1 | import * as React from "react";
2 | import { AbstractPureComponent } from "../../common";
3 | import { Props } from "../../common/props";
4 | export interface DialogFooterProps extends Props {
5 | /** Child contents are rendered on the left side of the footer. */
6 | children?: React.ReactNode;
7 | /** Dialog actions (typically buttons) are rendered on the right side of the footer. */
8 | actions?: React.ReactNode;
9 | /**
10 | * Use a "minimal" appearance for the footer, simply applying an HTML role and
11 | * some visual padding. This is useful for small dialogs, and should not be used
12 | * with `<DialogBody useOverflowScrollContainer>`.
13 | *
14 | * Note that this is the default behavior when using the CSS API, since that's
15 | * how the `-dialog-footer` class was first introduced, so these styles are
16 | * applied without a "modifier" class.
17 | *
18 | * When using the JS component API, `minimal` is false by default.
19 | *
20 | * Show the footer close from the content.
21 | * Do not use with scroll body
22 | * Use for small dialogs (confirm)
23 | *
24 | * @default false;
25 | */
26 | minimal?: boolean;
27 | }
28 | /**
29 | * Dialog footer component.
30 | *
31 | * @see https://blueprintjs.com/docs/#core/components/dialog.dialog-footer-props
32 | */
33 | export declare class DialogFooter extends AbstractPureComponent<DialogFooterProps> {
34 | static defaultProps: DialogFooterProps;
35 | render(): JSX.Element;
36 | /** Render the main footer section (left aligned). */
37 | private renderMainSection;
38 | /** Optionally render the footer actions (right aligned). */
39 | private maybeRenderActionsSection;
40 | }