59.2 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1/// <reference types="node" />
2/// <reference lib="dom" />
3declare module "error/base" {
4 /**
5 * @packageDocumentation
6 * @internal
7 */
8 import { ErrorMetadata } from "types";
9 export class BaseError extends Error {
10 meta: ErrorMetadata;
11 constructor(message: string, meta?: ErrorMetadata);
12 }
14declare module "error/action" {
15 /**
16 * @packageDocumentation
17 * @internal
18 */
19 import { BaseError } from "error/base";
20 export class ActionError extends BaseError {
21 constructor(error: string | Error);
22 }
24declare module "logger/index" {
25 import type { Logger } from "types";
26 export let logger: Logger;
27 export function setLogger(loggerObj: Logger): void;
28 export function getLogger(): Logger;
29 export function createDefaultLogger(): Logger;
31declare module "error/fatal" {
32 import type { BaseError } from "error/base";
33 /**
34 * @param err - Error object
35 */
36 export function fatalError(error: BaseError): void;
38declare module "error/invalid-validator" {
39 /**
40 * @packageDocumentation
41 * @internal
42 */
43 import { BaseError } from "error/base";
44 import { Validator } from "types";
45 export class InvalidValidatorError extends BaseError {
46 constructor(validator: Validator);
47 }
49declare module "error/missing-argument" {
50 /**
51 * @packageDocumentation
52 * @internal
53 */
54 import { BaseError } from "error/base";
55 import { Command } from "command/index";
56 import { Argument } from "types";
57 export class MissingArgumentError extends BaseError {
58 constructor(argument: Argument, command: Command);
59 }
61declare module "error/missing-flag" {
62 /**
63 * @packageDocumentation
64 * @internal
65 */
66 import { BaseError } from "error/base";
67 import { Command } from "command/index";
68 import { Option } from "types";
69 export class MissingFlagError extends BaseError {
70 constructor(flag: Option, command: Command);
71 }
73declare module "utils/colorize" {
74 export function colorize(text: string): string;
76declare module "error/multi-validation" {
77 /**
78 * @packageDocumentation
79 * @internal
80 */
81 import { BaseError } from "error/base";
82 import type { Command } from "command/index";
83 export class ValidationSummaryError extends BaseError {
84 constructor(cmd: Command, errors: BaseError[]);
85 }
87declare module "error/no-action" {
88 /**
89 * @packageDocumentation
90 * @internal
91 */
92 import { BaseError } from "error/base";
93 import { Command } from "command/index";
94 export class NoActionError extends BaseError {
95 constructor(cmd?: Command);
96 }
98declare module "error/option-synopsis-syntax" {
99 /**
100 * @packageDocumentation
101 * @internal
102 */
103 import { BaseError } from "error/base";
104 export class OptionSynopsisSyntaxError extends BaseError {
105 constructor(synopsis: string);
106 }
108declare module "option/utils" {
109 import type { OptionSynopsis, ParserTypes } from "types";
110 export function getCleanNameFromNotation(str: string, camelCased?: boolean): string;
111 export function getDashedOpt(name: string): string;
112 export function isNumeric(n: string): boolean;
113 export function isOptionStr(str?: string): str is string;
114 export function isConcatenatedOpt(str: string): string[] | false;
115 export function isNegativeOpt(opt: string): boolean;
116 export function isOptArray(flag: ParserTypes | ParserTypes[]): flag is ParserTypes[];
117 export function formatOptName(name: string): string;
118 /**
119 * Parse a option synopsis
120 *
121 * @example
122 * parseSynopsis("-f, --file <path>")
123 * // Returns...
124 * {
125 * longName: 'file',
126 * longNotation: '--file',
127 * shortNotation: '-f',
128 * shortName: 'f'
129 * valueType: 0, // 0 = optional, 1 = required, 2 = no value
130 * variadic: false
131 * name: 'file'
132 * notation: '--file' // either the long or short notation
133 * }
134 *
135 * @param synopsis
136 * @ignore
137 */
138 export function parseOptionSynopsis(synopsis: string): OptionSynopsis;
140declare module "validator/utils" {
141 /**
142 * @packageDocumentation
143 * @internal
144 */
145 import type { Validator } from "types";
146 import { Argument, Option } from "types";
147 export function isCaporalValidator(validator: Validator | undefined): validator is number;
148 export function isNumericValidator(validator: Validator | undefined): boolean;
149 export function isStringValidator(validator: Validator | undefined): boolean;
150 export function isBoolValidator(validator: Validator | undefined): boolean;
151 export function isArrayValidator(validator: Validator | undefined): boolean;
152 export function checkValidator(validator: Validator | undefined): void;
153 export function getTypeHint(obj: Argument | Option): string | undefined;
155declare module "help/types" {
156 /**
157 * @packageDocumentation
158 * @module caporal/types
159 */
160 import { Command } from "command/index";
161 import { Program } from "program/index";
162 import chalk from "chalk";
163 import { colorize } from "utils/colorize";
164 import { buildTable } from "help/utils";
165 import type { GlobalOptions } from "types";
166 export interface CustomizedHelpOpts {
167 /**
168 * Name of the section to be added in help.
169 */
170 sectionName: string;
171 /**
172 * Enable or disable the automatic coloration of text.
173 */
174 colorize: boolean;
175 }
176 export interface CustomizedHelp {
177 /**
178 * Various display options.
179 */
180 options: CustomizedHelpOpts;
181 /**
182 * Help text. Padding of the text is automatically handled for you.
