1.38 kBTypeScriptView Raw
2 * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2023, CKSource Holding sp. z o.o. All rights reserved.
3 * For licensing, see LICENSE.md or https://ckeditor.com/legal/ckeditor-oss-license
4 */
5import { Plugin } from 'ckeditor5/src/core';
6import LinkUI from './linkui';
7import LinkEditing from './linkediting';
9 * The link image UI plugin.
10 *
11 * This plugin provides the `'linkImage'` button that can be displayed in the {@link module:image/imagetoolbar~ImageToolbar}.
12 * It can be used to wrap images in links.
13 */
14export default class LinkImageUI extends Plugin {
15 /**
16 * @inheritDoc
17 */
18 static get requires(): readonly [typeof LinkEditing, typeof LinkUI, "ImageBlockEditing"];
19 /**
20 * @inheritDoc
21 */
22 static get pluginName(): "LinkImageUI";
23 /**
24 * @inheritDoc
25 */
26 init(): void;
27 /**
28 * Creates a `LinkImageUI` button view.
29 *
30 * Clicking this button shows a {@link module:link/linkui~LinkUI#_balloon} attached to the selection.
31 * When an image is already linked, the view shows {@link module:link/linkui~LinkUI#actionsView} or
32 * {@link module:link/linkui~LinkUI#formView} if it is not.
33 */
34 private _createToolbarLinkImageButton;
35 /**
36 * Returns true if a linked image (either block or inline) is the only selected element
37 * in the model document.
38 */
39 private _isSelectedLinkedImage;