10.4 kBJavaScriptView Raw
2 * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2022, CKSource Holding sp. z o.o. All rights reserved.
3 * For licensing, see LICENSE.md or https://ckeditor.com/legal/ckeditor-oss-license
4 */
7 * @module media-embed/mediaembed
8 */
10import { Plugin } from 'ckeditor5/src/core';
11import { Widget } from 'ckeditor5/src/widget';
13import MediaEmbedEditing from './mediaembedediting';
14import AutoMediaEmbed from './automediaembed';
15import MediaEmbedUI from './mediaembedui';
17import '../theme/mediaembed.css';
20 * The media embed plugin.
21 *
22 * For a detailed overview, check the {@glink features/media-embed Media Embed feature documentation}.
23 *
24 * This is a "glue" plugin which loads the following plugins:
25 *
26 * * The {@link module:media-embed/mediaembedediting~MediaEmbedEditing media embed editing feature},
27 * * The {@link module:media-embed/mediaembedui~MediaEmbedUI media embed UI feature} and
28 * * The {@link module:media-embed/automediaembed~AutoMediaEmbed auto-media embed feature}.
29 *
30 * @extends module:core/plugin~Plugin
31 */
32export default class MediaEmbed extends Plugin {
33 /**
34 * @inheritDoc
35 */
36 static get requires() {
37 return [ MediaEmbedEditing, MediaEmbedUI, AutoMediaEmbed, Widget ];
38 }
40 /**
41 * @inheritDoc
42 */
43 static get pluginName() {
44 return 'MediaEmbed';
45 }
49 * The media embed provider descriptor. Used in
50 * {@link module:media-embed/mediaembed~MediaEmbedConfig#providers `config.mediaEmbed.providers`} and
51 * {@link module:media-embed/mediaembed~MediaEmbedConfig#extraProviders `config.mediaEmbed.extraProviders`}.
52 *
53 * See {@link module:media-embed/mediaembed~MediaEmbedConfig} to learn more.
54 *
55 * {
56 * name: 'example',
57 *
58 * // The following RegExp matches https://www.example.com/media/{media id},
59 * // (either with "http(s)://" and "www" or without), so the valid URLs are:
60 * //
61 * // * https://www.example.com/media/{media id},
62 * // * http://www.example.com/media/{media id},
63 * // * www.example.com/media/{media id},
64 * // * example.com/media/{media id}
65 * url: /^example\.com\/media\/(\w+)/,
66 *
67 * // The rendering function of the provider.
68 * // Used to represent the media when editing the content (i.e. in the view)
69 * // and also in the data output of the editor if semantic data output is disabled.
70 * html: match => `The HTML representing the media with ID=${ match[ 1 ] }.`
71 * }
72 *
73 * You can allow any sort of media in the editor using the "allow–all" `RegExp`.
74 * But mind that, since URLs are processed in the order of configuration, if one of the previous
75 * `RegExps` matches the URL, it will have a precedence over this one.
76 *
77 * {
78 * name: 'allow-all',
79 * url: /^.+/
80 * }
81 *
82 * To implement responsive media, you can use the following HTML structure:
83 *
84 * {
85 * ...
86 * html: match =>
87 * '<div style="position:relative; padding-bottom:100%; height:0">' +
88 * '<iframe src="..." frameborder="0" ' +
89 * 'style="position:absolute; width:100%; height:100%; top:0; left:0">' +
90 * '</iframe>' +
91 * '</div>'
92 * }
93 *
94 * @typedef {Object} module:media-embed/mediaembed~MediaEmbedProvider
95 * @property {String} name The name of the provider. Used e.g. when
96 * {@link module:media-embed/mediaembed~MediaEmbedConfig#removeProviders removing providers}.
97 * @property {RegExp|Array.<RegExp>} url The `RegExp` object (or array of objects) defining the URL of the media.
98 * If any URL matches the `RegExp`, it becomes the media in the editor model, as defined by the provider. The result
99 * of matching (output of `String.prototype.match()`) is passed to the `html` rendering function of the media.
100 *
101 * **Note:** You do not need to include the protocol (`http://`, `https://`) and `www` subdomain in your `RegExps`,
102 * they are stripped from the URLs before matching anyway.
103 * @property {Function} [html] (optional) The rendering function of the media. The function receives the entire matching
104 * array from the corresponding `url` `RegExp` as an argument, allowing rendering a dedicated
105 * preview of the media identified by a certain ID or a hash. When not defined, the media embed feature
106 * will use a generic media representation in the view and output data.
107 * Note that when
108 * {@link module:media-embed/mediaembed~MediaEmbedConfig#previewsInData `config.mediaEmbed.previewsInData`}
109 * is `true`, the rendering function **will always** be used for the media in the editor data output.
110 */
113 * The configuration of the {@link module:media-embed/mediaembed~MediaEmbed} feature.
114 *
115 * Read more in {@link module:media-embed/mediaembed~MediaEmbedConfig}.
116 *
117 * @member {module:media-embed/mediaembed~MediaEmbedConfig} module:core/editor/editorconfig~EditorConfig#mediaEmbed
118 */
121 * The configuration of the media embed features.
122 *
123 * Read more about {@glink features/media-embed#configuration configuring the media embed feature}.
124 *
125 * ClassicEditor
126 * .create( editorElement, {
127 * mediaEmbed: ... // Media embed feature options.
128 * } )
129 * .then( ... )
130 * .catch( ... );
131 *
132 * See {@link module:core/editor/editorconfig~EditorConfig all editor options}.
133 *
134 * @interface MediaEmbedConfig
135 */
138 * The default media providers supported by the editor.
