5.39 kBTypeScriptView Raw
2 * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2023, CKSource Holding sp. z o.o. All rights reserved.
3 * For licensing, see LICENSE.md or https://ckeditor.com/legal/ckeditor-oss-license
4 */
6 * @module image/imagestyle/utils
7 */
8import { type Editor, type PluginCollection } from 'ckeditor5/src/core';
9import type { ImageStyleConfig, ImageStyleDropdownDefinition, ImageStyleOptionDefinition } from '../imageconfig';
11 * Default image style options provided by the plugin that can be referred in the {@link module:image/imageconfig~ImageConfig#styles}
12 * configuration.
13 *
14 * There are available 5 styles focused on formatting:
15 *
16 * * **`'alignLeft'`** aligns the inline or block image to the left and wraps it with the text using the `image-style-align-left` class,
17 * * **`'alignRight'`** aligns the inline or block image to the right and wraps it with the text using the `image-style-align-right` class,
18 * * **`'alignCenter'`** centers the block image using the `image-style-align-center` class,
19 * * **`'alignBlockLeft'`** aligns the block image to the left using the `image-style-block-align-left` class,
20 * * **`'alignBlockRight'`** aligns the block image to the right using the `image-style-block-align-right` class,
21 *
22 * and 3 semantic styles:
23 *
24 * * **`'inline'`** is an inline image without any CSS class,
25 * * **`'block'`** is a block image without any CSS class,
26 * * **`'side'`** is a block image styled with the `image-style-side` CSS class.
27 */
28export declare const DEFAULT_OPTIONS: Record<string, ImageStyleOptionDefinition>;
30 * Default image style icons provided by the plugin that can be referred in the {@link module:image/imageconfig~ImageConfig#styles}
31 * configuration.
32 *
33 * See {@link module:image/imageconfig~ImageStyleOptionDefinition#icon} to learn more.
34 *
35 * There are 7 default icons available: `'full'`, `'left'`, `'inlineLeft'`, `'center'`, `'right'`, `'inlineRight'`, and `'inline'`.
36 */
37export declare const DEFAULT_ICONS: Record<string, string>;
39 * Default drop-downs provided by the plugin that can be referred in the {@link module:image/imageconfig~ImageConfig#toolbar}
40 * configuration. The drop-downs are containers for the {@link module:image/imageconfig~ImageStyleConfig#options image style options}.
41 *
42 * If both of the `ImageEditing` plugins are loaded, there are 2 predefined drop-downs available:
43 *
44 * * **`'imageStyle:wrapText'`**, which contains the `alignLeft` and `alignRight` options, that is,
45 * those that wraps the text around the image,
46 * * **`'imageStyle:breakText'`**, which contains the `alignBlockLeft`, `alignCenter` and `alignBlockRight` options, that is,
47 * those that breaks the text around the image.
48 */
49export declare const DEFAULT_DROPDOWN_DEFINITIONS: Array<ImageStyleDropdownDefinition>;
51 * Returns a list of the normalized and validated image style options.
52 *
53 * @param config
54 * @param config.isInlinePluginLoaded
55 * Determines whether the {@link module:image/image/imageblockediting~ImageBlockEditing `ImageBlockEditing`} plugin has been loaded.
56 * @param config.isBlockPluginLoaded
57 * Determines whether the {@link module:image/image/imageinlineediting~ImageInlineEditing `ImageInlineEditing`} plugin has been loaded.
58 * @param config.configuredStyles
59 * The image styles configuration provided in the image styles {@link module:image/imageconfig~ImageConfig#styles configuration}
60 * as a default or custom value.
61 * @returns
62 * * Each of options contains a complete icon markup.
63 * * The image style options not supported by any of the loaded plugins are filtered out.
64 */
65declare function normalizeStyles(config: {
66 isInlinePluginLoaded: boolean;
67 isBlockPluginLoaded: boolean;
68 configuredStyles: ImageStyleConfig;
69}): Array<ImageStyleOptionDefinition>;
71 * Returns the default image styles configuration depending on the loaded image editing plugins.
72 *
73 * @param isInlinePluginLoaded
74 * Determines whether the {@link module:image/image/imageblockediting~ImageBlockEditing `ImageBlockEditing`} plugin has been loaded.
75 *
76 * @param isBlockPluginLoaded
77 * Determines whether the {@link module:image/image/imageinlineediting~ImageInlineEditing `ImageInlineEditing`} plugin has been loaded.
78 *
79 * @returns
80 * It returns an object with the lists of the image style options and groups defined as strings related to the
81 * {@link module:image/imagestyle/utils#DEFAULT_OPTIONS default options}
82 */
83declare function getDefaultStylesConfiguration(isBlockPluginLoaded: boolean, isInlinePluginLoaded: boolean): ImageStyleConfig;
85 * Returns a list of the available predefined drop-downs' definitions depending on the loaded image editing plugins.
86 */
87declare function getDefaultDropdownDefinitions(pluginCollection: PluginCollection<Editor>): Array<ImageStyleDropdownDefinition>;
89 * Displays a console warning with the 'image-style-configuration-definition-invalid' error.
90 */
91declare function warnInvalidStyle(info: object): void;
92declare const _default: {
93 normalizeStyles: typeof normalizeStyles;
94 getDefaultStylesConfiguration: typeof getDefaultStylesConfiguration;
95 getDefaultDropdownDefinitions: typeof getDefaultDropdownDefinitions;
96 warnInvalidStyle: typeof warnInvalidStyle;
97 DEFAULT_OPTIONS: Record<string, ImageStyleOptionDefinition>;
98 DEFAULT_ICONS: Record<string, string>;
99 DEFAULT_DROPDOWN_DEFINITIONS: ImageStyleDropdownDefinition[];
101export default _default;