35.1 kBTypeScriptView Raw
2 * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2024, CKSource Holding sp. z o.o. All rights reserved.
3 * For licensing, see LICENSE.md or https://ckeditor.com/legal/ckeditor-oss-license
4 */
6 * @module core/editor/editorconfig
7 */
8import type { ArrayOrItem, Translations } from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-utils';
9import type Context from '../context.js';
10import type { PluginConstructor } from '../plugin.js';
11import type Editor from './editor.js';
12import type { MenuBarConfig } from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-ui';
14 * CKEditor configuration options.
15 *
16 * An object defining the editor configuration can be passed when initializing the editor:
17 *
18 * ```ts
19 * EditorClass
20 * .create( {
21 * toolbar: [ 'bold', 'italic' ],
22 * image: {
23 * styles: [
24 * ...
25 * ]
26 * }
27 * } )
28 * .then( ... )
29 * .catch( ... );
30 * ```
31 */
32export interface EditorConfig {
33 context?: Context;
34 /**
35 * The list of additional plugins to load along those already available in the
36 * editor. It extends the {@link #plugins `plugins`} configuration.
37 *
38 * ```ts
39 * function MyPlugin( editor ) {
40 * // ...
41 * }
42 *
43 * const config = {
44 * extraPlugins: [ MyPlugin ]
45 * };
46 * ```
47 *
48 * **Note:** This configuration works only for simple plugins which utilize the
49 * {@link module:core/plugin~PluginInterface plugin interface} and have no dependencies. To extend a
50 * build with complex features, try [CKEditr 5 Builder](https://ckeditor.com/ckeditor-5/builder?redirect=docs).
51 *
52 * **Note:** Make sure you include the new features in you toolbar configuration. Learn more
53 * about the {@glink getting-started/setup/toolbar toolbar setup}.
54 */
55 extraPlugins?: Array<PluginConstructor<Editor>>;
56 /**
57 * The initial editor data to be used instead of the provided element's HTML content.
58 *
59 * ```ts
60 * ClassicEditor
61 * .create( document.querySelector( '#editor' ), {
62 * initialData: '<h2>Initial data</h2><p>Foo bar.</p>'
63 * } )
64 * .then( ... )
65 * .catch( ... );
66 * ```
67 *
68 * By default, the editor is initialized with the content of the element on which this editor is initialized.
69 * This configuration option lets you override this behavior and pass different initial data.
70 * It is especially useful if it is difficult for your integration to put the data inside the HTML element.
71 *
72 * If your editor implementation uses multiple roots, you should pass an object with keys corresponding to the editor
73 * roots names and values equal to the data that should be set in each root:
74 *
75 * ```ts
76 * MultiRootEditor.create(
77 * // Roots for the editor:
78 * {
79 * header: document.querySelector( '#header' ),
80 * content: document.querySelector( '#content' ),
81 * leftSide: document.querySelector( '#left-side' ),
82 * rightSide: document.querySelector( '#right-side' )
83 * },
84 * // Config:
85 * {
86 * initialData: {
87 * header: '<p>Content for header part.</p>',
88 * content: '<p>Content for main part.</p>',
89 * leftSide: '<p>Content for left-side box.</p>',
90 * rightSide: '<p>Content for right-side box.</p>'
91 * }
92 * }
93 * )
94 * .then( ... )
95 * .catch( ... );
96 * ```
97 *
98 * See also {@link module:core/editor/editor~Editor.create Editor.create()} documentation for the editor implementation which you use.
99 *
100 * **Note:** If initial data is passed to `Editor.create()` in the first parameter (instead of a DOM element), and,
101 * at the same time, `config.initialData` is set, an error will be thrown as those two options exclude themselves.
102 *
103 * If `config.initialData` is not set when the editor is initialized, the data received in `Editor.create()` call
104 * will be used to set `config.initialData`. As a result, `initialData` is always set in the editor's config and
105 * plugins can read and/or modify it during initialization.
106 */
107 initialData?: string | Record<string, string>;
108 /**
109 * The language of the editor UI and its content.
110 *
111 * Simple usage (change the language of the UI and the content):
112 *
113 * ```ts
114 * ClassicEditor
115 * .create( document.querySelector( '#editor' ), {
116 * // The UI of the editor as well as its content will be in German.
