886 BTypeScriptView Raw
1import type { WebPlugin } from './web-plugin';
2export declare const Capacitor: import("./definitions").CapacitorGlobal;
3export declare const registerPlugin: import("./definitions").RegisterPlugin;
5 * @deprecated Provided for backwards compatibility for Capacitor v2 plugins.
6 * Capacitor v3 plugins should import the plugin directly. This "Plugins"
7 * export is deprecated in v3, and will be removed in v4.
8 */
9export declare const Plugins: import(".").PluginRegistry;
11 * Provided for backwards compatibility. Use the registerPlugin() API
12 * instead, and provide the web plugin as the "web" implmenetation.
13 * For example
14 *
15 * export const Example = registerPlugin('Example', {
16 * web: () => import('./web').then(m => new m.Example())
17 * })
18 *
19 * @deprecated Deprecated in v3, will be removed from v4.
20 */
21export declare const registerWebPlugin: (plugin: WebPlugin) => void;