1.5 kBPlain TextView Raw
1"use client";
3import { useIsDark } from "./useIsDark";
4import { fr, type ColorOptions, type ColorDecisions } from "./fr";
6export type ColorTheme = {
7 isDark: boolean;
8 options: ColorOptions<"css var">;
9 decisions: ColorDecisions<"css var">;
13 * A hook is no longer required to get the colors, this will soon be deprecated
14 * when the documentation is updated to reflect the new way of getting the colors.
15 *
16 * Before you would do:
17 * ```ts
18 * import { useColors } from "@codegouvfr/react-dsfr/useColors";
19 * // ...
20 * const theme = useColors();
21 * // ...
22 * theme.decisions.background.default.grey.default
23 * ```
24 * Now you should do:
25 * ```ts
26 * import { fr } from "@codegouvfr/react-dsfr";
27 * // ...
28 * fr.colors.decisions.background.default.grey.default
29 * ```
30 * We don't need a hook anymore as the the colors are expressed as CSS variables and thus don't need to be
31 * switched at runtime when the user changes the dark mode.
32 *
33 * If however you need the colors in the HEX format you can do:
34 *
35 * ```ts
36 * import { fr } from "@codegouvfr/react-dsfr";
37 * import { useIsDark } from "@codegouvfr/react-dsfr/useIsDark";
38 * // ...
39 * const { isDark } = useIsDark();
40 * const theme = fr.colors.getHex({ isDark });
41 * // ...
42 * theme.decisions.background.default.grey.default
43 * ```
44 **/
45export function useColors(): ColorTheme {
46 const { isDark } = useIsDark();
48 return {
49 isDark,
50 "options": fr.colors.options,
51 "decisions": fr.colors.decisions
52 };