117 * language: 'de'
118 * } )
119 * .then( editor => {
120 * console.log( editor );
121 * } )
122 * .catch( error => {
123 * console.error( error );
124 * } );
125 * ```
126 *
127 * Use different languages for the UI and the content using the {@link module:core/editor/editorconfig~LanguageConfig configuration}
128 * syntax:
129 *
130 * ```ts
131 * ClassicEditor
132 * .create( document.querySelector( '#editor' ), {
133 * language: {
134 * // The UI will be in English.
135 * ui: 'en',
136 *
137 * // But the content will be edited in Arabic.
138 * content: 'ar'
139 * }
140 * } )
141 * .then( editor => {
142 * console.log( editor );
143 * } )
144 * .catch( error => {
145 * console.error( error );
146 * } );
147 * ```
148 *
149 * The language of the content has an impact on the editing experience, for instance it affects screen readers
150 * and spell checkers. It is also particularly useful for typing in certain languages (e.g. right–to–left ones)
151 * because it changes the default alignment of the text.
152 *
153 * The language codes are defined in the [ISO 639-1](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_639-1) standard.
154 *
155 * You need to add the corresponding translation file for the new UI language to work.
156 * Translation files are available on CDN:
157 *
158 * ```html
159 * <script type="importmap">
160 * {
161 * "imports": {
162 * "ckeditor5": "https://cdn.ckeditor.com/ckeditor5/<VERSION>/ckeditor5.js",
163 * "ckeditor5/": "https://cdn.ckeditor.com/ckeditor5/<VERSION>/"
164 * }
165 * }
166 * </script>
167 * <script type="module">
168 * import { ClassicEditor, Essentials, Paragraph } from 'ckeditor5';
169 * import translations from 'ckeditor5/dist/translations/pl.js';
170 *
171 * await ClassicEditor.create( document.querySelector( '#editor' ), {
172 * plugins: [
173 * Essentials,
174 * Paragraph,
175 * ],
176 * toolbar: {
177 * items: [ 'undo', 'redo' ]
178 * },
179 * translations
180 * } );
181 * </script>
182 * ```
183 *
184 * You can add translation using NPM as well.
185 *
186 * ```html
187 * import { ClassicEditor, Essentials, Paragraph } from 'ckeditor5';
188 * import translations from 'ckeditor5/dist/translations/pl.js';
189 *
190 * import 'ckeditor5/dist/styles.css';
191 *
192 * await ClassicEditor.create( document.querySelector( '#editor' ), {
193 * plugins: [
194 * Essentials,
195 * Paragraph,
196 * ],
197 * toolbar: {
198 * items: [ 'undo', 'redo' ]
199 * },
200 * translations
201 * } );
202 * ```
203 *
204 * Check the {@glink getting-started/setup/ui-language UI language} guide for more information about
205 * the localization options and translation process.
206 */
207 language?: string | LanguageConfig;
208 /**
209 * The editor menu bar configuration.
210 *
211 * **Note**: The menu bar is not available in all editor types. Currently, only the
212 * {@link module:editor-classic/classiceditor~ClassicEditor Classic editor} and
213 * {@link module:editor-decoupled/decouplededitor~DecoupledEditor Decoupled editor}
214 * support this feature. Setting the `config.menuBar` configuration for other editor types will have no effect.
215 *
216 * In Classic editor, the menu bar is hidden by default. Set the `isVisible` configuration flag to `true` in order to show it:
217 *
218 * ```ts
219 * ClassicEditor
220 * .create( document.querySelector( '#editor' ), {
221 * menuBar: {
222 * isVisible: true
223 * }
224 * } )
225 * .then( ... );
226 * ```
227 *
228 * When using the Decoupled editor, you will need to insert the menu bar in a desired place yourself. For example:
229 *
230 * ```ts
231 * DecoupledEditor
232 * .create( document.querySelector( '#editor' ), {
233 * toolbar: [ 'undo', 'redo', 'bold', 'italic', 'numberedList', 'bulletedList' ],
234 * } )
235 * .then( editor => {
236 * document.getElementById( '#menuBarContainer' ).appendChild( editor.ui.view.menuBarView.element );
237 * } );
238 * ```
239 *
240 * **Note**: You do not have to set the `items` property in this configuration in order to use the menu bar.
241 * By default, a {@link module:ui/menubar/utils#DefaultMenuBarItems default set of items} is used that already includes
242 * **all core editor features**. For your convenience, there are `config.menuBar.addItems` and
243 * `config.menuBar.removeItems` options available that will help you adjust the default configuration without setting the
244 * entire menu bar structure from scratch (see below).
