1 | {
2 | "Insert table": "Label for the insert table toolbar button.",
3 | "Header column": "Label for the set/unset table header column button.",
4 | "Insert column left": "Label for the insert table column to the left of the current one button.",
5 | "Insert column right": "Label for the insert table column to the right of the current one button.",
6 | "Delete column": "Label for the delete table column button.",
7 | "Select column": "Label for the select the entire table column button.",
8 | "Column": "Label for the table column dropdown button.",
9 | "Header row": "Label for the set/unset table header row button.",
10 | "Insert row below": "Label for the insert row below button.",
11 | "Insert row above": "Label for the insert row above button.",
12 | "Delete row": "Label for the delete table row button.",
13 | "Select row": "Label for the select the entire table row button.",
14 | "Row": "Label for the table row dropdown button.",
15 | "Merge cell up": "Label for the merge table cell up button.",
16 | "Merge cell right": "Label for the merge table cell right button.",
17 | "Merge cell down": "Label for the merge table cell down button.",
18 | "Merge cell left": "Label for the merge table cell left button.",
19 | "Split cell vertically": "Label for the split table cell vertically button.",
20 | "Split cell horizontally": "Label for the split table cell horizontally button.",
21 | "Merge cells": "Label for the merge table cells button.",
22 | "Table toolbar": "The label used by assistive technologies describing a table toolbar attached to a table widget.",
23 | "Table properties": "The label describing the form allowing to specify the properties of a selected table.",
24 | "Cell properties": "The label describing the form allowing to specify the properties of a selected table cell.",
25 | "Border": "The label describing a group of border–related form fields (border style, color, etc.).",
26 | "Style": "The label for the dropdown that allows configuring the border style of a table or a table cell.",
27 | "Width": "The label for the input that allows configuring the width of a table or a table cell or the width of a border.",
28 | "Height": "The label for the input that allows configuring the height of a table or a table cell.",
29 | "Color": "The label for the input that allows configuring the border color of a table or a table cell.",
30 | "Background": "The label for the input that allows configuring the background color of a table or a table cell.",
31 | "Padding": "The label for the input that allows configuring the padding of a table cell.",
32 | "Dimensions": "The label describing a group of form fields that allows setting dimensions of a table or a table cell.",
33 | "Table cell text alignment": "The label for the group of toolbars that allows configuring the text alignment in a table cell.",
34 | "Alignment": "The label for the toolbar that allows configuring the alignment of a table.",
35 | "Horizontal text alignment toolbar": "The label used by assistive technologies describing a toolbar that allows configuring the horizontal text alignment in a table cell.",
36 | "Vertical text alignment toolbar": "The label used by assistive technologies describing a toolbar that allows configuring the vertical text alignment in a table cell.",
37 | "Table alignment toolbar": "The label used by assistive technologies describing a toolbar that allows configuring the alignment of a table.",
38 | "None": "The label for the border style dropdown when no style is applied to a table or a table cell.",
39 | "Solid": "The label for the border style dropdown when the solid border is applied to a table or a table cell.",
40 | "Dotted": "The label for the border style dropdown when the dotted border is applied to a table or a table cell.",
41 | "Dashed": "The label for the border style dropdown when the dashed border is applied to a table or a table cell.",
42 | "Double": "The label for the border style dropdown when the double border is applied to a table or a table cell.",
43 | "Groove": "The label for the border style dropdown when the groove border is applied to a table or a table cell.",
44 | "Ridge": "The label for the border style dropdown when the ridge border is applied to a table or a table cell.",
45 | "Inset": "The label for the border style dropdown when the inset border is applied to a table or a table cell.",
46 | "Outset": "The label for the border style dropdown when the outset border is applied to a table or a table cell.",
47 | "Align cell text to the left": "The label used by assistive technologies describing a button that aligns the table cell text to the left.",
48 | "Align cell text to the center": "The label used by assistive technologies describing a button that aligns the table cell text to the center.",
49 | "Align cell text to the right": "The label used by assistive technologies describing a button that aligns the table cell text to the right.",
50 | "Justify cell text": "The label used by assistive technologies describing a button that justifies the table cell text.",
51 | "Align cell text to the top": "The label used by assistive technologies describing a button that aligns the table cell text to the top.",
52 | "Align cell text to the middle": "The label used by assistive technologies describing a button that aligns the table cell text to the middle.",
53 | "Align cell text to the bottom": "The label used by assistive technologies describing a button that aligns the table cell text to the bottom.",
54 | "Align table to the left": "The label used by assistive technologies describing a button that aligns the table to the left.",
55 | "Center table": "The label used by assistive technologies describing a button that centers the table.",
56 | "Align table to the right": "The label used by assistive technologies describing a button that aligns the table to the right.",
57 | "The color is invalid. Try \"#FF0000\" or \"rgb(255,0,0)\" or \"red\".": "The localized error string that can be displayed next to color (background, border) fields that have an invalid value",
58 | "The value is invalid. Try \"10px\" or \"2em\" or simply \"2\".": "The localized error string that can be displayed next to length (padding, border width) fields that have an invalid value.",
59 | "Color picker": "The label used by assistive technologies describing a button that opens a color picker, where user can choose a configured color for a certain properties (eg.: background color, color, border-color etc.).",
60 | "Toggle caption off": "The button label for the table toolbar hiding caption attached to the table.",
61 | "Toggle caption on": "The button label for the table toolbar showing caption attached to the table.",
62 | "Enter table caption": "The placeholder text for the table caption displayed when the caption is empty."
63 | }