16.7 kBJavaScriptView Raw
2 * Copyright 2018 Palantir Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved.
3 *
4 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 *
8 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9 *
10 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14 * limitations under the License.
15 */
16import { __assign, __extends } from "tslib";
17import classNames from "classnames";
18import * as React from "react";
19import { AbstractPureComponent, Classes, DISPLAYNAME_PREFIX, Intent, Utils } from "../../common";
20import * as Errors from "../../common/errors";
21import { Handle } from "./handle";
22import { HandleInteractionKind, HandleType } from "./handleProps";
23import { argMin, fillValues, formatPercentage } from "./sliderUtils";
25 * SFC used to pass slider handle props to a `MultiSlider`.
26 * This element is not rendered directly.
27 */
28var MultiSliderHandle = function () { return null; };
29MultiSliderHandle.displayName = "".concat(DISPLAYNAME_PREFIX, ".MultiSliderHandle");
31 * Multi slider component.
32 *
33 * @see https://blueprintjs.com/docs/#core/components/sliders.multi-slider
34 */
35var MultiSlider = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
36 __extends(MultiSlider, _super);
37 function MultiSlider() {
38 var _this = _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;
39 _this.state = {
40 labelPrecision: getLabelPrecision(_this.props),
41 tickSize: 0,
42 tickSizeRatio: 0,
43 };
44 _this.handleElements = [];
45 _this.trackElement = null;
46 _this.addHandleRef = function (ref) {
47 if (ref != null) {
48 _this.handleElements.push(ref);
49 }
50 };
51 _this.maybeHandleTrackClick = function (event) {
52 if (_this.canHandleTrackEvent(event)) {
53 var foundHandle = _this.nearestHandleForValue(_this.handleElements, function (handle) {
54 return handle.mouseEventClientOffset(event);
55 });
56 if (foundHandle) {
57 foundHandle.beginHandleMovement(event);
58 }
59 }
60 };
61 _this.maybeHandleTrackTouch = function (event) {
62 if (_this.canHandleTrackEvent(event)) {
63 var foundHandle = _this.nearestHandleForValue(_this.handleElements, function (handle) {
64 return handle.touchEventClientOffset(event);
65 });
66 if (foundHandle) {
67 foundHandle.beginHandleTouchMovement(event);
68 }
69 }
70 };
71 _this.canHandleTrackEvent = function (event) {
72 var target = event.target;
73 // ensure event does not come from inside the handle
74 return !_this.props.disabled && target.closest(".".concat(Classes.SLIDER_HANDLE)) == null;
75 };
76 _this.getHandlerForIndex = function (index, callback) {
77 return function (newValue) {
78 callback === null || callback === void 0 ? void 0 : callback(_this.getNewHandleValues(newValue, index));
79 };
80 };
81 _this.handleChange = function (newValues) {
82 var _a, _b;
83 var handleProps = getSortedInteractiveHandleProps(_this.props);
84 var oldValues = handleProps.map(function (handle) { return handle.value; });
85 if (!Utils.arraysEqual(newValues, oldValues)) {
86 (_b = (_a = _this.props).onChange) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.call(_a, newValues);
87 handleProps.forEach(function (handle, index) {
88 var _a;
89 if (oldValues[index] !== newValues[index]) {
90 (_a = handle.onChange) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(handle, newValues[index]);
91 }
92 });
93 }
94 };
95 _this.handleRelease = function (newValues) {
96 var _a, _b;
97 var handleProps = getSortedInteractiveHandleProps(_this.props);
98 (_b = (_a = _this.props).onRelease) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.call(_a, newValues);
99 handleProps.forEach(function (handle, index) {
100 var _a;
101 (_a = handle.onRelease) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(handle, newValues[index]);
102 });
103 };
104 return _this;
105 }
106 MultiSlider.getDerivedStateFromProps = function (props) {
107 return { labelPrecision: MultiSlider.getLabelPrecision(props) };
108 };
109 MultiSlider.getLabelPrecision = function (_a) {
110 var labelPrecision = _a.labelPrecision, stepSize = _a.stepSize;
111 // infer default label precision from stepSize because that's how much the handle moves.
