4.53 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1import * as React from "react";
2import { AbstractPureComponent2 } from "../../common";
3import { ControlledProps2, HTMLInputProps, IControlledProps, IntentProps, MaybeElement, Props } from "../../common/props";
4import { IconName } from "../icon/icon";
5import type { InputSharedProps } from "./inputSharedProps";
6export declare type InputGroupProps = IInputGroupProps;
8 * @deprecated use IInputGroupProps2.
9 *
10 * NOTE: This interface does not extend HTMLInputProps due to incompatiblity with `IControlledProps`.
11 * Instead, we union the props in the component definition, which does work and properly disallows `string[]` values.
12 */
13export interface IInputGroupProps extends IControlledProps, IntentProps, Props {
14 /**
15 * Set this to `true` if you will be controlling the `value` of this input with asynchronous updates.
16 * These may occur if you do not immediately call setState in a parent component with the value from
17 * the `onChange` handler, or if working with certain libraries like __redux-form__.
18 *
19 * @default false
20 */
21 asyncControl?: boolean;
22 /**
23 * Whether the input is non-interactive.
24 * Note that `rightElement` must be disabled separately; this prop will not affect it.
25 *
26 * @default false
27 */
28 disabled?: boolean;
29 /**
30 * Whether the component should take up the full width of its container.
31 */
32 fill?: boolean;
33 /** Ref handler or a ref object that receives HTML `<input>` element backing this component. */
34 inputRef?: React.Ref<HTMLInputElement>;
35 /**
36 * Element to render on the left side of input. This prop is mutually exclusive
37 * with `leftIcon`.
38 */
39 leftElement?: JSX.Element;
40 /**
41 * Name of a Blueprint UI icon to render on the left side of the input group,
42 * before the user's cursor. This prop is mutually exclusive with `leftElement`.
43 * Usage with content is deprecated. Use `leftElement` for elements.
44 */
45 leftIcon?: IconName | MaybeElement;
46 /** Whether this input should use large styles. */
47 large?: boolean;
48 /** Whether this input should use small styles. */
49 small?: boolean;
50 /** Placeholder text in the absence of any value. */
51 placeholder?: string;
52 /**
53 * Element to render on right side of input.
54 * For best results, use a minimal button, tag, or small spinner.
55 */
56 rightElement?: JSX.Element;
57 /** Whether the input (and any buttons) should appear with rounded caps. */
58 round?: boolean;
59 /**
60 * HTML `input` type attribute.
61 *
62 * @default "text"
63 */
64 type?: string;
66export declare type InputGroupProps2 = IInputGroupProps2;
67/** @deprecated use InputGroupProps2 */
68export interface IInputGroupProps2 extends Omit<HTMLInputProps, keyof ControlledProps2>, ControlledProps2, InputSharedProps {
69 /**
70 * Set this to `true` if you will be controlling the `value` of this input with asynchronous updates.
71 * These may occur if you do not immediately call setState in a parent component with the value from
72 * the `onChange` handler, or if working with certain libraries like __redux-form__.
73 *
74 * @default false
75 */
76 asyncControl?: boolean;
77 /** Whether this input should use large styles. */
78 large?: boolean;
79 /** Whether this input should use small styles. */
80 small?: boolean;
81 /** Whether the input (and any buttons) should appear with rounded caps. */
82 round?: boolean;
83 /**
84 * Name of the HTML tag that contains the input group.
85 *
86 * @default "div"
87 */
88 tagName?: keyof JSX.IntrinsicElements;
89 /**
90 * HTML `input` type attribute.
91 *
92 * @default "text"
93 */
94 type?: string;
96export interface IInputGroupState {
97 leftElementWidth?: number;
98 rightElementWidth?: number;
101 * Input group component.
102 *
103 * @see https://blueprintjs.com/docs/#core/components/text-inputs.input-group
104 */
105export declare class InputGroup extends AbstractPureComponent2<InputGroupProps2, IInputGroupState> {
106 static displayName: string;
107 state: IInputGroupState;
108 private leftElement;
109 private rightElement;
110 private refHandlers;
111 render(): React.ReactElement<{
112 className: string;
113 }, string | React.JSXElementConstructor<any>>;
114 componentDidMount(): void;
115 componentDidUpdate(prevProps: InputGroupProps2): void;
116 protected validateProps(props: InputGroupProps2): void;
117 private maybeRenderLeftElement;
118 private maybeRenderRightElement;
119 private updateInputWidth;