66.5 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1import * as _codemirror_state from '@codemirror/state';
2import { RangeSet, RangeValue, Range, EditorState, Extension, Transaction, ChangeSet, EditorSelection, EditorStateConfig, TransactionSpec, SelectionRange, Line, StateEffect, Facet } from '@codemirror/state';
3import { StyleModule, StyleSpec } from 'style-mod';
5declare type Attrs = {
6 [name: string]: string;
9interface MarkDecorationSpec {
10 /**
11 Whether the mark covers its start and end position or not. This
12 influences whether content inserted at those positions becomes
13 part of the mark. Defaults to false.
14 */
15 inclusive?: boolean;
16 /**
17 Specify whether the start position of the marked range should be
18 inclusive. Overrides `inclusive`, when both are present.
19 */
20 inclusiveStart?: boolean;
21 /**
22 Whether the end should be inclusive.
23 */
24 inclusiveEnd?: boolean;
25 /**
26 Add attributes to the DOM elements that hold the text in the
27 marked range.
28 */
29 attributes?: {
30 [key: string]: string;
31 };
32 /**
33 Shorthand for `{attributes: {class: value}}`.
34 */
35 class?: string;
36 /**
37 Add a wrapping element around the text in the marked range. Note
38 that there will not necessarily be a single element covering the
39 entire range—other decorations with lower precedence might split
40 this one if they partially overlap it, and line breaks always
41 end decoration elements.
42 */
43 tagName?: string;
44 /**
45 Decoration specs allow extra properties, which can be retrieved
46 through the decoration's [`spec`](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#view.Decoration.spec)
47 property.
48 */
49 [other: string]: any;
51interface WidgetDecorationSpec {
52 /**
53 The type of widget to draw here.
54 */
55 widget: WidgetType;
56 /**
57 Which side of the given position the widget is on. When this is
58 positive, the widget will be drawn after the cursor if the
59 cursor is on the same position. Otherwise, it'll be drawn before
60 it. When multiple widgets sit at the same position, their `side`
61 values will determine their ordering—those with a lower value
62 come first. Defaults to 0.
63 */
64 side?: number;
65 /**
66 Determines whether this is a block widgets, which will be drawn
67 between lines, or an inline widget (the default) which is drawn
68 between the surrounding text.
70 Note that block-level decorations should not have vertical
71 margins, and if you dynamically change their height, you should
72 make sure to call
73 [`requestMeasure`](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#view.EditorView.requestMeasure), so that the
74 editor can update its information about its vertical layout.
75 */
76 block?: boolean;
77 /**
78 Other properties are allowed.
79 */
80 [other: string]: any;
82interface ReplaceDecorationSpec {
83 /**
84 An optional widget to drawn in the place of the replaced
85 content.
86 */
87 widget?: WidgetType;
88 /**
89 Whether this range covers the positions on its sides. This
90 influences whether new content becomes part of the range and
91 whether the cursor can be drawn on its sides. Defaults to false
92 for inline replacements, and true for block replacements.
93 */
94 inclusive?: boolean;
95 /**
96 Set inclusivity at the start.
97 */
98 inclusiveStart?: boolean;
99 /**
100 Set inclusivity at the end.
101 */
102 inclusiveEnd?: boolean;
103 /**
104 Whether this is a block-level decoration. Defaults to false.
105 */
106 block?: boolean;
107 /**
108 Other properties are allowed.
109 */
110 [other: string]: any;
112interface LineDecorationSpec {
113 /**
114 DOM attributes to add to the element wrapping the line.
115 */
116 attributes?: {
117 [key: string]: string;
118 };
119 /**
120 Shorthand for `{attributes: {class: value}}`.
121 */
122 class?: string;
123 /**
124 Other properties are allowed.
125 */
126 [other: string]: any;
129Widgets added to the content are described by subclasses of this
130class. Using a description object like that makes it possible to
131delay creating of the DOM structure for a widget until it is
132needed, and to avoid redrawing widgets even if the decorations
133that define them are recreated.
135declare abstract class WidgetType {
136 /**
137 Build the DOM structure for this widget instance.
138 */
139 abstract toDOM(view: EditorView): HTMLElement;
140 /**
141 Compare this instance to another instance of the same type.
142 (TypeScript can't express this, but only instances of the same
143 specific class will be passed to this method.) This is used to
144 avoid redrawing widgets when they are replaced by a new
145 decoration of the same type. The default implementation just
146 returns `false`, which will cause new instances of the widget to
147 always be redrawn.
148 */
149 eq(widget: WidgetType): boolean;
150 /**
151 Update a DOM element created by a widget of the same type (but
152 different, non-`eq` content) to reflect this widget. May return
153 true to indicate that it could update, false to indicate it
154 couldn't (in which case the widget will be redrawn). The default
155 implementation just returns false.
156 */
157 updateDOM(dom: HTMLElement): boolean;
158 /**
159 The estimated height this widget will have, to be used when
160 estimating the height of content that hasn't been drawn. May
161 return -1 to indicate you don't know. The default implementation
162 returns -1.
163 */
164 get estimatedHeight(): number;
165 /**
166 Can be used to configure which kinds of events inside the widget
167 should be ignored by the editor. The default is to ignore all
168 events.
169 */
170 ignoreEvent(event: Event): boolean;
171 /**
172 This is called when the an instance of the widget is removed
173 from the editor view.
174 */
175 destroy(dom: HTMLElement): void;
178A decoration set represents a collection of decorated ranges,
179organized for efficient access and mapping. See
180[`RangeSet`](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#state.RangeSet) for its methods.
182declare type DecorationSet = RangeSet<Decoration>;
184The different types of blocks that can occur in an editor view.
186declare enum BlockType {
187 /**
188 A line of text.
189 */
190 Text = 0,
191 /**
192 A block widget associated with the position after it.
193 */
194 WidgetBefore = 1,
195 /**
196 A block widget associated with the position before it.
197 */
198 WidgetAfter = 2,
199 /**
200 A block widget [replacing](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#view.Decoration^replace) a range of content.
201 */
202 WidgetRange = 3
205A decoration provides information on how to draw or style a piece
206of content. You'll usually use it wrapped in a
207[`Range`](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#state.Range), which adds a start and end position.
210declare abstract class Decoration extends RangeValue {
211 /**
212 The config object used to create this decoration. You can
213 include additional properties in there to store metadata about
214 your decoration.
215 */
216 readonly spec: any;
217 protected constructor(
218 /**
219 @internal
220 */
221 startSide: number,
222 /**
223 @internal
224 */
225 endSide: number,
226 /**
227 @internal
228 */
229 widget: WidgetType | null,
230 /**
231 The config object used to create this decoration. You can
232 include additional properties in there to store metadata about
233 your decoration.
234 */
235 spec: any);
236 abstract eq(other: Decoration): boolean;
237 /**
238 Create a mark decoration, which influences the styling of the
239 content in its range. Nested mark decorations will cause nested
240 DOM elements to be created. Nesting order is determined by
241 precedence of the [facet](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#view.EditorView^decorations), with
242 the higher-precedence decorations creating the inner DOM nodes.
243 Such elements are split on line boundaries and on the boundaries
244 of lower-precedence decorations.
245 */
246 static mark(spec: MarkDecorationSpec): Decoration;
247 /**
248 Create a widget decoration, which displays a DOM element at the
249 given position.
250 */
251 static widget(spec: WidgetDecorationSpec): Decoration;
252 /**
253 Create a replace decoration which replaces the given range with
254 a widget, or simply hides it.