245 *
246 * **Removing items from the menu bar**
247 *
248 * You can use the `config.menuBar.removeItems` option to remove items from the default menu bar configuration. You can
249 * remove individual buttons (e.g. "Bold" or "Block quote"), item groups (e.g. the basic styles section that
250 * includes multiple buttons such as "Bold", "Italic", "Underline", etc.), or whole menus (e.g. the "Insert" menu). Please
251 * refer to the {@link module:ui/menubar/utils#DefaultMenuBarItems default configuration} to see default buttons/groups/menus
252 * and their structure.
253 *
254 * To remove individual buttons from the menu bar:
255 *
256 * ```ts
257 * ClassicEditor
258 * .create( document.querySelector( '#editor' ), {
259 * menuBar: {
260 * // Removes "Bold" and "Block quote" buttons from their respective menus.
261 * removeItems: [ 'menuBar:bold', 'menuBar:blockQuote' ]
262 * }
263 * } )
264 * .then( ... );
265 * ```
266 *
267 * To remove a group of buttons from the menu bar:
268 *
269 * ```ts
270 * ClassicEditor
271 * .create( document.querySelector( '#editor' ), {
272 * menuBar: {
273 * // Removes the entire basic styles group ("Bold", "Italic", "Underline", etc.) from the "Format" menu.
274 * removeItems: [ 'basicStyles' ]
275 * }
276 * } )
277 * .then( ... );
278 * ```
279 *
280 * To remove a menu from the menu bar:
281 *
282 * ```ts
283 * ClassicEditor
284 * .create( document.querySelector( '#editor' ), {
285 * menuBar: {
286 * // Removes the whole top-level "Insert" menu from the menu bar.
287 * removeItems: [ 'insert' ]
288 * }
289 * } )
290 * .then( ... );
291 * ```
292 *
293 * **Adding items to the menu bar**
294 *
295 * Using the `config.menuBar.addItems` option you can add individual buttons, button groups or entire menus to the structure
296 * of the menu bar. You can add existing components that you removed from their original position, or add your own components.
297 *
298 * **Note**: When adding items please make sure that features (editor plugins) that bring specific menu bar items are loaded.
299 * For instance, the "Bold" button will not show up in the menu bar unless the {@glink features/basic-styles basic styles} feature is
300 * loaded. {@link module:core/editor/editorconfig~EditorConfig#plugins Learn more} about loading plugins.
301 *
302 * Each entry in the `config.menuBar.addItems` is an object with one of the following properties:
303 *
304 * * `item` &ndash; A name of the button to be added to a specific button group (e.g. `'menuBar:bold'` or `'myButton'`),
305 * * `menu` &ndash; A {@link module:ui/menubar/menubarview#MenuBarMenuDefinition definition of a menu} that should be added to
306 * the menu bar,
307 * * `group` &ndash; A {@link module:ui/menubar/menubarview#MenuBarMenuGroupDefinition definition of a button group} that should be
308 * added to a specific menu.
309 *
310 * Additionally, each entry must define the `position` property that accepts the following values:
311 * * `'start'` &ndash; Adds a top-level menu (e.g. "Format", "Insert", etc.) at the beginning of the menu bar,
312 * * `'start:GROUP_OR_MENU'` &ndash; Adds a button/group at the beginning of the specific group/menu,
313 * * `'end'` &ndash; Adds a top-level menu (e.g. "Format", "Insert", etc.) at the end of the menu bar,
314 * * `'end:GROUP_OR_MENU'` &ndash; Adds a button/group at the end of the specific group/menu,
315 * * `'after:BUTTON_OR_GROUP_OR_MENU'` &ndash; Adds a button/group/menu right after the specific button/group/menu,
316 * * `'before:BUTTON_OR_GROUP_OR_MENU'` &ndash; Adds a button/group/menu right after the specific button/group/menu.
317 *
318 * Please refer to the {@link module:ui/menubar/utils#DefaultMenuBarItems default configuration} to learn about the
319 * names of buttons and positions they can be added at.
