7.55 kBPlain TextView Raw
2 * Copyright 2018 Palantir Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved.
3 *
4 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 *
8 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9 *
10 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14 * limitations under the License.
15 */
17import { clamp } from "../../common/utils";
19/** Returns the `decimal` number separator based on locale */
20function getDecimalSeparator(locale: string) {
21 const testNumber = 1.9;
22 const testText = testNumber.toLocaleString(locale);
23 const one = (1).toLocaleString(locale);
24 const nine = (9).toLocaleString(locale);
25 const pattern = `${one}(.+)${nine}`;
27 const result = new RegExp(pattern).exec(testText);
29 return (result && result[1]) || ".";
32export function toLocaleString(num: number, locale: string = "en-US") {
33 return sanitizeNumericInput(num.toLocaleString(locale), locale);
36export function clampValue(value: number, min?: number, max?: number) {
37 // defaultProps won't work if the user passes in null, so just default
38 // to +/- infinity here instead, as a catch-all.
39 const adjustedMin = min != null ? min : -Infinity;
40 const adjustedMax = max != null ? max : Infinity;
41 return clamp(value, adjustedMin, adjustedMax);
44export function getValueOrEmptyValue(value: number | string = "") {
45 return value.toString();
48/** Transform the localized character (ex. "") to a javascript recognizable string number (ex. "10.99") */
49function transformLocalizedNumberToStringNumber(character: string, locale: string) {
50 const charactersMap = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9].map(value => value.toLocaleString(locale));
51 const jsNumber = charactersMap.indexOf(character);
53 if (jsNumber !== -1) {
54 return jsNumber;
55 } else {
56 return character;
57 }
60/** Transforms the localized number (ex. "10,99") to a javascript recognizable string number (ex. "10.99") */
61export function parseStringToStringNumber(value: number | string, locale: string | undefined): string {
62 const valueAsString = "" + value;
63 if (parseFloat(valueAsString).toString() === value.toString()) {
64 return value.toString();
65 }
67 if (locale !== undefined) {
68 const decimalSeparator = getDecimalSeparator(locale);
69 const sanitizedString = sanitizeNumericInput(valueAsString, locale);
71 return sanitizedString
72 .split("")
73 .map(character => transformLocalizedNumberToStringNumber(character, locale))
74 .join("")
75 .replace(decimalSeparator, ".");
76 }
78 return value.toString();
81/** Returns `true` if the string represents a valid numeric value, like "1e6". */
82export function isValueNumeric(value: string, locale: string | undefined) {
83 // checking if a string is numeric in Typescript is a big pain, because
84 // we can't simply toss a string parameter to isFinite. below is the
85 // essential approach that jQuery uses, which involves subtracting a
86 // parsed numeric value from the string representation of the value. we
87 // need to cast the value to the `any` type to allow this operation
88 // between dissimilar types.
89 const stringToStringNumber = parseStringToStringNumber(value, locale);
90 return value != null && (stringToStringNumber as any) - parseFloat(stringToStringNumber) + 1 >= 0;
93export function isValidNumericKeyboardEvent(e: React.KeyboardEvent, locale: string | undefined) {
94 // unit tests may not include e.key. don't bother disabling those events.
95 if (e.key == null) {
96 return true;
97 }
99 // allow modified key strokes that may involve letters and other
100 // non-numeric/invalid characters (Cmd + A, Cmd + C, Cmd + V, Cmd + X).
101 if (e.ctrlKey || e.altKey || e.metaKey) {
102 return true;
103 }
105 // keys that print a single character when pressed have a `key` name of
106 // length 1. every other key has a longer `key` name (e.g. "Backspace",
107 // "ArrowUp", "Shift"). since none of those keys can print a character
108 // to the field--and since they may have important native behaviors
109 // beyond printing a character--we don't want to disable their effects.
110 const isSingleCharKey = e.key.length === 1;
111 if (!isSingleCharKey) {
112 return true;
113 }
115 // now we can simply check that the single character that wants to be printed
116 // is a floating-point number character that we're allowed to print.
117 return isFloatingPointNumericCharacter(e.key, locale);
121 * A regex that matches a string of length 1 (i.e. a standalone character)
122 * if and only if it is a floating-point number character as defined by W3C:
123 * https://www.w3.org/TR/2012/WD-html-markup-20120329/datatypes.html#common.data.float
124 *
125 * Floating-point number characters are the only characters that can be
126 * printed within a default input[type="number"]. This component should
127 * behave the same way when this.props.allowNumericCharactersOnly = true.
128 * See here for the input[type="number"].value spec:
129 * https://www.w3.org/TR/2012/WD-html-markup-20120329/input.number.html#input.number.attrs.value
130 */
131function isFloatingPointNumericCharacter(character: string, locale: string | undefined) {
132 if (locale !== undefined) {
133 const decimalSeparator = getDecimalSeparator(locale).replace(".", "\\.");
134 const numbers = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9].map(value => value.toLocaleString(locale)).join("");
135 const localeFloatingPointNumericCharacterRegex = new RegExp(
136 "^[Ee" + numbers + "\\+\\-" + decimalSeparator + "]$",
137 );
139 return localeFloatingPointNumericCharacterRegex.test(character);
140 } else {
141 const floatingPointNumericCharacterRegex = /^[Ee0-9\+\-\.]$/;
143 return floatingPointNumericCharacterRegex.test(character);
144 }
148 * Round the value to have _up to_ the specified maximum precision.
149 *
150 * This differs from `toFixed(5)` in that trailing zeroes are not added on
151 * more precise values, resulting in shorter strings.
152 */
153export function toMaxPrecision(value: number, maxPrecision: number) {
154 // round the value to have the specified maximum precision (toFixed is the wrong choice,
155 // because it would show trailing zeros in the decimal part out to the specified precision)
156 // source: http://stackoverflow.com/a/18358056/5199574
157 const scaleFactor = Math.pow(10, maxPrecision);
158 return Math.round(value * scaleFactor) / scaleFactor;
162 * Convert Japanese full-width numbers, e.g. '5', to ASCII, e.g. '5'
163 * This should be called before performing any other numeric string input validation.
164 */
165function convertFullWidthNumbersToAscii(value: string) {
166 return value.replace(/[\uFF10-\uFF19]/g, m => String.fromCharCode(m.charCodeAt(0) - 0xfee0));
170 * Convert full-width (Japanese) numbers to ASCII, and strip all characters that are not valid floating-point numeric characters
171 */
172export function sanitizeNumericInput(value: string, locale: string | undefined) {
173 const valueChars = convertFullWidthNumbersToAscii(value).split("");
174 const sanitizedValueChars = valueChars.filter(valueChar => isFloatingPointNumericCharacter(valueChar, locale));
176 return sanitizedValueChars.join("");