255 */
256 static replace(spec: ReplaceDecorationSpec): Decoration;
257 /**
258 Create a line decoration, which can add DOM attributes to the
259 line starting at the given position.
260 */
261 static line(spec: LineDecorationSpec): Decoration;
262 /**
263 Build a [`DecorationSet`](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#view.DecorationSet) from the given
264 decorated range or ranges. If the ranges aren't already sorted,
265 pass `true` for `sort` to make the library sort them for you.
266 */
267 static set(of: Range<Decoration> | readonly Range<Decoration>[], sort?: boolean): DecorationSet;
268 /**
269 The empty set of decorations.
270 */
271 static none: DecorationSet;
275Basic rectangle type.
277interface Rect {
278 readonly left: number;
279 readonly right: number;
280 readonly top: number;
281 readonly bottom: number;
283declare type ScrollStrategy = "nearest" | "start" | "end" | "center";
286Command functions are used in key bindings and other types of user
287actions. Given an editor view, they check whether their effect can
288apply to the editor, and if it can, perform it as a side effect
289(which usually means [dispatching](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#view.EditorView.dispatch) a
290transaction) and return `true`.
292declare type Command = (target: EditorView) => boolean;
294Log or report an unhandled exception in client code. Should
295probably only be used by extension code that allows client code to
296provide functions, and calls those functions in a context where an
297exception can't be propagated to calling code in a reasonable way
298(for example when in an event handler).
300Either calls a handler registered with
302`window.onerror`, if defined, or `console.error` (in which case
303it'll pass `context`, when given, as first argument).
305declare function logException(state: EditorState, exception: any, context?: string): void;
307This is the interface plugin objects conform to.
309interface PluginValue extends Object {
310 /**
311 Notifies the plugin of an update that happened in the view. This
312 is called _before_ the view updates its own DOM. It is
313 responsible for updating the plugin's internal state (including
314 any state that may be read by plugin fields) and _writing_ to
315 the DOM for the changes in the update. To avoid unnecessary
316 layout recomputations, it should _not_ read the DOM layout—use
317 [`requestMeasure`](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#view.EditorView.requestMeasure) to schedule
318 your code in a DOM reading phase if you need to.
319 */
320 update?(update: ViewUpdate): void;
321 /**
322 Called when the plugin is no longer going to be used. Should
323 revert any changes the plugin made to the DOM.
324 */
325 destroy?(): void;
328Provides additional information when defining a [view
331interface PluginSpec<V extends PluginValue> {
332 /**
333 Register the given [event
334 handlers](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#view.EditorView^domEventHandlers) for the plugin.
335 When called, these will have their `this` bound to the plugin
336 value.
337 */
338 eventHandlers?: DOMEventHandlers<V>;
339 /**
340 Specify that the plugin provides additional extensions when
341 added to an editor configuration.
342 */
343 provide?: (plugin: ViewPlugin<V>) => Extension;
344 /**
345 Allow the plugin to provide decorations. When given, this should
346 be a function that take the plugin value and return a
347 [decoration set](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#view.DecorationSet). See also the caveat about
348 [layout-changing decorations](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#view.EditorView^decorations) that
349 depend on the view.
350 */
351 decorations?: (value: V) => DecorationSet;
354View plugins associate stateful values with a view. They can
355influence the way the content is drawn, and are notified of things
356that happen in the view.
358declare class ViewPlugin<V extends PluginValue> {
359 /**
360 Instances of this class act as extensions.
361 */
362 extension: Extension;
363 private constructor();
364 /**
365 Define a plugin from a constructor function that creates the
366 plugin's value, given an editor view.
367 */
368 static define<V extends PluginValue>(create: (view: EditorView) => V, spec?: PluginSpec<V>): ViewPlugin<V>;
369 /**
370 Create a plugin for a class whose constructor takes a single
371 editor view as argument.
372 */
373 static fromClass<V extends PluginValue>(cls: {
374 new (view: EditorView): V;
375 }, spec?: PluginSpec<V>): ViewPlugin<V>;
377interface MeasureRequest<T> {
378 /**
379 Called in a DOM read phase to gather information that requires
380 DOM layout. Should _not_ mutate the document.
381 */
382 read(view: EditorView): T;
383 /**
384 Called in a DOM write phase to update the document. Should _not_
385 do anything that triggers DOM layout.
386 */
387 write?(measure: T, view: EditorView): void;
388 /**
389 When multiple requests with the same key are scheduled, only the
390 last one will actually be ran.
391 */
392 key?: any;
394declare type AttrSource = Attrs | ((view: EditorView) => Attrs | null);
396View [plugins](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#view.ViewPlugin) are given instances of this
397class, which describe what happened, whenever the view is updated.
399declare class ViewUpdate {
400 /**
401 The editor view that the update is associated with.
402 */
403 readonly view: EditorView;
404 /**
405 The new editor state.
406 */
407 readonly state: EditorState;
408 /**
409 The transactions involved in the update. May be empty.
410 */
411 readonly transactions: readonly Transaction[];
412 /**
413 The changes made to the document by this update.
414 */
415 readonly changes: ChangeSet;
416 /**
417 The previous editor state.
418 */
419 readonly startState: EditorState;
420 private constructor();
421 /**
422 Tells you whether the [viewport](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#view.EditorView.viewport) or
423 [visible ranges](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#view.EditorView.visibleRanges) changed in this
424 update.
425 */
426 get viewportChanged(): boolean;
427 /**
428 Indicates whether the height of a block element in the editor
429 changed in this update.
430 */
431 get heightChanged(): boolean;
432 /**
433 Returns true when the document was modified or the size of the
434 editor, or elements within the editor, changed.
435 */
436 get geometryChanged(): boolean;
437 /**
438 True when this update indicates a focus change.
439 */
440 get focusChanged(): boolean;
441 /**
442 Whether the document changed in this update.
443 */
444 get docChanged(): boolean;
445 /**
446 Whether the selection was explicitly set in this update.
447 */
448 get selectionSet(): boolean;
452Interface that objects registered with
454must conform to.
456interface MouseSelectionStyle {
457 /**
458 Return a new selection for the mouse gesture that starts with
459 the event that was originally given to the constructor, and ends
460 with the event passed here. In case of a plain click, those may
461 both be the `mousedown` event, in case of a drag gesture, the
462 latest `mousemove` event will be passed.
464 When `extend` is true, that means the new selection should, if
465 possible, extend the start selection. If `multiple` is true, the
466 new selection should be added to the original selection.
467 */
468 get: (curEvent: MouseEvent, extend: boolean, multiple: boolean) => EditorSelection;
469 /**
470 Called when the view is updated while the gesture is in
471 progress. When the document changes, it may be necessary to map
472 some data (like the original selection or start position)
473 through the changes.
475 This may return `true` to indicate that the `get` method should
476 get queried again after the update, because something in the
477 update could change its result. Be wary of infinite loops when
478 using this (where `get` returns a new selection, which will
479 trigger `update`, which schedules another `get` in response).
480 */
481 update: (update: ViewUpdate) => boolean | void;
483declare type MakeSelectionStyle = (view: EditorView, event: MouseEvent) => MouseSelectionStyle | null;
486Record used to represent information about a block-level element
487in the editor view.
489declare class BlockInfo {
490 /**
491 The start of the element in the document.
492 */
493 readonly from: number;
494 /**
495 The length of the element.
496 */
497 readonly length: number;
498 /**
499 The top position of the element (relative to the top of the
500 document).
501 */
502 readonly top: number;
503 /**
504 Its height.
505 */
506 readonly height: number;
507 /**
508 The type of element this is. When querying lines, this may be
509 an array of all the blocks that make up the line.
