6.91 kBTypeScriptView Raw
2 * @public
3 */
4export declare type ApplyHook = (opts: ApplyHookOptions) => any;
7 * @public
8 */
9declare interface ApplyHookOptions extends HookOptions {
10 args: any[];
13declare const ApplyPathKey: unique symbol;
16 * @public
17 */
18export declare type GetHook = (opts: GetHookOptions) => any;
21 * @public
22 */
23declare interface GetHookOptions extends HookOptions {
26declare interface HookOptions {
27 name: string;
28 continue: Symbol;
29 nodeName: string | undefined;
30 constructor: string | undefined;
31 instance: WorkerInstance;
32 window: Window;
35declare const InstanceDataKey: unique symbol;
37declare type InstanceId = string;
39declare const InstanceIdKey: unique symbol;
41declare const InstanceStateKey: unique symbol;
43declare const NamespaceKey: unique symbol;
46 * https://partytown.builder.io/configuration
47 *
48 * @public
49 */
50export declare interface PartytownConfig {
51 /**
52 * The `resolveUrl()` hook can be used to modify the URL about to be
53 * requested, which could be used to rewrite urls so they go through a proxy.
54 *
55 * https://partytown.builder.io/proxying-requests
56 *
57 * @param url - The URL to be resolved. This is a URL https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/URL, not a string.
58 * @param location - The current window location.
59 * @param type - The type of resource the url is being resolved for. For example, `fetch` is the value when resolving for `fetch()`, and `a` would be the value when resolving for an anchor element's `href`.
60 * @returns The returned value must be a URL interface, otherwise the default resolved URL is used.
61 */
62 resolveUrl?(url: URL, location: Location, type: ResolveUrlType): URL | undefined | null;
63 /**
64 * When set to `true`, Partytown scripts are not inlined and not minified.
65 *
66 * https://partytown.builder.io/debugging
67 */
68 debug?: boolean;
69 /**
70 * Many third-party scripts provide a global variable which user code calls
71 * in order to send data to the service. For example, Google Tag Manager uses
72 * a [Data Layer](https://developers.google.com/tag-manager/devguide) array,
73 * and by pushing data to the array, the data is then sent on to GTM. Because
74 * we're moving third-party scripts to a web worker, the main thread needs to
75 * know which variables to patch first, and when Partytown loads, it can then
76 * forward the event data on to the service.
77 *
78 * Below is an example of Google Tag Manager and Facebook Pixel:
79 *
80 * ```js
81 * ['dataLayer.push', 'fbq']
82 * ```
83 *
84 * https://partytown.builder.io/forwarding-events
85 */
86 forward?: PartytownForwardProperty[];
87 /**
88 * The css selector where the sandbox should be placed.
89 * Default: body
90 */
91 sandboxParent?: string;
92 mainWindowAccessors?: string[];
93 /**
94 * Rarely, a script will add a named function to the global scope with the
95 * intent that other scripts can call the named function (like Adobe Launch).
96 * Due to how Partytown scopes each script, these named functions do not get
97 * added to `window`. The `globalFns` config can be used to manually ensure
98 * each function is added to the global scope. Consider this an escape hatch
99 * when a third-party script rudely pollutes `window` with functions.
100 */
101 globalFns?: string[];
102 /**
103 * This array can be used to filter which script are executed via
104 * Partytown and which you would like to execute on the main thread.
105 *
106 * @example loadScriptsOnMainThread:['https://test.com/analytics.js', 'inline-script-id']
107 * // Loads the `https://test.com/analytics.js` script on the main thread
108 */
109 loadScriptsOnMainThread?: string[];
110 get?: GetHook;
111 set?: SetHook;
112 apply?: ApplyHook;
113 /**
114 * An absolute path to the root directory which Partytown library files
115 * can be found. The library path must start and end with a `/`.
116 * By default the files will load from the server's `/~partytown/` directory.
117 * Note that the library path must be on the same origin as the html document,
118 * and is also used as the `scope` of the Partytown service worker.
119 */
120 lib?: string;
121 /**
122 * Log method calls (debug mode required)
123 */
124 logCalls?: boolean;
125 /**
126 * Log getter calls (debug mode required)
127 */
128 logGetters?: boolean;
129 /**
130 * Log setter calls (debug mode required)
131 */
132 logSetters?: boolean;
133 /**
134 * Log Image() src requests (debug mode required)
135 */
136 logImageRequests?: boolean;
137 /**
138 * Log calls to main access, which also shows how many tasks were sent per message (debug mode required)
139 */
140 logMainAccess?: boolean;
141 /**
142 * Log script executions (debug mode required)
143 */
144 logScriptExecution?: boolean;
145 /**
146 * Log navigator.sendBeacon() requests (debug mode required)
147 */
148 logSendBeaconRequests?: boolean;
149 /**
150 * Log stack traces (debug mode required)
151 */
152 logStackTraces?: boolean;
153 /**
154 * Path to the service worker file. Defaults to `partytown-sw.js`.
155 */
156 swPath?: string;
160 * A foward property to patch on `window`. The foward config property is an string,
161 * representing the call to forward, such as `dataLayer.push` or `fbq`.
162 *
163 * https://partytown.builder.io/forwarding-events
164 *
165 * @public
166 */
167export declare type PartytownForwardProperty = string;
170 * Function that returns the Partytown snippet as a string, which can be
171 * used as the innerHTML of the inlined Partytown script in the head.
172 *
173 * @public
174 */
175export declare const partytownSnippet: (config?: PartytownConfig | undefined) => string;
178 * @public
179 */
180export declare type ResolveUrlType = 'fetch' | 'xhr' | 'script' | 'iframe' | 'image';
183 * The `type` attribute for Partytown scripts, which does two things:
184 *
185 * 1. Prevents the `<script>` from executing on the main thread.
186 * 2. Is used as a selector so the Partytown library can find all scripts to execute in a web worker.
187 *
188 * @public
189 */
190export declare const SCRIPT_TYPE = "text/partytown";
193 * @public
194 */
195export declare type SetHook = (opts: SetHookOptions) => any;
198 * @public
199 */
200declare interface SetHookOptions extends HookOptions {
201 value: any;
202 prevent: Symbol;
205declare type WinId = string;
207declare const WinIdKey: unique symbol;
209declare interface WorkerInstance {
210 [WinIdKey]: WinId;
211 [InstanceIdKey]: InstanceId;
212 [ApplyPathKey]: string[];
213 [InstanceDataKey]: string | undefined;
214 [NamespaceKey]: string | undefined;
215 [InstanceStateKey]: {
216 [key: string]: any;
217 };
220export { }