1 | /**
2 | * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2023, CKSource Holding sp. z o.o. All rights reserved.
3 | * For licensing, see LICENSE.md or https://ckeditor.com/legal/ckeditor-oss-license
4 | */
5 | /**
6 | * @module table/tableproperties/tablepropertiesui
7 | */
8 | import { type Editor, Plugin } from 'ckeditor5/src/core';
9 | import { ContextualBalloon } from 'ckeditor5/src/ui';
10 | import TablePropertiesView from './ui/tablepropertiesview';
11 | /**
12 | * The table properties UI plugin. It introduces the `'tableProperties'` button
13 | * that opens a form allowing to specify visual styling of an entire table.
14 | *
15 | * It uses the {@link module:ui/panel/balloon/contextualballoon~ContextualBalloon contextual balloon plugin}.
16 | */
17 | export default class TablePropertiesUI extends Plugin {
18 | /**
19 | * The default table properties.
20 | */
21 | private _defaultTableProperties;
22 | /**
23 | * The contextual balloon plugin instance.
24 | */
25 | private _balloon;
26 | /**
27 | * The properties form view displayed inside the balloon.
28 | */
29 | view: TablePropertiesView | null;
30 | /**
31 | * The batch used to undo all changes made by the form (which are live, as the user types)
32 | * when "Cancel" was pressed. Each time the view is shown, a new batch is created.
33 | */
34 | private _undoStepBatch?;
35 | /**
36 | * Flag used to indicate whether view is ready to execute update commands
37 | * (it finished loading initial data).
38 | */
39 | private _isReady?;
40 | /**
41 | * @inheritDoc
42 | */
43 | static get requires(): readonly [typeof ContextualBalloon];
44 | /**
45 | * @inheritDoc
46 | */
47 | static get pluginName(): 'TablePropertiesUI';
48 | /**
49 | * @inheritDoc
50 | */
51 | constructor(editor: Editor);
52 | /**
53 | * @inheritDoc
54 | */
55 | init(): void;
56 | /**
57 | * @inheritDoc
58 | */
59 | destroy(): void;
60 | /**
61 | * Creates the {module:table/tableproperties/ui/tablepropertiesview~TablePropertiesView} instance.
62 | *
63 | * @returns The table properties form view instance.
64 | */
65 | private _createPropertiesView;
66 | /**
67 | * In this method the "editor data -> UI" binding is happening.
68 | *
69 | * When executed, this method obtains selected table property values from various table commands
70 | * and passes them to the { #view}.
71 | *
72 | * This way, the UI stays up–to–date with the editor data.
73 | */
74 | private _fillViewFormFromCommandValues;
75 | /**
76 | * Shows the {@link #view} in the {@link #_balloon}.
77 | *
78 | * **Note**: Each time a view is shown, the new {@link #_undoStepBatch} is created that contains
79 | * all changes made to the document when the view is visible, allowing a single undo step
80 | * for all of them.
81 | */
82 | protected _showView(): void;
83 | /**
84 | * Removes the {@link #view} from the {@link #_balloon}.
85 | */
86 | protected _hideView(): void;
87 | /**
88 | * Repositions the {@link #_balloon} or hides the {@link #view} if a table is no longer selected.
89 | */
90 | protected _updateView(): void;
91 | /**
92 | * Returns `true` when the {@link #view} is the visible in the {@link #_balloon}.
93 | */
94 | private get _isViewVisible();
95 | /**
96 | * Returns `true` when the {@link #view} is in the {@link #_balloon}.
97 | */
98 | private get _isViewInBalloon();
99 | /**
100 | * Creates a callback that when executed upon {@link #view view's} property change
101 | * executes a related editor command with the new property value.
102 | *
103 | * If new value will be set to the default value, the command will not be executed.
104 | *
105 | * @param commandName The command that will be executed.
106 | */
107 | private _getPropertyChangeCallback;
108 | /**
109 | * Creates a callback that when executed upon {@link #view view's} property change:
110 | * * executes a related editor command with the new property value if the value is valid,
111 | * * or sets the error text next to the invalid field, if the value did not pass the validation.
112 | */
113 | private _getValidatedPropertyChangeCallback;
114 | }