510 */
511 readonly type: BlockType | readonly BlockInfo[];
512 /**
513 The end of the element as a document position.
514 */
515 get to(): number;
516 /**
517 The bottom position of the element.
518 */
519 get bottom(): number;
523Used to indicate [text direction](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#view.EditorView.textDirection).
525declare enum Direction {
526 /**
527 Left-to-right.
528 */
529 LTR = 0,
530 /**
531 Right-to-left.
532 */
533 RTL = 1
536Represents a contiguous range of text that has a single direction
537(as in left-to-right or right-to-left).
539declare class BidiSpan {
540 /**
541 The start of the span (relative to the start of the line).
542 */
543 readonly from: number;
544 /**
545 The end of the span.
546 */
547 readonly to: number;
548 /**
549 The ["bidi
550 level"](https://unicode.org/reports/tr9/#Basic_Display_Algorithm)
551 of the span (in this context, 0 means
552 left-to-right, 1 means right-to-left, 2 means left-to-right
553 number inside right-to-left text).
554 */
555 readonly level: number;
556 /**
557 The direction of this span.
558 */
559 get dir(): Direction;
563The type of object given to the [`EditorView`](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#view.EditorView)
566interface EditorViewConfig extends EditorStateConfig {
567 /**
568 The view's initial state. If not given, a new state is created
569 by passing this configuration object to
570 [`EditorState.create`](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#state.EditorState^create), using its
571 `doc`, `selection`, and `extensions` field (if provided).
572 */
573 state?: EditorState;
574 /**
575 When given, the editor is immediately appended to the given
576 element on creation. (Otherwise, you'll have to place the view's
577 [`dom`](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#view.EditorView.dom) element in the document yourself.)
578 */
579 parent?: Element | DocumentFragment;
580 /**
581 If the view is going to be mounted in a shadow root or document
582 other than the one held by the global variable `document` (the
583 default), you should pass it here. If you provide `parent`, but
584 not this option, the editor will automatically look up a root
585 from the parent.
586 */
587 root?: Document | ShadowRoot;
588 /**
589 Override the transaction [dispatch
590 function](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#view.EditorView.dispatch) for this editor view, which
591 is the way updates get routed to the view. Your implementation,
592 if provided, should probably call the view's [`update`
593 method](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#view.EditorView.update).
594 */
595 dispatch?: (tr: Transaction) => void;
598An editor view represents the editor's user interface. It holds
599the editable DOM surface, and possibly other elements such as the
600line number gutter. It handles events and dispatches state
601transactions for editing actions.
603declare class EditorView {
604 /**
605 The current editor state.
606 */
607 get state(): EditorState;
608 /**
609 To be able to display large documents without consuming too much
610 memory or overloading the browser, CodeMirror only draws the
611 code that is visible (plus a margin around it) to the DOM. This
612 property tells you the extent of the current drawn viewport, in
613 document positions.
614 */
615 get viewport(): {
616 from: number;
617 to: number;
618 };
619 /**
620 When there are, for example, large collapsed ranges in the
621 viewport, its size can be a lot bigger than the actual visible
622 content. Thus, if you are doing something like styling the
623 content in the viewport, it is preferable to only do so for
624 these ranges, which are the subset of the viewport that is
625 actually drawn.
626 */
627 get visibleRanges(): readonly {
628 from: number;
629 to: number;
630 }[];
631 /**
632 Returns false when the editor is entirely scrolled out of view
633 or otherwise hidden.
634 */
635 get inView(): boolean;
636 /**
637 Indicates whether the user is currently composing text via
638 [IME](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Input_method), and at least
639 one change has been made in the current composition.
640 */
641 get composing(): boolean;
642 /**
643 Indicates whether the user is currently in composing state. Note
644 that on some platforms, like Android, this will be the case a
645 lot, since just putting the cursor on a word starts a
646 composition there.
647 */
648 get compositionStarted(): boolean;
649 private _dispatch;
650 /**
651 The document or shadow root that the view lives in.
652 */
653 readonly root: DocumentOrShadowRoot;
654 /**
655 The DOM element that wraps the entire editor view.
656 */
657 readonly dom: HTMLElement;
658 /**
659 The DOM element that can be styled to scroll. (Note that it may
660 not have been, so you can't assume this is scrollable.)
661 */
662 readonly scrollDOM: HTMLElement;
663 /**
664 The editable DOM element holding the editor content. You should
665 not, usually, interact with this content directly though the
666 DOM, since the editor will immediately undo most of the changes
667 you make. Instead, [dispatch](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#view.EditorView.dispatch)
668 [transactions](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#state.Transaction) to modify content, and
669 [decorations](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#view.Decoration) to style it.
670 */
671 readonly contentDOM: HTMLElement;
672 private announceDOM;
673 private plugins;
674 private pluginMap;
675 private editorAttrs;
676 private contentAttrs;
677 private styleModules;
678 private bidiCache;
679 private destroyed;
680 /**
681 Construct a new view. You'll want to either provide a `parent`
682 option, or put `view.dom` into your document after creating a
683 view, so that the user can see the editor.
684 */
685 constructor(config?: EditorViewConfig);
686 /**
687 All regular editor state updates should go through this. It
688 takes a transaction or transaction spec and updates the view to
689 show the new state produced by that transaction. Its
690 implementation can be overridden with an
691 [option](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#view.EditorView.constructor^config.dispatch). This
692 function is bound to the view instance, so it does not have to
693 be called as a method.
694 */
695 dispatch(tr: Transaction): void;
696 dispatch(...specs: TransactionSpec[]): void;
697 /**
698 Update the view for the given array of transactions. This will
699 update the visible document and selection to match the state
700 produced by the transactions, and notify view plugins of the
701 change. You should usually call
702 [`dispatch`](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#view.EditorView.dispatch) instead, which uses this
703 as a primitive.
704 */
705 update(transactions: readonly Transaction[]): void;
706 /**
707 Reset the view to the given state. (This will cause the entire
708 document to be redrawn and all view plugins to be reinitialized,
709 so you should probably only use it when the new state isn't
710 derived from the old state. Otherwise, use
711 [`dispatch`](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#view.EditorView.dispatch) instead.)
712 */
713 setState(newState: EditorState): void;
714 private updatePlugins;
715 /**
716 Get the CSS classes for the currently active editor themes.
717 */
718 get themeClasses(): string;
719 private updateAttrs;
720 private showAnnouncements;
721 private mountStyles;
722 private readMeasured;
723 /**
724 Schedule a layout measurement, optionally providing callbacks to
725 do custom DOM measuring followed by a DOM write phase. Using
726 this is preferable reading DOM layout directly from, for
727 example, an event handler, because it'll make sure measuring and
728 drawing done by other components is synchronized, avoiding
729 unnecessary DOM layout computations.
730 */
731 requestMeasure<T>(request?: MeasureRequest<T>): void;
732 /**
733 Get the value of a specific plugin, if present. Note that
734 plugins that crash can be dropped from a view, so even when you
735 know you registered a given plugin, it is recommended to check
736 the return value of this method.
737 */
738 plugin<T>(plugin: ViewPlugin<T>): T | null;
739 /**
740 The top position of the document, in screen coordinates. This
741 may be negative when the editor is scrolled down. Points
742 directly to the top of the first line, not above the padding.
743 */
744 get documentTop(): number;
745 /**
746 Reports the padding above and below the document.
747 */
748 get documentPadding(): {
749 top: number;
750 bottom: number;
751 };
752 /**
753 Find the text line or block widget at the given vertical
754 position (which is interpreted as relative to the [top of the
755 document](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#view.EditorView.documentTop)
756 */
757 elementAtHeight(height: number): BlockInfo;
758 /**
759 Find the line block (see
760 [`lineBlockAt`](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#view.EditorView.lineBlockAt) at the given
761 height.