320 *
321 * To add a new top-level menu with specific buttons at the end of the menu bar:
322 *
323 * ```ts
324 * ClassicEditor
325 * .create( document.querySelector( '#editor' ), {
326 * menuBar: {
327 * addItems: [
328 * {
329 * menu: {
330 * menuId: 'my-menu',
331 * label: 'My menu',
332 * groups: [
333 * {
334 * groupId: 'my-buttons',
335 * items: [
336 * 'menuBar:bold',
337 * 'menuBar:italic',
338 * 'menuBar:underline'
339 * ]
340 * }
341 * ]
342 * },
343 * position: 'end'
344 * }
345 * ]
346 * }
347 * } )
348 * .then( ... );
349 * ```
350 *
351 * To add a new group of buttons to the "Format" menu after basic styles buttons ("Bold", "Italic", "Underline", etc.):
352 *
353 * ```ts
354 * ClassicEditor
355 * .create( document.querySelector( '#editor' ), {
356 * menuBar: {
357 * addItems: [
358 * {
359 * group: {
360 * groupId: 'my-buttons',
361 * items: [
362 * 'myButton1',
363 * 'myButton2',
364 * ]
365 * },
366 * position: 'after:basicStyles'
367 * }
368 * ]
369 * }
370 * } )
371 * .then( ... );
372 * ```
373 *
374 * To add a new button to the basic styles group ("Bold", "Italic", "Underline", etc.) in the "Format" menu:
375 *
376 * ```ts
377 * ClassicEditor
378 * .create( document.querySelector( '#editor' ), {
379 * menuBar: {
380 * addItems: [
381 * {
382 * item: 'myButton',
383 * position: 'end:basicStyles'
384 * }
385 * ]
386 * }
387 * } )
388 * .then( ... );
389 * ```
390 *
391 * To add a new sub-menu in the "Format" menu:
392 *
393 * ```ts
394 * ClassicEditor
395 * .create( document.querySelector( '#editor' ), {
396 * menuBar: {
397 * addItems: [
398 * {
399 * menu: {
400 * menuId: 'my-sub-menu',
401 * label: 'My sub-menu',
402 * groups: [
403 * {
404 * groupId: 'my-buttons',
405 * items: [
406 * 'myButton1',
407 * 'myButton2',
408 * ]
409 * }
410 * ]
411 * },
412 * position: 'after:basicStyles'
413 * }
414 * ]
415 * }
416 * } )
417 * .then( ... );
418 * ```
419 *
420 * **Defining menu bar from scratch**
421 *
422 * If the `config.menuBar.addItems` and `config.menuBar.removeItems` options are not enough to adjust the
423 * {@link module:ui/menubar/utils#DefaultMenuBarItems default configuration}, you can set the menu bar structure from scratch.
424 *
425 * For instance, to create a minimalistic menu bar configuration with just two main categories (menus), use the following code snippet:
426 *
427 * ```ts
428 * ClassicEditor
429 * .create( document.querySelector( '#editor' ), {
430 * menuBar: {
431 * items: [
432 * {
433 * menuId: 'formatting',
434 * label: 'Formatting',
435 * groups: [
436 * {
437 * groupId: 'basicStyles',
438 * items: [
439 * 'menuBar:bold',
440 * 'menuBar:italic',
441 * ]
442 * },
443 * {
444 * groupId: 'misc',
445 * items: [
446 * 'menuBar:heading',
447 * 'menuBar:bulletedList',
448 * 'menuBar:numberedList'
449 * ]
450 * }
451 * ]
452 * },
453 * {
454 * menuId: 'myButtons',
455 * label: 'My actions',
456 * groups: [
457 * {
458 * groupId: 'undo',
459 * items: [
460 * 'myButton1',
461 * 'myButton2'
462 * ]
463 * }
464 * ]
465 * }
466 * ]
467 * }
468 * } )
469 * .then( ... );
470 * ```
471 */
472 menuBar?: MenuBarConfig;
473 /**
474 * Specifies the text displayed in the editor when there is no content (editor is empty). It is intended to
475 * help users locate the editor in the application (form) and prompt them to input the content. Work similarly
476 * as to the native DOM
477 * [`placeholder` attribute](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/input#The_placeholder_attribute)
478 * used by inputs.
479 *
480 * ```ts
481 * ClassicEditor
482 * .create( document.querySelector( '#editor' ), {
483 * placeholder: 'Type some text...'
