);
19129 }
19130 deleteAccount(request) {
19131 return this.send('DELETE', '/accounts', request, true, false);
19132 }
19133 getAccountRevisionDate() {
19134 return api_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
19135 const r = yield this.send('GET', '/accounts/revision-date', null, true, true);
19136 return r;
19137 });
19138 }
19139 postPasswordHint(request) {
19140 return this.send('POST', '/accounts/password-hint', request, false, false);
19141 }
19142 postRegister(request) {
19143 return this.send('POST', '/accounts/register', request, false, false);
19144 }
19145 postPremium(data) {
19146 return api_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
19147 const r = yield this.send('POST', '/accounts/premium', data, true, true);
19148 return new paymentResponse_PaymentResponse(r);
19149 });
19150 }
19151 postIapCheck(request) {
19152 return api_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
19153 return this.send('POST', '/accounts/iap-check', request, true, false);
19154 });
19155 }
19156 postReinstatePremium() {
19157 return this.send('POST', '/accounts/reinstate-premium', null, true, false);
19158 }
19159 postCancelPremium() {
19160 return this.send('POST', '/accounts/cancel-premium', null, true, false);
19161 }
19162 postAccountStorage(request) {
19163 return api_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
19164 const r = yield this.send('POST', '/accounts/storage', request, true, true);
19165 return new paymentResponse_PaymentResponse(r);
19166 });
19167 }
19168 postAccountPayment(request) {
19169 return this.send('POST', '/accounts/payment', request, true, false);
19170 }
19171 postAccountLicense(data) {
19172 return this.send('POST', '/accounts/license', data, true, false);
19173 }
19174 postAccountKeys(request) {
19175 return this.send('POST', '/accounts/keys', request, true, false);
19176 }
19177 postAccountKey(request) {
19178 return this.send('POST', '/accounts/key', request, true, false);
19179 }
19180 postAccountVerifyEmail() {
19181 return this.send('POST', '/accounts/verify-email', null, true, false);
19182 }
19183 postAccountVerifyEmailToken(request) {
19184 return this.send('POST', '/accounts/verify-email-token', request, false, false);
19185 }
19186 postAccountRecoverDelete(request) {
19187 return this.send('POST', '/accounts/delete-recover', request, false, false);
19188 }
19189 postAccountRecoverDeleteToken(request) {
19190 return this.send('POST', '/accounts/delete-recover-token', request, false, false);
19191 }
19192 postAccountKdf(request) {
19193 return this.send('POST', '/accounts/kdf', request, true, false);
19194 }
19195 getEnterprisePortalSignInToken() {
19196 return api_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
19197 const r = yield this.send('GET', '/accounts/enterprise-portal-signin-token', null, true, true);
19198 return r;
19199 });
19200 }
19201 // Folder APIs
19202 getFolder(id) {
19203 return api_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
19204 const r = yield this.send('GET', '/folders/' + id, null, true, true);
19205 return new folderResponse_FolderResponse(r);
19206 });
19207 }
19208 postFolder(request) {
19209 return api_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
19210 const r = yield this.send('POST', '/folders', request, true, true);
19211 return new folderResponse_FolderResponse(r);
19212 });
19213 }
19214 putFolder(id, request) {
19215 return api_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
19216 const r = yield this.send('PUT', '/folders/' + id, request, true, true);
19217 return new folderResponse_FolderResponse(r);
19218 });
19219 }
19220 deleteFolder(id) {
19221 return this.send('DELETE', '/folders/' + id, null, true, false);
19222 }
19223 // Cipher APIs
19224 getCipher(id) {
19225 return api_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
19226 const r = yield this.send('GET', '/ciphers/' + id, null, true, true);
19227 return new cipherResponse_CipherResponse(r);
19228 });
19229 }
19230 getCipherAdmin(id) {
19231 return api_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
19232 const r = yield this.send('GET', '/ciphers/' + id + '/admin', null, true, true);
19233 return new cipherResponse_CipherResponse(r);
19234 });
19235 }
19236 getCiphersOrganization(organizationId) {
19237 return api_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
19238 const r = yield this.send('GET', '/ciphers/organization-details?organizationId=' + organizationId, null, true, true);
19239 return new listResponse_ListResponse(r, cipherResponse_CipherResponse);
19240 });
19241 }
19242 postCipher(request) {
19243 return api_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
19244 const r = yield this.send('POST', '/ciphers', request, true, true);
19245 return new cipherResponse_CipherResponse(r);
19246 });
19247 }
19248 postCipherCreate(request) {
19249 return api_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
19250 const r = yield this.send('POST', '/ciphers/create', request, true, true);
19251 return new cipherResponse_CipherResponse(r);
19252 });
19253 }
19254 postCipherAdmin(request) {
19255 return api_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
19256 const r = yield this.send('POST', '/ciphers/admin', request, true, true);
19257 return new cipherResponse_CipherResponse(r);
19258 });
19259 }
19260 putCipher(id, request) {
19261 return api_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
19262 const r = yield this.send('PUT', '/ciphers/' + id, request, true, true);
19263 return new cipherResponse_CipherResponse(r);
19264 });
19265 }
19266 putCipherAdmin(id, request) {
19267 return api_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
19268 const r = yield this.send('PUT', '/ciphers/' + id + '/admin', request, true, true);
19269 return new cipherResponse_CipherResponse(r);
19270 });
19271 }
19272 deleteCipher(id) {
19273 return this.send('DELETE', '/ciphers/' + id, null, true, false);
19274 }
19275 deleteCipherAdmin(id) {
19276 return this.send('DELETE', '/ciphers/' + id + '/admin', null, true, false);
19277 }
19278 deleteManyCiphers(request) {
19279 return this.send('DELETE', '/ciphers', request, true, false);
19280 }
19281 putMoveCiphers(request) {
19282 return this.send('PUT', '/ciphers/move', request, true, false);
19283 }
19284 putShareCipher(id, request) {
19285 return api_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
19286 const r = yield this.send('PUT', '/ciphers/' + id + '/share', request, true, true);
19287 return new cipherResponse_CipherResponse(r);
19288 });
19289 }
19290 putShareCiphers(request) {
19291 return this.send('PUT', '/ciphers/share', request, true, false);
19292 }
19293 putCipherCollections(id, request) {
19294 return this.send('PUT', '/ciphers/' + id + '/collections', request, true, false);
19295 }
19296 putCipherCollectionsAdmin(id, request) {
19297 return this.send('PUT', '/ciphers/' + id + '/collections-admin', request, true, false);
19298 }
19299 postPurgeCiphers(request, organizationId = null) {
19300 let path = '/ciphers/purge';
19301 if (organizationId != null) {
19302 path += '?organizationId=' + organizationId;
19303 }
19304 return this.send('POST', path, request, true, false);
19305 }
19306 postImportCiphers(request) {
19307 return this.send('POST', '/ciphers/import', request, true, false);
19308 }
19309 postImportOrganizationCiphers(organizationId, request) {
19310 return this.send('POST', '/ciphers/import-organization?organizationId=' + organizationId, request, true, false);
19311 }
19312 putDeleteCipher(id) {
19313 return this.send('PUT', '/ciphers/' + id + '/delete', null, true, false);
19314 }
19315 putDeleteCipherAdmin(id) {
19316 return this.send('PUT', '/ciphers/' + id + '/delete-admin', null, true, false);
19317 }
19318 putDeleteManyCiphers(request) {
19319 return this.send('PUT', '/ciphers/delete', request, true, false);
19320 }
19321 putRestoreCipher(id) {
19322 return this.send('PUT', '/ciphers/' + id + '/restore', null, true, false);
19323 }
19324 putRestoreCipherAdmin(id) {
19325 return this.send('PUT', '/ciphers/' + id + '/restore-admin', null, true, false);
19326 }
19327 putRestoreManyCiphers(request) {
19328 return this.send('PUT', '/ciphers/restore', request, true, false);
19329 }
19330 // Attachments APIs
19331 postCipherAttachment(id, data) {
19332 return api_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
19333 const r = yield this.send('POST', '/ciphers/' + id + '/attachment', data, true, true);
19334 return new cipherResponse_CipherResponse(r);
19335 });
19336 }
19337 postCipherAttachmentAdmin(id, data) {
19338 return api_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
19339 const r = yield this.send('POST', '/ciphers/' + id + '/attachment-admin', data, true, true);
19340 return new cipherResponse_CipherResponse(r);
19341 });
19342 }
19343 deleteCipherAttachment(id, attachmentId) {
19344 return this.send('DELETE', '/ciphers/' + id + '/attachment/' + attachmentId, null, true, false);
19345 }
19346 deleteCipherAttachmentAdmin(id, attachmentId) {
19347 return this.send('DELETE', '/ciphers/' + id + '/attachment/' + attachmentId + '/admin', null, true, false);
19348 }
19349 postShareCipherAttachment(id, attachmentId, data, organizationId) {
19350 return this.send('POST', '/ciphers/' + id + '/attachment/' +
19351 attachmentId + '/share?organizationId=' + organizationId, data, true, false);
19352 }
19353 // Collections APIs
19354 getCollectionDetails(organizationId, id) {
19355 return api_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
19356 const r = yield this.send('GET', '/organizations/' + organizationId + '/collections/' + id + '/details', null, true, true);
19357 return new collectionResponse_CollectionGroupDetailsResponse(r);
19358 });
19359 }
19360 getUserCollections() {
19361 return api_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
19362 const r = yield this.send('GET', '/collections', null, true, true);
19363 return new listResponse_ListResponse(r, collectionResponse_CollectionResponse);
19364 });
19365 }
19366 getCollections(organizationId) {
19367 return api_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
19368 const r = yield this.send('GET', '/organizations/' + organizationId + '/collections', null, true, true);
19369 return new listResponse_ListResponse(r, collectionResponse_CollectionResponse);
19370 });
19371 }
19372 getCollectionUsers(organizationId, id) {
19373 return api_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
19374 const r = yield this.send('GET', '/organizations/' + organizationId + '/collections/' + id + '/users', null, true, true);
19375 return r.map((dr) => new selectionReadOnlyResponse_SelectionReadOnlyResponse(dr));
19376 });
19377 }
19378 postCollection(organizationId, request) {
19379 return api_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
19380 const r = yield this.send('POST', '/organizations/' + organizationId + '/collections', request, true, true);
19381 return new collectionResponse_CollectionResponse(r);
19382 });
19383 }
19384 putCollection(organizationId, id, request) {
19385 return api_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
19386 const r = yield this.send('PUT', '/organizations/' + organizationId + '/collections/' + id, request, true, true);
19387 return new collectionResponse_CollectionResponse(r);
19388 });
19389 }
19390 putCollectionUsers(organizationId, id, request) {
19391 return api_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
19392 yield this.send('PUT', '/organizations/' + organizationId + '/collections/' + id + '/users', request, true, false);
19393 });
19394 }
19395 deleteCollection(organizationId, id) {
19396 return this.send('DELETE', '/organizations/' + organizationId + '/collections/' + id, null, true, false);
19397 }
19398 deleteCollectionUser(organizationId, id, organizationUserId) {
19399 return this.send('DELETE', '/organizations/' + organizationId + '/collections/' + id + '/user/' + organizationUserId, null, true, false);
19400 }
19401 // Groups APIs
19402 getGroupDetails(organizationId, id) {
19403 return api_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
19404 const r = yield this.send('GET', '/organizations/' + organizationId + '/groups/' + id + '/details', null, true, true);
19405 return new groupResponse_GroupDetailsResponse(r);
19406 });
19407 }
19408 getGroups(organizationId) {
19409 return api_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
19410 const r = yield this.send('GET', '/organizations/' + organizationId + '/groups', null, true, true);
19411 return new listResponse_ListResponse(r, groupResponse_GroupResponse);
19412 });
19413 }
19414 getGroupUsers(organizationId, id) {
19415 return api_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
19416 const r = yield this.send('GET', '/organizations/' + organizationId + '/groups/' + id + '/users', null, true, true);
19417 return r;
19418 });
19419 }
19420 postGroup(organizationId, request) {
19421 return api_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
19422 const r = yield this.send('POST', '/organizations/' + organizationId + '/groups', request, true, true);
19423 return new groupResponse_GroupResponse(r);
19424 });
19425 }
19426 putGroup(organizationId, id, request) {
19427 return api_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
19428 const r = yield this.send('PUT', '/organizations/' + organizationId + '/groups/' + id, request, true, true);
19429 return new groupResponse_GroupResponse(r);
19430 });
19431 }
19432 putGroupUsers(organizationId, id, request) {
19433 return api_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
19434 yield this.send('PUT', '/organizations/' + organizationId + '/groups/' + id + '/users', request, true, false);
19435 });
19436 }
19437 deleteGroup(organizationId, id) {
19438 return this.send('DELETE', '/organizations/' + organizationId + '/groups/' + id, null, true, false);
19439 }
19440 deleteGroupUser(organizationId, id, organizationUserId) {
19441 return this.send('DELETE', '/organizations/' + organizationId + '/groups/' + id + '/user/' + organizationUserId, null, true, false);
19442 }
19443 // Policy APIs
19444 getPolicy(organizationId, type) {
19445 return api_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
19446 const r = yield this.send('GET', '/organizations/' + organizationId + '/policies/' + type, null, true, true);
19447 return new policyResponse_PolicyResponse(r);
19448 });
19449 }
19450 getPolicies(organizationId) {
19451 return api_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
19452 const r = yield this.send('GET', '/organizations/' + organizationId + '/policies', null, true, true);
19453 return new listResponse_ListResponse(r, policyResponse_PolicyResponse);
19454 });
19455 }
19456 getPoliciesByToken(organizationId, token, email, organizationUserId) {
19457 return api_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
19458 const r = yield this.send('GET', '/organizations/' + organizationId + '/policies/token?' +
19459 'token=' + encodeURIComponent(token) + '&email=' + encodeURIComponent(email) +
19460 '&organizationUserId=' + organizationUserId, null, false, true);
19461 return new listResponse_ListResponse(r, policyResponse_PolicyResponse);
19462 });
19463 }
19464 putPolicy(organizationId, type, request) {
19465 return api_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
19466 const r = yield this.send('PUT', '/organizations/' + organizationId + '/policies/' + type, request, true, true);
19467 return new policyResponse_PolicyResponse(r);
19468 });
19469 }
19470 // Organization User APIs
19471 getOrganizationUser(organizationId, id) {
19472 return api_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
19473 const r = yield this.send('GET', '/organizations/' + organizationId + '/users/' + id, null, true, true);
19474 return new organizationUserResponse_OrganizationUserDetailsResponse(r);
19475 });
19476 }
19477 getOrganizationUserGroups(organizationId, id) {
19478 return api_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
19479 const r = yield this.send('GET', '/organizations/' + organizationId + '/users/' + id + '/groups', null, true, true);
19480 return r;
19481 });
19482 }
19483 getOrganizationUsers(organizationId) {
19484 return api_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
19485 const r = yield this.send('GET', '/organizations/' + organizationId + '/users', null, true, true);
19486 return new listResponse_ListResponse(r, OrganizationUserUserDetailsResponse);
19487 });
19488 }
19489 postOrganizationUserInvite(organizationId, request) {
19490 return this.send('POST', '/organizations/' + organizationId + '/users/invite', request, true, false);
19491 }
19492 postOrganizationUserReinvite(organizationId, id) {
19493 return this.send('POST', '/organizations/' + organizationId + '/users/' + id + '/reinvite', null, true, false);
19494 }
19495 postOrganizationUserAccept(organizationId, id, request) {
19496 return this.send('POST', '/organizations/' + organizationId + '/users/' + id + '/accept', request, true, false);
19497 }
19498 postOrganizationUserConfirm(organizationId, id, request) {
19499 return this.send('POST', '/organizations/' + organizationId + '/users/' + id + '/confirm', request, true, false);
19500 }
19501 putOrganizationUser(organizationId, id, request) {
19502 return this.send('PUT', '/organizations/' + organizationId + '/users/' + id, request, true, false);
19503 }
19504 putOrganizationUserGroups(organizationId, id, request) {
19505 return this.send('PUT', '/organizations/' + organizationId + '/users/' + id + '/groups', request, true, false);
19506 }
19507 deleteOrganizationUser(organizationId, id) {
19508 return this.send('DELETE', '/organizations/' + organizationId + '/users/' + id, null, true, false);
19509 }
19510 // Sync APIs
19511 getSync() {
19512 return api_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
19513 const path = this.isDesktopClient || this.isWebClient ? '/sync?excludeDomains=true' : '/sync';
19514 const r = yield this.send('GET', path, null, true, true);
19515 return new syncResponse_SyncResponse(r);
19516 });
19517 }
19518 postImportDirectory(organizationId, request) {
19519 return api_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
19520 return this.send('POST', '/organizations/' + organizationId + '/import', request, true, false);
19521 });
19522 }
19523 // Settings APIs
19524 getSettingsDomains() {
19525 return api_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
19526 const r = yield this.send('GET', '/settings/domains', null, true, true);
19527 return new domainsResponse_DomainsResponse(r);
19528 });
19529 }
19530 putSettingsDomains(request) {
19531 return api_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
19532 const r = yield this.send('PUT', '/settings/domains', request, true, true);
19533 return new domainsResponse_DomainsResponse(r);
19534 });
19535 }
19536 // Two-factor APIs
19537 getTwoFactorProviders() {
19538 return api_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
19539 const r = yield this.send('GET', '/two-factor', null, true, true);
19540 return new listResponse_ListResponse(r, twoFactorProviderResponse_TwoFactorProviderResponse);
19541 });
19542 }
19543 getTwoFactorOrganizationProviders(organizationId) {
19544 return api_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
19545 const r = yield this.send('GET', '/organizations/' + organizationId + '/two-factor', null, true, true);
19546 return new listResponse_ListResponse(r, twoFactorProviderResponse_TwoFactorProviderResponse);
19547 });
19548 }
19549 getTwoFactorAuthenticator(request) {
19550 return api_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
19551 const r = yield this.send('POST', '/two-factor/get-authenticator', request, true, true);
19552 return new twoFactorAuthenticatorResponse_TwoFactorAuthenticatorResponse(r);
19553 });
19554 }
19555 getTwoFactorEmail(request) {
19556 return api_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
19557 const r = yield this.send('POST', '/two-factor/get-email', request, true, true);
19558 return new twoFactorEmailResponse_TwoFactorEmailResponse(r);
19559 });
19560 }
19561 getTwoFactorDuo(request) {
19562 return api_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
19563 const r = yield this.send('POST', '/two-factor/get-duo', request, true, true);
19564 return new twoFactorDuoResponse_TwoFactorDuoResponse(r);
19565 });
19566 }
19567 getTwoFactorOrganizationDuo(organizationId, request) {
19568 return api_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
19569 const r = yield this.send('POST', '/organizations/' + organizationId + '/two-factor/get-duo', request, true, true);
19570 return new twoFactorDuoResponse_TwoFactorDuoResponse(r);
19571 });
19572 }
19573 getTwoFactorYubiKey(request) {
19574 return api_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
19575 const r = yield this.send('POST', '/two-factor/get-yubikey', request, true, true);
19576 return new twoFactorYubiKeyResponse_TwoFactorYubiKeyResponse(r);
19577 });
19578 }
19579 getTwoFactorU2f(request) {
19580 return api_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
19581 const r = yield this.send('POST', '/two-factor/get-u2f', request, true, true);
19582 return new twoFactorU2fResponse_TwoFactorU2fResponse(r);
19583 });
19584 }
19585 getTwoFactorU2fChallenge(request) {
19586 return api_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
19587 const r = yield this.send('POST', '/two-factor/get-u2f-challenge', request, true, true);
19588 return new twoFactorU2fResponse_ChallengeResponse(r);
19589 });
19590 }
19591 getTwoFactorRecover(request) {
19592 return api_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
19593 const r = yield this.send('POST', '/two-factor/get-recover', request, true, true);
19594 return new twoFactorRescoverResponse_TwoFactorRecoverResponse(r);
19595 });
19596 }
19597 putTwoFactorAuthenticator(request) {
19598 return api_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
19599 const r = yield this.send('PUT', '/two-factor/authenticator', request, true, true);
19600 return new twoFactorAuthenticatorResponse_TwoFactorAuthenticatorResponse(r);
19601 });
19602 }
19603 putTwoFactorEmail(request) {
19604 return api_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
19605 const r = yield this.send('PUT', '/two-factor/email', request, true, true);
19606 return new twoFactorEmailResponse_TwoFactorEmailResponse(r);
19607 });
19608 }
19609 putTwoFactorDuo(request) {
19610 return api_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
19611 const r = yield this.send('PUT', '/two-factor/duo', request, true, true);
19612 return new twoFactorDuoResponse_TwoFactorDuoResponse(r);
19613 });
19614 }
19615 putTwoFactorOrganizationDuo(organizationId, request) {
19616 return api_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
19617 const r = yield this.send('PUT', '/organizations/' + organizationId + '/two-factor/duo', request, true, true);
19618 return new twoFactorDuoResponse_TwoFactorDuoResponse(r);
19619 });
19620 }
19621 putTwoFactorYubiKey(request) {
19622 return api_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
19623 const r = yield this.send('PUT', '/two-factor/yubikey', request, true, true);
19624 return new twoFactorYubiKeyResponse_TwoFactorYubiKeyResponse(r);
19625 });
19626 }
19627 putTwoFactorU2f(request) {
19628 return api_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
19629 const r = yield this.send('PUT', '/two-factor/u2f', request, true, true);
19630 return new twoFactorU2fResponse_TwoFactorU2fResponse(r);
19631 });
19632 }
19633 deleteTwoFactorU2f(request) {
19634 return api_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
19635 const r = yield this.send('DELETE', '/two-factor/u2f', request, true, true);
19636 return new twoFactorU2fResponse_TwoFactorU2fResponse(r);
19637 });
19638 }
19639 putTwoFactorDisable(request) {
19640 return api_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
19641 const r = yield this.send('PUT', '/two-factor/disable', request, true, true);
19642 return new twoFactorProviderResponse_TwoFactorProviderResponse(r);
19643 });
19644 }
19645 putTwoFactorOrganizationDisable(organizationId, request) {
19646 return api_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
19647 const r = yield this.send('PUT', '/organizations/' + organizationId + '/two-factor/disable', request, true, true);
19648 return new twoFactorProviderResponse_TwoFactorProviderResponse(r);
19649 });
19650 }
19651 postTwoFactorRecover(request) {
19652 return this.send('POST', '/two-factor/recover', request, false, false);
19653 }
19654 postTwoFactorEmailSetup(request) {
19655 return this.send('POST', '/two-factor/send-email', request, true, false);
19656 }
19657 postTwoFactorEmail(request) {
19658 return this.send('POST', '/two-factor/send-email-login', request, false, false);
19659 }
19660 // Organization APIs
19661 getOrganization(id) {
19662 return api_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
19663 const r = yield this.send('GET', '/organizations/' + id, null, true, true);
19664 return new organizationResponse_OrganizationResponse(r);
19665 });
19666 }
19667 getOrganizationBilling(id) {
19668 return api_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
19669 const r = yield this.send('GET', '/organizations/' + id + '/billing', null, true, true);
19670 return new billingResponse_BillingResponse(r);
19671 });
19672 }
19673 getOrganizationSubscription(id) {
19674 return api_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
19675 const r = yield this.send('GET', '/organizations/' + id + '/subscription', null, true, true);
19676 return new organizationSubscriptionResponse_OrganizationSubscriptionResponse(r);
19677 });
19678 }
19679 getOrganizationLicense(id, installationId) {
19680 return api_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
19681 return this.send('GET', '/organizations/' + id + '/license?installationId=' + installationId, null, true, true);
19682 });
19683 }
19684 postOrganization(request) {
19685 return api_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
19686 const r = yield this.send('POST', '/organizations', request, true, true);
19687 return new organizationResponse_OrganizationResponse(r);
19688 });
19689 }
19690 putOrganization(id, request) {
19691 return api_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
19692 const r = yield this.send('PUT', '/organizations/' + id, request, true, true);
19693 return new organizationResponse_OrganizationResponse(r);
19694 });
19695 }
19696 postLeaveOrganization(id) {
19697 return this.send('POST', '/organizations/' + id + '/leave', null, true, false);
19698 }
19699 postOrganizationLicense(data) {
19700 return api_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
19701 const r = yield this.send('POST', '/organizations/license', data, true, true);
19702 return new organizationResponse_OrganizationResponse(r);
19703 });
19704 }
19705 postOrganizationLicenseUpdate(id, data) {
19706 return api_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
19707 return this.send('POST', '/organizations/' + id + '/license', data, true, false);
19708 });
19709 }
19710 postOrganizationApiKey(id, request) {
19711 return api_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
19712 const r = yield this.send('POST', '/organizations/' + id + '/api-key', request, true, true);
19713 return new apiKeyResponse_ApiKeyResponse(r);
19714 });
19715 }
19716 postOrganizationRotateApiKey(id, request) {
19717 return api_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
19718 const r = yield this.send('POST', '/organizations/' + id + '/rotate-api-key', request, true, true);
19719 return new apiKeyResponse_ApiKeyResponse(r);
19720 });
19721 }
19722 postOrganizationUpgrade(id, request) {
19723 return api_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
19724 const r = yield this.send('POST', '/organizations/' + id + '/upgrade', request, true, true);
19725 return new paymentResponse_PaymentResponse(r);
19726 });
19727 }
19728 postOrganizationSeat(id, request) {
19729 return api_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
19730 const r = yield this.send('POST', '/organizations/' + id + '/seat', request, true, true);
19731 return new paymentResponse_PaymentResponse(r);
19732 });
19733 }
19734 postOrganizationStorage(id, request) {
19735 return api_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
19736 const r = yield this.send('POST', '/organizations/' + id + '/storage', request, true, true);
19737 return new paymentResponse_PaymentResponse(r);
19738 });
19739 }
19740 postOrganizationPayment(id, request) {
19741 return this.send('POST', '/organizations/' + id + '/payment', request, true, false);
19742 }
19743 postOrganizationVerifyBank(id, request) {
19744 return this.send('POST', '/organizations/' + id + '/verify-bank', request, true, false);
19745 }
19746 postOrganizationCancel(id) {
19747 return this.send('POST', '/organizations/' + id + '/cancel', null, true, false);
19748 }
19749 postOrganizationReinstate(id) {
19750 return this.send('POST', '/organizations/' + id + '/reinstate', null, true, false);
19751 }
19752 deleteOrganization(id, request) {
19753 return this.send('DELETE', '/organizations/' + id, request, true, false);
19754 }
19755 // Event APIs
19756 getEvents(start, end, token) {
19757 return api_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
19758 const r = yield this.send('GET', this.addEventParameters('/events', start, end, token), null, true, true);
19759 return new listResponse_ListResponse(r, eventResponse_EventResponse);
19760 });
19761 }
19762 getEventsCipher(id, start, end, token) {
19763 return api_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
19764 const r = yield this.send('GET', this.addEventParameters('/ciphers/' + id + '/events', start, end, token), null, true, true);
19765 return new listResponse_ListResponse(r, eventResponse_EventResponse);
19766 });
19767 }
19768 getEventsOrganization(id, start, end, token) {
19769 return api_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
19770 const r = yield this.send('GET', this.addEventParameters('/organizations/' + id + '/events', start, end, token), null, true, true);
19771 return new listResponse_ListResponse(r, eventResponse_EventResponse);
19772 });
19773 }