183 */
184 text: string;
185 }
186 export type CustomizedHelpMap = Map<Command | Program, CustomizedHelp[]>;
187 export interface Template {
188 (ctx: TemplateContext): Promise<string> | string;
189 }
190 export interface TemplateFunction {
191 (name: string, ctx: TemplateContext): Promise<string> | string;
192 }
193 export interface TemplateContext {
194 prog: Program;
195 cmd?: Command;
196 customHelp: CustomizedHelpMap;
197 globalOptions: GlobalOptions;
198 chalk: typeof chalk;
199 colorize: typeof colorize;
200 tpl: TemplateFunction;
201 table: typeof buildTable;
202 indent: (str: string) => string;
203 eol: string;
204 eol2: string;
205 eol3: string;
206 spaces: string;
207 }
209declare module "help/utils" {
210 import type { TemplateContext } from "help/types";
211 import type { Option, Argument } from "types";
212 import type { Command } from "command/index";
213 export function buildTable(data: string[][], options?: {}): string;
214 export function getDefaultValueHint(obj: Argument | Option): string | undefined;
215 export function getOptionsTable(options: Option[], ctx: TemplateContext, title?: string): string;
216 export function getArgumentsTable(args: Argument[], ctx: TemplateContext, title?: string): string;
217 export function getCommandsTable(commands: Command[], ctx: TemplateContext, title?: string): string;
219declare module "help/templates/command" {
220 /**
221 * @packageDocumentation
222 * @internal
223 */
224 import type { Template } from "help/types";
225 export const command: Template;
227declare module "help/templates/header" {
228 /**
229 * @packageDocumentation
230 * @internal
231 */
232 import type { Template } from "help/types";
233 export const header: Template;
235declare module "help/templates/program" {
236 /**
237 * @packageDocumentation
238 * @internal
239 */
240 import type { Template } from "help/types";
241 export const program: Template;
243declare module "help/templates/usage" {
244 /**
245 * @packageDocumentation
246 * @internal
247 */
248 import type { Template } from "help/types";
249 export const usage: Template;
251declare module "help/templates/custom" {
252 /**
253 * @packageDocumentation
254 * @internal
255 */
256 import type { Template } from "help/types";
257 export const custom: Template;
259declare module "help/templates/index" {
260 /**
261 * @packageDocumentation
262 * @internal
263 */
264 export * from "help/templates/command";
265 export * from "help/templates/header";
266 export * from "help/templates/program";
267 export * from "help/templates/usage";
268 export * from "help/templates/custom";
270declare module "help/index" {
271 /**
272 * @packageDocumentation
273 * @module caporal/help
274 */
275 import { Command } from "command/index";
276 import { Program } from "program/index";
277 import { CustomizedHelpOpts, TemplateContext, Template } from "help/types";
278 /**
279 * Customize the help
280 *
281 * @param obj
282 * @param text
283 * @param options
284 * @internal
285 */
286 export function customizeHelp(obj: Command | Program, text: string, options: Partial<CustomizedHelpOpts>): void;
287 /**
288 * Register a new help template
289 *
290 * @param name Template name
291 * @param template Template function
292 *
293 */
294 export function registerTemplate(name: string, template: Template): Map<string, Template>;
295 /**
296 * Helper to be used to call templates from within templates
297 *
298 * @param name Template name
299 * @param ctx Execution context
300 * @internal
301 */
302 export function tpl(name: string, ctx: TemplateContext): Promise<string>;
303 /**
304 * @internal
305 * @param program
306 * @param command
307 */
308 export function getContext(program: Program, command?: Command): TemplateContext;
309 /**
310 * Return the help text
311 *
312 * @param program Program instance
313 * @param command Command instance, if any
314 * @internal
315 */
316 export function getHelp(program: Program, command?: Command): Promise<string>;
318declare module "parser/index" {
319 import type { ParserOptions, ParserResult } from "types";
320 /**
321 * Parse a line
322 *
323 * @param line Line to be parsed
324 * @param options Parser options
325 * @internal
326 */
327 export function parseLine(line: string, options?: Partial<ParserOptions>): ParserResult;
328 /**
329 * Parse command line arguments
330 *
331 * @param options Parser options
332 * @param argv command line arguments array (a.k.a. "argv")
333 */
334 export function parseArgv(options?: Partial<ParserOptions>, argv?: string[]): ParserResult;
336declare module "validator/regexp" {
337 /**
338 * @packageDocumentation
339 * @internal
340 */
341 import type { ParserTypes, Argument, Option } from "types";
342 /**
343 * Validate using a RegExp
344 *
345 * @param validator
346 * @param value
347 * @ignore
348 */
349 export function validateWithRegExp(validator: RegExp, value: ParserTypes | ParserTypes[], context: Argument | Option): ParserTypes | ParserTypes[];
351declare module "validator/array" {
352 /**
353 * @packageDocumentation
354 * @internal
355 */
356 import type { ParserTypes, Argument, Option } from "types";
357 /**
358 * Validate using an array of valid values.
359 *
360 * @param validator
361 * @param value
362 * @ignore
363 */
364 export function validateWithArray(validator: ParserTypes[], value: ParserTypes | ParserTypes[], context: Argument | Option): ParserTypes | ParserTypes[];
366declare module "validator/function" {
367 /**
368 * @packageDocumentation
369 * @internal
370 */
371 import type { ParserTypes, FunctionValidator, Argument, Option } from "types";
372 export function validateWithFunction(validator: FunctionValidator, value: ParserTypes | ParserTypes[], context: Argument | Option): Promise<ParserTypes | ParserTypes[]>;
374declare module "validator/caporal" {
375 /**
376 * @packageDocumentation
377 * @internal
378 */
379 import type { ParserTypes, Argument, Option } from "types";
380 import { CaporalValidator } from "types";
381 export { CaporalValidator };
382 export function validateWithCaporal(validator: CaporalValidator, value: ParserTypes | ParserTypes[], context: Argument | Option, skipArrayValidation?: boolean): ParserTypes | ParserTypes[];
383 /**
384 * The string validator actually just cast the value to string
385 *
386 * @param value
387 * @ignore
388 */
389 export function validateBoolFlag(value: ParserTypes, context: Argument | Option): boolean;
390 export function validateNumericFlag(validator: number, value: ParserTypes, context: Argument | Option): number;
391 export function validateArrayFlag(validator: number, value: ParserTypes | ParserTypes[], context: Argument | Option): ParserTypes | ParserTypes[];
392 /**
393 * The string validator actually just cast the value to string
394 *
395 * @param value
396 * @ignore
397 */
398 export function validateStringFlag(value: ParserTypes | ParserTypes[]): string;
400declare module "validator/validate" {
401 /**
402 * @packageDocumentation
403 * @internal
404 */
405 import type { Validator, Promisable, ParsedOption, ParsedArgument, Argument, Option } from "types";
406 export function validate(value: ParsedOption | ParsedArgument, validator: Validator, context: Argument | Option): Promisable<ParsedOption | ParsedArgument>;
408declare module "argument/find" {
409 /**
410 * @packageDocumentation
411 * @internal
412 */
413 import type { Argument } from "types";
414 import type { Command } from "command/index";
415 export function findArgument(cmd: Command, name: string): Argument | undefined;
417declare module "argument/validate" {
418 import { BaseError } from "error/index";
419 import type { ArgumentsRange, ParsedArguments, ParsedArgumentsObject } from "types";
420 import type { Command } from "command/index";
421 /**
422 * Get the number of required argument for a given command
423 *
424 * @param cmd
425 */
426 export function getRequiredArgsCount(cmd: Command): number;
427 export function getArgsObjectFromArray(cmd: Command, args: ParsedArguments): ParsedArgumentsObject;
428 /**