139 *
140 * The names of providers with rendering functions (previews):
141 *
142 * * "dailymotion",
143 * * "spotify",
144 * * "youtube",
145 * * "vimeo"
146 *
147 * The names of providers without rendering functions:
148 *
149 * * "instagram",
150 * * "twitter",
151 * * "googleMaps",
152 * * "flickr",
153 * * "facebook"
154 *
155 * See the {@link module:media-embed/mediaembed~MediaEmbedProvider provider syntax} to learn more about
156 * different kinds of media and media providers.
157 *
158 * **Note**: The default media provider configuration may not support all possible media URLs,
159 * only the most common are included.
160 *
161 * Media without rendering functions are always represented in the data using the "semantic" markup. See
162 * {@link module:media-embed/mediaembed~MediaEmbedConfig#previewsInData `config.mediaEmbed.previewsInData`} to
163 * learn more about possible data outputs.
164 *
165 * The priority of media providers corresponds to the order of configuration. The first provider
166 * to match the URL is always used, even if there are other providers that support a particular URL.
167 * The URL is never matched against the remaining providers.
168 *
169 * To discard **all** default media providers, simply override this configuration with your own
170 * {@link module:media-embed/mediaembed~MediaEmbedProvider definitions}:
171 *
172 * ClassicEditor
173 * .create( editorElement, {
174 * plugins: [ MediaEmbed, ... ],
175 * mediaEmbed: {
176 * providers: [
177 * {
178 * name: 'myProvider',
179 * url: /^example\.com\/media\/(\w+)/,
180 * html: match => '...'
181 * },
182 * ...
183 * ]
184 * }
185 * } )
186 * .then( ... )
187 * .catch( ... );
188 *
189 * You can take inspiration from the default configuration of this feature which you can find in:
190 * https://github.com/ckeditor/ckeditor5-media-embed/blob/master/src/mediaembedediting.js
191 *
192 * To **extend** the list of default providers, use
193 * {@link module:media-embed/mediaembed~MediaEmbedConfig#extraProviders `config.mediaEmbed.extraProviders`}.
194 *
195 * To **remove** certain providers, use
196 * {@link module:media-embed/mediaembed~MediaEmbedConfig#removeProviders `config.mediaEmbed.removeProviders`}.
197 *
198 * @member {Array.<module:media-embed/mediaembed~MediaEmbedProvider>} module:media-embed/mediaembed~MediaEmbedConfig#providers
199 */
202 * The additional media providers supported by the editor. This configuration helps extend the default
203 * {@link module:media-embed/mediaembed~MediaEmbedConfig#providers}.
204 *
205 * ClassicEditor
206 * .create( editorElement, {
207 * plugins: [ MediaEmbed, ... ],
208 * mediaEmbed: {
209 * extraProviders: [
210 * {
211 * name: 'extraProvider',
212 * url: /^example\.com\/media\/(\w+)/,
213 * html: match => '...'
214 * },
215 * ...
216 * ]
217 * }
218 * } )
219 * .then( ... )
220 * .catch( ... );
221 *
222 * See the {@link module:media-embed/mediaembed~MediaEmbedProvider provider syntax} to learn more.
223 *
224 * @member {Array.<module:media-embed/mediaembed~MediaEmbedProvider>} module:media-embed/mediaembed~MediaEmbedConfig#extraProviders
225 */
228 * The list of media providers that should not be used despite being available in
229 * {@link module:media-embed/mediaembed~MediaEmbedConfig#providers `config.mediaEmbed.providers`} and
230 * {@link module:media-embed/mediaembed~MediaEmbedConfig#extraProviders `config.mediaEmbed.extraProviders`}
231 *
232 * mediaEmbed: {
233 * removeProviders: [ 'youtube', 'twitter' ]
234 * }
235 *
236 * @member {Array.<String>} module:media-embed/mediaembed~MediaEmbedConfig#removeProviders
237 */
240 * Overrides the element name used for "semantic" data.
241 *
242 * This is not relevant if {@link module:media-embed/mediaembed~MediaEmbedConfig#previewsInData `config.mediaEmbed.previewsInData`}
243 * is set to `true`.
244 *
245 * When not set, the feature produces the `<oembed>` tag:
246 *
247 * <figure class="media">
248 * <oembed url="https://url"></oembed>
249 * </figure>
250 *
251 * To override the element name with, for instance, the `o-embed` name:
252 *
253 * mediaEmbed: {
254 * elementName: 'o-embed'
255 * }
256 *
257 * This will produce semantic data with the `<o-embed>` tag:
258 *
259 * <figure class="media">
260 * <o-embed url="https://url"></o-embed>
261 * </figure>
262 *
263 * @default 'oembed'
264 * @member {String} [module:media-embed/mediaembed~MediaEmbedConfig#elementName]
265 */
268 * Controls the data format produced by the feature.
269 *
270 * When `false` (default), the feature produces "semantic" data, i.e. it does not include the preview of
271 * the media, just the `<oembed>` tag with the `url` attribute:
272 *
273 * <figure class="media">
274 * <oembed url="https://url"></oembed>
275 * </figure>
276 *
277 * When `true`, the media is represented in the output in the same way it looks in the editor,
278 * i.e. the media preview is saved to the database:
279 *
280 * <figure class="media">
281 * <div data-oembed-url="https://url">
282 * <iframe src="https://preview"></iframe>
283 * </div>
284 * </figure>
285 *
286 * **Note:** Media without preview are always represented in the data using the "semantic" markup
287 * regardless of the value of the `previewsInData`. Learn more about different kinds of media
288 * in the {@link module:media-embed/mediaembed~MediaEmbedConfig#providers `config.mediaEmbed.providers`}
289 * configuration description.
290 *
291 * @member {Boolean} [module:media-embed/mediaembed~MediaEmbedConfig#previewsInData=false]
292 */