3.72 kBTypeScriptView Raw
2 * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2024, CKSource Holding sp. z o.o. All rights reserved.
3 * For licensing, see LICENSE.md or https://ckeditor.com/legal/ckeditor-oss-license
4 */
6 * The inline autoformatting engine. It allows to format various inline patterns. For example,
7 * it can be configured to make "foo" bold when typed `**foo**` (the `**` markers will be removed).
8 *
9 * The autoformatting operation is integrated with the undo manager,
10 * so the autoformatting step can be undone if the user's intention was not to format the text.
11 *
12 * See the {@link module:autoformat/inlineautoformatediting~inlineAutoformatEditing `inlineAutoformatEditing`} documentation
13 * to learn how to create custom inline autoformatters. You can also use
14 * the {@link module:autoformat/autoformat~Autoformat} feature which enables a set of default autoformatters
15 * (lists, headings, bold and italic).
16 *
17 * @module autoformat/inlineautoformatediting
18 */
19import type { Editor } from 'ckeditor5/src/core.js';
20import type { Range, Writer } from 'ckeditor5/src/engine.js';
21import type Autoformat from './autoformat.js';
22export type TestCallback = (text: string) => {
23 remove: Array<Array<number>>;
24 format: Array<Array<number>>;
27 * Enables autoformatting mechanism for a given {@link module:core/editor/editor~Editor}.
28 *
29 * It formats the matched text by applying the given model attribute or by running the provided formatting callback.
30 * On every {@link module:engine/model/document~Document#event:change:data data change} in the model document
31 * the autoformatting engine checks the text on the left of the selection
32 * and executes the provided action if the text matches given criteria (regular expression or callback).
33 *
34 * @param editor The editor instance.
35 * @param plugin The autoformat plugin instance.
36 * @param testRegexpOrCallback The regular expression or callback to execute on text.
37 * Provided regular expression *must* have three capture groups. The first and the third capture group
38 * should match opening and closing delimiters. The second capture group should match the text to format.
39 *
40 * ```ts
41 * // Matches the `**bold text**` pattern.
42 * // There are three capturing groups:
43 * // - The first to match the starting `**` delimiter.
44 * // - The second to match the text to format.
45 * // - The third to match the ending `**` delimiter.
46 * inlineAutoformatEditing( editor, plugin, /(\*\*)([^\*]+?)(\*\*)$/g, formatCallback );
47 * ```
48 *
49 * When a function is provided instead of the regular expression, it will be executed with the text to match as a parameter.
50 * The function should return proper "ranges" to delete and format.
51 *
52 * ```ts
53 * {
54 * remove: [
55 * [ 0, 1 ], // Remove the first letter from the given text.
56 * [ 5, 6 ] // Remove the 6th letter from the given text.
57 * ],
58 * format: [
59 * [ 1, 5 ] // Format all letters from 2nd to 5th.
60 * ]
61 * }
62 * ```
63 *
64 * @param formatCallback A callback to apply actual formatting.
65 * It should return `false` if changes should not be applied (e.g. if a command is disabled).
66 *
67 * ```ts
68 * inlineAutoformatEditing( editor, plugin, /(\*\*)([^\*]+?)(\*\*)$/g, ( writer, rangesToFormat ) => {
69 * const command = editor.commands.get( 'bold' );
70 *
71 * if ( !command.isEnabled ) {
72 * return false;
73 * }
74 *
75 * const validRanges = editor.model.schema.getValidRanges( rangesToFormat, 'bold' );
76 *
77 * for ( let range of validRanges ) {
78 * writer.setAttribute( 'bold', true, range );
79 * }
80 * } );
81 * ```
82 */
83export default function inlineAutoformatEditing(editor: Editor, plugin: Autoformat, testRegexpOrCallback: RegExp | TestCallback, formatCallback: (writer: Writer, rangesToFormat: Array<Range>) => boolean | undefined): void;