429 * Check if the given command has at leat one variadic argument
430 *
431 * @param cmd
432 */
433 export function hasVariadicArgument(cmd: Command): boolean;
434 export function getArgsRange(cmd: Command): ArgumentsRange;
435 export function checkRequiredArgs(cmd: Command, args: ParsedArgumentsObject, parsedArgv: ParsedArguments): BaseError[];
436 export function removeCommandFromArgs(cmd: Command, args: ParsedArguments): ParsedArguments;
437 interface ArgsValidationResult {
438 args: ParsedArgumentsObject;
439 errors: BaseError[];
440 }
441 /**
442 *
443 * @param cmd
444 * @param parsedArgv
445 *
446 * @todo Bugs:
447 *
448 *
449 * ts-node examples/pizza/pizza.ts cancel my-order jhazd hazd
450 *
451 * -> result ok, should be too many arguments
452 *
453 */
454 export function validateArgs(cmd: Command, parsedArgv: ParsedArguments): Promise<ArgsValidationResult>;
456declare module "command/import" {
457 /**
458 * @packageDocumentation
459 * @internal
460 */
461 import { CommandCreator } from "types";
462 export function importCommand(file: string): Promise<CommandCreator>;
464declare module "command/find" {
465 /**
466 * @packageDocumentation
467 * @internal
468 */
469 import type { Program } from "program/index";
470 import type { Command } from "command/index";
471 export function findCommand(program: Program, argv: string[]): Promise<Command | undefined>;
473declare module "autocomplete/types" {
474 /**
475 * @packageDocumentation
476 * @module caporal/types
477 */
478 import type { Argument, Option, Promisable, ParserResult } from "types";
479 import type tabtab from "tabtab";
480 import type { Command } from "command/index";
481 import type { Program } from "program/index";
482 export interface CompletionItem {
483 name: string;
484 description: string;
485 }
486 export interface Completer {
487 (ctx: CompletionContext): Promisable<(string | CompletionItem)[]>;
488 }
489 export interface CompletionContext {
490 program: Program;
491 currentCmd?: Command;
492 compEnv: tabtab.TabtabEnv;
493 parserResult: ParserResult;
494 lastPartIsOpt: boolean;
495 lastPartIsKnownOpt: boolean;
496 currentOpt?: Option;
497 }
498 export type Completions = Map<Argument | Option, Completer>;
500declare module "autocomplete/index" {
501 import { Program } from "program/index";
502 import { Argument, Option } from "types";
503 import { Completer, CompletionItem } from "autocomplete/types";
504 /**
505 * Register a completion handler
506 *
507 * @param {Argument|Option} arg_or_opt argument or option to complete
508 * @param {Function} completer
509 */
510 export function registerCompletion(argOrOpt: Argument | Option, completer: Completer): void;
511 export function installCompletion(program: Program): Promise<void>;
512 export function uninstallCompletion(program: Program): Promise<void>;
513 /**
514 * Called by tabtab
515 */
516 export function complete(program: Program, { env, argv }?: {
517 env: NodeJS.ProcessEnv;
518 argv: string[];
519 }): Promise<CompletionItem[] | false>;
521declare module "option/index" {
522 /**
523 * @packageDocumentation
524 * @module caporal/option
525 */
526 import { Option, CreateOptionProgramOpts, CreateOptionCommandOpts, Action, GlobalOptions, ParserProcessedResult } from "types";
527 import type { Command } from "command/index";
528 import type { Program } from "program/index";
529 /**
530 * Create an Option object
531 *
532 * @internal
533 * @param synopsis
534 * @param description
535 * @param options
536 */
537 export function createOption(synopsis: string, description: string, options?: CreateOptionProgramOpts | CreateOptionCommandOpts): Option;
538 export { showHelp };
539 /**
540 * Display help. Return false to prevent further processing.
541 *
542 * @internal
543 */
544 const showHelp: Action;
545 /**
546 * Get the list of registered global flags
547 *
548 * @internal
549 */
550 export function getGlobalOptions(): GlobalOptions;
551 export function resetGlobalOptions(): GlobalOptions;
552 /**
553 * Disable a global option
554 *
555 * @param name Can be the option short/long name or notation
556 */
557 export function disableGlobalOption(name: string): boolean;
558 /**
559 * Add a global option to the program.
560 * A global option is available at the program level,
561 * and associated with one given {@link Action}.
562 *
563 * @param a {@link Option} instance, for example created using {@link createOption()}
564 */
565 export function addGlobalOption(opt: Option, action?: Action): GlobalOptions;
566 /**
567 * Process global options, if any
568 * @internal
569 */
570 export function processGlobalOptions(parsed: ParserProcessedResult, program: Program, command?: Command): Promise<boolean>;
571 /**
572 * Find a global Option action from the option name (short or long)
573 *
574 * @param name Short or long name
575 * @internal
576 */
577 export function findGlobalOptAction(name: string): Action | undefined;
578 /**
579 * Find a global Option by it's name (short or long)
580 *
581 * @param name Short or long name
582 * @internal
583 */
584 export function findGlobalOption(name: string): Option | undefined;
585 export function isOptionObject(obj: unknown): obj is Option;
587declare module "utils/levenshtein" {
588 /**
589 * @packageDocumentation
590 * @internal
591 */
592 export function levenshtein(a: string, b: string): number;
594declare module "utils/suggest" {
595 /**
596 * Get autocomplete suggestions
597 *
598 * @param {String} input - User input
599 * @param {String[]} possibilities - Possibilities to retrieve suggestions from
600 */
601 export function getSuggestions(input: string, possibilities: string[]): string[];
602 /**
603 * Make diff bolder in a string
604 *
605 * @param from original string
606 * @param to target string
607 */
608 export function boldDiffString(from: string, to: string): string;
610declare module "error/unknown-option" {
611 /**
612 * @packageDocumentation
613 * @internal
614 */
615 import { BaseError } from "error/base";
616 import type { Command } from "command/index";
617 /**
618 * @todo Rewrite
619 */
620 export class UnknownOptionError extends BaseError {
621 constructor(flag: string, command: Command);
622 }
624declare module "error/unknown-command" {
625 /**
626 * @packageDocumentation
627 * @internal
628 */
629 import { BaseError } from "error/base";
630 import type { Program } from "program/index";
631 /**
632 * @todo Rewrite
633 */
634 export class UnknownOrUnspecifiedCommandError extends BaseError {
635 constructor(program: Program, command?: string);
636 }
638declare module "error/validation" {
639 import { BaseError } from "error/base";
640 import { Validator, ParserTypes, Argument, Option } from "types";
641 interface ValidationErrorParameters {
642 value: ParserTypes | ParserTypes[];
643 error?: Error | string;
644 validator: Validator;
645 context: Argument | Option;
646 }
647 export class ValidationError extends BaseError {
648 constructor({ value, error, validator, context }: ValidationErrorParameters);
649 }
651declare module "error/too-many-arguments" {
652 /**
653 * @packageDocumentation
654 * @internal
655 */
656 import { BaseError } from "error/base";
657 import { ArgumentsRange } from "types";
658 import { Command } from "command/index";
659 export class TooManyArgumentsError extends BaseError {
660 constructor(cmd: Command, range: ArgumentsRange, argsCount: number);
661 }
663declare module "error/index" {
664 /**
665 * @packageDocumentation
666 * @internal
667 */
668 export * from "error/action";
669 export * from "error/base";
670 export * from "error/fatal";
671 export * from "error/invalid-validator";
672 export * from "error/missing-argument";
673 export * from "error/missing-flag";
674 export * from "error/multi-validation";
675 export * from "error/no-action";
676 export * from "error/option-synopsis-syntax";
677 export * from "error/unknown-option";
678 export * from "error/unknown-command";
679 export * from "error/validation";
680 export * from "error/too-many-arguments";
682declare module "types" {
683 /**
684 * List of Caporal type aliases.
