3 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1import type * as React from "react";
2import type { ActionProps, Alignment, MaybeElement } from "../../common";
3import type { IconName } from "../icon/icon";
4export interface ButtonSharedProps extends ActionProps<HTMLElement> {
5 /**
6 * If set to `true`, the button will display in an active state.
7 * This is equivalent to setting `className={Classes.ACTIVE}`.
8 *
9 * @default false
10 */
11 active?: boolean;
12 /**
13 * Text alignment within button. By default, icons and text will be centered
14 * within the button. Passing `"left"` or `"right"` will align the button
15 * text to that side and push `icon` and `rightIcon` to either edge. Passing
16 * `"center"` will center the text and icons together.
17 *
18 * @default Alignment.CENTER
19 */
20 alignText?: Alignment;
21 /** Button contents. */
22 children?: React.ReactNode;
23 /**
24 * If set to `true`, the button text element will hide overflow text that does not fit into a
25 * single line and show a trailing ellipsis, similar to the `Text` component.
26 *
27 * @default false
28 */
29 ellipsizeText?: boolean;
30 /** Whether this button should expand to fill its container. */
31 fill?: boolean;
32 /** Whether this button should use large styles. */
33 large?: boolean;
34 /**
35 * If set to `true`, the button will display a centered loading spinner instead of its contents
36 * and the button will be disabled (_even if_ `disabled={false}`). The width of the button is
37 * not affected by the value of this prop.
38 *
39 * @default false
40 */
41 loading?: boolean;
42 /** Whether this button should use minimal styles. */
43 minimal?: boolean;
44 /** Whether this button should use outlined styles. */
45 outlined?: boolean;
46 /** Name of a Blueprint UI icon (or an icon element) to render after the text. */
47 rightIcon?: IconName | MaybeElement;
48 /** Whether this button should use small styles. */
49 small?: boolean;
50 /** Class name(s) to apply to the text span element. */
51 textClassName?: string;
52 /**
53 * HTML `type` attribute of button. Accepted values are `"button"`, `"submit"`, and `"reset"`.
54 * Note that this prop has no effect on `AnchorButton`; it only affects `Button`.
55 *
56 * @default "button"
57 */
58 type?: "submit" | "reset" | "button";
61 * Props interface assignable to both the Button and AnchorButton components.
62 *
63 * It is useful for the props for the two components to be assignable to each other because the components
64 * are so similar and distinguishing between them in their event handlers is usually unnecessary.
65 */
66export type ButtonSharedPropsAndAttributes = ButtonSharedProps & React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>;
67export type ButtonProps = ButtonSharedProps & React.ButtonHTMLAttributes<HTMLButtonElement> & React.RefAttributes<HTMLButtonElement>;
68export type AnchorButtonProps = ButtonSharedProps & React.AnchorHTMLAttributes<HTMLAnchorElement> & React.RefAttributes<HTMLAnchorElement>;