5.49 kBTypeScriptView Raw
2 * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2024, CKSource Holding sp. z o.o. All rights reserved.
3 * For licensing, see LICENSE.md or https://ckeditor.com/legal/ckeditor-oss-license
4 */
6 * @module image/imageutils
7 */
8import type { Element, ViewElement, DocumentSelection, ViewDocumentSelection, Selection, ViewSelection, DowncastWriter, Position, ViewContainerElement } from 'ckeditor5/src/engine.js';
9import { Plugin } from 'ckeditor5/src/core.js';
11 * A set of helpers related to images.
12 */
13export default class ImageUtils extends Plugin {
14 /**
15 * DOM Emitter.
16 */
17 private _domEmitter;
18 /**
19 * @inheritDoc
20 */
21 static get pluginName(): "ImageUtils";
22 /**
23 * Checks if the provided model element is an `image` or `imageInline`.
24 */
25 isImage(modelElement?: Element | null): modelElement is Element & {
26 name: 'imageInline' | 'imageBlock';
27 };
28 /**
29 * Checks if the provided view element represents an inline image.
30 *
31 * Also, see {@link module:image/imageutils~ImageUtils#isImageWidget}.
32 */
33 isInlineImageView(element?: ViewElement | null): boolean;
34 /**
35 * Checks if the provided view element represents a block image.
36 *
37 * Also, see {@link module:image/imageutils~ImageUtils#isImageWidget}.
38 */
39 isBlockImageView(element?: ViewElement | null): boolean;
40 /**
41 * Handles inserting single file. This method unifies image insertion using {@link module:widget/utils~findOptimalInsertionRange}
42 * method.
43 *
44 * ```ts
45 * const imageUtils = editor.plugins.get( 'ImageUtils' );
46 *
47 * imageUtils.insertImage( { src: 'path/to/image.jpg' } );
48 * ```
49 *
50 * @param attributes Attributes of the inserted image.
51 * This method filters out the attributes which are disallowed by the {@link module:engine/model/schema~Schema}.
52 * @param selectable Place to insert the image. If not specified,
53 * the {@link module:widget/utils~findOptimalInsertionRange} logic will be applied for the block images
54 * and `model.document.selection` for the inline images.
55 *
56 * **Note**: If `selectable` is passed, this helper will not be able to set selection attributes (such as `linkHref`)
57 * and apply them to the new image. In this case, make sure all selection attributes are passed in `attributes`.
58 *
59 * @param imageType Image type of inserted image. If not specified,
60 * it will be determined automatically depending of editor config or place of the insertion.
61 * @param options.setImageSizes Specifies whether the image `width` and `height` attributes should be set automatically.
62 * The default is `true`.
63 * @return The inserted model image element.
64 */
65 insertImage(attributes?: Record<string, unknown>, selectable?: Selection | Position | null, imageType?: ('imageBlock' | 'imageInline' | null), options?: {
66 setImageSizes?: boolean;
67 }): Element | null;
68 /**
69 * Reads original image sizes and sets them as `width` and `height`.
70 *
71 * The `src` attribute may not be available if the user is using an upload adapter. In such a case,
72 * this method is called again after the upload process is complete and the `src` attribute is available.
73 */
74 setImageNaturalSizeAttributes(imageElement: Element): void;
75 /**
76 * Returns an image widget editing view element if one is selected or is among the selection's ancestors.
77 */
78 getClosestSelectedImageWidget(selection: ViewSelection | ViewDocumentSelection): ViewElement | null;
79 /**
80 * Returns a image model element if one is selected or is among the selection's ancestors.
81 */
82 getClosestSelectedImageElement(selection: Selection | DocumentSelection): Element | null;
83 /**
84 * Returns an image widget editing view based on the passed image view.
85 */
86 getImageWidgetFromImageView(imageView: ViewElement): ViewContainerElement | null;
87 /**
88 * Checks if image can be inserted at current model selection.
89 *
90 * @internal
91 */
92 isImageAllowed(): boolean;
93 /**
94 * Converts a given {@link module:engine/view/element~Element} to an image widget:
95 * * Adds a {@link module:engine/view/element~Element#_setCustomProperty custom property} allowing to recognize the image widget
96 * element.
97 * * Calls the {@link module:widget/utils~toWidget} function with the proper element's label creator.
98 *
99 * @param writer An instance of the view writer.
100 * @param label The element's label. It will be concatenated with the image `alt` attribute if one is present.
101 */
102 toImageWidget(viewElement: ViewElement, writer: DowncastWriter, label: string): ViewElement;
103 /**
104 * Checks if a given view element is an image widget.
105 */
106 protected isImageWidget(viewElement: ViewElement): boolean;
107 /**
108 * Checks if the provided model element is an `image`.
109 */
110 isBlockImage(modelElement?: Element | null): boolean;
111 /**
112 * Checks if the provided model element is an `imageInline`.
113 */
114 isInlineImage(modelElement?: Element | null): boolean;
115 /**
116 * Get the view `<img>` from another view element, e.g. a widget (`<figure class="image">`), a link (`<a>`).
117 *
118 * The `<img>` can be located deep in other elements, so this helper performs a deep tree search.
119 */
120 findViewImgElement(figureView: ViewElement): ViewElement | undefined;
121 /**
122 * @inheritDoc
123 */
124 destroy(): void;