685 *
686 * @packageDocumentation
687 * @module caporal/types
688 */
689 import { Logger as WinstonLogger } from "winston";
690 import { Program } from "program/index";
691 import { Command } from "command/index";
692 import { BaseError } from "error/index";
693 /**
694 * The Caporal logger interface. It extends the [Winston](https://github.com/winstonjs/winston) Logger interface
695 * and adds the following properties & methods.
696 * @noInheritDoc
697 */
698 export interface Logger extends WinstonLogger {
699 /**
700 * Allow to force disabling colors.
701 */
702 disableColors(): void;
703 /**
704 * Tells Caporal if colors are enabled or not.
705 */
706 colorsEnabled: boolean;
707 }
708 export type GlobalOptions = Map<Option, Action | undefined>;
709 /**
710 * Caporal-provided validator flags.
711 */
712 export enum CaporalValidator {
713 /**
714 * Number validator. Check that the value looks like a numeric one
715 * and cast the provided value to a javascript `Number`.
716 */
717 NUMBER = 1,
718 /**
719 * Boolean validator. Check that the value looks like a boolean.
720 * It accepts values like `true`, `false`, `yes`, `no`, `0`, and `1`
721 * and will auto-cast those values to `true` or `false`.
722 */
723 BOOLEAN = 2,
724 /**
725 * String validator. Mainly used to make sure the value is a string,
726 * and prevent Caporal auto-casting of numerics values and boolean
727 * strings like `true` or `false`.
728 */
729 STRING = 4,
730 /**
731 * Array validator. Convert any provided value to an array. If a string is provided,
732 * this validator will try to split it by commas.
733 */
734 ARRAY = 8
735 }
736 type FunctionValidatorArgument = ParsedArgument | ParsedOption;
737 export interface FunctionValidator<T = FunctionValidatorArgument> {
738 (value: T): Promisable<T>;
739 }
740 export type Validator = RegExp | FunctionValidator | CaporalValidator | ParserTypes[];
741 /**
742 * @internal
743 */
744 export interface ValidatorWrapper {
745 validate(value: ParsedArgument | ParsedOption): ParserTypes | ParserTypes[] | Promise<ParserTypes>;
746 getChoices(): ParserTypes[];
747 }
748 export interface OptionSynopsis {
749 name: string;
750 notation: string;
751 shortName?: string;
752 shortNotation?: string;
753 longName?: string;
754 longNotation?: string;
755 allNames: string[];
756 allNotations: string[];
757 synopsis: string;
758 valueRequired: boolean;
759 valueType?: OptionValueType;
760 variadic: boolean;
761 }
762 /**
763 * Option possible value.
764 *
765 */
766 export enum OptionValueType {
767 /**
768 * Value is optional.
769 */
770 Optional = 0,
771 /**
772 * Value is required.
773 */
774 Required = 1,
775 /**
776 * Option does not have any possible value
777 */
778 None = 2
779 }
780 /**
781 * Option properties
782 */
783 export interface CreateOptionCommandOpts {
784 /**
785 * Optional validator
786 */
787 validator?: Validator;
788 /**
789 * Default value for the Option
790 */
791 default?: ParsedOption;
792 /**
793 * Set the Option as itself required
794 */
795 required?: boolean;
796 /**
797 * Hide the option from help
798 */
799 hidden?: boolean;
800 }
801 /**
802 * Option properties
803 */
804 export interface CreateOptionProgramOpts extends CreateOptionCommandOpts {
805 /**
806 * Set to `true` for a global option.
807 */
808 global?: boolean;
809 /**
810 * Action to call when a global-option is passed.
811 * Only available for global options, e.g. when `global` is set to `true`.
812 */
813 action?: Action;
814 }
815 export interface CreateArgumentOpts {
816 /**
817 * Argument validator.
818 */
819 validator?: Validator;
820 /**
821 * Argument default value.
822 */
823 default?: ParsedArgument;
824 }
825 export interface ArgumentSynopsis {
826 /**
827 * Argument name.
828 */
829 readonly name: string;
830 /**
831 * Boolean indicating if the argument is required.
832 */
833 readonly required: boolean;
834 /**
835 * Synopsis string.
836 */
837 readonly synopsis: string;
838 /**
839 * Boolean indicating if the argument is valiadic,
840 * e.g. can be repeated to contain an array of values.
841 */
842 readonly variadic: boolean;
843 }
844 export interface Argument extends ArgumentSynopsis {
845 readonly default?: ParsedArgument;
846 readonly description: string;
847 readonly choices: ParsedArgument[];
848 readonly validator?: Validator;
849 typeHint?: string;
850 kind: "argument";
851 }
852 export interface Option extends OptionSynopsis {
853 readonly boolean: boolean;
854 readonly default?: ParsedOption;
855 readonly description: string;
856 readonly choices: ParsedOption[];
857 readonly validator?: Validator;
858 readonly required: boolean;
859 readonly visible: boolean;
860 typeHint?: string;
861 kind: "option";
862 }
863 /**
864 * A type that could be wrapped in a Promise, or not
865 */
866 export type Promisable<T> = T | Promise<T>;
867 /**
868 * Parameters object passed to an {@link Action} function
869 */
870 export interface ActionParameters {
871 /**
872 * Parsed command line arguments
873 */
874 args: ParsedArgumentsObject;
875 /**
876 * If the `dash` (double dash) config property is enabled,
877 * this *array* will contain all arguments present
878 * after '--'.
879 */
880 ddash: ParsedArguments;
881 /**
882 * Parsed command line options
883 */
884 options: ParsedOptions;
885 /**
886 * Program instance
887 */
888 program: Program;
889 /**
890 * Contextual command, if any
891 */
892 command?: Command;
893 /**
894 * Logger instance
895 */
896 logger: Logger;
897 }
898 /**
899 * An action is a function that will be executed upon a command call.
900 */
901 export interface Action {
902 (params: ActionParameters): unknown;
903 }
904 export interface ErrorMetadata {
905 [meta: string]: unknown;
906 }
907 export type ParserTypes = string | number | boolean;
908 /**
909 * Available options for the Caporal internal parser.
910 * Arguments must be referenced by their position (0-based) and options by their name (short or long)
911 * in {@link ParserOptions.boolean boolean}, {@link ParserOptions.string string}
912 * and {@link ParserOptions.variadic variadic} parser options.
913 *
914 */
915 export interface ParserOptions {
916 /**
917 * List of {@link Argument Arguments} and {@link Options Options} to be casted as *booleans*.
918 * Arguments must be referenced by their position (0-based) and options by their name (short or long).
919 *
920 * **Example**
921 *
922 * ```ts
923 * import { parseArgv } from "caporal/parser"
924 *
925 * parseArgv({
926 * boolean: [2, 'sendEmail']
927 * })
928 *
929 * // ./my-cli-app first-arg second-arg 3rd-arg --sendEmail=1
930 * // -> "3rd-arg" will be casted to boolean as well as "--sendEmail"
931 * ```
932 */
933 boolean: (string | number)[];
934 /**
935 * List of {@link Argument Arguments} and {@link Options Options} to be casted as *strings*.