19774 getEventsOrganizationUser(organizationId, id, start, end, token) {
19775 return api_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
19776 const r = yield this.send('GET', this.addEventParameters('/organizations/' + organizationId + '/users/' + id + '/events', start, end, token), null, true, true);
19777 return new listResponse_ListResponse(r, eventResponse_EventResponse);
19778 });
19779 }
19780 postEventsCollect(request) {
19781 return api_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
19782 const authHeader = yield this.getActiveBearerToken();
19783 const headers = new Headers({
19784 'Device-Type': this.deviceType,
19785 'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + authHeader,
19786 'Content-Type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8',
19787 });
19788 if (this.customUserAgent != null) {
19789 headers.set('User-Agent', this.customUserAgent);
19790 }
19791 const response = yield this.fetch(new Request(this.eventsBaseUrl + '/collect', {
19792 cache: 'no-store',
19793 credentials: this.getCredentials(),
19794 method: 'POST',
19795 body: JSON.stringify(request),
19796 headers: headers,
19797 }));
19798 if (response.status !== 200) {
19799 return Promise.reject('Event post failed.');
19800 }
19801 });
19802 }
19803 // User APIs
19804 getUserPublicKey(id) {
19805 return api_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
19806 const r = yield this.send('GET', '/users/' + id + '/public-key', null, true, true);
19807 return new userKeyResponse_UserKeyResponse(r);
19808 });
19809 }
19810 // HIBP APIs
19811 getHibpBreach(username) {
19812 return api_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
19813 const r = yield this.send('GET', '/hibp/breach?username=' + username, null, true, true);
19814 return r.map((a) => new breachAccountResponse_BreachAccountResponse(a));
19815 });
19816 }
19817 // Misc
19818 postBitPayInvoice(request) {
19819 return api_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
19820 const r = yield this.send('POST', '/bitpay-invoice', request, true, true);
19821 return r;
19822 });
19823 }
19824 postSetupPayment() {
19825 return api_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
19826 const r = yield this.send('POST', '/setup-payment', null, true, true);
19827 return r;
19828 });
19829 }
19830 // Helpers
19831 getActiveBearerToken() {
19832 return api_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
19833 let accessToken = yield this.tokenService.getToken();
19834 if (this.tokenService.tokenNeedsRefresh()) {
19835 const tokenResponse = yield this.doRefreshToken();
19836 accessToken = tokenResponse.accessToken;
19837 }
19838 return accessToken;
19839 });
19840 }
19841 fetch(request) {
19842 if (request.method === 'GET') {
19843 request.headers.set('Cache-Control', 'no-store');
19844 request.headers.set('Pragma', 'no-cache');
19845 }
19846 return this.nativeFetch(request);
19847 }
19848 nativeFetch(request) {
19849 return fetch(request);
19850 }
19851 send(method, path, body, authed, hasResponse) {
19852 return api_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
19853 const headers = new Headers({
19854 'Device-Type': this.deviceType,
19855 });
19856 if (this.customUserAgent != null) {
19857 headers.set('User-Agent', this.customUserAgent);
19858 }
19859 const requestInit = {
19860 cache: 'no-store',
19861 credentials: this.getCredentials(),
19862 method: method,
19863 };
19864 if (authed) {
19865 const authHeader = yield this.getActiveBearerToken();
19866 headers.set('Authorization', 'Bearer ' + authHeader);
19867 }
19868 if (body != null) {
19869 if (typeof body === 'string') {
19870 requestInit.body = body;
19871 headers.set('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8');
19872 }
19873 else if (typeof body === 'object') {
19874 if (body instanceof FormData) {
19875 requestInit.body = body;
19876 }
19877 else {
19878 headers.set('Content-Type', 'application/json; charset=utf-8');
19879 requestInit.body = JSON.stringify(body);
19880 }
19881 }
19882 }
19883 if (hasResponse) {
19884 headers.set('Accept', 'application/json');
19885 }
19886 requestInit.headers = headers;
19887 const response = yield this.fetch(new Request(this.apiBaseUrl + path, requestInit));
19888 if (hasResponse && response.status === 200) {
19889 const responseJson = yield response.json();
19890 return responseJson;
19891 }
19892 else if (response.status !== 200) {
19893 const error = yield this.handleError(response, false);
19894 return Promise.reject(error);
19895 }
19896 });
19897 }
19898 handleError(response, tokenError) {
19899 return api_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
19900 if ((tokenError && response.status === 400) || response.status === 401 || response.status === 403) {
19901 yield this.logoutCallback(true);
19902 return null;
19903 }
19904 let responseJson = null;
19905 if (this.isJsonResponse(response)) {
19906 responseJson = yield response.json();
19907 }
19908 return new errorResponse_ErrorResponse(responseJson, response.status, tokenError);
19909 });
19910 }
19911 doRefreshToken() {
19912 return api_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
19913 const refreshToken = yield this.tokenService.getRefreshToken();
19914 if (refreshToken == null || refreshToken === '') {
19915 throw new Error();
19916 }
19917 const headers = new Headers({
19918 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8',
19919 'Accept': 'application/json',
19920 'Device-Type': this.deviceType,
19921 });
19922 if (this.customUserAgent != null) {
19923 headers.set('User-Agent', this.customUserAgent);
19924 }
19925 const decodedToken = this.tokenService.decodeToken();
19926 const response = yield this.fetch(new Request(this.identityBaseUrl + '/connect/token', {
19927 body: this.qsStringify({
19928 grant_type: 'refresh_token',
19929 client_id: decodedToken.client_id,
19930 refresh_token: refreshToken,
19931 }),
19932 cache: 'no-store',
19933 credentials: this.getCredentials(),
19934 headers: headers,
19935 method: 'POST',
19936 }));
19937 if (response.status === 200) {
19938 const responseJson = yield response.json();
19939 const tokenResponse = new identityTokenResponse_IdentityTokenResponse(responseJson);
19940 yield this.tokenService.setTokens(tokenResponse.accessToken, tokenResponse.refreshToken);
19941 return tokenResponse;
19942 }
19943 else {
19944 const error = yield this.handleError(response, true);
19945 return Promise.reject(error);
19946 }
19947 });
19948 }
19949 qsStringify(params) {
19950 return Object.keys(params).map((key) => {
19951 return encodeURIComponent(key) + '=' + encodeURIComponent(params[key]);
19952 }).join('&');
19953 }
19954 getCredentials() {
19955 if (this.device !== DeviceType.SafariExtension && (!this.isWebClient || this.usingBaseUrl)) {
19956 return 'include';
19957 }
19958 return undefined;
19959 }
19960 addEventParameters(base, start, end, token) {
19961 if (start != null) {
19962 base += ('?start=' + start);
19963 }
19964 if (end != null) {
19965 base += (base.indexOf('?') > -1 ? '&' : '?');
19966 base += ('end=' + end);
19967 }
19968 if (token != null) {
19969 base += (base.indexOf('?') > -1 ? '&' : '?');
19970 base += ('continuationToken=' + token);
19971 }
19972 return base;
19973 }
19974 isJsonResponse(response) {
19975 const typeHeader = response.headers.get('content-type');
19976 return typeHeader != null && typeHeader.indexOf('application/json') > -1;
19977 }
19980// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/services/nodeApi.service.ts
19985global.fetch = external_node_fetch_default.a;
19986global.Request = external_node_fetch_["Request"];
19987global.Response = external_node_fetch_["Response"];
19988global.Headers = external_node_fetch_["Headers"];
19989global.FormData = external_form_data_;
19990class nodeApi_service_NodeApiService extends api_service_ApiService {
19991 constructor(tokenService, platformUtilsService, logoutCallback, customUserAgent = null) {
19992 super(tokenService, platformUtilsService, logoutCallback, customUserAgent);
19993 }
19994 nativeFetch(request) {
19995 const proxy = process.env.http_proxy || process.env.https_proxy;
19996 if (proxy) {
19997 request.agent = new external_https_proxy_agent_(proxy);
19998 }
19999 return fetch(request);
20000 }
20003// EXTERNAL MODULE: external "crypto"
20004var external_crypto_ = __webpack_require__(6);
20006// EXTERNAL MODULE: external "node-forge"
20007var external_node_forge_ = __webpack_require__(2);
20009// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/models/domain/decryptParameters.ts
20010class DecryptParameters {
20013// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/services/nodeCryptoFunction.service.ts
20014var nodeCryptoFunction_service_awaiter = (undefined && undefined.__awaiter) || function (thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) {
20015 return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) {
20016 function fulfilled(value) { try { step(generator.next(value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
20017 function rejected(value) { try { step(generator["throw"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
20018 function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(result.value); }).then(fulfilled, rejected); }
20019 step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next());
20020 });
20026class nodeCryptoFunction_service_NodeCryptoFunctionService {
20027 pbkdf2(password, salt, algorithm, iterations) {
20028 const len = algorithm === 'sha256' ? 32 : 64;
20029 const nodePassword = this.toNodeValue(password);
20030 const nodeSalt = this.toNodeValue(salt);
20031 return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
20032 external_crypto_["pbkdf2"](nodePassword, nodeSalt, iterations, len, algorithm, (error, key) => {
20033 if (error != null) {
20034 reject(error);
20035 }
20036 else {
20037 resolve(this.toArrayBuffer(key));
20038 }
20039 });
20040 });
20041 }
20042 hash(value, algorithm) {
20043 const nodeValue = this.toNodeValue(value);
20044 const hash = external_crypto_["createHash"](algorithm);
20045 hash.update(nodeValue);
20046 return Promise.resolve(this.toArrayBuffer(hash.digest()));
20047 }
20048 hmac(value, key, algorithm) {
20049 const nodeValue = this.toNodeBuffer(value);
20050 const nodeKey = this.toNodeBuffer(key);
20051 const hmac = external_crypto_["createHmac"](algorithm, nodeKey);
20052 hmac.update(nodeValue);
20053 return Promise.resolve(this.toArrayBuffer(hmac.digest()));
20054 }
20055 compare(a, b) {
20056 return nodeCryptoFunction_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
20057 const key = yield this.randomBytes(32);
20058 const mac1 = yield this.hmac(a, key, 'sha256');
20059 const mac2 = yield this.hmac(b, key, 'sha256');
20060 if (mac1.byteLength !== mac2.byteLength) {
20061 return false;
20062 }
20063 const arr1 = new Uint8Array(mac1);
20064 const arr2 = new Uint8Array(mac2);
20065 for (let i = 0; i < arr2.length; i++) {
20066 if (arr1[i] !== arr2[i]) {
20067 return false;
20068 }
20069 }
20070 return true;
20071 });
20072 }
20073 hmacFast(value, key, algorithm) {
20074 return this.hmac(value, key, algorithm);
20075 }
20076 compareFast(a, b) {
20077 return this.compare(a, b);
20078 }
20079 aesEncrypt(data, iv, key) {
20080 const nodeData = this.toNodeBuffer(data);
20081 const nodeIv = this.toNodeBuffer(iv);
20082 const nodeKey = this.toNodeBuffer(key);
20083 const cipher = external_crypto_["createCipheriv"]('aes-256-cbc', nodeKey, nodeIv);
20084 const encBuf = Buffer.concat([cipher.update(nodeData), cipher.final()]);
20085 return Promise.resolve(this.toArrayBuffer(encBuf));
20086 }
20087 aesDecryptFastParameters(data, iv, mac, key) {
20088 const p = new DecryptParameters();
20089 p.encKey = key.encKey;
20090 p.data = utils_Utils.fromB64ToArray(data).buffer;
20091 p.iv = utils_Utils.fromB64ToArray(iv).buffer;
20092 const macData = new Uint8Array(p.iv.byteLength + p.data.byteLength);
20093 macData.set(new Uint8Array(p.iv), 0);
20094 macData.set(new Uint8Array(p.data), p.iv.byteLength);
20095 p.macData = macData.buffer;
20096 if (key.macKey != null) {
20097 p.macKey = key.macKey;
20098 }
20099 if (mac != null) {
20100 p.mac = utils_Utils.fromB64ToArray(mac).buffer;
20101 }
20102 return p;
20103 }
20104 aesDecryptFast(parameters) {
20105 return nodeCryptoFunction_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
20106 const decBuf = yield this.aesDecrypt(parameters.data, parameters.iv, parameters.encKey);
20107 return utils_Utils.fromBufferToUtf8(decBuf);
20108 });
20109 }
20110 aesDecrypt(data, iv, key) {
20111 const nodeData = this.toNodeBuffer(data);
20112 const nodeIv = this.toNodeBuffer(iv);
20113 const nodeKey = this.toNodeBuffer(key);
20114 const decipher = external_crypto_["createDecipheriv"]('aes-256-cbc', nodeKey, nodeIv);
20115 const decBuf = Buffer.concat([decipher.update(nodeData), decipher.final()]);
20116 return Promise.resolve(this.toArrayBuffer(decBuf));
20117 }
20118 rsaEncrypt(data, publicKey, algorithm) {
20119 if (algorithm === 'sha256') {
20120 throw new Error('Node crypto does not support RSA-OAEP SHA-256');
20121 }
20122 const pem = this.toPemPublicKey(publicKey);
20123 const decipher = external_crypto_["publicEncrypt"](pem, this.toNodeBuffer(data));
20124 return Promise.resolve(this.toArrayBuffer(decipher));
20125 }
20126 rsaDecrypt(data, privateKey, algorithm) {
20127 if (algorithm === 'sha256') {
20128 throw new Error('Node crypto does not support RSA-OAEP SHA-256');
20129 }
20130 const pem = this.toPemPrivateKey(privateKey);
20131 const decipher = external_crypto_["privateDecrypt"](pem, this.toNodeBuffer(data));
20132 return Promise.resolve(this.toArrayBuffer(decipher));
20133 }
20134 rsaExtractPublicKey(privateKey) {
20135 const privateKeyByteString = utils_Utils.fromBufferToByteString(privateKey);
20136 const privateKeyAsn1 = external_node_forge_["asn1"].fromDer(privateKeyByteString);
20137 const forgePrivateKey = external_node_forge_["pki"].privateKeyFromAsn1(privateKeyAsn1);
20138 const forgePublicKey = external_node_forge_["pki"].setRsaPublicKey(forgePrivateKey.n, forgePrivateKey.e);
20139 const publicKeyAsn1 = external_node_forge_["pki"].publicKeyToAsn1(forgePublicKey);
20140 const publicKeyByteString = external_node_forge_["asn1"].toDer(publicKeyAsn1).data;
20141 const publicKeyArray = utils_Utils.fromByteStringToArray(publicKeyByteString);
20142 return Promise.resolve(publicKeyArray.buffer);
20143 }
20144 rsaGenerateKeyPair(length) {
20145 return nodeCryptoFunction_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
20146 return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
20147 external_node_forge_["pki"].rsa.generateKeyPair({
20148 bits: length,
20149 workers: -1,
20150 e: 0x10001,
20151 }, (error, keyPair) => {
20152 if (error != null) {
20153 reject(error);
20154 return;
20155 }
20156 const publicKeyAsn1 = external_node_forge_["pki"].publicKeyToAsn1(keyPair.publicKey);
20157 const publicKeyByteString = external_node_forge_["asn1"].toDer(publicKeyAsn1).getBytes();
20158 const publicKey = utils_Utils.fromByteStringToArray(publicKeyByteString);
20159 const privateKeyAsn1 = external_node_forge_["pki"].privateKeyToAsn1(keyPair.privateKey);
20160 const privateKeyPkcs8 = external_node_forge_["pki"].wrapRsaPrivateKey(privateKeyAsn1);
20161 const privateKeyByteString = external_node_forge_["asn1"].toDer(privateKeyPkcs8).getBytes();
20162 const privateKey = utils_Utils.fromByteStringToArray(privateKeyByteString);
20163 resolve([publicKey.buffer, privateKey.buffer]);
20164 });
20165 });
20166 });
20167 }
20168 randomBytes(length) {
20169 return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
20170 external_crypto_["randomBytes"](length, (error, bytes) => {
20171 if (error != null) {
20172 reject(error);
20173 }
20174 else {
20175 resolve(this.toArrayBuffer(bytes));
20176 }
20177 });
20178 });
20179 }
20180 toNodeValue(value) {
20181 let nodeValue;
20182 if (typeof (value) === 'string') {
20183 nodeValue = value;
20184 }
20185 else {
20186 nodeValue = this.toNodeBuffer(value);
20187 }
20188 return nodeValue;
20189 }
20190 toNodeBuffer(value) {
20191 return Buffer.from(new Uint8Array(value));
20192 }
20193 toArrayBuffer(buf) {
20194 return new Uint8Array(buf).buffer;
20195 }
20196 toPemPrivateKey(key) {
20197 const byteString = utils_Utils.fromBufferToByteString(key);
20198 const asn1 = external_node_forge_["asn1"].fromDer(byteString);
20199 const privateKey = external_node_forge_["pki"].privateKeyFromAsn1(asn1);
20200 const rsaPrivateKey = external_node_forge_["pki"].privateKeyToAsn1(privateKey);
20201 const privateKeyInfo = external_node_forge_["pki"].wrapRsaPrivateKey(rsaPrivateKey);
20202 return external_node_forge_["pki"].privateKeyInfoToPem(privateKeyInfo);
20203 }
20204 toPemPublicKey(key) {
20205 const byteString = utils_Utils.fromBufferToByteString(key);
20206 const asn1 = external_node_forge_["asn1"].fromDer(byteString);
20207 const publicKey = external_node_forge_["pki"].publicKeyFromAsn1(asn1);
20208 return external_node_forge_["pki"].publicKeyToPem(publicKey);
20209 }
20212// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/services/noopMessaging.service.ts
20213class NoopMessagingService {
20214 send(subscriber, arg = {}) {
20215 // Do nothing...
20216 }
20219// EXTERNAL MODULE: external "zxcvbn"
20220var external_zxcvbn_ = __webpack_require__(18);
20222// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/models/domain/passwordGeneratorPolicyOptions.ts
20224class passwordGeneratorPolicyOptions_PasswordGeneratorPolicyOptions extends domainBase_Domain {
20225 constructor() {
20226 super(...arguments);
20227 this.defaultType = '';
20228 this.minLength = 0;
20229 this.useUppercase = false;
20230 this.useLowercase = false;
20231 this.useNumbers = false;
20232 this.numberCount = 0;
20233 this.useSpecial = false;
20234 this.specialCount = 0;
20235 this.minNumberWords = 0;
20236 this.capitalize = false;
20237 this.includeNumber = false;
20238 }
20239 inEffect() {
20240 return this.defaultType !== '' ||
20241 this.minLength > 0 ||
20242 this.numberCount > 0 ||
20243 this.specialCount > 0 ||
20244 this.useUppercase ||
20245 this.useLowercase ||
20246 this.useNumbers ||
20247 this.useSpecial ||
20248 this.minNumberWords > 0 ||
20249 this.capitalize ||
20250 this.includeNumber;
20251 }
20254// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/enums/policyType.ts
20255var PolicyType;
20256(function (PolicyType) {
20257 PolicyType[PolicyType["TwoFactorAuthentication"] = 0] = "TwoFactorAuthentication";
20258 PolicyType[PolicyType["MasterPassword"] = 1] = "MasterPassword";
20259 PolicyType[PolicyType["PasswordGenerator"] = 2] = "PasswordGenerator";
20260})(PolicyType || (PolicyType = {}));
20262// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/services/passwordGeneration.service.ts
20263var passwordGeneration_service_awaiter = (undefined && undefined.__awaiter) || function (thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) {
20264 return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) {
20265 function fulfilled(value) { try { step(generator.next(value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
20266 function rejected(value) { try { step(generator["throw"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
20267 function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(result.value); }).then(fulfilled, rejected); }
20268 step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next());
20269 });
20277const DefaultOptions = {
20278 length: 14,
20279 ambiguous: false,
20280 number: true,
20281 minNumber: 1,
20282 uppercase: true,
20283 minUppercase: 0,
20284 lowercase: true,
20285 minLowercase: 0,
20286 special: false,
20287 minSpecial: 1,
20288 type: 'password',
20289 numWords: 3,
20290 wordSeparator: '-',
20291 capitalize: false,
20292 includeNumber: false,
20294const passwordGeneration_service_Keys = {
20295 options: 'passwordGenerationOptions',
20296 history: 'generatedPasswordHistory',
20298const MaxPasswordsInHistory = 100;
20299class passwordGeneration_service_PasswordGenerationService {
20300 constructor(cryptoService, storageService, policyService) {
20301 this.cryptoService = cryptoService;
20302 this.storageService = storageService;
20303 this.policyService = policyService;
20304 }
20305 generatePassword(options) {
20306 return passwordGeneration_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
20307 // overload defaults with given options
20308 const o = Object.assign({}, DefaultOptions, options);
20309 if (o.type === 'passphrase') {
20310 return this.generatePassphrase(options);
20311 }
20312 // sanitize
20313 this.sanitizePasswordLength(o, true);
20314 const minLength = o.minUppercase + o.minLowercase + o.minNumber + o.minSpecial;
20315 if (o.length < minLength) {
20316 o.length = minLength;
20317 }
20318 const positions = [];
20319 if (o.lowercase && o.minLowercase > 0) {
20320 for (let i = 0; i < o.minLowercase; i++) {
20321 positions.push('l');
20322 }
20323 }
20324 if (o.uppercase && o.minUppercase > 0) {
20325 for (let i = 0; i < o.minUppercase; i++) {
20326 positions.push('u');
20327 }
20328 }
20329 if (o.number && o.minNumber > 0) {
20330 for (let i = 0; i < o.minNumber; i++) {
20331 positions.push('n');
20332 }
20333 }
20334 if (o.special && o.minSpecial > 0) {
20335 for (let i = 0; i < o.minSpecial; i++) {
20336 positions.push('s');
20337 }
20338 }
20339 while (positions.length < o.length) {
20340 positions.push('a');
20341 }
20342 // shuffle
20343 yield this.shuffleArray(positions);
20344 // build out the char sets
20345 let allCharSet = '';
20346 let lowercaseCharSet = 'abcdefghijkmnopqrstuvwxyz';
20347 if (o.ambiguous) {
20348 lowercaseCharSet += 'l';
20349 }
20350 if (o.lowercase) {
20351 allCharSet += lowercaseCharSet;
20352 }
20353 let uppercaseCharSet = 'ABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZ';
20354 if (o.ambiguous) {
20355 uppercaseCharSet += 'IO';
20356 }
20357 if (o.uppercase) {
20358 allCharSet += uppercaseCharSet;
20359 }
20360 let numberCharSet = '23456789';
20361 if (o.ambiguous) {
20362 numberCharSet += '01';
20363 }
20364 if (o.number) {
20365 allCharSet += numberCharSet;
20366 }
20367 const specialCharSet = '!@#$%^&*';
20368 if (o.special) {
20369 allCharSet += specialCharSet;
20370 }
20371 let password = '';
20372 for (let i = 0; i < o.length; i++) {
20373 let positionChars;
20374 switch (positions[i]) {
20375 case 'l':
20376 positionChars = lowercaseCharSet;
20377 break;
20378 case 'u':
20379 positionChars = uppercaseCharSet;
20380 break;
20381 case 'n':
20382 positionChars = numberCharSet;
20383 break;
20384 case 's':
20385 positionChars = specialCharSet;
20386 break;
20387 case 'a':
20388 positionChars = allCharSet;
20389 break;
20390 default:
20391 break;
20392 }
20393 const randomCharIndex = yield this.cryptoService.randomNumber(0, positionChars.length - 1);
20394 password += positionChars.charAt(randomCharIndex);
20395 }
20396 return password;
20397 });
20398 }
20399 generatePassphrase(options) {
20400 return passwordGeneration_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
20401 const o = Object.assign({}, DefaultOptions, options);
20402 if (o.numWords == null || o.numWords <= 2) {
20403 o.numWords = DefaultOptions.numWords;
20404 }
20405 if (o.wordSeparator == null || o.wordSeparator.length === 0 || o.wordSeparator.length > 1) {
20406 o.wordSeparator = ' ';
20407 }
20408 if (o.capitalize == null) {
20409 o.capitalize = false;
20410 }
20411 if (o.includeNumber == null) {
20412 o.includeNumber = false;
20413 }
20414 const listLength = EEFLongWordList.length - 1;
20415 const wordList = new Array(o.numWords);
20416 for (let i = 0; i < o.numWords; i++) {
20417 const wordIndex = yield this.cryptoService.randomNumber(0, listLength);
20418 if (o.capitalize) {
20419 wordList[i] = this.capitalize(EEFLongWordList[wordIndex]);
20420 }
20421 else {
20422 wordList[i] = EEFLongWordList[wordIndex];
20423 }
20424 }
20425 if (o.includeNumber) {
20426 yield this.appendRandomNumberToRandomWord(wordList);
20427 }
20428 return wordList.join(o.wordSeparator);
20429 });
20430 }
20431 getOptions() {
20432 return passwordGeneration_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
20433 if (this.optionsCache == null) {
20434 const options = yield this.storageService.get(passwordGeneration_service_Keys.options);
20435 if (options == null) {
20436 this.optionsCache = DefaultOptions;
20437 }
20438 else {
20439 this.optionsCache = Object.assign({}, DefaultOptions, options);
20440 }
20441 }
20442 const enforcedOptions = yield this.enforcePasswordGeneratorPoliciesOnOptions(this.optionsCache);
20443 this.optionsCache = enforcedOptions[0];
20444 return [this.optionsCache, enforcedOptions[1]];
20445 });
20446 }
20447 enforcePasswordGeneratorPoliciesOnOptions(options) {
20448 return passwordGeneration_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
20449 let enforcedPolicyOptions = yield this.getPasswordGeneratorPolicyOptions();
20450 if (enforcedPolicyOptions != null) {
20451 if (options.length < enforcedPolicyOptions.minLength) {
20452 options.length = enforcedPolicyOptions.minLength;
20453 }
20454 if (enforcedPolicyOptions.useUppercase) {
20455 options.uppercase = true;
20456 }
20457 if (enforcedPolicyOptions.useLowercase) {
20458 options.lowercase = true;
20459 }
20460 if (enforcedPolicyOptions.useNumbers) {
20461 options.number = true;
20462 }
20463 if (options.minNumber < enforcedPolicyOptions.numberCount) {
20464 options.minNumber = enforcedPolicyOptions.numberCount;
20465 }
20466 if (enforcedPolicyOptions.useSpecial) {
20467 options.special = true;
20468 }
20469 if (options.minSpecial < enforcedPolicyOptions.specialCount) {
20470 options.minSpecial = enforcedPolicyOptions.specialCount;
20471 }
20472 // Must normalize these fields because the receiving call expects all options to pass the current rules
20473 if (options.minSpecial + options.minNumber > options.length) {
20474 options.minSpecial = options.length - options.minNumber;
20475 }
20476 if (options.numWords < enforcedPolicyOptions.minNumberWords) {
20477 options.numWords = enforcedPolicyOptions.minNumberWords;
20478 }
20479 if (enforcedPolicyOptions.capitalize) {
20480 options.capitalize = true;
20481 }
20482 if (enforcedPolicyOptions.includeNumber) {
20483 options.includeNumber = true;
20484 }
20485 // Force default type if password/passphrase selected via policy
20486 if (enforcedPolicyOptions.defaultType === 'password' ||
20487 enforcedPolicyOptions.defaultType === 'passphrase') {
20488 options.type = enforcedPolicyOptions.defaultType;
20489 }
20490 }
20491 else { // UI layer expects an instantiated object to prevent more explicit null checks
20492 enforcedPolicyOptions = new passwordGeneratorPolicyOptions_PasswordGeneratorPolicyOptions();
20493 }
20494 return [options, enforcedPolicyOptions];
20495 });
20496 }
20497 getPasswordGeneratorPolicyOptions() {
20498 return passwordGeneration_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
20499 const policies = yield this.policyService.getAll(PolicyType.PasswordGenerator);
20500 let enforcedOptions = null;
20501 if (policies == null || policies.length === 0) {
20502 return enforcedOptions;
20503 }
20504 policies.forEach((currentPolicy) => {
20505 if (!currentPolicy.enabled || currentPolicy.data == null) {
20506 return;
20507 }
20508 if (enforcedOptions == null) {
20509 enforcedOptions = new passwordGeneratorPolicyOptions_PasswordGeneratorPolicyOptions();
20510 }
20511 // Password wins in multi-org collisions
20512 if (currentPolicy.data.defaultType != null && enforcedOptions.defaultType !== 'password') {
20513 enforcedOptions.defaultType = currentPolicy.data.defaultType;
20514 }
20515 if (currentPolicy.data.minLength != null
20516 && currentPolicy.data.minLength > enforcedOptions.minLength) {
20517 enforcedOptions.minLength = currentPolicy.data.minLength;
20518 }
20519 if (currentPolicy.data.useUpper) {
20520 enforcedOptions.useUppercase = true;
20521 }
20522 if (currentPolicy.data.useLower) {
20523 enforcedOptions.useLowercase = true;
20524 }
20525 if (currentPolicy.data.useNumbers) {
20526 enforcedOptions.useNumbers = true;
20527 }
20528 if (currentPolicy.data.minNumbers != null
20529 && currentPolicy.data.minNumbers > enforcedOptions.numberCount) {
20530 enforcedOptions.numberCount = currentPolicy.data.minNumbers;
20531 }
20532 if (currentPolicy.data.useSpecial) {
20533 enforcedOptions.useSpecial = true;
20534 }
20535 if (currentPolicy.data.minSpecial != null
20536 && currentPolicy.data.minSpecial > enforcedOptions.specialCount) {
20537 enforcedOptions.specialCount = currentPolicy.data.minSpecial;
20538 }
20539 if (currentPolicy.data.minNumberWords != null
20540 && currentPolicy.data.minNumberWords > enforcedOptions.minNumberWords) {
20541 enforcedOptions.minNumberWords = currentPolicy.data.minNumberWords;
20542 }
20543 if (currentPolicy.data.capitalize) {
20544 enforcedOptions.capitalize = true;
20545 }
20546 if (currentPolicy.data.includeNumber) {
20547 enforcedOptions.includeNumber = true;
20548 }
20549 });
20550 return enforcedOptions;
20551 });
20552 }
20553 saveOptions(options) {
20554 return passwordGeneration_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
20555 yield this.storageService.save(passwordGeneration_service_Keys.options, options);
20556 this.optionsCache = options;
20557 });
20558 }
20559 getHistory() {
20560 return passwordGeneration_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
20561 const hasKey = yield this.cryptoService.hasKey();
20562 if (!hasKey) {
20563 return new Array();
20564 }
20565 if (!this.history) {
20566 const encrypted = yield this.storageService.get(passwordGeneration_service_Keys.history);
20567 this.history = yield this.decryptHistory(encrypted);
20568 }
20569 return this.history || new Array();
20570 });
20571 }
20572 addHistory(password) {
20573 return passwordGeneration_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
20574 // Cannot add new history if no key is available
20575 const hasKey = yield this.cryptoService.hasKey();
20576 if (!hasKey) {
20577 return;
20578 }
20579 const currentHistory = yield this.getHistory();
20580 // Prevent duplicates
20581 if (this.matchesPrevious(password, currentHistory)) {
20582 return;
20583 }
20584 currentHistory.unshift(new GeneratedPasswordHistory(password, Date.now()));
20585 // Remove old items.