484 * } )
485 * .then( ... )
486 * .catch( ... );
487 * ```
488 *
489 * If your editor implementation uses multiple roots, you should pass an object with keys corresponding to the editor
490 * roots names and values equal to the placeholder that should be set in each root:
491 *
492 * ```ts
493 * MultiRootEditor.create(
494 * // Roots for the editor:
495 * {
496 * header: document.querySelector( '#header' ),
497 * content: document.querySelector( '#content' ),
498 * leftSide: document.querySelector( '#left-side' ),
499 * rightSide: document.querySelector( '#right-side' )
500 * },
501 * // Config:
502 * {
503 * placeholder: {
504 * header: 'Type header...',
505 * content: 'Type content...',
506 * leftSide: 'Type left-side...',
507 * rightSide: 'Type right-side...'
508 * }
509 * }
510 * )
511 * .then( ... )
512 * .catch( ... );
513 * ```
514 *
515 * The placeholder text is displayed as a pseudo–element of an empty paragraph in the editor content.
516 * The paragraph has the `.ck-placeholder` CSS class and the `data-placeholder` attribute.
517 *
518 * ```html
519 * <p data-placeholder="Type some text..." class="ck-placeholder">
520 * ::before
521 * </p>
522 * ```
523 *
524 * **Note**: Placeholder text can also be set using the `placeholder` attribute if a `<textarea>` is passed to
525 * the `create()` method, e.g. {@link module:editor-classic/classiceditor~ClassicEditor.create `ClassicEditor.create()`}.
526 *
527 * **Note**: This configuration has precedence over the value of the `placeholder` attribute of a `<textarea>`
528 * element passed to the `create()` method.
529 *
530 * See the {@glink features/editor-placeholder "Editor placeholder"} guide for more information and live examples.
531 */
532 placeholder?: string | Record<string, string>;
533 /**
534 * The list of plugins to load.
535 *
536 * ```ts
537 * import {
538 * // A preset of plugins is a plugin as well.
539 * Essentials,
540 * // The bold plugin.
541 * Bold
542 * } from 'ckeditor5';
543 *
544 * const config = {
545 * plugins: [ Essentials, Bold ]
546 * };
547 * ```
548 *
549 * **Note:** To load additional plugins, you should use the {@link #extraPlugins `extraPlugins`} configuration.
550 * To narrow the list of loaded plugins, use the {@link #removePlugins `removePlugins`} configuration.
551 */
552 plugins?: Array<PluginConstructor<Editor> | string>;
553 /**
554 * The list of plugins which should not be loaded despite being available in
555 * the editor.
556 *
557 * ```ts
558 * const config = {
559 * removePlugins: [ 'Bold', 'Italic' ]
560 * };
561 * ```
562 *
563 * **Note:** Be careful when removing plugins using `config.removePlugins`.
564 * If removed plugins were providing toolbar buttons, the default toolbar configuration included in a build
565 * will become invalid. In such case you need to provide the updated
566 * {@link module:core/editor/editorconfig~EditorConfig#toolbar toolbar configuration}.
567 */
568 removePlugins?: Array<PluginConstructor<Editor> | string>;
569 substitutePlugins?: Array<PluginConstructor<Editor>>;
570 /**
571 * The editor toolbar configuration.
572 *
573 * Simple format (specifies only toolbar items):
574 *
575 * ```ts
576 * const config = {
577 * toolbar: [ 'bold', 'italic', '|', 'undo', 'redo' ]
578 * };
579 * ```
580 *
581 * Extended format:
582 *
583 * ```ts
584 * const config = {
585 * toolbar: {
586 * items: [ 'bold', 'italic', '|', 'undo', 'redo', '-', 'numberedList', 'bulletedList' ],
587 *
588 * shouldNotGroupWhenFull: true
589 * }
590 * };
591 * ```
592 *
593 * Options which can be set using the extended format:
594 *
595 * * **`toolbar.items`** &ndash; An array of toolbar item names. The components (buttons, dropdowns, etc.) which can be used
596 * as toolbar items are defined in `editor.ui.componentFactory` and can be listed using the following snippet:
597 *
598 * ```ts
599 * Array.from( editor.ui.componentFactory.names() );
600 * ```
601 *
602 * You can also use `'|'` to create a separator between groups of items:
603 *
604 * ```
605 * toolbar: [ 'bold', 'italic', '|', 'undo', 'redo' ]
606 * ```
607 *
608 * or `'-'` to make a line break and render items in multiple lines:
609 *
610 * ```
611 * toolbar: [ 'bold', 'italic', '-', 'undo', 'redo' ]
612 * ```
613 *
614 * Line break will work only in the extended format when `shouldNotGroupWhenFull` option is set to `true`.
