1.34 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1/// <reference types="react" />
2import type { OverlayProps } from "../overlay/overlayProps";
4 * Public instance properties & methods for an overlay in the current overlay stack.
5 */
6export interface OverlayInstance {
7 /**
8 * Bring document focus inside this overlay element.
9 * This should be defined if `props.enforceFocus={true}` or `props.autoFocus={true}`.
10 */
11 bringFocusInsideOverlay?: () => void;
12 /** Reference to the overlay container element which may or may not be in a Portal. */
13 containerElement: React.RefObject<HTMLDivElement>;
14 /**
15 * Document "focus" event handler which needs to be attached & detached appropriately.
16 * This should be defined if `props.enforceFocus={true}`.
17 */
18 handleDocumentFocus?: (e: FocusEvent) => void;
19 /**
20 * Document "mousedown" event handler which needs to be attached & detached appropriately.
21 * This should be defined if `props.canOutsideClickClose={true}` and `props.hasBackdrop={false}`.
22 */
23 handleDocumentMousedown?: (e: MouseEvent) => void;
24 /** Unique ID for this overlay which helps to identify it across prop changes. */
25 id: string;
26 /** Subset of props necessary for some overlay stack focus management logic. */
27 props: Pick<OverlayProps, "autoFocus" | "enforceFocus" | "usePortal" | "hasBackdrop">;