20586 if (currentHistory.length > MaxPasswordsInHistory) {
20587 currentHistory.pop();
20588 }
20589 const newHistory = yield this.encryptHistory(currentHistory);
20590 return yield this.storageService.save(passwordGeneration_service_Keys.history, newHistory);
20591 });
20592 }
20593 clear() {
20594 return passwordGeneration_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
20595 this.history = [];
20596 return yield this.storageService.remove(passwordGeneration_service_Keys.history);
20597 });
20598 }
20599 passwordStrength(password, userInputs = null) {
20600 if (password == null || password.length === 0) {
20601 return null;
20602 }
20603 let globalUserInputs = ['bitwarden', 'bit', 'warden'];
20604 if (userInputs != null && userInputs.length > 0) {
20605 globalUserInputs = globalUserInputs.concat(userInputs);
20606 }
20607 // Use a hash set to get rid of any duplicate user inputs
20608 const finalUserInputs = Array.from(new Set(globalUserInputs));
20609 const result = external_zxcvbn_(password, finalUserInputs);
20610 return result;
20611 }
20612 normalizeOptions(options, enforcedPolicyOptions) {
20613 options.minLowercase = 0;
20614 options.minUppercase = 0;
20615 if (!options.length || options.length < 5) {
20616 options.length = 5;
20617 }
20618 else if (options.length > 128) {
20619 options.length = 128;
20620 }
20621 if (options.length < enforcedPolicyOptions.minLength) {
20622 options.length = enforcedPolicyOptions.minLength;
20623 }
20624 if (!options.minNumber) {
20625 options.minNumber = 0;
20626 }
20627 else if (options.minNumber > options.length) {
20628 options.minNumber = options.length;
20629 }
20630 else if (options.minNumber > 9) {
20631 options.minNumber = 9;
20632 }
20633 if (options.minNumber < enforcedPolicyOptions.numberCount) {
20634 options.minNumber = enforcedPolicyOptions.numberCount;
20635 }
20636 if (!options.minSpecial) {
20637 options.minSpecial = 0;
20638 }
20639 else if (options.minSpecial > options.length) {
20640 options.minSpecial = options.length;
20641 }
20642 else if (options.minSpecial > 9) {
20643 options.minSpecial = 9;
20644 }
20645 if (options.minSpecial < enforcedPolicyOptions.specialCount) {
20646 options.minSpecial = enforcedPolicyOptions.specialCount;
20647 }
20648 if (options.minSpecial + options.minNumber > options.length) {
20649 options.minSpecial = options.length - options.minNumber;
20650 }
20651 if (options.numWords == null || options.length < 3) {
20652 options.numWords = 3;
20653 }
20654 else if (options.numWords > 20) {
20655 options.numWords = 20;
20656 }
20657 if (options.numWords < enforcedPolicyOptions.minNumberWords) {
20658 options.numWords = enforcedPolicyOptions.minNumberWords;
20659 }
20660 if (options.wordSeparator != null && options.wordSeparator.length > 1) {
20661 options.wordSeparator = options.wordSeparator[0];
20662 }
20663 this.sanitizePasswordLength(options, false);
20664 }
20665 capitalize(str) {
20666 return str.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + str.slice(1);
20667 }
20668 appendRandomNumberToRandomWord(wordList) {
20669 return passwordGeneration_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
20670 if (wordList == null || wordList.length <= 0) {
20671 return;
20672 }
20673 const index = yield this.cryptoService.randomNumber(0, wordList.length - 1);
20674 const num = yield this.cryptoService.randomNumber(0, 9);
20675 wordList[index] = wordList[index] + num;
20676 });
20677 }
20678 encryptHistory(history) {
20679 return passwordGeneration_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
20680 if (history == null || history.length === 0) {
20681 return Promise.resolve([]);
20682 }
20683 const promises = history.map((item) => passwordGeneration_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
20684 const encrypted = yield this.cryptoService.encrypt(item.password);
20685 return new GeneratedPasswordHistory(encrypted.encryptedString, item.date);
20686 }));
20687 return yield Promise.all(promises);
20688 });
20689 }
20690 decryptHistory(history) {
20691 return passwordGeneration_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
20692 if (history == null || history.length === 0) {
20693 return Promise.resolve([]);
20694 }
20695 const promises = history.map((item) => passwordGeneration_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
20696 const decrypted = yield this.cryptoService.decryptToUtf8(new cipherString_CipherString(item.password));
20697 return new GeneratedPasswordHistory(decrypted, item.date);
20698 }));
20699 return yield Promise.all(promises);
20700 });
20701 }
20702 matchesPrevious(password, history) {
20703 if (history == null || history.length === 0) {
20704 return false;
20705 }
20706 return history[history.length - 1].password === password;
20707 }
20708 // ref: https://stackoverflow.com/a/12646864/1090359
20709 shuffleArray(array) {
20710 return passwordGeneration_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
20711 for (let i = array.length - 1; i > 0; i--) {
20712 const j = yield this.cryptoService.randomNumber(0, i);
20713 [array[i], array[j]] = [array[j], array[i]];
20714 }
20715 });
20716 }
20717 sanitizePasswordLength(options, forGeneration) {
20718 let minUppercaseCalc = 0;
20719 let minLowercaseCalc = 0;
20720 let minNumberCalc = options.minNumber;
20721 let minSpecialCalc = options.minSpecial;
20722 if (options.uppercase && options.minUppercase <= 0) {
20723 minUppercaseCalc = 1;
20724 }
20725 else if (!options.uppercase) {
20726 minUppercaseCalc = 0;
20727 }
20728 if (options.lowercase && options.minLowercase <= 0) {
20729 minLowercaseCalc = 1;
20730 }
20731 else if (!options.lowercase) {
20732 minLowercaseCalc = 0;
20733 }
20734 if (options.number && options.minNumber <= 0) {
20735 minNumberCalc = 1;
20736 }
20737 else if (!options.number) {
20738 minNumberCalc = 0;
20739 }
20740 if (options.special && options.minSpecial <= 0) {
20741 minSpecialCalc = 1;
20742 }
20743 else if (!options.special) {
20744 minSpecialCalc = 0;
20745 }
20746 // This should never happen but is a final safety net
20747 if (!options.length || options.length < 1) {
20748 options.length = 10;
20749 }
20750 const minLength = minUppercaseCalc + minLowercaseCalc + minNumberCalc + minSpecialCalc;
20751 // Normalize and Generation both require this modification
20752 if (options.length < minLength) {
20753 options.length = minLength;
20754 }
20755 // Apply other changes if the options object passed in is for generation
20756 if (forGeneration) {
20757 options.minUppercase = minUppercaseCalc;
20758 options.minLowercase = minLowercaseCalc;
20759 options.minNumber = minNumberCalc;
20760 options.minSpecial = minSpecialCalc;
20761 }
20762 }
20765// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/models/domain/masterPasswordPolicyOptions.ts
20767class masterPasswordPolicyOptions_MasterPasswordPolicyOptions extends domainBase_Domain {
20768 constructor() {
20769 super(...arguments);
20770 this.minComplexity = 0;
20771 this.minLength = 0;
20772 this.requireUpper = false;
20773 this.requireLower = false;
20774 this.requireNumbers = false;
20775 this.requireSpecial = false;
20776 }
20779// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/models/domain/policy.ts
20781class policy_Policy extends domainBase_Domain {
20782 constructor(obj) {
20783 super();
20784 if (obj == null) {
20785 return;
20786 }
20787 this.id = obj.id;
20788 this.organizationId = obj.organizationId;
20789 this.type = obj.type;
20790 this.data = obj.data;
20791 this.enabled = obj.enabled;
20792 }
20795// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/services/policy.service.ts
20796var policy_service_awaiter = (undefined && undefined.__awaiter) || function (thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) {
20797 return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) {
20798 function fulfilled(value) { try { step(generator.next(value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
20799 function rejected(value) { try { step(generator["throw"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
20800 function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(result.value); }).then(fulfilled, rejected); }
20801 step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next());
20802 });
20807const policy_service_Keys = {
20808 policiesPrefix: 'policies_',
20810class policy_service_PolicyService {
20811 constructor(userService, storageService) {
20812 this.userService = userService;
20813 this.storageService = storageService;
20814 }
20815 clearCache() {
20816 this.policyCache = null;
20817 }
20818 getAll(type) {
20819 return policy_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
20820 if (this.policyCache == null) {
20821 const userId = yield this.userService.getUserId();
20822 const policies = yield this.storageService.get(policy_service_Keys.policiesPrefix + userId);
20823 const response = [];
20824 for (const id in policies) {
20825 if (policies.hasOwnProperty(id)) {
20826 response.push(new policy_Policy(policies[id]));
20827 }
20828 }
20829 this.policyCache = response;
20830 }
20831 if (type != null) {
20832 return this.policyCache.filter((p) => p.type === type);
20833 }
20834 else {
20835 return this.policyCache;
20836 }
20837 });
20838 }
20839 replace(policies) {
20840 return policy_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
20841 const userId = yield this.userService.getUserId();
20842 yield this.storageService.save(policy_service_Keys.policiesPrefix + userId, policies);
20843 this.policyCache = null;
20844 });
20845 }
20846 clear(userId) {
20847 return policy_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
20848 yield this.storageService.remove(policy_service_Keys.policiesPrefix + userId);
20849 this.policyCache = null;
20850 });
20851 }
20852 getMasterPasswordPolicyOptions(policies) {
20853 return policy_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
20854 let enforcedOptions = null;
20855 if (policies == null) {
20856 policies = yield this.getAll(PolicyType.MasterPassword);
20857 }
20858 else {
20859 policies = policies.filter((p) => p.type === PolicyType.MasterPassword);
20860 }
20861 if (policies == null || policies.length === 0) {
20862 return enforcedOptions;
20863 }
20864 policies.forEach((currentPolicy) => {
20865 if (!currentPolicy.enabled || currentPolicy.data == null) {
20866 return;
20867 }
20868 if (enforcedOptions == null) {
20869 enforcedOptions = new masterPasswordPolicyOptions_MasterPasswordPolicyOptions();
20870 }
20871 if (currentPolicy.data.minComplexity != null
20872 && currentPolicy.data.minComplexity > enforcedOptions.minComplexity) {
20873 enforcedOptions.minComplexity = currentPolicy.data.minComplexity;
20874 }
20875 if (currentPolicy.data.minLength != null
20876 && currentPolicy.data.minLength > enforcedOptions.minLength) {
20877 enforcedOptions.minLength = currentPolicy.data.minLength;
20878 }
20879 if (currentPolicy.data.requireUpper) {
20880 enforcedOptions.requireUpper = true;
20881 }
20882 if (currentPolicy.data.requireLower) {
20883 enforcedOptions.requireLower = true;
20884 }
20885 if (currentPolicy.data.requireNumbers) {
20886 enforcedOptions.requireNumbers = true;
20887 }
20888 if (currentPolicy.data.requireSpecial) {
20889 enforcedOptions.requireSpecial = true;
20890 }
20891 });
20892 return enforcedOptions;
20893 });
20894 }
20895 evaluateMasterPassword(passwordStrength, newPassword, enforcedPolicyOptions) {
20896 if (enforcedPolicyOptions == null) {
20897 return true;
20898 }
20899 if (enforcedPolicyOptions.minComplexity > 0 && enforcedPolicyOptions.minComplexity > passwordStrength) {
20900 return false;
20901 }
20902 if (enforcedPolicyOptions.minLength > 0 && enforcedPolicyOptions.minLength > newPassword.length) {
20903 return false;
20904 }
20905 if (enforcedPolicyOptions.requireUpper && newPassword.toLocaleLowerCase() === newPassword) {
20906 return false;
20907 }
20908 if (enforcedPolicyOptions.requireLower && newPassword.toLocaleUpperCase() === newPassword) {
20909 return false;
20910 }
20911 if (enforcedPolicyOptions.requireNumbers && !(/[0-9]/.test(newPassword))) {
20912 return false;
20913 }
20914 if (enforcedPolicyOptions.requireSpecial && !(/[!@#$%\^&*]/g.test(newPassword))) {
20915 return false;
20916 }
20917 return true;
20918 }
20921// EXTERNAL MODULE: external "lunr"
20922var external_lunr_ = __webpack_require__(9);
20924// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/services/search.service.ts
20925var search_service_awaiter = (undefined && undefined.__awaiter) || function (thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) {
20926 return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) {
20927 function fulfilled(value) { try { step(generator.next(value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
20928 function rejected(value) { try { step(generator["throw"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
20929 function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(result.value); }).then(fulfilled, rejected); }
20930 step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next());
20931 });
20938class search_service_SearchService {
20939 constructor(cipherService, platformUtilsService) {
20940 this.cipherService = cipherService;
20941 this.indexing = false;
20942 this.index = null;
20943 this.onlySearchName = false;
20944 this.onlySearchName = platformUtilsService == null ||
20945 platformUtilsService.getDevice() === DeviceType.EdgeExtension;
20946 }
20947 clearIndex() {
20948 this.index = null;
20949 }
20950 isSearchable(query) {
20951 const notSearchable = query == null || (this.index == null && query.length < 2) ||
20952 (this.index != null && query.length < 2 && query.indexOf('>') !== 0);
20953 return !notSearchable;
20954 }
20955 indexCiphers() {
20956 return search_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
20957 if (this.indexing) {
20958 return;
20959 }
20960 // tslint:disable-next-line
20961 console.time('search indexing');
20962 this.indexing = true;
20963 this.index = null;
20964 const builder = new external_lunr_["Builder"]();
20965 builder.ref('id');
20966 builder.field('shortid', { boost: 100, extractor: (c) => c.id.substr(0, 8) });
20967 builder.field('name', { boost: 10 });
20968 builder.field('subtitle', {
20969 boost: 5,
20970 extractor: (c) => {
20971 if (c.subTitle != null && c.type === CipherType.Card) {
20972 return c.subTitle.replace(/\*/g, '');
20973 }
20974 return c.subTitle;
20975 },
20976 });
20977 builder.field('notes');
20978 builder.field('login.username', {
20979 extractor: (c) => c.type === CipherType.Login && c.login != null ? c.login.username : null,
20980 });
20981 builder.field('login.uris', { boost: 2, extractor: (c) => this.uriExtractor(c) });
20982 builder.field('fields', { extractor: (c) => this.fieldExtractor(c, false) });
20983 builder.field('fields_joined', { extractor: (c) => this.fieldExtractor(c, true) });
20984 builder.field('attachments', { extractor: (c) => this.attachmentExtractor(c, false) });
20985 builder.field('attachments_joined', { extractor: (c) => this.attachmentExtractor(c, true) });
20986 builder.field('organizationid', { extractor: (c) => c.organizationId });
20987 const ciphers = yield this.cipherService.getAllDecrypted();
20988 ciphers.forEach((c) => builder.add(c));
20989 this.index = builder.build();
20990 this.indexing = false;
20991 // tslint:disable-next-line
20992 console.timeEnd('search indexing');
20993 });
20994 }
20995 searchCiphers(query, filter = null, ciphers = null) {
20996 return search_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
20997 const results = [];
20998 if (query != null) {
20999 query = query.trim().toLowerCase();
21000 }
21001 if (query === '') {
21002 query = null;
21003 }
21004 if (ciphers == null) {
21005 ciphers = yield this.cipherService.getAllDecrypted();
21006 }
21007 if (filter != null && Array.isArray(filter) && filter.length > 0) {
21008 ciphers = ciphers.filter((c) => filter.every((f) => f == null || f(c)));
21009 }
21010 else if (filter != null) {
21011 ciphers = ciphers.filter(filter);
21012 }
21013 if (!this.isSearchable(query)) {
21014 return ciphers;
21015 }
21016 if (this.indexing) {
21017 yield new Promise((r) => setTimeout(r, 250));
21018 if (this.indexing) {
21019 yield new Promise((r) => setTimeout(r, 500));
21020 }
21021 }
21022 const index = this.getIndexForSearch();
21023 if (index == null) {
21024 // Fall back to basic search if index is not available
21025 return this.searchCiphersBasic(ciphers, query);
21026 }
21027 const ciphersMap = new Map();
21028 ciphers.forEach((c) => ciphersMap.set(c.id, c));
21029 let searchResults = null;
21030 const isQueryString = query != null && query.length > 1 && query.indexOf('>') === 0;
21031 if (isQueryString) {
21032 try {
21033 searchResults = index.search(query.substr(1).trim());
21034 }
21035 catch (_a) { }
21036 }
21037 else {
21038 // tslint:disable-next-line
21039 const soWild = external_lunr_["Query"].wildcard.LEADING | external_lunr_["Query"].wildcard.TRAILING;
21040 searchResults = index.query((q) => {
21041 external_lunr_["tokenizer"](query).forEach((token) => {
21042 const t = token.toString();
21043 q.term(t, { fields: ['name'], wildcard: soWild });
21044 q.term(t, { fields: ['subtitle'], wildcard: soWild });
21045 q.term(t, { fields: ['login.uris'], wildcard: soWild });
21046 q.term(t, {});
21047 });
21048 });
21049 }
21050 if (searchResults != null) {
21051 searchResults.forEach((r) => {
21052 if (ciphersMap.has(r.ref)) {
21053 results.push(ciphersMap.get(r.ref));
21054 }
21055 });
21056 }
21057 return results;
21058 });
21059 }
21060 searchCiphersBasic(ciphers, query, deleted = false) {
21061 query = query.trim().toLowerCase();
21062 return ciphers.filter((c) => {
21063 if (deleted !== c.isDeleted) {
21064 return false;
21065 }
21066 if (c.name != null && c.name.toLowerCase().indexOf(query) > -1) {
21067 return true;
21068 }
21069 if (this.onlySearchName) {
21070 return false;
21071 }
21072 if (query.length >= 8 && c.id.startsWith(query)) {
21073 return true;
21074 }
21075 if (c.subTitle != null && c.subTitle.toLowerCase().indexOf(query) > -1) {
21076 return true;
21077 }
21078 if (c.login && c.login.uri != null && c.login.uri.toLowerCase().indexOf(query) > -1) {
21079 return true;
21080 }
21081 return false;
21082 });
21083 }
21084 getIndexForSearch() {
21085 return this.index;
21086 }
21087 fieldExtractor(c, joined) {
21088 if (!c.hasFields) {
21089 return null;
21090 }
21091 let fields = [];
21092 c.fields.forEach((f) => {
21093 if (f.name != null) {
21094 fields.push(f.name);
21095 }
21096 if (f.type === FieldType.Text && f.value != null) {
21097 fields.push(f.value);
21098 }
21099 });
21100 fields = fields.filter((f) => f.trim() !== '');
21101 if (fields.length === 0) {
21102 return null;
21103 }
21104 return joined ? fields.join(' ') : fields;
21105 }
21106 attachmentExtractor(c, joined) {
21107 if (!c.hasAttachments) {
21108 return null;
21109 }
21110 let attachments = [];
21111 c.attachments.forEach((a) => {
21112 if (a != null && a.fileName != null) {
21113 if (joined && a.fileName.indexOf('.') > -1) {
21114 attachments.push(a.fileName.substr(0, a.fileName.lastIndexOf('.')));
21115 }
21116 else {
21117 attachments.push(a.fileName);
21118 }
21119 }
21120 });
21121 attachments = attachments.filter((f) => f.trim() !== '');
21122 if (attachments.length === 0) {
21123 return null;
21124 }
21125 return joined ? attachments.join(' ') : attachments;
21126 }
21127 uriExtractor(c) {
21128 if (c.type !== CipherType.Login || c.login == null || !c.login.hasUris) {
21129 return null;
21130 }
21131 const uris = [];
21132 c.login.uris.forEach((u) => {
21133 if (u.uri == null || u.uri === '') {
21134 return;
21135 }
21136 if (u.hostname != null) {
21137 uris.push(u.hostname);
21138 return;
21139 }
21140 let uri = u.uri;
21141 if (u.match !== UriMatchType.RegularExpression) {
21142 const protocolIndex = uri.indexOf('://');
21143 if (protocolIndex > -1) {
21144 uri = uri.substr(protocolIndex + 3);
21145 }
21146 const queryIndex = uri.search(/\?|&|#/);
21147 if (queryIndex > -1) {
21148 uri = uri.substring(0, queryIndex);
21149 }
21150 }
21151 uris.push(uri);
21152 });
21153 return uris.length > 0 ? uris : null;
21154 }
21157// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/services/settings.service.ts
21158var settings_service_awaiter = (undefined && undefined.__awaiter) || function (thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) {
21159 return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) {
21160 function fulfilled(value) { try { step(generator.next(value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
21161 function rejected(value) { try { step(generator["throw"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
21162 function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(result.value); }).then(fulfilled, rejected); }
21163 step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next());
21164 });
21166const settings_service_Keys = {
21167 settingsPrefix: 'settings_',
21168 equivalentDomains: 'equivalentDomains',
21170class SettingsService {
21171 constructor(userService, storageService) {
21172 this.userService = userService;
21173 this.storageService = storageService;
21174 }
21175 clearCache() {
21176 this.settingsCache = null;
21177 }
21178 getEquivalentDomains() {
21179 return this.getSettingsKey(settings_service_Keys.equivalentDomains);
21180 }
21181 setEquivalentDomains(equivalentDomains) {
21182 return settings_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
21183 yield this.setSettingsKey(settings_service_Keys.equivalentDomains, equivalentDomains);
21184 });
21185 }
21186 clear(userId) {
21187 return settings_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
21188 yield this.storageService.remove(settings_service_Keys.settingsPrefix + userId);
21189 this.clearCache();
21190 });
21191 }
21192 // Helpers
21193 getSettings() {
21194 return settings_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
21195 if (this.settingsCache == null) {
21196 const userId = yield this.userService.getUserId();
21197 this.settingsCache = this.storageService.get(settings_service_Keys.settingsPrefix + userId);
21198 }
21199 return this.settingsCache;
21200 });
21201 }
21202 getSettingsKey(key) {
21203 return settings_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
21204 const settings = yield this.getSettings();
21205 if (settings != null && settings[key]) {
21206 return settings[key];
21207 }
21208 return null;
21209 });
21210 }
21211 setSettingsKey(key, value) {
21212 return settings_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
21213 const userId = yield this.userService.getUserId();
21214 let settings = yield this.getSettings();
21215 if (!settings) {
21216 settings = {};
21217 }
21218 settings[key] = value;
21219 yield this.storageService.save(settings_service_Keys.settingsPrefix + userId, settings);
21220 this.settingsCache = settings;
21221 });
21222 }
21225// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/models/data/organizationData.ts
21226class OrganizationData {
21227 constructor(response) {
21228 this.id = response.id;
21229 this.name = response.name;
21230 this.status = response.status;
21231 this.type = response.type;
21232 this.enabled = response.enabled;
21233 this.usePolicies = response.usePolicies;
21234 this.useGroups = response.useGroups;
21235 this.useDirectory = response.useDirectory;
21236 this.useEvents = response.useEvents;
21237 this.useTotp = response.useTotp;
21238 this.use2fa = response.use2fa;
21239 this.useApi = response.useApi;
21240 this.selfHost = response.selfHost;
21241 this.usersGetPremium = response.usersGetPremium;
21242 this.seats = response.seats;
21243 this.maxCollections = response.maxCollections;
21244 this.maxStorageGb = response.maxStorageGb;
21245 }
21248// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/models/data/policyData.ts
21249class PolicyData {
21250 constructor(response) {
21251 this.id = response.id;
21252 this.organizationId = response.organizationId;
21253 this.type = response.type;
21254 this.data = response.data;
21255 this.enabled = response.enabled;
21256 }
21259// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/services/sync.service.ts
21260var sync_service_awaiter = (undefined && undefined.__awaiter) || function (thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) {
21261 return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) {
21262 function fulfilled(value) { try { step(generator.next(value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
21263 function rejected(value) { try { step(generator["throw"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
21264 function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(result.value); }).then(fulfilled, rejected); }
21265 step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next());
21266 });
21273const sync_service_Keys = {
21274 lastSyncPrefix: 'lastSync_',
21276class sync_service_SyncService {
21277 constructor(userService, apiService, settingsService, folderService, cipherService, cryptoService, collectionService, storageService, messagingService, policyService, logoutCallback) {
21278 this.userService = userService;
21279 this.apiService = apiService;
21280 this.settingsService = settingsService;
21281 this.folderService = folderService;
21282 this.cipherService = cipherService;
21283 this.cryptoService = cryptoService;
21284 this.collectionService = collectionService;
21285 this.storageService = storageService;
21286 this.messagingService = messagingService;
21287 this.policyService = policyService;
21288 this.logoutCallback = logoutCallback;
21289 this.syncInProgress = false;
21290 }
21291 getLastSync() {
21292 return sync_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
21293 const userId = yield this.userService.getUserId();
21294 if (userId == null) {
21295 return null;
21296 }
21297 const lastSync = yield this.storageService.get(sync_service_Keys.lastSyncPrefix + userId);
21298 if (lastSync) {
21299 return new Date(lastSync);
21300 }
21301 return null;
21302 });
21303 }
21304 setLastSync(date) {
21305 return sync_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
21306 const userId = yield this.userService.getUserId();
21307 if (userId == null) {
21308 return;
21309 }
21310 yield this.storageService.save(sync_service_Keys.lastSyncPrefix + userId, date.toJSON());
21311 });
21312 }
21313 fullSync(forceSync, allowThrowOnError = false) {
21314 return sync_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
21315 this.syncStarted();
21316 const isAuthenticated = yield this.userService.isAuthenticated();
21317 if (!isAuthenticated) {
21318 return this.syncCompleted(false);
21319 }
21320 const now = new Date();
21321 const needsSyncResult = yield this.needsSyncing(forceSync);
21322 const needsSync = needsSyncResult[0];
21323 const skipped = needsSyncResult[1];
21324 if (skipped) {
21325 return this.syncCompleted(false);
21326 }
21327 if (!needsSync) {
21328 yield this.setLastSync(now);
21329 return this.syncCompleted(false);
21330 }
21331 const userId = yield this.userService.getUserId();
21332 try {
21333 const response = yield this.apiService.getSync();
21334 yield this.syncProfile(response.profile);
21335 yield this.syncFolders(userId, response.folders);
21336 yield this.syncCollections(response.collections);
21337 yield this.syncCiphers(userId, response.ciphers);
21338 yield this.syncSettings(userId, response.domains);
21339 yield this.syncPolicies(response.policies);
21340 yield this.setLastSync(now);
21341 return this.syncCompleted(true);
21342 }
21343 catch (e) {
21344 if (allowThrowOnError) {
21345 throw e;
21346 }
21347 else {
21348 return this.syncCompleted(false);
21349 }
21350 }
21351 });
21352 }
21353 syncUpsertFolder(notification, isEdit) {
21354 return sync_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
21355 this.syncStarted();
21356 if (yield this.userService.isAuthenticated()) {
21357 try {
21358 const localFolder = yield this.folderService.get(notification.id);
21359 if ((!isEdit && localFolder == null) ||
21360 (isEdit && localFolder != null && localFolder.revisionDate < notification.revisionDate)) {
21361 const remoteFolder = yield this.apiService.getFolder(notification.id);
21362 if (remoteFolder != null) {
21363 const userId = yield this.userService.getUserId();
21364 yield this.folderService.upsert(new FolderData(remoteFolder, userId));
21365 this.messagingService.send('syncedUpsertedFolder', { folderId: notification.id });
21366 return this.syncCompleted(true);
21367 }
21368 }
21369 }
21370 catch (_a) { }
21371 }
21372 return this.syncCompleted(false);
21373 });
21374 }
21375 syncDeleteFolder(notification) {
21376 return sync_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
21377 this.syncStarted();
21378 if (yield this.userService.isAuthenticated()) {
21379 yield this.folderService.delete(notification.id);
21380 this.messagingService.send('syncedDeletedFolder', { folderId: notification.id });
21381 this.syncCompleted(true);