615 *
616 * **Note**: To save space in your toolbar, you can group several items into a dropdown:
617 *
618 * ```
619 * toolbar: [
620 * {
621 * label: 'Basic styles',
622 * icon: 'text',
623 * items: [ 'bold', 'italic', ... ]
624 * },
625 * '|',
626 * 'undo', 'redo'
627 * ]
628 * ```
629 *
630 * The code above will create a "Basic styles" dropdown with a "text" icon containing the "bold" and "italic" buttons.
631 * You can customize the look of the dropdown by setting the `withText`, `icon`, and `tooltip` properties:
632 *
633 * * **Displaying a label**
634 *
635 * For instance, to hide the icon and to display the label only, you can use the following configuration:
636 *
637 * ```ts
638 * {
639 * label: 'Basic styles',
640 * // Show the textual label of the drop-down. Note that the "icon" property is not configured.
641 * withText: true,
642 * items: [ 'bold', 'italic', ... ]
643 * }
644 * ```
645 *
646 * * **Selecting an icon**
647 *
648 * You can use one of the common icons provided by the editor (`'bold'`, `'plus'`, `'text'`, `'importExport'`, `'alignLeft'`,
649 * `'paragraph'`, `'threeVerticalDots'`, `'dragIndicator'`, `'pilcrow'`):
650 *
651 * ```ts
652 * {
653 * label: '...',
654 * // A "plus" sign icon works best for content insertion tools.
655 * icon: 'plus',
656 * items: [ ... ]
657 * }
658 * ```
659 *
660 * If no icon is specified, `'threeVerticalDots'` will be used as a default:
661 *
662 * ```ts
663 * // No icon specified, using a default one.
664 * {
665 * label: 'Default icon',
666 * items: [ ... ]
667 * }
668 * ```
669 *
670 * If `icon: false` is configured, no icon will be displayed at all and the text label will show up instead:
671 *
672 * ```ts
673 * // This drop-down has no icon. The text label will be displayed instead.
674 * {
675 * label: 'No icon',
676 * icon: false,
677 * items: [ ... ]
678 * }
679 * ```
680 *
681 * You can also set a custom icon for the drop-down by passing an SVG string:
682 *
683 * ```ts
684 * {
685 * label: '...',
686 * // If you want your icon to change the color dynamically (e.g. when the dropdown opens), avoid fill="..."
687 * // and stroke="..." styling attributes. Use solid shapes and avoid paths with strokes.
688 * icon: '<svg viewBox="0 0 20 20" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">...</svg>',
689 * items: [ ... ]
690 * }
691 * ```
692 *
693 * * **Customizing the tooltip**
694 *
695 * By default, the tooltip of the button shares its text with the label. You can customize it to better describe your dropdown
696 * using the `tooltip` property ({@link module:ui/button/buttonview~ButtonView#tooltip learn more}):
697 *
698 * ```ts
699 * {
700 * label: 'Drop-down label',
701 * tooltip: 'Custom tooltip of the drop-down',
702 * icon: '...',
703 * items: [ ... ]
704 * }
705 * ```
706 *
707 * * **`toolbar.viewportTopOffset` (deprecated)** &ndash; The offset (in pixels) from the top of the viewport used when positioning a
708 * sticky toolbar.
709 * Useful when a page with which the editor is being integrated has some other sticky or fixed elements
710 * (e.g. the top menu). Thanks to setting the toolbar offset the toolbar will not be positioned underneath or above the page's UI.
711 *
712 * **This property has been deprecated and will be removed in the future versions of CKEditor. Please use
713 * `{@link module:core/editor/editorconfig~EditorConfig#ui EditorConfig#ui.viewportOffset}` instead.**
714 *
715 * * **`toolbar.shouldNotGroupWhenFull`** &ndash; When set to `true`, the toolbar will stop grouping items
716 * and let them wrap to the next line if there is not enough space to display them in a single row.
717 */
718 toolbar?: ToolbarConfig;
719 /**
720 * The editor UI configuration.
721 *
722 * ```ts
723 * ClassicEditor
724 * .create( document.querySelector( '#editor' ), {
725 * ui: { ... }
726 * } )
727 * .then( ... )
728 * .catch( ... );
729 * ```
730 *
731 * Options which can be set using the UI configuration:
732 *
733 * * **`ui.viewportOffset`** &ndash; The offset (in pixels) of the viewport from every direction. It is
734 * used when positioning a sticky toolbar or other absolutely positioned UI elements.
