5.38 kBTypeScriptView Raw
2 * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2023, CKSource Holding sp. z o.o. All rights reserved.
3 * For licensing, see LICENSE.md or https://ckeditor.com/legal/ckeditor-oss-license
4 */
6 * @module list/list/utils
7 */
8import type { Editor } from 'ckeditor5/src/core';
9import { type DowncastConversionApi, type DowncastWriter, type Element, type Item, type Model, type Position, type ViewContainerElement, type ViewElement, type ViewItem, type ViewPosition } from 'ckeditor5/src/engine';
11 * Creates a list item {@link module:engine/view/containerelement~ContainerElement}.
12 *
13 * @param writer The writer instance.
14 */
15export declare function createViewListItemElement(writer: DowncastWriter): ViewContainerElement;
17 * Helper function that creates a `<ul><li></li></ul>` or (`<ol>`) structure out of the given `modelItem` model `listItem` element.
18 * Then, it binds the created view list item (`<li>`) with the model `listItem` element.
19 * The function then returns the created view list item (`<li>`).
20 *
21 * @param modelItem Model list item.
22 * @param conversionApi Conversion interface.
23 * @returns View list element.
24 */
25export declare function generateLiInUl(modelItem: Item, conversionApi: DowncastConversionApi): ViewContainerElement;
27 * Helper function that inserts a view list at a correct place and merges it with its siblings.
28 * It takes a model list item element (`modelItem`) and a corresponding view list item element (`injectedItem`). The view list item
29 * should be in a view list element (`<ul>` or `<ol>`) and should be its only child.
30 * See comments below to better understand the algorithm.
31 *
32 * @param modelItem Model list item.
33 * @param injectedItem
34 * @param conversionApi Conversion interface.
35 * @param model The model instance.
36 */
37export declare function injectViewList(modelItem: Element, injectedItem: ViewContainerElement, conversionApi: DowncastConversionApi, model: Model): void;
39 * Helper function that takes two parameters that are expected to be view list elements, and merges them.
40 * The merge happens only if both parameters are list elements of the same type (the same element name and the same class attributes).
41 *
42 * @param viewWriter The writer instance.
43 * @param firstList The first element to compare.
44 * @param secondList The second element to compare.
45 * @returns The position after merge or `null` when there was no merge.
46 */
47export declare function mergeViewLists(viewWriter: DowncastWriter, firstList: ViewItem, secondList: ViewItem): ViewPosition | null;
49 * Helper function that for a given `view.Position`, returns a `view.Position` that is after all `view.UIElement`s that
50 * are after the given position.
51 *
52 * For example:
53 * `<container:p>foo^<ui:span></ui:span><ui:span></ui:span>bar</container:p>`
54 * For position ^, the position before "bar" will be returned.
55 *
56 */
57export declare function positionAfterUiElements(viewPosition: ViewPosition): ViewPosition;
59 * Helper function that searches for a previous list item sibling of a given model item that meets the given criteria
60 * passed by the options object.
61 *
62 * @param options Search criteria.
63 * @param options.sameIndent Whether the sought sibling should have the same indentation.
64 * @param options.smallerIndent Whether the sought sibling should have a smaller indentation.
65 * @param options.listIndent The reference indentation.
66 * @param options.direction Walking direction.
67 */
68export declare function getSiblingListItem(modelItem: Item | null, options: {
69 sameIndent?: boolean;
70 smallerIndent?: boolean;
71 listIndent?: number;
72 direction?: 'forward' | 'backward';
73}): Element | null;
75 * Helper method for creating a UI button and linking it with an appropriate command.
76 *
77 * @internal
78 * @param editor The editor instance to which the UI component will be added.
79 * @param commandName The name of the command.
80 * @param label The button label.
81 * @param icon The source of the icon.
82 */
83export declare function createUIComponent(editor: Editor, commandName: 'bulletedList' | 'numberedList' | 'todoList', label: string, icon: string): void;
85 * Returns a first list view element that is direct child of the given view element.
86 */
87export declare function findNestedList(viewElement: ViewElement): ViewElement | null;
89 * Returns an array with all `listItem` elements that represent the same list.
90 *
91 * It means that values of `listIndent`, `listType`, `listStyle`, `listReversed` and `listStart` for all items are equal.
92 *
93 * Additionally, if the `position` is inside a list item, that list item will be returned as well.
94 *
95 * @param position Starting position.
96 * @param direction Walking direction.
97 */
98export declare function getSiblingNodes(position: Position, direction: 'forward' | 'backward'): Array<Element>;
100 * Returns an array with all `listItem` elements in the model selection.
101 *
102 * It returns all the items even if only a part of the list is selected, including items that belong to nested lists.
103 * If no list is selected, it returns an empty array.
104 * The order of the elements is not specified.
105 *
106 * @internal
107 */
108export declare function getSelectedListItems(model: Model): Array<Element>;
110 * Checks whether the given list-style-type is supported by numbered or bulleted list.
111 */
112export declare function getListTypeFromListStyleType(listStyleType: string): 'bulleted' | 'numbered' | null;