1 | /**
2 | * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2023, CKSource Holding sp. z o.o. All rights reserved.
3 | * For licensing, see LICENSE.md or https://ckeditor.com/legal/ckeditor-oss-license
4 | */
5 | /**
6 | * @module list/documentlist/documentlistediting
7 | */
8 | import { Plugin } from 'ckeditor5/src/core';
9 | import { Delete } from 'ckeditor5/src/typing';
10 | import { Enter } from 'ckeditor5/src/enter';
11 | import { CKEditorError } from 'ckeditor5/src/utils';
12 | import DocumentListIndentCommand from './documentlistindentcommand';
13 | import DocumentListCommand from './documentlistcommand';
14 | import DocumentListMergeCommand from './documentlistmergecommand';
15 | import DocumentListSplitCommand from './documentlistsplitcommand';
16 | import DocumentListUtils from './documentlistutils';
17 | import { bogusParagraphCreator, listItemDowncastConverter, listItemUpcastConverter, listUpcastCleanList, reconvertItemsOnDataChange } from './converters';
18 | import { findAndAddListHeadToMap, fixListIndents, fixListItemIds } from './utils/postfixers';
19 | import { getAllListItemBlocks, isFirstBlockOfListItem, isLastBlockOfListItem, isSingleListItem, getSelectedBlockObject, isListItemBlock, removeListAttributes } from './utils/model';
20 | import { getViewElementIdForListType, getViewElementNameForListType } from './utils/view';
21 | import ListWalker, { iterateSiblingListBlocks, ListBlocksIterable } from './utils/listwalker';
22 | import '../../theme/documentlist.css';
23 | import '../../theme/list.css';
24 | /**
25 | * A list of base list model attributes.
26 | */
27 | const LIST_BASE_ATTRIBUTES = ['listType', 'listIndent', 'listItemId'];
28 | /**
29 | * The editing part of the document-list feature. It handles creating, editing and removing lists and list items.
30 | */
31 | export default class DocumentListEditing extends Plugin {
32 | constructor() {
33 | super(...arguments);
34 | /**
35 | * The list of registered downcast strategies.
36 | */
37 | this._downcastStrategies = [];
38 | }
39 | /**
40 | * @inheritDoc
41 | */
42 | static get pluginName() {
43 | return 'DocumentListEditing';
44 | }
45 | /**
46 | * @inheritDoc
47 | */
48 | static get requires() {
49 | return [Enter, Delete, DocumentListUtils];
50 | }
51 | /**
52 | * @inheritDoc
53 | */
54 | init() {
55 | const editor = this.editor;
56 | const model = editor.model;
57 | if (editor.plugins.has('ListEditing')) {
58 | /**
59 | * The `DocumentList` feature can not be loaded together with the `List` plugin.
60 | *
61 | * @error document-list-feature-conflict
62 | * @param conflictPlugin Name of the plugin.
63 | */
64 | throw new CKEditorError('document-list-feature-conflict', this, { conflictPlugin: 'ListEditing' });
65 | }
66 | model.schema.extend('$container', { allowAttributes: LIST_BASE_ATTRIBUTES });
67 | model.schema.extend('$block', { allowAttributes: LIST_BASE_ATTRIBUTES });
68 | model.schema.extend('$blockObject', { allowAttributes: LIST_BASE_ATTRIBUTES });
69 | for (const attribute of LIST_BASE_ATTRIBUTES) {
70 | model.schema.setAttributeProperties(attribute, {
71 | copyOnReplace: true
72 | });
73 | }
74 | // Register commands.
75 | editor.commands.add('numberedList', new DocumentListCommand(editor, 'numbered'));
76 | editor.commands.add('bulletedList', new DocumentListCommand(editor, 'bulleted'));
77 | editor.commands.add('indentList', new DocumentListIndentCommand(editor, 'forward'));
78 | editor.commands.add('outdentList', new DocumentListIndentCommand(editor, 'backward'));
79 | editor.commands.add('mergeListItemBackward', new DocumentListMergeCommand(editor, 'backward'));
80 | editor.commands.add('mergeListItemForward', new DocumentListMergeCommand(editor, 'forward'));
81 | editor.commands.add('splitListItemBefore', new DocumentListSplitCommand(editor, 'before'));
82 | editor.commands.add('splitListItemAfter', new DocumentListSplitCommand(editor, 'after'));
83 | this._setupDeleteIntegration();
84 | this._setupEnterIntegration();
85 | this._setupTabIntegration();
86 | this._setupClipboardIntegration();
87 | }
88 | /**
89 | * @inheritDoc
90 | */
91 | afterInit() {
92 | const editor = this.editor;
93 | const commands = editor.commands;
94 | const indent = commands.get('indent');
95 | const outdent = commands.get('outdent');
96 | if (indent) {
97 | // Priority is high due to integration with `IndentBlock` plugin. We want to indent list first and if it's not possible
98 | // user can indent content with `IndentBlock` plugin.
