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1import * as React from "react";
2import type { OverlayProps } from "../overlay/overlayProps";
3import type { OverlayInstance } from "./overlayInstance";
4export interface Overlay2Props extends OverlayProps, React.RefAttributes<OverlayInstance> {
5 /**
6 * If you provide a single child element to Overlay2 and attach your own `ref` to the node, you must pass the
7 * same value here (otherwise, Overlay2 won't be able to render CSSTransition correctly).
8 *
9 * Mutually exclusive with the `childRefs` prop. This prop is a shorthand for `childRefs={{ [key: string]: ref }}`.
10 */
11 childRef?: React.RefObject<HTMLElement>;
12 /**
13 * If you provide a _multiple child elements_ to Overlay2, you must enumerate and generate a
14 * collection of DOM refs to those elements and provide it here. The object's keys must correspond to the child
15 * React element `key` values.
16 *
17 * Mutually exclusive with the `childRef` prop. If you only provide a single child element, consider using
18 * `childRef` instead.
19 */
20 childRefs?: Record<string, React.RefObject<HTMLElement>>;
22export declare const OVERLAY2_DEFAULT_PROPS: {
23 autoFocus: boolean;
24 backdropProps: {};
25 canEscapeKeyClose: boolean;
26 canOutsideClickClose: boolean;
27 enforceFocus: boolean;
28 hasBackdrop: boolean;
29 isOpen: boolean;
30 lazy: boolean;
31 shouldReturnFocusOnClose: boolean;
32 transitionDuration: number;
33 transitionName: string;
34 usePortal: boolean;
37 * Overlay2 component.
38 *
39 * @see https://blueprintjs.com/docs/#core/components/overlay2
40 */
41export declare const Overlay2: React.ForwardRefExoticComponent<Omit<Overlay2Props, "ref"> & React.RefAttributes<OverlayInstance>>;