936 * Arguments must be referenced by their position (0-based) and options by their name (short or long).
937 *
938 * **Example**
939 *
940 * ```ts
941 * import { parseArgv } from "caporal/parser"
942 *
943 * parseArgv({
944 * string: [1]
945 * })
946 *
947 * // ./my-cli-app first-arg 2
948 * // -> second arg "2" will be casted to string instead of number
949 * ```
950 */
951 string: (string | number)[];
952 /**
953 * List of variadic {@link Argument Arguments} and {@link Options Options}, meaning
954 * that there value is an `Array`.
955 *
956 * Arguments must be referenced by their position (0-based) and options by their name (short or long).
957 *
958 * **Example**
959 *
960 * ```ts
961 * import { parseArgv } from "caporal/parser"
962 *
963 * parseArgv({
964 * variadic: [1]
965 * })
966 *
967 * // ./pizza order margherita regina --add sausages --add basil
968 * {
969 * args: ['order', ['margherita', 'regina']]
970 * options: {
971 * add: ['sausages', 'basil']
972 * }
973 * }
974 * ```
975 */
976 variadic: (string | number)[];
977 /**
978 * Double-dash (--) handling mode. If `true`, the parser will populate the
979 * {@link ParserResult.ddash} property, otherwise, arguments will be added
980 * to {@link ParserResult.args}.
981 */
982 ddash: boolean;
983 /**
984 * Option aliases map.
985 */
986 alias: Record<string, string>;
987 /**
988 * Enable or disable autocasting of arguments and options. Default to `true`.
989 */
990 autoCast: boolean;
991 }
992 export type ParsedArgument = ParserTypes | ParserTypes[];
993 export type ParsedArguments = ParsedArgument[];
994 export interface ParsedArgumentsObject {
995 [arg: string]: ParsedArgument;
996 }
997 export type ParsedOption = ParserTypes | ParserTypes[];
998 export interface ParsedOptions {
999 [opt: string]: ParsedOption;
1000 }
1001 /**
1002 * @internal
1003 */
1004 export interface ArgumentsRange {
1005 min: number;
1006 max: number;
1007 }
1008 export interface ParserResult {
1009 args: ParsedArguments;
1010 options: ParsedOptions;
1011 rawOptions: ParsedOptions;
1012 line: string;
1013 rawArgv: string[];
1014 ddash: ParsedArguments;
1015 }
1016 export interface ParserProcessedResult extends Omit<ParserResult, "args"> {
1017 args: ParsedArgumentsObject;
1018 errors: BaseError[];
1019 }
1020 export interface CreateCommandParameters {
1021 program: Program;
1022 createCommand(description?: string): Command;
1023 }
1024 export interface CommandCreator {
1025 (options: CreateCommandParameters): Command;
1026 }
1027 /**
1028 * Available configuration properties for the program.
1029 */
1030 export interface ProgramConfig {
1031 /**
1032 * Strict checking of arguments count. If enabled, any additional argument willl trigger an error.
1033 * Default to `true`.
1034 */
1035 strictArgsCount: boolean;
1036 /**
1037 * Strict checking of options provided. If enabled, any unknown option will trigger an error.
1038 * Default to `true`.
1039 */
1040 strictOptions: boolean;
1041 /**
1042 * Auto-casting of arguments and options.
1043 * Default to `true`.
1044 */
1045 autoCast: boolean;
1046 /**
1047 * Environment variable to check for log level override.
1048 * Default to "CAPORAL_LOG_LEVEL".
1049 */
1050 logLevelEnvVar: string;
1051 }
1052 export interface CommandConfig {
1053 /**
1054 * Strict checking of arguments count. If enabled, any additional argument willl trigger an error.
1055 */
1056 strictArgsCount?: boolean;
1057 /**
1058 * Strict checking of options provided. If enabled, any unknown option will trigger an error.
1059 */
1060 strictOptions?: boolean;
1061 /**
1062 * Auto-casting of arguments and options.
1063 */
1064 autoCast?: boolean;
1065 /**
1066 * Visibility of the command in help.
1067 */
1068 visible: boolean;
1069 }
1070 export interface Configurator<T extends {}> {
1071 get<K extends keyof T>(key: K): T[K];
1072 getAll(): T;
1073 set(props: Partial<T>): T;
1074 reset(): T;
1075 }
1077declare module "option/find" {
1078 /**
1079 * @packageDocumentation
1080 * @internal
1081 */
1082 import type { Command } from "command/index";
1083 import type { Option } from "types";
1084 /**
1085 * Find an option from its name for a given command
1086 *
1087 * @param cmd Command object
1088 * @param name Option name, short or long, camel-cased
1089 */
1090 export function findOption(cmd: Command, name: string): Option | undefined;
1092declare module "option/validate" {
1093 import { BaseError } from "error/index";
1094 import type { ParsedOptions } from "types";
1095 import type { Command } from "command/index";
1096 export function checkRequiredOpts(cmd: Command, opts: ParsedOptions): BaseError[];
1097 interface OptionsValidationResult {
1098 options: ParsedOptions;
1099 errors: BaseError[];
1100 }
1101 export function validateOptions(cmd: Command, options: ParsedOptions): Promise<OptionsValidationResult>;
1103declare module "command/validate-call" {
1104 /**
1105 * @packageDocumentation
1106 * @internal
1107 */
1108 import { ParserResult, ParserProcessedResult } from "types";
1109 import type { Command } from "command/index";
1110 export function validateCall(cmd: Command, result: ParserResult): Promise<ParserProcessedResult>;
1112declare module "argument/synopsis" {
1113 /**
1114 * @packageDocumentation
1115 * @internal
1116 */
1117 import type { ArgumentSynopsis } from "types";
1118 /**
1119 * Check if the argument is explicitly required
1120 *
1121 * @ignore
1122 * @param synopsis
1123 */
1124 export function isRequired(synopsis: string): boolean;
1125 /**
1126 *
1127 * @param synopsis
1128 */
1129 export function isVariadic(synopsis: string): boolean;
1130 export function parseArgumentSynopsis(synopsis: string): ArgumentSynopsis;
1132declare module "argument/index" {
1133 /**
1134 * @packageDocumentation
1135 * @internal
1136 */
1137 import type { Argument, CreateArgumentOpts } from "types";
1138 /**
1139 *
1140 * @param synopsis - Argument synopsis
1141 * @param description - Argument description
1142 * @param [options] - Various argument options like validator and default value
1143 */
1144 export function createArgument(synopsis: string, description: string, options?: CreateArgumentOpts): Argument;
1146declare module "option/mapping" {
1147 /**
1148 * @packageDocumentation
1149 * @internal
1150 */
1151 import type { Command } from "command/index";
1152 export function getOptsMapping(cmd: Command): Record<string, string>;
1154declare module "config/index" {
1155 /**
1156 * @packageDocumentation
1157 * @internal
1158 */
1159 import type { Configurator } from "types";
1160 export function createConfigurator<T>(defaults: T): Configurator<T>;
1162declare module "command/index" {
1163 import { Completer } from "autocomplete/types";
1164 import type { Program } from "program/index";
1165 import { Action, ParserOptions, ParserResult, Option, Argument, CreateArgumentOpts, CommandConfig, CreateOptionCommandOpts } from "types";
1166 import { CustomizedHelpOpts } from "help/types";
1167 /**
1168 * @ignore
1169 */
1170 export const PROG_CMD = "__self_cmd";
1171 /**
1172 * @ignore
1173 */
1174 export const HELP_CMD = "help";
1175 /**
1176 * Command class
1177 *
1178 */
1179 export class Command {
1180 private program;
1181 private _action?;
1182 private _lastAddedArgOrOpt?;
1183 private _aliases;
1184 private _name;
1185 private _config;
1186 /**
1187 * Command description
1188 *
1189 * @internal
1190 */
1191 readonly description: string;
1192 /**
1193 * Command options array
1194 *
1195 * @internal
1196 */
1197 readonly options: Option[];
1198 /**
1199 * Command arguments array
1200 *
1201 * @internal
1202 */
1203 readonly args: Argument[];
1204 /**
1205 *
1206 * @param program
1207 * @param name
1208 * @param description
1209 * @internal
1210 */
1211 constructor(program: Program, name: string, description: string, config?: Partial<CommandConfig>);
1212 /**
1213 * Add one or more aliases so the command can be called by different names.