99 | indent.registerChildCommand(commands.get('indentList'), { priority: 'high' });
100 | }
101 | if (outdent) {
102 | // Priority is lowest due to integration with `IndentBlock` and `IndentCode` plugins.
103 | // First we want to allow user to outdent all indendations from other features then he can oudent list item.
104 | outdent.registerChildCommand(commands.get('outdentList'), { priority: 'lowest' });
105 | }
106 | // Register conversion and model post-fixer after other plugins had a chance to register their attribute strategies.
107 | this._setupModelPostFixing();
108 | this._setupConversion();
109 | }
110 | /**
111 | * Registers a downcast strategy.
112 | *
113 | * **Note**: Strategies must be registered in the `Plugin#init()` phase so that it can be applied
114 | * in the `DocumentListEditing#afterInit()`.
115 | *
116 | * @param strategy The downcast strategy to register.
117 | */
118 | registerDowncastStrategy(strategy) {
119 | this._downcastStrategies.push(strategy);
120 | }
121 | /**
122 | * Returns list of model attribute names that should affect downcast conversion.
123 | */
124 | _getListAttributeNames() {
125 | return [
127 | ...this._downcastStrategies.map(strategy => strategy.attributeName)
128 | ];
129 | }
130 | /**
131 | * Attaches the listener to the {@link module:engine/view/document~Document#event:delete} event and handles backspace/delete
132 | * keys in and around document lists.
133 | */
134 | _setupDeleteIntegration() {
135 | const editor = this.editor;
136 | const mergeBackwardCommand = editor.commands.get('mergeListItemBackward');
137 | const mergeForwardCommand = editor.commands.get('mergeListItemForward');
138 | this.listenTo(editor.editing.view.document, 'delete', (evt, data) => {
139 | const selection = editor.model.document.selection;
140 | // Let the Widget plugin take care of block widgets while deleting (https://github.com/ckeditor/ckeditor5/issues/11346).
141 | if (getSelectedBlockObject(editor.model)) {
142 | return;
143 | }
144 | editor.model.change(() => {
145 | const firstPosition = selection.getFirstPosition();
146 | if (selection.isCollapsed && data.direction == 'backward') {
147 | if (!firstPosition.isAtStart) {
148 | return;
149 | }
150 | const positionParent = firstPosition.parent;
151 | if (!isListItemBlock(positionParent)) {
152 | return;
153 | }
154 | const previousBlock = ListWalker.first(positionParent, {
155 | sameAttributes: 'listType',
156 | sameIndent: true
157 | });
158 | // Outdent the first block of a first list item.
159 | if (!previousBlock && positionParent.getAttribute('listIndent') === 0) {
160 | if (!isLastBlockOfListItem(positionParent)) {
161 | editor.execute('splitListItemAfter');
162 | }
163 | editor.execute('outdentList');
164 | }
165 | // Merge block with previous one (on the block level or on the content level).
166 | else {
167 | if (!mergeBackwardCommand.isEnabled) {
168 | return;
169 | }
170 | mergeBackwardCommand.execute({
171 | shouldMergeOnBlocksContentLevel: shouldMergeOnBlocksContentLevel(editor.model, 'backward')
172 | });
173 | }
174 | data.preventDefault();
175 | evt.stop();
176 | }
177 | // Non-collapsed selection or forward delete.
178 | else {
179 | // Collapsed selection should trigger forward merging only if at the end of a block.
