882 BTypeScriptView Raw
1import { type HTMLChakraProps, type SystemStyleObject } from "../../styled-system";
2interface ImageOptions {
3 /**
4 * How the image to fit within its bounds.
5 * It maps to css `object-fit` property.
6 * @type SystemStyleObject["objectFit"]
7 */
8 fit?: SystemStyleObject["objectFit"];
9 /**
10 * How to align the image within its bounds.
11 * It maps to css `object-position` property.
12 * @type SystemStyleObject["objectPosition"]
13 */
14 align?: SystemStyleObject["objectPosition"];
16export interface ImageProps extends HTMLChakraProps<"img", ImageOptions> {
19 * React component that renders an image with support
20 * for fallbacks
21 *
22 * @see Docs https://www.chakra-ui.com/docs/components/image
23 */
24export declare const Image: import("react").ForwardRefExoticComponent<ImageProps & import("react").RefAttributes<HTMLImageElement>>;
25export {};