1214 *
1215 * @param aliases Command aliases
1216 */
1217 alias(...aliases: string[]): Command;
1218 /**
1219 * Name getter. Will return an empty string in the program-command context
1220 *
1221 * @internal
1222 */
1223 get name(): string;
1224 /**
1225 * Add an argument to the command.
1226 * Synopsis is a string like `<my-argument>` or `[my-argument]`.
1227 * Angled brackets (e.g. `<item>`) indicate required input. Square brackets (e.g. `[env]`) indicate optional input.
1228 *
1229 * Returns the {@link Command} object to facilitate chaining of methods.
1230 *
1231 * @param synopsis Argument synopsis.
1232 * @param description - Argument description.
1233 * @param [options] - Optional parameters including validator and default value.
1234 */
1235 argument(synopsis: string, description: string, options?: CreateArgumentOpts): Command;
1236 /**
1237 * Set the corresponding action to execute for this command
1238 *
1239 * @param action Action to execute
1240 */
1241 action(action: Action): Command;
1242 /**
1243 * Allow chaining command() calls. See {@link Program.command}.
1244 *
1245 */
1246 command(name: string, description: string, config?: Partial<CommandConfig>): Command;
1247 /**
1248 * Makes the command the default one for the program.
1249 */
1250 default(): Command;
1251 /**
1252 * Checks if the command has the given alias registered.
1253 *
1254 * @param alias
1255 * @internal
1256 */
1257 hasAlias(alias: string): boolean;
1258 /**
1259 * Get command aliases.
1260 * @internal
1261 */
1262 getAliases(): string[];
1263 /**
1264 * @internal
1265 */
1266 isProgramCommand(): boolean;
1267 /**
1268 * @internal
1269 */
1270 isHelpCommand(): boolean;
1271 /**
1272 * Hide the command from help.
1273 * Shortcut to calling `.configure({ visible: false })`.
1274 */
1275 hide(): Command;
1276 /**
1277 * Add an option to the current command.
1278 *
1279 * @param synopsis Option synopsis like '-f, --force', or '-f, --file \<file\>', or '--with-openssl [path]'
1280 * @param description Option description
1281 * @param options Additional parameters
1282 */
1283 option(synopsis: string, description: string, options?: CreateOptionCommandOpts): Command;
1284 /**
1285 * @internal
1286 */
1287 getParserConfig(): Partial<ParserOptions>;
1288 /**
1289 * Return a reformated synopsis string
1290 * @internal
1291 */
1292 get synopsis(): string;
1293 /**
1294 * Customize command help. Can be called multiple times to add more paragraphs and/or sections.
1295 *
1296 * @param text Help contents
1297 * @param options Display options
1298 */
1299 help(text: string, options?: Partial<CustomizedHelpOpts>): Command;
1300 /**
1301 * Configure some behavioral properties.
1302 *
1303 * @param props properties to set/update
1304 */
1305 configure(props: Partial<CommandConfig>): Command;
1306 /**
1307 * Get a configuration property value.
1308 *
1309 * @internal
1310 * @param key Property key to get value for. See {@link CommandConfig}.
1311 */
1312 getConfigProperty<K extends keyof CommandConfig>(key: K): CommandConfig[K];
1313 /**
1314 * Get the auto-casting flag.
1315 *
1316 * @internal
1317 */
1318 get autoCast(): boolean;
1319 /**
1320 * Auto-complete
1321 */
1322 complete(completer: Completer): Command;
1323 /**
1324 * Toggle strict mode.
1325 * Shortcut to calling: `.configure({ strictArgsCount: strict, strictOptions: strict }).
1326 * By default, strict settings are not defined for commands, and inherit from the
1327 * program settings. Calling `.strict(value)` on a command will override the program
1328 * settings.
1329 *
1330 * @param strict boolean enabled flag
1331 */
1332 strict(strict?: boolean): Command;
1333 /**
1334 * Computed strictOptions flag.
1335 *
1336 * @internal
1337 */
1338 get strictOptions(): boolean;
1339 /**
1340 * Computed strictArgsCount flag.
1341 *
1342 * @internal
1343 */
1344 get strictArgsCount(): boolean;
1345 /**
1346 * Enable or disable auto casting of arguments & options for the command.
1347 * This is basically a shortcut to calling `command.configure({ autoCast: enabled })`.
1348 * By default, auto-casting is inherited from the program configuration.
1349 * This method allows overriding what's been set on the program level.
1350 *
1351 * @param enabled
1352 */
1353 cast(enabled: boolean): Command;
1354 /**
1355 * Visible flag
1356 *
1357 * @internal
1358 */
1359 get visible(): boolean;
1360 /**
1361 * Run the action associated with the command
1362 *
1363 * @internal
1364 */
1365 run(parsed: Partial<ParserResult>): Promise<unknown>;
1366 }
1367 /**
1368 * Create a new command
1369 *
1370 * @internal
1371 */
1372 export function createCommand(...args: ConstructorParameters<typeof Command>): InstanceType<typeof Command>;
1374declare module "utils/fs" {
1375 export function readdir(dirPath: string, extensions?: string): Promise<string[]>;
1377declare module "command/scan" {
1378 import type { Command } from "command/index";
1379 import type { Program } from "program/index";
1380 export function scanCommands(program: Program, dirPath: string): Promise<Command[]>;
1382declare module "utils/version" {
1383 export function detectVersion(): string | undefined;
1385declare module "program/index" {
1386 /**
1387 * @packageDocumentation
1388 * @module caporal/program
1389 */
1390 import { EventEmitter } from "events";
1391 import { Command } from "command/index";
1392 import { CustomizedHelpOpts } from "help/types";
1393 import { Action, Logger, ParserTypes, ProgramConfig, CreateArgumentOpts, CreateOptionProgramOpts, CommandConfig } from "types";
1394 import { CaporalValidator } from "types";
1395 /**
1396 * Program class
1397 *
1398 * @noInheritDoc
1399 */
1400 export class Program extends EventEmitter {
1401 private commands;
1402 private _config;
1403 private _version?;
1404 private _name?;
1405 private _description?;
1406 private _programmaticMode;
1407 /**
1408 * @internal
1409 */
1410 defaultCommand?: Command;
1411 private _progCommand?;
1412 private _bin;
1413 private _discoveryPath?;
1414 private _discoveredCommands?;
1415 /**
1416 * Number validator. Check that the value looks like a numeric one
1417 * and cast the provided value to a javascript `Number`.
