6.72 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1import { Placement, Boundary as PopperBoundary, Modifiers as PopperModifiers } from "popper.js";
2import * as React from "react";
3import { Props } from "../../common/props";
4import { OverlayableProps } from "../overlay/overlay";
5export { PopperBoundary, PopperModifiers };
6/** `Position` with `"auto"` values, used by `Popover` and `Tooltip`. */
7export declare const PopoverPosition: {
8 AUTO: "auto";
9 AUTO_END: "auto-end";
10 AUTO_START: "auto-start";
11 BOTTOM: "bottom";
12 BOTTOM_LEFT: "bottom-left";
13 BOTTOM_RIGHT: "bottom-right";
14 LEFT: "left";
15 LEFT_BOTTOM: "left-bottom";
16 LEFT_TOP: "left-top";
17 RIGHT: "right";
18 RIGHT_BOTTOM: "right-bottom";
19 RIGHT_TOP: "right-top";
20 TOP: "top";
21 TOP_LEFT: "top-left";
22 TOP_RIGHT: "top-right";
24export declare type PopoverPosition = (typeof PopoverPosition)[keyof typeof PopoverPosition];
25/** Props shared between `Popover` and `Tooltip`. */
26export interface IPopoverSharedProps extends OverlayableProps, Props {
27 children?: React.ReactNode;
28 /**
29 * Determines the boundary element used by Popper for its `flip` and
30 * `preventOverflow` modifiers. Three shorthand keywords are supported;
31 * Popper will find the correct DOM element itself.
32 *
33 * @default "scrollParent"
34 */
35 boundary?: PopperBoundary;
36 /**
37 * When enabled, clicks inside a `Classes.POPOVER_DISMISS` element
38 * will only close the current popover and not outer popovers.
39 * When disabled, the current popover and any ancestor popovers will be closed.
40 *
41 * @see http://blueprintjs.com/docs/#core/components/popover.closing-on-click
42 * @default false
43 */
44 captureDismiss?: boolean;
45 /**
46 * Initial opened state when uncontrolled.
47 *
48 * @default false
49 */
50 defaultIsOpen?: boolean;
51 /**
52 * Prevents the popover from appearing when `true`.
53 *
54 * @default false
55 */
56 disabled?: boolean;
57 /**
58 * The amount of time in milliseconds the popover should remain open after
59 * the user hovers off the trigger. The timer is canceled if the user mouses
60 * over the target before it expires.
61 *
62 * @default 300
63 */
64 hoverCloseDelay?: number;
65 /**
66 * The amount of time in milliseconds the popover should wait before opening
67 * after the user hovers over the trigger. The timer is canceled if the user
68 * mouses away from the target before it expires.
69 *
70 * @default 150
71 */
72 hoverOpenDelay?: number;
73 /**
74 * Whether a popover that uses a `Portal` should automatically inherit the
75 * dark theme from its parent.
76 *
77 * @default true
78 */
79 inheritDarkTheme?: boolean;
80 /**
81 * Whether the popover is visible. Passing this prop puts the popover in
82 * controlled mode, where the only way to change visibility is by updating
83 * this property. If `disabled={true}`, this prop will be ignored, and the
84 * popover will remain closed.
85 *
86 * @default undefined
87 */
88 isOpen?: boolean;
89 /**
90 * Whether to apply minimal styling to this popover or tooltip. Minimal popovers
91 * do not have an arrow pointing to their target and use a subtler animation.
92 *
93 * @default false
94 */
95 minimal?: boolean;
96 /**
97 * Popper modifier options, passed directly to internal Popper instance. See
98 * https://popper.js.org/docs/modifiers/ for complete
99 * details.
100 */
101 modifiers?: PopperModifiers;
102 /**
103 * Callback invoked in controlled mode when the popover open state *would*
104 * change due to user interaction.
105 */
106 onInteraction?: (nextOpenState: boolean, e?: React.SyntheticEvent<HTMLElement>) => void;
107 /**
108 * Whether the popover should open when its target is focused. If `true`,
109 * target will render with `tabindex="0"` to make it focusable via keyboard
110 * navigation.
111 *
112 * Note that this functionality is only enabled for hover interaction
113 * popovers/tooltips.
114 *
115 * @default true
116 */
117 openOnTargetFocus?: boolean;
118 /**
119 * The placement (relative to the target) at which the popover should appear.
120 * Mutually exclusive with `position` prop.
121 *
122 * The default value of `"auto"` will choose the best placement when opened
123 * and will allow the popover to reposition itself to remain onscreen as the
124 * user scrolls around.
125 *
126 * @see https://popper.js.org/docs/v1/#Popper.placements
127 * @default "auto"
128 */
129 placement?: Placement;
130 /**
131 * A space-delimited string of class names applied to the popover element.
132 */
133 popoverClassName?: string;
134 /**
135 * The position (relative to the target) at which the popover should appear.
136 * Mutually exclusive with `placement` prop.
137 *
138 * The default value of `"auto"` will choose the best position when opened
139 * and will allow the popover to reposition itself to remain onscreen as the
140 * user scrolls around.
141 *
142 * @default "auto"
143 */
144 position?: PopoverPosition;
145 /**
146 * Space-delimited string of class names applied to the target element.
147 */
148 targetClassName?: string;
149 /**
150 * HTML props to spread to target element. Use `targetTagName` to change
151 * the type of element rendered. Note that `ref` is not supported.
152 */
153 targetProps?: React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>;
154 /**
155 * HTML tag name for the target element. This must be an HTML element to
156 * ensure that it supports the necessary DOM event handlers.
157 *
158 * By default, a `<span>` tag is used so popovers appear as inline-block
159 * elements and can be nested in text. Use `<div>` tag for a block element.
160 *
161 * @default "span"
162 */
163 targetTagName?: keyof JSX.IntrinsicElements;
164 /**
165 * Whether the popover should be rendered inside a `Portal` attached to
166 * `portalContainer` prop.
167 *
168 * Rendering content inside a `Portal` allows the popover content to escape
169 * the physical bounds of its parent while still being positioned correctly
170 * relative to its target. Using a `Portal` is necessary if any ancestor of
171 * the target hides overflow or uses very complex positioning.
172 *
173 * Not using a `Portal` can result in smoother performance when scrolling
174 * and allows the popover content to inherit CSS styles from surrounding
175 * elements, but it remains subject to the overflow bounds of its ancestors.
176 *
177 * @default true
178 */
179 usePortal?: boolean;
180 /**
181 * HTML tag name for the wrapper element, which also receives the
182 * `className` prop.
183 *
184 * @default "span"
185 */
186 wrapperTagName?: keyof JSX.IntrinsicElements;