1 | import * as React from "react";
2 | import { type IconName } from "@blueprintjs/icons";
3 | import { Elevation } from "../../common";
4 | import { type HTMLDivProps, type MaybeElement, type Props } from "../../common/props";
5 | import { type CollapseProps } from "../collapse/collapse";
6 | /**
7 | * Subset of {@link Elevation} options which are visually supported by the {@link Section} component.
8 | *
9 | * Note that an elevation greater than 1 creates too much visual clutter/noise in the UI, especially when
10 | * multiple Sections are shown on a single page.
11 | */
12 | export type SectionElevation = typeof Elevation.ZERO | typeof Elevation.ONE;
13 | export interface SectionCollapseProps extends Pick<CollapseProps, "className" | "isOpen" | "keepChildrenMounted" | "transitionDuration"> {
14 | /**
15 | * Whether the component is initially open or closed.
16 | *
17 | * This prop has no effect if `collapsible={false}` or the component is in controlled mode,
18 | * i.e. when `isOpen` is **not** `undefined`.
19 | *
20 | * @default true
21 | */
22 | defaultIsOpen?: boolean;
23 | /**
24 | * Whether the component is open or closed.
25 | *
26 | * Passing a boolean value to `isOpen` will enabled controlled mode for the component.
27 | */
28 | isOpen?: boolean;
29 | /**
30 | * Callback invoked in controlled mode when the collapse toggle element is clicked.
31 | */
32 | onToggle?: () => void;
33 | }
34 | export interface SectionProps extends Props, Omit<HTMLDivProps, "title">, React.RefAttributes<HTMLDivElement> {
35 | /**
36 | * Whether this section's contents should be collapsible.
37 | *
38 | * @default false
39 | */
40 | collapsible?: boolean;
41 | /**
42 | * Subset of props to forward to the underlying {@link Collapse} component, with the addition of a
43 | * `defaultIsOpen` option which sets the default open state of the component when in uncontrolled mode.
44 | */
45 | collapseProps?: SectionCollapseProps;
46 | /**
47 | * Whether this section should use compact styles.
48 | *
49 | * @default false
50 | */
51 | compact?: boolean;
52 | /**
53 | * Visual elevation of this container element.
54 | *
55 | * @default Elevation.ZERO
56 | */
57 | elevation?: SectionElevation;
58 | /**
59 | * Name of a Blueprint UI icon (or an icon element) to render in the section's header.
60 | * Note that the header will only be rendered if `title` is provided.
61 | */
62 | icon?: IconName | MaybeElement;
63 | /**
64 | * Element to render on the right side of the section header.
65 | * Note that the header will only be rendered if `title` is provided.
66 | */
67 | rightElement?: React.JSX.Element;
68 | /**
69 | * Sub-title of the section.
70 | * Note that the header will only be rendered if `title` is provided.
71 | */
72 | subtitle?: React.JSX.Element | string;
73 | /**
74 | * Title of the section.
75 | * Note that the header will only be rendered if `title` is provided.
76 | */
77 | title?: React.JSX.Element | string;
78 | /**
79 | * Optional title renderer function. If provided, it is recommended to include a Blueprint `<H6>` element
80 | * as part of the title. The render function is supplied with `className` and `id` attributes which you must
81 | * forward to the DOM. The `title` prop is also passed along to this renderer via `props.children`.
82 | *
83 | * @default H6
84 | */
85 | titleRenderer?: React.FC<React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>>;
86 | }
87 | /**
88 | * Section component.
89 | *
90 | * @see https://blueprintjs.com/docs/#core/components/section
91 | */
92 | export declare const Section: React.FC<SectionProps>;