735 * Useful when a page with which the editor is being integrated has some other sticky or fixed elements
736 * (e.g. the top menu). Thanks to setting the UI viewport offset, the toolbar and other contextual balloons will not be positioned
737 * underneath or above the page's UI.
738 *
739 * ```ts
740 * ui: {
741 * viewportOffset: { top: 10, right: 10, bottom: 10, left: 10 }
742 * }
743 * ```
744 *
745 * **Note:** If you want to modify the viewport offset in runtime (after the editor was created), you can do that by overriding
746 * {@link module:ui/editorui/editorui~EditorUI#viewportOffset `editor.ui.viewportOffset`}.
747 *
748 * * **`ui.poweredBy`** &ndash; The configuration of the project logo displayed over the editor's editing area in
749 * open-source integrations. It allows customizing the position of the logo to minimize the risk of collision with the
750 * editor content and UI.
751 *
752 * The following configuration properties are supported:
753 *
754 * * **`position`** &ndash; The position of the project's logo (default: `'border'`).
755 * * When `'inside'`, the logo will be displayed within the boundaries of the editing area.
756 * * When `'border'`, the logo will be displayed over the bottom border of the editing area.
757 *
758 * * **`side`** (`'left'` or `'right'`, default: `'right'`) &ndash; The side of the editing area where the
759 * logo will be displayed.
760 *
761 * **Note**: If {@link module:core/editor/editorconfig~EditorConfig#language `config.language`} is set to an RTL (right-to-left)
762 * language, the side switches to `'left'` by default.
763 *
764 * * **`label`** (default: `'Powered by'`) &ndash; The label displayed next to the project's logo.
765 *
766 * **Note**: Set the value to `null` to display the logo without any text.
767 *
768 * * **`verticalOffset`** (default: `5`) &ndash; The vertical distance the logo can be moved away from its default position.
769 *
770 * **Note**: If `position` is `'border'`, the offset is measured from the (vertical) center of the logo.
771 *
772 * * **`horizontalOffset`** (default: `5`) &ndash; The horizontal distance between the side of the editing root and the
773 * nearest side of the logo.
774 *
775 * ```ts
776 * ui: {
777 * poweredBy: {
778 * position: 'border',
779 * side: 'left',
780 * verticalOffset: 2,
781 * horizontalOffset: 30
782 * }
783 * }
784 */
785 ui?: UiConfig;
786 /**
787 * Enables updating the source element after the editor is destroyed.
788 *
789 * Enabling this option might have some security implications, as the editor doesn't have control over all data
790 * in the output.
791 *
792 * Be careful, especially while using the
793 * {@glink features/markdown Markdown}, {@glink features/html/general-html-support General HTML Support}, or
794 * {@glink features/html/html-embed HTML embed} features.
795 */
796 updateSourceElementOnDestroy?: boolean;
797 /**
798 * The license key for the CKEditor 5 commercial license and the premium features.
799 *
800 * If you do not have a key yet, please [contact us](https://ckeditor.com/contact/) or
801 * [order a trial](https://orders.ckeditor.com/trial/premium-features).
802 */
803 licenseKey?: string;
804 /**
805 * Translations to be used in the editor.
806 */
807 translations?: ArrayOrItem<Translations>;
808 /**
809 * Label text for the `aria-label` attribute set on editor editing area. Used by assistive technologies
810 * to tell apart multiple editor instances (editing areas) on the page. If not set, a default
811 * "Rich Text Editor. Editing area [name of the area]" is used instead.
812 *
813 * ```ts
814 * ClassicEditor
815 * .create( document.querySelector( '#editor' ), {
816 * label: 'My editor'
817 * } )
818 * .then( ... )
819 * .catch( ... );
820 * ```
821 *
822 * If your editor implementation uses multiple roots, you should pass an object with keys corresponding to the editor
823 * roots names and values equal to the label that should be used for each root:
824 *
825 * ```ts
826 * MultiRootEditor.create(
827 * // Roots for the editor:
828 * {
829 * header: document.querySelector( '#header' ),
830 * content: document.querySelector( '#content' ),
831 * leftSide: document.querySelector( '#left-side' ),
832 * rightSide: document.querySelector( '#right-side' )
833 * },
834 * // Config:
835 * {
836 * label: {
837 * header: 'Header label',
838 * content: 'Content label',
839 * leftSide: 'Left side label',
840 * rightSide: 'Right side label'
841 * }
842 * }
843 * )
844 * .then( ... )
845 * .catch( ... );
846 * ```
847 */
848 label?: string | Record<string, string>;
851 * The `config.initialData` option cannot be used together with the initial data passed as the first parameter of
852 * {@link module:core/editor/editor~Editor.create `Editor.create()`}.