762 */
763 lineBlockAtHeight(height: number): BlockInfo;
764 /**
765 Get the extent and vertical position of all [line
766 blocks](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#view.EditorView.lineBlockAt) in the viewport. Positions
767 are relative to the [top of the
768 document](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#view.EditorView.documentTop);
769 */
770 get viewportLineBlocks(): BlockInfo[];
771 /**
772 Find the line block around the given document position. A line
773 block is a range delimited on both sides by either a
774 non-[hidden](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#view.Decoration^replace) line breaks, or the
775 start/end of the document. It will usually just hold a line of
776 text, but may be broken into multiple textblocks by block
777 widgets.
778 */
779 lineBlockAt(pos: number): BlockInfo;
780 /**
781 The editor's total content height.
782 */
783 get contentHeight(): number;
784 /**
785 Move a cursor position by [grapheme
786 cluster](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#state.findClusterBreak). `forward` determines whether
787 the motion is away from the line start, or towards it. In
788 bidirectional text, the line is traversed in visual order, using
789 the editor's [text direction](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#view.EditorView.textDirection).
790 When the start position was the last one on the line, the
791 returned position will be across the line break. If there is no
792 further line, the original position is returned.
794 By default, this method moves over a single cluster. The
795 optional `by` argument can be used to move across more. It will
796 be called with the first cluster as argument, and should return
797 a predicate that determines, for each subsequent cluster,
798 whether it should also be moved over.
799 */
800 moveByChar(start: SelectionRange, forward: boolean, by?: (initial: string) => (next: string) => boolean): SelectionRange;
801 /**
802 Move a cursor position across the next group of either
803 [letters](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#state.EditorState.charCategorizer) or non-letter
804 non-whitespace characters.
805 */
806 moveByGroup(start: SelectionRange, forward: boolean): SelectionRange;
807 /**
808 Move to the next line boundary in the given direction. If
809 `includeWrap` is true, line wrapping is on, and there is a
810 further wrap point on the current line, the wrap point will be
811 returned. Otherwise this function will return the start or end
812 of the line.
813 */
814 moveToLineBoundary(start: SelectionRange, forward: boolean, includeWrap?: boolean): SelectionRange;
815 /**
816 Move a cursor position vertically. When `distance` isn't given,
817 it defaults to moving to the next line (including wrapped
818 lines). Otherwise, `distance` should provide a positive distance
819 in pixels.
821 When `start` has a
822 [`goalColumn`](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#state.SelectionRange.goalColumn), the vertical
823 motion will use that as a target horizontal position. Otherwise,
824 the cursor's own horizontal position is used. The returned
825 cursor will have its goal column set to whichever column was
826 used.
827 */
828 moveVertically(start: SelectionRange, forward: boolean, distance?: number): SelectionRange;
829 /**
830 Find the DOM parent node and offset (child offset if `node` is
831 an element, character offset when it is a text node) at the
832 given document position.
834 Note that for positions that aren't currently in
835 `visibleRanges`, the resulting DOM position isn't necessarily
836 meaningful (it may just point before or after a placeholder
837 element).
838 */
839 domAtPos(pos: number): {
840 node: Node;
841 offset: number;
842 };
843 /**
844 Find the document position at the given DOM node. Can be useful
845 for associating positions with DOM events. Will raise an error
846 when `node` isn't part of the editor content.
847 */
848 posAtDOM(node: Node, offset?: number): number;
849 /**
850 Get the document position at the given screen coordinates. For
851 positions not covered by the visible viewport's DOM structure,
852 this will return null, unless `false` is passed as second
853 argument, in which case it'll return an estimated position that
854 would be near the coordinates if it were rendered.
855 */
856 posAtCoords(coords: {
857 x: number;
858 y: number;
859 }, precise: false): number;
860 posAtCoords(coords: {
861 x: number;
862 y: number;
863 }): number | null;
864 /**
865 Get the screen coordinates at the given document position.
866 `side` determines whether the coordinates are based on the
867 element before (-1) or after (1) the position (if no element is
868 available on the given side, the method will transparently use
869 another strategy to get reasonable coordinates).
870 */
871 coordsAtPos(pos: number, side?: -1 | 1): Rect | null;
872 /**
873 The default width of a character in the editor. May not
874 accurately reflect the width of all characters (given variable
875 width fonts or styling of invididual ranges).
876 */
877 get defaultCharacterWidth(): number;
878 /**
879 The default height of a line in the editor. May not be accurate
880 for all lines.
881 */
882 get defaultLineHeight(): number;
883 /**
884 The text direction
885 ([`direction`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/direction)
886 CSS property) of the editor's content element.
887 */
888 get textDirection(): Direction;
889 /**
890 Find the text direction of the block at the given position, as
891 assigned by CSS. If
892 [`perLineTextDirection`](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#view.EditorView^perLineTextDirection)
893 isn't enabled, or the given position is outside of the viewport,
894 this will always return the same as
895 [`textDirection`](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#view.EditorView.textDirection). Note that
896 this may trigger a DOM layout.
897 */
898 textDirectionAt(pos: number): Direction;
899 /**
900 Whether this editor [wraps lines](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#view.EditorView.lineWrapping)
901 (as determined by the
902 [`white-space`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/white-space)
903 CSS property of its content element).
904 */
905 get lineWrapping(): boolean;
906 /**
907 Returns the bidirectional text structure of the given line
908 (which should be in the current document) as an array of span
909 objects. The order of these spans matches the [text
910 direction](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#view.EditorView.textDirection)—if that is
911 left-to-right, the leftmost spans come first, otherwise the
912 rightmost spans come first.
913 */
914 bidiSpans(line: Line): readonly BidiSpan[];
915 /**
916 Check whether the editor has focus.
917 */
918 get hasFocus(): boolean;
919 /**
920 Put focus on the editor.
921 */
922 focus(): void;
923 /**
924 Clean up this editor view, removing its element from the
925 document, unregistering event handlers, and notifying
926 plugins. The view instance can no longer be used after
927 calling this.
928 */
929 destroy(): void;
930 /**
931 Returns an effect that can be
932 [added](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#state.TransactionSpec.effects) to a transaction to
933 cause it to scroll the given position or range into view.
934 */
935 static scrollIntoView(pos: number | SelectionRange, options?: {
936 /**
937 By default (`"nearest"`) the position will be vertically
938 scrolled only the minimal amount required to move the given
939 position into view. You can set this to `"start"` to move it
940 to the top of the view, `"end"` to move it to the bottom, or
941 `"center"` to move it to the center.
942 */
943 y?: ScrollStrategy;
944 /**
945 Effect similar to
946 [`y`](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#view.EditorView^scrollIntoView^options.y), but for the
947 horizontal scroll position.
948 */
949 x?: ScrollStrategy;
950 /**
951 Extra vertical distance to add when moving something into
952 view. Not used with the `"center"` strategy. Defaults to 5.
953 */
954 yMargin?: number;
955 /**
956 Extra horizontal distance to add. Not used with the `"center"`
957 strategy. Defaults to 5.
958 */
959 xMargin?: number;
960 }): StateEffect<unknown>;
961 /**
962 Facet to add a [style
963 module](https://github.com/marijnh/style-mod#documentation) to
964 an editor view. The view will ensure that the module is
965 mounted in its [document
966 root](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#view.EditorView.constructor^config.root).
