4.13 kBJavaScriptView Raw
2 * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2023, CKSource Holding sp. z o.o. All rights reserved.
3 * For licensing, see LICENSE.md or https://ckeditor.com/legal/ckeditor-oss-license
4 */
6* @module table/tablecaption/toggletablecaptioncommand
8import { Command } from 'ckeditor5/src/core';
9import { getCaptionFromTableModelElement, getSelectionAffectedTable } from './utils';
11 * The toggle table caption command.
12 *
13 * This command is registered by {@link module:table/tablecaption/tablecaptionediting~TableCaptionEditing} as the
14 * `'toggleTableCaption'` editor command.
15 *
16 * Executing this command:
17 *
18 * * either adds or removes the table caption of a selected table (depending on whether the caption is present or not),
19 * * removes the table caption if the selection is anchored in one.
20 *
21 * ```ts
22 * // Toggle the presence of the caption.
23 * editor.execute( 'toggleTableCaption' );
24 * ```
25 *
26 * **Note**: You can move the selection to the caption right away as it shows up upon executing this command by using
27 * the `focusCaptionOnShow` option:
28 *
29 * ```ts
30 * editor.execute( 'toggleTableCaption', { focusCaptionOnShow: true } );
31 * ```
32 */
33export default class ToggleTableCaptionCommand extends Command {
34 /**
35 * @inheritDoc
36 */
37 refresh() {
38 const editor = this.editor;
39 const tableElement = getSelectionAffectedTable(editor.model.document.selection);
40 this.isEnabled = !!tableElement;
41 if (!this.isEnabled) {
42 this.value = false;
43 }
44 else {
45 this.value = !!getCaptionFromTableModelElement(tableElement);
46 }
47 }
48 /**
49 * Executes the command.
50 *
51 * ```ts
52 * editor.execute( 'toggleTableCaption' );
53 * ```
54 *
55 * @param options Options for the executed command.
56 * @param options.focusCaptionOnShow When true and the caption shows up, the selection will be moved into it straight away.
57 * @fires execute
58 */
59 execute({ focusCaptionOnShow = false } = {}) {
60 this.editor.model.change(writer => {
61 if (this.value) {
62 this._hideTableCaption(writer);
63 }
64 else {
65 this._showTableCaption(writer, focusCaptionOnShow);
66 }
67 });
68 }
69 /**
70 * Shows the table caption. Also:
71 *
72 * * it attempts to restore the caption content from the `TableCaptionEditing` caption registry,
73 * * it moves the selection to the caption right away, it the `focusCaptionOnShow` option was set.
74 *
75 * @param focusCaptionOnShow Default focus behavior when showing the caption.
76 */
77 _showTableCaption(writer, focusCaptionOnShow) {
78 const model = this.editor.model;
79 const tableElement = getSelectionAffectedTable(model.document.selection);
80 const tableCaptionEditing = this.editor.plugins.get('TableCaptionEditing');
81 const savedCaptionElement = tableCaptionEditing._getSavedCaption(tableElement);
82 // Try restoring the caption from the TableCaptionEditing plugin storage.
83 const newCaptionElement = savedCaptionElement || writer.createElement('caption');
84 model.insertContent(newCaptionElement, tableElement, 'end');
85 if (focusCaptionOnShow) {
86 writer.setSelection(newCaptionElement, 'in');
87 }
88 }
89 /**
90 * Hides the caption of a selected table (or an table caption the selection is anchored to).
91 *
92 * The content of the caption is stored in the `TableCaptionEditing` caption registry to make this
93 * a reversible action.
94 */
95 _hideTableCaption(writer) {
96 const model = this.editor.model;
97 const tableElement = getSelectionAffectedTable(model.document.selection);
98 const tableCaptionEditing = this.editor.plugins.get('TableCaptionEditing');
99 const captionElement = getCaptionFromTableModelElement(tableElement);
100 // Store the caption content so it can be restored quickly if the user changes their mind.
101 tableCaptionEditing._saveCaption(tableElement, captionElement);
102 model.deleteContent(writer.createSelection(captionElement, 'on'));
103 }