112 return labelPrecision == null ? Utils.countDecimalPlaces(stepSize) : labelPrecision;
113 };
114 MultiSlider.prototype.getSnapshotBeforeUpdate = function (prevProps) {
115 var prevHandleProps = getSortedInteractiveHandleProps(prevProps);
116 var newHandleProps = getSortedInteractiveHandleProps(this.props);
117 if (newHandleProps.length !== prevHandleProps.length) {
118 // clear refs
119 this.handleElements = [];
120 }
121 return null;
122 };
123 MultiSlider.prototype.render = function () {
124 var _a;
125 var _this = this;
126 var classes = classNames(Classes.SLIDER, (_a = {},
127 _a[Classes.DISABLED] = this.props.disabled,
128 _a["".concat(Classes.SLIDER, "-unlabeled")] = this.props.labelRenderer === false,
129 _a[Classes.VERTICAL] = this.props.vertical,
130 _a), this.props.className);
131 return (React.createElement("div", { className: classes, onMouseDown: this.maybeHandleTrackClick, onTouchStart: this.maybeHandleTrackTouch },
132 React.createElement("div", { className: Classes.SLIDER_TRACK, ref: function (ref) { return (_this.trackElement = ref); } }, this.renderTracks()),
133 React.createElement("div", { className: Classes.SLIDER_AXIS }, this.renderLabels()),
134 this.renderHandles()));
135 };
136 MultiSlider.prototype.componentDidMount = function () {
137 this.updateTickSize();
138 };
139 MultiSlider.prototype.componentDidUpdate = function (prevProps, prevState) {
140 _super.prototype.componentDidUpdate.call(this, prevProps, prevState);
141 this.updateTickSize();
142 };
143 MultiSlider.prototype.validateProps = function (props) {
144 if (props.stepSize <= 0) {
145 throw new Error(Errors.SLIDER_ZERO_STEP);
146 }
147 if (props.labelStepSize !== undefined && props.labelValues !== undefined) {
149 }
150 if (props.labelStepSize !== undefined && props.labelStepSize <= 0) {
151 throw new Error(Errors.SLIDER_ZERO_LABEL_STEP);
152 }
153 if (props.min !== undefined && !isFinite(props.min)) {
154 throw new Error(Errors.SLIDER_MIN);
155 }
156 if (props.max !== undefined && !isFinite(props.max)) {
157 throw new Error(Errors.SLIDER_MAX);
158 }
159 var anyInvalidChildren = false;
160 React.Children.forEach(props.children, function (child) {
161 // allow boolean coercion to omit nulls and false values
162 if (child && !Utils.isElementOfType(child, MultiSlider.Handle)) {
163 anyInvalidChildren = true;
164 }
165 });
166 if (anyInvalidChildren) {
167 throw new Error(Errors.MULTISLIDER_INVALID_CHILD);
168 }
169 };
170 MultiSlider.prototype.formatLabel = function (value, isHandleTooltip) {
171 if (isHandleTooltip === void 0) { isHandleTooltip = false; }
172 var labelRenderer = this.props.labelRenderer;
173 if (labelRenderer === false) {
174 return undefined;
175 }
176 else if (Utils.isFunction(labelRenderer)) {
177 return labelRenderer(value, { isHandleTooltip: isHandleTooltip });
178 }
179 else {
180 return value.toFixed(this.state.labelPrecision);
181 }
182 };
183 MultiSlider.prototype.renderLabels = function () {
184 var _this = this;
185 if (this.props.labelRenderer === false) {
186 return null;
187 }
188 var values = this.getLabelValues();
189 var _a = this.props, max = _a.max, min = _a.min;
190 var labels = values.map(function (step, i) {
191 var offsetPercentage = formatPercentage((step - min) / (max - min));
192 var style = _this.props.vertical ? { bottom: offsetPercentage } : { left: offsetPercentage };
193 return (React.createElement("div", { className: Classes.SLIDER_LABEL, key: i, style: style }, _this.formatLabel(step)));
194 });
195 return labels;
196 };