967 */
968 static styleModule: Facet<StyleModule, readonly StyleModule[]>;
969 /**
970 Returns an extension that can be used to add DOM event handlers.
971 The value should be an object mapping event names to handler
972 functions. For any given event, such functions are ordered by
973 extension precedence, and the first handler to return true will
974 be assumed to have handled that event, and no other handlers or
975 built-in behavior will be activated for it. These are registered
976 on the [content element](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#view.EditorView.contentDOM), except
977 for `scroll` handlers, which will be called any time the
978 editor's [scroll element](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#view.EditorView.scrollDOM) or one of
979 its parent nodes is scrolled.
980 */
981 static domEventHandlers(handlers: DOMEventHandlers<any>): Extension;
982 /**
983 An input handler can override the way changes to the editable
984 DOM content are handled. Handlers are passed the document
985 positions between which the change was found, and the new
986 content. When one returns true, no further input handlers are
987 called and the default behavior is prevented.
988 */
989 static inputHandler: Facet<(view: EditorView, from: number, to: number, text: string) => boolean, readonly ((view: EditorView, from: number, to: number, text: string) => boolean)[]>;
990 /**
991 By default, the editor assumes all its content has the same
992 [text direction](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#view.Direction). Configure this with a `true`
993 value to make it read the text direction of every (rendered)
994 line separately.
995 */
996 static perLineTextDirection: Facet<boolean, boolean>;
997 /**
998 Allows you to provide a function that should be called when the
999 library catches an exception from an extension (mostly from view
1000 plugins, but may be used by other extensions to route exceptions
1001 from user-code-provided callbacks). This is mostly useful for
1002 debugging and logging. See [`logException`](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#view.logException).
1003 */
1004 static exceptionSink: Facet<(exception: any) => void, readonly ((exception: any) => void)[]>;
1005 /**
1006 A facet that can be used to register a function to be called
1007 every time the view updates.
1008 */
1009 static updateListener: Facet<(update: ViewUpdate) => void, readonly ((update: ViewUpdate) => void)[]>;
1010 /**
1011 Facet that controls whether the editor content DOM is editable.
1012 When its highest-precedence value is `false`, the element will
1013 not have its `contenteditable` attribute set. (Note that this
1014 doesn't affect API calls that change the editor content, even
1015 when those are bound to keys or buttons. See the
1016 [`readOnly`](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#state.EditorState.readOnly) facet for that.)
1017 */
1018 static editable: Facet<boolean, boolean>;
1019 /**
1020 Allows you to influence the way mouse selection happens. The
1021 functions in this facet will be called for a `mousedown` event
1022 on the editor, and can return an object that overrides the way a
1023 selection is computed from that mouse click or drag.
1024 */
1025 static mouseSelectionStyle: Facet<MakeSelectionStyle, readonly MakeSelectionStyle[]>;
1026 /**
1027 Facet used to configure whether a given selection drag event
1028 should move or copy the selection. The given predicate will be
1029 called with the `mousedown` event, and can return `true` when
1030 the drag should move the content.
1031 */
1032 static dragMovesSelection: Facet<(event: MouseEvent) => boolean, readonly ((event: MouseEvent) => boolean)[]>;
1033 /**
1034 Facet used to configure whether a given selecting click adds a
1035 new range to the existing selection or replaces it entirely. The
1036 default behavior is to check `event.metaKey` on macOS, and
1037 `event.ctrlKey` elsewhere.
1038 */
1039 static clickAddsSelectionRange: Facet<(event: MouseEvent) => boolean, readonly ((event: MouseEvent) => boolean)[]>;
1040 /**
1041 A facet that determines which [decorations](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#view.Decoration)
1042 are shown in the view. Decorations can be provided in two
1043 ways—directly, or via a function that takes an editor view.
1045 Only decoration sets provided directly are allowed to influence
1046 the editor's vertical layout structure. The ones provided as
1047 functions are called _after_ the new viewport has been computed,
1048 and thus **must not** introduce block widgets or replacing
1049 decorations that cover line breaks.
1050 */
1051 static decorations: Facet<DecorationSet | ((view: EditorView) => DecorationSet), readonly (DecorationSet | ((view: EditorView) => DecorationSet))[]>;
1052 /**
1053 Used to provide ranges that should be treated as atoms as far as
1054 cursor motion is concerned. This causes methods like
1055 [`moveByChar`](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#view.EditorView.moveByChar) and
1056 [`moveVertically`](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#view.EditorView.moveVertically) (and the
1057 commands built on top of them) to skip across such regions when
1058 a selection endpoint would enter them. This does _not_ prevent
1059 direct programmatic [selection
1060 updates](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#state.TransactionSpec.selection) from moving into such
1061 regions.
1062 */
1063 static atomicRanges: Facet<(view: EditorView) => _codemirror_state.RangeSet<any>, readonly ((view: EditorView) => _codemirror_state.RangeSet<any>)[]>;
1064 /**
1065 Facet that allows extensions to provide additional scroll
1066 margins (space around the sides of the scrolling element that
1067 should be considered invisible). This can be useful when the
1068 plugin introduces elements that cover part of that element (for
1069 example a horizontally fixed gutter).
1070 */
1071 static scrollMargins: Facet<(view: EditorView) => Partial<Rect> | null, readonly ((view: EditorView) => Partial<Rect> | null)[]>;
1072 /**
1073 Create a theme extension. The first argument can be a
1074 [`style-mod`](https://github.com/marijnh/style-mod#documentation)
1075 style spec providing the styles for the theme. These will be
1076 prefixed with a generated class for the style.
1078 Because the selectors will be prefixed with a scope class, rule
1079 that directly match the editor's [wrapper
1080 element](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#view.EditorView.dom)—to which the scope class will be
1081 added—need to be explicitly differentiated by adding an `&` to
1082 the selector for that element—for example
1083 `&.cm-focused`.
1085 When `dark` is set to true, the theme will be marked as dark,
1086 which will cause the `&dark` rules from [base
1087 themes](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#view.EditorView^baseTheme) to be used (as opposed to
1088 `&light` when a light theme is active).
1089 */
1090 static theme(spec: {
1091 [selector: string]: StyleSpec;
1092 }, options?: {
1093 dark?: boolean;
1094 }): Extension;
1095 /**
1096 This facet records whether a dark theme is active. The extension
1097 returned by [`theme`](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#view.EditorView^theme) automatically
1098 includes an instance of this when the `dark` option is set to
1099 true.
1100 */
1101 static darkTheme: Facet<boolean, boolean>;
1102 /**
1103 Create an extension that adds styles to the base theme. Like
1104 with [`theme`](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#view.EditorView^theme), use `&` to indicate the
1105 place of the editor wrapper element when directly targeting
1106 that. You can also use `&dark` or `&light` instead to only
1107 target editors with a dark or light theme.
1108 */
1109 static baseTheme(spec: {
1110 [selector: string]: StyleSpec;
1111 }): Extension;
1112 /**
1113 Facet that provides additional DOM attributes for the editor's
1114 editable DOM element.
1115 */
1116 static contentAttributes: Facet<AttrSource, readonly AttrSource[]>;
1117 /**
1118 Facet that provides DOM attributes for the editor's outer
1119 element.
1120 */
1121 static editorAttributes: Facet<AttrSource, readonly AttrSource[]>;
1122 /**
1123 An extension that enables line wrapping in the editor (by
1124 setting CSS `white-space` to `pre-wrap` in the content).
