4.5 kBJSONView Raw
2 "name": "@bluebase/cli-core",
3 "description": "A plugin for BlueRain CLI",
4 "version": "0.0.16",
5 "author": "BlueEast Team <code@blueeast.com>",
6 "main": "./lib",
7 "sideEffects": false,
8 "bugs": "https://github.com/BlueBaseJS/cli/issues",
9 "dependencies": {
10 "@oclif/command": "^1",
11 "@oclif/config": "^1",
12 "deepmerge": "^2.1.1",
13 "detect-installed": "^2.0.4",
14 "dotenv": "^6.0.0",
15 "file-regex": "^2.1.1",
16 "inquirer": "^6.2.0",
17 "lodash.isnil": "^4.0.0",
18 "lodash.template": "^4.4.0",
19 "node-notifier": "^5.2.1",
20 "shelljs": "^0.8.2",
21 "tslib": "^1",
22 "winston": "^3.0.0",
23 "yarn-install": "^1.0.0"
24 },
25 "devDependencies": {
26 "@blueeast/tslint-config-blueeast": "^0.5.6",
27 "@oclif/dev-cli": "^1",
28 "@oclif/plugin-help": "^2",
29 "@oclif/test": "^1",
30 "@oclif/tslint": "^1",
31 "@types/app-root-dir": "^0.1.0",
32 "@types/chai": "^4",
33 "@types/deepmerge": "^2.1.0",
34 "@types/dotenv": "^4.0.3",
35 "@types/inquirer": "^0.0.43",
36 "@types/lodash.isnil": "^4.0.4",
37 "@types/lodash.template": "^4.4.4",
38 "@types/mocha": "^5",
39 "@types/node": "^10.7.0",
40 "@types/node-notifier": "^0.0.28",
41 "@types/react": "^16.4.10",
42 "@types/shelljs": "^0.8.0",
43 "@types/winston": "^2.4.4",
44 "chai": "^4",
45 "mocha": "^5",
46 "npm-run-all": "^4.1.3",
47 "nyc": "^12",
48 "ts-node": "^6",
49 "tslint": "^5",
50 "typescript": "^2.9"
51 },
52 "peerDependencies": {
53 "react": "^16.*"
54 },
55 "engines": {
56 "node": ">=8.0.0"
57 },
58 "files": [
59 "/assets",
60 "/lib",
61 "/templates",
62 "/npm-shrinkwrap.json",
63 "/oclif.manifest.json",
64 "/yarn.lock"
65 ],
66 "homepage": "https://github.com/BlueBaseJS/cli",
67 "keywords": [
68 "oclif-plugin"
69 ],
70 "license": "MIT",
71 "oclif": {
72 "commands": "./lib/commands",
73 "bin": "oclif-example",
74 "devPlugins": [
75 "@oclif/plugin-help"
76 ]
77 },
78 "repository": "https://github.com/BlueBaseJS/cli",
79 "scripts": {
80 "postpack": "rm -f oclif.manifest.json npm-shrinkwrap.json",
81 "posttest": "tsc -p test --noEmit && tslint -p test -t stylish",
82 "prepack": "rm -rf lib && tsc && oclif-dev manifest && oclif-dev readme && npm shrinkwrap",
83 "prepare": "rm -rf lib && tsc",
84 "test:unit": "nyc mocha --forbid-only \"test/**/*.test.ts\"",
85 "version": "oclif-dev readme && git add README.md",
86 "start": "ts-node ./src/test.ts",
87 "clean": "rimraf coverage lib tmp",
88 "watch": "tsc -w -p tsconfig.json",
89 "watch:test": "jest --watch",
90 "lint": "tslint -t stylish --project \"tsconfig.json\"",
91 "test:only": "jest --coverage",
92 "info": "npm-scripts-info",
93 "build": "run-s clean && run-p build:*",
94 "build:main": "tsc -p tsconfig.json",
95 "fix": "run-s fix:*",
96 "fix:prettier": "prettier \"src/**/*.ts\" --write",
97 "fix:tslint": "tslint --fix --project .",
98 "test": "run-s build test:*",
99 "test:lint": "npm run lint",
100 "test:prettier": "prettier \"src/**/*.ts\" --list-different",
101 "commit": "git-cz",
102 "cov": "run-s build test:unit cov:html && opn coverage/index.html",
103 "cov:html": "nyc report --reporter=html",
104 "cov:send": "nyc report --reporter=lcov > coverage.lcov && codecov",
105 "cov:check": "nyc report && nyc check-coverage --lines 100 --functions 100 --branches 100",
106 "doc": "run-s doc:html && opn lib/docs/index.html",
107 "doc:html": "typedoc src/ --target ES6 --mode file --out lib/docs",
108 "doc:json": "typedoc src/ --target ES6 --mode file --json lib/docs/typedoc.json",
109 "doc:publish": "gh-pages -m \"[ci skip] Updates\" -d lib/docs",
110 "reset": "git clean -dfx && git reset --hard && npm i",
111 "all": "run-s reset test cov:check doc:html",
112 "prepare-release": "run-s all version doc:publish"
113 },
114 "scripts-info": {
115 "info": "Display information about the package scripts",
116 "build": "Clean and rebuild the project",
117 "fix": "Try to automatically fix any linting problems",
118 "test": "Lint and unit test the project",
119 "watch": "Watch and rebuild the project on save",
120 "cov": "Rebuild, run tests, then create and open the coverage report",
121 "doc": "Generate HTML API documentation and open it in a browser",
122 "doc:json": "Generate API documentation in typedoc JSON format",
123 "version": "Bump package.json version, update CHANGELOG.md, tag release",
124 "reset": "Delete all untracked files and reset the repo to the last commit",
125 "prepare-release": "One-step: clean, build, test, publish docs, and prep a release"
126 }