853 *
854 * @error editor-create-initial-data
855 */
857 * The configuration of the editor language.
858 *
859 * ```ts
860 * ClassicEditor
861 * .create( document.querySelector( '#editor' ), {
862 * language: ... // The editor language configuration.
863 * } )
864 * .then( editor => {
865 * console.log( editor );
866 * } )
867 * .catch( error => {
868 * console.error( error );
869 * } );
870 * ```
871 *
872 * See {@link module:core/editor/editorconfig~EditorConfig all editor options}.
873 */
874export interface LanguageConfig {
875 /**
876 * Allows to use a different language for the editor UI.
877 *
878 * The language codes are defined in the [ISO 639-1](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_639-1) standard.
879 */
880 ui?: string;
881 /**
882 * Allows to use a different language of the editor content.
883 *
884 * The language codes are defined in the [ISO 639-1](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_639-1) standard.
885 */
886 content?: string;
888export type ToolbarConfig = Array<ToolbarConfigItem> | {
889 items?: Array<ToolbarConfigItem>;
890 removeItems?: Array<string>;
891 shouldNotGroupWhenFull?: boolean;
892 icon?: string;
894export type ToolbarConfigItem = string | {
895 items: Array<ToolbarConfigItem>;
896 label: string;
897 icon?: string | false;
898 withText?: boolean;
899 tooltip?: boolean | string | ((label: string, keystroke: string | undefined) => string);
902 * ThePowered by CKEditorlogo configuration options.
903 **/
904export interface PoweredByConfig {
905 /**
906 * The position of the project's logo.
907 *
908 * * When `'inside'`, the logo will be displayed within the boundaries of the editing area.
909 * * When `'border'`, the logo will be displayed over the bottom border of the editing area.
910 *
911 * @default 'border'
912 */
913 position: 'inside' | 'border';
914 /**
915 * Allows choosing the side of the editing area where the logo will be displayed.
916 *
917 * **Note:** If {@link module:core/editor/editorconfig~EditorConfig#language `config.language`} is set to an RTL (right-to-left)
918 * language, the side switches to `'left'` by default.
919 *
920 * @default 'right'
921 */
922 side: 'left' | 'right';
923 /**
924 * Allows changing the label displayed next to the CKEditor logo.
925 *
926 * **Note:** Set the value to `null` to hide the label.
927 *
928 * @default 'Powered by'
929 */
930 label: string | null;
931 /**
932 * The vertical distance the logo can be moved away from its default position.
933 *
934 * **Note:** If `position` is `'border'`, the offset is measured from the (vertical) center of the logo.
935 *
936 * @default 5
937 */
938 verticalOffset: number;
939 /**
940 * The horizontal distance between the side of the editing root and the nearest side of the logo.
941 *
942 * @default 5
943 */
944 horizontalOffset: number;
945 /**
946 * Allows to show the logo even if the valid commercial license is configured using
947 * the {@link module:core/editor/editorconfig~EditorConfig#licenseKey `config.licenseKey`} setting.
948 *
949 * @default false
950 */
951 forceVisible?: boolean;
954 * The offset (in pixels) of the viewport from every direction used when positioning a sticky toolbar or other
955 * absolutely positioned UI elements.
956 */
957export interface ViewportOffsetConfig {
958 /**
959 * The bottom offset in pixels.
960 */
961 bottom?: number;
962 /**
963 * The left offset in pixels.
964 */
965 left?: number;
966 /**
967 * The right offset in pixels.
968 */
969 right?: number;
970 /**
971 * The top offset in pixels.
972 */
973 top?: number;
975export interface UiConfig {
976 /**
977 * The viewport offset used for positioning various absolutely positioned UI elements.
978 *
979 * Read more in {@link module:core/editor/editorconfig~ViewportOffsetConfig}.
980 **/
981 viewportOffset?: ViewportOffsetConfig;
982 /**
983 * The configuration of thePowered by CKEditorlogo.
984 *
985 * Read more in {@link module:core/editor/editorconfig~PoweredByConfig}.
986 **/
987 poweredBy?: PoweredByConfig;
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