21382 return true;
21383 }
21384 return this.syncCompleted(false);
21385 });
21386 }
21387 syncUpsertCipher(notification, isEdit) {
21388 return sync_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
21389 this.syncStarted();
21390 if (yield this.userService.isAuthenticated()) {
21391 try {
21392 let shouldUpdate = true;
21393 const localCipher = yield this.cipherService.get(notification.id);
21394 if (localCipher != null && localCipher.revisionDate >= notification.revisionDate) {
21395 shouldUpdate = false;
21396 }
21397 let checkCollections = false;
21398 if (shouldUpdate) {
21399 if (isEdit) {
21400 shouldUpdate = localCipher != null;
21401 checkCollections = true;
21402 }
21403 else {
21404 if (notification.collectionIds == null || notification.organizationId == null) {
21405 shouldUpdate = localCipher == null;
21406 }
21407 else {
21408 shouldUpdate = false;
21409 checkCollections = true;
21410 }
21411 }
21412 }
21413 if (!shouldUpdate && checkCollections && notification.organizationId != null &&
21414 notification.collectionIds != null && notification.collectionIds.length > 0) {
21415 const collections = yield this.collectionService.getAll();
21416 if (collections != null) {
21417 for (let i = 0; i < collections.length; i++) {
21418 if (notification.collectionIds.indexOf(collections[i].id) > -1) {
21419 shouldUpdate = true;
21420 break;
21421 }
21422 }
21423 }
21424 }
21425 if (shouldUpdate) {
21426 const remoteCipher = yield this.apiService.getCipher(notification.id);
21427 if (remoteCipher != null) {
21428 const userId = yield this.userService.getUserId();
21429 yield this.cipherService.upsert(new cipherData_CipherData(remoteCipher, userId));
21430 this.messagingService.send('syncedUpsertedCipher', { cipherId: notification.id });
21431 return this.syncCompleted(true);
21432 }
21433 }
21434 }
21435 catch (e) {
21436 if (e != null && e.statusCode === 404 && isEdit) {
21437 yield this.cipherService.delete(notification.id);
21438 this.messagingService.send('syncedDeletedCipher', { cipherId: notification.id });
21439 return this.syncCompleted(true);
21440 }
21441 }
21442 }
21443 return this.syncCompleted(false);
21444 });
21445 }
21446 syncDeleteCipher(notification) {
21447 return sync_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
21448 this.syncStarted();
21449 if (yield this.userService.isAuthenticated()) {
21450 yield this.cipherService.delete(notification.id);
21451 this.messagingService.send('syncedDeletedCipher', { cipherId: notification.id });
21452 return this.syncCompleted(true);
21453 }
21454 return this.syncCompleted(false);
21455 });
21456 }
21457 // Helpers
21458 syncStarted() {
21459 this.syncInProgress = true;
21460 this.messagingService.send('syncStarted');
21461 }
21462 syncCompleted(successfully) {
21463 this.syncInProgress = false;
21464 this.messagingService.send('syncCompleted', { successfully: successfully });
21465 return successfully;
21466 }
21467 needsSyncing(forceSync) {
21468 return sync_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
21469 if (forceSync) {
21470 return [true, false];
21471 }
21472 const lastSync = yield this.getLastSync();
21473 if (lastSync == null || lastSync.getTime() === 0) {
21474 return [true, false];
21475 }
21476 try {
21477 const response = yield this.apiService.getAccountRevisionDate();
21478 if (new Date(response) <= lastSync) {
21479 return [false, false];
21480 }
21481 return [true, false];
21482 }
21483 catch (e) {
21484 return [false, true];
21485 }
21486 });
21487 }
21488 syncProfile(response) {
21489 return sync_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
21490 const stamp = yield this.userService.getSecurityStamp();
21491 if (stamp != null && stamp !== response.securityStamp) {
21492 if (this.logoutCallback != null) {
21493 yield this.logoutCallback(true);
21494 }
21495 throw new Error('Stamp has changed');
21496 }
21497 yield this.cryptoService.setEncKey(response.key);
21498 yield this.cryptoService.setEncPrivateKey(response.privateKey);
21499 yield this.cryptoService.setOrgKeys(response.organizations);
21500 yield this.userService.setSecurityStamp(response.securityStamp);
21501 const organizations = {};
21502 response.organizations.forEach((o) => {
21503 organizations[o.id] = new OrganizationData(o);
21504 });
21505 return yield this.userService.replaceOrganizations(organizations);
21506 });
21507 }
21508 syncFolders(userId, response) {
21509 return sync_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
21510 const folders = {};
21511 response.forEach((f) => {
21512 folders[f.id] = new FolderData(f, userId);
21513 });
21514 return yield this.folderService.replace(folders);
21515 });
21516 }
21517 syncCollections(response) {
21518 return sync_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
21519 const collections = {};
21520 response.forEach((c) => {
21521 collections[c.id] = new CollectionData(c);
21522 });
21523 return yield this.collectionService.replace(collections);
21524 });
21525 }
21526 syncCiphers(userId, response) {
21527 return sync_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
21528 const ciphers = {};
21529 response.forEach((c) => {
21530 ciphers[c.id] = new cipherData_CipherData(c, userId);
21531 });
21532 return yield this.cipherService.replace(ciphers);
21533 });
21534 }
21535 syncSettings(userId, response) {
21536 return sync_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
21537 let eqDomains = [];
21538 if (response != null && response.equivalentDomains != null) {
21539 eqDomains = eqDomains.concat(response.equivalentDomains);
21540 }
21541 if (response != null && response.globalEquivalentDomains != null) {
21542 response.globalEquivalentDomains.forEach((global) => {
21543 if (global.domains.length > 0) {
21544 eqDomains.push(global.domains);
21545 }
21546 });
21547 }
21548 return this.settingsService.setEquivalentDomains(eqDomains);
21549 });
21550 }
21551 syncPolicies(response) {
21552 return sync_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
21553 const policies = {};
21554 if (response != null) {
21555 response.forEach((p) => {
21556 policies[p.id] = new PolicyData(p);
21557 });
21558 }
21559 return yield this.policyService.replace(policies);
21560 });
21561 }
21564// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/services/token.service.ts
21565var token_service_awaiter = (undefined && undefined.__awaiter) || function (thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) {
21566 return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) {
21567 function fulfilled(value) { try { step(generator.next(value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
21568 function rejected(value) { try { step(generator["throw"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
21569 function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(result.value); }).then(fulfilled, rejected); }
21570 step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next());
21571 });
21575const token_service_Keys = {
21576 accessToken: 'accessToken',
21577 refreshToken: 'refreshToken',
21578 twoFactorTokenPrefix: 'twoFactorToken_',
21580class token_service_TokenService {
21581 constructor(storageService) {
21582 this.storageService = storageService;
21583 }
21584 setTokens(accessToken, refreshToken) {
21585 return Promise.all([
21586 this.setToken(accessToken),
21587 this.setRefreshToken(refreshToken),
21588 ]);
21589 }
21590 setToken(token) {
21591 return token_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
21592 this.token = token;
21593 this.decodedToken = null;
21594 if (yield this.skipTokenStorage()) {
21595 // if we have a vault timeout and the action is log out, don't store token
21596 return;
21597 }
21598 return this.storageService.save(token_service_Keys.accessToken, token);
21599 });
21600 }
21601 getToken() {
21602 return token_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
21603 if (this.token != null) {
21604 return this.token;
21605 }
21606 this.token = yield this.storageService.get(token_service_Keys.accessToken);
21607 return this.token;
21608 });
21609 }
21610 setRefreshToken(refreshToken) {
21611 return token_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
21612 this.refreshToken = refreshToken;
21613 if (yield this.skipTokenStorage()) {
21614 // if we have a vault timeout and the action is log out, don't store token
21615 return;
21616 }
21617 return this.storageService.save(token_service_Keys.refreshToken, refreshToken);
21618 });
21619 }
21620 getRefreshToken() {
21621 return token_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
21622 if (this.refreshToken != null) {
21623 return this.refreshToken;
21624 }
21625 this.refreshToken = yield this.storageService.get(token_service_Keys.refreshToken);
21626 return this.refreshToken;
21627 });
21628 }
21629 toggleTokens() {
21630 return token_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
21631 const token = yield this.getToken();
21632 const refreshToken = yield this.getRefreshToken();
21633 const timeout = yield this.storageService.get(ConstantsService.vaultTimeoutKey);
21634 const action = yield this.storageService.get(ConstantsService.vaultTimeoutActionKey);
21635 if ((timeout != null || timeout === 0) && action === 'logOut') {
21636 // if we have a vault timeout and the action is log out, reset tokens
21637 yield this.clearToken();
21638 this.token = token;
21639 this.refreshToken = refreshToken;
21640 return;
21641 }
21642 yield this.setToken(token);
21643 yield this.setRefreshToken(refreshToken);
21644 });
21645 }
21646 setTwoFactorToken(token, email) {
21647 return this.storageService.save(token_service_Keys.twoFactorTokenPrefix + email, token);
21648 }
21649 getTwoFactorToken(email) {
21650 return this.storageService.get(token_service_Keys.twoFactorTokenPrefix + email);
21651 }
21652 clearTwoFactorToken(email) {
21653 return this.storageService.remove(token_service_Keys.twoFactorTokenPrefix + email);
21654 }
21655 clearToken() {
21656 this.token = null;
21657 this.decodedToken = null;
21658 this.refreshToken = null;
21659 return Promise.all([
21660 this.storageService.remove(token_service_Keys.accessToken),
21661 this.storageService.remove(token_service_Keys.refreshToken),
21662 ]);
21663 }
21664 // jwthelper methods
21665 // ref https://github.com/auth0/angular-jwt/blob/master/src/angularJwt/services/jwt.js
21666 decodeToken() {
21667 if (this.decodedToken) {
21668 return this.decodedToken;
21669 }
21670 if (this.token == null) {
21671 throw new Error('Token not found.');
21672 }
21673 const parts = this.token.split('.');
21674 if (parts.length !== 3) {
21675 throw new Error('JWT must have 3 parts');
21676 }
21677 const decoded = utils_Utils.fromUrlB64ToUtf8(parts[1]);
21678 if (decoded == null) {
21679 throw new Error('Cannot decode the token');
21680 }
21681 this.decodedToken = JSON.parse(decoded);
21682 return this.decodedToken;
21683 }
21684 getTokenExpirationDate() {
21685 const decoded = this.decodeToken();
21686 if (typeof decoded.exp === 'undefined') {
21687 return null;
21688 }
21689 const d = new Date(0); // The 0 here is the key, which sets the date to the epoch
21690 d.setUTCSeconds(decoded.exp);
21691 return d;
21692 }
21693 tokenSecondsRemaining(offsetSeconds = 0) {
21694 const d = this.getTokenExpirationDate();
21695 if (d == null) {
21696 return 0;
21697 }
21698 const msRemaining = d.valueOf() - (new Date().valueOf() + (offsetSeconds * 1000));
21699 return Math.round(msRemaining / 1000);
21700 }
21701 tokenNeedsRefresh(minutes = 5) {
21702 const sRemaining = this.tokenSecondsRemaining();
21703 return sRemaining < (60 * minutes);
21704 }
21705 getUserId() {
21706 const decoded = this.decodeToken();
21707 if (typeof decoded.sub === 'undefined') {
21708 throw new Error('No user id found');
21709 }
21710 return decoded.sub;
21711 }
21712 getEmail() {
21713 const decoded = this.decodeToken();
21714 if (typeof decoded.email === 'undefined') {
21715 throw new Error('No email found');
21716 }
21717 return decoded.email;
21718 }
21719 getEmailVerified() {
21720 const decoded = this.decodeToken();
21721 if (typeof decoded.email_verified === 'undefined') {
21722 throw new Error('No email verification found');
21723 }
21724 return decoded.email_verified;
21725 }
21726 getName() {
21727 const decoded = this.decodeToken();
21728 if (typeof decoded.name === 'undefined') {
21729 return null;
21730 }
21731 return decoded.name;
21732 }
21733 getPremium() {
21734 const decoded = this.decodeToken();
21735 if (typeof decoded.premium === 'undefined') {
21736 return false;
21737 }
21738 return decoded.premium;
21739 }
21740 getIssuer() {
21741 const decoded = this.decodeToken();
21742 if (typeof decoded.iss === 'undefined') {
21743 throw new Error('No issuer found');
21744 }
21745 return decoded.iss;
21746 }
21747 skipTokenStorage() {
21748 return token_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
21749 const timeout = yield this.storageService.get(ConstantsService.vaultTimeoutKey);
21750 const action = yield this.storageService.get(ConstantsService.vaultTimeoutActionKey);
21751 return timeout != null && action === 'logOut';
21752 });
21753 }
21756// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/services/totp.service.ts
21757var totp_service_awaiter = (undefined && undefined.__awaiter) || function (thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) {
21758 return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) {
21759 function fulfilled(value) { try { step(generator.next(value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
21760 function rejected(value) { try { step(generator["throw"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
21761 function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(result.value); }).then(fulfilled, rejected); }
21762 step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next());
21763 });
21767const B32Chars = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ234567';
21768const SteamChars = '23456789BCDFGHJKMNPQRTVWXY';
21769class totp_service_TotpService {
21770 constructor(storageService, cryptoFunctionService) {
21771 this.storageService = storageService;
21772 this.cryptoFunctionService = cryptoFunctionService;
21773 }
21774 getCode(key) {
21775 return totp_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
21776 if (key == null) {
21777 return null;
21778 }
21779 let period = 30;
21780 let alg = 'sha1';
21781 let digits = 6;
21782 let keyB32 = key;
21783 const isOtpAuth = key.toLowerCase().indexOf('otpauth://') === 0;
21784 const isSteamAuth = !isOtpAuth && key.toLowerCase().indexOf('steam://') === 0;
21785 if (isOtpAuth) {
21786 const params = utils_Utils.getQueryParams(key);
21787 if (params.has('digits') && params.get('digits') != null) {
21788 try {
21789 const digitParams = parseInt(params.get('digits').trim(), null);
21790 if (digitParams > 10) {
21791 digits = 10;
21792 }
21793 else if (digitParams > 0) {
21794 digits = digitParams;
21795 }
21796 }
21797 catch (_a) { }
21798 }
21799 if (params.has('period') && params.get('period') != null) {
21800 try {
21801 const periodParam = parseInt(params.get('period').trim(), null);
21802 if (periodParam > 0) {
21803 period = periodParam;
21804 }
21805 }
21806 catch (_b) { }
21807 }
21808 if (params.has('secret') && params.get('secret') != null) {
21809 keyB32 = params.get('secret');
21810 }
21811 if (params.has('algorithm') && params.get('algorithm') != null) {
21812 const algParam = params.get('algorithm').toLowerCase();
21813 if (algParam === 'sha1' || algParam === 'sha256' || algParam === 'sha512') {
21814 alg = algParam;
21815 }
21816 }
21817 }
21818 else if (isSteamAuth) {
21819 keyB32 = key.substr('steam://'.length);
21820 digits = 5;
21821 }
21822 const epoch = Math.round(new Date().getTime() / 1000.0);
21823 const timeHex = this.leftPad(this.decToHex(Math.floor(epoch / period)), 16, '0');
21824 const timeBytes = utils_Utils.fromHexToArray(timeHex);
21825 const keyBytes = this.b32ToBytes(keyB32);
21826 if (!keyBytes.length || !timeBytes.length) {
21827 return null;
21828 }
21829 const hash = yield this.sign(keyBytes, timeBytes, alg);
21830 if (hash.length === 0) {
21831 return null;
21832 }
21833 /* tslint:disable */
21834 const offset = (hash[hash.length - 1] & 0xf);
21835 const binary = ((hash[offset] & 0x7f) << 24) | ((hash[offset + 1] & 0xff) << 16) |
21836 ((hash[offset + 2] & 0xff) << 8) | (hash[offset + 3] & 0xff);
21837 /* tslint:enable */
21838 let otp = '';
21839 if (isSteamAuth) {
21840 // tslint:disable-next-line
21841 let fullCode = binary & 0x7fffffff;
21842 for (let i = 0; i < digits; i++) {
21843 otp += SteamChars[fullCode % SteamChars.length];
21844 fullCode = Math.trunc(fullCode / SteamChars.length);
21845 }
21846 }
21847 else {
21848 otp = (binary % Math.pow(10, digits)).toString();
21849 otp = this.leftPad(otp, digits, '0');
21850 }
21851 return otp;
21852 });
21853 }
21854 getTimeInterval(key) {
21855 let period = 30;
21856 if (key != null && key.toLowerCase().indexOf('otpauth://') === 0) {
21857 const params = utils_Utils.getQueryParams(key);
21858 if (params.has('period') && params.get('period') != null) {
21859 try {
21860 period = parseInt(params.get('period').trim(), null);
21861 }
21862 catch (_a) { }
21863 }
21864 }
21865 return period;
21866 }
21867 isAutoCopyEnabled() {
21868 return totp_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
21869 return !(yield this.storageService.get(ConstantsService.disableAutoTotpCopyKey));
21870 });
21871 }
21872 // Helpers
21873 leftPad(s, l, p) {
21874 if (l + 1 >= s.length) {
21875 s = Array(l + 1 - s.length).join(p) + s;
21876 }
21877 return s;
21878 }
21879 decToHex(d) {
21880 return (d < 15.5 ? '0' : '') + Math.round(d).toString(16);
21881 }
21882 b32ToHex(s) {
21883 s = s.toUpperCase();
21884 let cleanedInput = '';
21885 for (let i = 0; i < s.length; i++) {
21886 if (B32Chars.indexOf(s[i]) < 0) {
21887 continue;
21888 }
21889 cleanedInput += s[i];
21890 }
21891 s = cleanedInput;
21892 let bits = '';
21893 let hex = '';
21894 for (let i = 0; i < s.length; i++) {
21895 const byteIndex = B32Chars.indexOf(s.charAt(i));
21896 if (byteIndex < 0) {
21897 continue;
21898 }
21899 bits += this.leftPad(byteIndex.toString(2), 5, '0');
21900 }
21901 for (let i = 0; i + 4 <= bits.length; i += 4) {
21902 const chunk = bits.substr(i, 4);
21903 hex = hex + parseInt(chunk, 2).toString(16);
21904 }
21905 return hex;
21906 }
21907 b32ToBytes(s) {
21908 return utils_Utils.fromHexToArray(this.b32ToHex(s));
21909 }
21910 sign(keyBytes, timeBytes, alg) {
21911 return totp_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
21912 const signature = yield this.cryptoFunctionService.hmac(timeBytes.buffer, keyBytes.buffer, alg);
21913 return new Uint8Array(signature);
21914 });
21915 }
21918// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/enums/organizationUserStatusType.ts
21919var OrganizationUserStatusType;
21920(function (OrganizationUserStatusType) {
21921 OrganizationUserStatusType[OrganizationUserStatusType["Invited"] = 0] = "Invited";
21922 OrganizationUserStatusType[OrganizationUserStatusType["Accepted"] = 1] = "Accepted";
21923 OrganizationUserStatusType[OrganizationUserStatusType["Confirmed"] = 2] = "Confirmed";
21924})(OrganizationUserStatusType || (OrganizationUserStatusType = {}));
21926// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/enums/organizationUserType.ts
21927var OrganizationUserType;
21928(function (OrganizationUserType) {
21929 OrganizationUserType[OrganizationUserType["Owner"] = 0] = "Owner";
21930 OrganizationUserType[OrganizationUserType["Admin"] = 1] = "Admin";
21931 OrganizationUserType[OrganizationUserType["User"] = 2] = "User";
21932 OrganizationUserType[OrganizationUserType["Manager"] = 3] = "Manager";
21933})(OrganizationUserType || (OrganizationUserType = {}));
21935// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/models/domain/organization.ts
21938class organization_Organization {
21939 constructor(obj) {
21940 if (obj == null) {
21941 return;
21942 }
21943 this.id = obj.id;
21944 this.name = obj.name;
21945 this.status = obj.status;
21946 this.type = obj.type;
21947 this.enabled = obj.enabled;
21948 this.usePolicies = obj.usePolicies;
21949 this.useGroups = obj.useGroups;
21950 this.useDirectory = obj.useDirectory;
21951 this.useEvents = obj.useEvents;
21952 this.useTotp = obj.useTotp;
21953 this.use2fa = obj.use2fa;
21954 this.useApi = obj.useApi;
21955 this.selfHost = obj.selfHost;
21956 this.usersGetPremium = obj.usersGetPremium;
21957 this.seats = obj.seats;
21958 this.maxCollections = obj.maxCollections;
21959 this.maxStorageGb = obj.maxStorageGb;
21960 }
21961 get canAccess() {
21962 if (this.type === OrganizationUserType.Owner) {
21963 return true;
21964 }
21965 return this.enabled && this.status === OrganizationUserStatusType.Confirmed;
21966 }
21967 get isManager() {
21968 return this.type === OrganizationUserType.Manager || this.type === OrganizationUserType.Owner ||
21969 this.type === OrganizationUserType.Admin;
21970 }
21971 get isAdmin() {
21972 return this.type === OrganizationUserType.Owner || this.type === OrganizationUserType.Admin;
21973 }
21974 get isOwner() {
21975 return this.type === OrganizationUserType.Owner;
21976 }
21979// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/services/user.service.ts
21980var user_service_awaiter = (undefined && undefined.__awaiter) || function (thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) {
21981 return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) {
21982 function fulfilled(value) { try { step(generator.next(value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
21983 function rejected(value) { try { step(generator["throw"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
21984 function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(result.value); }).then(fulfilled, rejected); }
21985 step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next());
21986 });
21989const user_service_Keys = {
21990 userId: 'userId',
21991 userEmail: 'userEmail',
21992 stamp: 'securityStamp',
21993 kdf: 'kdf',
21994 kdfIterations: 'kdfIterations',
21995 organizationsPrefix: 'organizations_',
21997class user_service_UserService {
21998 constructor(tokenService, storageService) {
21999 this.tokenService = tokenService;
22000 this.storageService = storageService;
22001 }
22002 setInformation(userId, email, kdf, kdfIterations) {
22003 this.email = email;
22004 this.userId = userId;
22005 this.kdf = kdf;
22006 this.kdfIterations = kdfIterations;
22007 return Promise.all([
22008 this.storageService.save(user_service_Keys.userEmail, email),
22009 this.storageService.save(user_service_Keys.userId, userId),
22010 this.storageService.save(user_service_Keys.kdf, kdf),
22011 this.storageService.save(user_service_Keys.kdfIterations, kdfIterations),
22012 ]);
22013 }
22014 setSecurityStamp(stamp) {
22015 this.stamp = stamp;
22016 return this.storageService.save(user_service_Keys.stamp, stamp);
22017 }
22018 getUserId() {
22019 return user_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
22020 if (this.userId == null) {
22021 this.userId = yield this.storageService.get(user_service_Keys.userId);
22022 }
22023 return this.userId;
22024 });
22025 }
22026 getEmail() {
22027 return user_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
22028 if (this.email == null) {
22029 this.email = yield this.storageService.get(user_service_Keys.userEmail);
22030 }
22031 return this.email;
22032 });
22033 }
22034 getSecurityStamp() {
22035 return user_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
22036 if (this.stamp == null) {
22037 this.stamp = yield this.storageService.get(user_service_Keys.stamp);
22038 }
22039 return this.stamp;
22040 });
22041 }
22042 getKdf() {
22043 return user_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
22044 if (this.kdf == null) {
22045 this.kdf = yield this.storageService.get(user_service_Keys.kdf);
22046 }
22047 return this.kdf;
22048 });
22049 }
22050 getKdfIterations() {
22051 return user_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
22052 if (this.kdfIterations == null) {
22053 this.kdfIterations = yield this.storageService.get(user_service_Keys.kdfIterations);
22054 }
22055 return this.kdfIterations;
22056 });
22057 }
22058 clear() {
22059 return user_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
22060 const userId = yield this.getUserId();
22061 yield Promise.all([
22062 this.storageService.remove(user_service_Keys.userId),
22063 this.storageService.remove(user_service_Keys.userEmail),
22064 this.storageService.remove(user_service_Keys.stamp),
22065 this.storageService.remove(user_service_Keys.kdf),
22066 this.storageService.remove(user_service_Keys.kdfIterations),
22067 this.clearOrganizations(userId),
22068 ]);
22069 this.userId = this.email = this.stamp = null;
22070 this.kdf = null;
22071 this.kdfIterations = null;
22072 });
22073 }
22074 isAuthenticated() {
22075 return user_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
22076 const token = yield this.tokenService.getToken();
22077 if (token == null) {
22078 return false;
22079 }
22080 const userId = yield this.getUserId();
22081 return userId != null;
22082 });
22083 }
22084 canAccessPremium() {
22085 return user_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
22086 const tokenPremium = this.tokenService.getPremium();
22087 if (tokenPremium) {
22088 return true;
22089 }
22090 const orgs = yield this.getAllOrganizations();
22091 for (let i = 0; i < orgs.length; i++) {
22092 if (orgs[i].usersGetPremium && orgs[i].enabled) {
22093 return true;
22094 }
22095 }
22096 return false;
22097 });
22098 }
22099 getOrganization(id) {
22100 return user_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
22101 const userId = yield this.getUserId();
22102 const organizations = yield this.storageService.get(user_service_Keys.organizationsPrefix + userId);
22103 if (organizations == null || !organizations.hasOwnProperty(id)) {
22104 return null;
22105 }
22106 return new organization_Organization(organizations[id]);
22107 });
22108 }
22109 getAllOrganizations() {
22110 return user_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
22111 const userId = yield this.getUserId();
22112 const organizations = yield this.storageService.get(user_service_Keys.organizationsPrefix + userId);
22113 const response = [];
22114 for (const id in organizations) {
22115 if (organizations.hasOwnProperty(id)) {
22116 response.push(new organization_Organization(organizations[id]));
22117 }
22118 }
22119 return response;
22120 });
22121 }
22122 replaceOrganizations(organizations) {
22123 return user_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
22124 const userId = yield this.getUserId();
22125 yield this.storageService.save(user_service_Keys.organizationsPrefix + userId, organizations);
22126 });
22127 }
22128 clearOrganizations(userId) {
22129 return user_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
22130 yield this.storageService.remove(user_service_Keys.organizationsPrefix + userId);
22131 });
22132 }
22135// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/services/vaultTimeout.service.ts
22136var vaultTimeout_service_awaiter = (undefined && undefined.__awaiter) || function (thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) {
22137 return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) {
22138 function fulfilled(value) { try { step(generator.next(value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
22139 function rejected(value) { try { step(generator["throw"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
22140 function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(result.value); }).then(fulfilled, rejected); }
22141 step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next());
22142 });
22145class vaultTimeout_service_VaultTimeoutService {
22146 constructor(cipherService, folderService, collectionService, cryptoService, platformUtilsService, storageService, messagingService, searchService, userService, tokenService, lockedCallback = null, loggedOutCallback = null) {
22147 this.cipherService = cipherService;
22148 this.folderService = folderService;
22149 this.collectionService = collectionService;
22150 this.cryptoService = cryptoService;
22151 this.platformUtilsService = platformUtilsService;
22152 this.storageService = storageService;
22153 this.messagingService = messagingService;
22154 this.searchService = searchService;
22155 this.userService = userService;
22156 this.tokenService = tokenService;
22157 this.lockedCallback = lockedCallback;
22158 this.loggedOutCallback = loggedOutCallback;
22159 this.pinProtectedKey = null;
22160 this.inited = false;
22161 }
22162 init(checkOnInterval) {
22163 if (this.inited) {
22164 return;
22165 }
22166 this.inited = true;
22167 if (checkOnInterval) {
22168 this.checkVaultTimeout();
22169 setInterval(() => this.checkVaultTimeout(), 10 * 1000); // check every 10 seconds
22170 }
22171 }
22172 // Keys aren't stored for a device that is locked or logged out.