1418 */
1419 readonly NUMBER = CaporalValidator.NUMBER;
1420 /**
1421 * String validator. Mainly used to make sure the value is a string,
1422 * and prevent Caporal auto-casting of numerical values and boolean
1423 * strings like `true` or `false`.
1424 */
1425 readonly STRING = CaporalValidator.STRING;
1426 /**
1427 * Array validator. Convert any provided value to an array. If a string is provided,
1428 * this validator will try to split it by commas.
1429 */
1430 readonly ARRAY = CaporalValidator.ARRAY;
1431 /**
1432 * Boolean validator. Check that the value looks like a boolean.
1433 * It accepts values like `true`, `false`, `yes`, `no`, `0`, and `1`
1434 * and will auto-cast those values to `true` or `false`.
1435 */
1436 readonly BOOLEAN = CaporalValidator.BOOLEAN;
1437 /**
1438 * Program constructor.
1439 * - Detects the "bin" name from process argv
1440 * - Detects the version from package.json
1441 * - Set up the help command
1442 * @ignore
1443 */
1444 constructor();
1445 /**
1446 * @internal
1447 */
1448 private setupErrorHandlers;
1449 /**
1450 * The program-command is the command attached directly to the program,
1451 * meaning there is no command-keyword used to trigger it.
1452 * Mainly used for programs executing only one possible action.
1453 *
1454 * @internal
1455 */
1456 get progCommand(): Command;
1457 /**
1458 * Setup the help command
1459 */
1460 private setupHelpCommand;
1461 /**
1462 * Customize program help. Can be called multiple times to add more paragraphs and/or sections.
1463 *
1464 * @param text Help contents
1465 * @param options Display options
1466 */
1467 help(text: string, options?: Partial<CustomizedHelpOpts>): Program;
1468 /**
1469 * Toggle strict mode.
1470 * Shortcut to calling: `.configure({ strictArgsCount: strict, strictOptions: strict })`.
1471 * By default, the program is strict, so if you want to disable strict checking,
1472 * just call `.strict(false)`. This setting can be overridden at the command level.
1473 *
1474 * @param strict boolean enabled flag
1475 */
1476 strict(strict?: boolean): Program;
1477 /**
1478 * Configure some behavioral properties.
1479 *
1480 * @param props properties to set/update
1481 */
1482 configure(props: Partial<ProgramConfig>): Program;
1483 /**
1484 * Get a configuration property value. {@link ProgramConfig Possible keys}.
1485 *
1486 * @param key Property
1487 * @internal
1488 */
1489 getConfigProperty<K extends keyof ProgramConfig>(key: K): ProgramConfig[K];
1490 /**
1491 * Return a reformatted synopsis string
1492 *
1493 * @internal
1494 */
1495 getSynopsis(): Promise<string>;
1496 /**
1497 * Return the discovery path, if set
1498 *
1499 * @internal
1500 */
1501 get discoveryPath(): string | undefined;
1502 /**
1503 * Return the program version
1504 *
1505 * @internal
1506 */
1507 getVersion(): string | undefined;
1508 /**
1509 * Set the version fo your program.
1510 * You won't likely use this method as Caporal tries to guess it from your package.json
1511 */
1512 version(ver: string): Program;
1513 /**
1514 * Set the program name. If not set, the filename minus the extension will be used.
1515 */
1516 name(name: string): Program;
1517 /**
1518 * Return the program name.
1519 *
1520 * @internal
1521 */
1522 getName(): string | undefined;
1523 /**
1524 * Return the program description.
1525 *
1526 * @internal
1527 */
1528 getDescription(): string | undefined;
1529 /**
1530 * Set the program description displayed in help.
1531 */
1532 description(desc: string): Program;
1533 /**
1534 * Get the bin name (the name of your executable).
1535 *
1536 * @internal
1537 */
1538 getBin(): string;
1539 /**
1540 * Sets the executable name. By default, it's auto-detected from the filename of your program.
1541 *
1542 * @param name Executable name
1543 * @example
1544 * ```ts
1545 * program.bin('myprog')
1546 * ```
1547 */
1548 bin(name: string): Program;
1549 /**
1550 * Set a custom logger for your program.
1551 * Your logger should implement the {@link Logger} interface.
1552 */
1553 logger(logger: Logger): Program;
1554 /**
1555 * Disable a global option. Will warn if the global option
1556 * does not exist of has already been disabled.
1557 *
1558 * @param name Name, short, or long notation of the option to disable.
1559 */
1560 disableGlobalOption(name: string): Program;
1561 /**
1562 * Returns the list of all commands registered
1563 * - By default, Caporal creates one: the "help" command
1564 * - When calling argument() or action() on the program instance,
1565 * Caporal also create what is called the "program command", which
1566 * is a command directly attach to the program, usually used
1567 * in mono-command programs.
1568 * @internal
1569 */
1570 getCommands(): Command[];
1571 /**
1572 * Add a command to the program.
1573 *
1574 * @param name Command name
1575 * @param description Command description
1576 * @example
1577 * ```ts
1578 * program.command('order', 'Order some food')
1579 * ```
1580 */
1581 command(name: string, description: string, config?: Partial<CommandConfig>): Command;
1582 /**
1583 * Check if the program has user-defined commands.
1584 *
1585 * @internal
1586 * @private
1587 */
1588 hasCommands(): Promise<boolean>;
1589 /**
1590 * @internal
1591 */
1592 getAllCommands(): Promise<Command[]>;
1593 /**
1594 * Return the log level override, if any is provided using
1595 * the right environment variable.
1596 *
1597 * @internal
1598 * @private
1599 */
1600 getLogLevelOverride(): string | undefined;
1601 /**
1602 * Enable or disable auto casting of arguments & options at the program level.
1603 *
1604 * @param enabled
1605 */
1606 cast(enabled: boolean): Program;
1607 /**
1608 * Sets a *unique* action for the *entire* program.
1609 *
1610 * @param {Function} action - Action to run
1611 */
1612 action(action: Action): Program;
1613 /**
1614 * Add an argument to the *unique* command of the program.
1615 */
1616 argument(synopsis: string, description: string, options?: CreateArgumentOpts): Command;
1617 /**
1618 * Add an option to the *unique* command of the program,
1619 * or add a global option to the program when `options.global`
1620 * is set to `true`.