180 | if (selection.isCollapsed && !selection.getLastPosition().isAtEnd) {
181 | return;
182 | }
183 | if (!mergeForwardCommand.isEnabled) {
184 | return;
185 | }
186 | mergeForwardCommand.execute({
187 | shouldMergeOnBlocksContentLevel: shouldMergeOnBlocksContentLevel(editor.model, 'forward')
188 | });
189 | data.preventDefault();
190 | evt.stop();
191 | }
192 | });
193 | }, { context: 'li' });
194 | }
195 | /**
196 | * Attaches a listener to the {@link module:engine/view/document~Document#event:enter} event and handles enter key press
197 | * in document lists.
198 | */
199 | _setupEnterIntegration() {
200 | const editor = this.editor;
201 | const model = editor.model;
202 | const commands = editor.commands;
203 | const enterCommand = commands.get('enter');
204 | // Overwrite the default Enter key behavior: outdent or split the list in certain cases.
205 | this.listenTo(editor.editing.view.document, 'enter', (evt, data) => {
206 | const doc = model.document;
207 | const positionParent = doc.selection.getFirstPosition().parent;
208 | if (doc.selection.isCollapsed &&
209 | isListItemBlock(positionParent) &&
210 | positionParent.isEmpty &&
211 | !data.isSoft) {
212 | const isFirstBlock = isFirstBlockOfListItem(positionParent);
213 | const isLastBlock = isLastBlockOfListItem(positionParent);
214 | // * a → * a
215 | // * [] → []
216 | if (isFirstBlock && isLastBlock) {
217 | editor.execute('outdentList');
218 | data.preventDefault();
219 | evt.stop();
220 | }
221 | // * [] → * []
222 | // a → * a
223 | else if (isFirstBlock && !isLastBlock) {
224 | editor.execute('splitListItemAfter');
225 | data.preventDefault();
226 | evt.stop();
227 | }
228 | // * a → * a
229 | // [] → * []
230 | else if (isLastBlock) {
231 | editor.execute('splitListItemBefore');
232 | data.preventDefault();
233 | evt.stop();
234 | }
235 | }
236 | }, { context: 'li' });
237 | // In some cases, after the default block splitting, we want to modify the new block to become a new list item
238 | // instead of an additional block in the same list item.
239 | this.listenTo(enterCommand, 'afterExecute', () => {
240 | const splitCommand = commands.get('splitListItemBefore');
241 | // The command has not refreshed because the change block related to EnterCommand#execute() is not over yet.
242 | // Let's keep it up to date and take advantage of DocumentListSplitCommand#isEnabled.
243 | splitCommand.refresh();
244 | if (!splitCommand.isEnabled) {
245 | return;
246 | }
247 | const doc = editor.model.document;
248 | const positionParent = doc.selection.getLastPosition().parent;
249 | const listItemBlocks = getAllListItemBlocks(positionParent);
250 | // Keep in mind this split happens after the default enter handler was executed. For instance:
251 | //
252 | // │ Initial state │ After default enter │ Here in #afterExecute │
253 | // ├───────────────────────────┼───────────────────────────┼───────────────────────────┤
254 | // │ * a[] │ * a │ * a │
255 | // │ │ [] │ * [] │
256 | if (listItemBlocks.length === 2) {
257 | splitCommand.execute();
258 | }
259 | });
260 | }
261 | /**
262 | * Attaches a listener to the {@link module:engine/view/document~Document#event:tab} event and handles tab key and tab+shift keys
263 | * presses in document lists.
264 | */
265 | _setupTabIntegration() {
266 | const editor = this.editor;
267 | this.listenTo(editor.editing.view.document, 'tab', (evt, data) => {
268 | const commandName = data.shiftKey ? 'outdentList' : 'indentList';
269 | const command = this.editor.commands.get(commandName);
270 | if (command.isEnabled) {
271 | editor.execute(commandName);
272 | data.stopPropagation();
273 | data.preventDefault();
274 | evt.stop();
275 | }
276 | }, { context: 'li' });
277 | }
278 | /**
279 | * Registers the conversion helpers for the document-list feature.
