1 | import * as React from "react";
2 | import { type IntentProps, type Props } from "../../common/props";
3 | export declare enum SpinnerSize {
4 | SMALL = 20,
5 | STANDARD = 50,
6 | LARGE = 100
7 | }
8 | export interface SpinnerProps<T extends HTMLElement = HTMLElement> extends Props, IntentProps, React.HTMLAttributes<T> {
9 | /**
10 | * Width and height of the spinner in pixels. The size cannot be less than
11 | * 10px.
12 | *
13 | * Constants are available for common sizes:
14 | * - `SpinnerSize.SMALL = 20px`
15 | * - `SpinnerSize.STANDARD = 50px`
16 | * - `SpinnerSize.LARGE = 100px`
17 | *
18 | * @default SpinnerSize.STANDARD = 50
19 | */
20 | size?: number;
21 | /**
22 | * HTML tag for the two wrapper elements. If rendering a `<Spinner>` inside
23 | * an `<svg>`, change this to an SVG element like `"g"`.
24 | *
25 | * @default "div"
26 | */
27 | tagName?: keyof React.JSX.IntrinsicElements;
28 | /**
29 | * A value between 0 and 1 (inclusive) representing how far along the operation is.
30 | * Values below 0 or above 1 will be interpreted as 0 or 1 respectively.
31 | * Omitting this prop will result in an "indeterminate" spinner where the head spins indefinitely.
32 | */
33 | value?: number;
34 | }
35 | /**
36 | * Spinner component.
37 | *
38 | * @see https://blueprintjs.com/docs/#core/components/spinner
39 | */
40 | export declare const Spinner: React.FC<SpinnerProps>;