4.59 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1"use strict";
2Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
3const program = require("commander");
4const chalk_1 = require("chalk");
5const create_1 = require("./tasks/create");
6const init_1 = require("./tasks/init");
7const copy_1 = require("./tasks/copy");
8const list_1 = require("./tasks/list");
9const update_1 = require("./tasks/update");
10const open_1 = require("./tasks/open");
11const serve_1 = require("./tasks/serve");
12const sync_1 = require("./tasks/sync");
13const config_1 = require("./config");
14const add_1 = require("./tasks/add");
15const new_plugin_1 = require("./tasks/new-plugin");
16const doctor_1 = require("./tasks/doctor");
17const emoji_1 = require("./util/emoji");
18process.on('unhandledRejection', error => {
19 const chalk = require('chalk');
20 console.error(chalk.red('[fatal]'), error);
22function run(process, cliBinDir) {
23 const config = new config_1.Config(process.platform, process.cwd(), cliBinDir);
24 program
25 .version(config.cli.package.version);
26 program
27 .command('create [directory] [name] [id]')
28 .description('Creates a new Capacitor project')
29 .option('--npm-client [npmClient]', 'Optional: npm client to use for dependency installation')
30 .action((directory, name, id, { npmClient }) => {
31 return create_1.createCommand(config, directory, name, id, npmClient);
32 });
33 program
34 .command('init [appName] [appId]')
35 .description('Initializes a new Capacitor project in the current directory')
36 .option('--web-dir [value]', 'Optional: Directory of your projects built web assets', config.app.webDir ? config.app.webDir : 'www')
37 .option('--npm-client [npmClient]', 'Optional: npm client to use for dependency installation')
38 .action((appName, appId, { webDir, npmClient }) => {
39 return init_1.initCommand(config, appName, appId, webDir, npmClient);
40 });
41 program
42 .command('serve')
43 .description('Serves a Capacitor Progressive Web App in the browser')
44 .action(() => {
45 return serve_1.serveCommand(config);
46 });
47 program
48 .command('sync [platform]')
49 .description('copy + update')
50 .option('--deployment', 'Optional: if provided, Podfile.lock won\'t be deleted and pod install will use --deployment option')
51 .action((platform, { deployment }) => {
52 return sync_1.syncCommand(config, platform, deployment);
53 });
54 program
55 .command('update [platform]')
56 .description(`updates the native plugins and dependencies based in package.json`)
57 .option('--deployment', 'Optional: if provided, Podfile.lock won\'t be deleted and pod install will use --deployment option')
58 .action((platform, { deployment }) => {
59 return update_1.updateCommand(config, platform, deployment);
60 });
61 program
62 .command('copy [platform]')
63 .description('copies the web app build into the native app')
64 .action(platform => {
65 return copy_1.copyCommand(config, platform);
66 });
67 program
68 .command('open [platform]')
69 .description('opens the native project workspace (xcode for iOS)')
70 .action(platform => {
71 return open_1.openCommand(config, platform);
72 });
73 program
74 .command('add [platform]')
75 .description('add a native platform project')
76 .action((platform) => {
77 return add_1.addCommand(config, platform);
78 });
79 program
80 .command('ls [platform]')
81 .description('list installed Cordova and Capacitor plugins')
82 .action(platform => {
83 return list_1.listCommand(config, platform);
84 });
85 program
86 .command('doctor [platform]')
87 .description('checks the current setup for common errors')
88 .action(platform => {
89 return doctor_1.doctorCommand(config, platform);
90 });
91 program
92 .command('plugin:generate')
93 .description('start a new Capacitor plugin')
94 .action(() => {
95 return new_plugin_1.newPluginCommand(config);
96 });
97 program
98 .arguments('<command>')
99 .action((cmd) => {
100 program.outputHelp();
101 console.log(` ` + chalk_1.default.red(`\n Unknown command ${chalk_1.default.yellow(cmd)}.`));
102 console.log();
103 });
104 program.parse(process.argv);
105 if (!program.args.length) {
106 console.log(`\n ${emoji_1.emoji('⚡️', '--')} ${chalk_1.default.bold('Capacitor - Cross-Platform apps with JavaScript and the Web')} ${emoji_1.emoji('⚡️', '--')}`);
107 program.help();
108 }
110exports.run = run;