3.48 kBTypeScriptView Raw
2 * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2024, CKSource Holding sp. z o.o. All rights reserved.
3 * For licensing, see LICENSE.md or https://ckeditor.com/legal/ckeditor-oss-license
4 */
6 * @module image/imagecaption/imagecaptionediting
7 */
8import { type Editor, Plugin } from 'ckeditor5/src/core.js';
9import { Element } from 'ckeditor5/src/engine.js';
10import ImageUtils from '../imageutils.js';
11import ImageCaptionUtils from './imagecaptionutils.js';
13 * The image caption engine plugin. It is responsible for:
14 *
15 * * registering converters for the caption element,
16 * * registering converters for the caption model attribute,
17 * * registering the {@link module:image/imagecaption/toggleimagecaptioncommand~ToggleImageCaptionCommand `toggleImageCaption`} command.
18 */
19export default class ImageCaptionEditing extends Plugin {
20 /**
21 * @inheritDoc
22 */
23 static get requires(): readonly [typeof ImageUtils, typeof ImageCaptionUtils];
24 /**
25 * @inheritDoc
26 */
27 static get pluginName(): "ImageCaptionEditing";
28 /**
29 * A map that keeps saved JSONified image captions and image model elements they are
30 * associated with.
31 *
32 * To learn more about this system, see {@link #_saveCaption}.
33 */
34 private _savedCaptionsMap;
35 /**
36 * @inheritDoc
37 */
38 constructor(editor: Editor);
39 /**
40 * @inheritDoc
41 */
42 init(): void;
43 /**
44 * Configures conversion pipelines to support upcasting and downcasting
45 * image captions.
46 */
47 private _setupConversion;
48 /**
49 * Integrates with {@link module:image/image/imagetypecommand~ImageTypeCommand image type commands}
50 * to make sure the caption is preserved when the type of an image changes so it can be restored
51 * in the future if the user decides they want their caption back.
52 */
53 private _setupImageTypeCommandsIntegration;
54 /**
55 * Returns the saved {@link module:engine/model/element~Element#toJSON JSONified} caption
56 * of an image model element.
57 *
58 * See {@link #_saveCaption}.
59 *
60 * @internal
61 * @param imageModelElement The model element the caption should be returned for.
62 * @returns The model caption element or `null` if there is none.
63 */
64 _getSavedCaption(imageModelElement: Element): Element | null;
65 /**
66 * Saves a {@link module:engine/model/element~Element#toJSON JSONified} caption for
67 * an image element to allow restoring it in the future.
68 *
69 * A caption is saved every time it gets hidden and/or the type of an image changes. The
70 * user should be able to restore it on demand.
71 *
72 * **Note**: The caption cannot be stored in the image model element attribute because,
73 * for instance, when the model state propagates to collaborators, the attribute would get
74 * lost (mainly because it does not convert to anything when the caption is hidden) and
75 * the states of collaborators' models would de-synchronize causing numerous issues.
76 *
77 * See {@link #_getSavedCaption}.
78 *
79 * @internal
80 * @param imageModelElement The model element the caption is saved for.
81 * @param caption The caption model element to be saved.
82 */
83 _saveCaption(imageModelElement: Element, caption: Element): void;
84 /**
85 * Reconverts image caption when image alt attribute changes.
86 * The change of alt attribute is reflected in caption's aria-label attribute.
87 */
88 private _registerCaptionReconversion;