1125 */
1126 static lineWrapping: Extension;
1127 /**
1128 State effect used to include screen reader announcements in a
1129 transaction. These will be added to the DOM in a visually hidden
1130 element with `aria-live="polite"` set, and should be used to
1131 describe effects that are visually obvious but may not be
1132 noticed by screen reader users (such as moving to the next
1133 search match).
1134 */
1135 static announce: _codemirror_state.StateEffectType<string>;
1136 /**
1137 Retrieve an editor view instance from the view's DOM
1138 representation.
1139 */
1140 static findFromDOM(dom: HTMLElement): EditorView | null;
1143Helper type that maps event names to event object types, or the
1144`any` type for unknown events.
1146interface DOMEventMap extends HTMLElementEventMap {
1147 [other: string]: any;
1150Event handlers are specified with objects like this. For event
1151types known by TypeScript, this will infer the event argument type
1152to hold the appropriate event object type. For unknown events, it
1153is inferred to `any`, and should be explicitly set if you want type
1156declare type DOMEventHandlers<This> = {
1157 [event in keyof DOMEventMap]?: (this: This, event: DOMEventMap[event], view: EditorView) => boolean | void;
1161Key bindings associate key names with
1162[command](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#view.Command)-style functions.
1164Key names may be strings like `"Shift-Ctrl-Enter"`—a key identifier
1165prefixed with zero or more modifiers. Key identifiers are based on
1166the strings that can appear in
1168Use lowercase letters to refer to letter keys (or uppercase letters
1169if you want shift to be held). You may use `"Space"` as an alias
1170for the `" "` name.
1172Modifiers can be given in any order. `Shift-` (or `s-`), `Alt-` (or
1173`a-`), `Ctrl-` (or `c-` or `Control-`) and `Cmd-` (or `m-` or
1174`Meta-`) are recognized.
1176When a key binding contains multiple key names separated by
1177spaces, it represents a multi-stroke binding, which will fire when
1178the user presses the given keys after each other.
1180You can use `Mod-` as a shorthand for `Cmd-` on Mac and `Ctrl-` on
1181other platforms. So `Mod-b` is `Ctrl-b` on Linux but `Cmd-b` on
1184interface KeyBinding {
1185 /**
1186 The key name to use for this binding. If the platform-specific
1187 property (`mac`, `win`, or `linux`) for the current platform is
1188 used as well in the binding, that one takes precedence. If `key`
1189 isn't defined and the platform-specific binding isn't either,
1190 a binding is ignored.
1191 */
1192 key?: string;
1193 /**
1194 Key to use specifically on macOS.
1195 */
1196 mac?: string;
1197 /**
1198 Key to use specifically on Windows.
1199 */
1200 win?: string;
1201 /**
1202 Key to use specifically on Linux.
1203 */
1204 linux?: string;
1205 /**
1206 The command to execute when this binding is triggered. When the
1207 command function returns `false`, further bindings will be tried
1208 for the key.
1209 */
1210 run: Command;
1211 /**
1212 When given, this defines a second binding, using the (possibly
1213 platform-specific) key name prefixed with `Shift-` to activate
1214 this command.
1215 */
1216 shift?: Command;
1217 /**
1218 By default, key bindings apply when focus is on the editor
1219 content (the `"editor"` scope). Some extensions, mostly those
1220 that define their own panels, might want to allow you to
1221 register bindings local to that panel. Such bindings should use
1222 a custom scope name. You may also assign multiple scope names to
1223 a binding, separating them by spaces.
1224 */
1225 scope?: string;
1226 /**
1227 When set to true (the default is false), this will always
1228 prevent the further handling for the bound key, even if the
1229 command(s) return false. This can be useful for cases where the
1230 native behavior of the key is annoying or irrelevant but the
1231 command doesn't always apply (such as, Mod-u for undo selection,
1232 which would cause the browser to view source instead when no
1233 selection can be undone).
1234 */
1235 preventDefault?: boolean;
1238Facet used for registering keymaps.
1240You can add multiple keymaps to an editor. Their priorities
1241determine their precedence (the ones specified early or with high
1242priority get checked first). When a handler has returned `true`
1243for a given key, no further handlers are called.
1245declare const keymap: Facet<readonly KeyBinding[], readonly (readonly KeyBinding[])[]>;
1247Run the key handlers registered for a given scope. The event
1248object should be a `"keydown"` event. Returns true if any of the
1249handlers handled it.
1251declare function runScopeHandlers(view: EditorView, event: KeyboardEvent, scope: string): boolean;
1253declare type SelectionConfig = {
1254 /**
1255 The length of a full cursor blink cycle, in milliseconds.
1256 Defaults to 1200. Can be set to 0 to disable blinking.
1257 */
1258 cursorBlinkRate?: number;
1259 /**
1260 Whether to show a cursor for non-empty ranges. Defaults to
1261 true.
1262 */
1263 drawRangeCursor?: boolean;
1266Returns an extension that hides the browser's native selection and
1267cursor, replacing the selection with a background behind the text
1268(with the `cm-selectionBackground` class), and the
1269cursors with elements overlaid over the code (using
1270`cm-cursor-primary` and `cm-cursor-secondary`).
1272This allows the editor to display secondary selection ranges, and
1273tends to produce a type of selection more in line with that users
1274expect in a text editor (the native selection styling will often
1275leave gaps between lines and won't fill the horizontal space after
1276a line when the selection continues past it).
1278It does have a performance cost, in that it requires an extra DOM
1279layout cycle for many updates (the selection is drawn based on DOM
1280layout information that's only available after laying out the
1283declare function drawSelection(config?: SelectionConfig): Extension;
1286Draws a cursor at the current drop position when something is
1287dragged over the editor.
1289declare function dropCursor(): Extension;
1291interface SpecialCharConfig {
1292 /**
1293 An optional function that renders the placeholder elements.
1295 The `description` argument will be text that clarifies what the
1296 character is, which should be provided to screen readers (for
1297 example with the
1298 [`aria-label`](https://www.w3.org/TR/wai-aria/#aria-label)
1299 attribute) and optionally shown to the user in other ways (such
1300 as the
1301 [`title`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Global_attributes/title)
1302 attribute).
1304 The given placeholder string is a suggestion for how to display
1305 the character visually.
1306 */
1307 render?: ((code: number, description: string | null, placeholder: string) => HTMLElement) | null;
1308 /**
1309 Regular expression that matches the special characters to
1310 highlight. Must have its 'g'/global flag set.
1311 */
1312 specialChars?: RegExp;
1313 /**
1314 Regular expression that can be used to add characters to the
1315 default set of characters to highlight.
1316 */
1317 addSpecialChars?: RegExp | null;
1320Returns an extension that installs highlighting of special
1323declare function highlightSpecialChars(
1325Configuration options.
1327config?: SpecialCharConfig): Extension;
1330Returns an extension that makes sure the content has a bottom
1331margin equivalent to the height of the editor, minus one line
1332height, so that every line in the document can be scrolled to the
1333top of the editor.
1335This is only meaningful when the editor is scrollable, and should
1336not be enabled in editors that take the size of their content.
1338declare function scrollPastEnd(): Extension;
1341Mark lines that have a cursor on them with the `"cm-activeLine"`
1342DOM class.
1344declare function highlightActiveLine(): Extension;
1347Extension that enables a placeholder—a piece of example content
1348to show when the editor is empty.
1350declare function placeholder(content: string | HTMLElement): Extension;
1353Helper class used to make it easier to maintain decorations on
1354visible code that matches a given regular expression. To be used
1355in a [view plugin](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#view.ViewPlugin). Instances of this object
1356represent a matching configuration.