197 MultiSlider.prototype.renderTracks = function () {
198 var trackStops = getSortedHandleProps(this.props);
199 trackStops.push({ value: this.props.max });
200 // render from current to previous, then increment previous
201 var previous = { value: this.props.min };
202 var handles = [];
203 for (var index = 0; index < trackStops.length; index++) {
204 var current = trackStops[index];
205 handles.push(this.renderTrackFill(index, previous, current));
206 previous = current;
207 }
208 return handles;
209 };
210 MultiSlider.prototype.renderTrackFill = function (index, start, end) {
211 // ensure startRatio <= endRatio
212 var _a = [this.getOffsetRatio(start.value), this.getOffsetRatio(end.value)].sort(function (left, right) { return left - right; }), startRatio = _a[0], endRatio = _a[1];
213 var startOffset = formatPercentage(startRatio);
214 var endOffset = formatPercentage(1 - endRatio);
215 var orientationStyle = this.props.vertical
216 ? { bottom: startOffset, top: endOffset, left: 0 }
217 : { left: startOffset, right: endOffset, top: 0 };
218 var style = __assign(__assign({}, orientationStyle), (start.trackStyleAfter || end.trackStyleBefore || {}));
219 var classes = classNames(Classes.SLIDER_PROGRESS, Classes.intentClass(this.getTrackIntent(start, end)));
220 return React.createElement("div", { key: "track-".concat(index), className: classes, style: style });
221 };
222 MultiSlider.prototype.renderHandles = function () {
223 var _this = this;
224 var _a = this.props, disabled = _a.disabled, max = _a.max, min = _a.min, stepSize = _a.stepSize, vertical = _a.vertical;
225 var handleProps = getSortedInteractiveHandleProps(this.props);
226 if (handleProps.length === 0) {
227 return null;
228 }
229 return handleProps.map(function (_a, index) {
230 var _b;
231 var value = _a.value, type = _a.type, className = _a.className, htmlProps = _a.htmlProps;
232 return (React.createElement(Handle, { htmlProps: htmlProps, className: classNames((_b = {},
233 _b[Classes.START] = type === HandleType.START,
234 _b[Classes.END] = type === HandleType.END,
235 _b), className), disabled: disabled, key: "".concat(index, "-").concat(handleProps.length), label: _this.formatLabel(value, true), max: max, min: min, onChange: _this.getHandlerForIndex(index, _this.handleChange), onRelease: _this.getHandlerForIndex(index, _this.handleRelease), ref: _this.addHandleRef, stepSize: stepSize, tickSize: _this.state.tickSize, tickSizeRatio: _this.state.tickSizeRatio, value: value, vertical: vertical }));
236 });
237 };
238 MultiSlider.prototype.nearestHandleForValue = function (handles, getOffset) {
239 return argMin(handles, function (handle) {
240 var offset = getOffset(handle);
241 var offsetValue = handle.clientToValue(offset);
242 var handleValue = handle.props.value;
243 return Math.abs(offsetValue - handleValue);
244 });
245 };
246 MultiSlider.prototype.getNewHandleValues = function (newValue, oldIndex) {
247 var handleProps = getSortedInteractiveHandleProps(this.props);
248 var oldValues = handleProps.map(function (handle) { return handle.value; });
249 var newValues = oldValues.slice();
250 newValues[oldIndex] = newValue;
251 newValues.sort(function (left, right) { return left - right; });
252 var newIndex = newValues.indexOf(newValue);
253 var lockIndex = this.findFirstLockedHandleIndex(oldIndex, newIndex);
254 if (lockIndex === -1) {
255 fillValues(newValues, oldIndex, newIndex, newValue);
256 }
257 else {
258 // If pushing past a locked handle, discard the new value and only make the updates to clamp values against the lock.