22173 isLocked() {
22174 return vaultTimeout_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
22175 const hasKey = yield this.cryptoService.hasKey();
22176 return !hasKey;
22177 });
22178 }
22179 checkVaultTimeout() {
22180 return vaultTimeout_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
22181 if (yield this.platformUtilsService.isViewOpen()) {
22182 // Do not lock
22183 return;
22184 }
22185 // "is logged out check" - similar to isLocked, below
22186 const authed = yield this.userService.isAuthenticated();
22187 if (!authed) {
22188 return;
22189 }
22190 if (yield this.isLocked()) {
22191 return;
22192 }
22193 // This has the potential to be removed. Evaluate after all platforms complete with auto-logout
22194 let vaultTimeout = this.platformUtilsService.lockTimeout();
22195 if (vaultTimeout == null) {
22196 vaultTimeout = yield this.storageService.get(ConstantsService.vaultTimeoutKey);
22197 }
22198 if (vaultTimeout == null || vaultTimeout < 0) {
22199 return;
22200 }
22201 const lastActive = yield this.storageService.get(ConstantsService.lastActiveKey);
22202 if (lastActive == null) {
22203 return;
22204 }
22205 const vaultTimeoutSeconds = vaultTimeout * 60;
22206 const diffSeconds = ((new Date()).getTime() - lastActive) / 1000;
22207 if (diffSeconds >= vaultTimeoutSeconds) {
22208 // Pivot based on the saved vault timeout action
22209 const timeoutAction = yield this.storageService.get(ConstantsService.vaultTimeoutActionKey);
22210 timeoutAction === 'logOut' ? yield this.logOut() : yield this.lock(true);
22211 }
22212 });
22213 }
22214 lock(allowSoftLock = false) {
22215 return vaultTimeout_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
22216 const authed = yield this.userService.isAuthenticated();
22217 if (!authed) {
22218 return;
22219 }
22220 yield Promise.all([
22221 this.cryptoService.clearKey(),
22222 this.cryptoService.clearOrgKeys(true),
22223 this.cryptoService.clearKeyPair(true),
22224 this.cryptoService.clearEncKey(true),
22225 ]);
22226 this.folderService.clearCache();
22227 this.cipherService.clearCache();
22228 this.collectionService.clearCache();
22229 this.searchService.clearIndex();
22230 this.messagingService.send('locked');
22231 if (this.lockedCallback != null) {
22232 yield this.lockedCallback();
22233 }
22234 });
22235 }
22236 logOut() {
22237 return vaultTimeout_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
22238 if (this.loggedOutCallback != null) {
22239 yield this.loggedOutCallback();
22240 }
22241 });
22242 }
22243 setVaultTimeoutOptions(timeout, action) {
22244 return vaultTimeout_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
22245 yield this.storageService.save(ConstantsService.vaultTimeoutKey, timeout);
22246 yield this.storageService.save(ConstantsService.vaultTimeoutActionKey, action);
22247 yield this.cryptoService.toggleKey();
22248 yield this.tokenService.toggleTokens();
22249 });
22250 }
22251 isPinLockSet() {
22252 return vaultTimeout_service_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
22253 const protectedPin = yield this.storageService.get(ConstantsService.protectedPin);
22254 const pinProtectedKey = yield this.storageService.get(ConstantsService.pinProtectedKey);
22255 return [protectedPin != null, pinProtectedKey != null];
22256 });
22257 }
22258 clear() {
22259 this.pinProtectedKey = null;
22260 return this.storageService.remove(ConstantsService.protectedPin);
22261 }
22264// EXTERNAL MODULE: external "chalk"
22265var external_chalk_ = __webpack_require__(10);
22266var external_chalk_default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(external_chalk_);
22268// EXTERNAL MODULE: external "commander"
22269var external_commander_ = __webpack_require__(0);
22271// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/cli/models/response.ts
22272class Response {
22273 static error(error, data) {
22274 const res = new Response();
22275 res.success = false;
22276 if (typeof (error) === 'string') {
22277 res.message = error;
22278 }
22279 else {
22280 res.message = error.message != null ? error.message : error.toString();
22281 }
22282 res.data = data;
22283 return res;
22284 }
22285 static notFound() {
22286 return Response.error('Not found.');
22287 }
22288 static badRequest(message) {
22289 return Response.error(message);
22290 }
22291 static multipleResults(ids) {
22292 let msg = 'More than one result was found. Try getting a specific object by `id` instead. ' +
22293 'The following objects were found:';
22294 ids.forEach((id) => {
22295 msg += '\n' + id;
22296 });
22297 return Response.error(msg, ids);
22298 }
22299 static success(data) {
22300 const res = new Response();
22301 res.success = true;
22302 res.data = data;
22303 return res;
22304 }
22307// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/cli/models/response/messageResponse.ts
22308class MessageResponse {
22309 constructor(title, message) {
22310 this.noColor = false;
22311 this.object = 'message';
22312 this.title = title;
22313 this.message = message;
22314 }
22317// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/cli/models/response/stringResponse.ts
22318class StringResponse {
22319 constructor(data) {
22320 this.object = 'string';
22321 this.data = data;
22322 }
22325// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./src/commands/config.command.ts
22326var config_command_awaiter = (undefined && undefined.__awaiter) || function (thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) {
22327 return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) {
22328 function fulfilled(value) { try { step(generator.next(value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
22329 function rejected(value) { try { step(generator["throw"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
22330 function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(result.value); }).then(fulfilled, rejected); }
22331 step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next());
22332 });
22337class config_command_ConfigCommand {
22338 constructor(environmentService) {
22339 this.environmentService = environmentService;
22340 }
22341 run(setting, value, cmd) {
22342 return config_command_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
22343 setting = setting.toLowerCase();
22344 switch (setting) {
22345 case 'server':
22346 return yield this.getOrSetServer(value, cmd);
22347 default:
22348 return Response.badRequest('Unknown setting.');
22349 }
22350 });
22351 }
22352 getOrSetServer(url, cmd) {
22353 return config_command_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
22354 if ((url == null || url.trim() === '') &&
22355 !cmd.webVault && !cmd.api && !cmd.identity && !cmd.icons && !cmd.notifications && !cmd.events) {
22356 const baseUrl = this.environmentService.baseUrl;
22357 const stringRes = new StringResponse(baseUrl == null ? 'https://bitwarden.com' : baseUrl);
22358 return Response.success(stringRes);
22359 }
22360 url = (url === 'null' || url === 'bitwarden.com' || url === 'https://bitwarden.com' ? null : url);
22361 yield this.environmentService.setUrls({
22362 base: url,
22363 webVault: cmd.webVault || null,
22364 api: cmd.api || null,
22365 identity: cmd.identity || null,
22366 icons: cmd.icons || null,
22367 notifications: cmd.notifications || null,
22368 events: cmd.events || null,
22369 });
22370 const res = new MessageResponse('Saved setting `config`.', null);
22371 return Response.success(res);
22372 });
22373 }
22376// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/models/request/organizationUserConfirmRequest.ts
22377class OrganizationUserConfirmRequest {
22380// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./src/commands/confirm.command.ts
22381var confirm_command_awaiter = (undefined && undefined.__awaiter) || function (thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) {
22382 return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) {
22383 function fulfilled(value) { try { step(generator.next(value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
22384 function rejected(value) { try { step(generator["throw"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
22385 function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(result.value); }).then(fulfilled, rejected); }
22386 step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next());
22387 });
22392class confirm_command_ConfirmCommand {
22393 constructor(apiService, cryptoService) {
22394 this.apiService = apiService;
22395 this.cryptoService = cryptoService;
22396 }
22397 run(object, id, cmd) {
22398 return confirm_command_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
22399 if (id != null) {
22400 id = id.toLowerCase();
22401 }
22402 switch (object.toLowerCase()) {
22403 case 'org-member':
22404 return yield this.confirmOrganizationMember(id, cmd);
22405 default:
22406 return Response.badRequest('Unknown object.');
22407 }
22408 });
22409 }
22410 confirmOrganizationMember(id, cmd) {
22411 return confirm_command_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
22412 if (cmd.organizationid == null || cmd.organizationid === '') {
22413 return Response.badRequest('--organizationid <organizationid> required.');
22414 }
22415 if (!utils_Utils.isGuid(id)) {
22416 return Response.error('`' + id + '` is not a GUID.');
22417 }
22418 if (!utils_Utils.isGuid(cmd.organizationid)) {
22419 return Response.error('`' + cmd.organizationid + '` is not a GUID.');
22420 }
22421 try {
22422 const orgKey = yield this.cryptoService.getOrgKey(cmd.organizationid);
22423 if (orgKey == null) {
22424 throw new Error('No encryption key for this organization.');
22425 }
22426 const orgUser = yield this.apiService.getOrganizationUser(cmd.organizationid, id);
22427 if (orgUser == null) {
22428 throw new Error('Member id does not exist for this organization.');
22429 }
22430 const publicKeyResponse = yield this.apiService.getUserPublicKey(orgUser.userId);
22431 const publicKey = utils_Utils.fromB64ToArray(publicKeyResponse.publicKey);
22432 const key = yield this.cryptoService.rsaEncrypt(orgKey.key, publicKey.buffer);
22433 const req = new OrganizationUserConfirmRequest();
22434 req.key = key.encryptedString;
22435 yield this.apiService.postOrganizationUserConfirm(cmd.organizationid, id, req);
22436 return Response.success();
22437 }
22438 catch (e) {
22439 return Response.error(e);
22440 }
22441 });
22442 }
22445// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/models/request/selectionReadOnlyRequest.ts
22446class SelectionReadOnlyRequest {
22447 constructor(id, readOnly) {
22448 this.id = id;
22449 this.readOnly = readOnly;
22450 }
22453// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./src/models/response/attachmentResponse.ts
22454class response_attachmentResponse_AttachmentResponse {
22455 constructor(o) {
22456 this.id = o.id;
22457 this.fileName = o.fileName;
22458 this.size = o.size;
22459 this.sizeName = o.sizeName;
22460 this.url = o.url;
22461 }
22464// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./src/models/response/loginResponse.ts
22466class loginResponse_LoginResponse extends export_login_Login {
22467 constructor(o) {
22468 super(o);
22469 this.passwordRevisionDate = o.passwordRevisionDate != null ? o.passwordRevisionDate : null;
22470 }
22473// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./src/models/response/passwordHistoryResponse.ts
22474class response_passwordHistoryResponse_PasswordHistoryResponse {
22475 constructor(o) {
22476 this.lastUsedDate = o.lastUsedDate;
22477 this.password = o.password;
22478 }
22481// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/enums/logLevelType.ts
22482var LogLevelType;
22483(function (LogLevelType) {
22484 LogLevelType[LogLevelType["Debug"] = 0] = "Debug";
22485 LogLevelType[LogLevelType["Info"] = 1] = "Info";
22486 LogLevelType[LogLevelType["Warning"] = 2] = "Warning";
22487 LogLevelType[LogLevelType["Error"] = 3] = "Error";
22488})(LogLevelType || (LogLevelType = {}));
22490// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/enums/index.ts
22500// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./src/models/response/cipherResponse.ts
22506class response_cipherResponse_CipherResponse extends cipherWithIds_CipherWithIds {
22507 constructor(o) {
22508 super();
22509 this.object = 'item';
22510 this.build(o);
22511 if (o.attachments != null) {
22512 this.attachments = o.attachments.map((a) => new response_attachmentResponse_AttachmentResponse(a));
22513 }
22514 this.revisionDate = o.revisionDate;
22515 if (o.passwordHistory != null) {
22516 this.passwordHistory = o.passwordHistory.map((h) => new response_passwordHistoryResponse_PasswordHistoryResponse(h));
22517 }
22518 if (o.type === CipherType.Login && o.login != null) {
22519 this.login = new loginResponse_LoginResponse(o.login);
22520 }
22521 }
22524// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./src/models/response/folderResponse.ts
22526class response_folderResponse_FolderResponse extends folderWithId_FolderWithId {
22527 constructor(o) {
22528 super();
22529 this.object = 'folder';
22530 this.build(o);
22531 }
22534// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./src/models/response/collectionResponse.ts
22536class response_collectionResponse_CollectionResponse extends collectionWithId_CollectionWithId {
22537 constructor(o) {
22538 super();
22539 this.object = 'collection';
22540 this.build(o);
22541 }
22544// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./src/models/response/organizationCollectionResponse.ts
22546class organizationCollectionResponse_OrganizationCollectionResponse extends response_collectionResponse_CollectionResponse {
22547 constructor(o, groups) {
22548 super(o);
22549 this.object = 'org-collection';
22550 this.groups = groups;
22551 }
22554// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./src/utils.ts
22558class utils_CliUtils {
22559 static writeLn(s, finalLine = false, error = false) {
22560 const stream = error ? process.stderr : process.stdout;
22561 if (finalLine && (process.platform === 'win32' || !stream.isTTY)) {
22562 stream.write(s);
22563 }
22564 else {
22565 stream.write(s + '\n');
22566 }
22567 }
22568 static readFile(input) {
22569 return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
22570 let p = null;
22571 if (input != null && input !== '') {
22572 const osInput = external_path_["join"](input);
22573 if (osInput.indexOf(external_path_["sep"]) === -1) {
22574 p = external_path_["join"](process.cwd(), osInput);
22575 }
22576 else {
22577 p = osInput;
22578 }
22579 }
22580 else {
22581 reject('You must specify a file path.');
22582 }
22583 external_fs_["readFile"](p, 'utf8', (err, data) => {
22584 if (err != null) {
22585 reject(err.message);
22586 }
22587 resolve(data);
22588 });
22589 });
22590 }
22591 static saveFile(data, output, defaultFileName) {
22592 let p = null;
22593 let mkdir = false;
22594 if (output != null && output !== '') {
22595 const osOutput = external_path_["join"](output);
22596 if (osOutput.indexOf(external_path_["sep"]) === -1) {
22597 p = external_path_["join"](process.cwd(), osOutput);
22598 }
22599 else {
22600 mkdir = true;
22601 if (osOutput.endsWith(external_path_["sep"])) {
22602 p = external_path_["join"](osOutput, defaultFileName);
22603 }
22604 else {
22605 p = osOutput;
22606 }
22607 }
22608 }
22609 else {
22610 p = external_path_["join"](process.cwd(), defaultFileName);
22611 }
22612 p = external_path_["resolve"](p);
22613 if (mkdir) {
22614 const dir = p.substring(0, p.lastIndexOf(external_path_["sep"]));
22615 if (!external_fs_["existsSync"](dir)) {
22616 nodeUtils_NodeUtils.mkdirpSync(dir, '700');
22617 }
22618 }
22619 return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
22620 external_fs_["writeFile"](p, data, 'utf8', (err) => {
22621 if (err != null) {
22622 reject('Cannot save file to ' + p);
22623 }
22624 resolve(p);
22625 });
22626 });
22627 }
22628 static readStdin() {
22629 return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
22630 let input = '';
22631 if (process.stdin.isTTY) {
22632 resolve(input);
22633 return;
22634 }
22635 process.stdin.setEncoding('utf8');
22636 process.stdin.on('readable', () => {
22637 while (true) {
22638 const chunk = process.stdin.read();
22639 if (chunk == null) {
22640 break;
22641 }
22642 input += chunk;
22643 }
22644 });
22645 process.stdin.on('end', () => {
22646 resolve(input);
22647 });
22648 });
22649 }
22650 static searchFolders(folders, search) {
22651 search = search.toLowerCase();
22652 return folders.filter((f) => {
22653 if (f.name != null && f.name.toLowerCase().indexOf(search) > -1) {
22654 return true;
22655 }
22656 return false;
22657 });
22658 }
22659 static searchCollections(collections, search) {
22660 search = search.toLowerCase();
22661 return collections.filter((c) => {
22662 if (c.name != null && c.name.toLowerCase().indexOf(search) > -1) {
22663 return true;
22664 }
22665 return false;
22666 });
22667 }
22668 static searchOrganizations(organizations, search) {
22669 search = search.toLowerCase();
22670 return organizations.filter((o) => {
22671 if (o.name != null && o.name.toLowerCase().indexOf(search) > -1) {
22672 return true;
22673 }
22674 return false;
22675 });
22676 }
22679// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./src/commands/create.command.ts
22680var create_command_awaiter = (undefined && undefined.__awaiter) || function (thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) {
22681 return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) {
22682 function fulfilled(value) { try { step(generator.next(value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
22683 function rejected(value) { try { step(generator["throw"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
22684 function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(result.value); }).then(fulfilled, rejected); }
22685 step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next());
22686 });
22701class create_command_CreateCommand {
22702 constructor(cipherService, folderService, userService, cryptoService, apiService) {
22703 this.cipherService = cipherService;
22704 this.folderService = folderService;
22705 this.userService = userService;
22706 this.cryptoService = cryptoService;
22707 this.apiService = apiService;
22708 }
22709 run(object, requestJson, cmd) {
22710 return create_command_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
22711 let req = null;
22712 if (object !== 'attachment') {
22713 if (requestJson == null || requestJson === '') {
22714 requestJson = yield utils_CliUtils.readStdin();
22715 }
22716 if (requestJson == null || requestJson === '') {
22717 return Response.badRequest('`requestJson` was not provided.');
22718 }
22719 try {
22720 const reqJson = Buffer.from(requestJson, 'base64').toString();
22721 req = JSON.parse(reqJson);
22722 }
22723 catch (e) {
22724 return Response.badRequest('Error parsing the encoded request data.');
22725 }
22726 }
22727 switch (object.toLowerCase()) {
22728 case 'item':
22729 return yield this.createCipher(req);
22730 case 'attachment':
22731 return yield this.createAttachment(cmd);
22732 case 'folder':
22733 return yield this.createFolder(req);
22734 case 'org-collection':
22735 return yield this.createOrganizationCollection(req, cmd);
22736 default:
22737 return Response.badRequest('Unknown object.');
22738 }
22739 });
22740 }
22741 createCipher(req) {
22742 return create_command_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
22743 const cipher = yield this.cipherService.encrypt(export_cipher_Cipher.toView(req));
22744 try {
22745 yield this.cipherService.saveWithServer(cipher);
22746 const newCipher = yield this.cipherService.get(cipher.id);
22747 const decCipher = yield newCipher.decrypt();
22748 const res = new response_cipherResponse_CipherResponse(decCipher);
22749 return Response.success(res);
22750 }
22751 catch (e) {
22752 return Response.error(e);
22753 }
22754 });
22755 }
22756 createAttachment(cmd) {
22757 return create_command_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
22758 if (cmd.itemid == null || cmd.itemid === '') {
22759 return Response.badRequest('--itemid <itemid> required.');
22760 }
22761 if (cmd.file == null || cmd.file === '') {
22762 return Response.badRequest('--file <file> required.');
22763 }
22764 const filePath = external_path_["resolve"](cmd.file);
22765 if (!external_fs_["existsSync"](cmd.file)) {
22766 return Response.badRequest('Cannot find file at ' + filePath);
22767 }
22768 const itemId = cmd.itemid.toLowerCase();
22769 const cipher = yield this.cipherService.get(itemId);
22770 if (cipher == null) {
22771 return Response.notFound();
22772 }
22773 if (cipher.organizationId == null && !(yield this.userService.canAccessPremium())) {
22774 return Response.error('Premium status is required to use this feature.');
22775 }
22776 const encKey = yield this.cryptoService.getEncKey();
22777 if (encKey == null) {
22778 return Response.error('You must update your encryption key before you can use this feature. ' +
22779 'See https://help.bitwarden.com/article/update-encryption-key/');
22780 }
22781 try {
22782 const fileBuf = external_fs_["readFileSync"](filePath);
22783 yield this.cipherService.saveAttachmentRawWithServer(cipher, external_path_["basename"](filePath), new Uint8Array(fileBuf).buffer);
22784 const updatedCipher = yield this.cipherService.get(cipher.id);
22785 const decCipher = yield updatedCipher.decrypt();
22786 const res = new response_cipherResponse_CipherResponse(decCipher);
22787 return Response.success(res);
22788 }
22789 catch (e) {
22790 return Response.error(e);
22791 }
22792 });
22793 }
22794 createFolder(req) {
22795 return create_command_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
22796 const folder = yield this.folderService.encrypt(export_folder_Folder.toView(req));
22797 try {
22798 yield this.folderService.saveWithServer(folder);
22799 const newFolder = yield this.folderService.get(folder.id);
22800 const decFolder = yield newFolder.decrypt();
22801 const res = new response_folderResponse_FolderResponse(decFolder);
22802 return Response.success(res);
22803 }
22804 catch (e) {
22805 return Response.error(e);
22806 }
22807 });
22808 }
22809 createOrganizationCollection(req, cmd) {
22810 return create_command_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
22811 if (cmd.organizationid == null || cmd.organizationid === '') {
22812 return Response.badRequest('--organizationid <organizationid> required.');
22813 }
22814 if (!utils_Utils.isGuid(cmd.organizationid)) {
22815 return Response.error('`' + cmd.organizationid + '` is not a GUID.');
22816 }
22817 if (cmd.organizationid !== req.organizationId) {
22818 return Response.error('--organizationid <organizationid> does not match request object.');
22819 }
22820 try {
22821 const orgKey = yield this.cryptoService.getOrgKey(req.organizationId);
22822 if (orgKey == null) {
22823 throw new Error('No encryption key for this organization.');
22824 }
22825 const groups = req.groups == null ? null :
22826 req.groups.map((g) => new SelectionReadOnlyRequest(g.id, g.readOnly));
22827 const request = new CollectionRequest();
22828 request.name = (yield this.cryptoService.encrypt(req.name, orgKey)).encryptedString;
22829 request.externalId = req.externalId;
22830 request.groups = groups;
22831 yield this.apiService.postCollection(req.organizationId, request);
22832 const res = new organizationCollectionResponse_OrganizationCollectionResponse(export_collection_Collection.toView(req), groups);
22833 return Response.success(res);
22834 }
22835 catch (e) {
22836 return Response.error(e);
22837 }
22838 });
22839 }
22842// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./src/commands/delete.command.ts
22843var delete_command_awaiter = (undefined && undefined.__awaiter) || function (thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) {
22844 return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) {
22845 function fulfilled(value) { try { step(generator.next(value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
22846 function rejected(value) { try { step(generator["throw"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
22847 function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(result.value); }).then(fulfilled, rejected); }
22848 step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next());
22849 });
22853class delete_command_DeleteCommand {
22854 constructor(cipherService, folderService, userService, apiService) {
22855 this.cipherService = cipherService;
22856 this.folderService = folderService;
22857 this.userService = userService;
22858 this.apiService = apiService;
22859 }
22860 run(object, id, cmd) {
22861 return delete_command_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
22862 if (id != null) {
22863 id = id.toLowerCase();
22864 }
22865 switch (object.toLowerCase()) {
22866 case 'item':
22867 return yield this.deleteCipher(id, cmd);
22868 case 'attachment':
22869 return yield this.deleteAttachment(id, cmd);
22870 case 'folder':
22871 return yield this.deleteFolder(id);
22872 case 'org-collection':
22873 return yield this.deleteOrganizationCollection(id, cmd);
22874 default:
22875 return Response.badRequest('Unknown object.');
22876 }
22877 });
22878 }
22879 deleteCipher(id, cmd) {
22880 return delete_command_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
22881 const cipher = yield this.cipherService.get(id);
22882 if (cipher == null) {
22883 return Response.notFound();
22884 }
22885 try {
22886 if (cmd.permanent) {
22887 yield this.cipherService.deleteWithServer(id);
22888 }
22889 else {
22890 yield this.cipherService.softDeleteWithServer(id);
22891 }
22892 return Response.success();
22893 }
22894 catch (e) {
22895 return Response.error(e);
22896 }
22897 });
22898 }
22899 deleteAttachment(id, cmd) {
22900 return delete_command_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
22901 if (cmd.itemid == null || cmd.itemid === '') {
22902 return Response.badRequest('--itemid <itemid> required.');
22903 }
22904 const itemId = cmd.itemid.toLowerCase();
22905 const cipher = yield this.cipherService.get(itemId);
22906 if (cipher == null) {
22907 return Response.notFound();
22908 }
22909 if (cipher.attachments == null || cipher.attachments.length === 0) {
22910 return Response.error('No attachments available for this item.');
22911 }
22912 const attachments = cipher.attachments.filter((a) => a.id.toLowerCase() === id);
22913 if (attachments.length === 0) {
22914 return Response.error('Attachment `' + id + '` was not found.');
22915 }
22916 if (cipher.organizationId == null && !(yield this.userService.canAccessPremium())) {
22917 return Response.error('Premium status is required to use this feature.');
22918 }
22919 try {
22920 yield this.cipherService.deleteAttachmentWithServer(cipher.id, attachments[0].id);
22921 return Response.success();
22922 }
22923 catch (e) {
22924 return Response.error(e);
22925 }
22926 });
22927 }
22928 deleteFolder(id) {
22929 return delete_command_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
22930 const folder = yield this.folderService.get(id);
22931 if (folder == null) {
22932 return Response.notFound();
22933 }
22934 try {
22935 yield this.folderService.deleteWithServer(id);
22936 return Response.success();
22937 }
22938 catch (e) {
22939 return Response.error(e);
22940 }
22941 });
22942 }
22943 deleteOrganizationCollection(id, cmd) {
22944 return delete_command_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
22945 if (cmd.organizationid == null || cmd.organizationid === '') {
22946 return Response.badRequest('--organizationid <organizationid> required.');
22947 }
22948 if (!utils_Utils.isGuid(id)) {
22949 return Response.error('`' + id + '` is not a GUID.');
22950 }
22951 if (!utils_Utils.isGuid(cmd.organizationid)) {
22952 return Response.error('`' + cmd.organizationid + '` is not a GUID.');
22953 }
22954 try {
22955 yield this.apiService.deleteCollection(cmd.organizationid, id);
22956 return Response.success();
22957 }
22958 catch (e) {
22959 return Response.error(e);
22960 }
22961 });
22962 }
22965// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./src/commands/edit.command.ts
22966var edit_command_awaiter = (undefined && undefined.__awaiter) || function (thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) {
22967 return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) {
22968 function fulfilled(value) { try { step(generator.next(value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
22969 function rejected(value) { try { step(generator["throw"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
22970 function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(result.value); }).then(fulfilled, rejected); }
22971 step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next());
22972 });
22985class edit_command_EditCommand {
22986 constructor(cipherService, folderService, cryptoService, apiService) {
22987 this.cipherService = cipherService;
22988 this.folderService = folderService;
22989 this.cryptoService = cryptoService;
22990 this.apiService = apiService;
22991 }
22992 run(object, id, requestJson, cmd) {
22993 return edit_command_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
22994 if (requestJson == null || requestJson === '') {
22995 requestJson = yield utils_CliUtils.readStdin();
22996 }
22997 if (requestJson == null || requestJson === '') {
22998 return Response.badRequest('`requestJson` was not provided.');
22999 }
23000 let req = null;
23001 try {
23002 const reqJson = Buffer.from(requestJson, 'base64').toString();
23003 req = JSON.parse(reqJson);
23004 }
23005 catch (e) {
23006 return Response.badRequest('Error parsing the encoded request data.');
23007 }
23008 if (id != null) {
23009 id = id.toLowerCase();
23010 }
23011 switch (object.toLowerCase()) {
23012 case 'item':
23013 return yield this.editCipher(id, req);
23014 case 'item-collections':
23015 return yield this.editCipherCollections(id, req);
23016 case 'folder':
23017 return yield this.editFolder(id, req);
23018 case 'org-collection':
23019 return yield this.editOrganizationCollection(id, req, cmd);
23020 default:
23021 return Response.badRequest('Unknown object.');
23022 }
23023 });
23024 }
23025 editCipher(id, req) {
23026 return edit_command_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
23027 const cipher = yield this.cipherService.get(id);
23028 if (cipher == null) {
23029 return Response.notFound();
23030 }
23031 let cipherView = yield cipher.decrypt();
23032 if (cipherView.isDeleted) {
23033 return Response.badRequest('You may not edit a deleted cipher. Use restore item <id> command first.');
23034 }
23035 cipherView = export_cipher_Cipher.toView(req, cipherView);
23036 const encCipher = yield this.cipherService.encrypt(cipherView);
23037 try {
23038 yield this.cipherService.saveWithServer(encCipher);
23039 const updatedCipher = yield this.cipherService.get(cipher.id);
23040 const decCipher = yield updatedCipher.decrypt();
23041 const res = new response_cipherResponse_CipherResponse(decCipher);
23042 return Response.success(res);
23043 }
23044 catch (e) {
23045 return Response.error(e);
23046 }
23047 });
23048 }
23049 editCipherCollections(id, req) {
23050 return edit_command_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
23051 const cipher = yield this.cipherService.get(id);
23052 if (cipher == null) {
23053 return Response.notFound();
23054 }
23055 if (cipher.organizationId == null) {
23056 return Response.badRequest('Item does not belong to an organization. Consider sharing it first.');
23057 }
23058 cipher.collectionIds = req;
23059 try {
23060 yield this.cipherService.saveCollectionsWithServer(cipher);
23061 const updatedCipher = yield this.cipherService.get(cipher.id);
23062 const decCipher = yield updatedCipher.decrypt();
23063 const res = new response_cipherResponse_CipherResponse(decCipher);
23064 return Response.success(res);
23065 }
23066 catch (e) {
23067 return Response.error(e);
23068 }
23069 });
23070 }
23071 editFolder(id, req) {
23072 return edit_command_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
23073 const folder = yield this.folderService.get(id);
23074 if (folder == null) {
23075 return Response.notFound();
23076 }
23077 let folderView = yield folder.decrypt();
23078 folderView = export_folder_Folder.toView(req, folderView);
23079 const encFolder = yield this.folderService.encrypt(folderView);
23080 try {
23081 yield this.folderService.saveWithServer(encFolder);
23082 const updatedFolder = yield this.folderService.get(folder.id);
23083 const decFolder = yield updatedFolder.decrypt();
23084 const res = new response_folderResponse_FolderResponse(decFolder);
23085 return Response.success(res);
23086 }
23087 catch (e) {
23088 return Response.error(e);
23089 }
23090 });
23091 }
23092 editOrganizationCollection(id, req, cmd) {
23093 return edit_command_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
23094 if (cmd.organizationid == null || cmd.organizationid === '') {
23095 return Response.badRequest('--organizationid <organizationid> required.');
23096 }
23097 if (!utils_Utils.isGuid(id)) {
23098 return Response.error('`' + id + '` is not a GUID.');
23099 }
23100 if (!utils_Utils.isGuid(cmd.organizationid)) {
23101 return Response.error('`' + cmd.organizationid + '` is not a GUID.');
23102 }
23103 if (cmd.organizationid !== req.organizationId) {
23104 return Response.error('--organizationid <organizationid> does not match request object.');
23105 }
23106 try {
23107 const orgKey = yield this.cryptoService.getOrgKey(req.organizationId);
23108 if (orgKey == null) {
23109 throw new Error('No encryption key for this organization.');
23110 }
23111 const groups = req.groups == null ? null :
23112 req.groups.map((g) => new SelectionReadOnlyRequest(g.id, g.readOnly));
23113 const request = new CollectionRequest();
23114 request.name = (yield this.cryptoService.encrypt(req.name, orgKey)).encryptedString;
23115 request.externalId = req.externalId;
23116 request.groups = groups;
23117 yield this.apiService.putCollection(req.organizationId, id, request);
23118 const res = new organizationCollectionResponse_OrganizationCollectionResponse(export_collection_Collection.toView(req), groups);
23119 return Response.success(res);
23120 }
23121 catch (e) {
23122 return Response.error(e);
23123 }
23124 });
23125 }
23128// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./src/commands/encode.command.ts
23129var encode_command_awaiter = (undefined && undefined.__awaiter) || function (thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) {
23130 return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) {
23131 function fulfilled(value) { try { step(generator.next(value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
23132 function rejected(value) { try { step(generator["throw"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
23133 function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(result.value); }).then(fulfilled, rejected); }
23134 step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next());
23135 });
23140class encode_command_EncodeCommand {
23141 run(cmd) {
23142 return encode_command_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
23143 if (process.stdin.isTTY) {
23144 return Response.badRequest('No stdin was piped in.');
23145 }
23146 const input = yield utils_CliUtils.readStdin();
23147 const b64 = Buffer.from(input, 'utf8').toString('base64');
23148 const res = new StringResponse(b64);
23149 return Response.success(res);
23150 });
23151 }
23154// EXTERNAL MODULE: external "inquirer"
23155var external_inquirer_ = __webpack_require__(5);
23157// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./src/commands/export.command.ts
23158var export_command_awaiter = (undefined && undefined.__awaiter) || function (thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) {
23159 return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) {
23160 function fulfilled(value) { try { step(generator.next(value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
23161 function rejected(value) { try { step(generator["throw"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
23162 function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(result.value); }).then(fulfilled, rejected); }
23163 step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next());
23164 });
23171class export_command_ExportCommand {
23172 constructor(cryptoService, exportService) {
23173 this.cryptoService = cryptoService;
23174 this.exportService = exportService;
23175 }
23176 run(password, cmd) {
23177 return export_command_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
23178 const canInteract = process.env.BW_NOINTERACTION !== 'true';
23179 if ((password == null || password === '') && canInteract) {
23180 const answer = yield external_inquirer_["createPromptModule"]({ output: process.stderr })({
23181 type: 'password',
23182 name: 'password',
23183 message: 'Master password:',
23184 });
23185 password = answer.password;
23186 }
23187 if (password == null || password === '') {
23188 return Response.badRequest('Master password is required.');
23189 }
23190 const keyHash = yield this.cryptoService.hashPassword(password, null);
23191 const storedKeyHash = yield this.cryptoService.getKeyHash();
23192 if (storedKeyHash != null && keyHash != null && storedKeyHash === keyHash) {
23193 const format = cmd.format !== 'json' ? 'csv' : 'json';
23194 if (cmd.organizationid != null && !utils_Utils.isGuid(cmd.organizationid)) {
23195 return Response.error('`' + cmd.organizationid + '` is not a GUID.');
23196 }
23197 let csv = null;
23198 try {
23199 csv = cmd.organizationid != null ?