1358declare class MatchDecorator {
1359 private regexp;
1360 private getDeco;
1361 private boundary;
1362 private maxLength;
1363 /**
1364 Create a decorator.
1365 */
1366 constructor(config: {
1367 /**
1368 The regular expression to match against the content. Will only
1369 be matched inside lines (not across them). Should have its 'g'
1370 flag set.
1371 */
1372 regexp: RegExp;
1373 /**
1374 The decoration to apply to matches, either directly or as a
1375 function of the match.
1376 */
1377 decoration: Decoration | ((match: RegExpExecArray, view: EditorView, pos: number) => Decoration);
1378 /**
1379 By default, changed lines are re-matched entirely. You can
1380 provide a boundary expression, which should match single
1381 character strings that can never occur in `regexp`, to reduce
1382 the amount of re-matching.
1383 */
1384 boundary?: RegExp;
1385 /**
1386 Matching happens by line, by default, but when lines are
1387 folded or very long lines are only partially drawn, the
1388 decorator may avoid matching part of them for speed. This
1389 controls how much additional invisible content it should
1390 include in its matches. Defaults to 1000.
1391 */
1392 maxLength?: number;
1393 });
1394 /**
1395 Compute the full set of decorations for matches in the given
1396 view's viewport. You'll want to call this when initializing your
1397 plugin.
1398 */
1399 createDeco(view: EditorView): _codemirror_state.RangeSet<Decoration>;
1400 /**
1401 Update a set of decorations for a view update. `deco` _must_ be
1402 the set of decorations produced by _this_ `MatchDecorator` for
1403 the view state before the update.
1404 */
1405 updateDeco(update: ViewUpdate, deco: DecorationSet): DecorationSet;
1406 private updateRange;
1410Create an extension that enables rectangular selections. By
1411default, it will react to left mouse drag with the Alt key held
1412down. When such a selection occurs, the text within the rectangle
1413that was dragged over will be selected, as one selection
1414[range](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#state.SelectionRange) per line.
1416declare function rectangularSelection(options?: {
1417 /**
1418 A custom predicate function, which takes a `mousedown` event and
1419 returns true if it should be used for rectangular selection.
1420 */
1421 eventFilter?: (event: MouseEvent) => boolean;
1422}): Extension;
1424Returns an extension that turns the pointer cursor into a
1425crosshair when a given modifier key, defaulting to Alt, is held
1426down. Can serve as a visual hint that rectangular selection is
1427going to happen when paired with
1430declare function crosshairCursor(options?: {
1431 key?: "Alt" | "Control" | "Shift" | "Meta";
1432}): Extension;
1435Creates an extension that configures tooltip behavior.
1437declare function tooltips(config?: {
1438 /**
1439 By default, tooltips use `"fixed"`
1440 [positioning](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/position),
1441 which has the advantage that tooltips don't get cut off by
1442 scrollable parent elements. However, CSS rules like `contain:
1443 layout` can break fixed positioning in child nodes, which can be
1444 worked about by using `"absolute"` here.
1446 On iOS, which at the time of writing still doesn't properly
1447 support fixed positioning, the library always uses absolute
1448 positioning.
1449 */
1450 position?: "fixed" | "absolute";
1451 /**
1452 The element to put the tooltips into. By default, they are put
1453 in the editor (`cm-editor`) element, and that is usually what
1454 you want. But in some layouts that can lead to positioning
1455 issues, and you need to use a different parent to work around
1456 those.
1457 */
1458 parent?: HTMLElement;
1459 /**
1460 By default, when figuring out whether there is room for a
1461 tooltip at a given position, the extension considers the entire
1462 space between 0,0 and `innerWidth`,`innerHeight` to be available
1463 for showing tooltips. You can provide a function here that
1464 returns an alternative rectangle.
1465 */
1466 tooltipSpace?: (view: EditorView) => {
1467 top: number;
1468 left: number;
1469 bottom: number;
1470 right: number;
1471 };
1472}): Extension;
1474Describes a tooltip. Values of this type, when provided through
1475the [`showTooltip`](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#view.showTooltip) facet, control the
1476individual tooltips on the editor.
1478interface Tooltip {
1479 /**
1480 The document position at which to show the tooltip.
1481 */
1482 pos: number;
1483 /**
1484 The end of the range annotated by this tooltip, if different
1485 from `pos`.
1486 */
1487 end?: number;
1488 /**
1489 A constructor function that creates the tooltip's [DOM
1490 representation](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#view.TooltipView).
1491 */
1492 create(view: EditorView): TooltipView;
1493 /**
1494 Whether the tooltip should be shown above or below the target
1495 position. Not guaranteed to be respected for hover tooltips
1496 since all hover tooltips for the same range are always
1497 positioned together. Defaults to false.
1498 */
1499 above?: boolean;
1500 /**
1501 Whether the `above` option should be honored when there isn't
1502 enough space on that side to show the tooltip inside the
1503 viewport. Defaults to false.
1504 */
1505 strictSide?: boolean;
1506 /**
1507 When set to true, show a triangle connecting the tooltip element
1508 to position `pos`.
1509 */
1510 arrow?: boolean;
1513Describes the way a tooltip is displayed.
1515interface TooltipView {
1516 /**
1517 The DOM element to position over the editor.
1518 */
1519 dom: HTMLElement;
1520 /**
1521 Adjust the position of the tooltip relative to its anchor
1522 position. A positive `x` value will move the tooltip
1523 horizontally along with the text direction (so right in
1524 left-to-right context, left in right-to-left). A positive `y`
1525 will move the tooltip up when it is above its anchor, and down
1526 otherwise.
1527 */
1528 offset?: {
1529 x: number;
1530 y: number;
1531 };
1532 /**
1533 By default, a tooltip's screen position will be based on the
1534 text position of its `pos` property. This method can be provided
1535 to make the tooltip view itself responsible for finding its
1536 screen position.
1537 */
1538 getCoords?: (pos: number) => Rect;
1539 /**
1540 By default, tooltips are moved when they overlap with other
1541 tooltips. Set this to `true` to disable that behavior for this
1542 tooltip.
1543 */
1544 overlap?: boolean;
1545 /**
1546 Called after the tooltip is added to the DOM for the first time.
1547 */
1548 mount?(view: EditorView): void;
1549 /**
1550 Update the DOM element for a change in the view's state.
1551 */
1552 update?(update: ViewUpdate): void;
1553 /**
1554 Called when the tooltip has been (re)positioned.
1555 */
1556 positioned?(): void;
1559Facet to which an extension can add a value to show a tooltip.
1561declare const showTooltip: Facet<Tooltip | null, readonly (Tooltip | null)[]>;
1563Set up a hover tooltip, which shows up when the pointer hovers
1564over ranges of text. The callback is called when the mouse hovers
1565over the document text. It should, if there is a tooltip
1566associated with position `pos`, return the tooltip description
1567(either directly or in a promise). The `side` argument indicates
1568on which side of the position the pointer is—it will be -1 if the
1569pointer is before the position, 1 if after the position.
1571Note that all hover tooltips are hosted within a single tooltip
1572container element. This allows multiple tooltips over the same
1573range to be "merged" together without overlapping.
1575declare function hoverTooltip(source: (view: EditorView, pos: number, side: -1 | 1) => Tooltip | null | Promise<Tooltip | null>, options?: {
1576 /**
1577 Controls whether a transaction hides the tooltip. The default
1578 is to not hide.
1579 */
1580 hideOn?: (tr: Transaction, tooltip: Tooltip) => boolean;
1581 /**
1582 When enabled (this defaults to false), close the tooltip
1583 whenever the document changes or the selection is set.
