1.59 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1/* @flow */
2'use strict'
4/* ::
5import type {
6 API,
7 BlinkMRCServer
8} from '../types.js'
11const request = require('request')
13const readCors = require('./cors/read.js')
14const readRoutes = require('./routes/read.js')
15const scope = require('./scope.js')
17module.exports = async function upsertAPIEnvironment(
18 config /* : BlinkMRCServer */,
19 api /* : API */,
20 environment /* : string */,
21 cwd /* : string */,
22 accessToken /* : string | void */
23) /* : Promise<void> */ {
24 const cors = await readCors(cwd)
25 const routes = await readRoutes(cwd)
26 const serverCLIServiceConfig = scope.serverCLIServiceConfig(config)
27 return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
28 if (!config.project) {
29 return reject(
30 new Error('Please run the "scope" command to set the project scope.')
31 )
32 }
33 request.put(
34 `${serverCLIServiceConfig.origin}/apis/${
35 config.project
36 }/environments/${environment}`,
37 {
38 auth: {
39 bearer: accessToken
40 },
41 json: {
42 routes,
43 cors,
44 vpcSecurityGroupIds: api.vpcSecurityGroupIds,
45 vpcSubnetIds: api.vpcSubnetIds
46 }
47 },
48 (err, response, body) => {
49 if (err) {
50 return reject(err)
51 }
52 if (response.statusCode !== 200) {
53 return reject(
54 new Error(
55 body && body.message
56 ? body.message
57 : 'Unknown error, please try again and contact support if the problem persists'
58 )
59 )
60 }
61 return resolve(body)
62 }
63 )
64 })