3.1 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1import * as React from "react";
2import { type DefaultSVGIconProps, type IconName, IconSize, type SVGIconProps } from "@blueprintjs/icons";
3import { type IntentProps, type MaybeElement, type Props } from "../../common";
4export { type IconName, IconSize };
5export interface IconOwnProps {
6 /**
7 * Whether the component should automatically load icon contents using an async import.
8 *
9 * @default true
10 */
11 autoLoad?: boolean;
12 /**
13 * Name of a Blueprint UI icon, or an icon element, to render. This prop is
14 * required because it determines the content of the component, but it can
15 * be explicitly set to falsy values to render nothing.
16 *
17 * - If `null` or `undefined` or `false`, this component will render nothing.
18 * - If given an `IconName` (a string literal union of all icon names), that
19 * icon will be rendered as an `<svg>` with `<path>` tags. Unknown strings
20 * will render a blank icon to occupy space.
21 * - If given a `React.JSX.Element`, that element will be rendered and _all other
22 * props on this component are ignored._ This type is supported to
23 * simplify icon support in other Blueprint components. As a consumer, you
24 * should avoid using `<Icon icon={<Element />}` directly; simply render
25 * `<Element />` instead.
26 */
27 icon: IconName | MaybeElement;
28 /**
29 * Alias for `size` prop. Kept around for backwards-compatibility with Blueprint v4.x,
30 * will be removed in v6.0.
31 *
32 * @deprecated use `size` prop instead
33 */
34 iconSize?: number;
35 /** Props to apply to the `SVG` element */
36 svgProps?: React.HTMLAttributes<SVGElement>;
39 * Generic interface for the `<Icon>` component which may be parameterized by its root element type.
40 *
41 * @see https://blueprintjs.com/docs/#core/components/icon.dom-attributes
42 */
43export type IconProps<T extends Element = Element> = IntentProps & Props & SVGIconProps<T> & IconOwnProps;
45 * The default `<Icon>` props interface, equivalent to `IconProps` with its default type parameter.
46 * This is primarly exported for documentation purposes; users should reference `IconProps<T>` instead.
47 */
48export interface DefaultIconProps extends IntentProps, Props, DefaultSVGIconProps, IconOwnProps {
51 * Generic icon component type. This is essentially a type hack required to make forwardRef work with generic
52 * components. Note that this slows down TypeScript compilation, but it better than the alternative of globally
53 * augmenting "@types/react".
54 *
55 * @see https://stackoverflow.com/a/73795494/7406866
56 */
57export interface IconComponent extends React.FC<IconProps<Element>> {
58 /**
59 * ReturnType here preserves type compatability with React 16 while we migrate to React 18.
60 * see: https://github.com/palantir/blueprint/pull/7142/files#r1915691062
61 */
62 <T extends Element = Element>(props: IconProps<T>): ReturnType<React.FC<IconProps<Element>>> | null;
65 * Icon component.
66 *
67 * @see https://blueprintjs.com/docs/#core/components/icon
68 */
69export declare const Icon: IconComponent;