23200 yield this.exportService.getOrganizationExport(cmd.organizationid, format) :
23201 yield this.exportService.getExport(format);
23202 }
23203 catch (e) {
23204 return Response.error(e);
23205 }
23206 return yield this.saveFile(csv, cmd, format);
23207 }
23208 else {
23209 return Response.error('Invalid master password.');
23210 }
23211 });
23212 }
23213 saveFile(csv, cmd, format) {
23214 return export_command_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
23215 try {
23216 const filePath = yield utils_CliUtils.saveFile(csv, cmd.output, this.exportService.getFileName(cmd.organizationid != null ? 'org' : null, format));
23217 const res = new MessageResponse('Saved ' + filePath, null);
23218 res.raw = filePath;
23219 return Response.success(res);
23220 }
23221 catch (e) {
23222 return Response.error(e.toString());
23223 }
23224 });
23225 }
23228// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./src/commands/generate.command.ts
23229var generate_command_awaiter = (undefined && undefined.__awaiter) || function (thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) {
23230 return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) {
23231 function fulfilled(value) { try { step(generator.next(value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
23232 function rejected(value) { try { step(generator["throw"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
23233 function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(result.value); }).then(fulfilled, rejected); }
23234 step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next());
23235 });
23239class generate_command_GenerateCommand {
23240 constructor(passwordGenerationService) {
23241 this.passwordGenerationService = passwordGenerationService;
23242 }
23243 run(cmd) {
23244 return generate_command_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
23245 const options = {
23246 uppercase: cmd.uppercase || false,
23247 lowercase: cmd.lowercase || false,
23248 number: cmd.number || false,
23249 special: cmd.special || false,
23250 length: cmd.length || 14,
23251 type: cmd.passphrase ? 'passphrase' : 'password',
23252 wordSeparator: cmd.separator == null ? '-' : cmd.separator,
23253 numWords: cmd.words || 3,
23254 };
23255 if (!options.uppercase && !options.lowercase && !options.special && !options.number) {
23256 options.lowercase = true;
23257 options.uppercase = true;
23258 options.number = true;
23259 }
23260 if (options.length < 5) {
23261 options.length = 5;
23262 }
23263 if (options.numWords < 3) {
23264 options.numWords = 3;
23265 }
23266 if (options.wordSeparator === 'space') {
23267 options.wordSeparator = ' ';
23268 }
23269 else if (options.wordSeparator != null && options.wordSeparator.length > 1) {
23270 options.wordSeparator = options.wordSeparator[0];
23271 }
23272 const enforcedOptions = yield this.passwordGenerationService.enforcePasswordGeneratorPoliciesOnOptions(options);
23273 const password = yield this.passwordGenerationService.generatePassword(enforcedOptions[0]);
23274 const res = new StringResponse(password);
23275 return Response.success(res);
23276 });
23277 }
23280// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./src/models/response/organizationResponse.ts
23281class response_organizationResponse_OrganizationResponse {
23282 constructor(o) {
23283 this.object = 'organization';
23284 this.id = o.id;
23285 this.name = o.name;
23286 this.status = o.status;
23287 this.type = o.type;
23288 this.enabled = o.enabled;
23289 }
23292// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./src/models/response/templateResponse.ts
23293class TemplateResponse {
23294 constructor(template) {
23295 this.object = 'template';
23296 this.template = template;
23297 }
23300// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./src/models/selectionReadOnly.ts
23301class SelectionReadOnly {
23302 static template() {
23303 return new SelectionReadOnly('00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000', false);
23304 }
23305 constructor(id, readOnly) {
23306 this.id = id;
23307 this.readOnly = readOnly;
23308 }
23311// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./src/models/request/organizationCollectionRequest.ts
23314class organizationCollectionRequest_OrganizationCollectionRequest extends export_collection_Collection {
23315 static template() {
23316 const req = new organizationCollectionRequest_OrganizationCollectionRequest();
23317 req.organizationId = '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000';
23318 req.name = 'Collection name';
23319 req.externalId = null;
23320 req.groups = [SelectionReadOnly.template(), SelectionReadOnly.template()];
23321 return req;
23322 }
23325// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./src/commands/get.command.ts
23326var get_command_awaiter = (undefined && undefined.__awaiter) || function (thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) {
23327 return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) {
23328 function fulfilled(value) { try { step(generator.next(value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
23329 function rejected(value) { try { step(generator["throw"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
23330 function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(result.value); }).then(fulfilled, rejected); }
23331 step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next());
23332 });
23360class get_command_GetCommand {
23361 constructor(cipherService, folderService, collectionService, totpService, auditService, cryptoService, userService, searchService, apiService) {
23362 this.cipherService = cipherService;
23363 this.folderService = folderService;
23364 this.collectionService = collectionService;
23365 this.totpService = totpService;
23366 this.auditService = auditService;
23367 this.cryptoService = cryptoService;
23368 this.userService = userService;
23369 this.searchService = searchService;
23370 this.apiService = apiService;
23371 }
23372 run(object, id, cmd) {
23373 return get_command_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
23374 if (id != null) {
23375 id = id.toLowerCase();
23376 }
23377 switch (object.toLowerCase()) {
23378 case 'item':
23379 return yield this.getCipher(id);
23380 case 'username':
23381 return yield this.getUsername(id);
23382 case 'password':
23383 return yield this.getPassword(id);
23384 case 'uri':
23385 return yield this.getUri(id);
23386 case 'totp':
23387 return yield this.getTotp(id);
23388 case 'exposed':
23389 return yield this.getExposed(id);
23390 case 'attachment':
23391 return yield this.getAttachment(id, cmd);
23392 case 'folder':
23393 return yield this.getFolder(id);
23394 case 'collection':
23395 return yield this.getCollection(id);
23396 case 'org-collection':
23397 return yield this.getOrganizationCollection(id, cmd);
23398 case 'organization':
23399 return yield this.getOrganization(id);
23400 case 'template':
23401 return yield this.getTemplate(id);
23402 case 'fingerprint':
23403 return yield this.getFingerprint(id);
23404 default:
23405 return Response.badRequest('Unknown object.');
23406 }
23407 });
23408 }
23409 getCipherView(id) {
23410 return get_command_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
23411 let decCipher = null;
23412 if (utils_Utils.isGuid(id)) {
23413 const cipher = yield this.cipherService.get(id);
23414 if (cipher != null) {
23415 decCipher = yield cipher.decrypt();
23416 }
23417 }
23418 else if (id.trim() !== '') {
23419 let ciphers = yield this.cipherService.getAllDecrypted();
23420 ciphers = this.searchService.searchCiphersBasic(ciphers, id);
23421 if (ciphers.length > 1) {
23422 return ciphers;
23423 }
23424 if (ciphers.length > 0) {
23425 decCipher = ciphers[0];
23426 }
23427 }
23428 return decCipher;
23429 });
23430 }
23431 getCipher(id, filter) {
23432 return get_command_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
23433 let decCipher = yield this.getCipherView(id);
23434 if (decCipher == null) {
23435 return Response.notFound();
23436 }
23437 if (Array.isArray(decCipher)) {
23438 if (filter != null) {
23439 const filteredCiphers = decCipher.filter(filter);
23440 if (filteredCiphers.length === 1) {
23441 decCipher = filteredCiphers[0];
23442 }
23443 }
23444 if (Array.isArray(decCipher)) {
23445 return Response.multipleResults(decCipher.map((c) => c.id));
23446 }
23447 }
23448 const res = new response_cipherResponse_CipherResponse(decCipher);
23449 return Response.success(res);
23450 });
23451 }
23452 getUsername(id) {
23453 return get_command_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
23454 const cipherResponse = yield this.getCipher(id, (c) => c.type === CipherType.Login && !utils_Utils.isNullOrWhitespace(c.login.username));
23455 if (!cipherResponse.success) {
23456 return cipherResponse;
23457 }
23458 const cipher = cipherResponse.data;
23459 if (cipher.type !== CipherType.Login) {
23460 return Response.badRequest('Not a login.');
23461 }
23462 if (utils_Utils.isNullOrWhitespace(cipher.login.username)) {
23463 return Response.error('No username available for this login.');
23464 }
23465 const res = new StringResponse(cipher.login.username);
23466 return Response.success(res);
23467 });
23468 }
23469 getPassword(id) {
23470 return get_command_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
23471 const cipherResponse = yield this.getCipher(id, (c) => c.type === CipherType.Login && !utils_Utils.isNullOrWhitespace(c.login.password));
23472 if (!cipherResponse.success) {
23473 return cipherResponse;
23474 }
23475 const cipher = cipherResponse.data;
23476 if (cipher.type !== CipherType.Login) {
23477 return Response.badRequest('Not a login.');
23478 }
23479 if (utils_Utils.isNullOrWhitespace(cipher.login.password)) {
23480 return Response.error('No password available for this login.');
23481 }
23482 const res = new StringResponse(cipher.login.password);
23483 return Response.success(res);
23484 });
23485 }
23486 getUri(id) {
23487 return get_command_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
23488 const cipherResponse = yield this.getCipher(id, (c) => c.type === CipherType.Login && c.login.uris != null && c.login.uris.length > 0 &&
23489 c.login.uris[0].uri !== '');
23490 if (!cipherResponse.success) {
23491 return cipherResponse;
23492 }
23493 const cipher = cipherResponse.data;
23494 if (cipher.type !== CipherType.Login) {
23495 return Response.badRequest('Not a login.');
23496 }
23497 if (cipher.login.uris == null || cipher.login.uris.length === 0 || cipher.login.uris[0].uri === '') {
23498 return Response.error('No uri available for this login.');
23499 }
23500 const res = new StringResponse(cipher.login.uris[0].uri);
23501 return Response.success(res);
23502 });
23503 }
23504 getTotp(id) {
23505 return get_command_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
23506 const cipherResponse = yield this.getCipher(id, (c) => c.type === CipherType.Login && !utils_Utils.isNullOrWhitespace(c.login.totp));
23507 if (!cipherResponse.success) {
23508 return cipherResponse;
23509 }
23510 const cipher = cipherResponse.data;
23511 if (cipher.type !== CipherType.Login) {
23512 return Response.badRequest('Not a login.');
23513 }
23514 if (utils_Utils.isNullOrWhitespace(cipher.login.totp)) {
23515 return Response.error('No TOTP available for this login.');
23516 }
23517 const totp = yield this.totpService.getCode(cipher.login.totp);
23518 if (totp == null) {
23519 return Response.error('Couldn\'t generate TOTP code.');
23520 }
23521 const canAccessPremium = yield this.userService.canAccessPremium();
23522 if (!canAccessPremium) {
23523 const originalCipher = yield this.cipherService.get(cipher.id);
23524 if (originalCipher == null || originalCipher.organizationId == null ||
23525 !originalCipher.organizationUseTotp) {
23526 return Response.error('Premium status is required to use this feature.');
23527 }
23528 }
23529 const res = new StringResponse(totp);
23530 return Response.success(res);
23531 });
23532 }
23533 getExposed(id) {
23534 return get_command_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
23535 const passwordResponse = yield this.getPassword(id);
23536 if (!passwordResponse.success) {
23537 return passwordResponse;
23538 }
23539 const exposedNumber = yield this.auditService.passwordLeaked(passwordResponse.data.data);
23540 const res = new StringResponse(exposedNumber.toString());
23541 return Response.success(res);
23542 });
23543 }
23544 getAttachment(id, cmd) {
23545 return get_command_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
23546 if (cmd.itemid == null || cmd.itemid === '') {
23547 return Response.badRequest('--itemid <itemid> required.');
23548 }
23549 const itemId = cmd.itemid.toLowerCase();
23550 const cipherResponse = yield this.getCipher(itemId);
23551 if (!cipherResponse.success) {
23552 return cipherResponse;
23553 }
23554 const cipher = yield this.getCipherView(itemId);
23555 if (cipher == null || Array.isArray(cipher) || cipher.attachments.length === 0) {
23556 return Response.error('No attachments available for this item.');
23557 }
23558 const attachments = cipher.attachments.filter((a) => a.id.toLowerCase() === id ||
23559 (a.fileName != null && a.fileName.toLowerCase().indexOf(id) > -1));
23560 if (attachments.length === 0) {
23561 return Response.error('Attachment `' + id + '` was not found.');
23562 }
23563 if (attachments.length > 1) {
23564 return Response.multipleResults(attachments.map((a) => a.id));
23565 }
23566 if (!(yield this.userService.canAccessPremium())) {
23567 const originalCipher = yield this.cipherService.get(cipher.id);
23568 if (originalCipher == null || originalCipher.organizationId == null) {
23569 return Response.error('Premium status is required to use this feature.');
23570 }
23571 }
23572 const response = yield external_node_fetch_default.a(new external_node_fetch_["Request"](attachments[0].url, { headers: { cache: 'no-cache' } }));
23573 if (response.status !== 200) {
23574 return Response.error('A ' + response.status + ' error occurred while downloading the attachment.');
23575 }
23576 try {
23577 const buf = yield response.arrayBuffer();
23578 const key = attachments[0].key != null ? attachments[0].key :
23579 yield this.cryptoService.getOrgKey(cipher.organizationId);
23580 const decBuf = yield this.cryptoService.decryptFromBytes(buf, key);
23581 const filePath = yield utils_CliUtils.saveFile(Buffer.from(decBuf), cmd.output, attachments[0].fileName);
23582 const res = new MessageResponse('Saved ' + filePath, null);
23583 res.raw = filePath;
23584 return Response.success(res);
23585 }
23586 catch (e) {
23587 if (typeof (e) === 'string') {
23588 return Response.error(e);
23589 }
23590 else {
23591 return Response.error('An error occurred while saving the attachment.');
23592 }
23593 }
23594 });
23595 }
23596 getFolder(id) {
23597 return get_command_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
23598 let decFolder = null;
23599 if (utils_Utils.isGuid(id)) {
23600 const folder = yield this.folderService.get(id);
23601 if (folder != null) {
23602 decFolder = yield folder.decrypt();
23603 }
23604 }
23605 else if (id.trim() !== '') {
23606 let folders = yield this.folderService.getAllDecrypted();
23607 folders = utils_CliUtils.searchFolders(folders, id);
23608 if (folders.length > 1) {
23609 return Response.multipleResults(folders.map((f) => f.id));
23610 }
23611 if (folders.length > 0) {
23612 decFolder = folders[0];
23613 }
23614 }
23615 if (decFolder == null) {
23616 return Response.notFound();
23617 }
23618 const res = new response_folderResponse_FolderResponse(decFolder);
23619 return Response.success(res);
23620 });
23621 }
23622 getCollection(id) {
23623 return get_command_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
23624 let decCollection = null;
23625 if (utils_Utils.isGuid(id)) {
23626 const collection = yield this.collectionService.get(id);
23627 if (collection != null) {
23628 decCollection = yield collection.decrypt();
23629 }
23630 }
23631 else if (id.trim() !== '') {
23632 let collections = yield this.collectionService.getAllDecrypted();
23633 collections = utils_CliUtils.searchCollections(collections, id);
23634 if (collections.length > 1) {
23635 return Response.multipleResults(collections.map((c) => c.id));
23636 }
23637 if (collections.length > 0) {
23638 decCollection = collections[0];
23639 }
23640 }
23641 if (decCollection == null) {
23642 return Response.notFound();
23643 }
23644 const res = new response_collectionResponse_CollectionResponse(decCollection);
23645 return Response.success(res);
23646 });
23647 }
23648 getOrganizationCollection(id, cmd) {
23649 return get_command_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
23650 if (cmd.organizationid == null || cmd.organizationid === '') {
23651 return Response.badRequest('--organizationid <organizationid> required.');
23652 }
23653 if (!utils_Utils.isGuid(id)) {
23654 return Response.error('`' + id + '` is not a GUID.');
23655 }
23656 if (!utils_Utils.isGuid(cmd.organizationid)) {
23657 return Response.error('`' + cmd.organizationid + '` is not a GUID.');
23658 }
23659 try {
23660 const orgKey = yield this.cryptoService.getOrgKey(cmd.organizationid);
23661 if (orgKey == null) {
23662 throw new Error('No encryption key for this organization.');
23663 }
23664 const response = yield this.apiService.getCollectionDetails(cmd.organizationid, id);
23665 const decCollection = new collectionView_CollectionView(response);
23666 decCollection.name = yield this.cryptoService.decryptToUtf8(new cipherString_CipherString(response.name), orgKey);
23667 const groups = response.groups == null ? null :
23668 response.groups.map((g) => new SelectionReadOnly(g.id, g.readOnly));
23669 const res = new organizationCollectionResponse_OrganizationCollectionResponse(decCollection, groups);
23670 return Response.success(res);
23671 }
23672 catch (e) {
23673 return Response.error(e);
23674 }
23675 });
23676 }
23677 getOrganization(id) {
23678 return get_command_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
23679 let org = null;
23680 if (utils_Utils.isGuid(id)) {
23681 org = yield this.userService.getOrganization(id);
23682 }
23683 else if (id.trim() !== '') {
23684 let orgs = yield this.userService.getAllOrganizations();
23685 orgs = utils_CliUtils.searchOrganizations(orgs, id);
23686 if (orgs.length > 1) {
23687 return Response.multipleResults(orgs.map((c) => c.id));
23688 }
23689 if (orgs.length > 0) {
23690 org = orgs[0];
23691 }
23692 }
23693 if (org == null) {
23694 return Response.notFound();
23695 }
23696 const res = new response_organizationResponse_OrganizationResponse(org);
23697 return Response.success(res);
23698 });
23699 }
23700 getTemplate(id) {
23701 return get_command_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
23702 let template = null;
23703 switch (id.toLowerCase()) {
23704 case 'item':
23705 template = export_cipher_Cipher.template();
23706 break;
23707 case 'item.field':
23708 template = export_field_Field.template();
23709 break;
23710 case 'item.login':
23711 template = export_login_Login.template();
23712 break;
23713 case 'item.login.uri':
23714 template = export_loginUri_LoginUri.template();
23715 break;
23716 case 'item.card':
23717 template = export_card_Card.template();
23718 break;
23719 case 'item.identity':
23720 template = export_identity_Identity.template();
23721 break;
23722 case 'item.securenote':
23723 template = export_secureNote_SecureNote.template();
23724 break;
23725 case 'folder':
23726 template = export_folder_Folder.template();
23727 break;
23728 case 'collection':
23729 template = export_collection_Collection.template();
23730 break;
23731 case 'item-collections':
23732 template = ['collection-id1', 'collection-id2'];
23733 break;
23734 case 'org-collection':
23735 template = organizationCollectionRequest_OrganizationCollectionRequest.template();
23736 break;
23737 default:
23738 return Response.badRequest('Unknown template object.');
23739 }
23740 const res = new TemplateResponse(template);
23741 return Response.success(res);
23742 });
23743 }
23744 getFingerprint(id) {
23745 return get_command_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
23746 let fingerprint = null;
23747 if (id === 'me') {
23748 fingerprint = yield this.cryptoService.getFingerprint(yield this.userService.getUserId());
23749 }
23750 else if (utils_Utils.isGuid(id)) {
23751 try {
23752 const response = yield this.apiService.getUserPublicKey(id);
23753 const pubKey = utils_Utils.fromB64ToArray(response.publicKey);
23754 fingerprint = yield this.cryptoService.getFingerprint(id, pubKey.buffer);
23755 }
23756 catch (_a) { }
23757 }
23758 if (fingerprint == null) {
23759 return Response.notFound();
23760 }
23761 const res = new StringResponse(fingerprint.join('-'));
23762 return Response.success(res);
23763 });
23764 }
23767// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./src/commands/import.command.ts
23768var import_command_awaiter = (undefined && undefined.__awaiter) || function (thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) {
23769 return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) {
23770 function fulfilled(value) { try { step(generator.next(value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
23771 function rejected(value) { try { step(generator["throw"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
23772 function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(result.value); }).then(fulfilled, rejected); }
23773 step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next());
23774 });
23779class import_command_ImportCommand {
23780 constructor(importService) {
23781 this.importService = importService;
23782 }
23783 run(format, filepath, cmd) {
23784 return import_command_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
23785 if (cmd.formats || false) {
23786 return this.list();
23787 }
23788 else {
23789 return this.import(format, filepath);
23790 }
23791 });
23792 }
23793 import(format, filepath) {
23794 return import_command_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
23795 if (format == null || format === '') {
23796 return Response.badRequest('`format` was not provided.');
23797 }
23798 if (filepath == null || filepath === '') {
23799 return Response.badRequest('`filepath` was not provided.');
23800 }
23801 const importer = yield this.importService.getImporter(format, false);
23802 if (importer === null) {
23803 return Response.badRequest('Proper importer type required.');
23804 }
23805 try {
23806 const contents = yield utils_CliUtils.readFile(filepath);
23807 if (contents === null || contents === '') {
23808 return Response.badRequest('Import file was empty.');
23809 }
23810 const err = yield this.importService.import(importer, contents, null);
23811 if (err != null) {
23812 return Response.badRequest(err.message);
23813 }
23814 const res = new MessageResponse('Imported ' + filepath, null);
23815 return Response.success(res);
23816 }
23817 catch (err) {
23818 return Response.badRequest(err);
23819 }
23820 });
23821 }
23822 list() {
23823 return import_command_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
23824 const options = this.importService.getImportOptions().sort((a, b) => {
23825 return a.id < b.id ? -1 : a.id > b.id ? 1 : 0;
23826 }).map((option) => option.id).join('\n');
23827 const res = new MessageResponse('Supported input formats:', options);
23828 res.raw = options;
23829 return Response.success(res);
23830 });
23831 }
23834// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/cli/models/response/listResponse.ts
23835class response_listResponse_ListResponse {
23836 constructor(data) {
23837 this.object = 'list';
23838 this.data = data;
23839 }
23842// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./src/models/response/organizationUserResponse.ts
23843class response_organizationUserResponse_OrganizationUserResponse {
23844 constructor() {
23845 this.object = 'org-member';
23846 }
23849// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./src/commands/list.command.ts
23850var list_command_awaiter = (undefined && undefined.__awaiter) || function (thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) {
23851 return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) {
23852 function fulfilled(value) { try { step(generator.next(value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
23853 function rejected(value) { try { step(generator["throw"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
23854 function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(result.value); }).then(fulfilled, rejected); }
23855 step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next());
23856 });
23869class list_command_ListCommand {
23870 constructor(cipherService, folderService, collectionService, userService, searchService, apiService) {
23871 this.cipherService = cipherService;
23872 this.folderService = folderService;
23873 this.collectionService = collectionService;
23874 this.userService = userService;
23875 this.searchService = searchService;
23876 this.apiService = apiService;
23877 }
23878 run(object, cmd) {
23879 return list_command_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
23880 switch (object.toLowerCase()) {
23881 case 'items':
23882 return yield this.listCiphers(cmd);
23883 case 'folders':
23884 return yield this.listFolders(cmd);
23885 case 'collections':
23886 return yield this.listCollections(cmd);
23887 case 'org-collections':
23888 return yield this.listOrganizationCollections(cmd);
23889 case 'org-members':
23890 return yield this.listOrganizationMembers(cmd);
23891 case 'organizations':
23892 return yield this.listOrganizations(cmd);
23893 default:
23894 return Response.badRequest('Unknown object.');
23895 }
23896 });
23897 }
23898 listCiphers(cmd) {
23899 return list_command_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
23900 let ciphers;
23901 cmd.trash = cmd.trash || false;
23902 if (cmd.url != null && cmd.url.trim() !== '') {
23903 ciphers = yield this.cipherService.getAllDecryptedForUrl(cmd.url);
23904 }
23905 else {
23906 ciphers = yield this.cipherService.getAllDecrypted();
23907 }
23908 if (cmd.folderid != null || cmd.collectionid != null || cmd.organizationid != null) {
23909 ciphers = ciphers.filter((c) => {
23910 if (cmd.trash !== c.isDeleted) {
23911 return false;
23912 }
23913 if (cmd.folderid != null) {
23914 if (cmd.folderid === 'notnull' && c.folderId != null) {
23915 return true;
23916 }
23917 const folderId = cmd.folderid === 'null' ? null : cmd.folderid;
23918 if (folderId === c.folderId) {
23919 return true;
23920 }
23921 }
23922 if (cmd.organizationid != null) {
23923 if (cmd.organizationid === 'notnull' && c.organizationId != null) {
23924 return true;
23925 }
23926 const organizationId = cmd.organizationid === 'null' ? null : cmd.organizationid;
23927 if (organizationId === c.organizationId) {
23928 return true;
23929 }
23930 }
23931 if (cmd.collectionid != null) {
23932 if (cmd.collectionid === 'notnull' && c.collectionIds != null && c.collectionIds.length > 0) {
23933 return true;
23934 }
23935 const collectionId = cmd.collectionid === 'null' ? null : cmd.collectionid;
23936 if (collectionId == null && (c.collectionIds == null || c.collectionIds.length === 0)) {
23937 return true;
23938 }
23939 if (collectionId != null && c.collectionIds != null && c.collectionIds.indexOf(collectionId) > -1) {
23940 return true;
23941 }
23942 }
23943 return false;
23944 });
23945 }
23946 else if (cmd.search == null || cmd.search.trim() === '') {
23947 ciphers = ciphers.filter((c) => cmd.trash === c.isDeleted);
23948 }
23949 if (cmd.search != null && cmd.search.trim() !== '') {
23950 ciphers = this.searchService.searchCiphersBasic(ciphers, cmd.search, cmd.trash);
23951 }
23952 const res = new response_listResponse_ListResponse(ciphers.map((o) => new response_cipherResponse_CipherResponse(o)));
23953 return Response.success(res);
23954 });
23955 }
23956 listFolders(cmd) {
23957 return list_command_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
23958 let folders = yield this.folderService.getAllDecrypted();
23959 if (cmd.search != null && cmd.search.trim() !== '') {
23960 folders = utils_CliUtils.searchFolders(folders, cmd.search);
23961 }
23962 const res = new response_listResponse_ListResponse(folders.map((o) => new response_folderResponse_FolderResponse(o)));
23963 return Response.success(res);
23964 });
23965 }
23966 listCollections(cmd) {
23967 return list_command_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
23968 let collections = yield this.collectionService.getAllDecrypted();
23969 if (cmd.organizationid != null) {
23970 collections = collections.filter((c) => {
23971 if (cmd.organizationid === c.organizationId) {
23972 return true;
23973 }
23974 return false;
23975 });
23976 }
23977 if (cmd.search != null && cmd.search.trim() !== '') {
23978 collections = utils_CliUtils.searchCollections(collections, cmd.search);
23979 }
23980 const res = new response_listResponse_ListResponse(collections.map((o) => new response_collectionResponse_CollectionResponse(o)));
23981 return Response.success(res);
23982 });
23983 }
23984 listOrganizationCollections(cmd) {
23985 return list_command_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
23986 if (cmd.organizationid == null || cmd.organizationid === '') {
23987 return Response.badRequest('--organizationid <organizationid> required.');
23988 }
23989 if (!utils_Utils.isGuid(cmd.organizationid)) {
23990 return Response.error('`' + cmd.organizationid + '` is not a GUID.');
23991 }
23992 const organization = yield this.userService.getOrganization(cmd.organizationid);
23993 if (organization == null) {
23994 return Response.error('Organization not found.');
23995 }
23996 try {
23997 let response;
23998 if (organization.isAdmin) {
23999 response = yield this.apiService.getCollections(cmd.organizationid);
24000 }
24001 else {
24002 response = yield this.apiService.getUserCollections();
24003 }
24004 const collections = response.data.filter((c) => c.organizationId === cmd.organizationid).map((r) => new collection_Collection(new CollectionData(r)));
24005 let decCollections = yield this.collectionService.decryptMany(collections);
24006 if (cmd.search != null && cmd.search.trim() !== '') {
24007 decCollections = utils_CliUtils.searchCollections(decCollections, cmd.search);
24008 }
24009 const res = new response_listResponse_ListResponse(decCollections.map((o) => new response_collectionResponse_CollectionResponse(o)));
24010 return Response.success(res);
24011 }
24012 catch (e) {
24013 return Response.error(e);
24014 }
24015 });
24016 }
24017 listOrganizationMembers(cmd) {
24018 return list_command_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
24019 if (cmd.organizationid == null || cmd.organizationid === '') {
24020 return Response.badRequest('--organizationid <organizationid> required.');
24021 }
24022 if (!utils_Utils.isGuid(cmd.organizationid)) {
24023 return Response.error('`' + cmd.organizationid + '` is not a GUID.');
24024 }
24025 const organization = yield this.userService.getOrganization(cmd.organizationid);
24026 if (organization == null) {
24027 return Response.error('Organization not found.');
24028 }
24029 try {
24030 const response = yield this.apiService.getOrganizationUsers(cmd.organizationid);
24031 const res = new response_listResponse_ListResponse(response.data.map((r) => {
24032 const u = new response_organizationUserResponse_OrganizationUserResponse();
24033 u.email = r.email;
24034 u.name = r.name;
24035 u.id = r.id;
24036 u.status = r.status;
24037 u.type = r.type;
24038 u.twoFactorEnabled = r.twoFactorEnabled;
24039 return u;
24040 }));
24041 return Response.success(res);
24042 }
24043 catch (e) {
24044 return Response.error(e);
24045 }
24046 });
24047 }
24048 listOrganizations(cmd) {
24049 return list_command_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
24050 let organizations = yield this.userService.getAllOrganizations();
24051 if (cmd.search != null && cmd.search.trim() !== '') {
24052 organizations = utils_CliUtils.searchOrganizations(organizations, cmd.search);
24053 }
24054 const res = new response_listResponse_ListResponse(organizations.map((o) => new response_organizationResponse_OrganizationResponse(o)));
24055 return Response.success(res);
24056 });
24057 }
24060// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./src/commands/lock.command.ts
24061var lock_command_awaiter = (undefined && undefined.__awaiter) || function (thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) {
24062 return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) {
24063 function fulfilled(value) { try { step(generator.next(value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
24064 function rejected(value) { try { step(generator["throw"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
24065 function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(result.value); }).then(fulfilled, rejected); }
24066 step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next());
24067 });
24071class lock_command_LockCommand {
24072 constructor(vaultTimeoutService) {
24073 this.vaultTimeoutService = vaultTimeoutService;
24074 }
24075 run(cmd) {
24076 return lock_command_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
24077 yield this.vaultTimeoutService.lock();
24078 process.env.BW_SESSION = null;
24079 const res = new MessageResponse('Your vault is locked.', null);
24080 return Response.success(res);
24081 });
24082 }
24085// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/models/request/passwordVerificationRequest.ts
24086class PasswordVerificationRequest {
24089// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/models/request/twoFactorEmailRequest.ts
24091class twoFactorEmailRequest_TwoFactorEmailRequest extends PasswordVerificationRequest {
24092 constructor(email, masterPasswordHash) {
24093 super();
24094 this.masterPasswordHash = masterPasswordHash;
24095 this.email = email;
24096 }
