1 | /**
2 | * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2023, CKSource Holding sp. z o.o. All rights reserved.
3 | * For licensing, see LICENSE.md or https://ckeditor.com/legal/ckeditor-oss-license
4 | */
5 | /**
6 | * @module media-embed/utils
7 | */
8 | import type { ViewContainerElement, Element, Model, Selectable, Selection, DowncastWriter, ViewDocumentSelection, ViewElement, DocumentSelection } from 'ckeditor5/src/engine';
9 | import type MediaRegistry from './mediaregistry';
10 | /**
11 | * Converts a given {@link module:engine/view/element~Element} to a media embed widget:
12 | * * Adds a {@link module:engine/view/element~Element#_setCustomProperty custom property} allowing to recognize the media widget element.
13 | * * Calls the {@link module:widget/utils~toWidget} function with the proper element's label creator.
14 | *
15 | * @param writer An instance of the view writer.
16 | * @param label The element's label.
17 | */
18 | export declare function toMediaWidget(viewElement: ViewElement, writer: DowncastWriter, label: string): ViewElement;
19 | /**
20 | * Returns a media widget editing view element if one is selected.
21 | */
22 | export declare function getSelectedMediaViewWidget(selection: ViewDocumentSelection): ViewElement | null;
23 | /**
24 | * Checks if a given view element is a media widget.
25 | */
26 | export declare function isMediaWidget(viewElement: ViewElement): boolean;
27 | /**
28 | * Creates a view element representing the media. Either a "semantic" one for the data pipeline:
29 | *
30 | * ```html
31 | * <figure class="media">
32 | * <oembed url="foo"></oembed>
33 | * </figure>
34 | * ```
35 | *
36 | * or a "non-semantic" (for the editing view pipeline):
37 | *
38 | * ```html
39 | * <figure class="media">
40 | * <div data-oembed-url="foo">[ non-semantic media preview for "foo" ]</div>
41 | * </figure>
42 | * ```
43 | */
44 | export declare function createMediaFigureElement(writer: DowncastWriter, registry: MediaRegistry, url: string, options: MediaOptions): ViewContainerElement;
45 | /**
46 | * Returns a selected media element in the model, if any.
47 | */
48 | export declare function getSelectedMediaModelWidget(selection: Selection | DocumentSelection): Element | null;
49 | /**
50 | * Creates a media element and inserts it into the model.
51 | *
52 | * **Note**: This method will use {@link module:engine/model/model~Model#insertContent `model.insertContent()`} logic of inserting content
53 | * if no `insertPosition` is passed.
54 | *
55 | * @param url An URL of an embeddable media.
56 | * @param findOptimalPosition If true it will try to find optimal position to insert media without breaking content
57 | * in which a selection is.
58 | */
59 | export declare function insertMedia(model: Model, url: string, selectable: Selectable, findOptimalPosition: boolean): void;
60 | /**
61 | * Type for commonly grouped function parameters across this package.
62 | */
63 | export type MediaOptions = {
64 | elementName: string;
65 | renderMediaPreview?: boolean;
66 | renderForEditingView?: boolean;
67 | };