4.49 kBTypeScriptView Raw
2 * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2023, CKSource Holding sp. z o.o. All rights reserved.
3 * For licensing, see LICENSE.md or https://ckeditor.com/legal/ckeditor-oss-license
4 */
6 * @module table/tableselection
7 */
8import { Plugin } from 'ckeditor5/src/core';
9import type { Element, DocumentFragment } from 'ckeditor5/src/engine';
10import TableUtils from './tableutils';
11import '../theme/tableselection.css';
13 * This plugin enables the advanced table cells, rows and columns selection.
14 * It is loaded automatically by the {@link module:table/table~Table} plugin.
15 */
16export default class TableSelection extends Plugin {
17 /**
18 * @inheritDoc
19 */
20 static get pluginName(): 'TableSelection';
21 /**
22 * @inheritDoc
23 */
24 static get requires(): readonly [typeof TableUtils, typeof TableUtils];
25 /**
26 * @inheritDoc
27 */
28 init(): void;
29 /**
30 * Returns the currently selected table cells or `null` if it is not a table cells selection.
31 */
32 getSelectedTableCells(): Array<Element> | null;
33 /**
34 * Returns the selected table fragment as a document fragment.
35 */
36 getSelectionAsFragment(): DocumentFragment | null;
37 /**
38 * Sets the model selection based on given anchor and target cells (can be the same cell).
39 * Takes care of setting the backward flag.
40 *
41 * ```ts
42 * const modelRoot = editor.model.document.getRoot();
43 * const firstCell = modelRoot.getNodeByPath( [ 0, 0, 0 ] );
44 * const lastCell = modelRoot.getNodeByPath( [ 0, 0, 1 ] );
45 *
46 * const tableSelection = editor.plugins.get( 'TableSelection' );
47 * tableSelection.setCellSelection( firstCell, lastCell );
48 * ```
49 */
50 setCellSelection(anchorCell: Element, targetCell: Element): void;
51 /**
52 * Returns the focus cell from the current selection.
53 */
54 getFocusCell(): Element | null;
55 /**
56 * Returns the anchor cell from the current selection.
57 */
58 getAnchorCell(): Element | null;
59 /**
60 * Defines a selection converter which marks the selected cells with a specific class.
61 *
62 * The real DOM selection is put in the last cell. Since the order of ranges is dependent on whether the
63 * selection is backward or not, the last cell will usually be close to the "focus" end of the selection
64 * (a selection has anchor and focus).
65 *
66 * The real DOM selection is then hidden with CSS.
67 */
68 private _defineSelectionConverter;
69 /**
70 * Creates a listener that reacts to changes in {@link #isEnabled} and, if the plugin was disabled,
71 * it collapses the multi-cell selection to a regular selection placed inside a table cell.
72 *
73 * This listener helps features that disable the table selection plugin bring the selection
74 * to a clear state they can work with (for instance, because they don't support multiple cell selection).
75 */
76 private _enablePluginDisabling;
77 /**
78 * Overrides the default `model.deleteContent()` behavior over a selected table fragment.
79 *
80 * @param args Delete content method arguments.
81 */
82 private _handleDeleteContent;
83 /**
84 * This handler makes it possible to remove the content of all selected cells by starting to type.
85 * If you take a look at {@link #_defineSelectionConverter} you will find out that despite the multi-cell selection being set
86 * in the model, the view selection is collapsed in the last cell (because most browsers are unable to render multi-cell selections;
87 * yes, it's a hack).
88 *
89 * When multiple cells are selected in the model and the user starts to type, the
90 * {@link module:engine/view/document~Document#event:insertText} event carries information provided by the
91 * beforeinput DOM event, that in turn only knows about this collapsed DOM selection in the last cell.
92 *
93 * As a result, the selected cells have no chance to be cleaned up. To fix this, this listener intercepts
94 * the event and injects the custom view selection in the data that translates correctly to the actual state
95 * of the multi-cell selection in the model.
96 *
97 * @param data Insert text event data.
98 */
99 private _handleInsertTextEvent;
100 /**
101 * Returns an array of table cells that should be selected based on the
102 * given anchor cell and target (focus) cell.
103 *
104 * The cells are returned in a reverse direction if the selection is backward.
105 */
106 private _getCellsToSelect;