24099// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/cli/commands/login.command.ts
24100var login_command_awaiter = (undefined && undefined.__awaiter) || function (thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) {
24101 return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) {
24102 function fulfilled(value) { try { step(generator.next(value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
24103 function rejected(value) { try { step(generator["throw"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
24104 function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(result.value); }).then(fulfilled, rejected); }
24105 step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next());
24106 });
24114class login_command_LoginCommand {
24115 constructor(authService, apiService, i18nService) {
24116 this.authService = authService;
24117 this.apiService = apiService;
24118 this.i18nService = i18nService;
24119 }
24120 run(email, password, cmd) {
24121 return login_command_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
24122 const canInteract = process.env.BW_NOINTERACTION !== 'true';
24123 if ((email == null || email === '') && canInteract) {
24124 const answer = yield external_inquirer_["createPromptModule"]({ output: process.stderr })({
24125 type: 'input',
24126 name: 'email',
24127 message: 'Email address:',
24128 });
24129 email = answer.email;
24130 }
24131 if (email == null || email.trim() === '') {
24132 return Response.badRequest('Email address is required.');
24133 }
24134 if (email.indexOf('@') === -1) {
24135 return Response.badRequest('Email address is invalid.');
24136 }
24137 if (password == null || password === '') {
24138 if (cmd.passwordfile) {
24139 password = yield nodeUtils_NodeUtils.readFirstLine(cmd.passwordfile);
24140 }
24141 else if (cmd.passwordenv && process.env[cmd.passwordenv]) {
24142 password = process.env[cmd.passwordenv];
24143 }
24144 else if (canInteract) {
24145 const answer = yield external_inquirer_["createPromptModule"]({ output: process.stderr })({
24146 type: 'password',
24147 name: 'password',
24148 message: 'Master password:',
24149 });
24150 password = answer.password;
24151 }
24152 }
24153 if (password == null || password === '') {
24154 return Response.badRequest('Master password is required.');
24155 }
24156 let twoFactorToken = cmd.code;
24157 let twoFactorMethod = null;
24158 try {
24159 if (cmd.method != null) {
24160 twoFactorMethod = parseInt(cmd.method, null);
24161 }
24162 }
24163 catch (e) {
24164 return Response.error('Invalid two-step login method.');
24165 }
24166 try {
24167 if (this.validatedParams != null) {
24168 yield this.validatedParams();
24169 }
24170 let response = null;
24171 if (twoFactorToken != null && twoFactorMethod != null) {
24172 response = yield this.authService.logInComplete(email, password, twoFactorMethod, twoFactorToken, false);
24173 }
24174 else {
24175 response = yield this.authService.logIn(email, password);
24176 if (response.twoFactor) {
24177 let selectedProvider = null;
24178 const twoFactorProviders = this.authService.getSupportedTwoFactorProviders(null);
24179 if (twoFactorProviders.length === 0) {
24180 return Response.badRequest('No providers available for this client.');
24181 }
24182 if (twoFactorMethod != null) {
24183 try {
24184 selectedProvider = twoFactorProviders.filter((p) => p.type === twoFactorMethod)[0];
24185 }
24186 catch (e) {
24187 return Response.error('Invalid two-step login method.');
24188 }
24189 }
24190 if (selectedProvider == null) {
24191 if (twoFactorProviders.length === 1) {
24192 selectedProvider = twoFactorProviders[0];
24193 }
24194 else if (canInteract) {
24195 const options = twoFactorProviders.map((p) => p.name);
24196 options.push(new external_inquirer_["Separator"]());
24197 options.push('Cancel');
24198 const answer = yield external_inquirer_["createPromptModule"]({ output: process.stderr })({
24199 type: 'list',
24200 name: 'method',
24201 message: 'Two-step login method:',
24202 choices: options,
24203 });
24204 const i = options.indexOf(answer.method);
24205 if (i === (options.length - 1)) {
24206 return Response.error('Login failed.');
24207 }
24208 selectedProvider = twoFactorProviders[i];
24209 }
24210 if (selectedProvider == null) {
24211 return Response.error('Login failed. No provider selected.');
24212 }
24213 }
24214 if (twoFactorToken == null && response.twoFactorProviders.size > 1 &&
24215 selectedProvider.type === TwoFactorProviderType.Email) {
24216 const emailReq = new twoFactorEmailRequest_TwoFactorEmailRequest(this.authService.email, this.authService.masterPasswordHash);
24217 yield this.apiService.postTwoFactorEmail(emailReq);
24218 }
24219 if (twoFactorToken == null) {
24220 if (canInteract) {
24221 const answer = yield external_inquirer_["createPromptModule"]({ output: process.stderr })({
24222 type: 'input',
24223 name: 'token',
24224 message: 'Two-step login code:',
24225 });
24226 twoFactorToken = answer.token;
24227 }
24228 if (twoFactorToken == null || twoFactorToken === '') {
24229 return Response.badRequest('Code is required.');
24230 }
24231 }
24232 response = yield this.authService.logInTwoFactor(selectedProvider.type, twoFactorToken, false);
24233 }
24234 }
24235 if (response.twoFactor) {
24236 return Response.error('Login failed.');
24237 }
24238 if (this.success != null) {
24239 const res = yield this.success();
24240 return Response.success(res);
24241 }
24242 else {
24243 const res = new MessageResponse('You are logged in!', null);
24244 return Response.success(res);
24245 }
24246 }
24247 catch (e) {
24248 return Response.error(e);
24249 }
24250 });
24251 }
24254// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./src/commands/login.command.ts
24255var commands_login_command_awaiter = (undefined && undefined.__awaiter) || function (thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) {
24256 return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) {
24257 function fulfilled(value) { try { step(generator.next(value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
24258 function rejected(value) { try { step(generator["throw"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
24259 function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(result.value); }).then(fulfilled, rejected); }
24260 step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next());
24261 });
24266class commands_login_command_LoginCommand extends login_command_LoginCommand {
24267 constructor(authService, apiService, cryptoFunctionService, syncService, i18nService) {
24268 super(authService, apiService, i18nService);
24269 this.validatedParams = () => commands_login_command_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
24270 const key = yield cryptoFunctionService.randomBytes(64);
24271 process.env.BW_SESSION = utils_Utils.fromBufferToB64(key);
24272 });
24273 this.success = () => commands_login_command_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
24274 yield syncService.fullSync(true);
24275 const res = new MessageResponse('You are logged in!', '\n' +
24276 'To unlock your vault, set your session key to the `BW_SESSION` environment variable. ex:\n' +
24277 '$ export BW_SESSION="' + process.env.BW_SESSION + '"\n' +
24278 '> $env:BW_SESSION="' + process.env.BW_SESSION + '"\n\n' +
24279 'You can also pass the session key to any command with the `--session` option. ex:\n' +
24280 '$ bw list items --session ' + process.env.BW_SESSION);
24281 res.raw = process.env.BW_SESSION;
24282 return res;
24283 });
24284 }
24287// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./src/commands/restore.command.ts
24288var restore_command_awaiter = (undefined && undefined.__awaiter) || function (thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) {
24289 return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) {
24290 function fulfilled(value) { try { step(generator.next(value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
24291 function rejected(value) { try { step(generator["throw"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
24292 function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(result.value); }).then(fulfilled, rejected); }
24293 step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next());
24294 });
24297class restore_command_RestoreCommand {
24298 constructor(cipherService) {
24299 this.cipherService = cipherService;
24300 }
24301 run(object, id, cmd) {
24302 return restore_command_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
24303 if (id != null) {
24304 id = id.toLowerCase();
24305 }
24306 switch (object.toLowerCase()) {
24307 case 'item':
24308 return yield this.restoreCipher(id, cmd);
24309 default:
24310 return Response.badRequest('Unknown object.');
24311 }
24312 });
24313 }
24314 restoreCipher(id, cmd) {
24315 return restore_command_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
24316 const cipher = yield this.cipherService.get(id);
24317 if (cipher == null) {
24318 return Response.notFound();
24319 }
24320 if (cipher.deletedDate == null) {
24321 return Response.badRequest('Cipher is not in trash.');
24322 }
24323 try {
24324 yield this.cipherService.restoreWithServer(id);
24325 return Response.success();
24326 }
24327 catch (e) {
24328 return Response.error(e);
24329 }
24330 });
24331 }
24334// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./src/commands/share.command.ts
24335var share_command_awaiter = (undefined && undefined.__awaiter) || function (thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) {
24336 return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) {
24337 function fulfilled(value) { try { step(generator.next(value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
24338 function rejected(value) { try { step(generator["throw"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
24339 function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(result.value); }).then(fulfilled, rejected); }
24340 step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next());
24341 });
24346class share_command_ShareCommand {
24347 constructor(cipherService) {
24348 this.cipherService = cipherService;
24349 }
24350 run(id, organizationId, requestJson, cmd) {
24351 return share_command_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
24352 if (requestJson == null || requestJson === '') {
24353 requestJson = yield utils_CliUtils.readStdin();
24354 }
24355 if (requestJson == null || requestJson === '') {
24356 return Response.badRequest('`requestJson` was not provided.');
24357 }
24358 let req = [];
24359 try {
24360 const reqJson = Buffer.from(requestJson, 'base64').toString();
24361 req = JSON.parse(reqJson);
24362 if (req == null || req.length === 0) {
24363 return Response.badRequest('You must provide at least one collection id for this item.');
24364 }
24365 }
24366 catch (e) {
24367 return Response.badRequest('Error parsing the encoded request data.');
24368 }
24369 if (id != null) {
24370 id = id.toLowerCase();
24371 }
24372 if (organizationId != null) {
24373 organizationId = organizationId.toLowerCase();
24374 }
24375 const cipher = yield this.cipherService.get(id);
24376 if (cipher == null) {
24377 return Response.notFound();
24378 }
24379 if (cipher.organizationId != null) {
24380 return Response.badRequest('This item already belongs to an organization.');
24381 }
24382 const cipherView = yield cipher.decrypt();
24383 try {
24384 yield this.cipherService.shareWithServer(cipherView, organizationId, req);
24385 const updatedCipher = yield this.cipherService.get(cipher.id);
24386 const decCipher = yield updatedCipher.decrypt();
24387 const res = new response_cipherResponse_CipherResponse(decCipher);
24388 return Response.success(res);
24389 }
24390 catch (e) {
24391 return Response.error(e);
24392 }
24393 });
24394 }
24397// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./src/commands/sync.command.ts
24398var sync_command_awaiter = (undefined && undefined.__awaiter) || function (thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) {
24399 return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) {
24400 function fulfilled(value) { try { step(generator.next(value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
24401 function rejected(value) { try { step(generator["throw"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
24402 function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(result.value); }).then(fulfilled, rejected); }
24403 step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next());
24404 });
24409class sync_command_SyncCommand {
24410 constructor(syncService) {
24411 this.syncService = syncService;
24412 }
24413 run(cmd) {
24414 return sync_command_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
24415 if (cmd.last || false) {
24416 return yield this.getLastSync();
24417 }
24418 try {
24419 const result = yield this.syncService.fullSync(cmd.force || false);
24420 const res = new MessageResponse('Syncing complete.', null);
24421 return Response.success(res);
24422 }
24423 catch (e) {
24424 return Response.error(e);
24425 }
24426 });
24427 }
24428 getLastSync() {
24429 return sync_command_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
24430 const lastSyncDate = yield this.syncService.getLastSync();
24431 const res = new StringResponse(lastSyncDate == null ? null : lastSyncDate.toISOString());
24432 return Response.success(res);
24433 });
24434 }
24437// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./src/commands/unlock.command.ts
24438var unlock_command_awaiter = (undefined && undefined.__awaiter) || function (thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) {
24439 return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) {
24440 function fulfilled(value) { try { step(generator.next(value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
24441 function rejected(value) { try { step(generator["throw"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
24442 function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(result.value); }).then(fulfilled, rejected); }
24443 step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next());
24444 });
24450class unlock_command_UnlockCommand {
24451 constructor(cryptoService, userService, cryptoFunctionService) {
24452 this.cryptoService = cryptoService;
24453 this.userService = userService;
24454 this.cryptoFunctionService = cryptoFunctionService;
24455 }
24456 run(password, cmd) {
24457 return unlock_command_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
24458 const canInteract = process.env.BW_NOINTERACTION !== 'true';
24459 if ((password == null || password === '') && canInteract) {
24460 const answer = yield external_inquirer_["createPromptModule"]({ output: process.stderr })({
24461 type: 'password',
24462 name: 'password',
24463 message: 'Master password:',
24464 });
24465 password = answer.password;
24466 }
24467 if (password == null || password === '') {
24468 return Response.badRequest('Master password is required.');
24469 }
24470 this.setNewSessionKey();
24471 const email = yield this.userService.getEmail();
24472 const kdf = yield this.userService.getKdf();
24473 const kdfIterations = yield this.userService.getKdfIterations();
24474 const key = yield this.cryptoService.makeKey(password, email, kdf, kdfIterations);
24475 const keyHash = yield this.cryptoService.hashPassword(password, key);
24476 const storedKeyHash = yield this.cryptoService.getKeyHash();
24477 if (storedKeyHash != null && keyHash != null && storedKeyHash === keyHash) {
24478 yield this.cryptoService.setKey(key);
24479 const res = new MessageResponse('Your vault is now unlocked!', '\n' +
24480 'To unlock your vault, set your session key to the `BW_SESSION` environment variable. ex:\n' +
24481 '$ export BW_SESSION="' + process.env.BW_SESSION + '"\n' +
24482 '> $env:BW_SESSION="' + process.env.BW_SESSION + '"\n\n' +
24483 'You can also pass the session key to any command with the `--session` option. ex:\n' +
24484 '$ bw list items --session ' + process.env.BW_SESSION);
24485 res.raw = process.env.BW_SESSION;
24486 return Response.success(res);
24487 }
24488 else {
24489 return Response.error('Invalid master password.');
24490 }
24491 });
24492 }
24493 setNewSessionKey() {
24494 return unlock_command_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
24495 const key = yield this.cryptoFunctionService.randomBytes(64);
24496 process.env.BW_SESSION = utils_Utils.fromBufferToB64(key);
24497 });
24498 }
24501// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./src/commands/completion.command.ts
24502var completion_command_awaiter = (undefined && undefined.__awaiter) || function (thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) {
24503 return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) {
24504 function fulfilled(value) { try { step(generator.next(value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
24505 function rejected(value) { try { step(generator["throw"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
24506 function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(result.value); }).then(fulfilled, rejected); }
24507 step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next());
24508 });
24512const validShells = ['zsh'];
24513class completion_command_CompletionCommand {
24514 run(cmd) {
24515 return completion_command_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
24516 const shell = cmd.shell;
24517 if (!shell) {
24518 return Response.badRequest('`shell` was not provided.');
24519 }
24520 if (!validShells.includes(shell)) {
24521 return Response.badRequest('Unsupported shell.');
24522 }
24523 let content = '';
24524 if (shell === 'zsh') {
24525 content = this.zshCompletion('bw', cmd.parent).render();
24526 }
24527 const res = new MessageResponse(content, null);
24528 return Response.success(res);
24529 });
24530 }
24531 zshCompletion(rootName, rootCommand) {
24532 return {
24533 render: () => {
24534 return [
24535 `#compdef _${rootName} ${rootName}`,
24536 '',
24537 this.renderCommandBlock(rootName, rootCommand),
24538 ].join('\n');
24539 },
24540 };
24541 }
24542 renderCommandBlock(name, command) {
24543 const { commands = [], options = [] } = command;
24544 const hasOptions = options.length > 0;
24545 const hasCommands = commands.length > 0;
24546 const args = options
24547 .map(({ long, short, description }) => {
24548 const aliases = [short, long].filter(Boolean);
24549 const opts = aliases.join(',');
24550 const desc = `[${description.replace(`'`, `'"'"'`)}]`;
24551 return aliases.length > 1 ? `'(${aliases.join(' ')})'{${opts}}'${desc}'` : `'${opts}${desc}'`;
24552 }).concat(`'(-h --help)'{-h,--help}'[output usage information]'`, hasCommands ? '"1: :->cmnds"' : null, '"*::arg:->args"').filter(Boolean);
24553 const commandBlockFunctionParts = [];
24554 if (hasCommands) {
24555 commandBlockFunctionParts.push('local -a commands');
24556 }
24557 if (hasOptions) {
24558 commandBlockFunctionParts.push(`_arguments -C \\\n ${args.join(` \\\n `)}`);
24559 }
24560 if (hasCommands) {
24561 commandBlockFunctionParts.push(`case $state in
24562 cmnds)
24563 commands=(
24564 ${commands.map(({ _name, _description }) => `"${_name}:${_description}"`).join('\n ')}
24565 )
24566 _describe "command" commands
24567 ;;
24568 esac
24570 case "$words[1]" in
24571 ${commands.map(({ _name }) => [`${_name})`, `_${name}_${_name}`, ';;'].join('\n ')).join('\n ')}
24572 esac`);
24573 }
24574 const commandBlocParts = [
24575 `function _${name} {\n ${commandBlockFunctionParts.join('\n\n ')}\n}`,
24576 ];
24577 if (hasCommands) {
24578 commandBlocParts.push(commands.map((c) => this.renderCommandBlock(`${name}_${c._name}`, c)).join('\n\n'));
24579 }
24580 return commandBlocParts.join('\n\n');
24581 }
24584// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/cli/commands/logout.command.ts
24585var logout_command_awaiter = (undefined && undefined.__awaiter) || function (thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) {
24586 return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) {
24587 function fulfilled(value) { try { step(generator.next(value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
24588 function rejected(value) { try { step(generator["throw"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
24589 function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(result.value); }).then(fulfilled, rejected); }
24590 step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next());
24591 });
24595class logout_command_LogoutCommand {
24596 constructor(authService, i18nService, logoutCallback) {
24597 this.authService = authService;
24598 this.i18nService = i18nService;
24599 this.logoutCallback = logoutCallback;
24600 }
24601 run(cmd) {
24602 return logout_command_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
24603 yield this.logoutCallback();
24604 this.authService.logOut(() => { });
24605 const res = new MessageResponse('You have logged out.', null);
24606 return Response.success(res);
24607 });
24608 }
24611// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/cli/commands/update.command.ts
24612var update_command_awaiter = (undefined && undefined.__awaiter) || function (thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) {
24613 return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) {
24614 function fulfilled(value) { try { step(generator.next(value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
24615 function rejected(value) { try { step(generator["throw"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
24616 function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(result.value); }).then(fulfilled, rejected); }
24617 step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next());
24618 });
24623class update_command_UpdateCommand {
24624 constructor(platformUtilsService, i18nService, repoName, executableName, showExtendedMessage) {
24625 this.platformUtilsService = platformUtilsService;
24626 this.i18nService = i18nService;
24627 this.repoName = repoName;
24628 this.executableName = executableName;
24629 this.showExtendedMessage = showExtendedMessage;
24630 this.inPkg = false;
24631 this.inPkg = !!process.pkg;
24632 }
24633 run(cmd) {
24634 return update_command_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
24635 const currentVersion = this.platformUtilsService.getApplicationVersion();
24636 const response = yield external_node_fetch_default.a('https://api.github.com/repos/bitwarden/' +
24637 this.repoName + '/releases/latest');
24638 if (response.status === 200) {
24639 const responseJson = yield response.json();
24640 const res = new MessageResponse(null, null);
24641 const tagName = responseJson.tag_name;
24642 if (tagName === ('v' + currentVersion)) {
24643 res.title = 'No update available.';
24644 res.noColor = true;
24645 return Response.success(res);
24646 }
24647 let downloadUrl = null;
24648 if (responseJson.assets != null) {
24649 for (const a of responseJson.assets) {
24650 const download = a.browser_download_url;
24651 if (download == null) {
24652 continue;
24653 }
24654 if (download.indexOf('.zip') === -1) {
24655 continue;
24656 }
24657 if (process.platform === 'win32' && download.indexOf(this.executableName + '-windows') > -1) {
24658 downloadUrl = download;
24659 break;
24660 }
24661 else if (process.platform === 'darwin' && download.indexOf(this.executableName + '-macos') > -1) {
24662 downloadUrl = download;
24663 break;
24664 }
24665 else if (process.platform === 'linux' && download.indexOf(this.executableName + '-linux') > -1) {
24666 downloadUrl = download;
24667 break;
24668 }
24669 }
24670 }
24671 res.title = 'A new version is available: ' + tagName;
24672 if (downloadUrl == null) {
24673 downloadUrl = 'https://github.com/bitwarden/' + this.repoName + '/releases';
24674 }
24675 else {
24676 res.raw = downloadUrl;
24677 }
24678 res.message = '';
24679 if (responseJson.body != null && responseJson.body !== '') {
24680 res.message = responseJson.body + '\n\n';
24681 }
24682 res.message += 'You can download this update at ' + downloadUrl;
24683 if (this.showExtendedMessage) {
24684 if (this.inPkg) {
24685 res.message += '\n\nIf you installed this CLI through a package manager ' +
24686 'you should probably update using its update command instead.';
24687 }
24688 else {
24689 res.message += '\n\nIf you installed this CLI through NPM ' +
24690 'you should update using `npm install -g @bitwarden/' + this.repoName + '`';
24691 }
24692 }
24693 return Response.success(res);
24694 }
24695 else {
24696 return Response.error('Error contacting update API: ' + response.status);
24697 }
24698 });
24699 }
24702// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./jslib/src/cli/baseProgram.ts
24703var baseProgram_awaiter = (undefined && undefined.__awaiter) || function (thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) {
24704 return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) {
24705 function fulfilled(value) { try { step(generator.next(value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
24706 function rejected(value) { try { step(generator["throw"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
24707 function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(result.value); }).then(fulfilled, rejected); }
24708 step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next());
24709 });
24713const chalk = external_chalk_default.a;
24714class baseProgram_BaseProgram {
24715 constructor(userService, writeLn) {
24716 this.userService = userService;
24717 this.writeLn = writeLn;
24718 }
24719 processResponse(response, exitImmediately = false, dataProcessor = null) {
24720 if (!response.success) {
24721 if (process.env.BW_QUIET !== 'true') {
24722 if (process.env.BW_RESPONSE === 'true') {
24723 this.writeLn(this.getJson(response), true, true);
24724 }
24725 else {
24726 this.writeLn(chalk.redBright(response.message), true, true);
24727 }
24728 }
24729 if (exitImmediately) {
24730 process.exit(1);
24731 }
24732 else {
24733 process.exitCode = 1;
24734 }
24735 return;
24736 }
24737 if (process.env.BW_RESPONSE === 'true') {
24738 this.writeLn(this.getJson(response), true, false);
24739 }
24740 else if (response.data != null) {
24741 let out = dataProcessor != null ? dataProcessor() : null;
24742 if (out == null) {
24743 if (response.data.object === 'string') {
24744 const data = response.data.data;
24745 if (data != null) {
24746 out = data;
24747 }
24748 }
24749 else if (response.data.object === 'list') {
24750 out = this.getJson(response.data.data);
24751 }
24752 else if (response.data.object === 'message') {
24753 out = this.getMessage(response);
24754 }
24755 else {
24756 out = this.getJson(response.data);
24757 }
24758 }
24759 if (out != null && process.env.BW_QUIET !== 'true') {
24760 this.writeLn(out, true, false);
24761 }
24762 }
24763 if (exitImmediately) {
24764 process.exit(0);
24765 }
24766 else {
24767 process.exitCode = 0;
24768 }
24769 }
24770 getJson(obj) {
24771 if (process.env.BW_PRETTY === 'true') {
24772 return JSON.stringify(obj, null, ' ');
24773 }
24774 else {
24775 return JSON.stringify(obj);
24776 }
24777 }
24778 getMessage(response) {
24779 const message = response.data;
24780 if (process.env.BW_RAW === 'true') {
24781 return message.raw;
24782 }
24783 let out = '';
24784 if (message.title != null) {
24785 if (message.noColor) {
24786 out = message.title;
24787 }
24788 else {
24789 out = chalk.greenBright(message.title);
24790 }
24791 }
24792 if (message.message != null) {
24793 if (message.title != null) {
24794 out += '\n';
24795 }
24796 out += message.message;
24797 }
24798 return out.trim() === '' ? null : out;
24799 }
24800 exitIfAuthed() {
24801 return baseProgram_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
24802 const authed = yield this.userService.isAuthenticated();
24803 if (authed) {
24804 const email = yield this.userService.getEmail();
24805 this.processResponse(Response.error('You are already logged in as ' + email + '.'), true);
24806 }
24807 });
24808 }
24809 exitIfNotAuthed() {
24810 return baseProgram_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
24811 const authed = yield this.userService.isAuthenticated();
24812 if (!authed) {
24813 this.processResponse(Response.error('You are not logged in.'), true);
24814 }
24815 });
24816 }
24819// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./src/program.ts
24820var program_awaiter = (undefined && undefined.__awaiter) || function (thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) {
24821 return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) {
24822 function fulfilled(value) { try { step(generator.next(value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
24823 function rejected(value) { try { step(generator["throw"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
24824 function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(result.value); }).then(fulfilled, rejected); }
24825 step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next());
24826 });
24854const program_chalk = external_chalk_default.a;
24855const writeLn = utils_CliUtils.writeLn;
24856class program_Program extends baseProgram_BaseProgram {
24857 constructor(main) {
24858 super(main.userService, writeLn);
24859 this.main = main;
24860 }
24861 run() {
24862 external_commander_["option"]('--pretty', 'Format output. JSON is tabbed with two spaces.')
24863 .option('--raw', 'Return raw output instead of a descriptive message.')
24864 .option('--response', 'Return a JSON formatted version of response output.')
24865 .option('--quiet', 'Don\'t return anything to stdout.')
24866 .option('--nointeraction', 'Do not prompt for interactive user input.')
24867 .option('--session <session>', 'Pass session key instead of reading from env.')
24868 .version(this.main.platformUtilsService.getApplicationVersion(), '-v, --version');
24869 external_commander_["on"]('option:pretty', () => {
24870 process.env.BW_PRETTY = 'true';
24871 });
24872 external_commander_["on"]('option:raw', () => {
24873 process.env.BW_RAW = 'true';
24874 });
24875 external_commander_["on"]('option:quiet', () => {
24876 process.env.BW_QUIET = 'true';
24877 });
24878 external_commander_["on"]('option:response', () => {
24879 process.env.BW_RESPONSE = 'true';
24880 });
24881 external_commander_["on"]('option:nointeraction', () => {
24882 process.env.BW_NOINTERACTION = 'true';
24883 });
24884 external_commander_["on"]('option:session', (key) => {
24885 process.env.BW_SESSION = key;
24886 });
24887 external_commander_["on"]('command:*', () => {
24888 writeLn(program_chalk.redBright('Invalid command: ' + external_commander_["args"].join(' ')), false, true);
24889 writeLn('See --help for a list of available commands.', true, true);
24890 process.exitCode = 1;
24891 });
24892 external_commander_["on"]('--help', () => {
24893 writeLn('\n Examples:');
24894 writeLn('');
24895 writeLn(' bw login');
24896 writeLn(' bw lock');
24897 writeLn(' bw unlock myPassword321');
24898 writeLn(' bw list --help');
24899 writeLn(' bw list items --search google');
24900 writeLn(' bw get item 99ee88d2-6046-4ea7-92c2-acac464b1412');
24901 writeLn(' bw get password google.com');
24902 writeLn(' echo \'{"name":"My Folder"}\' | bw encode');
24903 writeLn(' bw create folder eyJuYW1lIjoiTXkgRm9sZGVyIn0K');
24904 writeLn(' bw edit folder c7c7b60b-9c61-40f2-8ccd-36c49595ed72 eyJuYW1lIjoiTXkgRm9sZGVyMiJ9Cg==');
24905 writeLn(' bw delete item 99ee88d2-6046-4ea7-92c2-acac464b1412');
24906 writeLn(' bw generate -lusn --length 18');
24907 writeLn(' bw config server https://bitwarden.example.com');
24908 writeLn('', true);
24909 });
24910 external_commander_["command"]('login [email] [password]')
24911 .description('Log into a user account.')
24912 .option('--method <method>', 'Two-step login method.')
24913 .option('--code <code>', 'Two-step login code.')
24914 .option('--check', 'Check login status.', () => program_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
24915 const authed = yield this.main.userService.isAuthenticated();
24916 if (authed) {
24917 const res = new MessageResponse('You are logged in!', null);
24918 this.processResponse(Response.success(res), true);
24919 }
24920 this.processResponse(Response.error('You are not logged in.'), true);
24921 }))
24922 .on('--help', () => {
24923 writeLn('\n Notes:');
24924 writeLn('');
24925 writeLn(' See docs for valid `method` enum values.');
24926 writeLn('');
24927 writeLn(' Pass `--raw` option to only return the session key.');
24928 writeLn('');
24929 writeLn(' Examples:');
24930 writeLn('');
24931 writeLn(' bw login');
24932 writeLn(' bw login john@example.com myPassword321 --raw');
24933 writeLn(' bw login john@example.com myPassword321 --method 1 --code 249213');
24934 writeLn('', true);
24935 })
24936 .action((email, password, cmd) => program_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
24937 if (!cmd.check) {
24938 yield this.exitIfAuthed();
24939 const command = new commands_login_command_LoginCommand(this.main.authService, this.main.apiService, this.main.cryptoFunctionService, this.main.syncService, this.main.i18nService);
24940 const response = yield command.run(email, password, cmd);
24941 this.processResponse(response);
24942 }
24943 }));
24944 external_commander_["command"]('logout')
24945 .description('Log out of the current user account.')
24946 .on('--help', () => {
24947 writeLn('\n Examples:');
24948 writeLn('');
24949 writeLn(' bw logout');
24950 writeLn('', true);
24951 })
24952 .action((cmd) => program_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
24953 yield this.exitIfNotAuthed();
24954 const command = new logout_command_LogoutCommand(this.main.authService, this.main.i18nService, () => program_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { return yield this.main.logout(); }));
24955 const response = yield command.run(cmd);
24956 this.processResponse(response);
24957 }));
24958 external_commander_["command"]('lock')
24959 .description('Lock the vault and destroy active session keys.')
