1 | import * as React from "react";
2 | import { AbstractPureComponent, type HTMLInputProps, Position } from "../../common";
3 | import type { InputSharedProps } from "./inputSharedProps";
4 | export interface NumericInputProps extends InputSharedProps {
5 | /**
6 | * Whether to allow only floating-point number characters in the field,
7 | * mimicking the native `input[type="number"]`.
8 | *
9 | * @default true
10 | */
11 | allowNumericCharactersOnly?: boolean;
12 | /**
13 | * Set this to `true` if you will be controlling the `value` of this input with asynchronous updates.
14 | * These may occur if you do not immediately call setState in a parent component with the value from
15 | * the `onChange` handler.
16 | */
17 | asyncControl?: boolean;
18 | /**
19 | * The position of the buttons with respect to the input field.
20 | *
21 | * @default Position.RIGHT
22 | */
23 | buttonPosition?: typeof Position.LEFT | typeof Position.RIGHT | "none";
24 | /**
25 | * Whether the value should be clamped to `[min, max]` on blur.
26 | * The value will be clamped to each bound only if the bound is defined.
27 | * Note that native `input[type="number"]` controls do *NOT* clamp on blur.
28 | *
29 | * @default false
30 | */
31 | clampValueOnBlur?: boolean;
32 | /**
33 | * In uncontrolled mode, this sets the default value of the input.
34 | * Note that this value is only used upon component instantiation and changes to this prop
35 | * during the component lifecycle will be ignored.
36 | *
37 | * @default ""
38 | */
39 | defaultValue?: number | string;
40 | /**
41 | * If set to `true`, the input will display with larger styling.
42 | * This is equivalent to setting `Classes.LARGE` via className on the
43 | * parent control group and on the child input group.
44 | *
45 | * @default false
46 | */
47 | large?: boolean;
48 | /**
49 | * The locale name, which is passed to the component to format the number and allowing to type the number in the specific locale.
50 | * [See MDN documentation for more info about browser locale identification](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Intl#Locale_identification_and_negotiation).
51 | *
52 | * @default ""
53 | */
54 | locale?: string;
55 | /**
56 | * The increment between successive values when <kbd>shift</kbd> is held.
57 | * Pass explicit `null` value to disable this interaction.
58 | *
59 | * @default 10
60 | */
61 | majorStepSize?: number | null;
62 | /** The maximum value of the input. */
63 | max?: number;
64 | /** The minimum value of the input. */
65 | min?: number;
66 | /**
67 | * The increment between successive values when <kbd>alt</kbd> is held.
68 | * Pass explicit `null` value to disable this interaction.
69 | *
70 | * @default 0.1
71 | */
72 | minorStepSize?: number | null;
73 | /**
74 | * Whether the entire text field should be selected on focus.
75 | *
76 | * @default false
77 | */
78 | selectAllOnFocus?: boolean;
79 | /**
80 | * Whether the entire text field should be selected on increment.
81 | *
82 | * @default false
83 | */
84 | selectAllOnIncrement?: boolean;
85 | /**
86 | * If set to `true`, the input will display with smaller styling.
87 | * This is equivalent to setting `Classes.SMALL` via className on the
88 | * parent control group and on the child input group.
89 | *
90 | * @default false
91 | */
92 | small?: boolean;
93 | /**
94 | * The increment between successive values when no modifier keys are held.
95 | *
96 | * @default 1
97 | */
98 | stepSize?: number;
99 | /**
100 | * The value to display in the input field.
101 | */
102 | value?: number | string;
103 | /** The callback invoked when the value changes due to a button click. */
104 | onButtonClick?(valueAsNumber: number, valueAsString: string): void;
105 | /** The callback invoked when the value changes due to typing, arrow keys, or button clicks. */
106 | onValueChange?(valueAsNumber: number, valueAsString: string, inputElement: HTMLInputElement | null): void;
107 | }
108 | export interface NumericInputState {
109 | currentImeInputInvalid: boolean;
110 | prevMinProp?: number;
111 | prevMaxProp?: number;
112 | shouldSelectAfterUpdate: boolean;
113 | stepMaxPrecision: number;
114 | value: string;
115 | }
116 | /**
117 | * Numeric input component.
118 | *
119 | * @see https://blueprintjs.com/docs/#core/components/numeric-input
120 | */
121 | export declare class NumericInput extends AbstractPureComponent<HTMLInputProps & NumericInputProps, NumericInputState> {
122 | static displayName: string;
123 | static VALUE_EMPTY: string;
124 | static VALUE_ZERO: string;
125 | private numericInputId;
126 | static defaultProps: NumericInputProps;
127 | static getDerivedStateFromProps(props: NumericInputProps, state: NumericInputState): {
128 | stepMaxPrecision: number;
129 | value: string;
130 | prevMaxProp: number | undefined;
131 | prevMinProp: number | undefined;
132 | };
133 | private static CONTINUOUS_CHANGE_DELAY;
134 | private static CONTINUOUS_CHANGE_INTERVAL;
135 | private static getStepMaxPrecision;
136 | private static roundAndClampValue;
137 | state: NumericInputState;
138 | private didPasteEventJustOccur;
139 | private delta;
140 | inputElement: HTMLInputElement | null;
141 | private inputRef;
142 | private intervalId?;
143 | private incrementButtonHandlers;
144 | private decrementButtonHandlers;
145 | private getCurrentValueAsNumber;
146 | render(): React.JSX.Element;
147 | componentDidUpdate(prevProps: NumericInputProps, prevState: NumericInputState): void;
148 | protected validateProps(nextProps: HTMLInputProps & NumericInputProps): void;
149 | private renderButtons;
150 | private renderInput;
151 | private getButtonEventHandlers;
152 | private handleButtonClick;
153 | private startContinuousChange;
154 | private stopContinuousChange;
155 | private handleContinuousChange;
156 | private handleInputFocus;
157 | private handleInputBlur;
158 | private handleInputKeyDown;
159 | private handleCompositionEnd;
160 | private handleCompositionUpdate;
161 | private handleInputKeyPress;
162 | private handleInputPaste;
163 | private handleInputChange;
164 | private handleNextValue;
165 | private incrementValue;
166 | private getIncrementDelta;
167 | private roundAndClampValue;
168 | private updateDelta;
169 | }