1584 */
1585 hideOnChange?: boolean | "touch";
1586 /**
1587 Hover time after which the tooltip should appear, in
1588 milliseconds. Defaults to 300ms.
1589 */
1590 hoverTime?: number;
1591}): Extension;
1593Get the active tooltip view for a given tooltip, if available.
1595declare function getTooltip(view: EditorView, tooltip: Tooltip): TooltipView | null;
1597Returns true if any hover tooltips are currently active.
1599declare function hasHoverTooltips(state: EditorState): boolean;
1601Transaction effect that closes all hover tooltips.
1603declare const closeHoverTooltips: StateEffect<null>;
1605Tell the tooltip extension to recompute the position of the active
1606tooltips. This can be useful when something happens (such as a
1607re-positioning or CSS change affecting the editor) that could
1608invalidate the existing tooltip positions.
1610declare function repositionTooltips(view: EditorView): void;
1612declare type PanelConfig = {
1613 /**
1614 By default, panels will be placed inside the editor's DOM
1615 structure. You can use this option to override where panels with
1616 `top: true` are placed.
1617 */
1618 topContainer?: HTMLElement;
1619 /**
1620 Override where panels with `top: false` are placed.
1621 */
1622 bottomContainer?: HTMLElement;
1625Configures the panel-managing extension.
1627declare function panels(config?: PanelConfig): Extension;
1629Object that describes an active panel.
1631interface Panel {
1632 /**
1633 The element representing this panel. The library will add the
1634 `"cm-panel"` DOM class to this.
1635 */
1636 dom: HTMLElement;
1637 /**
1638 Optionally called after the panel has been added to the editor.
1639 */
1640 mount?(): void;
1641 /**
1642 Update the DOM for a given view update.
1643 */
1644 update?(update: ViewUpdate): void;
1645 /**
1646 Called when the panel is removed from the editor or the editor
1647 is destroyed.
1648 */
1649 destroy?(): void;
1650 /**
1651 Whether the panel should be at the top or bottom of the editor.
1652 Defaults to false.
1653 */
1654 top?: boolean;
1657Get the active panel created by the given constructor, if any.
1658This can be useful when you need access to your panels' DOM
1661declare function getPanel(view: EditorView, panel: PanelConstructor): Panel | null;
1663A function that initializes a panel. Used in
1666declare type PanelConstructor = (view: EditorView) => Panel;
1668Opening a panel is done by providing a constructor function for
1669the panel through this facet. (The panel is closed again when its
1670constructor is no longer provided.) Values of `null` are ignored.
1672declare const showPanel: Facet<PanelConstructor | null, readonly (PanelConstructor | null)[]>;
1675A gutter marker represents a bit of information attached to a line
1676in a specific gutter. Your own custom markers have to extend this
1679declare abstract class GutterMarker extends RangeValue {
1680 /**
1681 Compare this marker to another marker of the same type.
1682 */
1683 eq(other: GutterMarker): boolean;
1684 /**
1685 Render the DOM node for this marker, if any.
1686 */
1687 toDOM?(view: EditorView): Node;
1688 /**
1689 This property can be used to add CSS classes to the gutter
1690 element that contains this marker.
1691 */
1692 elementClass: string;
1693 /**
1694 Called if the marker has a `toDOM` method and its representation
1695 was removed from a gutter.
1696 */
1697 destroy(dom: Node): void;
1700Facet used to add a class to all gutter elements for a given line.
1701Markers given to this facet should _only_ define an
1702[`elementclass`](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#view.GutterMarker.elementClass), not a
1703[`toDOM`](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#view.GutterMarker.toDOM) (or the marker will appear
1704in all gutters for the line).
1706declare const gutterLineClass: Facet<RangeSet<GutterMarker>, readonly RangeSet<GutterMarker>[]>;
1707declare type Handlers = {
1708 [event: string]: (view: EditorView, line: BlockInfo, event: Event) => boolean;
1710interface GutterConfig {
1711 /**
1712 An extra CSS class to be added to the wrapper (`cm-gutter`)
1713 element.
1714 */
1715 class?: string;
1716 /**
1717 Controls whether empty gutter elements should be rendered.
1718 Defaults to false.
1719 */
1720 renderEmptyElements?: boolean;
1721 /**
1722 Retrieve a set of markers to use in this gutter.
1723 */
1724 markers?: (view: EditorView) => (RangeSet<GutterMarker> | readonly RangeSet<GutterMarker>[]);
1725 /**
1726 Can be used to optionally add a single marker to every line.
1727 */
1728 lineMarker?: (view: EditorView, line: BlockInfo, otherMarkers: readonly GutterMarker[]) => GutterMarker | null;
1729 /**
1730 If line markers depend on additional state, and should be
1731 updated when that changes, pass a predicate here that checks
1732 whether a given view update might change the line markers.
1733 */
1734 lineMarkerChange?: null | ((update: ViewUpdate) => boolean);
1735 /**
1736 Add a hidden spacer element that gives the gutter its base
1737 width.
1738 */
1739 initialSpacer?: null | ((view: EditorView) => GutterMarker);
1740 /**
1741 Update the spacer element when the view is updated.
1742 */
1743 updateSpacer?: null | ((spacer: GutterMarker, update: ViewUpdate) => GutterMarker);
1744 /**
1745 Supply event handlers for DOM events on this gutter.
1746 */
1747 domEventHandlers?: Handlers;
1750Define an editor gutter. The order in which the gutters appear is
1751determined by their extension priority.
1753declare function gutter(config: GutterConfig): Extension;
1755The gutter-drawing plugin is automatically enabled when you add a
1756gutter, but you can use this function to explicitly configure it.
1758Unless `fixed` is explicitly set to `false`, the gutters are
1759fixed, meaning they don't scroll along with the content
1760horizontally (except on Internet Explorer, which doesn't support
1761CSS [`position:
1764declare function gutters(config?: {
1765 fixed?: boolean;
1766}): Extension;
1767interface LineNumberConfig {
1768 /**
1769 How to display line numbers. Defaults to simply converting them
1770 to string.
1771 */
1772 formatNumber?: (lineNo: number, state: EditorState) => string;
1773 /**
1774 Supply event handlers for DOM events on this gutter.
1775 */
1776 domEventHandlers?: Handlers;
1779Facet used to provide markers to the line number gutter.
1781declare const lineNumberMarkers: Facet<RangeSet<GutterMarker>, readonly RangeSet<GutterMarker>[]>;
1783Create a line number gutter extension.
1785declare function lineNumbers(config?: LineNumberConfig): Extension;
1787Returns an extension that adds a `cm-activeLineGutter` class to
1788all gutter elements on the [active
1791declare function highlightActiveLineGutter(): Extension;
1793export { BidiSpan, BlockInfo, BlockType, Command, DOMEventHandlers, DOMEventMap, Decoration, DecorationSet, Direction, EditorView, EditorViewConfig, GutterMarker, KeyBinding, MatchDecorator, MouseSelectionStyle, Panel, PanelConstructor, PluginSpec, PluginValue, Rect, Tooltip, TooltipView, ViewPlugin, ViewUpdate, WidgetType, closeHoverTooltips, crosshairCursor, drawSelection, dropCursor, getPanel, getTooltip, gutter, gutterLineClass, gutters, hasHoverTooltips, highlightActiveLine, highlightActiveLineGutter, highlightSpecialChars, hoverTooltip, keymap, lineNumberMarkers, lineNumbers, logException, panels, placeholder, rectangularSelection, repositionTooltips, runScopeHandlers, scrollPastEnd, showPanel, showTooltip, tooltips };
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