24960 .on('--help', () => {
24961 writeLn('\n Examples:');
24962 writeLn('');
24963 writeLn(' bw lock');
24964 writeLn('', true);
24965 })
24966 .action((cmd) => program_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
24967 yield this.exitIfNotAuthed();
24968 const command = new lock_command_LockCommand(this.main.vaultTimeoutService);
24969 const response = yield command.run(cmd);
24970 this.processResponse(response);
24971 }));
24972 external_commander_["command"]('unlock [password]')
24973 .description('Unlock the vault and return a new session key.')
24974 .on('--help', () => {
24975 writeLn('\n Notes:');
24976 writeLn('');
24977 writeLn(' After unlocking, any previous session keys will no longer be valid.');
24978 writeLn('');
24979 writeLn(' Pass `--raw` option to only return the session key.');
24980 writeLn('');
24981 writeLn(' Examples:');
24982 writeLn('');
24983 writeLn(' bw unlock');
24984 writeLn(' bw unlock myPassword321');
24985 writeLn(' bw unlock myPassword321 --raw');
24986 writeLn('', true);
24987 })
24988 .option('--check', 'Check lock status.', () => program_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
24989 const locked = yield this.main.vaultTimeoutService.isLocked();
24990 if (!locked) {
24991 const res = new MessageResponse('Vault is unlocked!', null);
24992 this.processResponse(Response.success(res), true);
24993 }
24994 this.processResponse(Response.error('Vault is locked.'), true);
24995 }))
24996 .action((password, cmd) => program_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
24997 if (!cmd.check) {
24998 yield this.exitIfNotAuthed();
24999 const command = new unlock_command_UnlockCommand(this.main.cryptoService, this.main.userService, this.main.cryptoFunctionService);
25000 const response = yield command.run(password, cmd);
25001 this.processResponse(response);
25002 }
25003 }));
25004 external_commander_["command"]('sync')
25005 .description('Pull the latest vault data from server.')
25006 .option('-f, --force', 'Force a full sync.')
25007 .option('--last', 'Get the last sync date.')
25008 .on('--help', () => {
25009 writeLn('\n Examples:');
25010 writeLn('');
25011 writeLn(' bw sync');
25012 writeLn(' bw sync -f');
25013 writeLn(' bw sync --last');
25014 writeLn('', true);
25015 })
25016 .action((cmd) => program_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
25017 yield this.exitIfLocked();
25018 const command = new sync_command_SyncCommand(this.main.syncService);
25019 const response = yield command.run(cmd);
25020 this.processResponse(response);
25021 }));
25022 external_commander_["command"]('list <object>')
25023 .description('List an array of objects from the vault.')
25024 .option('--search <search>', 'Perform a search on the listed objects.')
25025 .option('--url <url>', 'Filter items of type login with a url-match search.')
25026 .option('--folderid <folderid>', 'Filter items by folder id.')
25027 .option('--collectionid <collectionid>', 'Filter items by collection id.')
25028 .option('--organizationid <organizationid>', 'Filter items or collections by organization id.')
25029 .option('--trash', 'Filter items that are deleted and in the trash.')
25030 .on('--help', () => {
25031 writeLn('\n Objects:');
25032 writeLn('');
25033 writeLn(' items');
25034 writeLn(' folders');
25035 writeLn(' collections');
25036 writeLn(' organizations');
25037 writeLn(' org-collections');
25038 writeLn(' org-members');
25039 writeLn('');
25040 writeLn(' Notes:');
25041 writeLn('');
25042 writeLn(' Combining search with a filter performs a logical AND operation.');
25043 writeLn('');
25044 writeLn(' Combining multiple filters performs a logical OR operation.');
25045 writeLn('');
25046 writeLn(' Examples:');
25047 writeLn('');
25048 writeLn(' bw list items');
25049 writeLn(' bw list items --folderid 60556c31-e649-4b5d-8daf-fc1c391a1bf2');
25050 writeLn(' bw list items --search google --folderid 60556c31-e649-4b5d-8daf-fc1c391a1bf2');
25051 writeLn(' bw list items --url https://google.com');
25052 writeLn(' bw list items --folderid null');
25053 writeLn(' bw list items --organizationid notnull');
25054 writeLn(' bw list items --folderid 60556c31-e649-4b5d-8daf-fc1c391a1bf2 --organizationid notnull');
25055 writeLn(' bw list items --trash');
25056 writeLn(' bw list folders --search email');
25057 writeLn(' bw list org-members --organizationid 60556c31-e649-4b5d-8daf-fc1c391a1bf2');
25058 writeLn('', true);
25059 })
25060 .action((object, cmd) => program_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
25061 yield this.exitIfLocked();
25062 const command = new list_command_ListCommand(this.main.cipherService, this.main.folderService, this.main.collectionService, this.main.userService, this.main.searchService, this.main.apiService);
25063 const response = yield command.run(object, cmd);
25064 this.processResponse(response);
25065 }));
25066 external_commander_["command"]('get <object> <id>')
25067 .description('Get an object from the vault.')
25068 .option('--itemid <itemid>', 'Attachment\'s item id.')
25069 .option('--output <output>', 'Output directory or filename for attachment.')
25070 .option('--organizationid <organizationid>', 'Organization id for an organization object.')
25071 .on('--help', () => {
25072 writeLn('\n Objects:');
25073 writeLn('');
25074 writeLn(' item');
25075 writeLn(' username');
25076 writeLn(' password');
25077 writeLn(' uri');
25078 writeLn(' totp');
25079 writeLn(' exposed');
25080 writeLn(' attachment');
25081 writeLn(' folder');
25082 writeLn(' collection');
25083 writeLn(' org-collection');
25084 writeLn(' organization');
25085 writeLn(' template');
25086 writeLn(' fingerprint');
25087 writeLn('');
25088 writeLn(' Id:');
25089 writeLn('');
25090 writeLn(' Search term or object\'s globally unique `id`.');
25091 writeLn('');
25092 writeLn(' Examples:');
25093 writeLn('');
25094 writeLn(' bw get item 99ee88d2-6046-4ea7-92c2-acac464b1412');
25095 writeLn(' bw get password https://google.com');
25096 writeLn(' bw get totp google.com');
25097 writeLn(' bw get exposed yahoo.com');
25098 writeLn(' bw get attachment b857igwl1dzrs2 --itemid 99ee88d2-6046-4ea7-92c2-acac464b1412 ' +
25099 '--output ./photo.jpg');
25100 writeLn(' bw get attachment photo.jpg --itemid 99ee88d2-6046-4ea7-92c2-acac464b1412 --raw');
25101 writeLn(' bw get folder email');
25102 writeLn(' bw get template folder');
25103 writeLn('', true);
25104 })
25105 .action((object, id, cmd) => program_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
25106 yield this.exitIfLocked();
25107 const command = new get_command_GetCommand(this.main.cipherService, this.main.folderService, this.main.collectionService, this.main.totpService, this.main.auditService, this.main.cryptoService, this.main.userService, this.main.searchService, this.main.apiService);
25108 const response = yield command.run(object, id, cmd);
25109 this.processResponse(response);
25110 }));
25111 external_commander_["command"]('create <object> [encodedJson]')
25112 .option('--file <file>', 'Path to file for attachment.')
25113 .option('--itemid <itemid>', 'Attachment\'s item id.')
25114 .option('--organizationid <organizationid>', 'Organization id for an organization object.')
25115 .description('Create an object in the vault.')
25116 .on('--help', () => {
25117 writeLn('\n Objects:');
25118 writeLn('');
25119 writeLn(' item');
25120 writeLn(' attachment');
25121 writeLn(' folder');
25122 writeLn(' org-collection');
25123 writeLn('');
25124 writeLn(' Notes:');
25125 writeLn('');
25126 writeLn(' `encodedJson` can also be piped into stdin.');
25127 writeLn('');
25128 writeLn(' Examples:');
25129 writeLn('');
25130 writeLn(' bw create folder eyJuYW1lIjoiTXkgRm9sZGVyIn0K');
25131 writeLn(' echo \'eyJuYW1lIjoiTXkgRm9sZGVyIn0K\' | bw create folder');
25132 writeLn(' bw create attachment --file ./myfile.csv ' +
25133 '--itemid 16b15b89-65b3-4639-ad2a-95052a6d8f66');
25134 writeLn('', true);
25135 })
25136 .action((object, encodedJson, cmd) => program_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
25137 yield this.exitIfLocked();
25138 const command = new create_command_CreateCommand(this.main.cipherService, this.main.folderService, this.main.userService, this.main.cryptoService, this.main.apiService);
25139 const response = yield command.run(object, encodedJson, cmd);
25140 this.processResponse(response);
25141 }));
25142 external_commander_["command"]('edit <object> <id> [encodedJson]')
25143 .option('--organizationid <organizationid>', 'Organization id for an organization object.')
25144 .description('Edit an object from the vault.')
25145 .on('--help', () => {
25146 writeLn('\n Objects:');
25147 writeLn('');
25148 writeLn(' item');
25149 writeLn(' item-collections');
25150 writeLn(' folder');
25151 writeLn(' org-collection');
25152 writeLn('');
25153 writeLn(' Id:');
25154 writeLn('');
25155 writeLn(' Object\'s globally unique `id`.');
25156 writeLn('');
25157 writeLn(' Notes:');
25158 writeLn('');
25159 writeLn(' `encodedJson` can also be piped into stdin.');
25160 writeLn('');
25161 writeLn(' Examples:');
25162 writeLn('');
25163 writeLn(' bw edit folder 5cdfbd80-d99f-409b-915b-f4c5d0241b02 eyJuYW1lIjoiTXkgRm9sZGVyMiJ9Cg==');
25164 writeLn(' echo \'eyJuYW1lIjoiTXkgRm9sZGVyMiJ9Cg==\' | ' +
25165 'bw edit folder 5cdfbd80-d99f-409b-915b-f4c5d0241b02');
25166 writeLn(' bw edit item-collections 78307355-fd25-416b-88b8-b33fd0e88c82 ' +
25168 writeLn('', true);
25169 })
25170 .action((object, id, encodedJson, cmd) => program_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
25171 yield this.exitIfLocked();
25172 const command = new edit_command_EditCommand(this.main.cipherService, this.main.folderService, this.main.cryptoService, this.main.apiService);
25173 const response = yield command.run(object, id, encodedJson, cmd);
25174 this.processResponse(response);
25175 }));
25176 external_commander_["command"]('delete <object> <id>')
25177 .option('--itemid <itemid>', 'Attachment\'s item id.')
25178 .option('--organizationid <organizationid>', 'Organization id for an organization object.')
25179 .option('-p, --permanent', 'Permanently deletes the item instead of soft-deleting it (item only).')
25180 .description('Delete an object from the vault.')
25181 .on('--help', () => {
25182 writeLn('\n Objects:');
25183 writeLn('');
25184 writeLn(' item');
25185 writeLn(' attachment');
25186 writeLn(' folder');
25187 writeLn(' org-collection');
25188 writeLn('');
25189 writeLn(' Id:');
25190 writeLn('');
25191 writeLn(' Object\'s globally unique `id`.');
25192 writeLn('');
25193 writeLn(' Examples:');
25194 writeLn('');
25195 writeLn(' bw delete item 7063feab-4b10-472e-b64c-785e2b870b92');
25196 writeLn(' bw delete item 89c21cd2-fab0-4f69-8c6e-ab8a0168f69a --permanent');
25197 writeLn(' bw delete folder 5cdfbd80-d99f-409b-915b-f4c5d0241b02');
25198 writeLn(' bw delete attachment b857igwl1dzrs2 --itemid 310d5ffd-e9a2-4451-af87-ea054dce0f78');
25199 writeLn('', true);
25200 })
25201 .action((object, id, cmd) => program_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
25202 yield this.exitIfLocked();
25203 const command = new delete_command_DeleteCommand(this.main.cipherService, this.main.folderService, this.main.userService, this.main.apiService);
25204 const response = yield command.run(object, id, cmd);
25205 this.processResponse(response);
25206 }));
25207 external_commander_["command"]('restore <object> <id>')
25208 .description('Restores an object from the trash.')
25209 .on('--help', () => {
25210 writeLn('\n Objects:');
25211 writeLn('');
25212 writeLn(' item');
25213 writeLn('');
25214 writeLn(' Id:');
25215 writeLn('');
25216 writeLn(' Object\'s globally unique `id`.');
25217 writeLn('');
25218 writeLn(' Examples:');
25219 writeLn('');
25220 writeLn(' bw restore item 7063feab-4b10-472e-b64c-785e2b870b92');
25221 writeLn('', true);
25222 })
25223 .action((object, id, cmd) => program_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
25224 yield this.exitIfLocked();
25225 const command = new restore_command_RestoreCommand(this.main.cipherService);
25226 const response = yield command.run(object, id, cmd);
25227 this.processResponse(response);
25228 }));
25229 external_commander_["command"]('share <id> <organizationId> [encodedJson]')
25230 .description('Share an item to an organization.')
25231 .on('--help', () => {
25232 writeLn('\n Id:');
25233 writeLn('');
25234 writeLn(' Item\'s globally unique `id`.');
25235 writeLn('');
25236 writeLn(' Organization Id:');
25237 writeLn('');
25238 writeLn(' Organization\'s globally unique `id`.');
25239 writeLn('');
25240 writeLn(' Notes:');
25241 writeLn('');
25242 writeLn(' `encodedJson` can also be piped into stdin. `encodedJson` contains ' +
25243 'an array of collection ids.');
25244 writeLn('');
25245 writeLn(' Examples:');
25246 writeLn('');
25247 writeLn(' bw share 4af958ce-96a7-45d9-beed-1e70fabaa27a 6d82949b-b44d-468a-adae-3f3bacb0ea32 ' +
25249 writeLn(' echo \'["974053d0-3b33-4b98-886e-fecf5c8dba96"]\' | bw encode | ' +
25250 'bw share 4af958ce-96a7-45d9-beed-1e70fabaa27a 6d82949b-b44d-468a-adae-3f3bacb0ea32');
25251 writeLn('', true);
25252 })
25253 .action((id, organizationId, encodedJson, cmd) => program_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
25254 yield this.exitIfLocked();
25255 const command = new share_command_ShareCommand(this.main.cipherService);
25256 const response = yield command.run(id, organizationId, encodedJson, cmd);
25257 this.processResponse(response);
25258 }));
25259 external_commander_["command"]('confirm <object> <id>')
25260 .option('--organizationid <organizationid>', 'Organization id for an organization object.')
25261 .description('Confirm an object to the organization.')
25262 .on('--help', () => {
25263 writeLn('\n Objects:');
25264 writeLn('');
25265 writeLn(' org-member');
25266 writeLn('');
25267 writeLn(' Id:');
25268 writeLn('');
25269 writeLn(' Object\'s globally unique `id`.');
25270 writeLn('');
25271 writeLn(' Examples:');
25272 writeLn('');
25273 writeLn(' bw confirm org-member 7063feab-4b10-472e-b64c-785e2b870b92 ' +
25274 '--organizationid 310d5ffd-e9a2-4451-af87-ea054dce0f78');
25275 writeLn('', true);
25276 })
25277 .action((object, id, cmd) => program_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
25278 yield this.exitIfLocked();
25279 const command = new confirm_command_ConfirmCommand(this.main.apiService, this.main.cryptoService);
25280 const response = yield command.run(object, id, cmd);
25281 this.processResponse(response);
25282 }));
25283 external_commander_["command"]('import [format] [input]')
25284 .description('Import vault data from a file.')
25285 .option('--formats', 'List formats')
25286 .on('--help', () => {
25287 writeLn('\n Examples:');
25288 writeLn('');
25289 writeLn(' bw import --formats');
25290 writeLn(' bw import bitwardencsv ./from/source.csv');
25291 writeLn(' bw import keepass2xml keepass_backup.xml');
25292 })
25293 .action((format, filepath, cmd) => program_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
25294 yield this.exitIfLocked();
25295 const command = new import_command_ImportCommand(this.main.importService);
25296 const response = yield command.run(format, filepath, cmd);
25297 this.processResponse(response);
25298 }));
25299 external_commander_["command"]('export [password]')
25300 .description('Export vault data to a CSV or JSON file.')
25301 .option('--output <output>', 'Output directory or filename.')
25302 .option('--format <format>', 'Export file format.')
25303 .option('--organizationid <organizationid>', 'Organization id for an organization.')
25304 .on('--help', () => {
25305 writeLn('\n Notes:');
25306 writeLn('');
25307 writeLn(' Valid formats are `csv` and `json`. Default format is `csv`.');
25308 writeLn('');
25309 writeLn(' Examples:');
25310 writeLn('');
25311 writeLn(' bw export');
25312 writeLn(' bw export myPassword321');
25313 writeLn(' bw export myPassword321 --format json');
25314 writeLn(' bw export --output ./exp/bw.csv');
25315 writeLn(' bw export myPassword321 --output bw.json --format json');
25316 writeLn(' bw export myPassword321 --organizationid 7063feab-4b10-472e-b64c-785e2b870b92');
25317 writeLn('', true);
25318 })
25319 .action((password, cmd) => program_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
25320 yield this.exitIfLocked();
25321 const command = new export_command_ExportCommand(this.main.cryptoService, this.main.exportService);
25322 const response = yield command.run(password, cmd);
25323 this.processResponse(response);
25324 }));
25325 external_commander_["command"]('generate')
25326 .description('Generate a password/passphrase.')
25327 .option('-u, --uppercase', 'Include uppercase characters.')
25328 .option('-l, --lowercase', 'Include lowercase characters.')
25329 .option('-n, --number', 'Include numeric characters.')
25330 .option('-s, --special', 'Include special characters.')
25331 .option('-p, --passphrase', 'Generate a passphrase.')
25332 .option('--length <length>', 'Length of the password.')
25333 .option('--words <words>', 'Number of words.')
25334 .option('--separator <separator>', 'Word separator.')
25335 .on('--help', () => {
25336 writeLn('\n Notes:');
25337 writeLn('');
25338 writeLn(' Default options are `-uln --length 14`.');
25339 writeLn('');
25340 writeLn(' Minimum `length` is 5.');
25341 writeLn('');
25342 writeLn(' Minimum `words` is 3.');
25343 writeLn('');
25344 writeLn(' Examples:');
25345 writeLn('');
25346 writeLn(' bw generate');
25347 writeLn(' bw generate -u -l --length 18');
25348 writeLn(' bw generate -ulns --length 25');
25349 writeLn(' bw generate -ul');
25350 writeLn(' bw generate -p --separator _');
25351 writeLn(' bw generate -p --words 5 --separator space');
25352 writeLn('', true);
25353 })
25354 .action((cmd) => program_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
25355 const command = new generate_command_GenerateCommand(this.main.passwordGenerationService);
25356 const response = yield command.run(cmd);
25357 this.processResponse(response);
25358 }));
25359 external_commander_["command"]('encode')
25360 .description('Base 64 encode stdin.')
25361 .on('--help', () => {
25362 writeLn('\n Notes:');
25363 writeLn('');
25364 writeLn(' Use to create `encodedJson` for `create` and `edit` commands.');
25365 writeLn('');
25366 writeLn(' Examples:');
25367 writeLn('');
25368 writeLn(' echo \'{"name":"My Folder"}\' | bw encode');
25369 writeLn('', true);
25370 })
25371 .action((object, id, cmd) => program_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
25372 const command = new encode_command_EncodeCommand();
25373 const response = yield command.run(cmd);
25374 this.processResponse(response);
25375 }));
25376 external_commander_["command"]('config <setting> [value]')
25377 .description('Configure CLI settings.')
25378 .option('--web-vault <url>', 'Provides a custom web vault URL that differs from the base URL.')
25379 .option('--api <url>', 'Provides a custom API URL that differs from the base URL.')
25380 .option('--identity <url>', 'Provides a custom identity URL that differs from the base URL.')
25381 .option('--icons <url>', 'Provides a custom icons service URL that differs from the base URL.')
25382 .option('--notifications <url>', 'Provides a custom notifications URL that differs from the base URL.')
25383 .option('--events <url>', 'Provides a custom events URL that differs from the base URL.')
25384 .on('--help', () => {
25385 writeLn('\n Settings:');
25386 writeLn('');
25387 writeLn(' server - On-premises hosted installation URL.');
25388 writeLn('');
25389 writeLn(' Examples:');
25390 writeLn('');
25391 writeLn(' bw config server');
25392 writeLn(' bw config server https://bw.company.com');
25393 writeLn(' bw config server bitwarden.com');
25394 writeLn(' bw config server --api http://localhost:4000 --identity http://localhost:33656');
25395 writeLn('', true);
25396 })
25397 .action((setting, value, cmd) => program_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
25398 const command = new config_command_ConfigCommand(this.main.environmentService);
25399 const response = yield command.run(setting, value, cmd);
25400 this.processResponse(response);
25401 }));
25402 external_commander_["command"]('update')
25403 .description('Check for updates.')
25404 .on('--help', () => {
25405 writeLn('\n Notes:');
25406 writeLn('');
25407 writeLn(' Returns the URL to download the newest version of this CLI tool.');
25408 writeLn('');
25409 writeLn(' Use the `--raw` option to return only the download URL for the update.');
25410 writeLn('');
25411 writeLn(' Examples:');
25412 writeLn('');
25413 writeLn(' bw update');
25414 writeLn(' bw update --raw');
25415 writeLn('', true);
25416 })
25417 .action((cmd) => program_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
25418 const command = new update_command_UpdateCommand(this.main.platformUtilsService, this.main.i18nService, 'cli', 'bw', true);
25419 const response = yield command.run(cmd);
25420 this.processResponse(response);
25421 }));
25422 external_commander_["command"]('completion')
25423 .description('Generate shell completions.')
25424 .option('--shell <shell>', 'Shell to generate completions for.')
25425 .on('--help', () => {
25426 writeLn('\n Notes:');
25427 writeLn('');
25428 writeLn(' Valid shells are `zsh`.');
25429 writeLn('');
25430 writeLn(' Examples:');
25431 writeLn('');
25432 writeLn(' bw completion --shell zsh');
25433 writeLn('', true);
25434 })
25435 .action((cmd) => program_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
25436 const command = new completion_command_CompletionCommand();
25437 const response = yield command.run(cmd);
25438 this.processResponse(response);
25439 }));
25440 external_commander_["parse"](process.argv);
25441 if (process.argv.slice(2).length === 0) {
25442 external_commander_["outputHelp"]();
25443 }
25444 }
25445 processResponse(response, exitImmediately = false) {
25446 super.processResponse(response, exitImmediately, () => {
25447 if (response.data.object === 'template') {
25448 return this.getJson(response.data.template);
25449 }
25450 return null;
25451 });
25452 }
25453 exitIfLocked() {
25454 return program_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
25455 yield this.exitIfNotAuthed();
25456 const hasKey = yield this.main.cryptoService.hasKey();
25457 if (!hasKey) {
25458 const canInteract = process.env.BW_NOINTERACTION !== 'true';
25459 if (canInteract) {
25460 const command = new unlock_command_UnlockCommand(this.main.cryptoService, this.main.userService, this.main.cryptoFunctionService);
25461 const response = yield command.run(null, null);
25462 if (!response.success) {
25463 this.processResponse(response, true);
25464 }
25465 }
25466 else {
25467 this.processResponse(Response.error('Vault is locked.'), true);
25468 }
25469 }
25470 });
25471 }
25474// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./src/bw.ts
25475/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "Main", function() { return bw_Main; });
25476var bw_awaiter = (undefined && undefined.__awaiter) || function (thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) {
25477 return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) {
25478 function fulfilled(value) { try { step(generator.next(value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
25479 function rejected(value) { try { step(generator["throw"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
25480 function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(result.value); }).then(fulfilled, rejected); }
25481 step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next());
25482 });
25516// Polyfills
25517global.DOMParser = new external_jsdom_["JSDOM"]().window.DOMParser;
25518// tslint:disable-next-line
25519const packageJson = __webpack_require__(20);
25520class bw_Main {
25521 constructor() {
25522 let p = null;
25523 const relativeDataDir = external_path_["join"](external_path_["dirname"](process.execPath), 'bw-data');
25524 if (external_fs_["existsSync"](relativeDataDir)) {
25525 p = relativeDataDir;
25526 }
25527 else if (process.env.BITWARDENCLI_APPDATA_DIR) {
25528 p = external_path_["resolve"](process.env.BITWARDENCLI_APPDATA_DIR);
25529 }
25530 else if (process.platform === 'darwin') {
25531 p = external_path_["join"](process.env.HOME, 'Library/Application Support/Bitwarden CLI');
25532 }
25533 else if (process.platform === 'win32') {
25534 p = external_path_["join"](process.env.APPDATA, 'Bitwarden CLI');
25535 }
25536 else if (process.env.XDG_CONFIG_HOME) {
25537 p = external_path_["join"](process.env.XDG_CONFIG_HOME, 'Bitwarden CLI');
25538 }
25539 else {
25540 p = external_path_["join"](process.env.HOME, '.config/Bitwarden CLI');
25541 }
25542 this.i18nService = new services_i18n_service_I18nService('en', './locales');
25543 this.platformUtilsService = new cliPlatformUtils_service_CliPlatformUtilsService('cli', packageJson);
25544 this.cryptoFunctionService = new nodeCryptoFunction_service_NodeCryptoFunctionService();
25545 this.storageService = new lowdbStorage_service_LowdbStorageService(null, p, true);
25546 this.secureStorageService = new nodeEnvSecureStorage_service_NodeEnvSecureStorageService(this.storageService, () => this.cryptoService);
25547 this.cryptoService = new crypto_service_CryptoService(this.storageService, this.secureStorageService, this.cryptoFunctionService);
25548 this.appIdService = new appId_service_AppIdService(this.storageService);
25549 this.tokenService = new token_service_TokenService(this.storageService);
25550 this.messagingService = new NoopMessagingService();
25551 this.apiService = new nodeApi_service_NodeApiService(this.tokenService, this.platformUtilsService, (expired) => bw_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { return yield this.logout(); }), 'Bitwarden_CLI/' + this.platformUtilsService.getApplicationVersion() +
25552 ' (' + this.platformUtilsService.getDeviceString().toUpperCase() + ')');
25553 this.environmentService = new environment_service_EnvironmentService(this.apiService, this.storageService, null);
25554 this.userService = new user_service_UserService(this.tokenService, this.storageService);
25555 this.containerService = new ContainerService(this.cryptoService);
25556 this.settingsService = new SettingsService(this.userService, this.storageService);
25557 this.cipherService = new cipher_service_CipherService(this.cryptoService, this.userService, this.settingsService, this.apiService, this.storageService, this.i18nService, null);
25558 this.folderService = new folder_service_FolderService(this.cryptoService, this.userService, this.apiService, this.storageService, this.i18nService, this.cipherService);
25559 this.collectionService = new collection_service_CollectionService(this.cryptoService, this.userService, this.storageService, this.i18nService);
25560 this.searchService = new search_service_SearchService(this.cipherService, this.platformUtilsService);
25561 this.policyService = new policy_service_PolicyService(this.userService, this.storageService);
25562 this.vaultTimeoutService = new vaultTimeout_service_VaultTimeoutService(this.cipherService, this.folderService, this.collectionService, this.cryptoService, this.platformUtilsService, this.storageService, this.messagingService, this.searchService, this.userService, this.tokenService, null, null);
25563 this.syncService = new sync_service_SyncService(this.userService, this.apiService, this.settingsService, this.folderService, this.cipherService, this.cryptoService, this.collectionService, this.storageService, this.messagingService, this.policyService, (expired) => bw_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { return yield this.logout(); }));
25564 this.passwordGenerationService = new passwordGeneration_service_PasswordGenerationService(this.cryptoService, this.storageService, this.policyService);
25565 this.totpService = new totp_service_TotpService(this.storageService, this.cryptoFunctionService);
25566 this.importService = new import_service_ImportService(this.cipherService, this.folderService, this.apiService, this.i18nService, this.collectionService);
25567 this.exportService = new export_service_ExportService(this.folderService, this.cipherService, this.apiService);
25568 this.authService = new auth_service_AuthService(this.cryptoService, this.apiService, this.userService, this.tokenService, this.appIdService, this.i18nService, this.platformUtilsService, this.messagingService, true);
25569 this.auditService = new audit_service_AuditService(this.cryptoFunctionService, this.apiService);
25570 this.program = new program_Program(this);
25571 }
25572 run() {
25573 return bw_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
25574 yield this.init();
25575 this.program.run();
25576 });
25577 }
25578 logout() {
25579 return bw_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
25580 const userId = yield this.userService.getUserId();
25581 yield Promise.all([
25582 this.syncService.setLastSync(new Date(0)),
25583 this.tokenService.clearToken(),
25584 this.cryptoService.clearKeys(),
25585 this.userService.clear(),
25586 this.settingsService.clear(userId),
25587 this.cipherService.clear(userId),
25588 this.folderService.clear(userId),
25589 this.collectionService.clear(userId),
25590 this.policyService.clear(userId),
25591 this.passwordGenerationService.clear(),
25592 ]);
25593 process.env.BW_SESSION = null;
25594 });
25595 }
25596 init() {
25597 return bw_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
25598 this.storageService.init();
25599 this.containerService.attachToWindow(global);
25600 yield this.environmentService.setUrlsFromStorage();
25601 // Dev Server URLs. Comment out the line above.
25602 // this.apiService.setUrls({
25603 // base: null,
25604 // api: 'http://localhost:4000',
25605 // identity: 'http://localhost:33656',
25606 // });
25607 const locale = yield this.storageService.get(ConstantsService.localeKey);
25608 yield this.i18nService.init(locale);
25609 this.authService.init();
25610 const installedVersion = yield this.storageService.get(ConstantsService.installedVersionKey);
25611 const currentVersion = this.platformUtilsService.getApplicationVersion();
25612 if (installedVersion == null || installedVersion !== currentVersion) {
25613 yield this.storageService.save(ConstantsService.installedVersionKey, currentVersion);
25614 }
25615 });
25616 }
25618const main = new bw_Main();
25622/***/ })
25623/******/ ]);
25624//# sourceMappingURL=bw.js.map
\No newline at end of file