280 | */
281 | _setupConversion() {
282 | const editor = this.editor;
283 | const model = editor.model;
284 | const attributeNames = this._getListAttributeNames();
285 | editor.conversion.for('upcast')
286 | .elementToElement({ view: 'li', model: 'paragraph' })
287 | .add(dispatcher => {
288 | dispatcher.on('element:li', listItemUpcastConverter());
289 | dispatcher.on('element:ul', listUpcastCleanList(), { priority: 'high' });
290 | dispatcher.on('element:ol', listUpcastCleanList(), { priority: 'high' });
291 | });
292 | editor.conversion.for('editingDowncast')
293 | .elementToElement({
294 | model: 'paragraph',
295 | view: bogusParagraphCreator(attributeNames),
296 | converterPriority: 'high'
297 | });
298 | editor.conversion.for('dataDowncast')
299 | .elementToElement({
300 | model: 'paragraph',
301 | view: bogusParagraphCreator(attributeNames, { dataPipeline: true }),
302 | converterPriority: 'high'
303 | });
304 | editor.conversion.for('downcast')
305 | .add(dispatcher => {
306 | dispatcher.on('attribute', listItemDowncastConverter(attributeNames, this._downcastStrategies, model));
307 | });
308 | this.listenTo(model.document, 'change:data', reconvertItemsOnDataChange(model, editor.editing, attributeNames, this), { priority: 'high' });
309 | // For LI verify if an ID of the attribute element is correct.
310 | this.on('checkAttributes:item', (evt, { viewElement, modelAttributes }) => {
311 | if (viewElement.id != modelAttributes.listItemId) {
312 | evt.return = true;
313 | evt.stop();
314 | }
315 | });
316 | // For UL and OL check if the name and ID of element is correct.
317 | this.on('checkAttributes:list', (evt, { viewElement, modelAttributes }) => {
318 | if (viewElement.name != getViewElementNameForListType(modelAttributes.listType) ||
319 | viewElement.id != getViewElementIdForListType(modelAttributes.listType, modelAttributes.listIndent)) {
320 | evt.return = true;
321 | evt.stop();
322 | }
323 | });
324 | }
325 | /**
326 | * Registers model post-fixers.
327 | */
328 | _setupModelPostFixing() {
329 | const model = this.editor.model;
330 | const attributeNames = this._getListAttributeNames();
331 | // Register list fixing.
332 | // First the low level handler.
333 | model.document.registerPostFixer(writer => modelChangePostFixer(model, writer, attributeNames, this));
334 | // Then the callbacks for the specific lists.
335 | // The indentation fixing must be the first one...
336 | this.on('postFixer', (evt, { listNodes, writer }) => {
337 | evt.return = fixListIndents(listNodes, writer) || evt.return;
338 | }, { priority: 'high' });
339 | // ...then the item ids... and after that other fixers that rely on the correct indentation and ids.
340 | this.on('postFixer', (evt, { listNodes, writer, seenIds }) => {
341 | evt.return = fixListItemIds(listNodes, seenIds, writer) || evt.return;
342 | }, { priority: 'high' });
343 | }
344 | /**
345 | * Integrates the feature with the clipboard via {@link module:engine/model/model~Model#insertContent} and
346 | * {@link module:engine/model/model~Model#getSelectedContent}.
347 | */
348 | _setupClipboardIntegration() {
349 | const model = this.editor.model;
350 | this.listenTo(model, 'insertContent', createModelIndentPasteFixer(model), { priority: 'high' });
351 | // To enhance the UX, the editor should not copy list attributes to the clipboard if the selection
352 | // started and ended in the same list item.
353 | //
354 | // If the selection was enclosed in a single list item, there is a good chance the user did not want it
355 | // copied as a list item but plain blocks.
356 | //
357 | // This avoids pasting orphaned list items instead of paragraphs, for instance, straight into the root.
358 | //
359 | // ┌─────────────────────┬───────────────────┐
360 | // │ Selection │ Clipboard content │
361 | // ├─────────────────────┼───────────────────┤
362 | // │ [* <Widget />] │ <Widget /> │
363 | // ├─────────────────────┼───────────────────┤
364 | // │ [* Foo] │ Foo │
365 | // ├─────────────────────┼───────────────────┤
366 | // │ * Foo [bar] baz │ bar │
367 | // ├─────────────────────┼───────────────────┤
368 | // │ * Fo[o │ o │
369 | // │ ba]r │ ba │
370 | // ├─────────────────────┼───────────────────┤
371 | // │ * Fo[o │ * o │
372 | // │ * ba]r │ * ba │
373 | // ├─────────────────────┼───────────────────┤
374 | // │ [* Foo │ * Foo │
375 | // │ * bar] │ * bar │
376 | // └─────────────────────┴───────────────────┘
377 | //
378 | // See https://github.com/ckeditor/ckeditor5/issues/11608.
