1 | import type * as React from "react";
2 | import type { IconName } from "@blueprintjs/icons";
3 | import type { Intent } from "./intent";
4 | export declare const DISPLAYNAME_PREFIX = "Blueprint5";
5 | /**
6 | * Alias for all valid HTML props for `<div>` element.
7 | * Does not include React's `ref` or `key`.
8 | */
9 | export type HTMLDivProps = React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLDivElement>;
10 | /**
11 | * Alias for all valid HTML props for `<input>` element.
12 | * Does not include React's `ref` or `key`.
13 | */
14 | export type HTMLInputProps = React.InputHTMLAttributes<HTMLInputElement>;
15 | /**
16 | * Alias for a `React.JSX.Element` or a value that renders nothing.
17 | *
18 | * In React, `boolean`, `null`, and `undefined` do not produce any output.
19 | */
20 | export type MaybeElement = React.JSX.Element | false | null | undefined;
21 | /**
22 | * A shared base interface for all Blueprint component props.
23 | */
24 | export interface Props {
25 | /** A space-delimited list of class names to pass along to a child element. */
26 | className?: string;
27 | }
28 | export interface IntentProps {
29 | /** Visual intent color to apply to element. */
30 | intent?: Intent;
31 | }
32 | /**
33 | * Interface for a clickable action, such as a button or menu item.
34 | * These props can be spready directly to a `<Button>` or `<MenuItem>` element.
35 | *
36 | * @template T type of the DOM element rendered by this component
37 | */
38 | export interface ActionProps<T extends HTMLElement = HTMLElement> extends IntentProps, Props {
39 | /** Whether this action is non-interactive. */
40 | disabled?: boolean;
41 | /** Name of a Blueprint UI icon (or an icon element) to render before the text. */
42 | icon?: IconName | MaybeElement;
43 | /** Click event handler. */
44 | onClick?: (event: React.MouseEvent<T>) => void;
45 | /** Focus event handler. */
46 | onFocus?: (event: React.FocusEvent<T>) => void;
47 | /** Action text. Can be any single React renderable. */
48 | text?: React.ReactNode;
49 | }
50 | /** Interface for a link, with support for customizing target window. */
51 | export interface LinkProps {
52 | /** Link URL. */
53 | href?: string;
54 | /** Link target attribute. Use `"_blank"` to open in a new window. */
55 | target?: React.HTMLAttributeAnchorTarget;
56 | }
57 | /**
58 | * Interface for a controlled or uncontrolled component, typically a form control.
59 | */
60 | export interface ControlledValueProps<T, E extends HTMLElement = HTMLElement> {
61 | /**
62 | * Initial value for uncontrolled usage. Mutually exclusive with `value` prop.
63 | */
64 | defaultValue?: T;
65 | /**
66 | * Controlled value. Mutually exclusive with `defaultValue` prop.
67 | */
68 | value?: T;
69 | /**
70 | * Callback invoked when the component value changes, typically via user interaction, in both controlled and
71 | * uncontrolled mode.
72 | *
73 | * Using this prop instead of `onChange` can help avoid common bugs in React 16 related to Event Pooling
74 | * where developers forget to save the text value from a change event or call `event.persist()`.
75 | *
76 | * @see https://legacy.reactjs.org/docs/legacy-event-pooling.html
77 | */
78 | onValueChange?: (value: T, targetElement: E | null) => void;
79 | }
80 | /** @deprecated use `ControlledValueProps` */
81 | export type ControlledProps = Omit<ControlledValueProps<string, HTMLInputElement>, "onChange">;
82 | export interface OptionProps<T extends string | number = string | number> extends Props {
83 | /** Whether this option is non-interactive. */
84 | disabled?: boolean;
85 | /** Label text for this option. If omitted, `value` is used as the label. */
86 | label?: string;
87 | /** Value of this option. */
88 | value: T;
89 | }
90 | /**
91 | * Typically applied to HTMLElements to filter out disallowed props. When applied to a Component,
92 | * can filter props from being passed down to the children. Can also filter by a combined list of
93 | * supplied prop keys and the denylist (only appropriate for HTMLElements).
94 | *
95 | * @param props The original props object to filter down.
96 | * @param {string[]} invalidProps If supplied, overwrites the default denylist.
97 | * @param {boolean} shouldMerge If true, will merge supplied invalidProps and denylist together.
98 | */
99 | export declare function removeNonHTMLProps(props: {
100 | [key: string]: any;
101 | }, invalidProps?: string[], shouldMerge?: boolean): {
102 | [key: string]: any;
103 | };