7.4 kBJavaScriptView Raw
2 * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2022, CKSource Holding sp. z o.o. All rights reserved.
3 * For licensing, see LICENSE.md.
4 */
6'use strict';
8const chalk = require( 'chalk' );
9const serveTranslations = require( './servetranslations' );
10const MultipleLanguageTranslationService = require( '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-dev-utils/lib/translations/multiplelanguagetranslationservice' );
13 * CKEditorWebpackPlugin, for now, consists only of the translation mechanism (@ckeditor/ckeditor5#624, @ckeditor/ckeditor5#387,
14 * @ckeditor/ckeditor5#6526).
15 *
16 * The main language specified in `language` option will be statically added to the bundle. Translations for all languages from
17 * the `additionalLanguages` option (if set) will be saved separately in the directory specified by the `outputDirectory` option
18 * (which defaults to `lang`).
19 *
20 * If the `allowMultipleJSOutputs` is unset (or set to `false`) and when multiple outputs are defined, then translations for all languages
21 * (from both `language` and `additionalLanguages` options) will be saved separately.
22 * In that situation user will be warned that he needs to load at least one translation file manually to get editor working.
23 *
24 * If the `allowMultipleJSOutputs` is set to `true` and when multiple JS outputs are defined, then translations for the main language
25 * will be added to all JS outputs and other translations will be saved separately.
26 *
27 * Translation files will be emitted in the `outputDirectory` or `'lang'` directory if `outputDirectory` is not set.
28 *
29 * This plugin tries to clean the output translation directory before each build to make sure, that all translations are correct.
30 * See https://github.com/ckeditor/ckeditor5/issues/700 for more information.
31 */
32module.exports = class CKEditorWebpackPlugin {
33 /**
34 * @param {CKEditorWebpackPluginOptions} options Plugin options.
35 */
36 constructor( options ) {
37 if ( !options ) {
38 throw new Error( 'The `CKEditorWebpackPlugin` plugin requires an object.' );
39 }
41 this.options = {
42 language: options.language,
43 additionalLanguages: options.additionalLanguages,
44 outputDirectory: options.outputDirectory || 'translations',
45 strict: !!options.strict,
46 verbose: !!options.verbose,
47 addMainLanguageTranslationsToAllAssets: !!options.addMainLanguageTranslationsToAllAssets,
48 buildAllTranslationsToSeparateFiles: !!options.buildAllTranslationsToSeparateFiles,
49 sourceFilesPattern: options.sourceFilesPattern || /[/\\]ckeditor5-[^/\\]+[/\\]src[/\\].+\.js$/,
50 packageNamesPattern: options.packageNamesPattern || /[/\\]ckeditor5-[^/\\]+[/\\]/,
51 corePackagePattern: options.corePackagePattern || /[/\\]ckeditor5-core/,
52 corePackageSampleResourcePath: options.corePackageSampleResourcePath || '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-core/src/editor/editor.js',
53 corePackageContextsResourcePath: options.corePackageContextsResourcePath || '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-core/lang/contexts.json',
54 translationsOutputFile: options.translationsOutputFile,
55 includeCorePackageTranslations: !!options.includeCorePackageTranslations,
56 skipPluralFormFunction: !!options.skipPluralFormFunction
57 };
58 }
60 apply( compiler ) {
61 if ( !this.options.language ) {
62 console.warn( chalk.yellow(
63 'The `language` option is required by the `CKEditorWebpackPlugin` plugin.' +
64 'If you do not want to localize the CKEditor 5 code do not add this plugin to your webpack configuration.'
65 ) );
67 return;
68 }
70 const {
71 addMainLanguageTranslationsToAllAssets,
72 buildAllTranslationsToSeparateFiles,
73 language: mainLanguage
74 } = this.options;
76 let compileAllLanguages = false;
77 let additionalLanguages = this.options.additionalLanguages || [];
79 if ( typeof additionalLanguages == 'string' ) {
80 if ( additionalLanguages !== 'all' ) {
81 throw new Error( 'Error: The `additionalLanguages` option should be an array of language codes or `all`.' );
82 }
84 compileAllLanguages = true;
85 additionalLanguages = []; // They will be searched in runtime.
86 }
88 // Currently, there is only one strategy to build translation files.
89 // Though, bear in mind that there might be a need for a different build strategy in the future,
90 // hence the translation service is separated from the webpack-specific environment.
91 // See the TranslationService interface in the `servetranslation.js` file.
92 const translationService = new MultipleLanguageTranslationService( {
93 mainLanguage,
94 compileAllLanguages,
95 additionalLanguages,
96 addMainLanguageTranslationsToAllAssets,
97 buildAllTranslationsToSeparateFiles,
98 translationsOutputFile: this.options.translationsOutputFile,
99 skipPluralFormFunction: this.options.skipPluralFormFunction
100 } );
102 serveTranslations( compiler, this.options, translationService );
103 }
107 * @typedef {Object} CKEditorWebpackPluginOptions CKEditorWebpackPluginOptions options.
108 *
109 * @property {String} language The main language for internationalization - translations for that language
110 * will be added to the bundle(s).
111 * @property {Array.<String>|'all'} [additionalLanguages] Additional languages. Build is optimized when this option is not set.
112 * When `additionalLanguages` is set to 'all' then script will be looking for all languages and according translations during
113 * the compilation.
114 * @property {String} [outputDirectory='translations'] The output directory for the emitted translation files,
115 * should be relative to the webpack context.
116 * @property {Boolean} [strict] An option that make the plugin throw when the error is found during the compilation.
117 * @property {Boolean} [verbose] An option that make this plugin log all warnings into the console.
118 * @property {Boolean} [addMainLanguageTranslationsToAllAssets] An option that allows outputting translations to more than one
119 * JS asset.
120 * @property {String} [corePackageSampleResourcePath] A path (ES6 import) to the file that determines whether the `ckeditor5-core` package
121 * exists. The package contains common translations used by many packages. To avoid duplications, they are shared by the core package.
122 * @property {String} [corePackageContextsResourcePath] A path (ES6 import) to the file where all contexts are specified
123 * for the `ckeditor5-core` package.
124 * @property {Boolean} [buildAllTranslationsToSeparateFiles] An option that makes all translations output to separate files.
125 * @property {String} [sourceFilesPattern] An option that allows override the default pattern for CKEditor 5 source files.
126 * @property {String} [packageNamesPattern] An option that allows override the default pattern for CKEditor 5 package names.
127 * @property {String} [corePackagePattern] An option that allows override the default CKEditor 5 core package pattern.
128 * @property {String|Function|RegExp} [translationsOutputFile] An option allowing outputting all translation file to the given file.
129 * If a file specified by a path (string) does not exist, then it will be created. Otherwise, translations will be outputted to the file.
130 * @property {Boolean} [includeCorePackageTranslations=false] A flag that determines whether all translations found in the core package
131 * should be added to the output bundle file. If set to true, translations from the core package will be saved even if are not
132 * used in the source code (*.js files).
133 * @property {Boolean} [skipPluralFormFunction=false] Whether the `getPluralForm()` function should be added in the output bundle file.
134 */