3.8 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1import * as React from "react";
2import { BoxProps } from "../Box";
3import { CloseButtonProps } from "../CloseButton";
4import { TransitionProps } from "react-spring/renderprops";
6type ModalSizes =
7 | "xs"
8 | "sm"
9 | "md"
10 | "lg"
11 | "xl"
12 | "2xl"
13 | "3xl"
14 | "4xl"
15 | "5xl"
16 | "6xl"
17 | "full";
19export interface IModal {
20 container?: React.RefObject<HTMLElement>;
21 /**
22 * If `true`, the modal when be opened.
23 */
24 isOpen?: boolean;
25 /**
26 * Callback invoked to close the modal.
27 */
28 onClose?: (
29 event: React.MouseEvent | React.KeyboardEvent,
30 reason?: "pressedEscape" | "clickedOverlay",
31 ) => void;
32 /**
33 * If `true`, scrolling will be disabled on the `body` when the modal opens.
34 * @default true
35 */
36 blockScrollOnMount?: boolean;
37 /**
38 * A11y: If `true`, the siblings of the `Modal` will have `aria-hidden`
39 * set to `true` so that screen readers can only see the `Modal`.
40 *
41 * This is commonly known as making the other elements **inert**
42 *
43 * @default true
44 */
45 useInert?: boolean;
46 /**
47 * If `true`, a `padding-right` will be applied to the body element
48 * that's equal to the width of the scrollbar.
49 *
50 * This can help prevent some unpleasant flickering effect
51 * and content adjustment when the modal opens
52 */
53 preserveScrollBarGap?: boolean;
54 /**
55 * The content of the modal.
56 */
57 children: React.ReactNode;
58 /**
59 * The size (maxWidth) of the modal.
60 */
61 size?: ModalSizes | BoxProps["maxWidth"];
62 /**
63 * If `true`, the modal will be centered on screen.
64 */
65 isCentered?: boolean;
66 /**
67 * The `ref` of element to receive focus when the modal opens.
68 */
69 initialFocusRef?: React.RefObject<HTMLElement>;
70 /**
71 * The `ref` of element to receive focus when the modal closes.
72 */
73 finalFocusRef?: React.RefObject<HTMLElement>;
74 /**
75 * Where scroll behaviour should originate.
76 * - If set to `inside`, scroll only occurs within the `ModalBody`.
77 * - If set to `outside`, the entire `ModalContent` will scroll within the viewport.
78 */
79 scrollBehavior?: "inside" | "outside";
80 /**
81 * If `true`, the modal will close when the overlay is clicked
82 * @default true
83 */
84 closeOnOverlayClick?: boolean;
85 /**
86 * If `true`, the modal will close when the `Esc` key is pressed
87 * @default true
88 */
89 closeOnEsc?: boolean;
90 /**
91 * The `id` of the modal
92 */
93 id?: string;
94 /**
95 * If `true`, the modal will return focus to the element that triggered it when it closes.
96 */
97 returnFocusOnClose?: boolean;
98 /**
99 * By default, a unique `id` is passed to the header and body.
100 * These ids are used to add `aria-labelledby` and `aria-describedby` to the `ModalContent`.
101 *
102 * You can configure this behavior:
103 * - Set it to `false` if you'd like to manually add the `aria-*` attributes.
104 * - Set it to `{header: false}` if you don't render the `ModalHeader` within the modal.
105 * We'll remove the `aria-labelledby` prop.
106 *
107 * @default true
108 */
109 addAriaLabels?: boolean | { header?: boolean; body?: boolean };
110 /**
111 * The function to format the `id`s passed to the `ModalHeader`, `Modalbody`, and `ModalContent`
112 */
113 formatIds?: (
114 id: string | number,
115 ) => { content: string; header: string; body: string };
118export const Modal: React.FC<IModal>;
119export const ModalOverlay: React.FC<BoxProps>;
121interface IModalContent {
122 onClick?: React.KeyboardEventHandler<HTMLElement>;
123 zIndex?: BoxProps["zIndex"];
124 children: React.ReactNode;
127type ModalContentProps = IModalContent & BoxProps;
128export const ModalContent: React.FC<ModalContentProps>;
129export const ModalHeader: React.FC<BoxProps>;
130export const ModalFooter: React.FC<BoxProps>;
131export const ModalBody: React.FC<BoxProps>;
132export const ModalCloseButton: React.FC<CloseButtonProps>;