11.2 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1"use strict";
2Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
3const fs_1 = require("fs");
4const path_1 = require("path");
5const common_1 = require("./common");
6const definitions_1 = require("./definitions");
7let Package;
8let ExtConfig;
9class Config {
10 constructor(os, currentWorkingDir, cliBinDir) {
11 this.windows = {
12 androidStudioPath: 'C:\\Program Files\\Android\\Android Studio\\bin\\studio64.exe'
13 };
14 this.linux = {
15 androidStudioPath: '/usr/local/android-studio/bin/studio.sh'
16 };
17 this.electron = {
18 name: 'electron',
19 platformDir: '',
20 webDir: 'app',
21 webDirAbs: '',
22 assets: {
23 templateName: 'electron-template',
24 templateDir: ''
25 }
26 };
27 this.android = {
28 name: 'android',
29 minVersion: '21',
30 platformDir: '',
31 webDir: 'app/src/main/assets/public',
32 webDirAbs: '',
33 resDir: 'app/src/main/res',
34 resDirAbs: '',
35 assets: {
36 templateName: 'android-template',
37 pluginsFolderName: 'capacitor-cordova-android-plugins',
38 templateDir: '',
39 pluginsDir: '',
40 }
41 };
42 this.ios = {
43 name: 'ios',
44 minVersion: '11.0',
45 cordovaSwiftVersion: '5.0',
46 platformDir: '',
47 webDir: 'public',
48 webDirAbs: '',
49 nativeProjectName: 'App',
50 assets: {
51 templateName: 'ios-template',
52 pluginsFolderName: 'capacitor-cordova-ios-plugins',
53 templateDir: '',
54 pluginsDir: '',
55 }
56 };
57 this.web = {
58 name: 'web'
59 };
60 this.cli = {
61 binDir: '',
62 rootDir: '',
63 assetsName: 'assets',
64 assetsDir: '',
65 package: Package,
66 os: definitions_1.OS.Unknown,
67 npmClient: ''
68 };
69 this.app = {
70 rootDir: '',
71 appId: '',
72 appName: '',
73 webDir: 'www',
74 webDirAbs: '',
75 package: Package,
76 windowsAndroidStudioPath: 'C:\\Program Files\\Android\\Android Studio\\bin\\studio64.exe',
77 linuxAndroidStudioPath: '',
78 extConfigName: 'capacitor.config.json',
79 extConfigFilePath: '',
80 extConfig: ExtConfig,
81 bundledWebRuntime: false,
82 plugins: {},
83 assets: {
84 templateName: 'app-template',
85 templateDir: '',
86 pluginsTemplateDir: ''
87 },
88 server: {
89 cleartext: false
90 }
91 };
92 this.plugins = {
93 assets: {
94 templateName: 'plugin-template',
95 templateDir: ''
96 }
97 };
98 this.platforms = [];
99 this.initOS(os);
100 this.initCliConfig(cliBinDir);
101 this.setCurrentWorkingDir(currentWorkingDir);
102 }
103 initOS(os) {
104 switch (os) {
105 case 'darwin':
106 this.cli.os = definitions_1.OS.Mac;
107 break;
108 case 'win32':
109 this.cli.os = definitions_1.OS.Windows;
110 break;
111 case 'linux':
112 this.cli.os = definitions_1.OS.Linux;
113 break;
114 }
115 }
116 setCurrentWorkingDir(currentWorkingDir) {
117 try {
118 this.initAppConfig(path_1.resolve(currentWorkingDir));
119 this.initPluginsConfig();
120 this.loadExternalConfig();
121 this.mergeConfigData();
122 // Post-merge
123 this.initAndroidConfig();
124 this.initElectronConfig();
125 this.initIosConfig();
126 this.initWindowsConfig();
127 this.initLinuxConfig();
128 this.platforms.push(this.web.name);
129 }
130 catch (e) {
131 common_1.logFatal(`Unable to load config`, e);
132 }
133 }
134 initCliConfig(cliBinDir) {
135 this.cli.binDir = cliBinDir;
136 this.cli.rootDir = path_1.join(cliBinDir, '../');
137 this.cli.assetsDir = path_1.join(this.cli.rootDir, this.cli.assetsName);
138 this.cli.package = loadPackageJson(this.cli.rootDir);
139 }
140 initAppConfig(currentWorkingDir) {
141 this.app.rootDir = currentWorkingDir;
142 this.app.package = loadPackageJson(currentWorkingDir);
143 this.app.assets.templateDir = path_1.join(this.cli.assetsDir, this.app.assets.templateName);
144 }
145 async updateAppPackage() {
146 this.app.package = await common_1.readJSON(path_1.resolve(this.app.rootDir, 'package.json'));
147 }
148 initElectronConfig() {
149 this.platforms.push(this.electron.name);
150 this.electron.platformDir = path_1.resolve(this.app.rootDir, this.electron.name);
151 this.electron.assets.templateDir = path_1.resolve(this.cli.assetsDir, this.electron.assets.templateName);
152 this.electron.webDirAbs = path_1.resolve(this.electron.platformDir, this.electron.webDir);
153 }
154 initAndroidConfig() {
155 this.platforms.push(this.android.name);
156 this.android.platformDir = path_1.resolve(this.app.rootDir, this.android.name);
157 this.android.assets.templateDir = path_1.resolve(this.cli.assetsDir, this.android.assets.templateName);
158 this.android.assets.pluginsDir = path_1.resolve(this.cli.assetsDir, this.android.assets.pluginsFolderName);
159 this.android.webDirAbs = path_1.resolve(this.android.platformDir, this.android.webDir);
160 this.android.resDirAbs = path_1.resolve(this.android.platformDir, this.android.resDir);
161 }
162 initIosConfig() {
163 this.platforms.push(this.ios.name);