1621 *
1622 * @param synopsis Option synopsis like '-f, --force', or '-f, --file \<file\>', or '--with-openssl [path]'
1623 * @param description Option description
1624 * @param options Additional parameters
1625 */
1626 option(synopsis: string, description: string, options?: CreateOptionProgramOpts): Program;
1627 /**
1628 * Discover commands from a specified path.
1629 *
1630 * Commands must be organized into files (one command per file) in a file tree like:
1631 *
1632 * ```sh
1633 * └── commands
1634 * ├── config
1635 * │ ├── set.ts
1636 * │ └── unset.ts
1637 * ├── create
1638 * │ ├── job.ts
1639 * │ └── service.ts
1640 * ├── create.ts
1641 * ├── describe.ts
1642 * └── get.ts
1643 * ```
1644 *
1645 * The code above shows a short example of `kubectl` commands and subcommands.
1646 * In this case, Caporal will generate the following commands:
1647 *
1648 * - kubectl get [args...] [options...]
1649 * - kubectl config set [args...] [options...]
1650 * - kubectl config unset [args...] [options...]
1651 * - kubectl create [args...] [options...]
1652 * - kubectl create job [args...] [options...]
1653 * - kubectl create service [args...] [options...]
1654 * - kubectl describe [args...] [options...]
1655 * - kubectl get [args...] [options...]
1656 *
1657 * Notice how the `config` command has a mandatory subcommand associated,
1658 * hence cannot be called without a subcommand, contrary to the `create` command.
1659 * This is why there is no `config.ts` in the tree.
1660 *
1661 * @param path
1662 */
1663 discover(dirPath: string): Program;
1664 /**
1665 * Do a full scan of the discovery path to get all existing commands
1666 * This should only be used to generate the full list of command,
1667 * as for help rendering
1668 *
1669 * @private
1670 */
1671 private scanCommands;
1672 /**
1673 * Reset all commands
1674 *
1675 * @internal
1676 */
1677 reset(): Program;
1678 /**
1679 * Run the program by parsing command line arguments.
1680 * Caporal will automatically detect command line arguments from `process.argv` values,
1681 * but it can be overridden by providing the `argv` parameter. It returns a Promise
1682 * of the value returned by the *Action* triggered.
1683 *
1684 * ::: warning Be careful
1685 * This method returns a `Promise`. You'll usually ignore the returned promise and call run() like this:
1686 *
1687 * ```ts
1688 * [...]
1689 * program.action(...)
1690 * program.run()
1691 * ```
1692 *
1693 * If you do add some `.catch()` handler to it, Caporal won't display any potential errors
1694 * that the promise could reject, and will let you the responsibility to do it.
1695 * :::
1696 *
1697 * @param argv Command line arguments to parse, default to `process.argv.slice(2)`.
1698 */
1699 run(argv?: string[]): Promise<unknown>;
1700 /**
1701 * Try to find the executed command from argv
1702 * If command cannot be found from argv, return the default command if any,
1703 * then the program-command if any, or finally `undefined`.
1704 * If argv is empty, and there is no defaultCommand or progCommand
1705 * use the help command
1706 *
1707 * @param argv
1708 */
1709 private findCommand;
1710 /**
1711 * Run a command, providing parsed data
1712 *
1713 * @param result
1714 * @param cmd
1715 * @internal
1716 */
1717 private _run;
1718 /**
1719 * Programmatic usage. Execute input command with given arguments & options
1720 *
1721 * Not ideal regarding type casting etc.
1722 *
1723 * @param args argv array
1724 * @param options options object
1725 * @param ddash double dash array
1726 * @public
1727 */
1728 exec(args: string[], options?: Record<string, ParserTypes>, ddash?: string[]): Promise<unknown>;
1729 }
1731declare module "index" {
1732 /**
1733 * Main Caporal module.
1734 *
1735 * ## program
1736 *
1737 * This represents your program. You don't have to instanciate the {@link Program} class,
1738 * it's already done for you.
1739 *
1740 * **Usage**
1741 *
1742 * ```ts
1743 * // The Program instance generated for you
1744 * import program from "@caporal/core"
1745 *
1746 * program
1747 * .command(...)
1748 * .action(...)
1749 * [...]
1750 * ```
1751 *
1752 *
1753 * ## parseArgv()
1754 *
1755 * This is the command line parser internaly used by Caporal.
1756 *
1757 * ::: tip Advanced usage
1758 * Usually, **you won't need to use the parser** directly, but if you
1759 * just want to parse some args without all capabilities brought
1760 * by Caporal, feel free to play with it.
1761 * :::
1762 *
1763 * **Usage**
1764 *
1765 * ```ts
1766 * import { parseArgv } from "@caporal/core"
1767 *
1768 * const {args, options} = parseArgv({
1769 * // ... options
1770 * })
1771 * ```
1772 *
1773 * Checkout `parseArgv()` [documentation here](/api/modules/parser.md).
1774 *
1775 *
1776 * ## chalk
1777 *
1778 * `chalk` npm module re-export
1779 *
1780 * **Usage**
1781 *
1782 * ```ts
1783 * import { program, chalk } from "caporal"
1784 *
1785 * program
1786 * .command('pay')
1787 * .argument('<amount>', 'Amount to pay', Validator.NUMBER)
1788 * .action(({logger, args}) => {
1789 * logger.info("You paid $%s", chalk.red(args.amount))
1790 * })
1791 * [...]
1792 * ```
1793 *
1794 *
1795 * @packageDocumentation
1796 * @module @caporal/core
1797 */
1798 import { Program } from "program/index";
1799 export { Command } from "command/index";
1800 export * from "types";
1801 /**
1802 * @ignore
1803 */
1804 export { default as chalk } from "chalk";
1805 /**
1806 * @ignore
1807 */
1808 export { parseArgv, parseLine } from "parser/index";
1809 /**
1810 * @ignore
1811 */
1812 export const program: Program;
1813 /**
1814 * @ignore
1815 */
1816 export default program;
1817 /**
1818 * @ignore
1819 */
1820 export { Program };
1822/// <amd-module name="@caporal/core" />
1823declare module "@caporal/core" {
1824 /**
1825 * @packageDocumentation
1826 * @internal
1827 */
1828 export * from "index";
1830declare module "utils/web/autocomplete" {
1831 /**
1832 * Autocomplete mock for caporal-web
1833 *
1834 * @packageDocumentation
1835 * @internal
1836 */
1837 import type { Program } from "program/index";
1838 import type { Argument, Option } from "types";
1839 export function registerCompletion(argOrOpt: Argument | Option, completer: Function): void;
1840 export function installCompletion(program: Program): Promise<void>;
1841 export function uninstallCompletion(program: Program): Promise<void>;
1843declare module "utils/web/process" {
1844 /**
1845 * A process mock for the web
1846 *
1847 * @packageDocumentation
1848 * @internal
1849 */
1850 export const version: string;
1851 export const argv: string[];
1852 export const execArgv: never[];
1853 export const exitCode = 0;
1854 export const fake = true;
1855 export const on: () => void;
1856 export const once: () => void;
1857 export const exit: (code?: number) => void;