379 | this.listenTo(model, 'getSelectedContent', (evt, [selection]) => {
380 | const isSingleListItemSelected = isSingleListItem(Array.from(selection.getSelectedBlocks()));
381 | if (isSingleListItemSelected) {
382 | model.change(writer => removeListAttributes(Array.from(evt.return.getChildren()), writer));
383 | }
384 | });
385 | }
386 | }
387 | /**
388 | * Post-fixer that reacts to changes on document and fixes incorrect model states (invalid `listItemId` and `listIndent` values).
389 | *
390 | * In the example below, there is a correct list structure.
391 | * Then the middle element is removed so the list structure will become incorrect:
392 | *
393 | * ```xml
394 | * <paragraph listType="bulleted" listItemId="a" listIndent=0>Item 1</paragraph>
395 | * <paragraph listType="bulleted" listItemId="b" listIndent=1>Item 2</paragraph> <--- this is removed.
396 | * <paragraph listType="bulleted" listItemId="c" listIndent=2>Item 3</paragraph>
397 | * ```
398 | *
399 | * The list structure after the middle element is removed:
400 | *
401 | * ```xml
402 | * <paragraph listType="bulleted" listItemId="a" listIndent=0>Item 1</paragraph>
403 | * <paragraph listType="bulleted" listItemId="c" listIndent=2>Item 3</paragraph>
404 | * ```
405 | *
406 | * Should become:
407 | *
408 | * ```xml
409 | * <paragraph listType="bulleted" listItemId="a" listIndent=0>Item 1</paragraph>
410 | * <paragraph listType="bulleted" listItemId="c" listIndent=1>Item 3</paragraph> <--- note that indent got post-fixed.
411 | * ```
412 | *
413 | * @param model The data model.
414 | * @param writer The writer to do changes with.
415 | * @param attributeNames The list of all model list attributes (including registered strategies).
416 | * @param documentListEditing The document list editing plugin.
417 | * @returns `true` if any change has been applied, `false` otherwise.
418 | */
419 | function modelChangePostFixer(model, writer, attributeNames, documentListEditing) {
420 | const changes = model.document.differ.getChanges();
421 | const itemToListHead = new Map();
422 | let applied = false;
423 | for (const entry of changes) {
424 | if (entry.type == 'insert' && entry.name != '$text') {
425 | const item = entry.position.nodeAfter;
426 | // Remove attributes in case of renamed element.
427 | if (!model.schema.checkAttribute(item, 'listItemId')) {
428 | for (const attributeName of Array.from(item.getAttributeKeys())) {
429 | if (attributeNames.includes(attributeName)) {
430 | writer.removeAttribute(attributeName, item);
431 | applied = true;
432 | }
433 | }
434 | }
435 | findAndAddListHeadToMap(entry.position, itemToListHead);
436 | // Insert of a non-list item - check if there is a list after it.
437 | if (!entry.attributes.has('listItemId')) {
438 | findAndAddListHeadToMap(entry.position.getShiftedBy(entry.length), itemToListHead);
439 | }
440 | // Check if there is no nested list.
441 | for (const { item: innerItem, previousPosition } of model.createRangeIn(item)) {
442 | if (isListItemBlock(innerItem)) {
443 | findAndAddListHeadToMap(previousPosition, itemToListHead);
444 | }
445 | }
446 | }
447 | // Removed list item or block adjacent to a list.
448 | else if (entry.type == 'remove') {
449 | findAndAddListHeadToMap(entry.position, itemToListHead);
450 | }
451 | // Changed list item indent or type.
452 | else if (entry.type == 'attribute' && attributeNames.includes(entry.attributeKey)) {
453 | findAndAddListHeadToMap(entry.range.start, itemToListHead);
454 | if (entry.attributeNewValue === null) {
455 | findAndAddListHeadToMap(entry.range.start.getShiftedBy(1), itemToListHead);
456 | }
457 | }
458 | }
459 | // Make sure that IDs are not shared by split list.
460 | const seenIds = new Set();
461 | for (const listHead of itemToListHead.values()) {
462 | applied = documentListEditing.fire('postFixer', {
463 | listNodes: new ListBlocksIterable(listHead),
464 | listHead,
465 | writer,
466 | seenIds
467 | }) || applied;
468 | }
469 | return applied;
470 | }
471 | /**
472 | * A fixer for pasted content that includes list items.