164 this.ios.platformDir = path_1.resolve(this.app.rootDir, this.ios.name);
165 this.ios.assets.templateDir = path_1.resolve(this.cli.assetsDir, this.ios.assets.templateName);
166 this.ios.assets.pluginsDir = path_1.resolve(this.cli.assetsDir, this.ios.assets.pluginsFolderName);
167 this.ios.webDirAbs = path_1.resolve(this.ios.platformDir, this.ios.nativeProjectName, this.ios.webDir);
168 if (this.app.extConfig && this.app.extConfig.ios && this.app.extConfig.ios.cordovaSwiftVersion) {
169 this.ios.cordovaSwiftVersion = this.app.extConfig.ios.cordovaSwiftVersion;
170 }
171 if (this.app.extConfig && this.app.extConfig.ios && this.app.extConfig.ios.minVersion) {
172 this.ios.minVersion = this.app.extConfig.ios.minVersion;
173 }
174 }
175 initWindowsConfig() {
176 if (this.cli.os !== definitions_1.OS.Windows) {
177 return;
178 }
179 this.windows.androidStudioPath = this.app.windowsAndroidStudioPath;
180 }
181 initLinuxConfig() {
182 if (this.app.linuxAndroidStudioPath) {
183 this.linux.androidStudioPath = this.app.linuxAndroidStudioPath;
184 }
185 }
186 initPluginsConfig() {
187 this.plugins.assets.templateDir = path_1.join(this.cli.assetsDir, this.plugins.assets.templateName);
188 }
189 mergeConfigData() {
190 const extConfig = this.app.extConfig || {};
191 Object.assign(this.app, extConfig);
192 // Build the absolute path to the web directory
193 this.app.webDirAbs = path_1.resolve(this.app.rootDir, this.app.webDir);
194 }
195 loadExternalConfig() {
196 this.app.extConfigFilePath = path_1.join(this.app.rootDir, this.app.extConfigName);
197 try {
198 const extConfigStr = fs_1.readFileSync(this.app.extConfigFilePath, 'utf8');
199 try {
200 // we've got an capacitor.json file, let's parse it
201 this.app.extConfig = JSON.parse(extConfigStr);
202 this.cli.npmClient = this.app.extConfig.npmClient || '';
203 }
204 catch (e) {
205 common_1.logFatal(`error parsing: ${path_1.basename(this.app.extConfigFilePath)}\n`, e);
206 }
207 }
208 catch (_a) {
209 // it's ok if there's no capacitor.json file
210 }
211 }
212 foundExternalConfig() {
213 return !!this.app.extConfig;
214 }
215 selectPlatforms(selectedPlatformName) {
216 if (selectedPlatformName) {
217 // already passed in a platform name
218 const platformName = selectedPlatformName.toLowerCase().trim();
219 if (!this.isValidPlatform(platformName)) {
220 common_1.logFatal(`Invalid platform: ${platformName}`);
221 }
222 else if (!this.platformDirExists(platformName)) {
223 this.platformNotCreatedError(platformName);
224 }
225 // return the platform in an string array
226 return [platformName];
227 }
228 // wasn't given a platform name, so let's
229 // get the platforms that have already been created
230 return this.getExistingPlatforms();
231 }
232 async askPlatform(selectedPlatformName, promptMessage) {
233 if (!selectedPlatformName) {
234 const inquirer = await Promise.resolve().then(() => require('inquirer'));
235 const answer = await inquirer.prompt({
236 type: 'list',
237 name: 'mode',
238 message: promptMessage,
239 choices: this.platforms
240 });
241 return answer.mode.toLowerCase().trim();
242 }
243 const platformName = selectedPlatformName.toLowerCase().trim();
244 if (!this.isValidPlatform(platformName)) {
245 common_1.logFatal(`Invalid platform: "${platformName}". Valid platforms include: ${this.platforms.join(', ')}`);
246 }
247 return platformName;
248 }
249 getExistingPlatforms() {
250 const platforms = [];
251 if (this.platformDirExists(this.android.name)) {
252 platforms.push(this.android.name);
253 }
254 if (this.platformDirExists(this.ios.name)) {
255 platforms.push(this.ios.name);
256 }
257 if (this.platformDirExists(this.electron.name)) {
258 platforms.push(this.electron.name);
259 }
260 platforms.push(this.web.name);
261 return platforms;
262 }
263 platformDirExists(platformName) {
264 let platformDir = null;
265 try {
266 let testDir = path_1.join(this.app.rootDir, platformName);
267 if (platformName === 'web') {
268 testDir = this.app.webDirAbs;
269 }
270 fs_1.accessSync(testDir);
271 platformDir = testDir;
272 }
273 catch (e) { }
274 return platformDir;
275 }
276 isValidPlatform(platform) {
277 return this.platforms.includes(platform);
278 }
279 platformNotCreatedError(platformName) {
280 const chalk = require('chalk');
281 if (platformName === 'web') {
282 common_1.logFatal(`Could not find the web platform directory. Make sure ${chalk.bold(this.app.webDir)} exists.`);
283 }
284 common_1.logFatal(`${chalk.bold(platformName)}" platform has not been created. Use "npx cap add ${platformName}" to add the platform project.`);
285 }
287exports.Config = Config;
288function loadPackageJson(dir) {
289 let p = null;
290 try {
291 p = require(path_1.join(dir, 'package.json'));
292 }
293 catch (e) { }
294 return p;