1 | <img height="204" src="https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/464822/20228152/d3f36dc2-a804-11e6-80ff-51ada2d13ea7.png">
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3 | # [Blueprint](http://blueprintjs.com/) Date & Time Components
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5 | Blueprint is a React UI toolkit for the web.
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7 | This package contains a collection of React components for working with dates and times.
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9 | [react-day-picker v7](https://react-day-picker-v7.netlify.app/) is a dependency of this package; we use it
10 | to render calendars.
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12 | ## Installation
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14 | ```
15 | npm install --save @blueprintjs/datetime
16 | ```
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18 | ### [Full Documentation](http://blueprintjs.com/docs) | [Source Code](https://github.com/palantir/blueprint)