6.39 kBJavaScriptView Raw
2 * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2022, CKSource Holding sp. z o.o. All rights reserved.
3 * For licensing, see LICENSE.md or https://ckeditor.com/legal/ckeditor-oss-license
4 */
7 * @module image/imageresize
8 */
10import { Plugin } from 'ckeditor5/src/core';
11import ImageResizeButtons from './imageresize/imageresizebuttons';
12import ImageResizeEditing from './imageresize/imageresizeediting';
13import ImageResizeHandles from './imageresize/imageresizehandles';
15import '../theme/imageresize.css';
18 * The image resize plugin.
19 *
20 * It adds a possibility to resize each image using handles.
21 *
22 * @extends module:core/plugin~Plugin
23 */
24export default class ImageResize extends Plugin {
25 /**
26 * @inheritDoc
27 */
28 static get requires() {
29 return [ ImageResizeEditing, ImageResizeHandles, ImageResizeButtons ];
30 }
32 /**
33 * @inheritDoc
34 */
35 static get pluginName() {
36 return 'ImageResize';
37 }
41 * The available options are `'px'` or `'%'`.
42 *
43 * Determines the size unit applied to the resized image.
44 *
45 * ClassicEditor
46 * .create( editorElement, {
47 * image: {
48 * resizeUnit: 'px'
49 * }
50 * } )
51 * .then( ... )
52 * .catch( ... );
53 *
54 *
55 * This option is used by the {@link module:image/imageresize~ImageResize} feature.
56 *
57 * @default '%'
58 * @member {String} module:image/image~ImageConfig#resizeUnit
59 */
62 * The image resize options.
63 *
64 * Each option should have at least these two properties:
65 *
66 * * name: The name of the UI component registered in the global
67 * {@link module:core/editor/editorui~EditorUI#componentFactory component factory} of the editor,
68 * representing the button a user can click to change the size of an image,
69 * * value: An actual image width applied when a user clicks the mentioned button
70 * ({@link module:image/imageresize/resizeimagecommand~ResizeImageCommand} gets executed).
71 * The value property is combined with the {@link module:image/image~ImageConfig#resizeUnit `config.image.resizeUnit`} (`%` by default).
72 * For instance: `value: '50'` and `resizeUnit: '%'` will render as `'50%'` in the UI.
73 *
74 * **Resetting the image size**
75 *
76 * If you want to set an option that will reset image to its original size, you need to pass a `null` value
77 * to one of the options. The `:original` token is not mandatory, you can call it anything you wish, but it must reflect
78 * in the standalone buttons configuration for the image toolbar.
79 *
80 * ClassicEditor
81 * .create( editorElement, {
82 * image: {
83 * resizeUnit: "%",
84 * resizeOptions: [ {
85 * name: 'resizeImage:original',
86 * value: null
87 * },
88 * {
89 * name: 'resizeImage:50',
90 * value: '50'
91 * },
92 * {
93 * name: 'resizeImage:75',
94 * value: '75'
95 * } ]
96 * }
97 * } )
98 * .then( ... )
99 * .catch( ... );
100 *
101 * **Resizing images using a dropdown**
102 *
103 * With resize options defined, you can decide whether you want to display them as a dropdown or as standalone buttons.
104 * For the dropdown, you need to pass only the `resizeImage` token to the
105{@link module:image/image~ImageConfig#toolbar `config.image.toolbar`}. The dropdown contains all defined options by default:
106 *
107 * ClassicEditor
108 * .create( editorElement, {
109 * image: {
110 * resizeUnit: "%",
111 * resizeOptions: [ {
112 * name: 'resizeImage:original',
113 * value: null
114 * },
115 * {
116 * name: 'resizeImage:50',
117 * value: '50'
118 * },
119 * {
120 * name: 'resizeImage:75',
121 * value: '75'
122 * } ],
123 * toolbar: [ 'resizeImage', ... ],
124 * }
125 * } )
126 * .then( ... )
127 * .catch( ... );
128 *
129 * **Resizing images using individual buttons**
130 *
131 * If you want to have separate buttons for {@link module:image/imageresize/imageresizebuttons~ImageResizeOption each option},
132 * pass their names to the {@link module:image/image~ImageConfig#toolbar `config.image.toolbar`} instead. Please keep in mind
133 * that this time **you must define the additional
134 * {@link module:image/imageresize/imageresizebuttons~ImageResizeOption `icon` property}**:
135 *
136 * ClassicEditor
137 * .create( editorElement, {
138 * image: {
139 * resizeUnit: "%",
140 * resizeOptions: [ {
141 * name: 'resizeImage:original',
142 * value: null,
143 * icon: 'original'
144 * },
145 * {
146 * name: 'resizeImage:25',
147 * value: '25',
148 * icon: 'small'
149 * },
150 * {
151 * name: 'resizeImage:50',
152 * value: '50',
153 * icon: 'medium'
154 * },
155 * {
156 * name: 'resizeImage:75',
157 * value: '75',
158 * icon: 'large'
159 * } ],
160 * toolbar: [ 'resizeImage:25', 'resizeImage:50', 'resizeImage:75', 'resizeImage:original', ... ],
161 * }
162 * } )
163 * .then( ... )
164 * .catch( ... );
165 *
166 * **Customizing resize button labels**
167 *
168 * You can set your own label for each resize button. To do that, add the `label` property like in the example below.
169 *
170 * * When using the **dropdown**, the labels are displayed on the list of all options when you open the dropdown.
171 * * When using **standalone buttons**, the labels will are displayed as tooltips when a user hovers over the button.
172 *
173 * ClassicEditor
174 * .create( editorElement, {
175 * image: {
176 * resizeUnit: "%",
177 * resizeOptions: [ {
178 * name: 'resizeImage:original',
179 * value: null,
180 * label: 'Original size'
181 * // Note: add the "icon" property if you're configuring a standalone button.
182 * },
183 * {
184 * name: 'resizeImage:50',
185 * value: '50',
186 * label: 'Medium size'
187 * // Note: add the "icon" property if you're configuring a standalone button.
188 * },
189 * {
190 * name: 'resizeImage:75',
191 * value: '75',
192 * label: 'Large size'
193 * // Note: add the "icon" property if you're configuring a standalone button.
194 * } ]
195 * }
196 * } )
197 * .then( ... )
198 * .catch( ... );
199 *
200 * **Default value**
201 *
202 * The following configuration is used by default:
203 *
204 * resizeOptions = [
205 * {
206 * name: 'resizeImage:original',
207 * value: null,
208 * icon: 'original'
209 * },
210 * {
211 * name: 'resizeImage:25',
212 * value: '25',
213 * icon: 'small'
214 * },
215 * {
216 * name: 'resizeImage:50',
217 * value: '50',
218 * icon: 'medium'
219 * },
220 * {
221 * name: 'resizeImage:75',
222 * value: '75',
223 * icon: 'large'
224 * }
225 * ];
226 *
227 * @member {Array.<module:image/imageresize/imageresizebuttons~ImageResizeOption>} module:image/image~ImageConfig#resizeOptions
228 */