7.99 kBTypeScriptView Raw
2 * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2024, CKSource Holding sp. z o.o. All rights reserved.
3 * For licensing, see LICENSE.md or https://ckeditor.com/legal/ckeditor-oss-license
4 */
6 * @module core/command
7 */
8import { type DecoratedMethodEvent } from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-utils';
9import type Editor from './editor/editor.js';
10declare const Command_base: {
11 new (): import("@ckeditor/ckeditor5-utils").Observable;
12 prototype: import("@ckeditor/ckeditor5-utils").Observable;
15 * Base class for the CKEditor commands.
16 *
17 * Commands are the main way to manipulate the editor contents and state. They are mostly used by UI elements (or by other
18 * commands) to make changes in the model. Commands are available in every part of the code that has access to
19 * the {@link module:core/editor/editor~Editor editor} instance.
20 *
21 * Instances of registered commands can be retrieved from {@link module:core/editor/editor~Editor#commands `editor.commands`}.
22 * The easiest way to execute a command is through {@link module:core/editor/editor~Editor#execute `editor.execute()`}.
23 *
24 * By default, commands are disabled when the editor is in the {@link module:core/editor/editor~Editor#isReadOnly read-only} mode
25 * but commands with the {@link module:core/command~Command#affectsData `affectsData`} flag set to `false` will not be disabled.
26 */
27export default class Command extends /* #__PURE__ */ Command_base {
28 /**
29 * The editor on which this command will be used.
30 */
31 readonly editor: Editor;
32 /**
33 * The value of the command. A given command class should define what it represents for it.
34 *
35 * For example, the `'bold'` command's value indicates whether the selection starts in a bolded text.
36 * And the value of the `'link'` command may be an object with link details.
37 *
38 * It is possible for a command to have no value (e.g. for stateless actions such as `'uploadImage'`).
39 *
40 * A given command class should control this value by overriding the {@link #refresh `refresh()`} method.
41 *
42 * @observable
43 * @readonly
44 */
45 value: unknown;
46 /**
47 * Flag indicating whether a command is enabled or disabled.
48 * A disabled command will do nothing when executed.
49 *
50 * A given command class should control this value by overriding the {@link #refresh `refresh()`} method.
51 *
52 * It is possible to disable a command "from outside" using {@link #forceDisabled} method.
53 *
54 * @observable
55 * @readonly
56 */
57 isEnabled: boolean;
58 /**
59 * A flag indicating whether a command's `isEnabled` state should be changed depending on where the document
60 * selection is placed.
61 *
62 * By default, it is set to `true`. If the document selection is placed in a
63 * {@link module:engine/model/model~Model#canEditAt non-editable} place (such as non-editable root), the command becomes disabled.
64 *
65 * The flag should be changed to `false` in a concrete command's constructor if the command should not change its `isEnabled`
66 * accordingly to the document selection.
67 */
68 protected _isEnabledBasedOnSelection: boolean;
69 /**
70 * A flag indicating whether a command execution changes the editor data or not.
71 *
72 * @see #affectsData
73 */
74 private _affectsData;
75 /**
76 * Holds identifiers for {@link #forceDisabled} mechanism.
77 */
78 private readonly _disableStack;
79 /**
80 * Creates a new `Command` instance.
81 *
82 * @param editor The editor on which this command will be used.
83 */
84 constructor(editor: Editor);
85 /**
86 * A flag indicating whether a command execution changes the editor data or not.
87 *
88 * Commands with `affectsData` set to `false` will not be automatically disabled in
89 * the {@link module:core/editor/editor~Editor#isReadOnly read-only mode} and
90 * {@glink features/read-only#related-features other editor modes} with restricted user write permissions.
91 *
92 * **Note:** You do not have to set it for your every command. It is `true` by default.
93 *
94 * @default true
95 */
96 get affectsData(): boolean;
97 protected set affectsData(affectsData: boolean);
98 /**
99 * Refreshes the command. The command should update its {@link #isEnabled} and {@link #value} properties
100 * in this method.
101 *
102 * This method is automatically called when
103 * {@link module:engine/model/document~Document#event:change any changes are applied to the document}.
104 */
105 refresh(): void;
106 /**
107 * Disables the command.
108 *
109 * Command may be disabled by multiple features or algorithms (at once). When disabling a command, unique id should be passed
110 * (e.g. the feature name). The same identifier should be used when {@link #clearForceDisabled enabling back} the command.
111 * The command becomes enabled only after all features {@link #clearForceDisabled enabled it back}.
112 *
113 * Disabling and enabling a command:
114 *
115 * ```ts
116 * command.isEnabled; // -> true
117 * command.forceDisabled( 'MyFeature' );
118 * command.isEnabled; // -> false
119 * command.clearForceDisabled( 'MyFeature' );
120 * command.isEnabled; // -> true
121 * ```
122 *
123 * Command disabled by multiple features:
124 *
125 * ```ts
126 * command.forceDisabled( 'MyFeature' );
127 * command.forceDisabled( 'OtherFeature' );
128 * command.clearForceDisabled( 'MyFeature' );
129 * command.isEnabled; // -> false
130 * command.clearForceDisabled( 'OtherFeature' );
131 * command.isEnabled; // -> true
132 * ```
133 *
134 * Multiple disabling with the same identifier is redundant:
135 *
136 * ```ts
137 * command.forceDisabled( 'MyFeature' );
138 * command.forceDisabled( 'MyFeature' );
139 * command.clearForceDisabled( 'MyFeature' );
140 * command.isEnabled; // -> true
141 * ```
142 *
143 * **Note:** some commands or algorithms may have more complex logic when it comes to enabling or disabling certain commands,
144 * so the command might be still disabled after {@link #clearForceDisabled} was used.
145 *
146 * @param id Unique identifier for disabling. Use the same id when {@link #clearForceDisabled enabling back} the command.
147 */
148 forceDisabled(id: string): void;
149 /**
150 * Clears forced disable previously set through {@link #forceDisabled}. See {@link #forceDisabled}.
151 *
152 * @param id Unique identifier, equal to the one passed in {@link #forceDisabled} call.
153 */
154 clearForceDisabled(id: string): void;
155 /**
156 * Executes the command.
157 *
158 * A command may accept parameters. They will be passed from {@link module:core/editor/editor~Editor#execute `editor.execute()`}
159 * to the command.
160 *
161 * The `execute()` method will automatically abort when the command is disabled ({@link #isEnabled} is `false`).
162 * This behavior is implemented by a high priority listener to the {@link #event:execute} event.
163 *
164 * In order to see how to disable a command from "outside" see the {@link #isEnabled} documentation.
165 *
166 * This method may return a value, which would be forwarded all the way down to the
167 * {@link module:core/editor/editor~Editor#execute `editor.execute()`}.
168 *
169 * @fires execute
170 */
171 execute(...args: Array<unknown>): unknown;
172 /**
173 * Destroys the command.
174 */
175 destroy(): void;
178 * Event fired by the {@link module:core/command~Command#execute} method. The command action is a listener to this event so it's
179 * possible to change/cancel the behavior of the command by listening to this event.
180 *
181 * See {@link module:utils/observablemixin~Observable#decorate} for more information and samples.
182 *
183 * **Note:** This event is fired even if command is disabled. However, it is automatically blocked
184 * by a high priority listener in order to prevent command execution.
185 *
186 * @eventName ~Command#execute
187 */
188export type CommandExecuteEvent = DecoratedMethodEvent<Command, 'execute'>;
189export {};