259 var lockValue = oldValues[lockIndex];
260 fillValues(oldValues, oldIndex, lockIndex, lockValue);
261 return oldValues;
262 }
263 return newValues;
264 };
265 MultiSlider.prototype.findFirstLockedHandleIndex = function (startIndex, endIndex) {
266 var inc = startIndex < endIndex ? 1 : -1;
267 var handleProps = getSortedInteractiveHandleProps(this.props);
268 for (var index = startIndex + inc; index !== endIndex + inc; index += inc) {
269 if (handleProps[index].interactionKind !== HandleInteractionKind.PUSH) {
270 return index;
271 }
272 }
273 return -1;
274 };
275 MultiSlider.prototype.getLabelValues = function () {
276 var _a = this.props, labelStepSize = _a.labelStepSize, labelValues = _a.labelValues, min = _a.min, max = _a.max;
277 var values = [];
278 if (labelValues !== undefined) {
279 values = labelValues.slice();
280 }
281 else {
282 for (var i = min; i < max || Utils.approxEqual(i, max); i += labelStepSize !== null && labelStepSize !== void 0 ? labelStepSize : 1) {
283 values.push(i);
284 }
285 }
286 return values;
287 };
288 MultiSlider.prototype.getOffsetRatio = function (value) {
289 return Utils.clamp((value - this.props.min) * this.state.tickSizeRatio, 0, 1);
290 };
291 MultiSlider.prototype.getTrackIntent = function (start, end) {
292 if (!this.props.showTrackFill) {
293 return Intent.NONE;
294 }
295 if (start.intentAfter !== undefined) {
296 return start.intentAfter;
297 }
298 else if (end !== undefined && end.intentBefore !== undefined) {
299 return end.intentBefore;
300 }
301 return this.props.defaultTrackIntent;
302 };
303 MultiSlider.prototype.updateTickSize = function () {
304 if (this.trackElement != null) {
305 var trackSize = this.props.vertical ? this.trackElement.clientHeight : this.trackElement.clientWidth;
306 var tickSizeRatio = 1 / (this.props.max - this.props.min);
307 var tickSize = trackSize * tickSizeRatio;
308 this.setState({ tickSize: tickSize, tickSizeRatio: tickSizeRatio });
309 }
310 };
311 MultiSlider.defaultSliderProps = {
312 disabled: false,
313 max: 10,
314 min: 0,
315 showTrackFill: true,
316 stepSize: 1,
317 vertical: false,
318 };
319 MultiSlider.defaultProps = __assign(__assign({}, MultiSlider.defaultSliderProps), { defaultTrackIntent: Intent.NONE });
320 MultiSlider.displayName = "".concat(DISPLAYNAME_PREFIX, ".MultiSlider");
321 MultiSlider.Handle = MultiSliderHandle;
322 return MultiSlider;
324export { MultiSlider };
325function getLabelPrecision(_a) {
326 var labelPrecision = _a.labelPrecision, _b = _a.stepSize, stepSize = _b === void 0 ? MultiSlider.defaultSliderProps.stepSize : _b;
327 // infer default label precision from stepSize because that's how much the handle moves.
328 return labelPrecision == null ? Utils.countDecimalPlaces(stepSize) : labelPrecision;
330function getSortedInteractiveHandleProps(props) {
331 return getSortedHandleProps(props, function (childProps) { return childProps.interactionKind !== HandleInteractionKind.NONE; });
333function getSortedHandleProps(_a, predicate) {
334 var children = _a.children;
335 if (predicate === void 0) { predicate = function () { return true; }; }
336 var maybeHandles = React.Children.map(children, function (child) {
337 return Utils.isElementOfType(child, MultiSlider.Handle) && predicate(child.props) ? child.props : null;
338 });
339 var handles = maybeHandles != null ? maybeHandles : [];
340 handles = handles.filter(function (handle) { return handle !== null; });
341 handles.sort(function (left, right) { return left.value - right.value; });
342 return handles;
344//# sourceMappingURL=multiSlider.js.map
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