473 | *
474 | * It fixes indentation of pasted list items so the pasted items match correctly to the context they are pasted into.
475 | *
476 | * Example:
477 | *
478 | * ```xml
479 | * <paragraph listType="bulleted" listItemId="a" listIndent=0>A</paragraph>
480 | * <paragraph listType="bulleted" listItemId="b" listIndent=1>B^</paragraph>
481 | * // At ^ paste: <paragraph listType="bulleted" listItemId="x" listIndent=4>X</paragraph>
482 | * // <paragraph listType="bulleted" listItemId="y" listIndent=5>Y</paragraph>
483 | * <paragraph listType="bulleted" listItemId="c" listIndent=2>C</paragraph>
484 | * ```
485 | *
486 | * Should become:
487 | *
488 | * ```xml
489 | * <paragraph listType="bulleted" listItemId="a" listIndent=0>A</paragraph>
490 | * <paragraph listType="bulleted" listItemId="b" listIndent=1>BX</paragraph>
491 | * <paragraph listType="bulleted" listItemId="y" listIndent=2>Y/paragraph>
492 | * <paragraph listType="bulleted" listItemId="c" listIndent=2>C</paragraph>
493 | * ```
494 | */
495 | function createModelIndentPasteFixer(model) {
496 | return (evt, [content, selectable]) => {
497 | // Check whether inserted content starts from a `listItem`. If it does not, it means that there are some other
498 | // elements before it and there is no need to fix indents, because even if we insert that content into a list,
499 | // that list will be broken.
500 | // Note: we also need to handle singular elements because inserting item with indent 0 into 0,1,[],2
501 | // would create incorrect model.
502 | const item = content.is('documentFragment') ? content.getChild(0) : content;
503 | if (!isListItemBlock(item)) {
504 | return;
505 | }
506 | let selection;
507 | if (!selectable) {
508 | selection = model.document.selection;
509 | }
510 | else {
511 | selection = model.createSelection(selectable);
512 | }
513 | // Get a reference list item. Inserted list items will be fixed according to that item.
514 | const pos = selection.getFirstPosition();
515 | let refItem = null;
516 | if (isListItemBlock(pos.parent)) {
517 | refItem = pos.parent;
518 | }
519 | else if (isListItemBlock(pos.nodeBefore)) {
520 | refItem = pos.nodeBefore;
521 | }
522 | // If there is `refItem` it means that we do insert list items into an existing list.
523 | if (!refItem) {
524 | return;
525 | }
526 | // First list item in `data` has indent equal to 0 (it is a first list item). It should have indent equal
527 | // to the indent of reference item. We have to fix the first item and all of it's children and following siblings.
528 | // Indent of all those items has to be adjusted to reference item.
529 | const indentChange = refItem.getAttribute('listIndent') - item.getAttribute('listIndent');
530 | // Fix only if there is anything to fix.
531 | if (indentChange <= 0) {
532 | return;
533 | }
534 | model.change(writer => {
535 | // Adjust indent of all "first" list items in inserted data.
536 | for (const { node } of iterateSiblingListBlocks(item, 'forward')) {
537 | writer.setAttribute('listIndent', node.getAttribute('listIndent') + indentChange, node);
538 | }
539 | });
540 | };
541 | }
542 | /**
543 | * Decides whether the merge should be accompanied by the model's `deleteContent()`, for instance, to get rid of the inline
544 | * content in the selection or take advantage of the heuristics in `deleteContent()` that helps convert lists into paragraphs
545 | * in certain cases.
546 | */
547 | function shouldMergeOnBlocksContentLevel(model, direction) {
548 | const selection = model.document.selection;
549 | if (!selection.isCollapsed) {
550 | return !getSelectedBlockObject(model);
551 | }
552 | if (direction === 'forward') {
553 | return true;
554 | }
555 | const firstPosition = selection.getFirstPosition();
556 | const positionParent = firstPosition.parent;
557 | const previousSibling = positionParent.previousSibling;
558 | if (model.schema.isObject(previousSibling)) {
559 | return false;
560 | }
561 | if (previousSibling.isEmpty) {
562 | return true;
563 | }
564 | return isSingleListItem([positionParent, previousSibling]);
565 | }